diff --git a/src/data/pokemon-species.ts b/src/data/pokemon-species.ts index 675372fa0af..e0fc8df823c 100644 --- a/src/data/pokemon-species.ts +++ b/src/data/pokemon-species.ts @@ -625,20 +625,24 @@ export default class PokemonSpecies extends PokemonSpeciesForm implements Locali getName(formIndex?: integer): string { if (formIndex !== undefined && this.forms.length) { const form = this.forms[formIndex]; + let key: string; switch (form.formKey) { case SpeciesFormKey.MEGA: case SpeciesFormKey.PRIMAL: case SpeciesFormKey.ETERNAMAX: - return `${form.formName} ${this.name}`; case SpeciesFormKey.MEGA_X: - return `Mega ${this.name} X`; case SpeciesFormKey.MEGA_Y: - return `Mega ${this.name} Y`; + key = form.formKey; + break; default: if (form.formKey.indexOf(SpeciesFormKey.GIGANTAMAX) > -1) { - return `G-Max ${this.name}`; + key = "gigantamax"; } } + + if (key) { + return i18next.t(`pokemonForm:${key}`, {pokemonName: this.name}); + } } return this.name; } diff --git a/src/locales/de/config.ts b/src/locales/de/config.ts index cd4979e0792..940e3927bfd 100644 --- a/src/locales/de/config.ts +++ b/src/locales/de/config.ts @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import { move } from "./move"; import { nature } from "./nature"; import { pokeball } from "./pokeball"; import { pokemon } from "./pokemon"; +import { pokemonForm } from "./pokemon-form"; import { pokemonInfo } from "./pokemon-info"; import { pokemonInfoContainer } from "./pokemon-info-container"; import { pokemonSummary } from "./pokemon-summary"; @@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ export const deConfig = { nature: nature, pokeball: pokeball, pokemon: pokemon, + pokemonForm: pokemonForm, pokemonInfo: pokemonInfo, pokemonInfoContainer: pokemonInfoContainer, pokemonSummary: pokemonSummary, diff --git a/src/locales/de/pokemon-form.ts b/src/locales/de/pokemon-form.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ee4e3a8f9be --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locales/de/pokemon-form.ts @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/interfaces/locales"; + +export const pokemonForm: SimpleTranslationEntries = { + // Battle forms + "mega": "Mega-{{pokemonName}}", + "mega-x": "Mega-{{pokemonName}} X", + "mega-y": "Mega-{{pokemonName}} Y", + "primal": "Proto-{{pokemonName}}", + "gigantamax": "G-Dyna-{{pokemonName}}", + "eternamax": "U-Dyna-{{pokemonName}}", + + // Starters forms + // 1G + "pikachuCosplay": "Cosplay", + "pikachuCoolCosplay": "Rocker-Pikachu", + "pikachuBeautyCosplay": "Damen-Pikachu", + "pikachuCuteCosplay": "Star-Pikachu", + "pikachuSmartCosplay": "Professoren-Pikachu", + "pikachuToughCosplay": "Wrestler-Pikachu", + "pikachuPartner": "Partner-Pikachu", + "eeveePartner": "Partner-Evoli", + // 2G + "pichuSpiky": "Strubbelohr-Pichu", + "unownA": "A", + "unownB": "B", + "unownC": "C", + "unownD": "D", + "unownE": "E", + "unownF": "F", + "unownG": "G", + "unownH": "H", + "unownI": "I", + "unownJ": "J", + "unownK": "K", + "unownL": "L", + "unownM": "M", + "unownN": "N", + "unownO": "O", + "unownP": "P", + "unownQ": "Q", + "unownR": "R", + "unownS": "S", + "unownT": "T", + "unownU": "U", + "unownV": "V", + "unownW": "W", + "unownX": "X", + "unownY": "Y", + "unownZ": "Z", + "unownExclamation": "!", + "unownQuestion": "?", + // 3G + "castformSunny": "Sonnenform", + "castformRainy": "Regenform", + "castformSnowy": "Schneeform", + "deoxysNormal": "Normalform", + // 4G + "burmyPlant": "Pflanzenumhang", + "burmySandy": "Sandumhang", + "burmyTrash": "Lumpenumhang", + "shellosEast": "Östliches Meer", + "shellosWest": "Westliches Meer", + "rotomHeat": "Hitze-Rotom", + "rotomWash": "Wasch-Rotom", + "rotomFrost": "Frost-Rotom", + "rotomFan": "Wirbel-Rotom", + "rotomMow": "Schneid-Rotom", + "giratinaAltered": "Wandelform", + "shayminLand": "Landform", + // 5G + "basculinRedStriped": "Rotlinige Form", + "basculinBlueStriped": "Blaulinige Form", + "basculinWhiteStriped": "Weißlinige Form", + "deerlingSpring": "Frühlingsform", + "deerlingSummer": "Sommerform", + "deerlingAutumn": "Herbstform", + "deerlingWinter": "Winterform", + "tornadusIncarnate": "Inkarnationsform", + "thundurusIncarnate": "Inkarnationsform", + "landorusIncarnate": "Inkarnationsform", + "keldeoOrdinary": "Standardform", + "meloettaAria": "Gesangsform", + // 6G + "froakieBattleBond": "Ash-Form", + "scatterbugMeadow": "Blumenmeermuster", + "scatterbugIcySnow": "Frostmuster", + "scatterbugPolar": "Schneefeldmuster", + "scatterbugTundra": "Flockenmuster", + "scatterbugContinental": "Kontinentalmuster", + "scatterbugGarden": "Ziergartenmuster", + "scatterbugElegant": "Prunkmuster", + "scatterbugModern": "Innovationsmuster", + "scatterbugMarine": "Aquamarinmuster", + "scatterbugArchipelago": "Archipelmuster", + "scatterbugHighPlains": "Dürrmuster", + "scatterbugSandstorm": "Sandmuster", + "scatterbugRiver": "Flussdeltamuster", + "scatterbugMonsoon": "Monsunmuster", + "scatterbugSavanna": "Savannenmuster", + "scatterbugSun": "Sonnenmuster", + "scatterbugOcean": "Ozeanmuster", + "scatterbugJungle": "Dschungelmuster", + "scatterbugFancy": "Fantasiemuster", + "scatterbugPokeBall": "Pokéball-Muster", + "flabebeRed": "Rotblütler", + "flabebeYellow": "Gelbblütler", + "flabebeOrange": "Orangeblütler", + "flabebeBlue": "Blaublütler", + "flabebeWhite": "Weißblütler", + "furfrouHeart": "Herzchenschnitt", + "furfrouStar": "Sternchenschnitt", + "furfrouDiamond": "Diamantenschitt", + "furfrouDebutante": "Fräuleinschnitt", + "furfrouMatron": "Damenschnitt", + "furfrouDandy": "Kavalierschnitt", + "furfrouLaReine": "Königinnenschnitt", + "furfrouKabuki": "Kabuki-Schnitt", + "furfrouPharaoh": "Herrscherschnitt", + "pumpkabooSmall": "Größe S", + "pumpkabooLarge": "Größe L", + "pumpkabooSuper": "Größe XL", + "xerneasNeutral": "Ruhe-Modus", + "xerneasActive": "Aktiv-Modus", + "zygarde50": "50% Form", + "zygarde10": "10% Form", + "zygarde50Pc": "50% Form Scharwandel", + "zygarde10Pc": "10% Form Scharwandel", + "zygardeComplete": "Optimum-Form", + // 7G + "oricorioBaile": "Flamenco-Stil", + "oricorioPompom": "Cheerleading-Stil", + "oricorioPau": "Hula-Stil", + "oricorioSensu": "Buyo-Stil", + "rockruffOwnTempo": "Gleichmut", + "miniorRedMeteor": "Rote-Meteorform", + "miniorOrangeMeteor": "Oranger-Meteorform", + "miniorYellowMeteor": "Gelber-Meteorform", + "miniorGreenMeteor": "Grüner-Meteorform", + "miniorBlueMeteor": "Hellblaue-Meteorform", + "miniorIndigoMeteor": "Blaue-Meteorform", + "miniorVioletMeteor": "Violette-Meteorform", + "miniorRed": "Roter Kern", + "miniorOrange": "Oranger Kern", + "miniorYellow": "Gelber Kern", + "miniorGreen": "Grüner Kern", + "miniorBlue": "Hellblauer Kern", + "miniorIndigo": "Blauer Kern", + "miniorViolet": "Violetter Kern", + "mimikyuDisguised": "Verkleidete Form", + "mimikyuBusted": "Entlarvte Form", + "magearnaOriginal": "Originalfarbe", + "marshadowZenith": "Zenitform", + // 8G + "sinisteaPhony": "Fälschungsform", + "sinisteaAntique": "Originalform", + "eiscueNoIce": "Wohlfühlkopf", + "indeedeeMale": "männlich", + "indeedeeFemale": "weiblich", + "morpekoFullBelly": "Pappsattmuster", + "zacianHeroOfManyBattles": "Heldenhafter Krieger", + "zamazentaHeroOfManyBattles": "Heldenhafter Krieger", + "zarudeDada": "Papa", + "enamorusIncarnate": "Inkarnationsform", + // 9G + "squawkabillyGreenPlumage": "Grüngefiedert", + "squawkabillyBluePlumage": "Blaugefiedert", + "squawkabillyYellowPlumage": "Gelbgefiedert", + "squawkabillyWhitePlumage": "Weißgefiedert", + "tatsugiriCurly": "Gebogene Form", + "tatsugiriDroopy": "Hängende Form", + "tatsugiriStretchy": "Gestrekte Form", + "gimmighoulChest": "Truhenform", + "gimmighoulRoaming": "Wanderform", + "koraidonApexBuild": "Vollkommene Gestalt", + "koraidonLimitedBuild":"Gehemmte Gestalt", + "koraidonSprintingBuild":"Sprintgestalt", + "koraidonSwimmingBuild":"Schwimmgestalt", + "koraidonGlidingBuild":"Schwingengestalt", + "miraidonUltimateMode":"Kompletter Modus", + "miraidonLowPowerMode":"Begrenzter Modus", + "miraidonDriveMode":"Fahrmodus", + "miraidonAquaticMode":"Wassermodus", + "miraidonGlideMode":"Gleitmodus", + "poltchageistCounterfeit": "Imitationsform", + "poltchageistArtisan": "Kostbarkeitsform", + "paldeaTaurosCombat": "Gefechtsvariante", + "paldeaTaurosBlaze": "Flammenvariante", + "paldeaTaurosAqua": "Flutenvariante", + +} as const; diff --git a/src/locales/en/config.ts b/src/locales/en/config.ts index e20aaa2bbb3..970bf5b71fc 100644 --- a/src/locales/en/config.ts +++ b/src/locales/en/config.ts @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import { nature } from "./nature"; import { partyUiHandler } from "./party-ui-handler"; import { pokeball } from "./pokeball"; import { pokemon } from "./pokemon"; +import { pokemonForm } from "./pokemon-form"; import { pokemonInfo } from "./pokemon-info"; import { pokemonInfoContainer } from "./pokemon-info-container"; import { pokemonSummary } from "./pokemon-summary"; @@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ export const enConfig = { nature: nature, pokeball: pokeball, pokemon: pokemon, + pokemonForm: pokemonForm, pokemonInfo: pokemonInfo, pokemonInfoContainer: pokemonInfoContainer, pokemonSummary: pokemonSummary, diff --git a/src/locales/en/pokemon-form.ts b/src/locales/en/pokemon-form.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b80819d5c64 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locales/en/pokemon-form.ts @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/interfaces/locales"; + +export const pokemonForm: SimpleTranslationEntries = { + // Battle forms + "mega": "Mega {{pokemonName}}", + "mega-x": "Mega {{pokemonName}} X", + "mega-y": "Mega {{pokemonName}} Y", + "primal": "Primal {{pokemonName}}", + "gigantamax": "G-Max {{pokemonName}}", + "eternamax": "E-Max {{pokemonName}}", + + // Starters forms + // 1G + "pikachuCosplay": "Cosplay", + "pikachuCoolCosplay": "Cool Cosplay", + "pikachuBeautyCosplay": "Beauty Cosplay", + "pikachuCuteCosplay": "Cute Cosplay", + "pikachuSmartCosplay": "Smart Cosplay", + "pikachuToughCosplay": "Tough Cosplay", + "pikachuPartner": "Partner", + "eeveePartner": "Partner", + // 2G + "pichuSpiky": "Spiky", + "unownA": "A", + "unownB": "B", + "unownC": "C", + "unownD": "D", + "unownE": "E", + "unownF": "F", + "unownG": "G", + "unownH": "H", + "unownI": "I", + "unownJ": "J", + "unownK": "K", + "unownL": "L", + "unownM": "M", + "unownN": "N", + "unownO": "O", + "unownP": "P", + "unownQ": "Q", + "unownR": "R", + "unownS": "S", + "unownT": "T", + "unownU": "U", + "unownV": "V", + "unownW": "W", + "unownX": "X", + "unownY": "Y", + "unownZ": "Z", + "unownExclamation": "!", + "unownQuestion": "?", + // 3G + "castformSunny": "Sunny", + "castformRainy": "Rainy", + "castformSnowy": "Snowy", + "deoxysNormal": "Normal", + // 4G + "burmyPlant": "Plant", + "burmySandy": "Sandy", + "burmyTrash": "Trash", + "shellosEast": "East", + "shellosWest": "West", + "rotomHeat": "Heat", + "rotomWash": "Wash", + "rotomFrost": "Frost", + "rotomFan": "Fan", + "rotomMow": "Mow", + "giratinaAltered": "Altered", + "shayminLand": "Land", + // 5G + "basculinRedStriped": "Red Striped", + "basculinBlueStriped": "Blue Striped", + "basculinWhiteStriped": "White Striped", + "deerlingSpring": "Spring", + "deerlingSummer": "Summer", + "deerlingAutumn": "Autumn", + "deerlingWinter": "Winter", + "tornadusIncarnate": "Incarnate", + "thundurusIncarnate": "Incarnate", + "landorusIncarnate": "Incarnate", + "keldeoOrdinary": "Ordinary", + "meloettaAria": "Aria", + // 6G + "froakieBattleBond": "Battle Bond", + "scatterbugMeadow": "Meadow", + "scatterbugIcySnow": "Icy Snow", + "scatterbugPolar": "Polar", + "scatterbugTundra": "Tundra", + "scatterbugContinental": "Continental", + "scatterbugGarden": "Garden", + "scatterbugElegant": "Elegant", + "scatterbugModern": "Modern", + "scatterbugMarine": "Marine", + "scatterbugArchipelago": "Archipelago", + "scatterbugHighPlains": "High Plains", + "scatterbugSandstorm": "Sandstorm", + "scatterbugRiver": "River", + "scatterbugMonsoon": "Monsoon", + "scatterbugSavanna": "Savanna", + "scatterbugSun": "Sun", + "scatterbugOcean": "Ocean", + "scatterbugJungle": "Jungle", + "scatterbugFancy": "Fancy", + "scatterbugPokeBall": "Poké Ball", + "flabebeRed": "Red", + "flabebeYellow": "Yellow", + "flabebeOrange": "Orange", + "flabebeBlue": "Blue", + "flabebeWhite": "White", + "furfrouHeart": "Heart", + "furfrouStar": "Star", + "furfrouDiamond": "Diamond", + "furfrouDebutante": "Debutante", + "furfrouMatron": "Matron", + "furfrouDandy": "Dandy", + "furfrouLaReine": "La Reine", + "furfrouKabuki": "Kabuki", + "furfrouPharaoh": "Pharaoh", + "pumpkabooSmall": "Small", + "pumpkabooLarge": "Large", + "pumpkabooSuper": "Super", + "xerneasNeutral": "Neutral", + "xerneasActive": "Active", + "zygarde50": "50% Forme", + "zygarde10": "10% Forme", + "zygarde50Pc": "50% Forme Power Construct", + "zygarde10Pc": "10% Forme Power Construct", + "zygardeComplete": "Complete Forme", + // 7G + "oricorioBaile": "Baile", + "oricorioPompom": "Pom-Pom", + "oricorioPau": "Pau", + "oricorioSensu": "Sensu", + "rockruffOwnTempo": "Own Tempo", + "miniorRedMeteor": "Red Meteor", + "miniorOrangeMeteor": "Orange Meteor", + "miniorYellowMeteor": "Yellow Meteor", + "miniorGreenMeteor": "Green Meteor", + "miniorBlueMeteor": "Blue Meteor", + "miniorIndigoMeteor": "Indigo Meteor", + "miniorVioletMeteor": "Violet Meteor", + "miniorRed": "Red", + "miniorOrange": "Orange", + "miniorYellow": "Yellow", + "miniorGreen": "Green", + "miniorBlue": "Blue", + "miniorIndigo": "Indigo", + "miniorViolet": "Violet", + "mimikyuDisguised": "Disguised", + "mimikyuBusted": "Busted", + "magearnaOriginal": "Original", + "marshadowZenith": "Zenith", + // 8G + "sinisteaPhony": "Phony", + "sinisteaAntique": "Antique", + "eiscueNoIce": "No Ice", + "indeedeeMale": "Male", + "indeedeeFemale": "Female", + "morpekoFullBelly": "Full Belly", + "zacianHeroOfManyBattles": "Hero Of Many Battles", + "zamazentaHeroOfManyBattles": "Hero Of Many Battles", + "zarudeDada": "Dada", + "enamorusIncarnate": "Incarnate", + // 9G + "squawkabillyGreenPlumage": "Green Plumage", + "squawkabillyBluePlumage": "Blue Plumage", + "squawkabillyYellowPlumage": "Yellow Plumage", + "squawkabillyWhitePlumage": "White Plumage", + "tatsugiriCurly": "Curly", + "tatsugiriDroopy": "Droopy", + "tatsugiriStretchy": "Stretchy", + "gimmighoulChest": "Chest", + "gimmighoulRoaming": "Roaming", + "koraidonApexBuild": "Apex Build", + "koraidonLimitedBuild":"Limited Build", + "koraidonSprintingBuild":"Sprinting Build", + "koraidonSwimmingBuild":"Swimming Build", + "koraidonGlidingBuild":"Gliding Build", + "miraidonUltimateMode":"Ultimate Mode", + "miraidonLowPowerMode":"Low Power Mode", + "miraidonDriveMode":"Drive Mode", + "miraidonAquaticMode":"Aquatic Mode", + "miraidonGlideMode":"Glide Mode", + "poltchageistCounterfeit": "Counterfeit", + "poltchageistArtisan": "Artisan", + "paldeaTaurosCombat": "Combat", + "paldeaTaurosBlaze": "Blaze", + "paldeaTaurosAqua": "Aqua", + +} as const; diff --git a/src/locales/es/config.ts b/src/locales/es/config.ts index 73587d0c3d3..ab23a52b7bb 100644 --- a/src/locales/es/config.ts +++ b/src/locales/es/config.ts @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import { move } from "./move"; import { nature } from "./nature"; import { pokeball } from "./pokeball"; import { pokemon } from "./pokemon"; +import { pokemonForm } from "./pokemon-form"; import { pokemonInfo } from "./pokemon-info"; import { pokemonInfoContainer } from "./pokemon-info-container"; import { pokemonSummary } from "./pokemon-summary"; @@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ export const esConfig = { nature: nature, pokeball: pokeball, pokemon: pokemon, + pokemonForm: pokemonForm, pokemonInfo: pokemonInfo, pokemonInfoContainer: pokemonInfoContainer, pokemonSummary: pokemonSummary, diff --git a/src/locales/es/pokemon-form.ts b/src/locales/es/pokemon-form.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..415593b0446 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locales/es/pokemon-form.ts @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/interfaces/locales"; + +export const pokemonForm: SimpleTranslationEntries = { + // Battle forms + "mega": "Mega {{pokemonName}}", + "mega-x": "Mega {{pokemonName}} X", + "mega-y": "Mega {{pokemonName}} Y", + "primal": "{{pokemonName}} Primigenio", + "gigantamax": "G-Max {{pokemonName}}", + "eternamax": "E-Max {{pokemonName}}", + + // Starters forms + // 1G + "pikachuCosplay": "Coqueta", + "pikachuCoolCosplay": "Roquera", + "pikachuBeautyCosplay": "Aristócrata", + "pikachuCuteCosplay": "Superstar", + "pikachuSmartCosplay": "Erudita", + "pikachuToughCosplay": "Enmascarada", + "pikachuPartner": "Compañero", + "eeveePartner": "Compañero", + // 2G + "pichuSpiky": "Spiky", + "unownA": "A", + "unownB": "B", + "unownC": "C", + "unownD": "D", + "unownE": "E", + "unownF": "F", + "unownG": "G", + "unownH": "H", + "unownI": "I", + "unownJ": "J", + "unownK": "K", + "unownL": "L", + "unownM": "M", + "unownN": "N", + "unownO": "O", + "unownP": "P", + "unownQ": "Q", + "unownR": "R", + "unownS": "S", + "unownT": "T", + "unownU": "U", + "unownV": "V", + "unownW": "W", + "unownX": "X", + "unownY": "Y", + "unownZ": "Z", + "unownExclamation": "!", + "unownQuestion": "?", + // 3G + "castformSunny": "Sol", + "castformRainy": "Lluvia", + "castformSnowy": "Nieve", + "deoxysNormal": "Normal", + // 4G + "burmyPlant": "Planta", + "burmySandy": "Arena", + "burmyTrash": "Basura", + "shellosEast": "Este", + "shellosWest": "Oeste", + "rotomHeat": "Calor", + "rotomWash": "Lavado", + "rotomFrost": "Frío", + "rotomFan": "Ventilador", + "rotomMow": "Corte", + "giratinaAltered": "Altered", + "shayminLand": "Land", + // 5G + "basculinRedStriped": "Raya Roja", + "basculinBlueStriped": "Raya Azul", + "basculinWhiteStriped": "Raya Blanca", + "deerlingSpring": "Primavera", + "deerlingSummer": "Verano", + "deerlingAutumn": "Otoño", + "deerlingWinter": "Invierno", + "tornadusIncarnate": "Incarnate", + "thundurusIncarnate": "Incarnate", + "landorusIncarnate": "Incarnate", + "keldeoOrdinary": "Ordinary", + "meloettaAria": "Aria", + // 6G + "froakieBattleBond": "Fuerte Afecto", + "scatterbugMeadow": "Floral", + "scatterbugIcySnow": "Polar", + "scatterbugPolar": "Taiga", + "scatterbugTundra": "Tundra", + "scatterbugContinental": "Continental", + "scatterbugGarden": "Vergel", + "scatterbugElegant": "Oriental", + "scatterbugModern": "Moderno", + "scatterbugMarine": "Marino", + "scatterbugArchipelago": "Isleño", + "scatterbugHighPlains": "Estepa", + "scatterbugSandstorm": "Desierto", + "scatterbugRiver": "Oasis", + "scatterbugMonsoon": "Monzón", + "scatterbugSavanna": "Pantano", + "scatterbugSun": "Solar", + "scatterbugOcean": "Océano", + "scatterbugJungle": "Jungla", + "scatterbugFancy": "Fantasía", + "scatterbugPokeBall": "Poké Ball", + "flabebeRed": "Rojo", + "flabebeYellow": "Amarillo", + "flabebeOrange": "Naranja", + "flabebeBlue": "Azul", + "flabebeWhite": "Blanco", + "furfrouHeart": "Corazón", + "furfrouStar": "Estrella", + "furfrouDiamond": "Diamante", + "furfrouDebutante": "Debutante", + "furfrouMatron": "Matrón", + "furfrouDandy": "Dandi", + "furfrouLaReine": "La Reine", + "furfrouKabuki": "Kabuki", + "furfrouPharaoh": "Faraón", + "pumpkabooSmall": "Pequeño", + "pumpkabooLarge": "Grande", + "pumpkabooSuper": "Enorme", + "xerneasNeutral": "Relajado", + "xerneasActive": "Activo", + "zygarde50": "Al 50%", + "zygarde10": "Al 10%", + "zygarde50Pc": "Zygarde al 50%", + "zygarde10Pc": "Zygarde al 10%", + "zygardeComplete": "Zygarde Completo", + // 7G + "oricorioBaile": "Apasionado", + "oricorioPompom": "Animado", + "oricorioPau": "Plácido", + "oricorioSensu": "Refinado", + "rockruffOwnTempo": "Ritmo Propio", + "miniorRedMeteor": "Núcleo Rojo", + "miniorOrangeMeteor": "Núcleo Naranja", + "miniorYellowMeteor": "Núcleo Amarillo", + "miniorGreenMeteor": "Núcleo Verde", + "miniorBlueMeteor": "Núcleo Azul", + "miniorIndigoMeteor": "Núcleo Añil", + "miniorVioletMeteor": "Núcleo Violeta", + "miniorRed": "Rojo", + "miniorOrange": "Naranja", + "miniorYellow": "Amarillo", + "miniorGreen": "Verde", + "miniorBlue": "Azul", + "miniorIndigo": "Añil", + "miniorViolet": "Violeta", + "mimikyuDisguised": "Encubierta", + "mimikyuBusted": "Descubierta", + "magearnaOriginal": "Vetusto", + "marshadowZenith": "Cénit", + // 8G + "sinisteaPhony": "Falsificada", + "sinisteaAntique": "Auténtica", + "eiscueNoIce": "Cara Deshielo", + "indeedeeMale": "Macho", + "indeedeeFemale": "Hembra", + "morpekoFullBelly": "Full Belly", + "zacianHeroOfManyBattles": "Hero Of Many Battles", + "zamazentaHeroOfManyBattles": "Hero Of Many Battles", + "zarudeDada": "Papá", + "enamorusIncarnate": "Incarnate", + // 9G + "squawkabillyGreenPlumage": "Plumaje Verde", + "squawkabillyBluePlumage": "Plumaje Azul", + "squawkabillyYellowPlumage": "Plumaje Amarillo", + "squawkabillyWhitePlumage": "Plumaje Blanco", + "tatsugiriCurly": "Curvada", + "tatsugiriDroopy": "Lánguida", + "tatsugiriStretchy": "Estirada", + "gimmighoulChest": "Cofre", + "gimmighoulRoaming": "Andante", + "koraidonApexBuild": "Apex Build", + "koraidonLimitedBuild":"Limited Build", + "koraidonSprintingBuild":"Sprinting Build", + "koraidonSwimmingBuild":"Swimming Build", + "koraidonGlidingBuild":"Gliding Build", + "miraidonUltimateMode":"Ultimate Mode", + "miraidonLowPowerMode":"Low Power Mode", + "miraidonDriveMode":"Drive Mode", + "miraidonAquaticMode":"Aquatic Mode", + "miraidonGlideMode":"Glide Mode", + "poltchageistCounterfeit": "Imitación", + "poltchageistArtisan": "Original", + "paldeaTaurosCombat": "Combatiente", + "paldeaTaurosBlaze": "Ardiente", + "paldeaTaurosAqua": "Acuático", + +} as const; diff --git a/src/locales/fr/config.ts b/src/locales/fr/config.ts index f6bc1ac68d1..787c210c1b0 100644 --- a/src/locales/fr/config.ts +++ b/src/locales/fr/config.ts @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import { move } from "./move"; import { nature } from "./nature"; import { pokeball } from "./pokeball"; import { pokemon } from "./pokemon"; +import { pokemonForm } from "./pokemon-form"; import { pokemonInfo } from "./pokemon-info"; import { pokemonInfoContainer } from "./pokemon-info-container"; import { pokemonSummary } from "./pokemon-summary"; @@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ export const frConfig = { nature: nature, pokeball: pokeball, pokemon: pokemon, + pokemonForm: pokemonForm, pokemonInfo: pokemonInfo, pokemonInfoContainer: pokemonInfoContainer, pokemonSummary: pokemonSummary, diff --git a/src/locales/fr/pokemon-form.ts b/src/locales/fr/pokemon-form.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..09714f80f3b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locales/fr/pokemon-form.ts @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/interfaces/locales"; + +export const pokemonForm: SimpleTranslationEntries = { + // Battle forms + "mega": "Méga-{{pokemonName}}", + "mega-x": "Méga-{{pokemonName}} X", + "mega-y": "Méga-{{pokemonName}} Y", + "primal": "Primo-{{pokemonName}}", + "gigantamax": "{{pokemonName}} Gigamax", + "eternamax": "{{pokemonName}} Infinimax", + + // Starters forms + // 1G + "pikachuCosplay": "Cosplayeur", + "pikachuCoolCosplay": "Cosplay Rockeur", + "pikachuBeautyCosplay": "Cosplay Lady", + "pikachuCuteCosplay": "Cosplay Star", + "pikachuSmartCosplay": "Cosplay Docteur", + "pikachuToughCosplay": "Cosplay Catcheur", + "pikachuPartner": "Partenaire", + "eeveePartner": "Partenaire", + // 2G + "pichuSpiky": "Troizépi", + "unownA": "A", + "unownB": "B", + "unownC": "C", + "unownD": "D", + "unownE": "E", + "unownF": "F", + "unownG": "G", + "unownH": "H", + "unownI": "I", + "unownJ": "J", + "unownK": "K", + "unownL": "L", + "unownM": "M", + "unownN": "N", + "unownO": "O", + "unownP": "P", + "unownQ": "Q", + "unownR": "R", + "unownS": "S", + "unownT": "T", + "unownU": "U", + "unownV": "V", + "unownW": "W", + "unownX": "X", + "unownY": "Y", + "unownZ": "Z", + "unownExclamation": "!", + "unownQuestion": "?", + // 3G + "castformSunny": "Solaire", + "castformRainy": "Eau de Pluie", + "castformSnowy": "Blizzard", + "deoxysNormal": "Normal", + // 4G + "burmyPlant": "Plante", + "burmySandy": "Sable", + "burmyTrash": "Déchet", + "shellosEast": "Orient", + "shellosWest": "Occident", + "rotomHeat": "Chaleur", + "rotomWash": "Lavage", + "rotomFrost": "Froid", + "rotomFan": "Hélice", + "rotomMow": "Tonte", + "giratinaAltered": "Alternatif", + "shayminLand": "Terrestre", + // 5G + "basculinRedStriped": "Motif Rouge", + "basculinBlueStriped": "Motif Bleu", + "basculinWhiteStriped": "Motif Blanc", + "deerlingSpring": "Printemps", + "deerlingSummer": "Été", + "deerlingAutumn": "Automne", + "deerlingWinter": "Hiver", + "tornadusIncarnate": "Avatar", + "thundurusIncarnate": "Avatar", + "landorusIncarnate": "Avatar", + "keldeoOrdinary": "Normal", + "meloettaAria": "Chant", + // 6G + "froakieBattleBond": "Synergie", + "scatterbugMeadow": "Floraison", + "scatterbugIcySnow": "Blizzard", + "scatterbugPolar": "Banquise", + "scatterbugTundra": "Glace", + "scatterbugContinental": "Continent", + "scatterbugGarden": "Verdure", + "scatterbugElegant": "Monarchie", + "scatterbugModern": "Métropole", + "scatterbugMarine": "Rivage", + "scatterbugArchipelago": "Archipel", + "scatterbugHighPlains": "Sécheresse", + "scatterbugSandstorm": "Sable", + "scatterbugRiver": "Delta", + "scatterbugMonsoon": "Cyclone", + "scatterbugSavanna": "Mangrove", + "scatterbugSun": "Zénith", + "scatterbugOcean": "Levant", + "scatterbugJungle": "Jungle", + "scatterbugFancy": "Fantaisie", + "scatterbugPokeBall": "Poké Ball", + "flabebeRed": "Rouge", + "flabebeYellow": "Jaune", + "flabebeOrange": "Orange", + "flabebeBlue": "Bleu", + "flabebeWhite": "Blanc", + "furfrouHeart": "Cœur", + "furfrouStar": "Étoile", + "furfrouDiamond": "Diamant", + "furfrouDebutante": "Demoiselle", + "furfrouMatron": "Madame", + "furfrouDandy": "Monsieur", + "furfrouLaReine": "Reine", + "furfrouKabuki": "Kabuki", + "furfrouPharaoh": "Pharaon", + "pumpkabooSmall": "Mini", + "pumpkabooLarge": "Maxi", + "pumpkabooSuper": "Ultra", + "xerneasNeutral": "Paisible", + "xerneasActive": "Déchaîné", + "zygarde50": "Forme 50%", + "zygarde10": "Forme 10%", + "zygarde50Pc": "Rassemblement Forme 50%", + "zygarde10Pc": "Rassemblement Forme 10%", + "zygardeComplete": "Parfait", + // 7G + "oricorioBaile": "Flamenco", + "oricorioPompom": "Pom-Pom", + "oricorioPau": "Hula", + "oricorioSensu": "Buyō", + "rockruffOwnTempo": "Tempo Perso", + "miniorRedMeteor": "Météore Rouge", + "miniorOrangeMeteor": "Météore Orange", + "miniorYellowMeteor": "Météore Jaune", + "miniorGreenMeteor": "Météore Vert", + "miniorBlueMeteor": "Météore Bleu", + "miniorIndigoMeteor": "Météore Indigo", + "miniorVioletMeteor": "Météore Violet", + "miniorRed": "Rouge", + "miniorOrange": "Orange", + "miniorYellow": "Jaune", + "miniorGreen": "Vert", + "miniorBlue": "Bleu", + "miniorIndigo": "Indigo", + "miniorViolet": "Violet", + "mimikyuDisguised": "Déguisé", + "mimikyuBusted": "Démasqué", + "magearnaOriginal": "Couleur du Passé", + "marshadowZenith": "Zénith", + // 8G + "sinisteaPhony": "Contrefaçon", + "sinisteaAntique": "Authentique", + "eiscueNoIce": "Tête Dégel", + "indeedeeMale": "Mâle", + "indeedeeFemale": "Femelle", + "morpekoFullBelly": "Rassasié", + "zacianHeroOfManyBattles": "Héros Aguerri", + "zamazentaHeroOfManyBattles": "Héros Aguerri", + "zarudeDada": "Papa", + "enamorusIncarnate": "Avatar", + // 9G + "squawkabillyGreenPlumage": "Plumage Vert", + "squawkabillyBluePlumage": "Plumage Bleu", + "squawkabillyYellowPlumage": "Plumage Jaune", + "squawkabillyWhitePlumage": "Plumage Blanc", + "tatsugiriCurly": "Courbé", + "tatsugiriDroopy": "Affalé", + "tatsugiriStretchy": "Raide", + "gimmighoulChest": "Coffre", + "gimmighoulRoaming": "Marche", + "koraidonApexBuild": "Final", + "koraidonLimitedBuild":"Limité", + "koraidonSprintingBuild":"Course", + "koraidonSwimmingBuild":"Nage", + "koraidonGlidingBuild":"Vol", + "miraidonUltimateMode":"Ultime", + "miraidonLowPowerMode":"Bridé", + "miraidonDriveMode":"Terrestre", + "miraidonAquaticMode":"Aquatique", + "miraidonGlideMode":"Aérien", + "poltchageistCounterfeit": "Imitation", + "poltchageistArtisan": "Onéreux", + "paldeaTaurosCombat": "Combatif", + "paldeaTaurosBlaze": "Flamboyant", + "paldeaTaurosAqua": "Aquatique", + +} as const; diff --git a/src/locales/it/config.ts b/src/locales/it/config.ts index 49ebe6225a4..c22ab87949e 100644 --- a/src/locales/it/config.ts +++ b/src/locales/it/config.ts @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import { move } from "./move"; import { nature } from "./nature"; import { pokeball } from "./pokeball"; import { pokemon } from "./pokemon"; +import { pokemonForm } from "./pokemon-form"; import { pokemonInfo } from "./pokemon-info"; import { pokemonInfoContainer } from "./pokemon-info-container"; import { pokemonSummary } from "./pokemon-summary"; @@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ export const itConfig = { nature: nature, pokeball: pokeball, pokemon: pokemon, + pokemonForm: pokemonForm, pokemonInfo: pokemonInfo, pokemonInfoContainer: pokemonInfoContainer, pokemonSummary: pokemonSummary, diff --git a/src/locales/it/pokemon-form.ts b/src/locales/it/pokemon-form.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1831e1f600e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locales/it/pokemon-form.ts @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/interfaces/locales"; + +export const pokemonForm: SimpleTranslationEntries = { + // Battle forms + "mega": "Mega {{pokemonName}}", + "mega-x": "Mega {{pokemonName}} X", + "mega-y": "Mega {{pokemonName}} Y", + "primal": "Archeo {{pokemonName}}", + "gigantamax": "GigaMax {{pokemonName}}", + "eternamax": "EternaMax {{pokemonName}}", + + // Starters forms + // 1G + "pikachuCosplay": "Cosplay", + "pikachuCoolCosplay": "Cosplay classe", + "pikachuBeautyCosplay": "Cosplay bellezza", + "pikachuCuteCosplay": "Cosplay grazie", + "pikachuSmartCosplay": "Cosplay acume", + "pikachuToughCosplay": "Cosplay grinta", + "pikachuPartner": "Compagno", + "eeveePartner": "Compagno", + // 2G + "pichuSpiky": "Spunzorek", + "unownA": "A", + "unownB": "B", + "unownC": "C", + "unownD": "D", + "unownE": "E", + "unownF": "F", + "unownG": "G", + "unownH": "H", + "unownI": "I", + "unownJ": "J", + "unownK": "K", + "unownL": "L", + "unownM": "M", + "unownN": "N", + "unownO": "O", + "unownP": "P", + "unownQ": "Q", + "unownR": "R", + "unownS": "S", + "unownT": "T", + "unownU": "U", + "unownV": "V", + "unownW": "W", + "unownX": "X", + "unownY": "Y", + "unownZ": "Z", + "unownExclamation": "!", + "unownQuestion": "?", + // 3G + "castformSunny": "Sole", + "castformRainy": "Pioggia", + "castformSnowy": "Nuvola di neve", + "deoxysNormal": "Normale", + // 4G + "burmyPlant": "Pianta", + "burmySandy": "Sabbia", + "burmyTrash": "Scarti", + "shellosEast": "Est", + "shellosWest": "Ovest", + "rotomHeat": "Calore", + "rotomWash": "Lavaggio", + "rotomFrost": "Gelo", + "rotomFan": "Vortice", + "rotomMow": "Taglio", + "giratinaAltered": "Alterata", + "shayminLand": "Terra", + // 5G + "basculinRedStriped": "Linearossa", + "basculinBlueStriped": "Lineablu", + "basculinWhiteStriped": "Lineabianca", + "deerlingSpring": "Primavera", + "deerlingSummer": "Estate", + "deerlingAutumn": "Autunno", + "deerlingWinter": "Inverno", + "tornadusIncarnate": "Incarnazione", + "thundurusIncarnate": "Incarnazione", + "landorusIncarnate": "Incarnazione", + "keldeoOrdinary": "Normale", + "meloettaAria": "Canto", + // 6G + "froakieBattleBond": "Morfosintonia", + "scatterbugMeadow": "Giardinfiore", + "scatterbugIcySnow": "Nevi perenni", + "scatterbugPolar": "Nordico", + "scatterbugTundra": "Manto di neve", + "scatterbugContinental": "Continentale", + "scatterbugGarden": "Prato", + "scatterbugElegant": "Eleganza", + "scatterbugModern": "Trendy", + "scatterbugMarine": "Marino", + "scatterbugArchipelago": "Arcipelago", + "scatterbugHighPlains": "Deserto", + "scatterbugSandstorm": "Sabbia", + "scatterbugRiver": "Fluviale", + "scatterbugMonsoon": "Pluviale", + "scatterbugSavanna": "Savana", + "scatterbugSun": "Solare", + "scatterbugOcean": "Oceanico", + "scatterbugJungle": "Giungla", + "scatterbugFancy": "Sbarazzino", + "scatterbugPokeBall": "Poké Ball", + "flabebeRed": "Rosso", + "flabebeYellow": "Giallo", + "flabebeOrange": "Arancione", + "flabebeBlue": "Blu", + "flabebeWhite": "Bianco", + "furfrouHeart": "Cuore", + "furfrouStar": "Stella", + "furfrouDiamond": "Diamante", + "furfrouDebutante": "Signorina", + "furfrouMatron": "Gentildonna", + "furfrouDandy": "Gentiluomo", + "furfrouLaReine": "Regina", + "furfrouKabuki": "Kabuki", + "furfrouPharaoh": "Faraone", + "pumpkabooSmall": "Mini", + "pumpkabooLarge": "Grande", + "pumpkabooSuper": "Maxi", + "xerneasNeutral": "Relax", + "xerneasActive": "Attivo", + "zygarde50": "Forma 50%", + "zygarde10": "Forma 10%", + "zygarde50Pc": "Forma 50% Sciamefusione", + "zygarde10Pc": "Forma 10% Sciamefusione", + "zygardeComplete": "Forma perfetta", + // 7G + "oricorioBaile": "Flamenco", + "oricorioPompom": "Cheerdance", + "oricorioPau": "Hula", + "oricorioSensu": "Buyō", + "rockruffOwnTempo": "Mentelocale", + "miniorRedMeteor": "Nucleo Rosso", + "miniorOrangeMeteor": "Nucleo Arancione", + "miniorYellowMeteor": "Nucleo Giallo", + "miniorGreenMeteor": "Nucleo Verde", + "miniorBlueMeteor": "Nucleo Azzurro", + "miniorIndigoMeteor": "Nucleo Indaco", + "miniorVioletMeteor": "Nucleo Violetto", + "miniorRed": "Rosso", + "miniorOrange": "Arancione", + "miniorYellow": "Giallo", + "miniorGreen": "Verde", + "miniorBlue": "Azzurro", + "miniorIndigo": "Indaco", + "miniorViolet": "Violetto", + "mimikyuDisguised": "Mascherata", + "mimikyuBusted": "Smascherata", + "magearnaOriginal": "Colore Antico", + "marshadowZenith": "Zenith", + // 8G + "sinisteaPhony": "Contraffatta", + "sinisteaAntique": "Autentica", + "eiscueNoIce": "Liquefaccia", + "indeedeeMale": "Maschio", + "indeedeeFemale": "Femmina", + "morpekoFullBelly": "Panciapiena", + "zacianHeroOfManyBattles": "Eroe di Mille Lotte", + "zamazentaHeroOfManyBattles": "Eroe di Mille Lotte", + "zarudeDada": "Papà", + "enamorusIncarnate": "Incarnazione", + // 9G + "squawkabillyGreenPlumage": "Piume Verdi", + "squawkabillyBluePlumage": "Piume Azzurre", + "squawkabillyYellowPlumage": "Piume Gialle", + "squawkabillyWhitePlumage": "Piume Bianche", + "tatsugiriCurly": "Arcuata", + "tatsugiriDroopy": "Adagiata", + "tatsugiriStretchy": "Tesa", + "gimmighoulChest": "Scrigno", + "gimmighoulRoaming": "Ambulante", + "koraidonApexBuild": "Foggia Integrale", + "koraidonLimitedBuild":"Foggia Parziale", + "koraidonSprintingBuild":"Foggia Scattante", + "koraidonSwimmingBuild":"Foggia Nautica", + "koraidonGlidingBuild":"Foggia Librata", + "miraidonUltimateMode":"Assetto Completo", + "miraidonLowPowerMode":"Assetto Limitato", + "miraidonDriveMode":"Assetto Sprint", + "miraidonAquaticMode":"Assetto Nuoto", + "miraidonGlideMode":"Assetto Planata", + "poltchageistCounterfeit": "Taroccata", + "poltchageistArtisan": "Pregiata", + "paldeaTaurosCombat": "Combattiva", + "paldeaTaurosBlaze": "Infuocata", + "paldeaTaurosAqua": "Acquatica", + +} as const; diff --git a/src/locales/ko/config.ts b/src/locales/ko/config.ts index a3cbbeeb239..4ec47cec036 100644 --- a/src/locales/ko/config.ts +++ b/src/locales/ko/config.ts @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +import { pokemonForm } from "./pokemon-form"; import { ability } from "./ability"; import { abilityTriggers } from "./ability-trigger"; import { arenaFlyout } from "./arena-flyout"; @@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ export const koConfig = { nature: nature, pokeball: pokeball, pokemon: pokemon, + pokemonForm: pokemonForm, pokemonInfo: pokemonInfo, pokemonInfoContainer: pokemonInfoContainer, pokemonSummary: pokemonSummary, diff --git a/src/locales/ko/pokemon-form.ts b/src/locales/ko/pokemon-form.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..06bc743f1a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locales/ko/pokemon-form.ts @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/interfaces/locales"; + +export const pokemonForm: SimpleTranslationEntries = { + // Battle forms + "mega": "메가{{pokemonName}}", + "mega-x": "메가{{pokemonName}}X", + "mega-y": "메가{{pokemonName}}Y", + "primal": "원시{{pokemonName}}", + "gigantamax": "거다이맥스 {{pokemonName}}", + "eternamax": "무한다이맥스 {{pokemonName}}", + + // Starters forms + // 1G + "pikachuCosplay": "옷갈아입기", + "pikachuCoolCosplay": "하드록", + "pikachuBeautyCosplay": "마담", + "pikachuCuteCosplay": "아이돌", + "pikachuSmartCosplay": "닥터", + "pikachuToughCosplay": "마스크드", + "pikachuPartner": "파트너", + "eeveePartner": "파트너", + // 2G + "pichuSpiky": "삐쭉귀", + "unownA": "A", + "unownB": "B", + "unownC": "C", + "unownD": "D", + "unownE": "E", + "unownF": "F", + "unownG": "G", + "unownH": "H", + "unownI": "I", + "unownJ": "J", + "unownK": "K", + "unownL": "L", + "unownM": "M", + "unownN": "N", + "unownO": "O", + "unownP": "P", + "unownQ": "Q", + "unownR": "R", + "unownS": "S", + "unownT": "T", + "unownU": "U", + "unownV": "V", + "unownW": "W", + "unownX": "X", + "unownY": "Y", + "unownZ": "Z", + "unownExclamation": "!", + "unownQuestion": "?", + // 3G + "castformSunny": "태양의 모습", + "castformRainy": "빗방울의 모습", + "castformSnowy": "설운의 모습", + "deoxysNormal": "노말폼", + // 4G + "burmyPlant": "초목도롱", + "burmySandy": "모래땅도롱", + "burmyTrash": "슈레도롱", + "shellosEast": "동쪽바다의 모습", + "shellosWest": "서쪽바다의 모습", + "rotomHeat": "히트", + "rotomWash": "워시", + "rotomFrost": "프로스트", + "rotomFan": "스핀", + "rotomMow": "커트", + "giratinaAltered": "어나더폼", + "shayminLand": "랜드폼", + // 5G + "basculinRedStriped": "적색근의 모습", + "basculinBlueStriped": "청색근의 모습", + "basculinWhiteStriped": "백색근의 모습", + "deerlingSpring": "봄의 모습", + "deerlingSummer": "여름의 모습", + "deerlingAutumn": "가을의 모습", + "deerlingWinter": "겨울의 모습", + "tornadusIncarnate": "화신폼", + "thundurusIncarnate": "화신폼", + "landorusIncarnate": "화신폼", + "keldeoOrdinary": "평상시 모습", + "meloettaAria": "보이스폼", + // 6G + "froakieBattleBond": "유대변화", + "scatterbugMeadow": "화원의 모양", + "scatterbugIcySnow": "빙설의 모양", + "scatterbugPolar": "설국의 모양", + "scatterbugTundra": "설원의 모양", + "scatterbugContinental": "대륙의 모양", + "scatterbugGarden": "정원의 모양", + "scatterbugElegant": "우아한 모양", + "scatterbugModern": "모던한 모양", + "scatterbugMarine": "마린의 모양", + "scatterbugArchipelago": "군도의 모양", + "scatterbugHighPlains": "황야의 모양", + "scatterbugSandstorm": "사진의 모양", + "scatterbugRiver": "대하의 모양", + "scatterbugMonsoon": "스콜의 모양", + "scatterbugSavanna": "사바나의 모양", + "scatterbugSun": "태양의 모양", + "scatterbugOcean": "오션의 모양", + "scatterbugJungle": "정글의 모양", + "scatterbugFancy": "팬시한 모양", + "scatterbugPokeBall": "볼의 모양", + "flabebeRed": "빨간 꽃", + "flabebeYellow": "노란 꽃", + "flabebeOrange": "오렌지색 꽃", + "flabebeBlue": "파란 꽃", + "flabebeWhite": "하얀 꽃", + "furfrouHeart": "하트컷", + "furfrouStar": "스타컷", + "furfrouDiamond": "다이아컷", + "furfrouDebutante": "레이디컷", + "furfrouMatron": "마담컷", + "furfrouDandy": "젠틀컷", + "furfrouLaReine": "퀸컷", + "furfrouKabuki": "가부키컷", + "furfrouPharaoh": "킹덤컷", + "pumpkabooSmall": "작은 사이즈", + "pumpkabooLarge": "큰 사이즈", + "pumpkabooSuper": "특대 사이즈", + "xerneasNeutral": "릴랙스모드", + "xerneasActive": "액티브모드", + "zygarde50": "50%폼", + "zygarde10": "10%폼", + "zygarde50Pc": "스웜체인지 50%폼", + "zygarde10Pc": "스웜체인지 10%폼", + "zygardeComplete": "퍼펙트폼", + // 7G + "oricorioBaile": "이글이글스타일", + "oricorioPompom": "파칙파칙스타일", + "oricorioPau": "훌라훌라스타일", + "oricorioSensu": "하늘하늘스타일", + "rockruffOwnTempo": "마이페이스", + "miniorRedMeteor": "유성의 모습(빨강)", + "miniorOrangeMeteor": "유성의 모습(주황)", + "miniorYellowMeteor": "유성의 모습(노랑)", + "miniorGreenMeteor": "유성의 모습(초록)", + "miniorBlueMeteor": "유성의 모습(옥색)", + "miniorIndigoMeteor": "유성의 모습(파랑)", + "miniorVioletMeteor": "유성의 모습(보라)", + "miniorRed": "빨간색 코어", + "miniorOrange": "주황색 코어", + "miniorYellow": "노란색 코어", + "miniorGreen": "초록색 코어", + "miniorBlue": "옥색 코어", + "miniorIndigo": "파란색 코어", + "miniorViolet": "보라색 코어", + "mimikyuDisguised": "둔갑한 모습", + "mimikyuBusted": "들킨 모습", + "magearnaOriginal": "500년 전의 색", + "marshadowZenith": "투지를 불태운 마샤도", + // 8G + "sinisteaPhony": "위작품", + "sinisteaAntique": "진작품", + "eiscueNoIce": "나이스페이스", + "indeedeeMale": "수컷의 모습", + "indeedeeFemale": "암컷의 모습", + "morpekoFullBelly": "배부른 모양", + "zacianHeroOfManyBattles": "역전의 용사", + "zamazentaHeroOfManyBattles": "역전의 용사", + "zarudeDada": "아빠", + "enamorusIncarnate": "화신폼", + // 9G + "squawkabillyGreenPlumage": "그린 페더", + "squawkabillyBluePlumage": "블루 페더", + "squawkabillyYellowPlumage": "옐로 페더", + "squawkabillyWhitePlumage": "화이트 페더", + "tatsugiriCurly": "젖힌 모습", + "tatsugiriDroopy": "늘어진 모습", + "tatsugiriStretchy": "뻗은 모습", + "gimmighoulChest": "상자폼", + "gimmighoulRoaming": "도보폼", + "koraidonApexBuild": "완전형태", + "koraidonLimitedBuild":"제한형태", + "koraidonSprintingBuild":"질주형태", + "koraidonSwimmingBuild":"유영형태", + "koraidonGlidingBuild":"활공형태", + "miraidonUltimateMode":"컴플리트모드", + "miraidonLowPowerMode":"리미티드모드", + "miraidonDriveMode":"드라이브모드", + "miraidonAquaticMode":"플로트모드", + "miraidonGlideMode":"글라이드모드", + "poltchageistCounterfeit": "가짜배기의 모습", + "poltchageistArtisan": "알짜배기의 모습", + "paldeaTaurosCombat": "컴뱃종", + "paldeaTaurosBlaze": "블레이즈종", + "paldeaTaurosAqua": "워터종", + +} as const; diff --git a/src/locales/pt_BR/config.ts b/src/locales/pt_BR/config.ts index 2f5c28dbad3..711ba903e9b 100644 --- a/src/locales/pt_BR/config.ts +++ b/src/locales/pt_BR/config.ts @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import { move } from "./move"; import { nature } from "./nature"; import { pokeball } from "./pokeball"; import { pokemon } from "./pokemon"; +import { pokemonForm } from "./pokemon-form"; import { pokemonInfo } from "./pokemon-info"; import { pokemonInfoContainer } from "./pokemon-info-container"; import { pokemonSummary } from "./pokemon-summary"; @@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ export const ptBrConfig = { nature: nature, pokeball: pokeball, pokemon: pokemon, + pokemonForm: pokemonForm, pokemonInfo: pokemonInfo, pokemonInfoContainer: pokemonInfoContainer, pokemonSummary: pokemonSummary, diff --git a/src/locales/pt_BR/pokemon-form.ts b/src/locales/pt_BR/pokemon-form.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..04d362e7538 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locales/pt_BR/pokemon-form.ts @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/interfaces/locales"; + +export const pokemonForm: SimpleTranslationEntries = { + // Battle forms + "mega": "Mega {{pokemonName}}", + "mega-x": "Mega {{pokemonName}} X", + "mega-y": "Mega {{pokemonName}} Y", + "primal": "{{pokemonName}} Primordial", + "gigantamax": "G-Max {{pokemonName}}", + "eternamax": "E-Max {{pokemonName}}", + + // Starters forms + // 1G + "pikachuCosplay": "Cosplay", + "pikachuCoolCosplay": "Cosplay Legal", + "pikachuBeautyCosplay": "Cosplay Bonito", + "pikachuCuteCosplay": "Cosplay Fofo", + "pikachuSmartCosplay": "Cosplay Inteligente", + "pikachuToughCosplay": "Cosplay Forte", + "pikachuPartner": "Parceiro", + "eeveePartner": "Parceiro", + // 2G + "pichuSpiky": "Spiky", + "unownA": "A", + "unownB": "B", + "unownC": "C", + "unownD": "D", + "unownE": "E", + "unownF": "F", + "unownG": "G", + "unownH": "H", + "unownI": "I", + "unownJ": "J", + "unownK": "K", + "unownL": "L", + "unownM": "M", + "unownN": "N", + "unownO": "O", + "unownP": "P", + "unownQ": "Q", + "unownR": "R", + "unownS": "S", + "unownT": "T", + "unownU": "U", + "unownV": "V", + "unownW": "W", + "unownX": "X", + "unownY": "Y", + "unownZ": "Z", + "unownExclamation": "!", + "unownQuestion": "?", + // 3G + "castformSunny": "Ensolarado", + "castformRainy": "Chuvoso", + "castformSnowy": "Nevado", + "deoxysNormal": "Normal", + // 4G + "burmyPlant": "Vegetal", + "burmySandy": "Arenoso", + "burmyTrash": "Lixo", + "shellosEast": "Leste", + "shellosWest": "Oeste", + "rotomHeat": "Calor", + "rotomWash": "Lavagem", + "rotomFrost": "Congelante", + "rotomFan": "Ventilador", + "rotomMow": "Corte", + "giratinaAltered": "Altered", + "shayminLand": "Land", + // 5G + "basculinRedStriped": "Listras Vermelhas", + "basculinBlueStriped": "Listras Azuis", + "basculinWhiteStriped": "Listras Brancas", + "deerlingSpring": "Primavera", + "deerlingSummer": "Verão", + "deerlingAutumn": "Outono", + "deerlingWinter": "Inverno", + "tornadusIncarnate": "Incarnate", + "thundurusIncarnate": "Incarnate", + "landorusIncarnate": "Incarnate", + "keldeoOrdinary": "Ordinary", + "meloettaAria": "Aria", + // 6G + "froakieBattleBond": "Vínculo de Batalha", + "scatterbugMeadow": "Prado", + "scatterbugIcySnow": "Neve Congelada", + "scatterbugPolar": "Polar", + "scatterbugTundra": "Tundra", + "scatterbugContinental": "Continental", + "scatterbugGarden": "Jardim", + "scatterbugElegant": "Elegante", + "scatterbugModern": "Moderno", + "scatterbugMarine": "Marinho", + "scatterbugArchipelago": "Arquipélago", + "scatterbugHighPlains": "Planalto", + "scatterbugSandstorm": "Deserto", + "scatterbugRiver": "Rio", + "scatterbugMonsoon": "Monção", + "scatterbugSavanna": "Savana", + "scatterbugSun": "Solar", + "scatterbugOcean": "Oceano", + "scatterbugJungle": "Selva", + "scatterbugFancy": "Chique", + "scatterbugPokeBall": "Poké Bola", + "flabebeRed": "Vermelha", + "flabebeYellow": "Amarela", + "flabebeOrange": "Laranja", + "flabebeBlue": "Azul", + "flabebeWhite": "Branca", + "furfrouHeart": "Coração", + "furfrouStar": "Estrela", + "furfrouDiamond": "Diamante", + "furfrouDebutante": "Debutante", + "furfrouMatron": "Madame", + "furfrouDandy": "Cavalheiro", + "furfrouLaReine": "Aristocrático", + "furfrouKabuki": "Kabuki", + "furfrouPharaoh": "Faraó", + "pumpkabooSmall": "Pequeno", + "pumpkabooLarge": "Grande", + "pumpkabooSuper": "Extragrande", + "xerneasNeutral": "Relaxado", + "xerneasActive": "Ativo", + "zygarde50": "Forma 50%", + "zygarde10": "Forma 10%", + "zygarde50Pc": "Forma 50% Agrupada", + "zygarde10Pc": "Forma 10% Agrupada", + "zygardeComplete": "Forma Completa", + // 7G + "oricorioBaile": "Flamenco", + "oricorioPompom": "Pompom", + "oricorioPau": "Hula", + "oricorioSensu": "Leque", + "rockruffOwnTempo": "Próprio Tempo", + "miniorRedMeteor": "Meteoro Vermelho", + "miniorOrangeMeteor": "Meteoro Laranja", + "miniorYellowMeteor": "Meteoro Amarelo", + "miniorGreenMeteor": "Meteoro Verde", + "miniorBlueMeteor": "Meteoro Azul", + "miniorIndigoMeteor": "Meteoro Anil", + "miniorVioletMeteor": "Meteoro Violeta", + "miniorRed": "Vermelho", + "miniorOrange": "Laranja", + "miniorYellow": "Amarelo", + "miniorGreen": "Verde", + "miniorBlue": "Azul", + "miniorIndigo": "Anil", + "miniorViolet": "Violeta", + "mimikyuDisguised": "Disfarçado", + "mimikyuBusted": "Descoberto", + "magearnaOriginal": "Original", + "marshadowZenith": "Zênite", + // 8G + "sinisteaPhony": "Falsificado", + "sinisteaAntique": "Autêntico", + "eiscueNoIce": "Descongelado", + "indeedeeMale": "Macho", + "indeedeeFemale": "Fêmea", + "morpekoFullBelly": "Full Belly", + "zacianHeroOfManyBattles": "Hero Of Many Battles", + "zamazentaHeroOfManyBattles": "Hero Of Many Battles", + "zarudeDada": "Papa", + "enamorusIncarnate": "Incarnate", + // 9G + "squawkabillyGreenPlumage": "Plumas Verdes", + "squawkabillyBluePlumage": "Plumas Azuis", + "squawkabillyYellowPlumage": "Plumas Amarelas", + "squawkabillyWhitePlumage": "Plumas Brancas", + "tatsugiriCurly": "Curvado", + "tatsugiriDroopy": "Caído", + "tatsugiriStretchy": "Reto", + "gimmighoulChest": "Baú", + "gimmighoulRoaming": "Perambulante", + "koraidonApexBuild": "Apex Build", + "koraidonLimitedBuild":"Limited Build", + "koraidonSprintingBuild":"Sprinting Build", + "koraidonSwimmingBuild":"Swimming Build", + "koraidonGlidingBuild":"Gliding Build", + "miraidonUltimateMode":"Ultimate Mode", + "miraidonLowPowerMode":"Low Power Mode", + "miraidonDriveMode":"Drive Mode", + "miraidonAquaticMode":"Aquatic Mode", + "miraidonGlideMode":"Glide Mode", + "poltchageistCounterfeit": "Imitação", + "poltchageistArtisan": "Artesão", + "paldeaTaurosCombat": "Combate", + "paldeaTaurosBlaze": "Chamas", + "paldeaTaurosAqua": "Aquático", + +} as const; diff --git a/src/locales/zh_CN/config.ts b/src/locales/zh_CN/config.ts index de90e49816e..84b74c1a20c 100644 --- a/src/locales/zh_CN/config.ts +++ b/src/locales/zh_CN/config.ts @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import { move } from "./move"; import { nature } from "./nature"; import { pokeball } from "./pokeball"; import { pokemon } from "./pokemon"; +import { pokemonForm } from "./pokemon-form"; import { pokemonInfo } from "./pokemon-info"; import { pokemonInfoContainer } from "./pokemon-info-container"; import { pokemonSummary } from "./pokemon-summary"; @@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ export const zhCnConfig = { nature: nature, pokeball: pokeball, pokemon: pokemon, + pokemonForm: pokemonForm, pokemonInfo: pokemonInfo, pokemonInfoContainer: pokemonInfoContainer, pokemonSummary: pokemonSummary, diff --git a/src/locales/zh_CN/pokemon-form.ts b/src/locales/zh_CN/pokemon-form.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b8135cc78f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locales/zh_CN/pokemon-form.ts @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/interfaces/locales"; + +export const pokemonForm: SimpleTranslationEntries = { + // Battle forms + "mega": "Mega {{pokemonName}}", + "mega-x": "Mega {{pokemonName}} X", + "mega-y": "Mega {{pokemonName}} Y", + "primal": "原始回归{{pokemonName}}", + "gigantamax": "超极巨{{pokemonName}}", + "eternamax": "无极巨{{pokemonName}}", + + // Starters forms + // 1G + "pikachuCosplay": "服装", + "pikachuCoolCosplay": "摇滚巨星", + "pikachuBeautyCosplay": "贵妇", + "pikachuCuteCosplay": "流行偶像", + "pikachuSmartCosplay": "博士", + "pikachuToughCosplay": "面罩摔跤手", + "pikachuPartner": "搭档", + "eeveePartner": "搭档", + // 2G + "pichuSpiky": "刺刺耳", + "unownA": "A", + "unownB": "B", + "unownC": "C", + "unownD": "D", + "unownE": "E", + "unownF": "F", + "unownG": "G", + "unownH": "H", + "unownI": "I", + "unownJ": "J", + "unownK": "K", + "unownL": "L", + "unownM": "M", + "unownN": "N", + "unownO": "O", + "unownP": "P", + "unownQ": "Q", + "unownR": "R", + "unownS": "S", + "unownT": "T", + "unownU": "U", + "unownV": "V", + "unownW": "W", + "unownX": "X", + "unownY": "Y", + "unownZ": "Z", + "unownExclamation": "!", + "unownQuestion": "?", + // 3G + "castformSunny": "晴天", + "castformRainy": "雨天", + "castformSnowy": "雪天", + "deoxysNormal": "Normal", + // 4G + "burmyPlant": "草木蓑衣", + "burmySandy": "砂土蓑衣", + "burmyTrash": "垃圾蓑衣", + "shellosEast": "东海", + "shellosWest": "西海", + "rotomHeat": "加热", + "rotomWash": "清洗", + "rotomFrost": "结冰", + "rotomFan": "旋转", + "rotomMow": "切割", + "giratinaAltered": "Altered", + "shayminLand": "Land", + // 5G + "basculinRedStriped": "红条纹", + "basculinBlueStriped": "蓝条纹", + "basculinWhiteStriped": "白条纹", + "deerlingSpring": "春天", + "deerlingSummer": "夏天", + "deerlingAutumn": "秋天", + "deerlingWinter": "冬天", + "tornadusIncarnate": "Incarnate", + "thundurusIncarnate": "Incarnate", + "landorusIncarnate": "Incarnate", + "keldeoOrdinary": "Ordinary", + "meloettaAria": "Aria", + // 6G + "froakieBattleBond": "牵绊变身", + "scatterbugMeadow": "花园花纹", + "scatterbugIcySnow": "冰雪花纹", + "scatterbugPolar": "雪国花纹", + "scatterbugTundra": "雪原花纹", + "scatterbugContinental": "大陆花纹", + "scatterbugGarden": "庭园花纹", + "scatterbugElegant": "高雅花纹", + "scatterbugModern": "摩登花纹", + "scatterbugMarine": "大海花纹", + "scatterbugArchipelago": "群岛花纹", + "scatterbugHighPlains": "荒野花纹", + "scatterbugSandstorm": "沙尘花纹", + "scatterbugRiver": "大河花纹", + "scatterbugMonsoon": "骤雨花纹", + "scatterbugSavanna": "热带草原花纹", + "scatterbugSun": "太阳花纹", + "scatterbugOcean": "大洋花纹", + "scatterbugJungle": "热带雨林花纹", + "scatterbugFancy": "幻彩花纹", + "scatterbugPokeBall": "球球花纹", + "flabebeRed": "红花", + "flabebeYellow": "黄花", + "flabebeOrange": "橙花", + "flabebeBlue": "蓝花", + "flabebeWhite": "白花", + "furfrouHeart": "心形造型", + "furfrouStar": "星形造型", + "furfrouDiamond": "菱形造型", + "furfrouDebutante": "淑女造型", + "furfrouMatron": "贵妇造型", + "furfrouDandy": "绅士造型", + "furfrouLaReine": "女王造型", + "furfrouKabuki": "歌舞伎造型", + "furfrouPharaoh": "国王造型", + "pumpkabooSmall": "小尺寸", + "pumpkabooLarge": "大尺寸", + "pumpkabooSuper": "特大尺寸", + "xerneasNeutral": "放松模式", + "xerneasActive": "活跃模式", + "zygarde50": "50%形态", + "zygarde10": "10%形态", + "zygarde50Pc": "50%形态 群聚变形", + "zygarde10Pc": "10%形态 群聚变形", + "zygardeComplete": "完全体形态", + // 7G + "oricorioBaile": "热辣热辣风格", + "oricorioPompom": "啪滋啪滋风格", + "oricorioPau": "呼拉呼拉风格", + "oricorioSensu": "轻盈轻盈风格", + "rockruffOwnTempo": "特殊岩狗狗", + "miniorRedMeteor": "红色核心", + "miniorOrangeMeteor": "橙色核心", + "miniorYellowMeteor": "黄色核心", + "miniorGreenMeteor": "绿色核心", + "miniorBlueMeteor": "浅蓝色核心", + "miniorIndigoMeteor": "蓝色核心", + "miniorVioletMeteor": "紫色核心", + "miniorRed": "红色", + "miniorOrange": "橙色", + "miniorYellow": "黄色", + "miniorGreen": "绿色", + "miniorBlue": "浅蓝色", + "miniorIndigo": "蓝色", + "miniorViolet": "紫色", + "mimikyuDisguised": "化形", + "mimikyuBusted": "现形", + "magearnaOriginal": "500年前的颜色", + "marshadowZenith": "全力", + // 8G + "sinisteaPhony": "赝品", + "sinisteaAntique": "真品", + "eiscueNoIce": "解冻头", + "indeedeeMale": "雄性", + "indeedeeFemale": "雌性", + "morpekoFullBelly": "Full Belly", + "zacianHeroOfManyBattles": "Hero Of Many Battles", + "zamazentaHeroOfManyBattles": "Hero Of Many Battles", + "zarudeDada": "老爹", + "enamorusIncarnate": "Incarnate", + // 9G + "squawkabillyGreenPlumage": "绿羽毛", + "squawkabillyBluePlumage": "蓝羽毛", + "squawkabillyYellowPlumage": "黄羽毛", + "squawkabillyWhitePlumage": "白羽毛", + "tatsugiriCurly": "上弓姿势", + "tatsugiriDroopy": "下垂姿势", + "tatsugiriStretchy": "平挺姿势", + "gimmighoulChest": "宝箱形态", + "gimmighoulRoaming": "徒步形态", + "koraidonApexBuild": "Apex Build", + "koraidonLimitedBuild":"Limited Build", + "koraidonSprintingBuild":"Sprinting Build", + "koraidonSwimmingBuild":"Swimming Build", + "koraidonGlidingBuild":"Gliding Build", + "miraidonUltimateMode":"Ultimate Mode", + "miraidonLowPowerMode":"Low Power Mode", + "miraidonDriveMode":"Drive Mode", + "miraidonAquaticMode":"Aquatic Mode", + "miraidonGlideMode":"Glide Mode", + "poltchageistCounterfeit": "冒牌货", + "poltchageistArtisan": "高档货", + "paldeaTaurosCombat": "斗战种", + "paldeaTaurosBlaze": "火炽种", + "paldeaTaurosAqua": "水澜种", + +} as const; diff --git a/src/locales/zh_TW/config.ts b/src/locales/zh_TW/config.ts index 6f7c4e51671..63887a1f3e3 100644 --- a/src/locales/zh_TW/config.ts +++ b/src/locales/zh_TW/config.ts @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import { move } from "./move"; import { nature } from "./nature"; import { pokeball } from "./pokeball"; import { pokemon } from "./pokemon"; +import { pokemonForm } from "./pokemon-form"; import { pokemonInfo } from "./pokemon-info"; import { pokemonInfoContainer } from "./pokemon-info-container"; import { pokemonSummary } from "./pokemon-summary"; @@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ export const zhTwConfig = { nature: nature, pokeball: pokeball, pokemon: pokemon, + pokemonForm: pokemonForm, pokemonInfo: pokemonInfo, pokemonInfoContainer: pokemonInfoContainer, pokemonSummary: pokemonSummary, diff --git a/src/locales/zh_TW/pokemon-form.ts b/src/locales/zh_TW/pokemon-form.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2ab936b36da --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locales/zh_TW/pokemon-form.ts @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/interfaces/locales"; + +export const pokemonForm: SimpleTranslationEntries = { + // Battle forms + "mega": "Mega {{pokemonName}}", + "mega-x": "Mega {{pokemonName}} X", + "mega-y": "Mega {{pokemonName}} Y", + "primal": "Primal {{pokemonName}}", + "gigantamax": "G-Max {{pokemonName}}", + "eternamax": "E-Max {{pokemonName}}", + + // Starters forms + // 1G + "pikachuCosplay": "Cosplay", + "pikachuCoolCosplay": "Cool Cosplay", + "pikachuBeautyCosplay": "Beauty Cosplay", + "pikachuCuteCosplay": "Cute Cosplay", + "pikachuSmartCosplay": "Smart Cosplay", + "pikachuToughCosplay": "Thoug Cosplay", + "pikachuPartner": "Partner", + "eeveePartner": "Partner", + // 2G + "pichuSpiky": "Spiky", + "unownA": "A", + "unownB": "B", + "unownC": "C", + "unownD": "D", + "unownE": "E", + "unownF": "F", + "unownG": "G", + "unownH": "H", + "unownI": "I", + "unownJ": "J", + "unownK": "K", + "unownL": "L", + "unownM": "M", + "unownN": "N", + "unownO": "O", + "unownP": "P", + "unownQ": "Q", + "unownR": "R", + "unownS": "S", + "unownT": "T", + "unownU": "U", + "unownV": "V", + "unownW": "W", + "unownX": "X", + "unownY": "Y", + "unownZ": "Z", + "unownExclamation": "!", + "unownQuestion": "?", + // 3G + "castformSunny": "Sunny", + "castformRainy": "Rainy", + "castformSnowy": "Snowy", + "deoxysNormal": "Normal", + // 4G + "burmyPlant": "Plant", + "burmySandy": "Sandy", + "burmyTrash": "Trash", + "shellosEast": "East", + "shellosWest": "West", + "rotomHeat": "Heat", + "rotomWash": "Wash", + "rotomFrost": "Frost", + "rotomFan": "Fan", + "rotomMow": "Mow", + "giratinaAltered": "Altered", + "shayminLand": "Land", + // 5G + "basculinRedStriped": "Red Striped", + "basculinBlueStriped": "Blue Striped", + "basculinWhiteStriped": "White Striped", + "deerlingSpring": "Spring", + "deerlingSummer": "Summer", + "deerlingAutumn": "Autumn", + "deerlingWinter": "Winter", + "tornadusIncarnate": "Incarnate", + "thundurusIncarnate": "Incarnate", + "landorusIncarnate": "Incarnate", + "keldeoOrdinary": "Ordinary", + "meloettaAria": "Aria", + // 6G + "froakieBattleBond": "Battle Bond", + "scatterbugMeadow": "Meadow", + "scatterbugIcySnow": "Icy Snow", + "scatterbugPolar": "Polar", + "scatterbugTundra": "Tundra", + "scatterbugContinental": "Continental", + "scatterbugGarden": "Garden", + "scatterbugElegant": "Elegant", + "scatterbugModern": "Modern", + "scatterbugMarine": "Marine", + "scatterbugArchipelago": "Archipelago", + "scatterbugHighPlains": "High Plains", + "scatterbugSandstorm": "Sandstorm", + "scatterbugRiver": "River", + "scatterbugMonsoon": "Monsoon", + "scatterbugSavanna": "Savanna", + "scatterbugSun": "Sun", + "scatterbugOcean": "Ocean", + "scatterbugJungle": "Jungle", + "scatterbugFancy": "Fancy", + "scatterbugPokeBall": "Poké Ball", + "flabebeRed": "Red", + "flabebeYellow": "Yellow", + "flabebeOrange": "Orange", + "flabebeBlue": "Blue", + "flabebeWhite": "White", + "furfrouHeart": "Heart", + "furfrouStar": "Star", + "furfrouDiamond": "Diamond", + "furfrouDebutante": "Debutante", + "furfrouMatron": "Matron", + "furfrouDandy": "Dandy", + "furfrouLaReine": "La Reine", + "furfrouKabuki": "Kabuki", + "furfrouPharaoh": "Pharaoh", + "pumpkabooSmall": "Small", + "pumpkabooLarge": "Large", + "pumpkabooSuper": "Super", + "xerneasNeutral": "Neutral", + "xerneasActive": "Active", + "zygarde50": "50% Forme", + "zygarde10": "10% Forme", + "zygarde50Pc": "50% Forme Power Construct", + "zygarde10Pc": "10% Forme Power Construct", + "zygardeComplete": "Complete Forme", + // 7G + "oricorioBaile": "Baile", + "oricorioPompom": "Pom-Pom", + "oricorioPau": "Pau", + "oricorioSensu": "Sensu", + "rockruffOwnTempo": "Own Tempo", + "miniorRedMeteor": "Red Meteor", + "miniorOrangeMeteor": "Orange Meteor", + "miniorYellowMeteor": "Yellow Meteor", + "miniorGreenMeteor": "Green Meteor", + "miniorBlueMeteor": "Blue Meteor", + "miniorIndigoMeteor": "Indigo Meteor", + "miniorVioletMeteor": "Violet Meteor", + "miniorRed": "Red", + "miniorOrange": "Orange", + "miniorYellow": "Yellow", + "miniorGreen": "Green", + "miniorBlue": "Blue", + "miniorIndigo": "Indigo", + "miniorViolet": "Violet", + "mimikyuDisguised": "Disguised", + "mimikyuBusted": "Busted", + "magearnaOriginal": "Original", + "marshadowZenith": "Zenith", + // 8G + "sinisteaPhony": "Phony", + "sinisteaAntique": "Antique", + "eiscueNoIce": "No Ice", + "indeedeeMale": "Male", + "indeedeeFemale": "Female", + "morpekoFullBelly": "Full Belly", + "zacianHeroOfManyBattles": "Hero Of Many Battles", + "zamazentaHeroOfManyBattles": "Hero Of Many Battles", + "zarudeDada": "Dada", + "enamorusIncarnate": "Incarnate", + // 9G + "squawkabillyGreenPlumage": "Green Plumage", + "squawkabillyBluePlumage": "Blue Plumage", + "squawkabillyYellowPlumage": "Yellow Plumage", + "squawkabillyWhitePlumage": "White Plumage", + "tatsugiriCurly": "Curly", + "tatsugiriDroopy": "Droopy", + "tatsugiriStretchy": "Stretchy", + "gimmighoulChest": "Chest", + "gimmighoulRoaming": "Roaming", + "koraidonApexBuild": "Apex Build", + "koraidonLimitedBuild":"Limited Build", + "koraidonSprintingBuild":"Sprinting Build", + "koraidonSwimmingBuild":"Swimming Build", + "koraidonGlidingBuild":"Gliding Build", + "miraidonUltimateMode":"Ultimate Mode", + "miraidonLowPowerMode":"Low Power Mode", + "miraidonDriveMode":"Drive Mode", + "miraidonAquaticMode":"Aquatic Mode", + "miraidonGlideMode":"Glide Mode", + "poltchageistCounterfeit": "Counterfeit", + "poltchageistArtisan": "Artisan", + "paldeaTaurosCombat": "Combat", + "paldeaTaurosBlaze": "Blaze", + "paldeaTaurosAqua": "Aqua", + +} as const; diff --git a/src/ui/starter-select-ui-handler.ts b/src/ui/starter-select-ui-handler.ts index 2300463e2cd..d8321fc9c8f 100644 --- a/src/ui/starter-select-ui-handler.ts +++ b/src/ui/starter-select-ui-handler.ts @@ -2593,14 +2593,16 @@ export default class StarterSelectUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler { }) as StarterMoveset; const speciesForm = getPokemonSpeciesForm(species.speciesId, formIndex); + const formText = Utils.capitalizeString(species?.forms[formIndex]?.formKey, "_", false, false); - const formText = species?.forms[formIndex]?.formKey.split("-"); - for (let i = 0; i < formText?.length; i++) { - formText[i] = formText[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + formText[i].substring(1); + const speciesName = Utils.capitalizeString(Species[species.speciesId], "_", true, false); + + if (species.speciesId === Species.ARCEUS) { + this.pokemonFormText.setText(i18next.t(`pokemonInfo:Type.${formText.toUpperCase()}`)); + } else { + this.pokemonFormText.setText(formText ? i18next.t(`pokemonForm:${speciesName}${formText}`) : ""); } - this.pokemonFormText.setText(formText?.join(" ")); - this.setTypeIcons(speciesForm.type1, speciesForm.type2); } else { this.pokemonAbilityText.setText(""); diff --git a/src/utils.ts b/src/utils.ts index 9c1b12882de..467d7601d38 100644 --- a/src/utils.ts +++ b/src/utils.ts @@ -546,4 +546,24 @@ export function reverseValueToKeySetting(input) { return capitalizedWords.join("_"); } +/** + * Capitalize a string. + * + * @param str - The string to be capitalized. + * @param sep - The separator between the words of the string. + * @param lowerFirstChar - Whether the first character of the string should be lowercase or not. + * @param returnWithSpaces - Whether the returned string should have spaces between the words or not. + * @returns The capitalized string. + */ +export function capitalizeString(str: string, sep: string, lowerFirstChar: boolean = true, returnWithSpaces: boolean = false) { + if (str) { + const splitedStr = str.toLowerCase().split(sep); + for (let i = +lowerFirstChar; i < splitedStr?.length; i++) { + splitedStr[i] = splitedStr[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + splitedStr[i].substring(1); + } + + return returnWithSpaces ? splitedStr.join(" ") : splitedStr.join(""); + } + return null; +}