import type { BattlerIndex } from "#app/battle"; import { Button } from "#app/enums/buttons"; import type Pokemon from "#app/field/pokemon"; import { PokemonMove } from "#app/field/pokemon"; import Overrides from "#app/overrides"; import type { CommandPhase } from "#app/phases/command-phase"; import { LearnMovePhase } from "#app/phases/learn-move-phase"; import { MoveEffectPhase } from "#app/phases/move-effect-phase"; import { Command } from "#app/ui/command-ui-handler"; import { Mode } from "#app/ui/ui"; import { Moves } from "#enums/moves"; import { getMovePosition } from "#test/testUtils/gameManagerUtils"; import { GameManagerHelper } from "#test/testUtils/helpers/gameManagerHelper"; import { vi } from "vitest"; /** * Helper to handle a Pokemon's move */ export class MoveHelper extends GameManagerHelper { /** * Intercepts {@linkcode MoveEffectPhase} and mocks the * {@linkcode MoveEffectPhase.hitCheck | hitCheck}'s return value to `true`. * Used to force a move to hit. */ public async forceHit(): Promise { await, false); vi.spyOn( as MoveEffectPhase, "hitCheck").mockReturnValue(true); } /** * Intercepts {@linkcode MoveEffectPhase} and mocks the * {@linkcode MoveEffectPhase.hitCheck | hitCheck}'s return value to `false`. * Used to force a move to miss. * @param firstTargetOnly - Whether the move should force miss on the first target only, in the case of multi-target moves. */ public async forceMiss(firstTargetOnly: boolean = false): Promise { await, false); const hitCheck = vi.spyOn( as MoveEffectPhase, "hitCheck"); if (firstTargetOnly) { hitCheck.mockReturnValueOnce(false); } else { hitCheck.mockReturnValue(false); } } /** * Select the move to be used by the given Pokemon(-index). Triggers during the next {@linkcode CommandPhase} * @param move - the move to use * @param pkmIndex - the pokemon index. Relevant for double-battles only (defaults to 0) * @param targetIndex - The {@linkcode BattlerIndex} of the Pokemon to target for single-target moves, or `null` if a manual call to `selectTarget()` is required */ public select(move: Moves, pkmIndex: 0 | 1 = 0, targetIndex?: BattlerIndex | null) { const movePosition = getMovePosition(, pkmIndex, move);"CommandPhase", Mode.COMMAND, () => {, ( as CommandPhase).getFieldIndex()); });"CommandPhase", Mode.FIGHT, () => { ( as CommandPhase).handleCommand(Command.FIGHT, movePosition, false); }); if (targetIndex !== null) {, targetIndex); } } /** * Forces the Paralysis or Freeze status to activate on the next move by temporarily mocking {@linkcode Overrides.STATUS_ACTIVATION_OVERRIDE}, * advancing to the next `MovePhase`, and then resetting the override to `null` * @param activated - `true` to force the status to activate, `false` to force the status to not activate (will cause Freeze to heal) */ public async forceStatusActivation(activated: boolean): Promise { vi.spyOn(Overrides, "STATUS_ACTIVATION_OVERRIDE", "get").mockReturnValue(activated); await"MovePhase"); vi.spyOn(Overrides, "STATUS_ACTIVATION_OVERRIDE", "get").mockReturnValue(null); } /** * Changes a pokemon's moveset to the given move(s). * Used when the normal moveset override can't be used (such as when it's necessary to check or update properties of the moveset). * @param pokemon - The {@linkcode Pokemon} being modified * @param moveset - The {@linkcode Moves} (single or array) to change the Pokemon's moveset to */ public changeMoveset(pokemon: Pokemon, moveset: Moves | Moves[]): void { if (!Array.isArray(moveset)) { moveset = [ moveset ]; } pokemon.moveset = []; moveset.forEach((move) => { pokemon.moveset.push(new PokemonMove(move)); }); const movesetStr = => Moves[moveId]).join(", "); console.log(`Pokemon ${}'s moveset manually set to ${movesetStr} (=[${moveset.join(", ")}])!`); } /** * Simulates learning a move for a player pokemon. * @param move The {@linkcode Moves} being learnt * @param partyIndex The party position of the {@linkcode PlayerPokemon} learning the move (defaults to 0) * @param moveSlotIndex The INDEX (0-4) of the move slot to replace if existent move slots are full; * defaults to 0 (first slot) and 4 aborts the procedure * @returns a promise that resolves once the move has been successfully learnt */ public async learnMove(move: Moves | number, partyIndex: number = 0, moveSlotIndex: number = 0) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { LearnMovePhase(partyIndex, move)); // if slots are full, queue up inputs to replace existing moves if ([partyIndex].moveset.filter(m => m).length === 4) {"LearnMovePhase", Mode.CONFIRM, () => {; // "Should a move be forgotten and replaced with XXX?" });"LearnMovePhase", Mode.SUMMARY, () => { for (let x = 0; x < (moveSlotIndex ?? 0); x++) {; // Scrolling in summary pane to move position }; if (moveSlotIndex === 4) {"LearnMovePhase", Mode.CONFIRM, () => {; // "Give up on learning XXX?" }); } }); } await => reject(e)); resolve(); }); } }