import { TurnEndPhase } from "#app/phases/turn-end-phase"; import { Moves } from "#enums/moves"; import { Species } from "#enums/species"; import GameManager from "#test/testUtils/gameManager"; import Phase from "phaser"; import { afterEach, beforeAll, beforeEach, describe, expect, it, vi } from "vitest"; import { BattleEndPhase } from "#app/phases/battle-end-phase"; import { TempCritBoosterModifier } from "#app/modifier/modifier"; import { Mode } from "#app/ui/ui"; import type ModifierSelectUiHandler from "#app/ui/modifier-select-ui-handler"; import { Button } from "#app/enums/buttons"; import { CommandPhase } from "#app/phases/command-phase"; import { NewBattlePhase } from "#app/phases/new-battle-phase"; import { TurnInitPhase } from "#app/phases/turn-init-phase"; import { ShopCursorTarget } from "#app/enums/shop-cursor-target"; describe("Items - Dire Hit", () => { let phaserGame: Phaser.Game; let game: GameManager; beforeAll(() => { phaserGame = new Phase.Game({ type: Phaser.HEADLESS, }); }); afterEach(() => { game.phaseInterceptor.restoreOg(); }); beforeEach(() => { game = new GameManager(phaserGame); game.override .enemySpecies(Species.MAGIKARP) .enemyMoveset(Moves.SPLASH) .moveset([ Moves.POUND ]) .startingHeldItems([{ name: "DIRE_HIT" }]) .battleType("single") .disableCrits(); }, 20000); it("should raise CRIT stage by 1", async () => { await game.startBattle([ Species.GASTLY ]); const enemyPokemon = game.scene.getEnemyPokemon()!; vi.spyOn(enemyPokemon, "getCritStage");; await; expect(enemyPokemon.getCritStage).toHaveReturnedWith(1); }, 20000); it("should renew how many battles are left of existing DIRE_HIT when picking up new DIRE_HIT", async() => { game.override.itemRewards([{ name: "DIRE_HIT" }]); await game.startBattle([ Species.PIKACHU ]);; await game.doKillOpponents(); await; const modifier = game.scene.findModifier(m => m instanceof TempCritBoosterModifier) as TempCritBoosterModifier; expect(modifier.getBattleCount()).toBe(4); // Forced DIRE_HIT to spawn in the first slot with override game.onNextPrompt("SelectModifierPhase", Mode.MODIFIER_SELECT, () => { const handler = game.scene.ui.getHandler() as ModifierSelectUiHandler; // Traverse to first modifier slot handler.setCursor(0); handler.setRowCursor(ShopCursorTarget.REWARDS); handler.processInput(Button.ACTION); }, () => game.isCurrentPhase(CommandPhase) || game.isCurrentPhase(NewBattlePhase), true); await; // Making sure only one booster is in the modifier list even after picking up another let count = 0; for (const m of game.scene.modifiers) { if (m instanceof TempCritBoosterModifier) { count++; expect((m as TempCritBoosterModifier).getBattleCount()).toBe(5); } } expect(count).toBe(1); }, 20000); });