diff --git a/src/locales/zh_TW/ability-trigger.ts b/src/locales/zh_TW/ability-trigger.ts index 7809b6deff1..24476c2c76e 100644 --- a/src/locales/zh_TW/ability-trigger.ts +++ b/src/locales/zh_TW/ability-trigger.ts @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/interfaces/locales"; export const abilityTriggers: SimpleTranslationEntries = { - "blockRecoilDamage" : "{{pokemonName}} 的 {{abilityName}}\n抵消了反作用力!", - "badDreams": "{{pokemonName}} 被折磨着!", - "costar": "{{pokemonName}} copied {{allyName}}'s stat changes!", - "iceFaceAvoidedDamage": "{{pokemonName}} avoided\ndamage with {{abilityName}}!", - "trace": "{{pokemonName}} copied {{targetName}}'s\n{{abilityName}}!", - "windPowerCharged": "Being hit by {{moveName}} charged {{pokemonName}} with power!", + "blockRecoilDamage" : "{{pokemonName}} 的 {{abilityName}}\n抵消了反作用力!", + "badDreams": "{{pokemonName}} 被折磨着!", + "costar": "{{pokemonName}} 複製了 {{allyName}} 的\n能力變化!", + "iceFaceAvoidedDamage": "{{pokemonName}} 因爲 {{abilityName}}\n避免了傷害!", + "trace": "{{pokemonName}} 複製了 {{targetName}} 的\n{{abilityName}}!", + "windPowerCharged": "受 {{moveName}} 的影響, {{pokemonName}} 提升了能力!", } as const; diff --git a/src/locales/zh_TW/achv.ts b/src/locales/zh_TW/achv.ts index 4f59ecb2135..8b85f59447e 100644 --- a/src/locales/zh_TW/achv.ts +++ b/src/locales/zh_TW/achv.ts @@ -3,266 +3,266 @@ import { AchievementTranslationEntries } from "#app/interfaces/locales.js"; // Achievement translations for the when the player character is male export const PGMachv: AchievementTranslationEntries = { "Achievements": { - name: "Achievements", + name: "成就", }, "Locked": { - name: "Locked", + name: "未解鎖", }, "MoneyAchv": { - description: "Accumulate a total of ₽{{moneyAmount}}", + description: "累計獲得 ₽{{moneyAmount}}", }, "10K_MONEY": { - name: "Money Haver", + name: "小有積蓄", }, "100K_MONEY": { - name: "Rich", + name: "大戶人家", }, "1M_MONEY": { - name: "Millionaire", + name: "百萬富翁", }, "10M_MONEY": { - name: "One Percenter", + name: "暴發戶", }, "DamageAchv": { - description: "Inflict {{damageAmount}} damage in one hit", + description: "在單次攻擊中造成 {{damageAmount}} 點傷害", }, "250_DMG": { - name: "Hard Hitter", + name: "重拳出擊", }, "1000_DMG": { - name: "Harder Hitter", + name: "神拳猛擊", }, "2500_DMG": { - name: "That's a Lotta Damage!", + name: "奪少?", }, "10000_DMG": { - name: "One Punch Man", + name: "一拳超人", }, "HealAchv": { - description: "Heal {{healAmount}} {{HP}} at once with a move, ability, or held item", + description: "通過技能、能力或攜帶的道具一次性治療 {{healAmount}} {{HP}}點", }, "250_HEAL": { - name: "Novice Healer", + name: "新手奶媽", }, "1000_HEAL": { - name: "Big Healer", + name: "治療擔當", }, "2500_HEAL": { - name: "Cleric", + name: "牧師", }, "10000_HEAL": { - name: "Recovery Master", + name: "泉水", }, "LevelAchv": { - description: "Level up a Pokémon to Lv{{level}}", + description: "將一隻寶可夢提升到 Lv{{level}}", }, "LV_100": { - name: "But Wait, There's More!", + name: "别急,後面還有", }, "LV_250": { - name: "Elite", + name: "精英", }, "LV_1000": { - name: "To Go Even Further Beyond", + name: "天外有天", }, "RibbonAchv": { - description: "Accumulate a total of {{ribbonAmount}} Ribbons", + description: "累計獲得 {{ribbonAmount}} 個勛章", }, "10_RIBBONS": { - name: "Pokémon League Champion", + name: "寶可夢聯盟冠軍", }, "25_RIBBONS": { - name: "Great League Champion", + name: "超級球聯盟冠軍", }, "50_RIBBONS": { - name: "Ultra League Champion", + name: "高級球聯盟冠軍", }, "75_RIBBONS": { - name: "Rogue League Champion", + name: "肉鴿球聯盟冠軍", }, "100_RIBBONS": { - name: "Master League Champion", + name: "大師球聯盟冠軍", }, "TRANSFER_MAX_BATTLE_STAT": { - name: "Teamwork", - description: "Baton pass to another party member with at least one stat maxed out", + name: "團隊協作", + description: "在一項屬性強化至最大時用接力棒傳遞給其他寶可夢", }, "MAX_FRIENDSHIP": { - name: "Friendmaxxing", - description: "Reach max friendship on a Pokémon", + name: "親密無間", + description: "使一隻寶可夢的親密度達到最大值", }, "MEGA_EVOLVE": { - name: "Megamorph", - description: "Mega evolve a Pokémon", + name: "大變身", + description: "超級進化一隻寶可夢", }, "GIGANTAMAX": { - name: "Absolute Unit", - description: "Gigantamax a Pokémon", + name: "這位更是重量級", + description: "極巨化一隻寶可夢", }, "TERASTALLIZE": { - name: "STAB Enthusiast", - description: "Terastallize a Pokémon", + name: "本系愛好者", + description: "太晶化一隻寶可夢", }, "STELLAR_TERASTALLIZE": { - name: "The Hidden Type", - description: "Stellar Terastallize a Pokémon", + name: "隱藏屬性", + description: "星晶化一隻寶可夢", }, "SPLICE": { - name: "Infinite Fusion", - description: "Splice two Pokémon together with DNA Splicers", + name: "無限融合", + description: "使用基因之楔將兩隻寶可夢融合在一起", }, "MINI_BLACK_HOLE": { - name: "A Hole Lot of Items", - description: "Acquire a Mini Black Hole", + name: "一大洞的道具", + description: "獲得一個迷你黑洞", }, "CATCH_MYTHICAL": { - name: "Mythical", - description: "Catch a mythical Pokémon", + name: "神秘禮物", + description: "捕捉一隻幻之寶可夢", }, "CATCH_SUB_LEGENDARY": { - name: "(Sub-)Legendary", - description: "Catch a sub-legendary Pokémon", + name: "二級傳說", + description: "捕捉一隻準傳說寶可夢", }, "CATCH_LEGENDARY": { - name: "Legendary", - description: "Catch a legendary Pokémon", + name: "傳說", + description: "捕捉一隻傳說寶可夢", }, "SEE_SHINY": { - name: "Shiny", - description: "Find a shiny Pokémon in the wild", + name: "閃耀奪目", + description: "在野外找到一隻閃光寶可夢", }, "SHINY_PARTY": { - name: "That's Dedication", - description: "Have a full party of shiny Pokémon", + name: "嘔心瀝血", + description: "擁有一支由閃光寶可夢組成的滿員隊伍", }, "HATCH_MYTHICAL": { - name: "Mythical Egg", - description: "Hatch a mythical Pokémon from an egg", + name: "幻獸蛋", + description: "從蛋中孵化出一隻幻之寶可夢", }, "HATCH_SUB_LEGENDARY": { - name: "Sub-Legendary Egg", - description: "Hatch a sub-legendary Pokémon from an egg", + name: "二級傳說蛋", + description: "從蛋中孵化出一隻準傳說寶可夢", }, "HATCH_LEGENDARY": { - name: "Legendary Egg", - description: "Hatch a legendary Pokémon from an egg", + name: "傳說蛋", + description: "從蛋中孵化出一隻傳說寶可夢", }, "HATCH_SHINY": { - name: "Shiny Egg", - description: "Hatch a shiny Pokémon from an egg", + name: "金色傳說!", + description: "從蛋中孵化出一隻閃光寶可夢", }, "HIDDEN_ABILITY": { - name: "Hidden Potential", - description: "Catch a Pokémon with a hidden ability", + name: "隱藏實力", + description: "捕捉一隻擁有隱藏特性的寶可夢", }, "PERFECT_IVS": { - name: "Certificate of Authenticity", - description: "Get perfect IVs on a Pokémon", + name: "合格證", + description: "獲得一隻擁有完美個體值的寶可夢", }, "CLASSIC_VICTORY": { - name: "Undefeated", - description: "Beat the game in classic mode", + name: "戰無不勝", + description: "在經典模式中通關遊戲", }, "MONO_GEN_ONE": { - name: "The Original Rival", - description: "Complete the generation one only challenge.", + name: "最初的勁敵", + description: "完成僅限第一世代的挑戰.", }, "MONO_GEN_TWO": { - name: "Generation 1.5", - description: "Complete the generation two only challenge.", + name: "1.5世代", + description: "完成僅限第二世代的挑戰.", }, "MONO_GEN_THREE": { - name: "Too much water?", - description: "Complete the generation three only challenge.", + name: "“水太多了”", + description: "完成僅限第三世代的挑戰.", }, "MONO_GEN_FOUR": { - name: "Is she really the hardest?", - description: "Complete the generation four only challenge.", + name: "她真是最強冠軍嗎?", + description: "完成僅限第四世代的挑戰.", }, "MONO_GEN_FIVE": { - name: "All Original", - description: "Complete the generation five only challenge.", + name: "完全原創", + description: "完成僅限第五世代的挑戰.", }, "MONO_GEN_SIX": { - name: "Almost Royalty", - description: "Complete the generation six only challenge.", + name: "女大公", + description: "完成僅限第六世代的挑戰.", }, "MONO_GEN_SEVEN": { - name: "Only Technically", - description: "Complete the generation seven only challenge.", + name: "首屆冠軍", + description: "完成僅限第七世代的挑戰.", }, "MONO_GEN_EIGHT": { - name: "A Champion Time!", - description: "Complete the generation eight only challenge.", + name: "冠軍時刻!", + description: "完成僅限第八世代的挑戰.", }, "MONO_GEN_NINE": { - name: "She was going easy on you", - description: "Complete the generation nine only challenge.", + name: "她又放水了", + description: "完成僅限第九世代的挑戰.", }, "MonoType": { - description: "Complete the {{type}} monotype challenge.", + description: "完成 {{type}} 單屬性挑戰.", }, "MONO_NORMAL": { - name: "Mono NORMAL", + name: "異乎尋常的尋常", }, "MONO_FIGHTING": { - name: "I Know Kung Fu", + name: "我有真功夫", }, "MONO_FLYING": { - name: "Mono FLYING", + name: "憤怒的小鳥", }, "MONO_POISON": { - name: "Kanto's Favourite", + name: "關都地區特色", }, "MONO_GROUND": { - name: "Mono GROUND", + name: "地震預報", }, "MONO_ROCK": { - name: "Brock Hard", + name: "堅如磐石", }, "MONO_BUG": { - name: "Sting Like A Beedrill", + name: "音箱蟀俠", }, "MONO_GHOST": { - name: "Who you gonna call?", + name: "捉鬼敢死隊", }, "MONO_STEEL": { - name: "Mono STEEL", + name: "鐵巨人", }, "MONO_FIRE": { - name: "Mono FIRE", + name: "搓火球解決一切", }, "MONO_WATER": { - name: "When It Rains, It Pours", + name: "當雨來臨,傾盆而下", }, "MONO_GRASS": { - name: "Mono GRASS", + name: "別踏這個青", }, "MONO_ELECTRIC": { - name: "Mono ELECTRIC", + name: "瞄準大岩蛇的角!", }, "MONO_PSYCHIC": { - name: "Mono PSYCHIC", + name: "腦洞大開", }, "MONO_ICE": { - name: "Mono ICE", + name: "如履薄冰", }, "MONO_DRAGON": { - name: "Mono DRAGON", + name: "準神俱樂部", }, "MONO_DARK": { - name: "It's just a phase", + name: "總有叛逆期", }, "MONO_FAIRY": { - name: "Mono FAIRY", + name: "林克,醒醒!", }, } as const; diff --git a/src/locales/zh_TW/battle.ts b/src/locales/zh_TW/battle.ts index 25810cbbc6b..23c46313c34 100644 --- a/src/locales/zh_TW/battle.ts +++ b/src/locales/zh_TW/battle.ts @@ -2,129 +2,129 @@ import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/interfaces/locales"; export const battle: SimpleTranslationEntries = { "bossAppeared": "{{bossName}} 出現了.", - "trainerAppeared": "{{trainerName}}\n想要和你對戰!", - "trainerAppearedDouble": "{{trainerName}}\n想要和你對戰!", - "singleWildAppeared": "一隻野生的 {{pokemonName}} 出現了!", - "multiWildAppeared": "野生的 {{pokemonName1}}\n和 {{pokemonName2}} 出現了!", - "playerComeBack": "回來吧, {{pokemonName}}!", - "trainerComeBack": "{{trainerName}} 收回了 {{pokemonName}}!", - "playerGo": "去吧! {{pokemonName}}!", - "trainerGo": "{{trainerName}} 派出了 {{pokemonName}}!", - "switchQuestion": "要更換\n{{pokemonName}}嗎?", - "trainerDefeated": "你擊敗了\n{{trainerName}}!", - "pokemonCaught": "{{pokemonName}} 被抓住了!", + "trainerAppeared": "{{trainerName}}\n想要和你對戰!", + "trainerAppearedDouble": "{{trainerName}}\n想要和你對戰!", + "singleWildAppeared": "一隻野生的 {{pokemonName}} 出現了!", + "multiWildAppeared": "野生的 {{pokemonName1}}\n和 {{pokemonName2}} 出現了!", + "playerComeBack": "回來吧, {{pokemonName}}!", + "trainerComeBack": "{{trainerName}} 收回了 {{pokemonName}}!", + "playerGo": "去吧! {{pokemonName}}!", + "trainerGo": "{{trainerName}} 派出了 {{pokemonName}}!", + "switchQuestion": "要更換\n{{pokemonName}}嗎?", + "trainerDefeated": "你擊敗了\n{{trainerName}}!", + "pokemonCaught": "{{pokemonName}} 被抓住了!", "pokemon": "寶可夢", - "sendOutPokemon": "上吧! {{pokemonName}}!", - "hitResultCriticalHit": "擊中了要害!", - "hitResultSuperEffective": "效果拔群!", + "sendOutPokemon": "上吧! {{pokemonName}}!", + "hitResultCriticalHit": "擊中了要害!", + "hitResultSuperEffective": "效果拔群!", "hitResultNotVeryEffective": "收效甚微…", - "hitResultNoEffect": "對 {{pokemonName}} 沒有效果!", - "hitResultOneHitKO": "一擊切殺!", - "attackFailed": "但是失敗了!", - "attackHitsCount": "擊中 {{count}} 次!", - "expGain": "{{pokemonName}} 獲得了 {{exp}} 經驗值!", - "levelUp": "{{pokemonName}} 升級到 Lv. {{level}}!", - "learnMove": "{{pokemonName}} 學會了{{moveName}}!", + "hitResultNoEffect": "對 {{pokemonName}} 沒有效果!", + "hitResultOneHitKO": "一擊切殺!", + "attackFailed": "但是失敗了!", + "attackHitsCount": "擊中 {{count}} 次!", + "expGain": "{{pokemonName}} 獲得了 {{exp}} 經驗值!", + "levelUp": "{{pokemonName}} 升級到 Lv. {{level}}!", + "learnMove": "{{pokemonName}} 學會了{{moveName}}!", "learnMovePrompt": "{{pokemonName}} 想要學習 {{moveName}}.", "learnMoveLimitReached": "但是, {{pokemonName}} 已經學會了\n四個招式.", - "learnMoveReplaceQuestion": "要忘記一個招式並學習 {{moveName}} 嗎?", - "learnMoveStopTeaching": "不再嘗試學習\n{{moveName}}嗎?", + "learnMoveReplaceQuestion": "要忘記一個招式並學習 {{moveName}} 嗎?", + "learnMoveStopTeaching": "不再嘗試學習\n{{moveName}}嗎?", "learnMoveNotLearned": "{{pokemonName}} 沒有學會 {{moveName}}.", - "learnMoveForgetQuestion": "要忘記哪個技能?", + "learnMoveForgetQuestion": "要忘記哪個技能?", "learnMoveForgetSuccess": "{{pokemonName}} 忘記了 {{moveName}}.", - "countdownPoof": "@d{32}1, @d{15}2, 和@d{15}… @d{15}… @d{15}… @d{15}@s{pb_bounce_1}噗!", + "countdownPoof": "@d{32}1, @d{15}2, 和@d{15}… @d{15}… @d{15}… @d{15}@s{pb_bounce_1}噗!", "learnMoveAnd": "然後…", - "levelCapUp": "等級上限提升到 {{levelCap}}!", + "levelCapUp": "等級上限提升到 {{levelCap}}!", "moveNotImplemented": "{{moveName}} 未實裝,無法選擇。", "moveNoPP": "這個技能的PP用完了", - "moveDisabled": "{{moveName}} 被禁用!", + "moveDisabled": "{{moveName}} 被禁用!", "noPokeballForce": "一股無形的力量阻止了你使用精靈球。", - "noPokeballTrainer": "你不能捕捉其他訓練家的寶可夢!", - "noPokeballMulti": "只能在剩下一隻寶可夢時才能扔出精靈球!", - "noPokeballStrong": "目標寶可夢太強了,無法捕捉!你需要先\n削弱它!", + "noPokeballTrainer": "你不能捕捉其他訓練家的寶可夢!", + "noPokeballMulti": "只能在剩下一隻寶可夢時才能扔出精靈球!", + "noPokeballStrong": "目標寶可夢太強了,無法捕捉!你需要先\n削弱它!", "noEscapeForce": "一股無形的力量阻止你逃跑。", - "noEscapeTrainer": "你不能從訓練家對戰中逃跑!", - "noEscapePokemon": "{{pokemonName}} 的 {{moveName}} 阻止了你 {{escapeVerb}}!", - "runAwaySuccess": "你成功逃脫了!", - "runAwayCannotEscape": "你無法逃脫!", + "noEscapeTrainer": "你不能從訓練家對戰中逃跑!", + "noEscapePokemon": "{{pokemonName}} 的 {{moveName}} 阻止了你 {{escapeVerb}}!", + "runAwaySuccess": "你成功逃脫了!", + "runAwayCannotEscape": "你無法逃脫!", "escapeVerbSwitch": "切換", "escapeVerbFlee": "逃跑", - "notDisabled": "{{moveName}} 不再被禁用!", + "notDisabled": "{{moveName}} 不再被禁用!", "turnEndHpRestore": "{{pokemonName}}'s HP was restored.", "hpIsFull": "{{pokemonName}}'s\nHP is full!", - "skipItemQuestion": "你要跳過拾取道具嗎?", - "eggHatching": "咦?", - "ivScannerUseQuestion": "對 {{pokemonName}} 使用個體值掃描?", - "wildPokemonWithAffix": "Wild {{pokemonName}}", - "foePokemonWithAffix": "Foe {{pokemonName}}", - "useMove": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} used {{moveName}}!", - "drainMessage": "{{pokemonName}} had its\nenergy drained!", - "regainHealth": "{{pokemonName}} regained\nhealth!", - "fainted": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} fainted!", - "statRose": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}'s {{stats}} rose!", - "statSharplyRose": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}'s {{stats}} sharply rose!", - "statRoseDrastically": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}'s {{stats}} rose drastically!", - "statWontGoAnyHigher": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}'s {{stats}} won't go any higher!", - "statFell": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}'s {{stats}} fell!", - "statHarshlyFell": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}'s {{stats}} harshly fell!", - "statSeverelyFell": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}'s {{stats}} severely fell!", - "statWontGoAnyLower": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}'s {{stats}} won't go any lower!", - "ppReduced": "It reduced the PP of {{targetName}}'s\n{{moveName}} by {{reduction}}!", - "battlerTagsRechargingLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} must\nrecharge!", - "battlerTagsTrappedOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} can no\nlonger escape!", - "battlerTagsTrappedOnRemove": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} was freed\nfrom {{moveName}}!", - "battlerTagsFlinchedLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} flinched!", - "battlerTagsConfusedOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} became\nconfused!", - "battlerTagsConfusedOnRemove": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} snapped\nout of confusion!", - "battlerTagsConfusedOnOverlap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} is\nalready confused!", - "battlerTagsConfusedLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} is\nconfused!", - "battlerTagsConfusedLapseHurtItself": "It hurt itself in its\nconfusion!", - "battlerTagsDestinyBondLapseIsBoss": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} is unaffected\nby the effects of Destiny Bond.", - "battlerTagsDestinyBondLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} took\n{{pokemonNameWithAffix2}} down with it!", - "battlerTagsInfatuatedOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} fell in love\nwith {{sourcePokemonName}}!", - "battlerTagsInfatuatedOnOverlap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} is\nalready in love!", - "battlerTagsInfatuatedLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} is in love\nwith {{sourcePokemonName}}!", - "battlerTagsInfatuatedLapseImmobilize": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} is\nimmobilized by love!", - "battlerTagsInfatuatedOnRemove": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} got over\nits infatuation.", - "battlerTagsSeededOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} was seeded!", - "battlerTagsSeededLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}'s health is\nsapped by Leech Seed!", - "battlerTagsSeededLapseShed": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}'s Leech Seed\nsucked up the liquid ooze!", - "battlerTagsNightmareOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} began\nhaving a Nightmare!", - "battlerTagsNightmareOnOverlap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} is\nalready locked in a Nightmare!", - "battlerTagsNightmareLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} is locked\nin a Nightmare!", - "battlerTagsEncoreOnAdd": "({{pokemonNameWithAffix}} got\nan Encore!", - "battlerTagsEncoreOnRemove": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}'s Encore\nended!", - "battlerTagsHelpingHandOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} is ready to\nhelp {{pokemonName}}!", - "battlerTagsIngrainLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} absorbed\nnutrients with its roots!", - "battlerTagsIngrainOnTrap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} planted its roots!", - "battlerTagsAquaRingOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} surrounded\nitself with a veil of water!", - "battlerTagsAquaRingLapse": "{{moveName}} restored\n{{pokemonName}}'s HP!", - "battlerTagsDrowsyOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} grew drowsy!", - "battlerTagsDamagingTrapLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} is hurt\nby {{moveName}}!", - "battlerTagsBindOnTrap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} was squeezed by\n{{sourcePokemonName}}'s {{moveName}}!", - "battlerTagsWrapOnTrap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} was Wrapped\nby {{sourcePokemonName}}!", - "battlerTagsVortexOnTrap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} was trapped\nin the vortex!", - "battlerTagsClampOnTrap": "{{sourcePokemonNameWithAffix}} Clamped\n{{pokemonName}}!", - "battlerTagsSandTombOnTrap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} became trapped\nby {{moveName}}!", - "battlerTagsMagmaStormOnTrap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} became trapped\nby swirling magma!", - "battlerTagsSnapTrapOnTrap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} got trapped\nby a snap trap!", - "battlerTagsThunderCageOnTrap": "{{sourcePokemonNameWithAffix}} trapped\n{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}!", - "battlerTagsInfestationOnTrap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} has been afflicted \nwith an infestation by {{sourcePokemonNameWithAffix}}!", - "battlerTagsProtectedOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}\nprotected itself!", - "battlerTagsProtectedLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}\nprotected itself!", - "battlerTagsEnduringOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} braced\nitself!", - "battlerTagsEnduringLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} endured\nthe hit!", - "battlerTagsSturdyLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} endured\nthe hit!", - "battlerTagsPerishSongLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}'s perish count fell to {{turnCount}}.", - "battlerTagsTruantLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} is\nloafing around!", - "battlerTagsSlowStartOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} can't\nget it going!", - "battlerTagsSlowStartOnRemove": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} finally\ngot its act together!", - "battlerTagsHighestStatBoostOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}'s {{statName}}\nwas heightened!", - "battlerTagsHighestStatBoostOnRemove": "The effects of {{pokemonNameWithAffix}}'s\n{{abilityName}} wore off!", - "battlerTagsCritBoostOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} is getting\npumped!", - "battlerTagsCritBoostOnRemove": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} relaxed.", - "battlerTagsSaltCuredOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} is being salt cured!", - "battlerTagsSaltCuredLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} is hurt by {{moveName}}!", - "battlerTagsCursedOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} cut its own HP and put a curse on the {{pokemonName}}!", - "battlerTagsCursedLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} is afflicted by the Curse!" + "skipItemQuestion": "你要跳過拾取道具嗎?", + "eggHatching": "咦?", + "ivScannerUseQuestion": "對 {{pokemonName}} 使用個體值掃描儀?", + "wildPokemonWithAffix": "野生的 {{pokemonName}}", + "foePokemonWithAffix": "對手 {{pokemonName}}", + "useMove": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} 使用了 {{moveName}}!", + "drainMessage": "{{pokemonName}} 吸取了體力!", + "regainHealth": "{{pokemonName}} 回復了體力!", + "fainted": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} 倒下了!", + "statRose": "提高了!", + "statSharplyRose": "大幅提高了!", + "statRoseDrastically": "極大幅提高了!", + "statWontGoAnyHigher": "已經無法再提高了!", + "statFell": "降低了!", + "statHarshlyFell": "大幅降低了!", + "statSeverelyFell": "極大幅降低了!", + "statWontGoAnyLower": "已經無法再降低了!", + "ppReduced": "降低了 {{targetName}} 的\n{{moveName}} 的PP{{reduction}}點!", + "battlerTagsRechargingLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}因攻擊的反作用力而無法動彈!", + "battlerTagsTrappedOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}不能逃跑!", + "battlerTagsTrappedOnRemove": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}擺脫了{{moveName}}!", + "battlerTagsFlinchedLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}畏縮了!", + "battlerTagsConfusedOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}混亂了!", + "battlerTagsConfusedOnRemove": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}的混亂解除了!", + "battlerTagsConfusedOnOverlap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}已經混亂了。", + "battlerTagsConfusedLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}正在混亂中!", + "battlerTagsConfusedLapseHurtItself": "不知所以地攻擊了自己!", + "battlerTagsDestinyBondLapseIsBoss": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}不再受到同命的影響", + "battlerTagsDestinyBondLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} 和{{pokemonNameWithAffix2}} 同歸於盡了!", + "battlerTagsInfatuatedOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}對{{sourcePokemonName}}著迷了!", + "battlerTagsInfatuatedOnOverlap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}已經著迷了!", + "battlerTagsInfatuatedLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}對{{sourcePokemonName}}著迷中!", + "battlerTagsInfatuatedLapseImmobilize": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} 不會著迷!", + "battlerTagsInfatuatedOnRemove": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} 治癒了著迷狀態!", + "battlerTagsSeededOnAdd": "將種子種植在了{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}身上!", + "battlerTagsSeededLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}被寄生種子吸取了體力!", + "battlerTagsSeededLapseShed": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}吸到了污泥漿!", + "battlerTagsNightmareOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}開始做惡夢了!", + "battlerTagsNightmareOnOverlap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}已經被惡夢纏身!", + "battlerTagsNightmareLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}正被惡夢纏身!", + "battlerTagsEncoreOnAdd": "({{pokemonNameWithAffix}}接受了再來一次!", + "battlerTagsEncoreOnRemove": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}的再來一次狀態解除了!", + "battlerTagsHelpingHandOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}擺出了幫助{{pokemonName}} 的架勢!", + "battlerTagsIngrainLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}用扎根回復了體力!", + "battlerTagsIngrainOnTrap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}扎根了!", + "battlerTagsAquaRingOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}用水流環包裹了自己!", + "battlerTagsAquaRingLapse": "{{moveName}}回復了{{pokemonName}}的體力!", + "battlerTagsDrowsyOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}產生睡意了!", + "battlerTagsDamagingTrapLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}受到了{{moveName}}的傷害!", + "battlerTagsBindOnTrap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}被{{sourcePokemonName}}的 {{moveName}}緊緊束縛住了!", + "battlerTagsWrapOnTrap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}被{{sourcePokemonName}}綁緊了!", + "battlerTagsVortexOnTrap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}被困在了旋渦之中!", + "battlerTagsClampOnTrap": "{{sourcePokemonNameWithAffix}}用貝殼夾住了{{pokemonName}}!", + "battlerTagsSandTombOnTrap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}被{{moveName}}困住了!", + "battlerTagsMagmaStormOnTrap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}被困在了熔岩風暴之中!", + "battlerTagsSnapTrapOnTrap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}被捕獸夾困住了!", + "battlerTagsThunderCageOnTrap": "{{sourcePokemonNameWithAffix}}困住了{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}!", + "battlerTagsInfestationOnTrap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}受到了{{sourcePokemonNameWithAffix}}的死纏爛打!", + "battlerTagsProtectedOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}擺出了防守的架勢!", + "battlerTagsProtectedLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}在攻擊中保護了自己!", + "battlerTagsEnduringOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}擺出了挺住攻擊的架勢!", + "battlerTagsEnduringLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}挺住了攻擊!", + "battlerTagsSturdyLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}挺住了攻擊!", + "battlerTagsPerishSongLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} 的滅亡計時變成{{turnCount}}了!", + "battlerTagsTruantLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}正在偷懶!", + "battlerTagsSlowStartOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}無法拿出平時的水平!", + "battlerTagsSlowStartOnRemove": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}恢復了平時的水平!", + "battlerTagsHighestStatBoostOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}的{{statName}}升高了!", + "battlerTagsHighestStatBoostOnRemove": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}的{{abilityName}}效果解除了!", + "battlerTagsCritBoostOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}現在幹勁十足!", + "battlerTagsCritBoostOnRemove": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}如釋重負似地放鬆了下來。", + "battlerTagsSaltCuredOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} 陷入了鹽腌狀態!", + "battlerTagsSaltCuredLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} 受到了{{moveName}}的傷害!", + "battlerTagsCursedOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}削減了自己的體力,並詛咒了{{pokemonName}}!", + "battlerTagsCursedLapse": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}正受到詛咒!" } as const; diff --git a/src/locales/zh_TW/biome.ts b/src/locales/zh_TW/biome.ts index d3f34c021d4..dbfa2f7adb9 100644 --- a/src/locales/zh_TW/biome.ts +++ b/src/locales/zh_TW/biome.ts @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/interfaces/locales"; export const biome: SimpleTranslationEntries = { - "unknownLocation": "Somewhere you can\'t remember", - "TOWN": "Town", - "PLAINS": "Plains", - "GRASS": "Grassy Field", - "TALL_GRASS": "Tall Grass", - "METROPOLIS": "Metropolis", - "FOREST": "Forest", - "SEA": "Sea", - "SWAMP": "Swamp", - "BEACH": "Beach", - "LAKE": "Lake", - "SEABED": "Seabed", - "MOUNTAIN": "Mountain", - "BADLANDS": "Badlands", - "CAVE": "Cave", - "DESERT": "Desert", - "ICE_CAVE": "Ice Cave", - "MEADOW": "Meadow", - "POWER_PLANT": "Power Plant", - "VOLCANO": "Volcano", - "GRAVEYARD": "Graveyard", - "DOJO": "Dojo", - "FACTORY": "Factory", - "RUINS": "Ancient Ruins", - "WASTELAND": "Wasteland", - "ABYSS": "Abyss", - "SPACE": "Space", - "CONSTRUCTION_SITE": "Construction Site", - "JUNGLE": "Jungle", - "FAIRY_CAVE": "Fairy Cave", - "TEMPLE": "Temple", - "SLUM": "Slum", - "SNOWY_FOREST": "Snowy Forest", - "ISLAND": "Island", - "LABORATORY": "Laboratory", + "unknownLocation": "未知領域", + "TOWN": "城鎮", + "PLAINS": "平原", + "GRASS": "草地", + "TALL_GRASS": "高草叢", + "METROPOLIS": "城市", + "FOREST": "森林", + "SEA": "海洋", + "SWAMP": "沼澤", + "BEACH": "沙灘", + "LAKE": "湖泊", + "SEABED": "海底", + "MOUNTAIN": "山脈", + "BADLANDS": "不毛之地", + "CAVE": "洞窟", + "DESERT": "沙漠", + "ICE_CAVE": "寒冰洞窟", + "MEADOW": "花叢", + "POWER_PLANT": "發電廠", + "VOLCANO": "火山", + "GRAVEYARD": "墓地", + "DOJO": "道場", + "FACTORY": "工廠", + "RUINS": "遺跡", + "WASTELAND": "荒地龍巢", + "ABYSS": "幽谷深淵", + "SPACE": "太空", + "CONSTRUCTION_SITE": "工地", + "JUNGLE": "叢林", + "FAIRY_CAVE": "妖精洞窟", + "TEMPLE": "神殿", + "SLUM": "陋巷", + "SNOWY_FOREST": "冰雪森林", + "ISLAND": "島嶼", + "LABORATORY": "研究所", "END": "???", } as const; diff --git a/src/locales/zh_TW/command-ui-handler.ts b/src/locales/zh_TW/command-ui-handler.ts index 9fad34bb64f..300b20224b3 100644 --- a/src/locales/zh_TW/command-ui-handler.ts +++ b/src/locales/zh_TW/command-ui-handler.ts @@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ export const commandUiHandler: SimpleTranslationEntries = { "ball": "精靈球", "pokemon": "寶可夢", "run": "逃跑", - "actionMessage": "要讓\n{{pokemonName}} 做甚麼?", + "actionMessage": "要讓\n{{pokemonName}} 做甚麼?", } as const; diff --git a/src/locales/zh_TW/egg.ts b/src/locales/zh_TW/egg.ts index 98096d37320..aacf0217928 100644 --- a/src/locales/zh_TW/egg.ts +++ b/src/locales/zh_TW/egg.ts @@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ export const egg: SimpleTranslationEntries = { "tooManyEggs": "你的蛋太多啦!", "pull": "抽", "pulls": "抽", - "sameSpeciesEgg": "{{species}} will hatch from this egg!", + "sameSpeciesEgg": "{{species}} 會從這個蛋裡孵化!" } as const; diff --git a/src/locales/zh_TW/fight-ui-handler.ts b/src/locales/zh_TW/fight-ui-handler.ts index 6885d0fcc2a..d86a703d844 100644 --- a/src/locales/zh_TW/fight-ui-handler.ts +++ b/src/locales/zh_TW/fight-ui-handler.ts @@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ export const fightUiHandler: SimpleTranslationEntries = { "pp": "PP", "power": "威力", "accuracy": "命中率", - "abilityFlyInText": " {{pokemonName}}'s {{passive}}{{abilityName}}", - "passive": "Passive ", // The space at the end is important + "abilityFlyInText": " {{pokemonName}} 的 {{passive}}{{abilityName}}", + "passive": "被動能力 ", // The space at the end is important } as const; diff --git a/src/locales/zh_TW/game-mode.ts b/src/locales/zh_TW/game-mode.ts index 903f1a63072..dc2a227d638 100644 --- a/src/locales/zh_TW/game-mode.ts +++ b/src/locales/zh_TW/game-mode.ts @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/interfaces/locales"; export const gameMode: SimpleTranslationEntries = { - "classic": "Classic", - "endless": "Endless", - "endlessSpliced": "Endless (Spliced)", - "dailyRun": "Daily Run", - "unknown": "Unknown", - "challenge": "Challenge", + "classic": "經典模式", + "endless": "無盡模式", + "endlessSpliced": "融合無盡模式", + "dailyRun": "每日挑戰", + "unknown": "未知", + "challenge": "挑戰模式", } as const; diff --git a/src/locales/zh_TW/save-slot-select-ui-handler.ts b/src/locales/zh_TW/save-slot-select-ui-handler.ts index 4a9e02eebee..68377aec4b2 100644 --- a/src/locales/zh_TW/save-slot-select-ui-handler.ts +++ b/src/locales/zh_TW/save-slot-select-ui-handler.ts @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/interfaces/locales"; export const saveSlotSelectUiHandler: SimpleTranslationEntries = { - "overwriteData": "Overwrite the data in the selected slot?", - "loading": "Loading...", - "wave": "Wave", + "overwriteData": "要覆蓋該槽位的存檔嗎?", + "loading": "正在加載...", + "wave": "層數", "lv": "Lv", "empty": "空", } as const; diff --git a/src/locales/zh_TW/trainers.ts b/src/locales/zh_TW/trainers.ts index 6fea28823f3..594363ce009 100644 --- a/src/locales/zh_TW/trainers.ts +++ b/src/locales/zh_TW/trainers.ts @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ export const trainerClasses: SimpleTranslationEntries = { "depot_agent": "鐵路員工", "doctor": "醫生", "doctor_female": "醫生", - "firebreather": "Firebreather", + "firebreather": "吹火人", "fisherman": "垂釣者", "fisherman_female": "垂釣者", "gentleman": "紳士", diff --git a/src/locales/zh_TW/weather.ts b/src/locales/zh_TW/weather.ts index c83e0fdc5bf..7efdc8af0ad 100644 --- a/src/locales/zh_TW/weather.ts +++ b/src/locales/zh_TW/weather.ts @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/interfaces/locales"; * The weather namespace holds text displayed when weather is active during a battle */ export const weather: SimpleTranslationEntries = { - "sunnyStartMessage": "日照變強了!", + "sunnyStartMessage": "日照變強了!", "sunnyLapseMessage": "日照很強。", "sunnyClearMessage": "日照復原了。", @@ -15,22 +15,22 @@ export const weather: SimpleTranslationEntries = { "sandstormStartMessage": "開始刮沙暴了!", "sandstormLapseMessage": "沙暴肆虐。", "sandstormClearMessage": "沙暴停止了。", - "sandstormDamageMessage": "沙暴襲擊了{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}!", + "sandstormDamageMessage": "沙暴襲擊了{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}!", - "hailStartMessage": "開始下冰雹了!", + "hailStartMessage": "開始下冰雹了!", "hailLapseMessage": "冰雹繼續肆虐。", "hailClearMessage": "冰雹不再下了。", - "hailDamageMessage": "冰雹襲擊了{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}!", + "hailDamageMessage": "冰雹襲擊了{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}!", - "snowStartMessage": "開始下雪了!", + "snowStartMessage": "開始下雪了!", "snowLapseMessage": "雪繼續下。", "snowClearMessage": "雪停了。", - "fogStartMessage": "起霧了!", + "fogStartMessage": "起霧了!", "fogLapseMessage": "霧很濃。", "fogClearMessage": "霧散了。", - "heavyRainStartMessage": "開始下起了暴雨!", + "heavyRainStartMessage": "開始下起了暴雨!", "heavyRainLapseMessage": "暴雨勢頭不減。", "heavyRainClearMessage": "暴雨停了。", @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ export const weather: SimpleTranslationEntries = { "harshSunLapseMessage": "強日照勢頭不減。", "harshSunClearMessage": "日照復原了。", - "strongWindsStartMessage": "吹起了神秘的亂流!", + "strongWindsStartMessage": "吹起了神秘的亂流!", "strongWindsLapseMessage": "神秘的亂流勢頭不減。", "strongWindsClearMessage": "神秘的亂流停止了。" };