mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 05:15:17 +00:00
[QoL] Test dialogue menu option (#3725)
* Adding code to allow use of a testing dialogue translation menu * Updated to include autocomplete functionality * Added multiple inputs * Added locales for other languages as well as checks to make this only available on local/beta * Updated a few things to try get the dialogue to work for full length of the window * Fixed issue with message box not taking up full length of the screen (thanks Moka!) and some minor bugs * Whoops, forgot to stage a file * Updated locale files * Fixed broken tests and docs * Removed keys from json * Reordered and reorganised some things * Put admin enum at end to match handlers * Removed old unneeded line of code * Updated to include the ability to handle cases where i18 keys are null in the locales json
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
"importSlotSelect": "Select a slot to import to.",
"exportSession": "Export Session",
"exportSlotSelect": "Select a slot to export from.",
"importRunHistory":"Import Run History",
"exportRunHistory":"Export Run History",
"importRunHistory": "Import Run History",
"exportRunHistory": "Export Run History",
"importData": "Import Data",
"exportData": "Export Data",
"consentPreferences": "Consent Preferences",
@ -77,7 +77,21 @@ export default abstract class AbstractOptionSelectUiHandler extends UiHandler {
protected setupOptions() {
const options = this.config?.options || [];
const configOptions = this.config?.options ?? [];
let options: OptionSelectItem[];
// for performance reasons, this limits how many options we can see at once. Without this, it would try to make text options for every single options
// which makes the performance take a hit. If there's not enough options to do this (set to 10 at the moment) and the ui mode !== Mode.AUTO_COMPLETE,
// this is ignored and the original code is untouched, with the options array being all the options from the config
if (configOptions.length >= 10 && this.scene.ui.getMode() === Mode.AUTO_COMPLETE) {
const optionsScrollTotal = configOptions.length;
const optionStartIndex = this.scrollCursor;
const optionEndIndex = Math.min(optionsScrollTotal, optionStartIndex + (!optionStartIndex || this.scrollCursor + (this.config?.maxOptions! - 1) >= optionsScrollTotal ? this.config?.maxOptions! - 1 : this.config?.maxOptions! - 2));
options = configOptions.slice(optionStartIndex, optionEndIndex + 2);
} else {
options = configOptions;
if (this.optionSelectText) {
@ -192,6 +206,19 @@ export default abstract class AbstractOptionSelectUiHandler extends UiHandler {
} else {
} else if (button === Button.SUBMIT && ui.getMode() === Mode.AUTO_COMPLETE) {
// this is here to differentiate between a Button.SUBMIT vs Button.ACTION within the autocomplete handler
// this is here because Button.ACTION is picked up as z on the keyboard, meaning if you're typing and hit z, it'll select the option you've chosen
success = true;
const option = this.config?.options[this.cursor + (this.scrollCursor - (this.scrollCursor ? 1 : 0))];
if (option?.handler()) {
if (!option.keepOpen) {
playSound = !option.overrideSound;
} else {
} else {
switch (button) {
case Button.UP:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
import { Button } from "#enums/buttons";
import BattleScene from "../battle-scene";
import AbstractOptionSelectUiHandler from "./abstact-option-select-ui-handler";
import { Mode } from "./ui";
export default class AutoCompleteUiHandler extends AbstractOptionSelectUiHandler {
modalContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container;
constructor(scene: BattleScene, mode: Mode = Mode.OPTION_SELECT) {
super(scene, mode);
getWindowWidth(): integer {
return 64;
show(args: any[]): boolean {
if (args[0].modalContainer) {
const { modalContainer } = args[0];
const show = super.show(args);
this.modalContainer = modalContainer;
return show;
return false;
protected setupOptions() {
if (this.modalContainer) {
this.optionSelectContainer.setSize(this.optionSelectContainer.height, Math.max(this.optionSelectText.displayWidth + 24, this.getWindowWidth()));
this.optionSelectContainer.setPositionRelative(this.modalContainer, this.optionSelectBg.width, this.optionSelectBg.height + 50);
processInput(button: Button): boolean {
// the cancel and action button are here because if you're typing, x and z are used for cancel/action. This means you could be typing something and accidentally cancel/select when you don't mean to
// the submit button is therefore used to select a choice (the enter button), though this does not work on my local dev testing for phones, as for my phone/keyboard combo, the enter and z key are both
// bound to Button.ACTION, which makes this not work on mobile
if (button !== Button.CANCEL && button !== Button.ACTION) {
return super.processInput(button);
return false;
@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ export default class BattleMessageUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
public movesWindowContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container;
public nameBoxContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container;
public readonly wordWrapWidth: number = 1780;
constructor(scene: BattleScene) {
super(scene, Mode.MESSAGE);
@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ export default class BattleMessageUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
const message = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, "", TextStyle.MESSAGE, {
maxLines: 2,
wordWrap: {
width: 1780
width: this.wordWrapWidth
@ -129,7 +131,7 @@ export default class BattleMessageUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
return true;
@ -161,7 +163,9 @@ export default class BattleMessageUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
showDialogue(text: string, name?: string, delay?: integer | null, callback?: Function, callbackDelay?: integer, prompt?: boolean, promptDelay?: integer) {
name && this.showNameText(name);
if (name) {
super.showDialogue(text, name, delay, callback, callbackDelay, prompt, promptDelay);
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import BattleScene, { bypassLogin } from "../battle-scene";
import { TextStyle, addTextObject, getTextStyleOptions } from "./text";
import { Mode } from "./ui";
import * as Utils from "../utils";
import { addWindow } from "./ui-theme";
import { addWindow, WindowVariant } from "./ui-theme";
import MessageUiHandler from "./message-ui-handler";
import { OptionSelectConfig, OptionSelectItem } from "./abstact-option-select-ui-handler";
import { Tutorial, handleTutorial } from "../tutorial";
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import i18next from "i18next";
import { Button } from "#enums/buttons";
import { GameDataType } from "#enums/game-data-type";
import BgmBar from "#app/ui/bgm-bar";
import AwaitableUiHandler from "./awaitable-ui-handler";
enum MenuOptions {
@ -31,6 +32,10 @@ const githubUrl = "https://github.com/pagefaultgames/pokerogue";
const redditUrl = "https://www.reddit.com/r/pokerogue";
export default class MenuUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
private readonly textPadding = 8;
private readonly defaultMessageBoxWidth = 220;
private readonly defaultWordWrapWidth = 1224;
private menuContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container;
private menuMessageBoxContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container;
private menuOverlay: Phaser.GameObjects.Rectangle;
@ -46,17 +51,20 @@ export default class MenuUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
protected manageDataConfig: OptionSelectConfig;
protected communityConfig: OptionSelectConfig;
// Windows for the default message box and the message box for testing dialogue
private menuMessageBox: Phaser.GameObjects.NineSlice;
private dialogueMessageBox: Phaser.GameObjects.NineSlice;
protected scale: number = 0.1666666667;
public bgmBar: BgmBar;
constructor(scene: BattleScene, mode: Mode | null = null) {
super(scene, mode);
this.excludedMenus = () => [
{ condition: [Mode.COMMAND, Mode.TITLE].includes(mode ?? Mode.TITLE), options: [ MenuOptions.EGG_GACHA, MenuOptions.EGG_LIST] },
{ condition: bypassLogin, options: [ MenuOptions.LOG_OUT ] }
{ condition: [Mode.COMMAND, Mode.TITLE].includes(mode ?? Mode.TITLE), options: [MenuOptions.EGG_GACHA, MenuOptions.EGG_LIST] },
{ condition: bypassLogin, options: [MenuOptions.LOG_OUT] }
this.menuOptions = Utils.getEnumKeys(MenuOptions)
@ -98,8 +106,8 @@ export default class MenuUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
render() {
const ui = this.getUi();
this.excludedMenus = () => [
{ condition: ![Mode.COMMAND, Mode.TITLE].includes(ui.getModeChain()[0]), options: [ MenuOptions.EGG_GACHA, MenuOptions.EGG_LIST] },
{ condition: bypassLogin, options: [ MenuOptions.LOG_OUT ] }
{ condition: ![Mode.COMMAND, Mode.TITLE].includes(ui.getModeChain()[0]), options: [MenuOptions.EGG_GACHA, MenuOptions.EGG_LIST] },
{ condition: bypassLogin, options: [MenuOptions.LOG_OUT] }
this.menuOptions = Utils.getEnumKeys(MenuOptions)
@ -115,12 +123,12 @@ export default class MenuUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
this.menuBg = addWindow(this.scene,
(this.scene.game.canvas.width / 6) - (this.optionSelectText.displayWidth + 25),
this.optionSelectText.displayWidth + 19+24*this.scale,
this.optionSelectText.displayWidth + 19 + 24 * this.scale,
(this.scene.game.canvas.height / 6) - 2
this.menuBg.setOrigin(0, 0);
this.optionSelectText.setPositionRelative(this.menuBg, 10+24*this.scale, 6);
this.optionSelectText.setPositionRelative(this.menuBg, 10 + 24 * this.scale, 6);
@ -131,20 +139,27 @@ export default class MenuUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
this.menuMessageBoxContainer = this.scene.add.container(0, 130);
const menuMessageBox = addWindow(this.scene, 0, -0, 220, 48);
menuMessageBox.setOrigin(0, 0);
// Window for general messages
this.menuMessageBox = addWindow(this.scene, 0, 0, this.defaultMessageBoxWidth, 48);
this.menuMessageBox.setOrigin(0, 0);
const menuMessageText = addTextObject(this.scene, 8, 8, "", TextStyle.WINDOW, { maxLines: 2 });
// Full-width window used for testing dialog messages in debug mode
this.dialogueMessageBox = addWindow(this.scene, -this.textPadding, 0, this.scene.game.canvas.width / 6 + this.textPadding * 2, 49, false, false, 0, 0, WindowVariant.THIN);
this.dialogueMessageBox.setOrigin(0, 0);
const menuMessageText = addTextObject(this.scene, this.textPadding, this.textPadding, "", TextStyle.WINDOW, { maxLines: 2 });
menuMessageText.setOrigin(0, 0);
this.message = menuMessageText;
// By default we use the general purpose message window
const manageDataOptions: any[] = []; // TODO: proper type
@ -155,7 +170,7 @@ export default class MenuUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
const config: OptionSelectConfig = {
options: new Array(5).fill(null).map((_, i) => i).filter(slotFilter).map(i => {
return {
label: i18next.t("menuUiHandler:slot", {slotNumber: i+1}),
label: i18next.t("menuUiHandler:slot", { slotNumber: i + 1 }),
handler: () => {
@ -257,8 +272,55 @@ export default class MenuUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
return true;
keepOpen: true
if (Utils.isLocal || Utils.isBeta) { // this should make sure we don't have this option in live
label: "Test Dialogue",
handler: () => {
const prefilledText = "";
const buttonAction: any = {};
buttonAction["buttonActions"] = [
(sanitizedName: string) => {
const dialogueTestName = sanitizedName;
const dialogueName = decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(dialogueTestName)));
const handler = ui.getHandler() as AwaitableUiHandler;
handler.tutorialActive = true;
const interpolatorOptions: any = {};
const splitArr = dialogueName.split(" "); // this splits our inputted text into words to cycle through later
const translatedString = splitArr[0]; // this is our outputted i18 string
const regex = RegExp("\\{\\{(\\w*)\\}\\}", "g"); // this is a regex expression to find all the text between {{ }} in the i18 output
const matches = i18next.t(translatedString).match(regex) ?? [];
if (matches.length > 0) {
for (let match = 0; match < matches.length; match++) {
// we add 1 here because splitArr[0] is our first value for the translatedString, and after that is where the variables are
// the regex here in the replace (/\W/g) is to remove the {{ and }} and just give us all alphanumeric characters
if (typeof splitArr[match + 1] !== "undefined") {
interpolatorOptions[matches[match].replace(/\W/g, "")] = i18next.t(splitArr[match + 1]);
// Switch to the dialog test window
ui.showText(String(i18next.t(translatedString, interpolatorOptions)), null, () => this.scene.ui.showText("", 0, () => {
handler.tutorialActive = false;
// Go back to the default message window
}), null, true);
() => {
ui.setMode(Mode.TEST_DIALOGUE, buttonAction, prefilledText);
return true;
keepOpen: true
label: i18next.t("menuUiHandler:cancel"),
handler: () => {
@ -421,7 +483,7 @@ export default class MenuUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
case MenuOptions.MANAGE_DATA:
if (!bypassLogin && !this.manageDataConfig.options.some(o => o.label === i18next.t("menuUiHandler:linkDiscord") || o.label === i18next.t("menuUiHandler:unlinkDiscord"))) {
this.manageDataConfig.options.splice(this.manageDataConfig.options.length-1, 0,
this.manageDataConfig.options.splice(this.manageDataConfig.options.length - 1, 0,
label: loggedInUser?.discordId === "" ? i18next.t("menuUiHandler:linkDiscord") : i18next.t("menuUiHandler:unlinkDiscord"),
handler: () => {
@ -547,6 +609,21 @@ export default class MenuUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
return success || error;
* Switch the message window style and size when we are replaying dialog for debug purposes
* In "dialog test mode", the window takes the whole width of the screen and the text
* is set up to wrap around the same way as the dialogue during the game
* @param isDialogMode whether to use the dialog test
setDialogTestMode(isDialogMode: boolean) {
// If we're testing dialog, we use the same word wrapping as the battle message handler
this.message.setWordWrapWidth(isDialogMode ? this.scene.ui.getMessageHandler().wordWrapWidth : this.defaultWordWrapWidth);
this.message.setX(isDialogMode ? this.textPadding + 1 : this.textPadding);
this.message.setY(isDialogMode ? this.textPadding + 0.4 : this.textPadding);
showText(text: string, delay?: number, callback?: Function, callbackDelay?: number, prompt?: boolean, promptDelay?: number): void {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
import { FormModalUiHandler } from "./form-modal-ui-handler";
import { ModalConfig } from "./modal-ui-handler";
import i18next from "i18next";
import { PlayerPokemon } from "#app/field/pokemon";
import { OptionSelectItem } from "./abstact-option-select-ui-handler";
import { isNullOrUndefined } from "#app/utils";
import { Mode } from "./ui";
export default class TestDialogueUiHandler extends FormModalUiHandler {
keys: string[];
constructor(scene, mode) {
super(scene, mode);
setup() {
const flattenKeys = (object, topKey?: string, midleKey?: string[]): Array<any> => {
return Object.keys(object).map((t, i) => {
const value = Object.values(object)[i];
if (typeof value === "object" && !isNullOrUndefined(value)) { // we check for not null or undefined here because if the language json file has a null key, the typeof will still be an object, but that object will be null, causing issues
// If the value is an object, execute the same process
// si el valor es un objeto ejecuta el mismo proceso
return flattenKeys(value, topKey ?? t, topKey ? midleKey ? [...midleKey, t] : [t] : undefined).filter((t) => t.length > 0);
} else if (typeof value === "string" || isNullOrUndefined(value)) { // we check for null or undefined here as per above - the typeof is still an object but the value is null so we need to exit out of this and pass the null key
// Return in the format expected by i18next
return midleKey ? `${topKey}:${midleKey.map((m) => m).join(".")}.${t}` : `${topKey}:${t}`;
}).filter((t) => t);
const keysInArrays = flattenKeys(i18next.getDataByLanguage(String(i18next.resolvedLanguage))).filter((t) => t.length > 0); // Array of arrays
const keys = keysInArrays.flat(Infinity).map(String); // One array of string
this.keys = keys;
getModalTitle(config?: ModalConfig): string {
return "Test Dialogue";
getFields(config?: ModalConfig): string[] {
return [ "Dialogue" ];
getWidth(config?: ModalConfig): number {
return 300;
getMargin(config?: ModalConfig): [number, number, number, number] {
return [ 0, 0, 48, 0 ];
getButtonLabels(config?: ModalConfig): string[] {
return [ "Check", "Cancel" ];
getReadableErrorMessage(error: string): string {
const colonIndex = error?.indexOf(":");
if (colonIndex > 0) {
error = error.slice(0, colonIndex);
return super.getReadableErrorMessage(error);
show(args: any[]): boolean {
const ui = this.getUi();
const input = this.inputs[0];
input.on("keydown", (inputObject, evt: KeyboardEvent) => {
if (["escape", "space"].some((v) => v === evt.key.toLowerCase() || v === evt.code.toLowerCase()) && ui.getMode() === Mode.AUTO_COMPLETE) {
// Delete autocomplete list and recovery focus.
inputObject.on("blur", () => inputObject.node.focus(), { once: true });
input.on("textchange", (inputObject, evt: InputEvent) => {
// Delete autocomplete.
if (ui.getMode() === Mode.AUTO_COMPLETE) {
let options: OptionSelectItem[] = [];
const splitArr = inputObject.text.split(" ");
const filteredKeys = this.keys.filter((command) => command.toLowerCase().includes(splitArr[splitArr.length - 1].toLowerCase()));
if (inputObject.text !== "" && filteredKeys.length > 0) {
// if performance is required, you could reduce the number of total results by changing the slice below to not have all ~8000 inputs going
options = filteredKeys.slice(0).map((value) => {
return {
label: value,
handler: () => {
// this is here to make sure that if you try to backspace then enter, the last known evt.data (backspace) is picked up
// this is because evt.data is null for backspace, so without this, the autocomplete windows just closes
if (!isNullOrUndefined(evt.data) || evt.inputType?.toLowerCase() === "deletecontentbackward") {
const separatedArray = inputObject.text.split(" ");
separatedArray[separatedArray.length - 1] = value;
inputObject.setText(separatedArray.join(" "));
return true;
if (options.length > 0) {
const modalOpts = {
options: options,
maxOptions: 5,
modalContainer: this.modalContainer
ui.setOverlayMode(Mode.AUTO_COMPLETE, modalOpts);
if (super.show(args)) {
const config = args[0] as ModalConfig;
this.inputs[0].resize(1150, 116);
this.inputContainers[0].list[0].width = 200;
if (args[1] && typeof (args[1] as PlayerPokemon).getNameToRender === "function") {
this.inputs[0].text = (args[1] as PlayerPokemon).getNameToRender();
} else {
this.inputs[0].text = args[1];
this.submitAction = (_) => {
if (ui.getMode() === Mode.TEST_DIALOGUE) {
const sanitizedName = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(this.inputs[0].text)));
return true;
return false;
return true;
return false;
@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ import RenameFormUiHandler from "./rename-form-ui-handler";
import AdminUiHandler from "./admin-ui-handler";
import RunHistoryUiHandler from "./run-history-ui-handler";
import RunInfoUiHandler from "./run-info-ui-handler";
import TestDialogueUiHandler from "#app/ui/test-dialogue-ui-handler";
import AutoCompleteUiHandler from "./autocomplete-ui-handler";
export enum Mode {
@ -89,6 +91,8 @@ export enum Mode {
@ -127,6 +131,8 @@ const noTransitionModes = [
@ -191,6 +197,8 @@ export default class UI extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
new RenameFormUiHandler(scene),
new RunHistoryUiHandler(scene),
new RunInfoUiHandler(scene),
new TestDialogueUiHandler(scene, Mode.TEST_DIALOGUE),
new AutoCompleteUiHandler(scene),
new AdminUiHandler(scene),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user