* Replacement of the BGM in the slum biome (by Andr06)
* Modification of BGM credits in README.md
* Replacement of the BGM name by the title chosen by its composer in all languages
* Update BGM loop point for biome 'SLUM'
* [Sprite] Remove normal Larvesta stray pixels
Taken from original commit
* [Sprite] Revert shiny Larvesta stray pixels
Taken from original commit
* [Sprite] Match variant Larvesta colours
Fixed a floating pixel in epic shiny Yungoos' icon. Caused by Mimikyu's epic shiny sprite being placed too high on the sprite sheet. Moved Mimikyu's sprite down and updated json to reflect the change.
* [Sprite] Shiny Meteor Minior not in shell
Taken from non-shiny sprite and animation.
* [Sprite] Back shiny Meteor Minior not in shell
Taken from non-shiny sprite and animation.
* [Sprite] Shiny exp Minior Cores wrong colours
* [Sprite] Shiny exp Minior Core backs wrong colours
* Adds TextStyle for bgm-bar ui
* Makes the ui bgm-bar truly dynamic + cleans up unused code
+ Removes all hard-coded characters from the string to allow for different typographical rules in different languages
* Applies the necessary modifications to locales following the deletion of the hard-coded character to form strings
* Use same style as above + reduce shadow offset
* Creates and loads a resource for the bgm-bar ui
+ Can be redesigned by someone with more talent if needed, since it won't affect the ability bar
* Using the new resource in bgm-bar ui
* Use of more space by default following deletion of the 'noteText' text zone
* [Sprite] Missing female Scyther front variant palettes
Taken from existing male counterpart.
* [Sprite] Missing female Scyther back variant palettes
Taken from existing male counterpart.
* [Sprite] Adding female Scyther variants
Instead of using the recommended LUFS of -23, use the LUFS of -14 used by Youtube
And locking in a maximum peak value of -1.0dB to avoid the saturation still present at -14 LUFS for some tracks
* Rename 982-three-segment_3.png to 982-temp_3.png
temp change to swap non-destructively
* Rename 982_3.png to 982-three-segment_3.png
* Rename 982-temp_3.png to 982_3.png
* [Sprite] Gives Disguised form explicit identifier
`null` defaults to `disguised`, as is desired.
* [Sprite] Renamed Disguised form has exp sprites
* [Sprite] Add Busted Mimikyu to masterlist
* Rename static non-shiny front 778.png to 778-disguised.png
* static non-shiny front
* exp non-shiny front
* static non-shiny back
* exp non-shiny front
* static non-shiny back
* static shiny front
* static shiny front
* non-shiny icon
* exp non-shiny back
* shiny icon
* static var front
* exp non-shiny back
* exp shiny front
* exp shiny front
* exp shiny back
* static shiny back
* exp var front
* static var back
* Delete public/images/pokemon/variant/exp/778_3.png
* Delete public/images/pokemon/variant/exp/778_3.json
* exp shiny back
* exp shiny back
* rare icon
* epic icon
* exp var back
* static var front BUSTED
* static var back BUSTED
* exp var front BUSTED
* exp var back BUSTED
* [Sprite] Static Mimikyu Busted sprite fix
Fixes eyeholes on torso
* [Sprite] Exp Mimikyu sprite fixes
Fixes eyeholes on torsos
* Trim static shiny front sprite size
Addresses issue #2683
* [Sprite] Match static shiny Disguised w non-shiny
Addresses issue #2683
* Test changes to change variant label color based on Tint
* Revert "Test changes to change variant label"
This reverts commit 0ad0f6293050cc5d3552fb996dc68c05f55afc1c.
* minimal recovery changes
* Finalized recovery and implemented ShinyIcon
* add setY in MockSprite
* added back some unintentional removed code
* added shiny_icons
* Initial test for tier change
* implemented Shiny Icon full functionality
* slight setY change for non-Base starters
* Add Eviolite with Unit Tests
* Localize for de, es, fr, it, ko, zh_CN, zh_TW
* Adjust German Localization
Co-authored-by: Jannik Tappert <38758606+CodeTappert@users.noreply.github.com>
* Adjust Italian Localization
* Change Multiplier Type
* Adjust Unit Test Import
* Change Constructor
* Make Unit Tests Localized
* Comment Out of Reward Pool
Co-authored-by: Jannik Tappert <38758606+CodeTappert@users.noreply.github.com>
feat: Add link to Discord in menu UI
feat: Add Discord and Google login functionality
Add container around discord and google icons
refactor: Update environment variable names for Discord and Google client IDs
feat: Add "Or use" translation for login options in multiple languages
feat: Update menu UI translations for multiple languages
Code review fixes
refactor: Update Discord and Google client IDs in environment variables
* [Bug] Epic Drifblim using Drifloon sprite
* [Bug] Give Vivillon-Meadow appropriate Animation Frames
Taken from 666-fancy_2.json
* [Bug] Give Vivillon-Meadow appropriate Animation Frames
Taken from 666-fancy_2.json