[QoL] Making the transfer button show which pokemon can have items be transferred to them (#2503)

* Basic version of code for updating party ui name to be red when at max stack

* Updated text to be red when pokemon is at max stack

* Removed some comments and fixed a private property issue

* Fixed a const instead of a let statement, and added some comments on the logic

* Accidentally broke last commit. Intentionally fixed this commit

* Updated the code to not have red text for pokemon name as that was too confusing with fainted pokemon. Now the party slot has a descriptor label which can be used to set the text to show if the pokemon is able/not able to receive the transfer items

* Updated transfer logic to use new isTransferrable property instead of getTransferrable method and merged with latest
This commit is contained in:
Opaque02 2024-08-01 11:50:47 +10:00 committed by GitHub
parent e30b9607c5
commit fdbdb862bc
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194

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@ -288,6 +288,36 @@ export default class PartyUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
const pokemon = this.scene.getParty()[this.cursor];
if (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.MODIFIER_TRANSFER && !this.transferMode && option !== PartyOption.CANCEL) {
let ableToTransfer: string;
for (let p = 0; p < this.scene.getParty().length; p++) { // this fore look goes through each of the party pokemon
const newPokemon = this.scene.getParty()[p];
// this next line gets all of the transferable items from pokemon [p]; it does this by getting all the held modifiers that are transferable and checking to see if they belong to pokemon [p]
const getTransferrableItemsFromPokemon = (newPokemon: PlayerPokemon) =>
this.scene.findModifiers(m => m instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier && (m as PokemonHeldItemModifier).isTransferrable && (m as PokemonHeldItemModifier).pokemonId === newPokemon.id) as PokemonHeldItemModifier[];
// this next bit checks to see if the the selected item from the original transfer pokemon exists on the new pokemon [p]; this returns undefined if the new pokemon doesn't have the item at all, otherwise it returns the pokemonHeldItemModifier for that item
const matchingModifier = newPokemon.scene.findModifier(m => m instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier && m.pokemonId === newPokemon.id && m.matchType(getTransferrableItemsFromPokemon(pokemon)[this.transferOptionCursor])) as PokemonHeldItemModifier;
const partySlot = this.partySlots.filter(m => m.getPokemon() === newPokemon)[0]; // this gets pokemon [p] for us
if (p !== this.transferCursor) { // this skips adding the able/not able labels on the pokemon doing the transfer
if (matchingModifier) { // if matchingModifier exists then the item exists on the new pokemon
if (matchingModifier.getMaxStackCount(this.scene) === matchingModifier.stackCount) { // checks to see if the stack of items is at max stack; if so, set the description label to "Not able"
ableToTransfer = "Not able";
} else { // if the pokemon isn't at max stack, make the label "Able"
ableToTransfer = "Able";
} else { // if matchingModifier doesn't exist, that means the pokemon doesn't have any of the item, and we need to show "Able"
ableToTransfer = "Able";
} else { // this else relates to the transfer pokemon. We set the text to be blank so there's no "Able"/"Not able" text
ableToTransfer = "";
return true;
@ -947,6 +977,12 @@ export default class PartyUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
this.transferMode = false;
this.transferAll = false;
for (let i = 0; i < this.partySlots.length; i++) {
doRelease(slotIndex: integer): void {
@ -1041,6 +1077,12 @@ class PartySlot extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
private slotBg: Phaser.GameObjects.Image;
private slotPb: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite;
public slotName: Phaser.GameObjects.Text;
public slotHpBar: Phaser.GameObjects.Image;
public slotHpOverlay: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite;
public slotHpText: Phaser.GameObjects.Text;
public slotDescriptionLabel: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; // this is used to show text instead of the HP bar i.e. for showing "Able"/"Not Able" for TMs when you try to learn them
private pokemonIcon: Phaser.GameObjects.Container;
private iconAnimHandler: PokemonIconAnimHandler;
@ -1057,6 +1099,10 @@ class PartySlot extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
this.setup(partyUiMode, tmMoveId);
getPokemon(): PlayerPokemon {
return this.pokemon;
setup(partyUiMode: PartyUiMode, tmMoveId: Moves) {
const battlerCount = (this.scene as BattleScene).currentBattle.getBattlerCount();
@ -1095,19 +1141,19 @@ class PartySlot extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
const slotName = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, displayName, TextStyle.PARTY);
slotName.setPositionRelative(slotBg, this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? 21 : 24, this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? 2 : 10);
slotName.setOrigin(0, 0);
this.slotName = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, displayName, TextStyle.PARTY);
this.slotName.setPositionRelative(slotBg, this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? 21 : 24, this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? 2 : 10);
this.slotName.setOrigin(0, 0);
const slotLevelLabel = this.scene.add.image(0, 0, "party_slot_overlay_lv");
slotLevelLabel.setPositionRelative(slotName, 8, 12);
slotLevelLabel.setPositionRelative(this.slotName, 8, 12);
slotLevelLabel.setOrigin(0, 0);
const slotLevelText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, this.pokemon.level.toString(), this.pokemon.level < (this.scene as BattleScene).getMaxExpLevel() ? TextStyle.PARTY : TextStyle.PARTY_RED);
slotLevelText.setPositionRelative(slotLevelLabel, 9, 0);
slotLevelText.setOrigin(0, 0.25);
slotInfoContainer.add([ slotName, slotLevelLabel, slotLevelText ]);
slotInfoContainer.add([this.slotName, slotLevelLabel, slotLevelText ]);
const genderSymbol = getGenderSymbol(this.pokemon.getGender(true));
@ -1118,7 +1164,7 @@ class PartySlot extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
if (this.slotIndex >= battlerCount) {
slotGenderText.setPositionRelative(slotLevelLabel, 36, 0);
} else {
slotGenderText.setPositionRelative(slotName, 76 - (this.pokemon.fusionSpecies ? 8 : 0), 3);
slotGenderText.setPositionRelative(this.slotName, 76 - (this.pokemon.fusionSpecies ? 8 : 0), 3);
slotGenderText.setOrigin(0, 0.25);
@ -1132,7 +1178,7 @@ class PartySlot extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
if (this.slotIndex >= battlerCount) {
splicedIcon.setPositionRelative(slotLevelLabel, 36 + (genderSymbol ? 8 : 0), 0.5);
} else {
splicedIcon.setPositionRelative(slotName, 76, 3.5);
splicedIcon.setPositionRelative(this.slotName, 76, 3.5);
@ -1152,7 +1198,7 @@ class PartySlot extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
const shinyStar = this.scene.add.image(0, 0, `shiny_star_small${doubleShiny ? "_1" : ""}`);
shinyStar.setOrigin(0, 0);
shinyStar.setPositionRelative(slotName, -9, 3);
shinyStar.setPositionRelative(this.slotName, -9, 3);
shinyStar.setTint(getVariantTint(!doubleShiny ? this.pokemon.getVariant() : this.pokemon.variant));
@ -1167,24 +1213,40 @@ class PartySlot extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
this.slotHpBar = this.scene.add.image(0, 0, "party_slot_hp_bar");
this.slotHpBar.setPositionRelative(slotBg, this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? 72 : 8, this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? 6 : 31);
this.slotHpBar.setOrigin(0, 0);
const hpRatio = this.pokemon.getHpRatio();
this.slotHpOverlay = this.scene.add.sprite(0, 0, "party_slot_hp_overlay", hpRatio > 0.5 ? "high" : hpRatio > 0.25 ? "medium" : "low");
this.slotHpOverlay.setPositionRelative(this.slotHpBar, 16, 2);
this.slotHpOverlay.setOrigin(0, 0);
this.slotHpOverlay.setScale(hpRatio, 1);
this.slotHpText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, `${this.pokemon.hp}/${this.pokemon.getMaxHp()}`, TextStyle.PARTY);
this.slotHpText.setPositionRelative(this.slotHpBar, this.slotHpBar.width - 3, this.slotHpBar.height - 2);
this.slotHpText.setOrigin(1, 0);
this.slotDescriptionLabel = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, "", TextStyle.MESSAGE);
this.slotDescriptionLabel.setPositionRelative(slotBg, this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? 94 : 32, this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? 16 : 46);
this.slotDescriptionLabel.setOrigin(0, 1);
slotInfoContainer.add([this.slotHpBar, this.slotHpOverlay, this.slotHpText, this.slotDescriptionLabel]);
if (partyUiMode !== PartyUiMode.TM_MODIFIER) {
const slotHpBar = this.scene.add.image(0, 0, "party_slot_hp_bar");
slotHpBar.setPositionRelative(slotBg, this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? 72 : 8, this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? 6 : 31);
slotHpBar.setOrigin(0, 0);
const hpRatio = this.pokemon.getHpRatio();
const slotHpOverlay = this.scene.add.sprite(0, 0, "party_slot_hp_overlay", hpRatio > 0.5 ? "high" : hpRatio > 0.25 ? "medium" : "low");
slotHpOverlay.setPositionRelative(slotHpBar, 16, 2);
slotHpOverlay.setOrigin(0, 0);
slotHpOverlay.setScale(hpRatio, 1);
const slotHpText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, `${this.pokemon.hp}/${this.pokemon.getMaxHp()}`, TextStyle.PARTY);
slotHpText.setPositionRelative(slotHpBar, slotHpBar.width - 3, slotHpBar.height - 2);
slotHpText.setOrigin(1, 0);
slotInfoContainer.add([ slotHpBar, slotHpOverlay, slotHpText ]);
} else {
let slotTmText: string;
switch (true) {
case (this.pokemon.compatibleTms.indexOf(tmMoveId) === -1):
@ -1198,11 +1260,9 @@ class PartySlot extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
const slotTmLabel = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, slotTmText, TextStyle.MESSAGE);
slotTmLabel.setPositionRelative(slotBg, this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? 94 : 32, this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? 16 : 46);
slotTmLabel.setOrigin(0, 1);