mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 13:38:37 +00:00
test patch fix
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,496 +0,0 @@
import { EnemyPartyConfig, generateModifierType, initBattleWithEnemyConfig, leaveEncounterWithoutBattle, loadCustomMovesForEncounter, selectPokemonForOption, setEncounterRewards, transitionMysteryEncounterIntroVisuals } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/utils/encounter-phase-utils";
import { trainerConfigs, TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate, TrainerPartyTemplate, } from "#app/data/trainer-config";
import { ModifierTier } from "#app/modifier/modifier-tier";
import { modifierTypes, PokemonHeldItemModifierType } from "#app/modifier/modifier-type";
import { MysteryEncounterType } from "#enums/mystery-encounter-type";
import { PartyMemberStrength } from "#enums/party-member-strength";
import BattleScene from "#app/battle-scene";
import MysteryEncounter, { MysteryEncounterBuilder } from "../mystery-encounter";
import { MysteryEncounterTier } from "#enums/mystery-encounter-tier";
import { Species } from "#enums/species";
import { TrainerType } from "#enums/trainer-type";
import { getPokemonSpecies } from "#app/data/pokemon-species";
import { Abilities } from "#enums/abilities";
import { applyModifierTypeToPlayerPokemon } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/utils/encounter-pokemon-utils";
import { Type } from "#app/data/type";
import { MysteryEncounterOptionBuilder } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/mystery-encounter-option";
import { MysteryEncounterOptionMode } from "#enums/mystery-encounter-option-mode";
import { randSeedInt, randSeedShuffle } from "#app/utils";
import { showEncounterDialogue, showEncounterText } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/utils/encounter-dialogue-utils";
import { Mode } from "#app/ui/ui";
import i18next from "i18next";
import { OptionSelectConfig } from "#app/ui/abstact-option-select-ui-handler";
import { PlayerPokemon, PokemonMove } from "#app/field/pokemon";
import { Ability } from "#app/data/ability";
import { BerryModifier } from "#app/modifier/modifier";
import { BerryType } from "#enums/berry-type";
import { BattlerIndex } from "#app/battle";
import { Moves } from "#enums/moves";
import { EncounterAnim, EncounterBattleAnim } from "#app/data/battle-anims";
import { MoveCategory } from "#app/data/move";
import { MysteryEncounterPokemonData } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/mystery-encounter-pokemon-data";
/** the i18n namespace for the encounter */
const namespace = "mysteryEncounter:clowningAround";
* Clowning Around encounter.
* @see {@link https://github.com/AsdarDevelops/PokeRogue-Events/issues/69 | GitHub Issue #69}
* @see For biome requirements check {@linkcode mysteryEncountersByBiome}
export const ClowningAroundEncounter: MysteryEncounter =
.withSceneWaveRangeRequirement(80, 180)
spriteKey: Species.MR_MIME.toString(),
fileRoot: "pokemon",
hasShadow: true,
repeat: true,
x: -25,
tint: 0.3,
y: -3,
yShadow: -3
spriteKey: Species.BLACEPHALON.toString(),
fileRoot: "pokemon/exp",
hasShadow: true,
repeat: true,
x: 25,
tint: 0.3,
y: -3,
yShadow: -3
spriteKey: "harlequin",
fileRoot: "trainer",
hasShadow: true,
x: 0,
y: 2,
yShadow: 2
text: `${namespace}.intro`,
text: `${namespace}.intro_dialogue`,
speaker: `${namespace}.speaker`
.withOnInit((scene: BattleScene) => {
const encounter = scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter;
const clownTrainerType = TrainerType.HARLEQUIN;
const clownConfig = trainerConfigs[clownTrainerType].copy();
const clownPartyTemplate = new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate(
new TrainerPartyTemplate(1, PartyMemberStrength.STRONG),
new TrainerPartyTemplate(1, PartyMemberStrength.STRONGER));
// @ts-ignore
clownConfig.partyTemplateFunc = null; // Overrides party template func if it exists
// Generate random ability for Blacephalon from pool
const ability = RANDOM_ABILITY_POOL[randSeedInt(RANDOM_ABILITY_POOL.length)];
encounter.setDialogueToken("ability", new Ability(ability, 3).name);
encounter.misc = { ability };
trainerConfig: clownConfig,
pokemonConfigs: [ // Overrides first 2 pokemon to be Mr. Mime and Blacephalon
species: getPokemonSpecies(Species.MR_MIME),
isBoss: true,
{ // Blacephalon has the random ability from pool, and 2 entirely random types to fit with the theme of the encounter
species: getPokemonSpecies(Species.BLACEPHALON),
mysteryEncounterData: new MysteryEncounterPokemonData(undefined, ability, undefined, [randSeedInt(18), randSeedInt(18)]),
isBoss: true,
moveSet: [Moves.TRICK, Moves.HYPNOSIS, Moves.SHADOW_BALL, Moves.MIND_BLOWN]
doubleBattle: true
// Load animations/sfx for start of fight moves
loadCustomMovesForEncounter(scene, [Moves.ROLE_PLAY, Moves.TAUNT]);
return true;
buttonLabel: `${namespace}.option.1.label`,
buttonTooltip: `${namespace}.option.1.tooltip`,
selected: [
text: `${namespace}.option.1.selected`,
speaker: `${namespace}.speaker`
.withOptionPhase(async (scene: BattleScene) => {
const encounter = scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter;
// Spawn battle
const config: EnemyPartyConfig = encounter.enemyPartyConfigs[0];
setEncounterRewards(scene, { fillRemaining: true });
// TODO: when Magic Room and Wonder Room are implemented, add those to start of battle
{ // Mr. Mime copies the Blacephalon's random ability
sourceBattlerIndex: BattlerIndex.ENEMY,
targets: [BattlerIndex.ENEMY_2],
move: new PokemonMove(Moves.ROLE_PLAY),
ignorePp: true
sourceBattlerIndex: BattlerIndex.ENEMY_2,
targets: [BattlerIndex.PLAYER],
move: new PokemonMove(Moves.TAUNT),
ignorePp: true
sourceBattlerIndex: BattlerIndex.ENEMY_2,
targets: [BattlerIndex.PLAYER_2],
move: new PokemonMove(Moves.TAUNT),
ignorePp: true
await transitionMysteryEncounterIntroVisuals(scene);
await initBattleWithEnemyConfig(scene, config);
.withPostOptionPhase(async (scene: BattleScene): Promise<boolean> => {
// After the battle, offer the player the opportunity to permanently swap ability
const abilityWasSwapped = await handleSwapAbility(scene);
if (abilityWasSwapped) {
await showEncounterText(scene, `${namespace}.option.1.ability_gained`);
// Play animations once ability swap is complete
// Trainer sprite that is shown at end of battle is not the same as mystery encounter intro visuals
targets: scene.currentBattle.trainer,
x: "+=16",
y: "-=16",
alpha: 0,
ease: "Sine.easeInOut",
duration: 250
const background = new EncounterBattleAnim(EncounterAnim.SMOKESCREEN, scene.getPlayerPokemon()!, scene.getPlayerPokemon());
background.playWithoutTargets(scene, 230, 40, 2);
return true;
buttonLabel: `${namespace}.option.2.label`,
buttonTooltip: `${namespace}.option.2.tooltip`,
selected: [
text: `${namespace}.option.2.selected`,
speaker: `${namespace}.speaker`
text: `${namespace}.option.2.selected_2`,
text: `${namespace}.option.2.selected_3`,
speaker: `${namespace}.speaker`
.withPreOptionPhase(async (scene: BattleScene) => {
// Swap player's items on pokemon with the most items
// Item comparisons look at whichever Pokemon has the greatest number of TRANSFERABLE, non-berry items
// So Vitamins, form change items, etc. are not included
const encounter = scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter;
const party = scene.getParty();
let mostHeldItemsPokemon = party[0];
let count = mostHeldItemsPokemon.getHeldItems()
.filter(m => m.isTransferrable && !(m instanceof BerryModifier))
.reduce((v, m) => v + m.stackCount, 0);
party.forEach(pokemon => {
const nextCount = pokemon.getHeldItems()
.filter(m => m.isTransferrable && !(m instanceof BerryModifier))
.reduce((v, m) => v + m.stackCount, 0);
if (nextCount > count) {
mostHeldItemsPokemon = pokemon;
count = nextCount;
encounter.setDialogueToken("switchPokemon", mostHeldItemsPokemon.getNameToRender());
const items = mostHeldItemsPokemon.getHeldItems();
// Shuffles Berries (if they have any)
let numBerries = 0;
items.filter(m => m instanceof BerryModifier)
.forEach(m => {
numBerries += m.stackCount;
generateItemsOfTier(scene, mostHeldItemsPokemon, numBerries, "Berries");
// Shuffle Transferable held items in the same tier (only shuffles Ultra and Rogue atm)
let numUltra = 0;
let numRogue = 0;
items.filter(m => m.isTransferrable && !(m instanceof BerryModifier))
.forEach(m => {
const type = m.type.withTierFromPool();
const tier = type.tier ?? ModifierTier.ULTRA;
if (type.id === "LUCKY_EGG" || tier === ModifierTier.ULTRA) {
numUltra += m.stackCount;
} else if (type.id === "GOLDEN_EGG" || tier === ModifierTier.ROGUE) {
numRogue += m.stackCount;
generateItemsOfTier(scene, mostHeldItemsPokemon, numUltra, ModifierTier.ULTRA);
generateItemsOfTier(scene, mostHeldItemsPokemon, numRogue, ModifierTier.ROGUE);
.withOptionPhase(async (scene: BattleScene) => {
leaveEncounterWithoutBattle(scene, true);
.withPostOptionPhase(async (scene: BattleScene) => {
// Play animations
const background = new EncounterBattleAnim(EncounterAnim.SMOKESCREEN, scene.getPlayerPokemon()!, scene.getPlayerPokemon());
background.playWithoutTargets(scene, 230, 40, 2);
await transitionMysteryEncounterIntroVisuals(scene);
buttonLabel: `${namespace}.option.3.label`,
buttonTooltip: `${namespace}.option.3.tooltip`,
selected: [
text: `${namespace}.option.3.selected`,
speaker: `${namespace}.speaker`
text: `${namespace}.option.3.selected_2`,
text: `${namespace}.option.3.selected_3`,
speaker: `${namespace}.speaker`
.withPreOptionPhase(async (scene: BattleScene) => {
// Swap player's types on all party pokemon
// If a Pokemon had a single type prior, they will still have a single type after
for (const pokemon of scene.getParty()) {
const originalTypes = pokemon.getTypes(false, false, true);
// If the Pokemon has non-status moves that don't match the Pokemon's type, prioritizes those as the new type
// Makes the "randomness" of the shuffle slightly less punishing
let priorityTypes = pokemon.moveset
.filter(move => move && !originalTypes.includes(move.getMove().type) && move.getMove().category !== MoveCategory.STATUS)
.map(move => move!.getMove().type);
if (priorityTypes?.length > 0) {
priorityTypes = [...new Set(priorityTypes)];
let newTypes;
if (!originalTypes || originalTypes.length < 1) {
newTypes = priorityTypes?.length > 0 ? [priorityTypes.pop()] : [(randSeedInt(18) as Type)];
} else {
newTypes = originalTypes.map(m => {
if (priorityTypes?.length > 0) {
const ret = priorityTypes.pop();
return ret;
return randSeedInt(18) as Type;
if (!pokemon.mysteryEncounterData) {
pokemon.mysteryEncounterData = new MysteryEncounterPokemonData(undefined, undefined, undefined, newTypes);
} else {
pokemon.mysteryEncounterData.types = newTypes;
.withOptionPhase(async (scene: BattleScene) => {
leaveEncounterWithoutBattle(scene, true);
.withPostOptionPhase(async (scene: BattleScene) => {
// Play animations
const background = new EncounterBattleAnim(EncounterAnim.SMOKESCREEN, scene.getPlayerPokemon()!, scene.getPlayerPokemon());
background.playWithoutTargets(scene, 230, 40, 2);
await transitionMysteryEncounterIntroVisuals(scene);
text: `${namespace}.outro`,
async function handleSwapAbility(scene: BattleScene) {
return new Promise<boolean>(async resolve => {
await showEncounterDialogue(scene, `${namespace}.option.1.apply_ability_dialogue`, `${namespace}.speaker`);
await showEncounterText(scene, `${namespace}.option.1.apply_ability_message`);
scene.ui.setMode(Mode.MESSAGE).then(() => {
displayYesNoOptions(scene, resolve);
function displayYesNoOptions(scene: BattleScene, resolve) {
showEncounterText(scene, `${namespace}.option.1.ability_prompt`, 500, false);
const fullOptions = [
label: i18next.t("menu:yes"),
handler: () => {
onYesAbilitySwap(scene, resolve);
return true;
label: i18next.t("menu:no"),
handler: () => {
return true;
const config: OptionSelectConfig = {
options: fullOptions,
maxOptions: 7,
yOffset: 0
scene.ui.setModeWithoutClear(Mode.OPTION_SELECT, config, null, true);
function onYesAbilitySwap(scene: BattleScene, resolve) {
const onPokemonSelected = (pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => {
// Do ability swap
if (!pokemon.mysteryEncounterData) {
pokemon.mysteryEncounterData = new MysteryEncounterPokemonData(undefined, Abilities.AERILATE);
pokemon.mysteryEncounterData.ability = scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter.misc.ability;
scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter.setDialogueToken("chosenPokemon", pokemon.getNameToRender());
scene.ui.setMode(Mode.MESSAGE).then(() => resolve(true));
const onPokemonNotSelected = () => {
scene.ui.setMode(Mode.MESSAGE).then(() => {
displayYesNoOptions(scene, resolve);
selectPokemonForOption(scene, onPokemonSelected, onPokemonNotSelected);
function generateItemsOfTier(scene: BattleScene, pokemon: PlayerPokemon, numItems: integer, tier: ModifierTier | "Berries") {
// These pools have to be defined at runtime so that modifierTypes exist
// Pools have instances of the modifier type equal to the max stacks that modifier can be applied to any one pokemon
// This is to prevent "over-generating" a random item of a certain type during item swaps
const ultraPool = [
[modifierTypes.REVIVER_SEED, 1],
[modifierTypes.GOLDEN_PUNCH, 5],
[modifierTypes.ATTACK_TYPE_BOOSTER, 99],
[modifierTypes.QUICK_CLAW, 3],
[modifierTypes.WIDE_LENS, 3]
const roguePool = [
[modifierTypes.LEFTOVERS, 4],
[modifierTypes.SHELL_BELL, 4],
[modifierTypes.SOUL_DEW, 10],
[modifierTypes.SOOTHE_BELL, 3],
[modifierTypes.SCOPE_LENS, 1],
[modifierTypes.BATON, 1],
[modifierTypes.FOCUS_BAND, 5],
[modifierTypes.KINGS_ROCK, 3],
[modifierTypes.GRIP_CLAW, 5]
const berryPool = [
[BerryType.APICOT, 3],
[BerryType.ENIGMA, 2],
[BerryType.GANLON, 3],
[BerryType.LANSAT, 3],
[BerryType.LEPPA, 2],
[BerryType.LIECHI, 3],
[BerryType.LUM, 2],
[BerryType.PETAYA, 3],
[BerryType.SALAC, 2],
[BerryType.SITRUS, 2],
[BerryType.STARF, 3]
let pool: any[];
if (tier === "Berries") {
pool = berryPool;
} else {
pool = tier === ModifierTier.ULTRA ? ultraPool : roguePool;
for (let i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
const randIndex = randSeedInt(pool.length);
const newItemType = pool[randIndex];
let newMod;
if (tier === "Berries") {
newMod = generateModifierType(scene, modifierTypes.BERRY, [newItemType[0]]) as PokemonHeldItemModifierType;
} else {
newMod = generateModifierType(scene, newItemType[0]) as PokemonHeldItemModifierType;
applyModifierTypeToPlayerPokemon(scene, pokemon, newMod);
// Decrement max stacks and remove from pool if at max
if (newItemType[1] <= 0) {
pool.splice(randIndex, 1);
@ -30,5 +30,5 @@ export const clowningAroundDialogue = {
selected_3: "Flustered fool, fall for my flawless deception!",
outro: "The clown and his cohorts\n in a puff of smoke."
outro: "The clown and his cohorts\ndisappear in a puff of smoke."
Reference in New Issue
Block a user