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synced 2025-03-28 12:38:43 +00:00
[Enhancement] Translate Settings Menu (#2187)
* Add en settings translations * Add fr settings translations * Translate settings menu * Add de settings translations keys * Add es settings translations keys * Add it settings translations keys * Add ko settings translations keys * Add pt br settings translations keys * Add zh cn settings translations keys * Add zh tw settings translations keys * Add ko settings translations keys * Add de settings translations keys * Fix a forgotten test
This commit is contained in:
@ -54,5 +54,109 @@ export const menu: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"disclaimer": "DISCLAIMER",
"disclaimerDescription": "This game is an unfinished product; it might have playability issues (including the potential loss of save data),\n change without notice, and may or may not be updated further or completed."
"disclaimerDescription": "Dieses Spiel ist ein unfertiges Produkt. Es kann spielbeinträchtigende Fehler (bis hin zum Verlust des Speicherstandes) aufweisen, sich ohne Vorankündigung ändern und es gibt keine Garantie dass es weiterentwickelt oder fertiggestellt wird.",
"general": "Allgemein",
"display": "Anzeige",
"audio": "Audio",
"gamepad": "Controller",
"keyboard": "Tastatur",
"gameSpeed": "Spielgeschwindigkeit",
"hpBarSpeed": "KP-Balken Geschwindigkeit",
"expGainsSpeed": "EXP-Balken Geschwindigkeit",
"expPartyDisplay": "Team-EXP anzeigen",
"skipSeenDialogues": "Gesehenen Dialog überspringen",
"battleStyle": "Kampfstil",
"enableRetries": "Erneut versuchen aktivieren",
"tutorials": "Tutorials",
"touchControls": "Touch Steuerung",
"vibrations": "Vibration",
"normal": "Normal",
"fast": "Schnell",
"faster": "Schneller",
"skip": "Überspringen",
"levelUpNotifications": "Auflevelbenachrichtigung",
"on": "An",
"off": "Aus",
"switch": "Wechsel",
"set": "Folge",
"auto": "Auto",
"disabled": "Deaktiviert",
"language": "Sprache",
"change": "Ändern",
"uiTheme": "UI Thema",
"default": "Standard",
"legacy": "Legacy",
"windowType": "Fenster Typ",
"moneyFormat": "Währungsformat",
"damageNumbers": "Schadensnummern",
"simple": "Simpel",
"fancy": "Schön",
"abbreviated": "Abgekürzt",
"moveAnimations": "Attacken Animationen",
"showStatsOnLevelUp": "Werte beim Aufleveln anzeigen",
"candyUpgradeNotification": "Bonbon Upgrade Benachrichtigung",
"passivesOnly": "Nur Passive",
"candyUpgradeDisplay": "Bonbon Upgrade Anzeige",
"icon": "Icon",
"animation": "Animation",
"moveInfo": "Attacken-Info",
"showMovesetFlyout": "Zeige Attacken Flyout",
"showArenaFlyout": "Zeige Arena Flyout",
"showTimeOfDayWidget": "Zeige Tageszeit Widget",
"timeOfDayAnimation": "Tageszeit Animation",
"bounce": "Springen",
"back": "Zurück",
"spriteSet": "Sprite Satz",
"consistent": "Konistent",
"mixedAnimated": "Gemischt animiert",
"fusionPaletteSwaps": "Fusion-Farbpalettenwechsel",
"playerGender": "Spieler Geschlecht",
"typeHints": "Typhinweise",
"masterVolume": "Gesamtlautstärke",
"bgmVolume": "Hintergrundmusik",
"seVolume": "Spezialeffekte",
"musicPreference": "Musik Präferenz",
"mixed": "Gemisch",
"gamepadPleasePlug": "Bitte einen Controller anschließen oder eine Taste drücken",
"delete": "Löschen",
"keyboardPleasePress": "Bitte eine Taste auf der Tastatur drücken",
"reset": "Zurücksetzen",
"requireReload": "Neuladen benötigt",
"action": "Aktion",
"pressToBind": "Zum Zuweisen drücken",
"pressButton": "Eine Taste drücken...",
"buttonUp": "Hoch",
"buttonDown": "Runter",
"altButtonUp": "Hoch (Alt)",
"buttonLeft": "Links",
"buttonRight": "Rechts",
"buttonAction": "Aktion",
"buttonMenu": "Menü",
"buttonSubmit": "Bestätigen",
"altButtonDown": "Runter (Alt)",
"altButtonLeft": "Links (Alt)",
"altButtonRight": "Rechts (Alt)",
"altButtonAction": "Aktion (Alt)",
"buttonCancel": "Abbrechen",
"altButtonCancel": "Abbrechen (Alt)",
"altButtonMenu": "Menü (Alt)",
"buttonStats": "Statistiken",
"altButtonStats": "Statistiken (Alt)",
"buttonCycleForm": "Form wechseln",
"altButtonCycleForm": "Form wechseln (Alt)",
"buttonCycleShiny": "Schillernd wechseln",
"altButtonCycleShiny": "Schillernd wechseln (Alt)",
"buttonCycleGender": "Geschlecht wechseln",
"altButtonCycleGender": "Geschlecht wechseln (Alt)",
"buttonCycleAbility": "Fähigkeit wechseln",
"altButtonCycleAbility": "Fähigkeit wechseln (Alt)",
"buttonCycleNature": "Wesen wechseln",
"altButtonCycleNature": "Wesen wechslen (Alt)",
"buttonCycleVariant": "Variante wechseln",
"altButtonCycleVariant": "Variante wechseln (Alt)",
"buttonSpeedUp": "Beschleunigen",
"altButtonSpeedUp": "Beschleunigen (Alt)",
"buttonSlowDown": "Verlangsamen",
"altButtonSlowDown": "Verlangsamen (Alt)",
"altButtonSubmit": "Bestätigen (Alt)",
} as const;
@ -54,5 +54,109 @@ export const menu: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"disclaimer": "DISCLAIMER",
"disclaimerDescription": "This game is an unfinished product; it might have playability issues (including the potential loss of save data),\n change without notice, and may or may not be updated further or completed."
"disclaimerDescription": "This game is an unfinished product; it might have playability issues (including the potential loss of save data),\n change without notice, and may or may not be updated further or completed.",
"general": "General",
"display": "Display",
"audio": "Audio",
"gamepad": "Gamepad",
"keyboard": "Keyboard",
"gameSpeed": "Game Speed",
"hpBarSpeed": "HP Bar Speed",
"expGainsSpeed": "EXP Gains Speed",
"expPartyDisplay": "Show EXP Party",
"skipSeenDialogues": "Skip Seen Dialogues",
"battleStyle": "Battle Style",
"enableRetries": "Enable Retries",
"tutorials": "Tutorials",
"touchControls": "Touch Controls",
"vibrations": "Vibrations",
"normal": "Normal",
"fast": "Fast",
"faster": "Faster",
"skip": "Skip",
"levelUpNotifications": "Level Up Notifications",
"on": "On",
"off": "Off",
"switch": "Switch",
"set": "Set",
"auto": "Auto",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"language": "Language",
"change": "Change",
"uiTheme": "UI Theme",
"default": "Default",
"legacy": "Legacy",
"windowType": "Window Type",
"moneyFormat": "Money Format",
"damageNumbers": "Damage Numbers",
"simple": "Simple",
"fancy": "Fancy",
"abbreviated": "Abbreviated",
"moveAnimations": "Move Animations",
"showStatsOnLevelUp": "Show Stats on Level Up",
"candyUpgradeNotification": "Candy Upgrade Notification",
"passivesOnly": "Passives Only",
"candyUpgradeDisplay": "Candy Upgrade Display",
"icon": "Icon",
"animation": "Animation",
"moveInfo": "Move Info",
"showMovesetFlyout": "Show Moveset Flyout",
"showArenaFlyout": "Show Arena Flyout",
"showTimeOfDayWidget": "Show Time of Day Widget",
"timeOfDayAnimation": "Time of Day Animation",
"bounce": "Bounce",
"back": "Back",
"spriteSet": "Sprite Set",
"consistent": "Consistent",
"mixedAnimated": "Mixed Animated",
"fusionPaletteSwaps": "Fusion Palette Swaps",
"playerGender": "Player Gender",
"typeHints": "Type Hints",
"masterVolume": "Master Volume",
"bgmVolume": "BGM Volume",
"seVolume": "SE Volume",
"musicPreference": "Music Preference",
"mixed": "Mixed",
"gamepadPleasePlug": "Please Plug in a Gamepad or Press a Button",
"delete": "Delete",
"keyboardPleasePress": "Please Press a Key on Your Keyboard",
"reset": "Reset",
"requireReload": "Reload Required",
"action": "Action",
"pressToBind": "Press to Bind",
"pressButton": "Press a Button...",
"buttonUp": "Up",
"buttonDown": "Down",
"altButtonUp": "Up (Alt)",
"buttonLeft": "Left",
"buttonRight": "Right",
"buttonAction": "Action",
"buttonMenu": "Menu",
"buttonSubmit": "Submit",
"altButtonDown": "Down (Alt)",
"altButtonLeft": "Left (Alt)",
"altButtonRight": "Right (Alt)",
"altButtonAction": "Action (Alt)",
"buttonCancel": "Cancel",
"altButtonCancel": "Cancel (Alt)",
"altButtonMenu": "Menu (Alt)",
"buttonStats": "Stats",
"altButtonStats": "Stats (Alt)",
"buttonCycleForm": "Cycle Form",
"altButtonCycleForm": "Cycle Form (Alt)",
"buttonCycleShiny": "Cycle Shiny",
"altButtonCycleShiny": "Cycle Shiny (Alt)",
"buttonCycleGender": "Cycle Gender",
"altButtonCycleGender": "Cycle Gender (Alt)",
"buttonCycleAbility": "Cycle Ability",
"altButtonCycleAbility": "Cycle Ability (Alt)",
"buttonCycleNature": "Cycle Nature",
"altButtonCycleNature": "Cycle Nature (Alt)",
"buttonCycleVariant": "Cycle Variant",
"altButtonCycleVariant": "Cycle Variant (Alt)",
"buttonSpeedUp": "Speed Up",
"altButtonSpeedUp": "Speed Up (Alt)",
"buttonSlowDown": "Slow Down",
"altButtonSlowDown": "Slow Down (Alt)",
"altButtonSubmit": "Submit (Alt)"
} as const;
@ -54,5 +54,109 @@ export const menu: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"disclaimer": "AVISO",
"disclaimerDescription": "Este juego es un producto inacabado; puede tener problemas de jugabilidad (incluyendo la posible pérdida de datos de guardado),\ncambiar sin avisar, y puede o no puede ser actualizado hasta ser completado."
"disclaimerDescription": "Este juego es un producto inacabado; puede tener problemas de jugabilidad (incluyendo la posible pérdida de datos de guardado),\ncambiar sin avisar, y puede o no puede ser actualizado hasta ser completado.",
"general": "General",
"display": "Display",
"audio": "Audio",
"gamepad": "Gamepad",
"keyboard": "Keyboard",
"gameSpeed": "Game Speed",
"hpBarSpeed": "HP Bar Speed",
"expGainsSpeed": "EXP Gains Speed",
"expPartyDisplay": "Show EXP Party",
"skipSeenDialogues": "Skip Seen Dialogues",
"battleStyle": "Battle Style",
"enableRetries": "Enable Retries",
"tutorials": "Tutorials",
"touchControls": "Touch Controls",
"vibrations": "Vibrations",
"normal": "Normal",
"fast": "Fast",
"faster": "Faster",
"skip": "Skip",
"levelUpNotifications": "Level Up Notifications",
"on": "On",
"off": "Off",
"switch": "Switch",
"set": "Set",
"auto": "Auto",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"language": "Language",
"change": "Change",
"uiTheme": "UI Theme",
"default": "Default",
"legacy": "Legacy",
"windowType": "Window Type",
"moneyFormat": "Money Format",
"damageNumbers": "Damage Numbers",
"simple": "Simple",
"fancy": "Fancy",
"abbreviated": "Abbreviated",
"moveAnimations": "Move Animations",
"showStatsOnLevelUp": "Show Stats on Level Up",
"candyUpgradeNotification": "Candy Upgrade Notification",
"passivesOnly": "Passives Only",
"candyUpgradeDisplay": "Candy Upgrade Display",
"icon": "Icon",
"animation": "Animation",
"moveInfo": "Move Info",
"showMovesetFlyout": "Show Moveset Flyout",
"showArenaFlyout": "Show Arena Flyout",
"showTimeOfDayWidget": "Show Time of Day Widget",
"timeOfDayAnimation": "Time of Day Animation",
"bounce": "Bounce",
"back": "Back",
"spriteSet": "Sprite Set",
"consistent": "Consistent",
"mixedAnimated": "Mixed Animated",
"fusionPaletteSwaps": "Fusion Palette Swaps",
"playerGender": "Player Gender",
"typeHints": "Type Hints",
"masterVolume": "Master Volume",
"bgmVolume": "BGM Volume",
"seVolume": "SE Volume",
"musicPreference": "Music Preference",
"mixed": "Mixed",
"gamepadPleasePlug": "Please Plug in a Gamepad or Press a Button",
"delete": "Delete",
"keyboardPleasePress": "Please Press a Key on Your Keyboard",
"reset": "Reset",
"requireReload": "Reload Required",
"action": "Action",
"pressToBind": "Press to Bind",
"pressButton": "Press a Button...",
"buttonUp": "Up",
"buttonDown": "Down",
"altButtonUp": "Up (Alt)",
"buttonLeft": "Left",
"buttonRight": "Right",
"buttonAction": "Action",
"buttonMenu": "Menu",
"buttonSubmit": "Submit",
"altButtonDown": "Down (Alt)",
"altButtonLeft": "Left (Alt)",
"altButtonRight": "Right (Alt)",
"altButtonAction": "Action (Alt)",
"buttonCancel": "Cancel",
"altButtonCancel": "Cancel (Alt)",
"altButtonMenu": "Menu (Alt)",
"buttonStats": "Stats",
"altButtonStats": "Stats (Alt)",
"buttonCycleForm": "Cycle Form",
"altButtonCycleForm": "Cycle Form (Alt)",
"buttonCycleShiny": "Cycle Shiny",
"altButtonCycleShiny": "Cycle Shiny (Alt)",
"buttonCycleGender": "Cycle Gender",
"altButtonCycleGender": "Cycle Gender (Alt)",
"buttonCycleAbility": "Cycle Ability",
"altButtonCycleAbility": "Cycle Ability (Alt)",
"buttonCycleNature": "Cycle Nature",
"altButtonCycleNature": "Cycle Nature (Alt)",
"buttonCycleVariant": "Cycle Variant",
"altButtonCycleVariant": "Cycle Variant (Alt)",
"buttonSpeedUp": "Speed Up",
"altButtonSpeedUp": "Speed Up (Alt)",
"buttonSlowDown": "Slow Down",
"altButtonSlowDown": "Slow Down (Alt)",
"altButtonSubmit": "Submit (Alt)"
} as const;
@ -44,10 +44,114 @@ export const menu: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"score": "Score",
"wave": "Wave",
"loading": "Chargement…",
"loadingAsset": "Loading asset: {{assetName}}",
"loadingAsset": "Chargement de la ressource: {{assetName}}",
"playersOnline": "Joueurs Connectés",
"disclaimer": "AVERTISSEMENT",
"disclaimerDescription": "Ce jeu n’est pas un produit fini et peut contenir des problèmes de jouabilité, dont de possibles pertes de sauvegardes,\ndes modifications sans avertissement et pourrait ou non encore être mis à jour ou terminé."
"disclaimerDescription": "Ce jeu n’est pas un produit fini et peut contenir des problèmes de jouabilité, dont de possibles pertes de sauvegardes,\ndes modifications sans avertissement et pourrait ou non encore être mis à jour ou terminé.",
"general": "Général",
"display": "Affichage",
"audio": "Audio",
"gamepad": "Manette",
"keyboard": "Clavier",
"gameSpeed": "Vitesse du jeu",
"hpBarSpeed": "Vitesse de la barre de PV",
"expGainsSpeed": "Vitesse des gains d’EXP",
"expPartyDisplay": "Afficher EXP équipe",
"skipSeenDialogues": "Passer les dialogues déjà vus",
"battleStyle": "Style de combat",
"enableRetries": "Activer les réessais",
"tutorials": "Tutoriels",
"touchControls": "Contrôles tactiles",
"vibrations": "Vibrations",
"normal": "Normal",
"fast": "Rapide",
"faster": "Plus rapide",
"skip": "Passer",
"levelUpNotifications": "Montée de niveau",
"on": "Activé",
"off": "Désactivé",
"switch": "Choix",
"set": "Défini",
"auto": "Auto",
"disabled": "Désactivé",
"language": "Langue",
"change": "Changer",
"uiTheme": "Interface",
"default": "Par défaut",
"legacy": "Ancienne",
"windowType": "Type de fenêtre",
"moneyFormat": "Format de l’argent",
"damageNumbers": "Nombres de dégâts",
"simple": "Simple",
"fancy": "Amélioré",
"abbreviated": "Abrégé",
"moveAnimations": "Animations de mouvement",
"showStatsOnLevelUp": "Afficher les stats à la montée de niveau",
"candyUpgradeNotification": "Notif amélioration de bonbon",
"passivesOnly": "Passifs",
"candyUpgradeDisplay": "Amélioration bonbon",
"icon": "Icône",
"animation": "Animation",
"moveInfo": "Info de capacité",
"showMovesetFlyout": "Afficher le volet de capacités",
"showArenaFlyout": "Afficher le volet d’arène",
"showTimeOfDayWidget": "Widget de l’heure",
"timeOfDayAnimation": "Animation de l’heure",
"bounce": "Sauter",
"back": "Retour",
"spriteSet": "Ensemble de sprites",
"consistent": "Consistant",
"mixedAnimated": "Mixte",
"fusionPaletteSwaps": "Palettes de fusion",
"playerGender": "Genre du joueur",
"typeHints": "Indications de type",
"masterVolume": "Volume principal",
"bgmVolume": "Volume BGM",
"seVolume": "Volume SE",
"musicPreference": "Préférence musicale",
"mixed": "Mixte",
"gamepadPleasePlug": "Veuillez brancher une manette ou appuyer sur un bouton",
"delete": "Supprimer",
"keyboardPleasePress": "Veuillez appuyer sur une touche de votre clavier",
"reset": "Réinitialiser",
"requireReload": "Redémarrage requis",
"action": "Action",
"pressToBind": "Sélectionnez pour assigner",
"pressButton": "Appuyez sur un bouton...",
"buttonUp": "Haut",
"buttonDown": "Bas",
"altButtonUp": "Haut (Alt)",
"buttonLeft": "Gauche",
"buttonRight": "Droite",
"buttonAction": "Action",
"buttonMenu": "Menu",
"buttonSubmit": "Valider",
"altButtonDown": "Bas (Alt)",
"altButtonLeft": "Gauche (Alt)",
"altButtonRight": "Droite (Alt)",
"altButtonAction": "Action (Alt)",
"buttonCancel": "Annuler",
"altButtonCancel": "Annuler (Alt)",
"altButtonMenu": "Menu (Alt)",
"buttonStats": "Stats",
"altButtonStats": "Stats (Alt)",
"buttonCycleForm": "Cycle de forme",
"altButtonCycleForm": "Cycle de forme (Alt)",
"buttonCycleShiny": "Cycle de chromatique",
"altButtonCycleShiny": "Cycle de chromatique (Alt)",
"buttonCycleGender": "Cycle de genre",
"altButtonCycleGender": "Cycle de genre (Alt)",
"buttonCycleAbility": "Cycle de capacité",
"altButtonCycleAbility": "Cycle de capacité (Alt)",
"buttonCycleNature": "Cycle de nature",
"altButtonCycleNature": "Cycle de nature (Alt)",
"buttonCycleVariant": "Cycle de variante",
"altButtonCycleVariant": "Cycle de variante (Alt)",
"buttonSpeedUp": "Accélérer",
"altButtonSpeedUp": "Accélérer (Alt)",
"buttonSlowDown": "Ralentir",
"altButtonSlowDown": "Ralentir (Alt)",
"altButtonSubmit": "Valider (Alt)",
} as const;
@ -54,5 +54,109 @@ export const menu: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"disclaimer": "DISCLAIMER",
"disclaimerDescription": "Questo gioco è un prodotto incompleto; si potrebbero riscontrare errori (inclusa la perdita dei dati di salvataggio),\ncambiamenti impercettibili, e non è detto che venga aggiornato nel tempo o mai completato del tutto."
"disclaimerDescription": "Questo gioco è un prodotto incompleto; si potrebbero riscontrare errori (inclusa la perdita dei dati di salvataggio),\ncambiamenti impercettibili, e non è detto che venga aggiornato nel tempo o mai completato del tutto.",
"general": "General",
"display": "Display",
"audio": "Audio",
"gamepad": "Gamepad",
"keyboard": "Keyboard",
"gameSpeed": "Game Speed",
"hpBarSpeed": "HP Bar Speed",
"expGainsSpeed": "EXP Gains Speed",
"expPartyDisplay": "Show EXP Party",
"skipSeenDialogues": "Skip Seen Dialogues",
"battleStyle": "Battle Style",
"enableRetries": "Enable Retries",
"tutorials": "Tutorials",
"touchControls": "Touch Controls",
"vibrations": "Vibrations",
"normal": "Normal",
"fast": "Fast",
"faster": "Faster",
"skip": "Skip",
"levelUpNotifications": "Level Up Notifications",
"on": "On",
"off": "Off",
"switch": "Switch",
"set": "Set",
"auto": "Auto",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"language": "Language",
"change": "Change",
"uiTheme": "UI Theme",
"default": "Default",
"legacy": "Legacy",
"windowType": "Window Type",
"moneyFormat": "Money Format",
"damageNumbers": "Damage Numbers",
"simple": "Simple",
"fancy": "Fancy",
"abbreviated": "Abbreviated",
"moveAnimations": "Move Animations",
"showStatsOnLevelUp": "Show Stats on Level Up",
"candyUpgradeNotification": "Candy Upgrade Notification",
"passivesOnly": "Passives Only",
"candyUpgradeDisplay": "Candy Upgrade Display",
"icon": "Icon",
"animation": "Animation",
"moveInfo": "Move Info",
"showMovesetFlyout": "Show Moveset Flyout",
"showArenaFlyout": "Show Arena Flyout",
"showTimeOfDayWidget": "Show Time of Day Widget",
"timeOfDayAnimation": "Time of Day Animation",
"bounce": "Bounce",
"back": "Back",
"spriteSet": "Sprite Set",
"consistent": "Consistent",
"mixedAnimated": "Mixed Animated",
"fusionPaletteSwaps": "Fusion Palette Swaps",
"playerGender": "Player Gender",
"typeHints": "Type Hints",
"masterVolume": "Master Volume",
"bgmVolume": "BGM Volume",
"seVolume": "SE Volume",
"musicPreference": "Music Preference",
"mixed": "Mixed",
"gamepadPleasePlug": "Please Plug in a Gamepad or Press a Button",
"delete": "Delete",
"keyboardPleasePress": "Please Press a Key on Your Keyboard",
"reset": "Reset",
"requireReload": "Reload Required",
"action": "Action",
"pressToBind": "Press to Bind",
"pressButton": "Press a Button...",
"buttonUp": "Up",
"buttonDown": "Down",
"altButtonUp": "Up (Alt)",
"buttonLeft": "Left",
"buttonRight": "Right",
"buttonAction": "Action",
"buttonMenu": "Menu",
"buttonSubmit": "Submit",
"altButtonDown": "Down (Alt)",
"altButtonLeft": "Left (Alt)",
"altButtonRight": "Right (Alt)",
"altButtonAction": "Action (Alt)",
"buttonCancel": "Cancel",
"altButtonCancel": "Cancel (Alt)",
"altButtonMenu": "Menu (Alt)",
"buttonStats": "Stats",
"altButtonStats": "Stats (Alt)",
"buttonCycleForm": "Cycle Form",
"altButtonCycleForm": "Cycle Form (Alt)",
"buttonCycleShiny": "Cycle Shiny",
"altButtonCycleShiny": "Cycle Shiny (Alt)",
"buttonCycleGender": "Cycle Gender",
"altButtonCycleGender": "Cycle Gender (Alt)",
"buttonCycleAbility": "Cycle Ability",
"altButtonCycleAbility": "Cycle Ability (Alt)",
"buttonCycleNature": "Cycle Nature",
"altButtonCycleNature": "Cycle Nature (Alt)",
"buttonCycleVariant": "Cycle Variant",
"altButtonCycleVariant": "Cycle Variant (Alt)",
"buttonSpeedUp": "Speed Up",
"altButtonSpeedUp": "Speed Up (Alt)",
"buttonSlowDown": "Slow Down",
"altButtonSlowDown": "Slow Down (Alt)",
"altButtonSubmit": "Submit (Alt)",
} as const;
@ -55,4 +55,108 @@ export const menu: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"disclaimer": "면책 조항",
"disclaimerDescription": "이 게임은 완전히 개발되지 않았습니다- (세이브 데이터 소실을 포함) 플레이에 지장을 주는 문제가 생길 수 있으며,\n공지 없이 업데이트가 진행 혹은 중지될 수 있습니다.",
"general": "일반",
"display": "디스플레이",
"audio": "오디오",
"gamepad": "게임패드",
"keyboard": "키보드",
"gameSpeed": "게임 속도",
"hpBarSpeed": "HP 속도",
"expGainsSpeed": "경험치 속도",
"expPartyDisplay": "파티 경험치 표시",
"skipSeenDialogues": "본 대화 생략",
"battleStyle": "배틀 방식",
"enableRetries": "재도전 허용",
"tutorials": "튜토리얼",
"touchControls": "터치 컨트롤",
"vibrations": "진동",
"normal": "보통",
"fast": "빠르게",
"faster": "더 빠르게",
"skip": "스킵",
"levelUpNotifications": "레벨업 알림",
"on": "설정",
"off": "해제",
"switch": "교체허용",
"set": "해제",
"auto": "자동",
"disabled": "비활성",
"language": "언어",
"change": "변경",
"uiTheme": "UI 테마",
"default": "기본",
"legacy": "레거시",
"windowType": "윈도우 타입",
"moneyFormat": "소지금 표시",
"damageNumbers": "대미지 표시",
"simple": "심플",
"fancy": "팬시",
"abbreviated": "축약",
"moveAnimations": "기술 애니메이션",
"showStatsOnLevelUp": "레벨업 능력치 표시",
"candyUpgradeNotification": "사탕 업그레이드 알림",
"passivesOnly": "패시브만",
"candyUpgradeDisplay": "사탕 업그레이드 표시",
"icon": "아이콘",
"animation": "애니메이션",
"moveInfo": "기술 정보",
"showMovesetFlyout": "상대 기술 보기",
"showArenaFlyout": "배틀 효과 보기",
"showTimeOfDayWidget": "시간 위젯",
"timeOfDayAnimation": "시간 애니메이션",
"bounce": "바운스",
"back": "백",
"spriteSet": "스프라이트",
"consistent": "기본",
"mixedAnimated": "믹스",
"fusionPaletteSwaps": "융합 팔레트 스왑",
"playerGender": "플레이어 성별",
"typeHints": "타입 힌트",
"masterVolume": "마스터 볼륨",
"bgmVolume": "BGM 볼륨",
"seVolume": "SE 볼륨",
"musicPreference": "음악 설정",
"mixed": "믹스",
"gamepadPleasePlug": "게임패드를 연결하거나 버튼을 입력하세요",
"delete": "삭제",
"keyboardPleasePress": "키보드의 키를 입력하세요",
"reset": "리셋",
"requireReload": "새로고침 필요",
"action": "액션",
"pressToBind": "할당을 위해 입력하세요",
"pressButton": "버튼을 입력하세요",
"buttonUp": "위",
"buttonDown": "아래",
"altButtonUp": "위 (대체)",
"buttonLeft": "왼쪽",
"buttonRight": "오른쪽",
"buttonAction": "액션",
"buttonMenu": "메뉴",
"buttonSubmit": "확인",
"altButtonDown": "아래 (대체)",
"altButtonLeft": "왼쪽 (대체)",
"altButtonRight": "오른쪽 (대체)",
"altButtonAction": "액션 (대체)",
"buttonCancel": "취소",
"altButtonCancel": "취소 (대체)",
"altButtonMenu": "메뉴 (대체)",
"buttonStats": "스탯",
"altButtonStats": "스탯 (대체)",
"buttonCycleForm": "폼 변환",
"altButtonCycleForm": "폼 변환 (대체)",
"buttonCycleShiny": "특별한 색 변환",
"altButtonCycleShiny": "특별한 색 변환 (대체)",
"buttonCycleGender": "성별 변환",
"altButtonCycleGender": "성별 변환 (대체)",
"buttonCycleAbility": "특성 변환",
"altButtonCycleAbility": "특성 변환 (대체)",
"buttonCycleNature": "성격 변환",
"altButtonCycleNature": "성격 변환 (대체)",
"buttonCycleVariant": "색상 변환",
"altButtonCycleVariant": "색상 변환 (대체)",
"buttonSpeedUp": "속도 올리기",
"altButtonSpeedUp": "속도 올리기 (대체)",
"buttonSlowDown": "속도 내리기",
"altButtonSlowDown": "속도 내리기 (대체)",
"altButtonSubmit": "확인 (대체)",
} as const;
@ -54,5 +54,109 @@ export const menu: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"yes": "Sim",
"no": "Não",
"disclaimer": "AVISO",
"disclaimerDescription": "Este jogo é um produto inacabado; ele pode ter problemas de jogabilidade (incluindo possíveis perdas de dados salvos),\n sofrer alterações sem aviso prévio e pode ou não ser atualizado ou concluído."
"disclaimerDescription": "Este jogo é um produto inacabado; ele pode ter problemas de jogabilidade (incluindo possíveis perdas de dados salvos),\n sofrer alterações sem aviso prévio e pode ou não ser atualizado ou concluído.",
"general": "General",
"display": "Display",
"audio": "Audio",
"gamepad": "Gamepad",
"keyboard": "Keyboard",
"gameSpeed": "Game Speed",
"hpBarSpeed": "HP Bar Speed",
"expGainsSpeed": "EXP Gains Speed",
"expPartyDisplay": "Show EXP Party",
"skipSeenDialogues": "Skip Seen Dialogues",
"battleStyle": "Battle Style",
"enableRetries": "Enable Retries",
"tutorials": "Tutorials",
"touchControls": "Touch Controls",
"vibrations": "Vibrations",
"normal": "Normal",
"fast": "Fast",
"faster": "Faster",
"skip": "Skip",
"levelUpNotifications": "Level Up Notifications",
"on": "On",
"off": "Off",
"switch": "Switch",
"set": "Set",
"auto": "Auto",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"language": "Language",
"change": "Change",
"uiTheme": "UI Theme",
"default": "Default",
"legacy": "Legacy",
"windowType": "Window Type",
"moneyFormat": "Money Format",
"damageNumbers": "Damage Numbers",
"simple": "Simple",
"fancy": "Fancy",
"abbreviated": "Abbreviated",
"moveAnimations": "Move Animations",
"showStatsOnLevelUp": "Show Stats on Level Up",
"candyUpgradeNotification": "Candy Upgrade Notification",
"passivesOnly": "Passives Only",
"candyUpgradeDisplay": "Candy Upgrade Display",
"icon": "Icon",
"animation": "Animation",
"moveInfo": "Move Info",
"showMovesetFlyout": "Show Moveset Flyout",
"showArenaFlyout": "Show Arena Flyout",
"showTimeOfDayWidget": "Show Time of Day Widget",
"timeOfDayAnimation": "Time of Day Animation",
"bounce": "Bounce",
"back": "Back",
"spriteSet": "Sprite Set",
"consistent": "Consistent",
"mixedAnimated": "Mixed Animated",
"fusionPaletteSwaps": "Fusion Palette Swaps",
"playerGender": "Player Gender",
"typeHints": "Type Hints",
"masterVolume": "Master Volume",
"bgmVolume": "BGM Volume",
"seVolume": "SE Volume",
"musicPreference": "Music Preference",
"mixed": "Mixed",
"gamepadPleasePlug": "Please Plug in a Gamepad or Press a Button",
"delete": "Delete",
"keyboardPleasePress": "Please Press a Key on Your Keyboard",
"reset": "Reset",
"requireReload": "Reload Required",
"action": "Action",
"pressToBind": "Press to Bind",
"pressButton": "Press a Button...",
"buttonUp": "Up",
"buttonDown": "Down",
"altButtonUp": "Up (Alt)",
"buttonLeft": "Left",
"buttonRight": "Right",
"buttonAction": "Action",
"buttonMenu": "Menu",
"buttonSubmit": "Submit",
"altButtonDown": "Down (Alt)",
"altButtonLeft": "Left (Alt)",
"altButtonRight": "Right (Alt)",
"altButtonAction": "Action (Alt)",
"buttonCancel": "Cancel",
"altButtonCancel": "Cancel (Alt)",
"altButtonMenu": "Menu (Alt)",
"buttonStats": "Stats",
"altButtonStats": "Stats (Alt)",
"buttonCycleForm": "Cycle Form",
"altButtonCycleForm": "Cycle Form (Alt)",
"buttonCycleShiny": "Cycle Shiny",
"altButtonCycleShiny": "Cycle Shiny (Alt)",
"buttonCycleGender": "Cycle Gender",
"altButtonCycleGender": "Cycle Gender (Alt)",
"buttonCycleAbility": "Cycle Ability",
"altButtonCycleAbility": "Cycle Ability (Alt)",
"buttonCycleNature": "Cycle Nature",
"altButtonCycleNature": "Cycle Nature (Alt)",
"buttonCycleVariant": "Cycle Variant",
"altButtonCycleVariant": "Cycle Variant (Alt)",
"buttonSpeedUp": "Speed Up",
"altButtonSpeedUp": "Speed Up (Alt)",
"buttonSlowDown": "Slow Down",
"altButtonSlowDown": "Slow Down (Alt)",
"altButtonSubmit": "Submit (Alt)"
} as const;
@ -54,5 +54,109 @@ export const menu: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"yes": "是",
"no": "否",
"disclaimer": "DISCLAIMER",
"disclaimerDescription": "This game is an unfinished product; it might have playability issues (including the potential loss of save data),\n change without notice, and may or may not be updated further or completed."
"disclaimerDescription": "This game is an unfinished product; it might have playability issues (including the potential loss of save data),\n change without notice, and may or may not be updated further or completed.",
"general": "General",
"display": "Display",
"audio": "Audio",
"gamepad": "Gamepad",
"keyboard": "Keyboard",
"gameSpeed": "Game Speed",
"hpBarSpeed": "HP Bar Speed",
"expGainsSpeed": "EXP Gains Speed",
"expPartyDisplay": "Show EXP Party",
"skipSeenDialogues": "Skip Seen Dialogues",
"battleStyle": "Battle Style",
"enableRetries": "Enable Retries",
"tutorials": "Tutorials",
"touchControls": "Touch Controls",
"vibrations": "Vibrations",
"normal": "Normal",
"fast": "Fast",
"faster": "Faster",
"skip": "Skip",
"levelUpNotifications": "Level Up Notifications",
"on": "On",
"off": "Off",
"switch": "Switch",
"set": "Set",
"auto": "Auto",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"language": "Language",
"change": "Change",
"uiTheme": "UI Theme",
"default": "Default",
"legacy": "Legacy",
"windowType": "Window Type",
"moneyFormat": "Money Format",
"damageNumbers": "Damage Numbers",
"simple": "Simple",
"fancy": "Fancy",
"abbreviated": "Abbreviated",
"moveAnimations": "Move Animations",
"showStatsOnLevelUp": "Show Stats on Level Up",
"candyUpgradeNotification": "Candy Upgrade Notification",
"passivesOnly": "Passives Only",
"candyUpgradeDisplay": "Candy Upgrade Display",
"icon": "Icon",
"animation": "Animation",
"moveInfo": "Move Info",
"showMovesetFlyout": "Show Moveset Flyout",
"showArenaFlyout": "Show Arena Flyout",
"showTimeOfDayWidget": "Show Time of Day Widget",
"timeOfDayAnimation": "Time of Day Animation",
"bounce": "Bounce",
"back": "Back",
"spriteSet": "Sprite Set",
"consistent": "Consistent",
"mixedAnimated": "Mixed Animated",
"fusionPaletteSwaps": "Fusion Palette Swaps",
"playerGender": "Player Gender",
"typeHints": "Type Hints",
"masterVolume": "Master Volume",
"bgmVolume": "BGM Volume",
"seVolume": "SE Volume",
"musicPreference": "Music Preference",
"mixed": "Mixed",
"gamepadPleasePlug": "Please Plug in a Gamepad or Press a Button",
"delete": "Delete",
"keyboardPleasePress": "Please Press a Key on Your Keyboard",
"reset": "Reset",
"requireReload": "Reload Required",
"action": "Action",
"pressToBind": "Press to Bind",
"pressButton": "Press a Button...",
"buttonUp": "Up",
"buttonDown": "Down",
"altButtonUp": "Up (Alt)",
"buttonLeft": "Left",
"buttonRight": "Right",
"buttonAction": "Action",
"buttonMenu": "Menu",
"buttonSubmit": "Submit",
"altButtonDown": "Down (Alt)",
"altButtonLeft": "Left (Alt)",
"altButtonRight": "Right (Alt)",
"altButtonAction": "Action (Alt)",
"buttonCancel": "Cancel",
"altButtonCancel": "Cancel (Alt)",
"altButtonMenu": "Menu (Alt)",
"buttonStats": "Stats",
"altButtonStats": "Stats (Alt)",
"buttonCycleForm": "Cycle Form",
"altButtonCycleForm": "Cycle Form (Alt)",
"buttonCycleShiny": "Cycle Shiny",
"altButtonCycleShiny": "Cycle Shiny (Alt)",
"buttonCycleGender": "Cycle Gender",
"altButtonCycleGender": "Cycle Gender (Alt)",
"buttonCycleAbility": "Cycle Ability",
"altButtonCycleAbility": "Cycle Ability (Alt)",
"buttonCycleNature": "Cycle Nature",
"altButtonCycleNature": "Cycle Nature (Alt)",
"buttonCycleVariant": "Cycle Variant",
"altButtonCycleVariant": "Cycle Variant (Alt)",
"buttonSpeedUp": "Speed Up",
"altButtonSpeedUp": "Speed Up (Alt)",
"buttonSlowDown": "Slow Down",
"altButtonSlowDown": "Slow Down (Alt)",
"altButtonSubmit": "Submit (Alt)"
} as const;
@ -54,5 +54,109 @@ export const menu: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"disclaimer": "DISCLAIMER",
"disclaimerDescription": "This game is an unfinished product; it might have playability issues (including the potential loss of save data),\n change without notice, and may or may not be updated further or completed."
"disclaimerDescription": "This game is an unfinished product; it might have playability issues (including the potential loss of save data),\n change without notice, and may or may not be updated further or completed.",
"general": "General",
"display": "Display",
"audio": "Audio",
"gamepad": "Gamepad",
"keyboard": "Keyboard",
"gameSpeed": "Game Speed",
"hpBarSpeed": "HP Bar Speed",
"expGainsSpeed": "EXP Gains Speed",
"expPartyDisplay": "Show EXP Party",
"skipSeenDialogues": "Skip Seen Dialogues",
"battleStyle": "Battle Style",
"enableRetries": "Enable Retries",
"tutorials": "Tutorials",
"touchControls": "Touch Controls",
"vibrations": "Vibrations",
"normal": "Normal",
"fast": "Fast",
"faster": "Faster",
"skip": "Skip",
"levelUpNotifications": "Level Up Notifications",
"on": "On",
"off": "Off",
"switch": "Switch",
"set": "Set",
"auto": "Auto",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"language": "Language",
"change": "Change",
"uiTheme": "UI Theme",
"default": "Default",
"legacy": "Legacy",
"windowType": "Window Type",
"moneyFormat": "Money Format",
"damageNumbers": "Damage Numbers",
"simple": "Simple",
"fancy": "Fancy",
"abbreviated": "Abbreviated",
"moveAnimations": "Move Animations",
"showStatsOnLevelUp": "Show Stats on Level Up",
"candyUpgradeNotification": "Candy Upgrade Notification",
"passivesOnly": "Passives Only",
"candyUpgradeDisplay": "Candy Upgrade Display",
"icon": "Icon",
"animation": "Animation",
"moveInfo": "Move Info",
"showMovesetFlyout": "Show Moveset Flyout",
"showArenaFlyout": "Show Arena Flyout",
"showTimeOfDayWidget": "Show Time of Day Widget",
"timeOfDayAnimation": "Time of Day Animation",
"bounce": "Bounce",
"back": "Back",
"spriteSet": "Sprite Set",
"consistent": "Consistent",
"mixedAnimated": "Mixed Animated",
"fusionPaletteSwaps": "Fusion Palette Swaps",
"playerGender": "Player Gender",
"typeHints": "Type Hints",
"masterVolume": "Master Volume",
"bgmVolume": "BGM Volume",
"seVolume": "SE Volume",
"musicPreference": "Music Preference",
"mixed": "Mixed",
"gamepadPleasePlug": "Please Plug in a Gamepad or Press a Button",
"delete": "Delete",
"keyboardPleasePress": "Please Press a Key on Your Keyboard",
"reset": "Reset",
"requireReload": "Reload Required",
"action": "Action",
"pressToBind": "Press to Bind",
"pressButton": "Press a Button...",
"buttonUp": "Up",
"buttonDown": "Down",
"altButtonUp": "Up (Alt)",
"buttonLeft": "Left",
"buttonRight": "Right",
"buttonAction": "Action",
"buttonMenu": "Menu",
"buttonSubmit": "Submit",
"altButtonDown": "Down (Alt)",
"altButtonLeft": "Left (Alt)",
"altButtonRight": "Right (Alt)",
"altButtonAction": "Action (Alt)",
"buttonCancel": "Cancel",
"altButtonCancel": "Cancel (Alt)",
"altButtonMenu": "Menu (Alt)",
"buttonStats": "Stats",
"altButtonStats": "Stats (Alt)",
"buttonCycleForm": "Cycle Form",
"altButtonCycleForm": "Cycle Form (Alt)",
"buttonCycleShiny": "Cycle Shiny",
"altButtonCycleShiny": "Cycle Shiny (Alt)",
"buttonCycleGender": "Cycle Gender",
"altButtonCycleGender": "Cycle Gender (Alt)",
"buttonCycleAbility": "Cycle Ability",
"altButtonCycleAbility": "Cycle Ability (Alt)",
"buttonCycleNature": "Cycle Nature",
"altButtonCycleNature": "Cycle Nature (Alt)",
"buttonCycleVariant": "Cycle Variant",
"altButtonCycleVariant": "Cycle Variant (Alt)",
"buttonSpeedUp": "Speed Up",
"altButtonSpeedUp": "Speed Up (Alt)",
"buttonSlowDown": "Slow Down",
"altButtonSlowDown": "Slow Down (Alt)",
"altButtonSubmit": "Submit (Alt)"
} as const;
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import {Button} from "#enums/buttons";
import BattleScene from "#app/battle-scene";
import {Mode} from "#app/ui/ui";
import SettingsKeyboardUiHandler from "#app/ui/settings/settings-keyboard-ui-handler";
import i18next from "i18next";
export enum SettingKeyboard {
// Default_Layout = "DEFAULT_LAYOUT",
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ export enum SettingKeyboard {
Alt_Button_Submit = "ALT_BUTTON_SUBMIT",
const pressAction = "Press action to assign";
const pressAction = i18next.t("menu:pressToBind");
export const settingKeyboardOptions = {
// [SettingKeyboard.Default_Layout]: ['Default'],
@ -9,10 +9,33 @@ import { EaseType } from "#enums/ease-type";
import { MoneyFormat } from "#enums/money-format";
import { PlayerGender } from "#enums/player-gender";
const MUTE = "Mute";
const VOLUME_OPTIONS = new Array(11).fill(null).map((_, i) => i ? (i * 10).toString() : MUTE);
const OFF_ON = ["Off", "On"];
const AUTO_DISABLED = ["Auto", "Disabled"];
const VOLUME_OPTIONS: SettingOption[] = new Array(11).fill(null).map((_, i) => i ? {
value: (i * 10).toString(),
label: (i * 10).toString(),
} : {
value: "Mute",
label: i18next.t("menu:mute")
const OFF_ON: SettingOption[] = [
value: "Off",
label: i18next.t("menu:off")
value: "On",
label: i18next.t("menu:on")
const AUTO_DISABLED: SettingOption[] = [
value: "Auto",
label: i18next.t("menu:auto")
value: "Disabled",
label: i18next.t("menu:disabled")
* Types for helping separate settings to different menus
@ -23,10 +46,15 @@ export enum SettingType {
type SettingOption = {
value: string,
label: string
export interface Setting {
key: string
label: string
options: Array<string>
options: SettingOption[]
default: number
type: SettingType
requireReload?: boolean
@ -77,164 +105,321 @@ export const SettingKeys = {
export const Setting: Array<Setting> = [
key: SettingKeys.Game_Speed,
label: "Game Speed",
options: ["1x", "1.25x", "1.5x", "2x", "2.5x", "3x", "4x", "5x"],
label: i18next.t("menu:gameSpeed"),
options: [
value: "1",
label: "1x"
value: "1.25",
label: "1.25x"
value: "1.5",
label: "1.5x"
value: "2",
label: "2x"
value: "2.5",
label: "2.5x"
value: "3",
label: "3x"
value: "4",
label: "4x"
value: "5",
label: "5x"
default: 3,
type: SettingType.GENERAL
key: SettingKeys.HP_Bar_Speed,
label: "HP Bar Speed",
options: ["Normal", "Fast", "Faster", "Skip"],
label: i18next.t("menu:hpBarSpeed"),
options: [
value: "Normal",
label: i18next.t("menu:normal")
value: "Fast",
label: i18next.t("menu:fast")
value: "Faster",
label: i18next.t("menu:faster")
value: "Skip",
label: i18next.t("menu:skip")
default: 0,
type: SettingType.GENERAL
key: SettingKeys.EXP_Gains_Speed,
label: "EXP Gains Speed",
options: ["Normal", "Fast", "Faster", "Skip"],
label: i18next.t("menu:expGainsSpeed"),
options: [
value: "Normal",
label: i18next.t("menu:normal")
value: "Fast",
label: i18next.t("menu:fast")
value: "Faster",
label: i18next.t("menu:faster")
value: "Skip",
label: i18next.t("menu:skip")
default: 0,
type: SettingType.GENERAL
key: SettingKeys.EXP_Party_Display,
label: "EXP Party Display",
options: ["Normal", "Level Up Notification", "Skip"],
label: i18next.t("menu:expPartyDisplay"),
options: [
value: "Normal",
label: i18next.t("menu:normal")
value: "Level Up Notification",
label: i18next.t("menu:levelUpNotifications")
value: "Skip",
label: i18next.t("menu:skip")
default: 0,
type: SettingType.GENERAL
key: SettingKeys.Skip_Seen_Dialogues,
label: "Skip Seen Dialogues",
label: i18next.t("menu:skipSeenDialogues"),
options: OFF_ON,
default: 0,
type: SettingType.GENERAL
key: SettingKeys.Battle_Style,
label: "Battle Style",
options: ["Switch", "Set"],
label: i18next.t("menu:battleStyle"),
options: [
value: "Switch",
label: i18next.t("menu:switch")
value: "Set",
label: i18next.t("menu:set")
default: 0,
type: SettingType.GENERAL
key: SettingKeys.Enable_Retries,
label: "Enable Retries",
label: i18next.t("menu:enableRetries"),
options: OFF_ON,
default: 0,
type: SettingType.GENERAL
key: SettingKeys.Tutorials,
label: "Tutorials",
label: i18next.t("menu:tutorials"),
options: OFF_ON,
default: 1,
type: SettingType.GENERAL
key: SettingKeys.Touch_Controls,
label: "Touch Controls",
label: i18next.t("menu:touchControls"),
default: 0,
type: SettingType.GENERAL
key: SettingKeys.Vibration,
label: "Vibration",
label: i18next.t("menu:vibrations"),
default: 0,
type: SettingType.GENERAL
key: SettingKeys.Language,
label: "Language",
options: ["English", "Change"],
label: i18next.t("menu:language"),
options: [
value: "English",
label: "English"
value: "Change",
label: i18next.t("menu:change")
default: 0,
type: SettingType.DISPLAY,
requireReload: true
key: SettingKeys.UI_Theme,
label: "UI Theme",
options: ["Default", "Legacy"],
label: i18next.t("menu:uiTheme"),
options: [
value: "Default",
label: i18next.t("menu:default")
value: "Legacy",
label: i18next.t("menu:legacy")
default: 0,
type: SettingType.DISPLAY,
requireReload: true
key: SettingKeys.Window_Type,
label: "Window Type",
options: new Array(5).fill(null).map((_, i) => (i + 1).toString()),
label: i18next.t("menu:windowType"),
options: new Array(5).fill(null).map((_, i) => {
const windowType = (i + 1).toString();
return {
value: windowType,
label: windowType
default: 0,
type: SettingType.DISPLAY
key: SettingKeys.Money_Format,
label: "Money Format",
options: ["Normal", "Abbreviated"],
label: i18next.t("menu:moneyFormat"),
options: [
value: "Normal",
label: i18next.t("menu:normal")
value: "Abbreviated",
label: i18next.t("menu:abbreviated")
default: 0,
type: SettingType.DISPLAY
key: SettingKeys.Damage_Numbers,
label: "Damage Numbers",
options: ["Off", "Simple", "Fancy"],
label: i18next.t("menu:damageNumbers"),
options: [
value: "Off",
label: i18next.t("menu:off")
value: "Simple",
label: i18next.t("menu:simple")
value: "Fancy",
label: i18next.t("menu:fancy")
default: 0,
type: SettingType.DISPLAY
key: SettingKeys.Move_Animations,
label: "Move Animations",
label: i18next.t("menu:moveAnimations"),
options: OFF_ON,
default: 1,
type: SettingType.DISPLAY
key: SettingKeys.Show_Stats_on_Level_Up,
label: "Show Stats on Level Up",
label: i18next.t("menu:showStatsOnLevelUp"),
options: OFF_ON,
default: 1,
type: SettingType.DISPLAY
key: SettingKeys.Candy_Upgrade_Notification,
label: "Candy Upgrade Notification",
options: ["Off", "Passives Only", "On"],
label: i18next.t("menu:candyUpgradeNotification"),
options: [
value: "Off",
label: i18next.t("menu:off")
value: "Passives Only",
label: i18next.t("menu:passivesOnly")
value: "On",
label: i18next.t("menu:on")
default: 0,
type: SettingType.DISPLAY
key: SettingKeys.Candy_Upgrade_Display,
label: "Candy Upgrade Display",
options: ["Icon", "Animation"],
label: i18next.t("menu:candyUpgradeDisplay"),
options: [
value: "Icon",
label: i18next.t("menu:icon")
value: "Animation",
label: i18next.t("menu:animation")
default: 0,
type: SettingType.DISPLAY,
requireReload: true
key: SettingKeys.Move_Info,
label: "Move Info",
label: i18next.t("menu:moveInfo"),
options: OFF_ON,
default: 1,
type: SettingType.DISPLAY
key: SettingKeys.Show_Moveset_Flyout,
label: "Show Moveset Flyout",
label: i18next.t("menu:showMovesetFlyout"),
options: OFF_ON,
default: 1,
type: SettingType.DISPLAY
key: SettingKeys.Show_Arena_Flyout,
label: "Show Battle Effects Flyout",
label: i18next.t("menu:showArenaFlyout"),
options: OFF_ON,
default: 1,
type: SettingType.DISPLAY
key: SettingKeys.Show_Time_Of_Day_Widget,
label: "Show Time of Day Widget",
label: i18next.t("menu:showTimeOfDayWidget"),
options: OFF_ON,
default: 1,
type: SettingType.DISPLAY,
@ -242,65 +427,101 @@ export const Setting: Array<Setting> = [
key: SettingKeys.Time_Of_Day_Animation,
label: "Time of Day Animation",
options: ["Bounce", "Back"],
label: i18next.t("menu:timeOfDayAnimation"),
options: [
value: "Bounce",
label: i18next.t("menu:bounce")
value: "Back",
label: i18next.t("menu:back")
default: 0,
type: SettingType.DISPLAY
key: SettingKeys.Sprite_Set,
label: "Sprite Set",
options: ["Consistent", "Mixed Animated"],
label: i18next.t("menu:spriteSet"),
options: [
value: "Consistent",
label: i18next.t("menu:consistent")
value: "Mixed Animated",
label: i18next.t("menu:mixedAnimated")
default: 0,
type: SettingType.DISPLAY,
requireReload: true
key: SettingKeys.Fusion_Palette_Swaps,
label: "Fusion Palette Swaps",
label: i18next.t("menu:fusionPaletteSwaps"),
options: OFF_ON,
default: 1,
type: SettingType.DISPLAY
key: SettingKeys.Player_Gender,
label: "Player Gender",
options: ["Boy", "Girl"],
label: i18next.t("menu:playerGender"),
options: [
value: "Boy",
label: i18next.t("menu:boy")
value: "Girl",
label: i18next.t("menu:girl")
default: 0,
type: SettingType.DISPLAY
key: SettingKeys.Type_Hints,
label: "Type hints",
label: i18next.t("menu:typeHints"),
options: OFF_ON,
default: 0,
type: SettingType.DISPLAY
key: SettingKeys.Master_Volume,
label: "Master Volume",
label: i18next.t("menu:masterVolume"),
default: 5,
type: SettingType.AUDIO
key: SettingKeys.BGM_Volume,
label: "BGM Volume",
label: i18next.t("menu:bgmVolume"),
default: 10,
type: SettingType.AUDIO
key: SettingKeys.SE_Volume,
label: "SE Volume",
label: i18next.t("menu:seVolume"),
default: 10,
type: SettingType.AUDIO
key: SettingKeys.Music_Preference,
label: "Music Preference",
options: ["Consistent", "Mixed"],
label: i18next.t("menu:musicPreference"),
options: [
value: "Consistent",
label: i18next.t("menu:consistent")
value: "Mixed",
label: i18next.t("menu:mixed")
default: 0,
type: SettingType.AUDIO,
requireReload: true
@ -333,23 +554,23 @@ export function resetSettings(scene: BattleScene) {
export function setSetting(scene: BattleScene, setting: string, value: integer): boolean {
const index: number = settingIndex(setting);
if ( index === -1) {
if (index === -1) {
return false;
switch (Setting[index].key) {
case SettingKeys.Game_Speed:
scene.gameSpeed = parseFloat(Setting[index].options[value].replace("x", ""));
scene.gameSpeed = parseFloat(Setting[index].options[value].value.replace("x", ""));
case SettingKeys.Master_Volume:
scene.masterVolume = value ? parseInt(Setting[index].options[value]) * 0.01 : 0;
scene.masterVolume = value ? parseInt(Setting[index].options[value].value) * 0.01 : 0;
case SettingKeys.BGM_Volume:
scene.bgmVolume = value ? parseInt(Setting[index].options[value]) * 0.01 : 0;
scene.bgmVolume = value ? parseInt(Setting[index].options[value].value) * 0.01 : 0;
case SettingKeys.SE_Volume:
scene.seVolume = value ? parseInt(Setting[index].options[value]) * 0.01 : 0;
scene.seVolume = value ? parseInt(Setting[index].options[value].value) * 0.01 : 0;
case SettingKeys.Music_Preference:
@ -362,19 +583,19 @@ export function setSetting(scene: BattleScene, setting: string, value: integer):
scene.uiTheme = value;
case SettingKeys.Window_Type:
updateWindowType(scene, parseInt(Setting[index].options[value]));
updateWindowType(scene, parseInt(Setting[index].options[value].value));
case SettingKeys.Tutorials:
scene.enableTutorials = Setting[index].options[value] === "On";
scene.enableTutorials = Setting[index].options[value].value === "On";
case SettingKeys.Move_Info:
scene.enableMoveInfo = Setting[index].options[value] === "On";
scene.enableMoveInfo = Setting[index].options[value].value === "On";
case SettingKeys.Enable_Retries:
scene.enableRetries = Setting[index].options[value] === "On";
scene.enableRetries = Setting[index].options[value].value === "On";
case SettingKeys.Skip_Seen_Dialogues:
scene.skipSeenDialogues = Setting[index].options[value] === "On";
scene.skipSeenDialogues = Setting[index].options[value].value === "On";
case SettingKeys.Battle_Style:
scene.battleStyle = value;
@ -390,7 +611,7 @@ export function setSetting(scene: BattleScene, setting: string, value: integer):
case SettingKeys.Candy_Upgrade_Display:
scene.candyUpgradeDisplay = value;
case SettingKeys.Money_Format:
switch (Setting[index].options[value]) {
switch (Setting[index].options[value].value) {
case "Normal":
scene.moneyFormat = MoneyFormat.NORMAL;
@ -407,22 +628,22 @@ export function setSetting(scene: BattleScene, setting: string, value: integer):
case SettingKeys.Move_Animations:
scene.moveAnimations = Setting[index].options[value] === "On";
scene.moveAnimations = Setting[index].options[value].value === "On";
case SettingKeys.Show_Moveset_Flyout:
scene.showMovesetFlyout = Setting[index].options[value] === "On";
scene.showMovesetFlyout = Setting[index].options[value].value === "On";
case SettingKeys.Show_Arena_Flyout:
scene.showArenaFlyout = Setting[index].options[value] === "On";
scene.showArenaFlyout = Setting[index].options[value].value === "On";
case SettingKeys.Show_Time_Of_Day_Widget:
scene.showTimeOfDayWidget = Setting[index].options[value] === "On";
scene.showTimeOfDayWidget = Setting[index].options[value].value === "On";
case SettingKeys.Time_Of_Day_Animation:
scene.timeOfDayAnimation = Setting[index].options[value] === "Bounce" ? EaseType.BOUNCE : EaseType.BACK;
scene.timeOfDayAnimation = Setting[index].options[value].value === "Bounce" ? EaseType.BOUNCE : EaseType.BACK;
case SettingKeys.Show_Stats_on_Level_Up:
scene.showLevelUpStats = Setting[index].options[value] === "On";
scene.showLevelUpStats = Setting[index].options[value].value === "On";
case SettingKeys.EXP_Gains_Speed:
scene.expGainsSpeed = value;
@ -438,7 +659,7 @@ export function setSetting(scene: BattleScene, setting: string, value: integer):
case SettingKeys.Player_Gender:
if (scene.gameData) {
const female = Setting[index].options[value] === "Girl";
const female = Setting[index].options[value].value === "Girl";
scene.gameData.gender = female ? PlayerGender.FEMALE : PlayerGender.MALE;
scene.trainer.setTexture(scene.trainer.texture.key.replace(female ? "m" : "f", female ? "f" : "m"));
} else {
@ -446,17 +667,17 @@ export function setSetting(scene: BattleScene, setting: string, value: integer):
case SettingKeys.Touch_Controls:
scene.enableTouchControls = Setting[index].options[value] !== "Disabled" && hasTouchscreen();
scene.enableTouchControls = Setting[index].options[value].value !== "Disabled" && hasTouchscreen();
const touchControls = document.getElementById("touchControls");
if (touchControls) {
touchControls.classList.toggle("visible", scene.enableTouchControls);
case SettingKeys.Vibration:
scene.enableVibration = Setting[index].options[value] !== "Disabled" && hasTouchscreen();
scene.enableVibration = Setting[index].options[value].value !== "Disabled" && hasTouchscreen();
case SettingKeys.Type_Hints:
scene.typeHints = Setting[index].options[value] === "On";
scene.typeHints = Setting[index].options[value].value === "On";
case SettingKeys.Language:
if (value) {
@ -517,7 +738,7 @@ export function setSetting(scene: BattleScene, setting: string, value: integer):
handler: () => changeLocaleHandler("ko")
label: "Cancel",
label: i18next.t("menu:back"),
handler: () => cancelHandler()
@ -190,12 +190,12 @@ export class UiInputs {
buttonSpeedChange(up = true): void {
const settingGameSpeed = settingIndex(SettingKeys.Game_Speed);
if (up && this.scene.gameSpeed < 5) {
this.scene.gameData.saveSetting(SettingKeys.Game_Speed, Setting[settingGameSpeed].options.indexOf(`${this.scene.gameSpeed}x`) + 1);
this.scene.gameData.saveSetting(SettingKeys.Game_Speed, Setting[settingGameSpeed].options.findIndex((item) => item.value === `${this.scene.gameSpeed}x`) + 1);
if (this.scene.ui?.getMode() === Mode.SETTINGS) {
(this.scene.ui.getHandler() as SettingsUiHandler).show([]);
} else if (!up && this.scene.gameSpeed > 1) {
this.scene.gameData.saveSetting(SettingKeys.Game_Speed, Math.max(Setting[settingGameSpeed].options.indexOf(`${this.scene.gameSpeed}x`) - 1, 0));
this.scene.gameData.saveSetting(SettingKeys.Game_Speed, Math.max(Setting[settingGameSpeed].options.findIndex((item) => item.value === `${this.scene.gameSpeed}x`) - 1, 0));
if (this.scene.ui?.getMode() === Mode.SETTINGS) {
(this.scene.ui.getHandler() as SettingsUiHandler).show([]);
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import {addWindow} from "../ui-theme";
import {addTextObject, TextStyle} from "../text";
import {Button} from "#enums/buttons";
import {NavigationManager} from "#app/ui/settings/navigationMenu";
import i18next from "i18next";
* Abstract class for handling UI elements related to button bindings.
@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ export default abstract class AbstractBindingUiHandler extends UiHandler {
// Text prompts and instructions for the user.
this.unlockText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, "Press a button...", TextStyle.WINDOW);
this.unlockText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, i18next.t("menu:pressButton"), TextStyle.WINDOW);
this.unlockText.setOrigin(0, 0);
this.unlockText.setPositionRelative(this.titleBg, 36, 4);
@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ export default abstract class AbstractBindingUiHandler extends UiHandler {
this.cancelLabel = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, "Cancel", TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
this.cancelLabel = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, i18next.t("menu:back"), TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
this.cancelLabel.setOrigin(0, 0.5);
this.cancelLabel.setPositionRelative(this.actionBg, 10, this.actionBg.height / 2);
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import {getIconWithSettingName} from "#app/configs/inputs/configHandler";
import NavigationMenu, {NavigationManager} from "#app/ui/settings/navigationMenu";
import { Device } from "#enums/devices";
import { Button } from "#enums/buttons";
import i18next from "i18next";
export interface InputsIcons {
[key: string]: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite;
@ -83,6 +84,12 @@ export default abstract class AbstractControlSettingsUiHandler extends UiHandler
return settings;
private camelize(string: string): string {
return string.replace(/(?:^\w|[A-Z]|\b\w)/g, function(word, index) {
return index === 0 ? word.toLowerCase() : word.toUpperCase();
}).replace(/\s+/g, "");
* Setup UI elements.
@ -108,7 +115,7 @@ export default abstract class AbstractControlSettingsUiHandler extends UiHandler
iconAction.setPositionRelative(this.actionsBg, this.navigationContainer.width - 32, 4);
this.navigationIcons["BUTTON_ACTION"] = iconAction;
const actionText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, "Action", TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
const actionText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, i18next.t("menu:action"), TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
actionText.setOrigin(0, 0.15);
actionText.setPositionRelative(iconAction, -actionText.width/6-2, 0);
@ -117,7 +124,7 @@ export default abstract class AbstractControlSettingsUiHandler extends UiHandler
iconCancel.setPositionRelative(this.actionsBg, this.navigationContainer.width - 100, 4);
this.navigationIcons["BUTTON_CANCEL"] = iconCancel;
const cancelText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, "Cancel", TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
const cancelText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, i18next.t("menu:back"), TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
cancelText.setOrigin(0, 0.15);
cancelText.setPositionRelative(iconCancel, -cancelText.width/6-2, 0);
@ -126,7 +133,7 @@ export default abstract class AbstractControlSettingsUiHandler extends UiHandler
iconReset.setPositionRelative(this.actionsBg, this.navigationContainer.width - 180, 4);
this.navigationIcons["BUTTON_HOME"] = iconReset;
const resetText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, "Reset all", TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
const resetText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, i18next.t("menu:reset"), TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
resetText.setOrigin(0, 0.15);
resetText.setPositionRelative(iconReset, -resetText.width/6-2, 0);
@ -178,7 +185,7 @@ export default abstract class AbstractControlSettingsUiHandler extends UiHandler
// Create and add a text object for the setting name to the scene.
const isLock = this.settingBlacklisted.includes(this.setting[setting]);
const labelStyle = isLock ? TextStyle.SETTINGS_LOCKED : TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL;
settingLabels[s] = addTextObject(this.scene, 8, 28 + s * 16, settingName, labelStyle);
settingLabels[s] = addTextObject(this.scene, 8, 28 + s * 16, i18next.t(`menu:${this.camelize(settingName)}`), labelStyle);
settingLabels[s].setOrigin(0, 0);
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import {Button} from "#enums/buttons";
import {InputsIcons} from "#app/ui/settings/abstract-control-settings-ui-handler.js";
import NavigationMenu, {NavigationManager} from "#app/ui/settings/navigationMenu";
import { Setting, SettingKeys } from "#app/system/settings/settings";
import i18next from "i18next";
@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ export default class AbstractSettingsUiHandler extends UiHandler {
iconAction.setPositionRelative(actionsBg, this.navigationContainer.width - 32, 4);
this.navigationIcons["BUTTON_ACTION"] = iconAction;
const actionText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, "Action", TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
const actionText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, i18next.t("menu:action"), TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
actionText.setOrigin(0, 0.15);
actionText.setPositionRelative(iconAction, -actionText.width/6-2, 0);
@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ export default class AbstractSettingsUiHandler extends UiHandler {
iconCancel.setPositionRelative(actionsBg, this.navigationContainer.width - 100, 4);
this.navigationIcons["BUTTON_CANCEL"] = iconCancel;
const cancelText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, "Cancel", TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
const cancelText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, i18next.t("menu:back"), TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
cancelText.setOrigin(0, 0.15);
cancelText.setPositionRelative(iconCancel, -cancelText.width/6-2, 0);
@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ export default class AbstractSettingsUiHandler extends UiHandler {
.forEach((setting, s) => {
let settingName = setting.label;
if (setting?.requireReload) {
settingName += " (Requires Reload)";
settingName += ` (${i18next.t("menu:requireReload")})`;
this.settingLabels[s] = addTextObject(this.scene, 8, 28 + s * 16, settingName, TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ export default class AbstractSettingsUiHandler extends UiHandler {
this.optionValueLabels.push(setting.options.map((option, o) => {
const valueLabel = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, option, setting.default === o ? TextStyle.SETTINGS_SELECTED : TextStyle.WINDOW);
const valueLabel = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, option.label, setting.default === o ? TextStyle.SETTINGS_SELECTED : TextStyle.WINDOW);
valueLabel.setOrigin(0, 0);
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import {InputsIcons} from "#app/ui/settings/abstract-control-settings-ui-handler
import {addTextObject, setTextStyle, TextStyle} from "#app/ui/text";
import {addWindow} from "#app/ui/ui-theme";
import {Button} from "#enums/buttons";
import i18next from "i18next";
const LEFT = "LEFT";
const RIGHT = "RIGHT";
@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ export class NavigationManager {
this.labels = ["General", "Display", "Audio", "Gamepad", "Keyboard"];
this.labels = [i18next.t("menu:general"), i18next.t("menu:display"), i18next.t("menu:audio"), i18next.t("menu:gamepad"), i18next.t("menu:keyboard")];
public reset() {
@ -25,34 +25,64 @@ export default class SettingsDisplayUiHandler extends AbstractSettingsUiHandler
const currentLocale = localStorage.getItem("prLang");
switch (currentLocale) {
case "en":
this.settings[languageIndex].options[0] = "English";
this.settings[languageIndex].options[0] = {
value: "English",
label: "English",
case "es":
this.settings[languageIndex].options[0] = "Español";
this.settings[languageIndex].options[0] = {
value: "Español",
label: "Español",
case "it":
this.settings[languageIndex].options[0] = "Italiano";
this.settings[languageIndex].options[0] = {
value: "Italiano",
label: "Italiano",
case "fr":
this.settings[languageIndex].options[0] = "Français";
this.settings[languageIndex].options[0] = {
value: "Français",
label: "Français",
case "de":
this.settings[languageIndex].options[0] = "Deutsch";
this.settings[languageIndex].options[0] = {
value: "Deutsch",
label: "Deutsch",
case "pt-BR":
this.settings[languageIndex].options[0] = "Português (BR)";
this.settings[languageIndex].options[0] = {
value: "Português (BR)",
label: "Português (BR)",
case "zh-CN":
this.settings[languageIndex].options[0] = "简体中文";
this.settings[languageIndex].options[0] = {
value: "简体中文",
label: "简体中文",
case "zh-TW":
this.settings[languageIndex].options[0] = "繁體中文";
this.settings[languageIndex].options[0] = {
value: "繁體中文",
label: "繁體中文",
case "ko":
this.settings[languageIndex].options[0] = "한국어";
this.settings[languageIndex].options[0] = {
value: "한국어",
label: "한국어",
this.settings[languageIndex].options[0] = "English";
this.settings[languageIndex].options[0] = {
value: "English",
label: "English",
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import {InterfaceConfig} from "#app/inputs-controller";
import AbstractControlSettingsUiHandler from "#app/ui/settings/abstract-control-settings-ui-handler.js";
import {Device} from "#enums/devices";
import {truncateString} from "#app/utils";
import i18next from "i18next";
* Class representing the settings UI handler for gamepads.
@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ export default class SettingsGamepadUiHandler extends AbstractControlSettingsUiH
this.layout["noGamepads"] = new Map();
const optionsContainer = this.scene.add.container(0, 0);
optionsContainer.setVisible(false); // Initially hide the container as no gamepads are connected.
const label = addTextObject(this.scene, 8, 28, "Please plug a controller or press a button", TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
const label = addTextObject(this.scene, 8, 28, i18next.t("menu:gamepadPleasePlug"), TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
label.setOrigin(0, 0);
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import {addTextObject, TextStyle} from "#app/ui/text";
import {deleteBind} from "#app/configs/inputs/configHandler";
import {Device} from "#enums/devices";
import {NavigationManager} from "#app/ui/settings/navigationMenu";
import i18next from "i18next";
* Class representing the settings UI handler for keyboards.
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ export default class SettingsKeyboardUiHandler extends AbstractControlSettingsUi
this.layout["noKeyboard"] = new Map();
const optionsContainer = this.scene.add.container(0, 0);
optionsContainer.setVisible(false); // Initially hide the container as no gamepads are connected.
const label = addTextObject(this.scene, 8, 28, "Please press a key on your keyboard", TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
const label = addTextObject(this.scene, 8, 28, i18next.t("menu:keyboardPleasePress"), TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
label.setOrigin(0, 0);
@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ export default class SettingsKeyboardUiHandler extends AbstractControlSettingsUi
iconDelete.setPositionRelative(this.actionsBg, this.navigationContainer.width - 260, 4);
this.navigationIcons["BUTTON_DELETE"] = iconDelete;
const deleteText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, "Delete", TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
const deleteText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, i18next.t("menu:delete"), TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
deleteText.setOrigin(0, 0.15);
deleteText.setPositionRelative(iconDelete, -deleteText.width/6-2, 0);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user