import * as EncounterPhaseUtils from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/utils/encounter-phase-utils"; import { Status } from "#app/data/status-effect"; import { CommandPhase } from "#app/phases/command-phase"; import { MessagePhase } from "#app/phases/message-phase"; import { MysteryEncounterBattlePhase, MysteryEncounterOptionSelectedPhase, MysteryEncounterPhase, MysteryEncounterRewardsPhase } from "#app/phases/mystery-encounter-phases"; import { VictoryPhase } from "#app/phases/victory-phase"; import type MessageUiHandler from "#app/ui/message-ui-handler"; import type MysteryEncounterUiHandler from "#app/ui/mystery-encounter-ui-handler"; import type PartyUiHandler from "#app/ui/party-ui-handler"; import type OptionSelectUiHandler from "#app/ui/settings/option-select-ui-handler"; import { Mode } from "#app/ui/ui"; import { isNullOrUndefined } from "#app/utils"; import { Button } from "#enums/buttons"; import { StatusEffect } from "#enums/status-effect"; import type GameManager from "#test/testUtils/gameManager"; import { expect, vi } from "vitest"; /** * Runs a {@linkcode MysteryEncounter} to either the start of a battle, or to the {@linkcode MysteryEncounterRewardsPhase}, depending on the option selected * @param game * @param optionNo Human number, not index * @param secondaryOptionSelect * @param isBattle If selecting option should lead to battle, set to `true` */ export async function runMysteryEncounterToEnd(game: GameManager, optionNo: number, secondaryOptionSelect?: { pokemonNo: number, optionNo?: number }, isBattle: boolean = false) { vi.spyOn(EncounterPhaseUtils, "selectPokemonForOption"); await runSelectMysteryEncounterOption(game, optionNo, secondaryOptionSelect); // run the selected options phase game.onNextPrompt("MysteryEncounterOptionSelectedPhase", Mode.MESSAGE, () => { const uiHandler = game.scene.ui.getHandler(); uiHandler.processInput(Button.ACTION); }, () => game.isCurrentPhase(MysteryEncounterBattlePhase) || game.isCurrentPhase(MysteryEncounterRewardsPhase)); if (isBattle) { game.onNextPrompt("DamageAnimPhase", Mode.MESSAGE, () => { game.setMode(Mode.MESSAGE); game.endPhase(); }, () => game.isCurrentPhase(CommandPhase)); game.onNextPrompt("CheckSwitchPhase", Mode.CONFIRM, () => { game.setMode(Mode.MESSAGE); game.endPhase(); }, () => game.isCurrentPhase(CommandPhase)); game.onNextPrompt("CheckSwitchPhase", Mode.MESSAGE, () => { game.setMode(Mode.MESSAGE); game.endPhase(); }, () => game.isCurrentPhase(CommandPhase)); // If a battle is started, fast forward to end of the battle game.onNextPrompt("CommandPhase", Mode.COMMAND, () => { game.scene.clearPhaseQueue(); game.scene.clearPhaseQueueSplice(); game.scene.unshiftPhase(new VictoryPhase(0)); game.endPhase(); }); // Handle end of battle trainer messages game.onNextPrompt("TrainerVictoryPhase", Mode.MESSAGE, () => { const uiHandler = game.scene.ui.getHandler(); uiHandler.processInput(Button.ACTION); }); // Handle egg hatch dialogue game.onNextPrompt("EggLapsePhase", Mode.MESSAGE, () => { const uiHandler = game.scene.ui.getHandler(); uiHandler.processInput(Button.ACTION); }); await; } else { await; } } export async function runSelectMysteryEncounterOption(game: GameManager, optionNo: number, secondaryOptionSelect?: { pokemonNo: number, optionNo?: number }) { // Handle any eventual queued messages (e.g. weather phase, etc.) game.onNextPrompt("MessagePhase", Mode.MESSAGE, () => { const uiHandler = game.scene.ui.getHandler(); uiHandler.processInput(Button.ACTION); }, () => game.isCurrentPhase(MysteryEncounterOptionSelectedPhase)); if (game.isCurrentPhase(MessagePhase)) { await; } // dispose of intro messages game.onNextPrompt("MysteryEncounterPhase", Mode.MESSAGE, () => { const uiHandler = game.scene.ui.getHandler(); uiHandler.processInput(Button.ACTION); }, () => game.isCurrentPhase(MysteryEncounterOptionSelectedPhase)); await, true); // select the desired option const uiHandler = game.scene.ui.getHandler(); uiHandler.unblockInput(); // input are blocked by 1s to prevent accidental input. Tests need to handle that switch (optionNo) { default: case 1: // no movement needed. Default cursor position break; case 2: uiHandler.processInput(Button.RIGHT); break; case 3: uiHandler.processInput(Button.DOWN); break; case 4: uiHandler.processInput(Button.RIGHT); uiHandler.processInput(Button.DOWN); break; } if (!isNullOrUndefined(secondaryOptionSelect?.pokemonNo)) { await handleSecondaryOptionSelect(game, secondaryOptionSelect.pokemonNo, secondaryOptionSelect.optionNo); } else { uiHandler.processInput(Button.ACTION); } } async function handleSecondaryOptionSelect(game: GameManager, pokemonNo: number, optionNo?: number) { // Handle secondary option selections const partyUiHandler = game.scene.ui.handlers[Mode.PARTY] as PartyUiHandler; vi.spyOn(partyUiHandler, "show"); const encounterUiHandler = game.scene.ui.getHandler(); encounterUiHandler.processInput(Button.ACTION); await vi.waitFor(() => expect(; for (let i = 1; i < pokemonNo; i++) { partyUiHandler.processInput(Button.DOWN); } // Open options on Pokemon partyUiHandler.processInput(Button.ACTION); // Click "Select" on Pokemon options partyUiHandler.processInput(Button.ACTION); // If there is a second choice to make after selecting a Pokemon if (!isNullOrUndefined(optionNo)) { // Wait for Summary menu to close and second options to spawn const secondOptionUiHandler = game.scene.ui.handlers[Mode.OPTION_SELECT] as OptionSelectUiHandler; vi.spyOn(secondOptionUiHandler, "show"); await vi.waitFor(() => expect(; // Navigate down to the correct option for (let i = 1; i < optionNo!; i++) { secondOptionUiHandler.processInput(Button.DOWN); } // Select the option secondOptionUiHandler.processInput(Button.ACTION); } } /** * For any {@linkcode MysteryEncounter} that has a battle, can call this to skip battle and proceed to {@linkcode MysteryEncounterRewardsPhase} * @param game * @param runRewardsPhase */ export async function skipBattleRunMysteryEncounterRewardsPhase(game: GameManager, runRewardsPhase: boolean = true) { game.scene.clearPhaseQueue(); game.scene.clearPhaseQueueSplice(); game.scene.getEnemyParty().forEach(p => { p.hp = 0; p.status = new Status(StatusEffect.FAINT); game.scene.field.remove(p); }); game.scene.pushPhase(new VictoryPhase(0)); game.phaseInterceptor.superEndPhase(); game.setMode(Mode.MESSAGE); await, runRewardsPhase); }