import "vitest-canvas-mock"; import { initLoggedInUser } from "#app/account"; import { initAbilities } from "#app/data/ability"; import { initBiomes } from "#app/data/balance/biomes"; import { initEggMoves } from "#app/data/balance/egg-moves"; import { initPokemonPrevolutions } from "#app/data/balance/pokemon-evolutions"; import { initMoves } from "#app/data/move"; import { initMysteryEncounters } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/mystery-encounters"; import { initPokemonForms } from "#app/data/pokemon-forms"; import { initSpecies } from "#app/data/pokemon-species"; import { initAchievements } from "#app/system/achv"; import { initVouchers } from "#app/system/voucher"; import { initStatsKeys } from "#app/ui/game-stats-ui-handler"; import { afterAll, beforeAll, vi } from "vitest"; /** Set the timezone to UTC for tests. */ process.env.TZ = "UTC"; /** Mock the override import to always return default values, ignoring any custom overrides. */ vi.mock("#app/overrides", async (importOriginal) => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-imports const { defaultOverrides } = await importOriginal(); return { default: defaultOverrides, defaultOverrides, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-imports } satisfies typeof import("#app/overrides"); }); /** * This is a hacky way to mock the i18n backend requests (with the help of {@link | msw}). * The reason to put it inside of a mock is to elevate it. * This is necessary because how our code is structured. * Do NOT try to put any of this code into external functions, it won't work as it's elevated during runtime. */ vi.mock("i18next", async (importOriginal) => { console.log("Mocking i18next"); const { setupServer } = await import("msw/node"); const { http, HttpResponse } = await import("msw"); global.server = setupServer( http.get("/locales/en/*", async (req) => { const filename = req.params[0]; try { const json = await import(`../public/locales/en/${req.params[0]}`); console.log("Loaded locale", filename); return HttpResponse.json(json); } catch (err) { console.log(`Failed to load locale ${filename}!`, err); return HttpResponse.json({}); } }), http.get("*", () => { return HttpResponse.text(""); }), ); global.server.listen({ onUnhandledRequest: "error" }); console.log("i18n MSW server listening!"); return await importOriginal(); }); initVouchers(); initAchievements(); initStatsKeys(); initPokemonPrevolutions(); initBiomes(); initEggMoves(); initPokemonForms(); initSpecies(); initMoves(); initAbilities(); initLoggedInUser(); initMysteryEncounters(); global.testFailed = false; beforeAll(() => { Object.defineProperty(document, "fonts", { writable: true, value: { add: () => {}, }, }); }); afterAll(() => { global.server.close(); console.log("Closing i18n MSW server!"); });