import type { LinkAccountToDiscordIdRequest, LinkAccountToGoogledIdRequest, SearchAccountRequest, SearchAccountResponse, UnlinkAccountFromDiscordIdRequest, UnlinkAccountFromGoogledIdRequest, } from "#app/@types/PokerogueAdminApi"; import { PokerogueAdminApi } from "#app/plugins/api/pokerogue-admin-api"; import { getApiBaseUrl } from "#test/testUtils/testUtils"; import { http, HttpResponse } from "msw"; import { afterEach, beforeEach, describe, expect, it, vi } from "vitest"; const apiBase = getApiBaseUrl(); const adminApi = new PokerogueAdminApi(apiBase); const { server } = global; afterEach(() => { server.resetHandlers(); }); describe("Pokerogue Admin API", () => { beforeEach(() => { vi.spyOn(console, "warn"); }); describe("Link Account to Discord", () => { const params: LinkAccountToDiscordIdRequest = { username: "test", discordId: "test-12575756" }; it("should return null on SUCCESS", async () => { server.use(`${apiBase}/admin/account/discordLink`, () => HttpResponse.json(true))); const success = await adminApi.linkAccountToDiscord(params); expect(success).toBeNull(); }); it("should return a ERR_GENERIC and report a warning on FAILURE", async () => { server.use(`${apiBase}/admin/account/discordLink`, () => new HttpResponse("", { status: 400 }))); const success = await adminApi.linkAccountToDiscord(params); expect(success).toBe(adminApi.ERR_GENERIC); expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Could not link account with discord!", 400, "Bad Request"); }); it("should return a ERR_USERNAME_NOT_FOUND and report a warning on 404", async () => { server.use(`${apiBase}/admin/account/discordLink`, () => new HttpResponse("", { status: 404 }))); const success = await adminApi.linkAccountToDiscord(params); expect(success).toBe(adminApi.ERR_USERNAME_NOT_FOUND); expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Could not link account with discord!", 404, "Not Found"); }); it("should return a ERR_GENERIC and report a warning on ERROR", async () => { server.use(`${apiBase}/admin/account/discordLink`, () => HttpResponse.error())); const success = await adminApi.linkAccountToDiscord(params); expect(success).toBe(adminApi.ERR_GENERIC); expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Could not link account with discord!", expect.any(Error)); }); }); describe("Unlink Account from Discord", () => { const params: UnlinkAccountFromDiscordIdRequest = { username: "test", discordId: "test-12575756" }; it("should return null on SUCCESS", async () => { server.use(`${apiBase}/admin/account/discordUnlink`, () => HttpResponse.json(true))); const success = await adminApi.unlinkAccountFromDiscord(params); expect(success).toBeNull(); }); it("should return a ERR_GENERIC and report a warning on FAILURE", async () => { server.use(`${apiBase}/admin/account/discordUnlink`, () => new HttpResponse("", { status: 400 }))); const success = await adminApi.unlinkAccountFromDiscord(params); expect(success).toBe(adminApi.ERR_GENERIC); expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Could not unlink account from discord!", 400, "Bad Request"); }); it("should return a ERR_USERNAME_NOT_FOUND and report a warning on 404", async () => { server.use(`${apiBase}/admin/account/discordUnlink`, () => new HttpResponse("", { status: 404 }))); const success = await adminApi.unlinkAccountFromDiscord(params); expect(success).toBe(adminApi.ERR_USERNAME_NOT_FOUND); expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Could not unlink account from discord!", 404, "Not Found"); }); it("should return a ERR_GENERIC and report a warning on ERROR", async () => { server.use(`${apiBase}/admin/account/discordUnlink`, () => HttpResponse.error())); const success = await adminApi.unlinkAccountFromDiscord(params); expect(success).toBe(adminApi.ERR_GENERIC); expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Could not unlink account from discord!", expect.any(Error)); }); }); describe("Link Account to Google", () => { const params: LinkAccountToGoogledIdRequest = { username: "test", googleId: "test-12575756" }; it("should return null on SUCCESS", async () => { server.use(`${apiBase}/admin/account/googleLink`, () => HttpResponse.json(true))); const success = await adminApi.linkAccountToGoogleId(params); expect(success).toBeNull(); }); it("should return a ERR_GENERIC and report a warning on FAILURE", async () => { server.use(`${apiBase}/admin/account/googleLink`, () => new HttpResponse("", { status: 400 }))); const success = await adminApi.linkAccountToGoogleId(params); expect(success).toBe(adminApi.ERR_GENERIC); expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Could not link account with google!", 400, "Bad Request"); }); it("should return a ERR_USERNAME_NOT_FOUND and report a warning on 404", async () => { server.use(`${apiBase}/admin/account/googleLink`, () => new HttpResponse("", { status: 404 }))); const success = await adminApi.linkAccountToGoogleId(params); expect(success).toBe(adminApi.ERR_USERNAME_NOT_FOUND); expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Could not link account with google!", 404, "Not Found"); }); it("should return a ERR_GENERIC and report a warning on ERROR", async () => { server.use(`${apiBase}/admin/account/googleLink`, () => HttpResponse.error())); const success = await adminApi.linkAccountToGoogleId(params); expect(success).toBe(adminApi.ERR_GENERIC); expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Could not link account with google!", expect.any(Error)); }); }); describe("Unlink Account from Google", () => { const params: UnlinkAccountFromGoogledIdRequest = { username: "test", googleId: "test-12575756" }; it("should return null on SUCCESS", async () => { server.use(`${apiBase}/admin/account/googleUnlink`, () => HttpResponse.json(true))); const success = await adminApi.unlinkAccountFromGoogleId(params); expect(success).toBeNull(); }); it("should return a ERR_GENERIC and report a warning on FAILURE", async () => { server.use(`${apiBase}/admin/account/googleUnlink`, () => new HttpResponse("", { status: 400 }))); const success = await adminApi.unlinkAccountFromGoogleId(params); expect(success).toBe(adminApi.ERR_GENERIC); expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Could not unlink account from google!", 400, "Bad Request"); }); it("should return a ERR_USERNAME_NOT_FOUND and report a warning on 404", async () => { server.use(`${apiBase}/admin/account/googleUnlink`, () => new HttpResponse("", { status: 404 }))); const success = await adminApi.unlinkAccountFromGoogleId(params); expect(success).toBe(adminApi.ERR_USERNAME_NOT_FOUND); expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Could not unlink account from google!", 404, "Not Found"); }); it("should return a ERR_GENERIC and report a warning on ERROR", async () => { server.use(`${apiBase}/admin/account/googleUnlink`, () => HttpResponse.error())); const success = await adminApi.unlinkAccountFromGoogleId(params); expect(success).toBe(adminApi.ERR_GENERIC); expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Could not unlink account from google!", expect.any(Error)); }); }); describe("Search Account", () => { const params: SearchAccountRequest = { username: "test" }; it("should return [data, undefined] on SUCCESS", async () => { const responseData: SearchAccountResponse = { username: "test", discordId: "discord-test-123", googleId: "google-test-123", lastLoggedIn: "2022-01-01", registered: "2022-01-01", }; server.use(http.get(`${apiBase}/admin/account/adminSearch`, () => HttpResponse.json(responseData))); const [ data, err ] = await adminApi.searchAccount(params); expect(data).toStrictEqual(responseData); expect(err).toBeUndefined(); }); it("should return [undefined, ERR_GENERIC] and report a warning on on FAILURE", async () => { server.use(http.get(`${apiBase}/admin/account/adminSearch`, () => new HttpResponse("", { status: 400 }))); const [ data, err ] = await adminApi.searchAccount(params); expect(data).toBeUndefined(); expect(err).toBe(adminApi.ERR_GENERIC); expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Could not find account!", 400, "Bad Request"); }); it("should return [undefined, ERR_USERNAME_NOT_FOUND] and report a warning on on 404", async () => { server.use(http.get(`${apiBase}/admin/account/adminSearch`, () => new HttpResponse("", { status: 404 }))); const [ data, err ] = await adminApi.searchAccount(params); expect(data).toBeUndefined(); expect(err).toBe(adminApi.ERR_USERNAME_NOT_FOUND); expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Could not find account!", 404, "Not Found"); }); it("should return [undefined, ERR_GENERIC] and report a warning on on ERROR", async () => { server.use(http.get(`${apiBase}/admin/account/adminSearch`, () => HttpResponse.error())); const [ data, err ] = await adminApi.searchAccount(params); expect(data).toBeUndefined(); expect(err).toBe(adminApi.ERR_GENERIC); expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Could not find account!", expect.any(Error)); }); }); });