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synced 2025-03-26 11:38:54 +00:00
Updated spanish translations (#1500)
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/plugins/i18n";
export const battle: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"bossAppeared": "¡{{bossName}} te corta el paso!",
"trainerAppeared": "¡{{trainerName}}\nte desafía!",
"trainerAppearedDouble": "{{trainerName}}\nwould like to battle!",
"trainerSendOut": "{{trainerName}} sent out\n{{pokemonName}}!",
"trainerAppearedDouble": "¡{{trainerName}}\nwould te desafían!",
"trainerSendOut": "¡{{trainerName}} saca a\n{{pokemonName}}!",
"singleWildAppeared": "¡Un {{pokemonName}} salvaje te corta el paso!",
"multiWildAppeared": "¡Un {{pokemonName1}} y un {{pokemonName2}} salvajes\nte cortan el paso!",
"playerComeBack": "¡{{pokemonName}}, ven aquí!",
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ export const battle: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"trainerGo": "¡{{trainerName}} saca a {{pokemonName}}!",
"switchQuestion": "¿Quieres cambiar a\n{{pokemonName}}?",
"trainerDefeated": "¡Has derrotado a\n{{trainerName}}!",
"moneyWon": "You got\n₽{{moneyAmount}} for winning!",
"moneyWon": "¡Has ganado\n₽{{moneyAmount}} por vencer!",
"pokemonCaught": "¡{{pokemonName}} atrapado!",
"partyFull": "Your party is full.\nRelease a Pokémon to make room for {{pokemonName}}?",
"partyFull": "Tu equipo esta completo.\n¿Quieres liberar un Pokémon para meter a {{pokemonName}}?",
"pokemon": "Pokémon",
"sendOutPokemon": "¡Adelante, {{pokemonName}}!",
"hitResultCriticalHit": "!Un golpe crítico!",
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ export const battle: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"learnMoveAnd": "Y…",
"levelCapUp": "¡Se ha incrementado el\nnivel máximo a {{levelCap}}!",
"moveNotImplemented": "{{moveName}} aún no está implementado y no se puede seleccionar.",
"moveNoPP": "There's no PP left for\nthis move!",
"moveNoPP": "¡No hay suficientes PP\npara este movimiento!",
"moveDisabled": "!No puede usar {{moveName}} porque ha sido anulado!",
"noPokeballForce": "Una fuerza misteriosa\nte impide usar Poké Balls.",
"noPokeballTrainer": "¡No puedes atrapar a los\nPokémon de los demás!",
@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/plugins/i18n";
export const biome: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"unknownLocation": "Somewhere you can\'t remember",
"TOWN": "Town",
"PLAINS": "Plains",
"GRASS": "Grassy Field",
"TALL_GRASS": "Tall Grass",
"METROPOLIS": "Metropolis",
"FOREST": "Forest",
"SEA": "Sea",
"SWAMP": "Swamp",
"BEACH": "Beach",
"LAKE": "Lake",
"SEABED": "Seabed",
"MOUNTAIN": "Mountain",
"unknownLocation": "En algún lugar que no puedes recordar",
"TOWN": "Ciudad",
"PLAINS": "Valle",
"GRASS": "Campo",
"TALL_GRASS": "Pradera de Hierba Alta",
"METROPOLIS": "Metrópolis",
"FOREST": "Bosque",
"SEA": "Mar",
"SWAMP": "Pantano",
"BEACH": "Playa",
"LAKE": "Lago",
"SEABED": "Fondo del mar",
"MOUNTAIN": "Montaña",
"BADLANDS": "Badlands",
"CAVE": "Cave",
"DESERT": "Desert",
"ICE_CAVE": "Ice Cave",
"MEADOW": "Meadow",
"POWER_PLANT": "Power Plant",
"VOLCANO": "Volcano",
"GRAVEYARD": "Graveyard",
"CAVE": "Cueva",
"DESERT": "Desierto",
"ICE_CAVE": "Cueva Helada",
"MEADOW": "Prado",
"POWER_PLANT": "Central Eléctrica",
"VOLCANO": "Volcán",
"GRAVEYARD": "Cementerio",
"DOJO": "Dojo",
"FACTORY": "Factory",
"RUINS": "Ancient Ruins",
"WASTELAND": "Wasteland",
"ABYSS": "Abyss",
"SPACE": "Space",
"CONSTRUCTION_SITE": "Construction Site",
"JUNGLE": "Jungle",
"FAIRY_CAVE": "Fairy Cave",
"TEMPLE": "Temple",
"SLUM": "Slum",
"SNOWY_FOREST": "Snowy Forest",
"ISLAND": "Island",
"LABORATORY": "Laboratory",
"FACTORY": "Fábrica",
"RUINS": "Ruinas Antiguas",
"WASTELAND": "Páramo",
"ABYSS": "Abismo",
"SPACE": "Espacio",
"JUNGLE": "Jungla",
"FAIRY_CAVE": "Cueva de Hadas",
"TEMPLE": "Templo",
"SLUM": "Suburbio",
"SNOWY_FOREST": "Bosque nevado",
"ISLAND": "Isla",
"LABORATORY": "Laboratorio",
"END": "???",
} as const;
@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ import {SimpleTranslationEntries} from "#app/plugins/i18n";
// Titles of special trainers like gym leaders, elite four, and the champion
export const titles: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"elite_four": "Elite Four",
"elite_four_female": "Elite Four",
"gym_leader": "Gym Leader",
"gym_leader_female": "Gym Leader",
"gym_leader_double": "Gym Leader Duo",
"champion": "Champion",
"champion_female": "Champion",
"champion_double": "Champion Duo",
"elite_four": "Alto Mando",
"elite_four_female": "Alto Mando",
"gym_leader": "Líder de gimnasio",
"gym_leader_female": "Líder de gimnasio",
"gym_leader_double": "Líderes de Gimnasio",
"champion": "Campeón",
"champion_female": "Campeona",
"champion_double": "Campeones",
"rival": "Rival",
"professor": "Professor",
"frontier_brain": "Frontier Brain",
"professor": "Profesor",
"frontier_brain": "As del Frente Batalla",
// Maybe if we add the evil teams we can add "Team Rocket" and "Team Aqua" etc. here as well as "Team Rocket Boss" and "Team Aqua Admin" etc.
} as const;
Reference in New Issue
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