import Pokemon, { EnemyPokemon, HitResult, MoveResult, PlayerPokemon, PokemonMove } from "../field/pokemon"; import { Type } from "#enums/type"; import { Constructor } from "#app/utils"; import * as Utils from "../utils"; import { getPokemonNameWithAffix } from "../messages"; import { Weather } from "#app/data/weather"; import { BattlerTag, BattlerTagLapseType, GroundedTag } from "./battler-tags"; import { getNonVolatileStatusEffects, getStatusEffectDescriptor, getStatusEffectHealText } from "#app/data/status-effect"; import { Gender } from "./gender"; import Move, { AttackMove, MoveCategory, MoveFlags, MoveTarget, FlinchAttr, OneHitKOAttr, HitHealAttr, allMoves, StatusMove, SelfStatusMove, VariablePowerAttr, applyMoveAttrs, VariableMoveTypeAttr, RandomMovesetMoveAttr, RandomMoveAttr, NaturePowerAttr, CopyMoveAttr, MoveAttr, MultiHitAttr, SacrificialAttr, SacrificialAttrOnHit, NeutralDamageAgainstFlyingTypeMultiplierAttr, FixedDamageAttr } from "./move"; import { ArenaTagSide, ArenaTrapTag } from "./arena-tag"; import { BerryModifier, HitHealModifier, PokemonHeldItemModifier } from "../modifier/modifier"; import { TerrainType } from "./terrain"; import { SpeciesFormChangeManualTrigger, SpeciesFormChangeRevertWeatherFormTrigger, SpeciesFormChangeWeatherTrigger } from "./pokemon-forms"; import i18next from "i18next"; import { Localizable } from "#app/interfaces/locales"; import { Command } from "../ui/command-ui-handler"; import { BerryModifierType } from "#app/modifier/modifier-type"; import { getPokeballName } from "./pokeball"; import { BattlerIndex, BattleType } from "#app/battle"; import { Abilities } from "#enums/abilities"; import { ArenaTagType } from "#enums/arena-tag-type"; import { BattlerTagType } from "#enums/battler-tag-type"; import { Moves } from "#enums/moves"; import { Species } from "#enums/species"; import { Stat, type BattleStat, type EffectiveStat, BATTLE_STATS, EFFECTIVE_STATS, getStatKey } from "#app/enums/stat"; import { MovePhase } from "#app/phases/move-phase"; import { PokemonHealPhase } from "#app/phases/pokemon-heal-phase"; import { ShowAbilityPhase } from "#app/phases/show-ability-phase"; import { StatStageChangePhase } from "#app/phases/stat-stage-change-phase"; import BattleScene from "#app/battle-scene"; import { SwitchType } from "#app/enums/switch-type"; import { SwitchPhase } from "#app/phases/switch-phase"; import { SwitchSummonPhase } from "#app/phases/switch-summon-phase"; import { BattleEndPhase } from "#app/phases/battle-end-phase"; import { NewBattlePhase } from "#app/phases/new-battle-phase"; import { MoveEndPhase } from "#app/phases/move-end-phase"; import { PokemonAnimType } from "#enums/pokemon-anim-type"; import { StatusEffect } from "#enums/status-effect"; import { WeatherType } from "#enums/weather-type"; export class Ability implements Localizable { public id: Abilities; private nameAppend: string; public name: string; public description: string; public generation: integer; public isBypassFaint: boolean; public isIgnorable: boolean; public attrs: AbAttr[]; public conditions: AbAttrCondition[]; constructor(id: Abilities, generation: integer) { = id; this.nameAppend = ""; this.generation = generation; this.attrs = []; this.conditions = []; this.localize(); } localize(): void { const i18nKey = Abilities[].split("_").filter(f => f).map((f, i) => i ? `${f[0]}${f.slice(1).toLowerCase()}` : f.toLowerCase()).join("") as string; = ? `${i18next.t(`ability:${i18nKey}.name`) as string}${this.nameAppend}` : ""; this.description = ? i18next.t(`ability:${i18nKey}.description`) as string : ""; } /** * Get all ability attributes that match `attrType` * @param attrType any attribute that extends {@linkcode AbAttr} * @returns Array of attributes that match `attrType`, Empty Array if none match. */ getAttrs(attrType: Constructor ): T[] { return this.attrs.filter((a): a is T => a instanceof attrType); } /** * Check if an ability has an attribute that matches `attrType` * @param attrType any attribute that extends {@linkcode AbAttr} * @returns true if the ability has attribute `attrType` */ hasAttr(attrType: Constructor): boolean { return this.attrs.some((attr) => attr instanceof attrType); } attr>(AttrType: T, ...args: ConstructorParameters): Ability { const attr = new AttrType(...args); this.attrs.push(attr); return this; } conditionalAttr>(condition: AbAttrCondition, AttrType: T, ...args: ConstructorParameters): Ability { const attr = new AttrType(...args); attr.addCondition(condition); this.attrs.push(attr); return this; } bypassFaint(): Ability { this.isBypassFaint = true; return this; } ignorable(): Ability { this.isIgnorable = true; return this; } condition(condition: AbAttrCondition): Ability { this.conditions.push(condition); return this; } partial(): this { this.nameAppend += " (P)"; return this; } unimplemented(): this { this.nameAppend += " (N)"; return this; } /** * Internal flag used for developers to document edge cases. When using this, please be sure to document the edge case. * @returns the ability */ edgeCase(): this { return this; } } type AbAttrApplyFunc = (attr: TAttr, passive: boolean) => boolean | Promise; type AbAttrCondition = (pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean; // TODO: Can this be improved? type PokemonAttackCondition = (user: Pokemon | null, target: Pokemon | null, move: Move) => boolean; type PokemonDefendCondition = (target: Pokemon, user: Pokemon, move: Move) => boolean; type PokemonStatStageChangeCondition = (target: Pokemon, statsChanged: BattleStat[], stages: number) => boolean; export abstract class AbAttr { public showAbility: boolean; private extraCondition: AbAttrCondition; constructor(showAbility: boolean = true) { this.showAbility = showAbility; } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder | null, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } getTriggerMessage(_pokemon: Pokemon, _abilityName: string, ..._args: any[]): string | null { return null; } getCondition(): AbAttrCondition | null { return this.extraCondition || null; } addCondition(condition: AbAttrCondition): AbAttr { this.extraCondition = condition; return this; } } export class BlockRecoilDamageAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { cancelled.value = true; return true; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]) { return i18next.t("abilityTriggers:blockRecoilDamage", { pokemonName: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), abilityName: abilityName }); } } /** * Attribute for abilities that increase the chance of a double battle * occurring. * @see apply */ export class DoubleBattleChanceAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(false); } /** * Increases the chance of a double battle occurring * @param args [0] {@linkcode Utils.NumberHolder} for double battle chance * @returns true if the ability was applied */ apply(_pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, _simulated: boolean, _cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const doubleBattleChance = args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder; // This is divided because the chance is generated as a number from 0 to doubleBattleChance.value using Utils.randSeedInt // A double battle will initiate if the generated number is 0 doubleBattleChance.value = doubleBattleChance.value / 4; return true; } } export class PostBattleInitAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPostBattleInit(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } export class PostBattleInitFormChangeAbAttr extends PostBattleInitAbAttr { private formFunc: (p: Pokemon) => integer; constructor(formFunc: ((p: Pokemon) => integer)) { super(true); this.formFunc = formFunc; } applyPostBattleInit(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { const formIndex = this.formFunc(pokemon); if (formIndex !== pokemon.formIndex && !simulated) { return pokemon.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(pokemon, SpeciesFormChangeManualTrigger, false); } return false; } } export class PostBattleInitStatStageChangeAbAttr extends PostBattleInitAbAttr { private stats: BattleStat[]; private stages: number; private selfTarget: boolean; constructor(stats: BattleStat[], stages: number, selfTarget?: boolean) { super(); this.stats = stats; this.stages = stages; this.selfTarget = !!selfTarget; } applyPostBattleInit(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { const statStageChangePhases: StatStageChangePhase[] = []; if (!simulated) { if (this.selfTarget) { statStageChangePhases.push(new StatStageChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, this.stats, this.stages)); } else { for (const opponent of pokemon.getOpponents()) { statStageChangePhases.push(new StatStageChangePhase(pokemon.scene, opponent.getBattlerIndex(), false, this.stats, this.stages)); } } for (const statStageChangePhase of statStageChangePhases) { if (!this.selfTarget && !statStageChangePhase.getPokemon()?.summonData) { pokemon.scene.pushPhase(statStageChangePhase); } else { // TODO: This causes the ability bar to be shown at the wrong time pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(statStageChangePhase); } } } return true; } } type PreDefendAbAttrCondition = (pokemon: Pokemon, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move) => boolean; export class PreDefendAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move | null, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder | null, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } export class PreDefendFullHpEndureAbAttr extends PreDefendAbAttr { applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (pokemon.isFullHp() && pokemon.getMaxHp() > 1 //Checks if pokemon has wonder_guard (which forces 1hp) && (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value >= pokemon.hp) { //Damage >= hp return simulated || pokemon.addTag(BattlerTagType.STURDY, 1); } return false; } } export class BlockItemTheftAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { cancelled.value = true; return true; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]) { return i18next.t("abilityTriggers:blockItemTheft", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), abilityName }); } } export class StabBoostAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if ((args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value > 1) { (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value += 0.5; return true; } return false; } } export class ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr extends PreDefendAbAttr { protected condition: PokemonDefendCondition; private damageMultiplier: number; constructor(condition: PokemonDefendCondition, damageMultiplier: number) { super(); this.condition = condition; this.damageMultiplier = damageMultiplier; } applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.condition(pokemon, attacker, move)) { (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value = Utils.toDmgValue((args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value * this.damageMultiplier); return true; } return false; } } /** * Reduces the damage dealt to an allied Pokemon. Used by Friend Guard. * @see {@linkcode applyPreDefend} */ export class AlliedFieldDamageReductionAbAttr extends PreDefendAbAttr { private damageMultiplier: number; constructor(damageMultiplier: number) { super(); this.damageMultiplier = damageMultiplier; } /** * Handles the damage reduction * @param args * - `[0]` {@linkcode Utils.NumberHolder} - The damage being dealt */ override applyPreDefend(_pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, _simulated: boolean, _attacker: Pokemon, _move: Move, _cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const damage = args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder; damage.value = Utils.toDmgValue(damage.value * this.damageMultiplier); return true; } } export class ReceivedTypeDamageMultiplierAbAttr extends ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr { constructor(moveType: Type, damageMultiplier: number) { super((target, user, move) => user.getMoveType(move) === moveType, damageMultiplier); } } /** * Determines whether a Pokemon is immune to a move because of an ability. * @extends PreDefendAbAttr * @see {@linkcode applyPreDefend} * @see {@linkcode getCondition} */ export class TypeImmunityAbAttr extends PreDefendAbAttr { private immuneType: Type | null; private condition: AbAttrCondition | null; constructor(immuneType: Type | null, condition?: AbAttrCondition) { super(); this.immuneType = immuneType; this.condition = condition ?? null; } /** * Applies immunity if this ability grants immunity to the type of the given move. * @param pokemon {@linkcode Pokemon} The defending Pokemon. * @param passive - Whether the ability is passive. * @param attacker {@linkcode Pokemon} The attacking Pokemon. * @param move {@linkcode Move} The attacking move. * @param cancelled {@linkcode Utils.BooleanHolder} - A holder for a boolean value indicating if the move was cancelled. * @param args [0] {@linkcode Utils.NumberHolder} gets set to 0 if move is immuned by an ability. * @param args [1] - Whether the move is simulated. */ applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { // Field moves should ignore immunity if ([ MoveTarget.BOTH_SIDES, MoveTarget.ENEMY_SIDE, MoveTarget.USER_SIDE ].includes(move.moveTarget)) { return false; } if (attacker !== pokemon && attacker.getMoveType(move) === this.immuneType) { (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value = 0; return true; } return false; } getImmuneType(): Type | null { return this.immuneType; } override getCondition(): AbAttrCondition | null { return this.condition; } } export class AttackTypeImmunityAbAttr extends TypeImmunityAbAttr { constructor(immuneType: Type, condition?: AbAttrCondition) { super(immuneType, condition); } /** * Applies immunity if the move used is not a status move. * Type immunity abilities that do not give additional benefits (HP recovery, stat boosts, etc) are not immune to status moves of the type * Example: Levitate */ applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { // this is a hacky way to fix the Levitate/Thousand Arrows interaction, but it works for now... if (move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS && !move.hasAttr(NeutralDamageAgainstFlyingTypeMultiplierAttr)) { return super.applyPreDefend(pokemon, passive, simulated, attacker, move, cancelled, args); } return false; } } export class TypeImmunityHealAbAttr extends TypeImmunityAbAttr { constructor(immuneType: Type) { super(immuneType); } applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const ret = super.applyPreDefend(pokemon, passive, simulated, attacker, move, cancelled, args); if (ret) { if (!pokemon.isFullHp() && !simulated) { const abilityName = (!passive ? pokemon.getAbility() : pokemon.getPassiveAbility()).name; pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new PokemonHealPhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), Utils.toDmgValue(pokemon.getMaxHp() / 4), i18next.t("abilityTriggers:typeImmunityHeal", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), abilityName }), true)); cancelled.value = true; // Suppresses "No Effect" message } return true; } return false; } } class TypeImmunityStatStageChangeAbAttr extends TypeImmunityAbAttr { private stat: BattleStat; private stages: number; constructor(immuneType: Type, stat: BattleStat, stages: number, condition?: AbAttrCondition) { super(immuneType, condition); this.stat = stat; this.stages = stages; } applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const ret = super.applyPreDefend(pokemon, passive, simulated, attacker, move, cancelled, args); if (ret) { cancelled.value = true; // Suppresses "No Effect" message if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatStageChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, [ this.stat ], this.stages)); } } return ret; } } class TypeImmunityAddBattlerTagAbAttr extends TypeImmunityAbAttr { private tagType: BattlerTagType; private turnCount: integer; constructor(immuneType: Type, tagType: BattlerTagType, turnCount: integer, condition?: AbAttrCondition) { super(immuneType, condition); this.tagType = tagType; this.turnCount = turnCount; } applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const ret = super.applyPreDefend(pokemon, passive, simulated, attacker, move, cancelled, args); if (ret) { cancelled.value = true; // Suppresses "No Effect" message if (!simulated) { pokemon.addTag(this.tagType, this.turnCount, undefined,; } } return ret; } } export class NonSuperEffectiveImmunityAbAttr extends TypeImmunityAbAttr { constructor(condition?: AbAttrCondition) { super(null, condition); } applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const modifierValue = args.length > 0 ? (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value : pokemon.getAttackTypeEffectiveness(attacker.getMoveType(move), attacker); if (move instanceof AttackMove && modifierValue < 2) { cancelled.value = true; // Suppresses "No Effect" message (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value = 0; return true; } return false; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return i18next.t("abilityTriggers:nonSuperEffectiveImmunity", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), abilityName }); } } /** * Attribute implementing the effects of {@link | Tera Shell} * When the source is at full HP, incoming attacks will have a maximum 0.5x type effectiveness multiplier. * @extends PreDefendAbAttr */ export class FullHpResistTypeAbAttr extends PreDefendAbAttr { /** * Reduces a type multiplier to 0.5 if the source is at full HP. * @param pokemon {@linkcode Pokemon} the Pokemon with this ability * @param passive n/a * @param simulated n/a (this doesn't change game state) * @param attacker n/a * @param move {@linkcode Move} the move being used on the source * @param cancelled n/a * @param args `[0]` a container for the move's current type effectiveness multiplier * @returns `true` if the move's effectiveness is reduced; `false` otherwise */ applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move | null, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder | null, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { const typeMultiplier = args[0]; if (!(typeMultiplier && typeMultiplier instanceof Utils.NumberHolder)) { return false; } if (move && move.hasAttr(FixedDamageAttr)) { return false; } if (pokemon.isFullHp() && typeMultiplier.value > 0.5) { typeMultiplier.value = 0.5; pokemon.turnData.moveEffectiveness = 0.5; return true; } return false; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return i18next.t("abilityTriggers:fullHpResistType", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon) }); } } export class PostDefendAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, hitResult: HitResult | null, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } export class FieldPriorityMoveImmunityAbAttr extends PreDefendAbAttr { applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (move.moveTarget === MoveTarget.USER || move.moveTarget === MoveTarget.NEAR_ALLY) { return false; } if (move.getPriority(attacker) > 0 && !move.isMultiTarget()) { cancelled.value = true; return true; } return false; } } export class PostStatStageChangeAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPostStatStageChange(pokemon: Pokemon, simulated: boolean, statsChanged: BattleStat[], stagesChanged: integer, selfTarget: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } export class MoveImmunityAbAttr extends PreDefendAbAttr { private immuneCondition: PreDefendAbAttrCondition; constructor(immuneCondition: PreDefendAbAttrCondition) { super(true); this.immuneCondition = immuneCondition; } applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.immuneCondition(pokemon, attacker, move)) { cancelled.value = true; return true; } return false; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return i18next.t("abilityTriggers:moveImmunity", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon) }); } } /** * Reduces the accuracy of status moves used against the Pokémon with this ability to 50%. * Used by Wonder Skin. * * @extends PreDefendAbAttr */ export class WonderSkinAbAttr extends PreDefendAbAttr { applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const moveAccuracy = args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder; if (move.category === MoveCategory.STATUS && moveAccuracy.value >= 50) { moveAccuracy.value = 50; return true; } return false; } } export class MoveImmunityStatStageChangeAbAttr extends MoveImmunityAbAttr { private stat: BattleStat; private stages: number; constructor(immuneCondition: PreDefendAbAttrCondition, stat: BattleStat, stages: number) { super(immuneCondition); this.stat = stat; this.stages = stages; } applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const ret = super.applyPreDefend(pokemon, passive, simulated, attacker, move, cancelled, args); if (ret && !simulated) { pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatStageChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, [ this.stat ], this.stages)); } return ret; } } /** * Class for abilities that make drain moves deal damage to user instead of healing them. * @extends PostDefendAbAttr * @see {@linkcode applyPostDefend} */ export class ReverseDrainAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { /** * Determines if a damage and draining move was used to check if this ability should stop the healing. * Examples include: Absorb, Draining Kiss, Bitter Blade, etc. * Also displays a message to show this ability was activated. * @param pokemon {@linkcode Pokemon} with this ability * @param _passive N/A * @param attacker {@linkcode Pokemon} that is attacking this Pokemon * @param move {@linkcode PokemonMove} that is being used * @param _hitResult N/A * @param _args N/A * @returns true if healing should be reversed on a healing move, false otherwise. */ override applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, _hitResult: HitResult, _args: any[]): boolean { if (move.hasAttr(HitHealAttr) && !move.hitsSubstitute(attacker, pokemon)) { if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("abilityTriggers:reverseDrain", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(attacker) })); } return true; } return false; } } export class PostDefendStatStageChangeAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private condition: PokemonDefendCondition; private stat: BattleStat; private stages: number; private selfTarget: boolean; private allOthers: boolean; constructor(condition: PokemonDefendCondition, stat: BattleStat, stages: number, selfTarget: boolean = true, allOthers: boolean = false) { super(true); this.condition = condition; this.stat = stat; this.stages = stages; this.selfTarget = selfTarget; this.allOthers = allOthers; } override applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, _hitResult: HitResult, _args: any[]): boolean { if (this.condition(pokemon, attacker, move) && !move.hitsSubstitute(attacker, pokemon)) { if (simulated) { return true; } if (this.allOthers) { const otherPokemon = pokemon.getAlly() ? pokemon.getOpponents().concat([ pokemon.getAlly() ]) : pokemon.getOpponents(); for (const other of otherPokemon) { other.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatStageChangePhase(other.scene, (other).getBattlerIndex(), false, [ this.stat ], this.stages)); } return true; } pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatStageChangePhase(pokemon.scene, (this.selfTarget ? pokemon : attacker).getBattlerIndex(), this.selfTarget, [ this.stat ], this.stages)); return true; } return false; } } export class PostDefendHpGatedStatStageChangeAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private condition: PokemonDefendCondition; private hpGate: number; private stats: BattleStat[]; private stages: number; private selfTarget: boolean; constructor(condition: PokemonDefendCondition, hpGate: number, stats: BattleStat[], stages: number, selfTarget: boolean = true) { super(true); this.condition = condition; this.hpGate = hpGate; this.stats = stats; this.stages = stages; this.selfTarget = selfTarget; } override applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, _hitResult: HitResult, _args: any[]): boolean { const hpGateFlat: number = Math.ceil(pokemon.getMaxHp() * this.hpGate); const lastAttackReceived = pokemon.turnData.attacksReceived[pokemon.turnData.attacksReceived.length - 1]; const damageReceived = lastAttackReceived?.damage || 0; if (this.condition(pokemon, attacker, move) && (pokemon.hp <= hpGateFlat && (pokemon.hp + damageReceived) > hpGateFlat) && !move.hitsSubstitute(attacker, pokemon)) { if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatStageChangePhase(pokemon.scene, (this.selfTarget ? pokemon : attacker).getBattlerIndex(), true, this.stats, this.stages)); } return true; } return false; } } export class PostDefendApplyArenaTrapTagAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private condition: PokemonDefendCondition; private tagType: ArenaTagType; constructor(condition: PokemonDefendCondition, tagType: ArenaTagType) { super(true); this.condition = condition; this.tagType = tagType; } override applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, _hitResult: HitResult, _args: any[]): boolean { if (this.condition(pokemon, attacker, move) && !move.hitsSubstitute(attacker, pokemon)) { const tag = pokemon.scene.arena.getTag(this.tagType) as ArenaTrapTag; if (!pokemon.scene.arena.getTag(this.tagType) || tag.layers < tag.maxLayers) { if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.arena.addTag(this.tagType, 0, undefined,, pokemon.isPlayer() ? ArenaTagSide.ENEMY : ArenaTagSide.PLAYER); } return true; } } return false; } } export class PostDefendApplyBattlerTagAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private condition: PokemonDefendCondition; private tagType: BattlerTagType; constructor(condition: PokemonDefendCondition, tagType: BattlerTagType) { super(true); this.condition = condition; this.tagType = tagType; } override applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, _hitResult: HitResult, _args: any[]): boolean { if (this.condition(pokemon, attacker, move) && !move.hitsSubstitute(attacker, pokemon)) { if (!pokemon.getTag(this.tagType) && !simulated) { pokemon.addTag(this.tagType, undefined, undefined,; pokemon.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("abilityTriggers:windPowerCharged", { pokemonName: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), moveName: })); } return true; } return false; } } export class PostDefendTypeChangeAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { override applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, hitResult: HitResult, _args: any[]): boolean { if (hitResult < HitResult.NO_EFFECT && !move.hitsSubstitute(attacker, pokemon)) { if (simulated) { return true; } const type = attacker.getMoveType(move); const pokemonTypes = pokemon.getTypes(true); if (pokemonTypes.length !== 1 || pokemonTypes[0] !== type) { pokemon.summonData.types = [ type ]; return true; } } return false; } override getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ..._args: any[]): string { return i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postDefendTypeChange", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), abilityName, typeName: i18next.t(`pokemonInfo:Type.${Type[pokemon.getTypes(true)[0]]}`) }); } } export class PostDefendTerrainChangeAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private terrainType: TerrainType; constructor(terrainType: TerrainType) { super(); this.terrainType = terrainType; } override applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, hitResult: HitResult, _args: any[]): boolean { if (hitResult < HitResult.NO_EFFECT && !move.hitsSubstitute(attacker, pokemon)) { if (simulated) { return pokemon.scene.arena.terrain?.terrainType !== (this.terrainType || undefined); } else { return pokemon.scene.arena.trySetTerrain(this.terrainType, true); } } return false; } } export class PostDefendContactApplyStatusEffectAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { public chance: integer; private effects: StatusEffect[]; constructor(chance: integer, ...effects: StatusEffect[]) { super(); this.chance = chance; this.effects = effects; } override applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, _hitResult: HitResult, _args: any[]): boolean { if (move.checkFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT, attacker, pokemon) && !attacker.status && (this.chance === -1 || pokemon.randSeedInt(100) < this.chance) && !move.hitsSubstitute(attacker, pokemon)) { const effect = this.effects.length === 1 ? this.effects[0] : this.effects[pokemon.randSeedInt(this.effects.length)]; if (simulated) { return attacker.canSetStatus(effect, true, false, pokemon); } else { return attacker.trySetStatus(effect, true, pokemon); } } return false; } } export class EffectSporeAbAttr extends PostDefendContactApplyStatusEffectAbAttr { constructor() { super(10, StatusEffect.POISON, StatusEffect.PARALYSIS, StatusEffect.SLEEP); } applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { if (attacker.hasAbility(Abilities.OVERCOAT) || attacker.isOfType(Type.GRASS)) { return false; } return super.applyPostDefend(pokemon, passive, simulated, attacker, move, hitResult, args); } } export class PostDefendContactApplyTagChanceAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private chance: integer; private tagType: BattlerTagType; private turnCount: integer | undefined; constructor(chance: integer, tagType: BattlerTagType, turnCount?: integer) { super(); this.tagType = tagType; this.chance = chance; this.turnCount = turnCount; } override applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, _hitResult: HitResult, _args: any[]): boolean { if (move.checkFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT, attacker, pokemon) && pokemon.randSeedInt(100) < this.chance && !move.hitsSubstitute(attacker, pokemon)) { if (simulated) { return attacker.canAddTag(this.tagType); } else { return attacker.addTag(this.tagType, this.turnCount,,; } } return false; } } export class PostDefendCritStatStageChangeAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private stat: BattleStat; private stages: number; constructor(stat: BattleStat, stages: number) { super(); this.stat = stat; this.stages = stages; } override applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, _hitResult: HitResult, _args: any[]): boolean { if (move.hitsSubstitute(attacker, pokemon)) { return false; } if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatStageChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, [ this.stat ], this.stages)); } return true; } override getCondition(): AbAttrCondition { return (pokemon: Pokemon) => pokemon.turnData.attacksReceived.length !== 0 && pokemon.turnData.attacksReceived[pokemon.turnData.attacksReceived.length - 1].critical; } } export class PostDefendContactDamageAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private damageRatio: integer; constructor(damageRatio: integer) { super(); this.damageRatio = damageRatio; } override applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, _hitResult: HitResult, _args: any[]): boolean { if (!simulated && move.checkFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT, attacker, pokemon) && !attacker.hasAbilityWithAttr(BlockNonDirectDamageAbAttr) && !move.hitsSubstitute(attacker, pokemon)) { attacker.damageAndUpdate(Utils.toDmgValue(attacker.getMaxHp() * (1 / this.damageRatio)), HitResult.OTHER); attacker.turnData.damageTaken += Utils.toDmgValue(attacker.getMaxHp() * (1 / this.damageRatio)); return true; } return false; } override getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ..._args: any[]): string { return i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postDefendContactDamage", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), abilityName }); } } /** * @description: This ability applies the Perish Song tag to the attacking pokemon * and the defending pokemon if the move makes physical contact and neither pokemon * already has the Perish Song tag. * @class PostDefendPerishSongAbAttr * @extends {PostDefendAbAttr} */ export class PostDefendPerishSongAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private turns: integer; constructor(turns: integer) { super(); this.turns = turns; } override applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, _hitResult: HitResult, _args: any[]): boolean { if (move.checkFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT, attacker, pokemon) && !move.hitsSubstitute(attacker, pokemon)) { if (pokemon.getTag(BattlerTagType.PERISH_SONG) || attacker.getTag(BattlerTagType.PERISH_SONG)) { return false; } else { if (!simulated) { attacker.addTag(BattlerTagType.PERISH_SONG, this.turns); pokemon.addTag(BattlerTagType.PERISH_SONG, this.turns); } return true; } } return false; } override getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ..._args: any[]): string { return i18next.t("abilityTriggers:perishBody", { pokemonName: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), abilityName: abilityName }); } } export class PostDefendWeatherChangeAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private weatherType: WeatherType; protected condition?: PokemonDefendCondition; constructor(weatherType: WeatherType, condition?: PokemonDefendCondition) { super(); this.weatherType = weatherType; this.condition = condition; } override applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, _hitResult: HitResult, _args: any[]): boolean { if (this.condition && !this.condition(pokemon, attacker, move) || move.hitsSubstitute(attacker, pokemon)) { return false; } if (! { if (simulated) { return !== this.weatherType; } return pokemon.scene.arena.trySetWeather(this.weatherType, true); } return false; } } export class PostDefendAbilitySwapAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { constructor() { super(); } override applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, _hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { if (move.checkFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT, attacker, pokemon) && !attacker.getAbility().hasAttr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) && !move.hitsSubstitute(attacker, pokemon)) { if (!simulated) { const tempAbilityId = attacker.getAbility().id; attacker.summonData.ability = pokemon.getAbility().id; pokemon.summonData.ability = tempAbilityId; } return true; } return false; } override getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, _abilityName: string, ..._args: any[]): string { return i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postDefendAbilitySwap", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon) }); } } export class PostDefendAbilityGiveAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private ability: Abilities; constructor(ability: Abilities) { super(); this.ability = ability; } override applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, _hitResult: HitResult, _args: any[]): boolean { if (move.checkFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT, attacker, pokemon) && !attacker.getAbility().hasAttr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) && !attacker.getAbility().hasAttr(PostDefendAbilityGiveAbAttr) && !move.hitsSubstitute(attacker, pokemon)) { if (!simulated) { attacker.summonData.ability = this.ability; } return true; } return false; } override getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ..._args: any[]): string { return i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postDefendAbilityGive", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), abilityName }); } } export class PostDefendMoveDisableAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private chance: integer; private attacker: Pokemon; private move: Move; constructor(chance: integer) { super(); this.chance = chance; } override applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, _hitResult: HitResult, _args: any[]): boolean { if (attacker.getTag(BattlerTagType.DISABLED) === null && !move.hitsSubstitute(attacker, pokemon)) { if (move.checkFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT, attacker, pokemon) && (this.chance === -1 || pokemon.randSeedInt(100) < this.chance)) { if (simulated) { return true; } this.attacker = attacker; this.move = move; this.attacker.addTag(BattlerTagType.DISABLED, 4, 0,; return true; } } return false; } } export class PostStatStageChangeStatStageChangeAbAttr extends PostStatStageChangeAbAttr { private condition: PokemonStatStageChangeCondition; private statsToChange: BattleStat[]; private stages: number; constructor(condition: PokemonStatStageChangeCondition, statsToChange: BattleStat[], stages: number) { super(true); this.condition = condition; this.statsToChange = statsToChange; this.stages = stages; } applyPostStatStageChange(pokemon: Pokemon, simulated: boolean, statStagesChanged: BattleStat[], stagesChanged: number, selfTarget: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.condition(pokemon, statStagesChanged, stagesChanged) && !selfTarget) { if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatStageChangePhase(pokemon.scene, (pokemon).getBattlerIndex(), true, this.statsToChange, this.stages)); } return true; } return false; } } export class PreAttackAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPreAttack(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, defender: Pokemon | null, move: Move, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } /** * Modifies moves additional effects with multipliers, ie. Sheer Force, Serene Grace. * @extends AbAttr * @see {@linkcode apply} */ export class MoveEffectChanceMultiplierAbAttr extends AbAttr { private chanceMultiplier: number; constructor(chanceMultiplier: number) { super(true); this.chanceMultiplier = chanceMultiplier; } /** * @param args [0]: {@linkcode Utils.NumberHolder} Move additional effect chance. Has to be higher than or equal to 0. * [1]: {@linkcode Moves } Move used by the ability user. */ apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { // Disable showAbility during getTargetBenefitScore this.showAbility = args[4]; const exceptMoves = [ Moves.ORDER_UP, Moves.ELECTRO_SHOT ]; if ((args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value <= 0 || exceptMoves.includes((args[1] as Move).id)) { return false; } (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value *= this.chanceMultiplier; (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value = Math.min((args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value, 100); return true; } } /** * Sets incoming moves additional effect chance to zero, ignoring all effects from moves. ie. Shield Dust. * @extends PreDefendAbAttr * @see {@linkcode applyPreDefend} */ export class IgnoreMoveEffectsAbAttr extends PreDefendAbAttr { /** * @param args [0]: {@linkcode Utils.NumberHolder} Move additional effect chance. */ applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if ((args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value <= 0) { return false; } (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value = 0; return true; } } export class VariableMovePowerAbAttr extends PreAttackAbAttr { applyPreAttack(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, defender: Pokemon, move: Move, args: any[]): boolean { //const power = args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder; return false; } } export class FieldPreventExplosiveMovesAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { cancelled.value = true; return true; } } /** * Multiplies a Stat if the checked Pokemon lacks this ability. * If this ability cannot stack, a BooleanHolder can be used to prevent this from stacking. * @see {@link applyFieldStatMultiplierAbAttrs} * @see {@link applyFieldStat} * @see {@link Utils.BooleanHolder} */ export class FieldMultiplyStatAbAttr extends AbAttr { private stat: Stat; private multiplier: number; private canStack: boolean; constructor(stat: Stat, multiplier: number, canStack: boolean = false) { super(false); this.stat = stat; this.multiplier = multiplier; this.canStack = canStack; } /** * applyFieldStat: Tries to multiply a Pokemon's Stat * @param pokemon {@linkcode Pokemon} the Pokemon using this ability * @param passive {@linkcode boolean} unused * @param stat {@linkcode Stat} the type of the checked stat * @param statValue {@linkcode Utils.NumberHolder} the value of the checked stat * @param checkedPokemon {@linkcode Pokemon} the Pokemon this ability is targeting * @param hasApplied {@linkcode Utils.BooleanHolder} whether or not another multiplier has been applied to this stat * @param args {any[]} unused * @returns true if this changed the checked stat, false otherwise. */ applyFieldStat(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, stat: Stat, statValue: Utils.NumberHolder, checkedPokemon: Pokemon, hasApplied: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (!this.canStack && hasApplied.value) { return false; } if (this.stat === stat && checkedPokemon.getAbilityAttrs(FieldMultiplyStatAbAttr).every(attr => (attr as FieldMultiplyStatAbAttr).stat !== stat)) { statValue.value *= this.multiplier; hasApplied.value = true; return true; } return false; } } export class MoveTypeChangeAbAttr extends PreAttackAbAttr { constructor( private newType: Type, private powerMultiplier: number, private condition?: PokemonAttackCondition ) { super(true); } // TODO: Decouple this into two attributes (type change / power boost) applyPreAttack(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, defender: Pokemon, move: Move, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.condition && this.condition(pokemon, defender, move)) { if (args[0] && args[0] instanceof Utils.NumberHolder) { args[0].value = this.newType; } if (args[1] && args[1] instanceof Utils.NumberHolder) { args[1].value *= this.powerMultiplier; } return true; } return false; } } /** Ability attribute for changing a pokemon's type before using a move */ export class PokemonTypeChangeAbAttr extends PreAttackAbAttr { private moveType: Type; constructor() { super(true); } applyPreAttack(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, defender: Pokemon, move: Move, args: any[]): boolean { if ( !pokemon.isTerastallized() && !== Moves.STRUGGLE && /** * Skip moves that call other moves because these moves generate a following move that will trigger this ability attribute * @see {@link} */ !move.findAttr((attr) => attr instanceof RandomMovesetMoveAttr || attr instanceof RandomMoveAttr || attr instanceof NaturePowerAttr || attr instanceof CopyMoveAttr ) ) { const moveType = pokemon.getMoveType(move); if (pokemon.getTypes().some((t) => t !== moveType)) { if (!simulated) { this.moveType = moveType; pokemon.summonData.types = [ moveType ]; pokemon.updateInfo(); } return true; } } return false; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return i18next.t("abilityTriggers:pokemonTypeChange", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), moveType: i18next.t(`pokemonInfo:Type.${Type[this.moveType]}`), }); } } /** * Class for abilities that convert single-strike moves to two-strike moves (i.e. Parental Bond). * @param damageMultiplier the damage multiplier for the second strike, relative to the first. */ export class AddSecondStrikeAbAttr extends PreAttackAbAttr { private damageMultiplier: number; constructor(damageMultiplier: number) { super(false); this.damageMultiplier = damageMultiplier; } /** * Determines whether this attribute can apply to a given move. * @param {Move} move the move to which this attribute may apply * @param numTargets the number of {@linkcode Pokemon} targeted by this move * @returns true if the attribute can apply to the move, false otherwise */ canApplyPreAttack(move: Move, numTargets: integer): boolean { /** * Parental Bond cannot apply to multi-hit moves, charging moves, or * moves that cause the user to faint. */ const exceptAttrs: Constructor[] = [ MultiHitAttr, SacrificialAttr, SacrificialAttrOnHit ]; /** Parental Bond cannot apply to these specific moves */ const exceptMoves: Moves[] = [ Moves.FLING, Moves.UPROAR, Moves.ROLLOUT, Moves.ICE_BALL, Moves.ENDEAVOR ]; /** Also check if this move is an Attack move and if it's only targeting one Pokemon */ return numTargets === 1 && !move.isChargingMove() && !exceptAttrs.some(attr => move.hasAttr(attr)) && !exceptMoves.some(id => === id) && move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS; } /** * If conditions are met, this doubles the move's hit count (via args[1]) * or multiplies the damage of secondary strikes (via args[2]) * @param {Pokemon} pokemon the Pokemon using the move * @param passive n/a * @param defender n/a * @param {Move} move the move used by the ability source * @param args\[0\] the number of Pokemon this move is targeting * @param {Utils.IntegerHolder} args\[1\] the number of strikes with this move * @param {Utils.NumberHolder} args\[2\] the damage multiplier for the current strike * @returns */ applyPreAttack(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, defender: Pokemon, move: Move, args: any[]): boolean { const numTargets = args[0] as integer; const hitCount = args[1] as Utils.IntegerHolder; const multiplier = args[2] as Utils.NumberHolder; if (this.canApplyPreAttack(move, numTargets)) { this.showAbility = !!hitCount?.value; if (!!hitCount?.value) { hitCount.value *= 2; } if (!!multiplier?.value && pokemon.turnData.hitsLeft % 2 === 1 && pokemon.turnData.hitsLeft !== pokemon.turnData.hitCount) { multiplier.value *= this.damageMultiplier; } return true; } return false; } } /** * Class for abilities that boost the damage of moves * For abilities that boost the base power of moves, see VariableMovePowerAbAttr * @param damageMultiplier the amount to multiply the damage by * @param condition the condition for this ability to be applied */ export class DamageBoostAbAttr extends PreAttackAbAttr { private damageMultiplier: number; private condition: PokemonAttackCondition; constructor(damageMultiplier: number, condition: PokemonAttackCondition) { super(true); this.damageMultiplier = damageMultiplier; this.condition = condition; } /** * * @param pokemon the attacker pokemon * @param passive N/A * @param defender the target pokemon * @param move the move used by the attacker pokemon * @param args Utils.NumberHolder as damage * @returns true if the function succeeds */ applyPreAttack(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, defender: Pokemon, move: Move, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.condition(pokemon, defender, move)) { const power = args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder; power.value = Math.floor(power.value * this.damageMultiplier); return true; } return false; } } export class MovePowerBoostAbAttr extends VariableMovePowerAbAttr { private condition: PokemonAttackCondition; private powerMultiplier: number; constructor(condition: PokemonAttackCondition, powerMultiplier: number, showAbility: boolean = true) { super(showAbility); this.condition = condition; this.powerMultiplier = powerMultiplier; } applyPreAttack(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, defender: Pokemon, move: Move, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.condition(pokemon, defender, move)) { (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value *= this.powerMultiplier; return true; } return false; } } export class MoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr extends MovePowerBoostAbAttr { constructor(boostedType: Type, powerMultiplier?: number) { super((pokemon, defender, move) => pokemon?.getMoveType(move) === boostedType, powerMultiplier || 1.5); } } export class LowHpMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr extends MoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr { constructor(boostedType: Type) { super(boostedType); } getCondition(): AbAttrCondition { return (pokemon) => pokemon.getHpRatio() <= 0.33; } } /** * Abilities which cause a variable amount of power increase. * @extends VariableMovePowerAbAttr * @see {@link applyPreAttack} */ export class VariableMovePowerBoostAbAttr extends VariableMovePowerAbAttr { private mult: (user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: Move) => number; /** * @param mult A function which takes the user, target, and move, and returns the power multiplier. 1 means no multiplier. * @param {boolean} showAbility Whether to show the ability when it activates. */ constructor(mult: (user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: Move) => number, showAbility: boolean = true) { super(showAbility); this.mult = mult; } /** * @override */ applyPreAttack(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, defender: Pokemon, move, args: any[]): boolean { const multiplier = this.mult(pokemon, defender, move); if (multiplier !== 1) { (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value *= multiplier; return true; } return false; } } /** * Boosts the power of a Pokémon's move under certain conditions. * @extends AbAttr */ export class FieldMovePowerBoostAbAttr extends AbAttr { private condition: PokemonAttackCondition; private powerMultiplier: number; /** * @param condition - A function that determines whether the power boost condition is met. * @param powerMultiplier - The multiplier to apply to the move's power when the condition is met. */ constructor(condition: PokemonAttackCondition, powerMultiplier: number) { super(false); this.condition = condition; this.powerMultiplier = powerMultiplier; } applyPreAttack(pokemon: Pokemon | null, passive: boolean | null, simulated: boolean, defender: Pokemon | null, move: Move, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.condition(pokemon, defender, move)) { (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value *= this.powerMultiplier; return true; } return false; } } /** * Boosts the power of a specific type of move. * @extends FieldMovePowerBoostAbAttr */ export class PreAttackFieldMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr extends FieldMovePowerBoostAbAttr { /** * @param boostedType - The type of move that will receive the power boost. * @param powerMultiplier - The multiplier to apply to the move's power, defaults to 1.5 if not provided. */ constructor(boostedType: Type, powerMultiplier?: number) { super((pokemon, defender, move) => pokemon?.getMoveType(move) === boostedType, powerMultiplier || 1.5); } } /** * Boosts the power of a specific type of move for all Pokemon in the field. * @extends PreAttackFieldMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr */ export class FieldMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr extends PreAttackFieldMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr { } /** * Boosts the power of a specific type of move for the user and its allies. * @extends PreAttackFieldMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr */ export class UserFieldMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr extends PreAttackFieldMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr { } /** * Boosts the power of moves in specified categories. * @extends FieldMovePowerBoostAbAttr */ export class AllyMoveCategoryPowerBoostAbAttr extends FieldMovePowerBoostAbAttr { /** * @param boostedCategories - The categories of moves that will receive the power boost. * @param powerMultiplier - The multiplier to apply to the move's power. */ constructor(boostedCategories: MoveCategory[], powerMultiplier: number) { super((pokemon, defender, move) => boostedCategories.includes(move.category), powerMultiplier); } } export class StatMultiplierAbAttr extends AbAttr { private stat: BattleStat; private multiplier: number; private condition: PokemonAttackCondition | null; constructor(stat: BattleStat, multiplier: number, condition?: PokemonAttackCondition) { super(false); this.stat = stat; this.multiplier = multiplier; this.condition = condition ?? null; } applyStatStage(pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, stat: BattleStat, statValue: Utils.NumberHolder, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { const move = (args[0] as Move); if (stat === this.stat && (!this.condition || this.condition(pokemon, null, move))) { statValue.value *= this.multiplier; return true; } return false; } } export class PostAttackAbAttr extends AbAttr { private attackCondition: PokemonAttackCondition; /** The default attackCondition requires that the selected move is a damaging move */ constructor(attackCondition: PokemonAttackCondition = (user, target, move) => (move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS), showAbility: boolean = true) { super(showAbility); this.attackCondition = attackCondition; } /** * Please override {@link applyPostAttackAfterMoveTypeCheck} instead of this method. By default, this method checks that the move used is a damaging attack before * applying the effect of any inherited class. This can be changed by providing a different {@link attackCondition} to the constructor. See {@link ConfusionOnStatusEffectAbAttr} * for an example of an effect that does not require a damaging move. */ applyPostAttack(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, defender: Pokemon, move: Move, hitResult: HitResult | null, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { // When attackRequired is true, we require the move to be an attack move and to deal damage before checking secondary requirements. // If attackRequired is false, we always defer to the secondary requirements. if (this.attackCondition(pokemon, defender, move)) { return this.applyPostAttackAfterMoveTypeCheck(pokemon, passive, simulated, defender, move, hitResult, args); } else { return false; } } /** * This method is only called after {@link applyPostAttack} has already been applied. Use this for handling checks specific to the ability in question. */ applyPostAttackAfterMoveTypeCheck(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, defender: Pokemon, move: Move, hitResult: HitResult | null, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } /** * Ability attribute for Gorilla Tactics * @extends PostAttackAbAttr */ export class GorillaTacticsAbAttr extends PostAttackAbAttr { constructor() { super((user, target, move) => true, false); } /** * * @param {Pokemon} pokemon the {@linkcode Pokemon} with this ability * @param passive n/a * @param simulated whether the ability is being simulated * @param defender n/a * @param move n/a * @param hitResult n/a * @param args n/a * @returns `true` if the ability is applied */ applyPostAttackAfterMoveTypeCheck(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, defender: Pokemon, move: Move, hitResult: HitResult | null, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { if (simulated) { return simulated; } if (pokemon.getTag(BattlerTagType.GORILLA_TACTICS)) { return false; } pokemon.addTag(BattlerTagType.GORILLA_TACTICS); return true; } } export class PostAttackStealHeldItemAbAttr extends PostAttackAbAttr { private stealCondition: PokemonAttackCondition | null; constructor(stealCondition?: PokemonAttackCondition) { super(); this.stealCondition = stealCondition ?? null; } applyPostAttackAfterMoveTypeCheck(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, defender: Pokemon, move: Move, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { if (!simulated && hitResult < HitResult.NO_EFFECT && (!this.stealCondition || this.stealCondition(pokemon, defender, move))) { const heldItems = this.getTargetHeldItems(defender).filter(i => i.isTransferable); if (heldItems.length) { const stolenItem = heldItems[pokemon.randSeedInt(heldItems.length)]; pokemon.scene.tryTransferHeldItemModifier(stolenItem, pokemon, false).then(success => { if (success) { pokemon.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postAttackStealHeldItem", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), defenderName:, stolenItemType: })); } resolve(success); }); return; } } resolve(simulated); }); } getTargetHeldItems(target: Pokemon): PokemonHeldItemModifier[] { return target.scene.findModifiers(m => m instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier && m.pokemonId ===, target.isPlayer()) as PokemonHeldItemModifier[]; } } export class PostAttackApplyStatusEffectAbAttr extends PostAttackAbAttr { private contactRequired: boolean; private chance: integer; private effects: StatusEffect[]; constructor(contactRequired: boolean, chance: integer, ...effects: StatusEffect[]) { super(); this.contactRequired = contactRequired; this.chance = chance; this.effects = effects; } applyPostAttackAfterMoveTypeCheck(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { if (pokemon !== attacker && move.hitsSubstitute(attacker, pokemon)) { return false; } /**Status inflicted by abilities post attacking are also considered additional effects.*/ if (!attacker.hasAbilityWithAttr(IgnoreMoveEffectsAbAttr) && !simulated && pokemon !== attacker && (!this.contactRequired || move.checkFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT, attacker, pokemon)) && pokemon.randSeedInt(100) < this.chance && !pokemon.status) { const effect = this.effects.length === 1 ? this.effects[0] : this.effects[pokemon.randSeedInt(this.effects.length)]; return attacker.trySetStatus(effect, true, pokemon); } return simulated; } } export class PostAttackContactApplyStatusEffectAbAttr extends PostAttackApplyStatusEffectAbAttr { constructor(chance: integer, ...effects: StatusEffect[]) { super(true, chance, ...effects); } } export class PostAttackApplyBattlerTagAbAttr extends PostAttackAbAttr { private contactRequired: boolean; private chance: (user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: Move) => integer; private effects: BattlerTagType[]; constructor(contactRequired: boolean, chance: (user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: Move) => integer, ...effects: BattlerTagType[]) { super(); this.contactRequired = contactRequired; this.chance = chance; this.effects = effects; } applyPostAttackAfterMoveTypeCheck(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { /**Battler tags inflicted by abilities post attacking are also considered additional effects.*/ if (!attacker.hasAbilityWithAttr(IgnoreMoveEffectsAbAttr) && pokemon !== attacker && (!this.contactRequired || move.checkFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT, attacker, pokemon)) && pokemon.randSeedInt(100) < this.chance(attacker, pokemon, move) && !pokemon.status) { const effect = this.effects.length === 1 ? this.effects[0] : this.effects[pokemon.randSeedInt(this.effects.length)]; return simulated || attacker.addTag(effect); } return false; } } export class PostDefendStealHeldItemAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private condition?: PokemonDefendCondition; constructor(condition?: PokemonDefendCondition) { super(); this.condition = condition; } override applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, hitResult: HitResult, _args: any[]): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { if (!simulated && hitResult < HitResult.NO_EFFECT && (!this.condition || this.condition(pokemon, attacker, move)) && !move.hitsSubstitute(attacker, pokemon)) { const heldItems = this.getTargetHeldItems(attacker).filter(i => i.isTransferable); if (heldItems.length) { const stolenItem = heldItems[pokemon.randSeedInt(heldItems.length)]; pokemon.scene.tryTransferHeldItemModifier(stolenItem, pokemon, false).then(success => { if (success) { pokemon.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postDefendStealHeldItem", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), attackerName:, stolenItemType: })); } resolve(success); }); return; } } resolve(simulated); }); } getTargetHeldItems(target: Pokemon): PokemonHeldItemModifier[] { return target.scene.findModifiers(m => m instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier && m.pokemonId ===, target.isPlayer()) as PokemonHeldItemModifier[]; } } /** * Base class for defining all {@linkcode Ability} Attributes after a status effect has been set. * @see {@linkcode applyPostSetStatus()}. */ export class PostSetStatusAbAttr extends AbAttr { /** * Does nothing after a status condition is set. * @param pokemon {@linkcode Pokemon} that status condition was set on. * @param sourcePokemon {@linkcode Pokemon} that that set the status condition. Is `null` if status was not set by a Pokemon. * @param passive Whether this ability is a passive. * @param effect {@linkcode StatusEffect} that was set. * @param args Set of unique arguments needed by this attribute. * @returns `true` if application of the ability succeeds. */ applyPostSetStatus(pokemon: Pokemon, sourcePokemon: Pokemon | null = null, passive: boolean, effect: StatusEffect, simulated: boolean, args: any[]) : boolean | Promise { return false; } } /** * If another Pokemon burns, paralyzes, poisons, or badly poisons this Pokemon, * that Pokemon receives the same non-volatile status condition as part of this * ability attribute. For Synchronize ability. */ export class SynchronizeStatusAbAttr extends PostSetStatusAbAttr { /** * If the `StatusEffect` that was set is Burn, Paralysis, Poison, or Toxic, and the status * was set by a source Pokemon, set the source Pokemon's status to the same `StatusEffect`. * @param pokemon {@linkcode Pokemon} that status condition was set on. * @param sourcePokemon {@linkcode Pokemon} that that set the status condition. Is null if status was not set by a Pokemon. * @param passive Whether this ability is a passive. * @param effect {@linkcode StatusEffect} that was set. * @param args Set of unique arguments needed by this attribute. * @returns `true` if application of the ability succeeds. */ override applyPostSetStatus(pokemon: Pokemon, sourcePokemon: Pokemon | null = null, passive: boolean, effect: StatusEffect, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { /** Synchronizable statuses */ const syncStatuses = new Set([ StatusEffect.BURN, StatusEffect.PARALYSIS, StatusEffect.POISON, StatusEffect.TOXIC ]); if (sourcePokemon && syncStatuses.has(effect)) { if (!simulated) { sourcePokemon.trySetStatus(effect, true, pokemon); } return true; } return false; } } export class PostVictoryAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPostVictory(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } class PostVictoryStatStageChangeAbAttr extends PostVictoryAbAttr { private stat: BattleStat | ((p: Pokemon) => BattleStat); private stages: number; constructor(stat: BattleStat | ((p: Pokemon) => BattleStat), stages: number) { super(); this.stat = stat; this.stages = stages; } applyPostVictory(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { const stat = typeof this.stat === "function" ? this.stat(pokemon) : this.stat; if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatStageChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, [ stat ], this.stages)); } return true; } } export class PostVictoryFormChangeAbAttr extends PostVictoryAbAttr { private formFunc: (p: Pokemon) => integer; constructor(formFunc: ((p: Pokemon) => integer)) { super(true); this.formFunc = formFunc; } applyPostVictory(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { const formIndex = this.formFunc(pokemon); if (formIndex !== pokemon.formIndex) { if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(pokemon, SpeciesFormChangeManualTrigger, false); } return true; } return false; } } export class PostKnockOutAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPostKnockOut(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, knockedOut: Pokemon, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } export class PostKnockOutStatStageChangeAbAttr extends PostKnockOutAbAttr { private stat: BattleStat | ((p: Pokemon) => BattleStat); private stages: number; constructor(stat: BattleStat | ((p: Pokemon) => BattleStat), stages: number) { super(); this.stat = stat; this.stages = stages; } applyPostKnockOut(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, knockedOut: Pokemon, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { const stat = typeof this.stat === "function" ? this.stat(pokemon) : this.stat; if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatStageChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, [ stat ], this.stages)); } return true; } } export class CopyFaintedAllyAbilityAbAttr extends PostKnockOutAbAttr { constructor() { super(); } applyPostKnockOut(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, knockedOut: Pokemon, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { if (pokemon.isPlayer() === knockedOut.isPlayer() && !knockedOut.getAbility().hasAttr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr)) { if (!simulated) { pokemon.summonData.ability = knockedOut.getAbility().id; pokemon.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("abilityTriggers:copyFaintedAllyAbility", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(knockedOut), abilityName: allAbilities[knockedOut.getAbility().id].name })); } return true; } return false; } } /** * Ability attribute for ignoring the opponent's stat changes * @param stats the stats that should be ignored */ export class IgnoreOpponentStatStagesAbAttr extends AbAttr { private stats: readonly BattleStat[]; constructor(stats?: BattleStat[]) { super(false); this.stats = stats ?? BATTLE_STATS; } /** * Modifies a BooleanHolder and returns the result to see if a stat is ignored or not * @param _pokemon n/a * @param _passive n/a * @param simulated n/a * @param _cancelled n/a * @param args A BooleanHolder that represents whether or not to ignore a stat's stat changes * @returns true if the stat is ignored, false otherwise */ apply(_pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, _cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]) { if (this.stats.includes(args[0])) { (args[1] as Utils.BooleanHolder).value = true; return true; } return false; } } export class IntimidateImmunityAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(false); } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { cancelled.value = true; return true; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return i18next.t("abilityTriggers:intimidateImmunity", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), abilityName }); } } export class PostIntimidateStatStageChangeAbAttr extends AbAttr { private stats: BattleStat[]; private stages: number; private overwrites: boolean; constructor(stats: BattleStat[], stages: number, overwrites?: boolean) { super(true); this.stats = stats; this.stages = stages; this.overwrites = !!overwrites; } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated:boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.pushPhase(new StatStageChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), false, this.stats, this.stages)); } cancelled.value = this.overwrites; return true; } } /** * Base class for defining all {@linkcode Ability} Attributes post summon * @see {@linkcode applyPostSummon()} */ export class PostSummonAbAttr extends AbAttr { /** * Applies ability post summon (after switching in) * @param pokemon {@linkcode Pokemon} with this ability * @param passive Whether this ability is a passive * @param args Set of unique arguments needed by this attribute * @returns true if application of the ability succeeds */ applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } /** * Removes specified arena tags when a Pokemon is summoned. */ export class PostSummonRemoveArenaTagAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { private arenaTags: ArenaTagType[]; /** * @param arenaTags {@linkcode ArenaTagType[]} - the arena tags to be removed */ constructor(arenaTags: ArenaTagType[]) { super(true); this.arenaTags = arenaTags; } applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { if (!simulated) { for (const arenaTag of this.arenaTags) { pokemon.scene.arena.removeTag(arenaTag); } } return true; } } export class PostSummonMessageAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { private messageFunc: (pokemon: Pokemon) => string; constructor(messageFunc: (pokemon: Pokemon) => string) { super(true); this.messageFunc = messageFunc; } applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.queueMessage(this.messageFunc(pokemon)); } return true; } } export class PostSummonUnnamedMessageAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { //Attr doesn't force pokemon name on the message private message: string; constructor(message: string) { super(true); this.message = message; } applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.queueMessage(this.message); } return true; } } export class PostSummonAddBattlerTagAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { private tagType: BattlerTagType; private turnCount: integer; constructor(tagType: BattlerTagType, turnCount: integer, showAbility?: boolean) { super(showAbility); this.tagType = tagType; this.turnCount = turnCount; } applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { if (simulated) { return pokemon.canAddTag(this.tagType); } else { return pokemon.addTag(this.tagType, this.turnCount); } } } export class PostSummonStatStageChangeAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { private stats: BattleStat[]; private stages: number; private selfTarget: boolean; private intimidate: boolean; constructor(stats: BattleStat[], stages: number, selfTarget?: boolean, intimidate?: boolean) { super(false); this.stats = stats; this.stages = stages; this.selfTarget = !!selfTarget; this.intimidate = !!intimidate; } applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { if (simulated) { return true; } queueShowAbility(pokemon, passive); // TODO: Better solution than manually showing the ability here if (this.selfTarget) { // we unshift the StatStageChangePhase to put it right after the showAbility and not at the end of the // phase list (which could be after CommandPhase for example) pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatStageChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, this.stats, this.stages)); return true; } for (const opponent of pokemon.getOpponents()) { const cancelled = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false); if (this.intimidate) { applyAbAttrs(IntimidateImmunityAbAttr, opponent, cancelled, simulated); applyAbAttrs(PostIntimidateStatStageChangeAbAttr, opponent, cancelled, simulated); if (opponent.getTag(BattlerTagType.SUBSTITUTE)) { cancelled.value = true; } } if (!cancelled.value) { pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatStageChangePhase(pokemon.scene, opponent.getBattlerIndex(), false, this.stats, this.stages)); } } return true; } } export class PostSummonAllyHealAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { private healRatio: number; private showAnim: boolean; constructor(healRatio: number, showAnim: boolean = false) { super(); this.healRatio = healRatio || 4; this.showAnim = showAnim; } applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { const target = pokemon.getAlly(); if (target?.isActive(true)) { if (!simulated) { target.scene.unshiftPhase(new PokemonHealPhase(target.scene, target.getBattlerIndex(), Utils.toDmgValue(pokemon.getMaxHp() / this.healRatio), i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postSummonAllyHeal", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(target), pokemonName: }), true, !this.showAnim)); } return true; } return false; } } /** * Resets an ally's temporary stat boots to zero with no regard to * whether this is a positive or negative change * @param pokemon The {@link Pokemon} with this {@link AbAttr} * @param passive N/A * @param args N/A * @returns if the move was successful */ export class PostSummonClearAllyStatStagesAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { constructor() { super(); } applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { const target = pokemon.getAlly(); if (target?.isActive(true)) { if (!simulated) { for (const s of BATTLE_STATS) { target.setStatStage(s, 0); } target.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postSummonClearAllyStats", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(target) })); } return true; } return false; } } /** * Download raises either the Attack stat or Special Attack stat by one stage depending on the foe's currently lowest defensive stat: * it will raise Attack if the foe's current Defense is lower than its current Special Defense stat; * otherwise, it will raise Special Attack. * @extends PostSummonAbAttr * @see {applyPostSummon} */ export class DownloadAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { private enemyDef: integer; private enemySpDef: integer; private enemyCountTally: integer; private stats: BattleStat[]; /** * Checks to see if it is the opening turn (starting a new game), if so, Download won't work. This is because Download takes into account * vitamins and items, so it needs to use the Stat and the stat alone. * @param {Pokemon} pokemon Pokemon that is using the move, as well as seeing the opposing pokemon. * @param {boolean} passive N/A * @param {any[]} args N/A * @returns Returns true if ability is used successful, false if not. */ applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { this.enemyDef = 0; this.enemySpDef = 0; this.enemyCountTally = 0; for (const opponent of pokemon.getOpponents()) { this.enemyCountTally++; this.enemyDef += opponent.getEffectiveStat(Stat.DEF); this.enemySpDef += opponent.getEffectiveStat(Stat.SPDEF); } this.enemyDef = Math.round(this.enemyDef / this.enemyCountTally); this.enemySpDef = Math.round(this.enemySpDef / this.enemyCountTally); if (this.enemyDef < this.enemySpDef) { this.stats = [ Stat.ATK ]; } else { this.stats = [ Stat.SPATK ]; } if (this.enemyDef > 0 && this.enemySpDef > 0) { // only activate if there's actually an enemy to download from if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatStageChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), false, this.stats, 1)); } return true; } return false; } } export class PostSummonWeatherChangeAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { private weatherType: WeatherType; constructor(weatherType: WeatherType) { super(); this.weatherType = weatherType; } applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { if ((this.weatherType === WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN || this.weatherType === WeatherType.HARSH_SUN || this.weatherType === WeatherType.STRONG_WINDS) || ! { if (simulated) { return !== this.weatherType; } else { return pokemon.scene.arena.trySetWeather(this.weatherType, true); } } return false; } } export class PostSummonTerrainChangeAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { private terrainType: TerrainType; constructor(terrainType: TerrainType) { super(); this.terrainType = terrainType; } applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { if (simulated) { return pokemon.scene.arena.terrain?.terrainType !== this.terrainType; } else { return pokemon.scene.arena.trySetTerrain(this.terrainType, true); } } } export class PostSummonFormChangeAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { private formFunc: (p: Pokemon) => integer; constructor(formFunc: ((p: Pokemon) => integer)) { super(true); this.formFunc = formFunc; } applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { const formIndex = this.formFunc(pokemon); if (formIndex !== pokemon.formIndex) { return simulated || pokemon.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(pokemon, SpeciesFormChangeManualTrigger, false); } return false; } } /** Attempts to copy a pokemon's ability */ export class PostSummonCopyAbilityAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { private target: Pokemon; private targetAbilityName: string; applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { const targets = pokemon.getOpponents(); if (!targets.length) { return false; } let target: Pokemon; if (targets.length > 1) { pokemon.scene.executeWithSeedOffset(() => target = Utils.randSeedItem(targets), pokemon.scene.currentBattle.waveIndex); } else { target = targets[0]; } if ( target!.getAbility().hasAttr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) && // Wonder Guard is normally uncopiable so has the attribute, but Trace specifically can copy it !(pokemon.hasAbility(Abilities.TRACE) && target!.getAbility().id === Abilities.WONDER_GUARD) ) { return false; } if (!simulated) { = target!; this.targetAbilityName = allAbilities[target!.getAbility().id].name; pokemon.summonData.ability = target!.getAbility().id; setAbilityRevealed(target!); pokemon.updateInfo(); } return true; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return i18next.t("abilityTriggers:trace", { pokemonName: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), targetName: getPokemonNameWithAffix(, abilityName: this.targetAbilityName, }); } } /** * Removes supplied status effects from the user's field. */ export class PostSummonUserFieldRemoveStatusEffectAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { private statusEffect: StatusEffect[]; /** * @param statusEffect - The status effects to be removed from the user's field. */ constructor(...statusEffect: StatusEffect[]) { super(false); this.statusEffect = statusEffect; } /** * Removes supplied status effect from the user's field when user of the ability is summoned. * * @param pokemon - The Pokémon that triggered the ability. * @param passive - n/a * @param args - n/a * @returns A boolean or a promise that resolves to a boolean indicating the result of the ability application. */ applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { const party = pokemon instanceof PlayerPokemon ? pokemon.scene.getPlayerField() : pokemon.scene.getEnemyField(); const allowedParty = party.filter(p => p.isAllowedInBattle()); if (allowedParty.length < 1) { return false; } if (!simulated) { for (const pokemon of allowedParty) { if (pokemon.status && this.statusEffect.includes(pokemon.status.effect)) { pokemon.scene.queueMessage(getStatusEffectHealText(pokemon.status.effect, getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon))); pokemon.resetStatus(false); pokemon.updateInfo(); } } } return true; } } /** Attempt to copy the stat changes on an ally pokemon */ export class PostSummonCopyAllyStatsAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { if (!pokemon.scene.currentBattle.double) { return false; } const ally = pokemon.getAlly(); if (!ally || ally.getStatStages().every(s => s === 0)) { return false; } if (!simulated) { for (const s of BATTLE_STATS) { pokemon.setStatStage(s, ally.getStatStage(s)); } pokemon.updateInfo(); } return true; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return i18next.t("abilityTriggers:costar", { pokemonName: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), allyName: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon.getAlly()), }); } } export class PostSummonTransformAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { constructor() { super(true); } async applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): Promise { const targets = pokemon.getOpponents(); if (simulated || !targets.length) { return simulated; } const promises: Promise[] = []; let target: Pokemon; if (targets.length > 1) { pokemon.scene.executeWithSeedOffset(() => target = Utils.randSeedItem(targets), pokemon.scene.currentBattle.waveIndex); } else { target = targets[0]; } target = target!; pokemon.summonData.speciesForm = target.getSpeciesForm(); pokemon.summonData.fusionSpeciesForm = target.getFusionSpeciesForm(); pokemon.summonData.ability = target.getAbility().id; pokemon.summonData.gender = target.getGender(); pokemon.summonData.fusionGender = target.getFusionGender(); // Copy all stats (except HP) for (const s of EFFECTIVE_STATS) { pokemon.setStat(s, target.getStat(s, false), false); } // Copy all stat stages for (const s of BATTLE_STATS) { pokemon.setStatStage(s, target.getStatStage(s)); } pokemon.summonData.moveset = target.getMoveset().map((m) => { if (m) { // If PP value is less than 5, do nothing. If greater, we need to reduce the value to 5. return new PokemonMove(m.moveId, 0, 0, false, Math.min(m.getMove().pp, 5)); } else { console.warn(`Imposter: somehow iterating over a ${m} value when copying moveset!`); return new PokemonMove(Moves.NONE); } }); pokemon.summonData.types = target.getTypes(); promises.push(pokemon.updateInfo()); pokemon.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postSummonTransform", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), targetName:, })); pokemon.scene.playSound("battle_anims/PRSFX- Transform"); promises.push(pokemon.loadAssets(false).then(() => { pokemon.playAnim(); pokemon.updateInfo(); })); await Promise.all(promises); return true; } } /** * Reverts weather-based forms to their normal forms when the user is summoned. * Used by Cloud Nine and Air Lock. * @extends PostSummonAbAttr */ export class PostSummonWeatherSuppressedFormChangeAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { /** * Triggers {@linkcode Arena.triggerWeatherBasedFormChangesToNormal | triggerWeatherBasedFormChangesToNormal} * @param {Pokemon} pokemon the Pokemon with this ability * @param passive n/a * @param args n/a * @returns whether a Pokemon was reverted to its normal form */ applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]) { const pokemonToTransform = getPokemonWithWeatherBasedForms(pokemon.scene); if (pokemonToTransform.length < 1) { return false; } if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.arena.triggerWeatherBasedFormChangesToNormal(); } return true; } } /** * Triggers weather-based form change when summoned into an active weather. * Used by Forecast and Flower Gift. * @extends PostSummonAbAttr */ export class PostSummonFormChangeByWeatherAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { private ability: Abilities; constructor(ability: Abilities) { super(false); this.ability = ability; } /** * Calls the {@linkcode BattleScene.triggerPokemonFormChange | triggerPokemonFormChange} for both * {@linkcode SpeciesFormChange.SpeciesFormChangeWeatherTrigger | SpeciesFormChangeWeatherTrigger} and * {@linkcode SpeciesFormChange.SpeciesFormChangeWeatherTrigger | SpeciesFormChangeRevertWeatherFormTrigger} if it * is the specific Pokemon and ability * @param {Pokemon} pokemon the Pokemon with this ability * @param passive n/a * @param args n/a * @returns whether the form change was triggered */ applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { const isCastformWithForecast = (pokemon.species.speciesId === Species.CASTFORM && this.ability === Abilities.FORECAST); const isCherrimWithFlowerGift = (pokemon.species.speciesId === Species.CHERRIM && this.ability === Abilities.FLOWER_GIFT); if (isCastformWithForecast || isCherrimWithFlowerGift) { if (simulated) { return simulated; } pokemon.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(pokemon, SpeciesFormChangeWeatherTrigger); pokemon.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(pokemon, SpeciesFormChangeRevertWeatherFormTrigger); queueShowAbility(pokemon, passive); return true; } return false; } } /** * Attribute implementing the effects of {@link | Commander}. * When the source of an ability with this attribute detects a Dondozo as their active ally, the source "jumps * into the Dondozo's mouth," sharply boosting the Dondozo's stats, cancelling the source's moves, and * causing attacks that target the source to always miss. */ export class CommanderAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(true); } override apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: null, args: any[]): boolean { // TODO: Should this work with X + Dondozo fusions? if (pokemon.scene.currentBattle?.double && pokemon.getAlly()?.species.speciesId === Species.DONDOZO) { // If the ally Dondozo is fainted or was previously "commanded" by // another Pokemon, this effect cannot apply. if (pokemon.getAlly().isFainted() || pokemon.getAlly().getTag(BattlerTagType.COMMANDED)) { return false; } if (!simulated) { // Lapse the source's semi-invulnerable tags (to avoid visual inconsistencies) pokemon.lapseTags(BattlerTagLapseType.MOVE_EFFECT); // Play an animation of the source jumping into the ally Dondozo's mouth pokemon.scene.triggerPokemonBattleAnim(pokemon, PokemonAnimType.COMMANDER_APPLY); // Apply boosts from this effect to the ally Dondozo pokemon.getAlly().addTag(BattlerTagType.COMMANDED, 0, Moves.NONE,; // Cancel the source Pokemon's next move (if a move is queued) pokemon.scene.tryRemovePhase((phase) => phase instanceof MovePhase && phase.pokemon === pokemon); } return true; } return false; } } export class PreSwitchOutAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(true); } applyPreSwitchOut(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } export class PreSwitchOutResetStatusAbAttr extends PreSwitchOutAbAttr { applyPreSwitchOut(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { if (pokemon.status) { if (!simulated) { pokemon.resetStatus(); pokemon.updateInfo(); } return true; } return false; } } /** * Clears Desolate Land/Primordial Sea/Delta Stream upon the Pokemon switching out. */ export class PreSwitchOutClearWeatherAbAttr extends PreSwitchOutAbAttr { /** * @param pokemon The {@linkcode Pokemon} with the ability * @param passive N/A * @param args N/A * @returns {boolean} Returns true if the weather clears, otherwise false. */ applyPreSwitchOut(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { const weatherType =; let turnOffWeather = false; // Clear weather only if user's ability matches the weather and no other pokemon has the ability. switch (weatherType) { case (WeatherType.HARSH_SUN): if (pokemon.hasAbility(Abilities.DESOLATE_LAND) && pokemon.scene.getField(true).filter(p => p !== pokemon).filter(p => p.hasAbility(Abilities.DESOLATE_LAND)).length === 0) { turnOffWeather = true; } break; case (WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN): if (pokemon.hasAbility(Abilities.PRIMORDIAL_SEA) && pokemon.scene.getField(true).filter(p => p !== pokemon).filter(p => p.hasAbility(Abilities.PRIMORDIAL_SEA)).length === 0) { turnOffWeather = true; } break; case (WeatherType.STRONG_WINDS): if (pokemon.hasAbility(Abilities.DELTA_STREAM) && pokemon.scene.getField(true).filter(p => p !== pokemon).filter(p => p.hasAbility(Abilities.DELTA_STREAM)).length === 0) { turnOffWeather = true; } break; } if (simulated) { return turnOffWeather; } if (turnOffWeather) { pokemon.scene.arena.trySetWeather(WeatherType.NONE, false); return true; } return false; } } export class PreSwitchOutHealAbAttr extends PreSwitchOutAbAttr { applyPreSwitchOut(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { if (!pokemon.isFullHp()) { if (!simulated) { const healAmount = Utils.toDmgValue(pokemon.getMaxHp() * 0.33); pokemon.heal(healAmount); pokemon.updateInfo(); } return true; } return false; } } /** * Attribute for form changes that occur on switching out * @extends PreSwitchOutAbAttr * @see {@linkcode applyPreSwitchOut} */ export class PreSwitchOutFormChangeAbAttr extends PreSwitchOutAbAttr { private formFunc: (p: Pokemon) => integer; constructor(formFunc: ((p: Pokemon) => integer)) { super(); this.formFunc = formFunc; } /** * On switch out, trigger the form change to the one defined in the ability * @param pokemon The pokemon switching out and changing form {@linkcode Pokemon} * @param passive N/A * @param args N/A * @returns true if the form change was successful */ applyPreSwitchOut(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { const formIndex = this.formFunc(pokemon); if (formIndex !== pokemon.formIndex) { if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(pokemon, SpeciesFormChangeManualTrigger, false); } return true; } return false; } } export class PreStatStageChangeAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPreStatStageChange(pokemon: Pokemon | null, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, stat: BattleStat, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } /** * Protect one or all {@linkcode BattleStat} from reductions caused by other Pokémon's moves and Abilities */ export class ProtectStatAbAttr extends PreStatStageChangeAbAttr { /** {@linkcode BattleStat} to protect or `undefined` if **all** {@linkcode BattleStat} are protected */ private protectedStat?: BattleStat; constructor(protectedStat?: BattleStat) { super(); this.protectedStat = protectedStat; } /** * Apply the {@linkcode ProtectedStatAbAttr} to an interaction * @param _pokemon * @param _passive * @param simulated * @param stat the {@linkcode BattleStat} being affected * @param cancelled The {@linkcode Utils.BooleanHolder} that will be set to true if the stat is protected * @param _args * @returns true if the stat is protected, false otherwise */ applyPreStatStageChange(_pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, _simulated: boolean, stat: BattleStat, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, _args: any[]): boolean { if (Utils.isNullOrUndefined(this.protectedStat) || stat === this.protectedStat) { cancelled.value = true; return true; } return false; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ..._args: any[]): string { return i18next.t("abilityTriggers:protectStat", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), abilityName, statName: this.protectedStat ? i18next.t(getStatKey(this.protectedStat)) : i18next.t("battle:stats") }); } } /** * This attribute applies confusion to the target whenever the user * directly poisons them with a move, e.g. Poison Puppeteer. * Called in {@linkcode StatusEffectAttr}. * @extends PostAttackAbAttr * @see {@linkcode applyPostAttack} */ export class ConfusionOnStatusEffectAbAttr extends PostAttackAbAttr { /** List of effects to apply confusion after */ private effects: StatusEffect[]; constructor(...effects: StatusEffect[]) { /** This effect does not require a damaging move */ super((user, target, move) => true); this.effects = effects; } /** * Applies confusion to the target pokemon. * @param pokemon {@link Pokemon} attacking * @param passive N/A * @param defender {@link Pokemon} defending * @param move {@link Move} used to apply status effect and confusion * @param hitResult N/A * @param args [0] {@linkcode StatusEffect} applied by move * @returns true if defender is confused */ applyPostAttackAfterMoveTypeCheck(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, defender: Pokemon, move: Move, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.effects.indexOf(args[0]) > -1 && !defender.isFainted()) { if (simulated) { return defender.canAddTag(BattlerTagType.CONFUSED); } else { return defender.addTag(BattlerTagType.CONFUSED, pokemon.randSeedIntRange(2, 5),,; } } return false; } } export class PreSetStatusAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPreSetStatus(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, effect: StatusEffect | undefined, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } /** * Provides immunity to status effects to specified targets. */ export class PreSetStatusEffectImmunityAbAttr extends PreSetStatusAbAttr { private immuneEffects: StatusEffect[]; /** * @param immuneEffects - The status effects to which the Pokémon is immune. */ constructor(...immuneEffects: StatusEffect[]) { super(); this.immuneEffects = immuneEffects; } /** * Applies immunity to supplied status effects. * * @param pokemon - The Pokémon to which the status is being applied. * @param passive - n/a * @param effect - The status effect being applied. * @param cancelled - A holder for a boolean value indicating if the status application was cancelled. * @param args - n/a * @returns A boolean indicating the result of the status application. */ applyPreSetStatus(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, effect: StatusEffect, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.immuneEffects.length < 1 || this.immuneEffects.includes(effect)) { cancelled.value = true; return true; } return false; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return this.immuneEffects.length ? i18next.t("abilityTriggers:statusEffectImmunityWithName", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), abilityName, statusEffectName: getStatusEffectDescriptor(args[0] as StatusEffect) }) : i18next.t("abilityTriggers:statusEffectImmunity", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), abilityName }); } } /** * Provides immunity to status effects to the user. * @extends PreSetStatusEffectImmunityAbAttr */ export class StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr extends PreSetStatusEffectImmunityAbAttr { } /** * Provides immunity to status effects to the user's field. * @extends PreSetStatusEffectImmunityAbAttr */ export class UserFieldStatusEffectImmunityAbAttr extends PreSetStatusEffectImmunityAbAttr { } export class PreApplyBattlerTagAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPreApplyBattlerTag(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, tag: BattlerTag, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } /** * Provides immunity to BattlerTags {@linkcode BattlerTag} to specified targets. */ export class PreApplyBattlerTagImmunityAbAttr extends PreApplyBattlerTagAbAttr { private immuneTagTypes: BattlerTagType[]; private battlerTag: BattlerTag; constructor(immuneTagTypes: BattlerTagType | BattlerTagType[]) { super(); this.immuneTagTypes = Array.isArray(immuneTagTypes) ? immuneTagTypes : [ immuneTagTypes ]; } applyPreApplyBattlerTag(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, tag: BattlerTag, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.immuneTagTypes.includes(tag.tagType)) { cancelled.value = true; if (!simulated) { this.battlerTag = tag; } return true; } return false; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return i18next.t("abilityTriggers:battlerTagImmunity", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), abilityName, battlerTagName: this.battlerTag.getDescriptor() }); } } /** * Provides immunity to BattlerTags {@linkcode BattlerTag} to the user. * @extends PreApplyBattlerTagImmunityAbAttr */ export class BattlerTagImmunityAbAttr extends PreApplyBattlerTagImmunityAbAttr { } /** * Provides immunity to BattlerTags {@linkcode BattlerTag} to the user's field. * @extends PreApplyBattlerTagImmunityAbAttr */ export class UserFieldBattlerTagImmunityAbAttr extends PreApplyBattlerTagImmunityAbAttr { } export class BlockCritAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { (args[0] as Utils.BooleanHolder).value = true; return true; } } export class BonusCritAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { (args[0] as Utils.BooleanHolder).value = true; return true; } } export class MultCritAbAttr extends AbAttr { public multAmount: number; constructor(multAmount: number) { super(true); this.multAmount = multAmount; } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const critMult = args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder; if (critMult.value > 1) { critMult.value *= this.multAmount; return true; } return false; } } /** * Guarantees a critical hit according to the given condition, except if target prevents critical hits. ie. Merciless * @extends AbAttr * @see {@linkcode apply} */ export class ConditionalCritAbAttr extends AbAttr { private condition: PokemonAttackCondition; constructor(condition: PokemonAttackCondition, checkUser?: Boolean) { super(); this.condition = condition; } /** * @param pokemon {@linkcode Pokemon} user. * @param args [0] {@linkcode Utils.BooleanHolder} If true critical hit is guaranteed. * [1] {@linkcode Pokemon} Target. * [2] {@linkcode Move} used by ability user. */ apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const target = (args[1] as Pokemon); const move = (args[2] as Move); if (!this.condition(pokemon, target, move)) { return false; } (args[0] as Utils.BooleanHolder).value = true; return true; } } export class BlockNonDirectDamageAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { cancelled.value = true; return true; } } /** * This attribute will block any status damage that you put in the parameter. */ export class BlockStatusDamageAbAttr extends AbAttr { private effects: StatusEffect[]; /** * @param {StatusEffect[]} effects The status effect(s) that will be blocked from damaging the ability pokemon */ constructor(...effects: StatusEffect[]) { super(false); this.effects = effects; } /** * @param {Pokemon} pokemon The pokemon with the ability * @param {boolean} passive N/A * @param {Utils.BooleanHolder} cancelled Whether to cancel the status damage * @param {any[]} args N/A * @returns Returns true if status damage is blocked */ apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (pokemon.status && this.effects.includes(pokemon.status.effect)) { cancelled.value = true; return true; } return false; } } export class BlockOneHitKOAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { cancelled.value = true; return true; } } /** * This governs abilities that alter the priority of moves * Abilities: Prankster, Gale Wings, Triage, Mycelium Might, Stall * Note - Quick Claw has a separate and distinct implementation outside of priority */ export class ChangeMovePriorityAbAttr extends AbAttr { private moveFunc: (pokemon: Pokemon, move: Move) => boolean; private changeAmount: number; /** * @param {(pokemon, move) => boolean} moveFunc applies priority-change to moves within a provided category * @param {number} changeAmount the amount of priority added or subtracted */ constructor(moveFunc: (pokemon: Pokemon, move: Move) => boolean, changeAmount: number) { super(true); this.moveFunc = moveFunc; this.changeAmount = changeAmount; } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (!this.moveFunc(pokemon, args[0] as Move)) { return false; } (args[1] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value += this.changeAmount; return true; } } export class IgnoreContactAbAttr extends AbAttr { } export class PreWeatherEffectAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPreWeatherEffect(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: Boolean, simulated: boolean, weather: Weather | null, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } export class PreWeatherDamageAbAttr extends PreWeatherEffectAbAttr { } export class BlockWeatherDamageAttr extends PreWeatherDamageAbAttr { private weatherTypes: WeatherType[]; constructor(...weatherTypes: WeatherType[]) { super(); this.weatherTypes = weatherTypes; } applyPreWeatherEffect(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, weather: Weather, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (!this.weatherTypes.length || this.weatherTypes.indexOf(weather?.weatherType) > -1) { cancelled.value = true; } return true; } } export class SuppressWeatherEffectAbAttr extends PreWeatherEffectAbAttr { public affectsImmutable: boolean; constructor(affectsImmutable?: boolean) { super(); this.affectsImmutable = !!affectsImmutable; } applyPreWeatherEffect(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, weather: Weather, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.affectsImmutable || weather.isImmutable()) { cancelled.value = true; return true; } return false; } } /** * Condition function to applied to abilities related to Sheer Force. * Checks if last move used against target was affected by a Sheer Force user and: * Disables: Color Change, Pickpocket, Berserk, Anger Shell * @returns {AbAttrCondition} If false disables the ability which the condition is applied to. */ function getSheerForceHitDisableAbCondition(): AbAttrCondition { return (pokemon: Pokemon) => { if (!pokemon.turnData) { return true; } const lastReceivedAttack = pokemon.turnData.attacksReceived[0]; if (!lastReceivedAttack) { return true; } const lastAttacker = pokemon.getOpponents().find(p => === lastReceivedAttack.sourceId); if (!lastAttacker) { return true; } /**if the last move chance is greater than or equal to cero, and the last attacker's ability is sheer force*/ const SheerForceAffected = allMoves[lastReceivedAttack.move].chance >= 0 && lastAttacker.hasAbility(Abilities.SHEER_FORCE); return !SheerForceAffected; }; } function getWeatherCondition(...weatherTypes: WeatherType[]): AbAttrCondition { return (pokemon: Pokemon) => { if (!pokemon.scene?.arena) { return false; } if ( { return false; } const weatherType =; return !!weatherType && weatherTypes.indexOf(weatherType) > -1; }; } function getAnticipationCondition(): AbAttrCondition { return (pokemon: Pokemon) => { for (const opponent of pokemon.getOpponents()) { for (const move of opponent.moveset) { // ignore null/undefined moves if (!move) { continue; } // the move's base type (not accounting for variable type changes) is super effective if (move.getMove() instanceof AttackMove && pokemon.getAttackTypeEffectiveness(move.getMove().type, opponent, true) >= 2) { return true; } // move is a OHKO if (move.getMove().hasAttr(OneHitKOAttr)) { return true; } // edge case for hidden power, type is computed if (move.getMove().id === Moves.HIDDEN_POWER) { const iv_val = Math.floor(((opponent.ivs[Stat.HP] & 1) + (opponent.ivs[Stat.ATK] & 1) * 2 + (opponent.ivs[Stat.DEF] & 1) * 4 + (opponent.ivs[Stat.SPD] & 1) * 8 + (opponent.ivs[Stat.SPATK] & 1) * 16 + (opponent.ivs[Stat.SPDEF] & 1) * 32) * 15 / 63); const type = [ Type.FIGHTING, Type.FLYING, Type.POISON, Type.GROUND, Type.ROCK, Type.BUG, Type.GHOST, Type.STEEL, Type.FIRE, Type.WATER, Type.GRASS, Type.ELECTRIC, Type.PSYCHIC, Type.ICE, Type.DRAGON, Type.DARK ][iv_val]; if (pokemon.getAttackTypeEffectiveness(type, opponent) >= 2) { return true; } } } } return false; }; } /** * Creates an ability condition that causes the ability to fail if that ability * has already been used by that pokemon that battle. It requires an ability to * be specified due to current limitations in how conditions on abilities work. * @param {Abilities} ability The ability to check if it's already been applied * @returns {AbAttrCondition} The condition */ function getOncePerBattleCondition(ability: Abilities): AbAttrCondition { return (pokemon: Pokemon) => { return !pokemon.battleData?.abilitiesApplied.includes(ability); }; } export class ForewarnAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { constructor() { super(true); } applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { let maxPowerSeen = 0; let maxMove = ""; let movePower = 0; for (const opponent of pokemon.getOpponents()) { for (const move of opponent.moveset) { if (move?.getMove() instanceof StatusMove) { movePower = 1; } else if (move?.getMove().hasAttr(OneHitKOAttr)) { movePower = 150; } else if (move?.getMove().id === Moves.COUNTER || move?.getMove().id === Moves.MIRROR_COAT || move?.getMove().id === Moves.METAL_BURST) { movePower = 120; } else if (move?.getMove().power === -1) { movePower = 80; } else { movePower = move?.getMove().power ?? 0; } if (movePower > maxPowerSeen) { maxPowerSeen = movePower; maxMove = move?.getName() ?? ""; } } } if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("abilityTriggers:forewarn", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), moveName: maxMove })); } return true; } } export class FriskAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { constructor() { super(true); } applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { if (!simulated) { for (const opponent of pokemon.getOpponents()) { pokemon.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("abilityTriggers:frisk", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), opponentName:, opponentAbilityName: opponent.getAbility().name })); setAbilityRevealed(opponent); } } return true; } } export class PostWeatherChangeAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPostWeatherChange(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, weather: WeatherType, args: any[]): boolean { return false; } } /** * Triggers weather-based form change when weather changes. * Used by Forecast and Flower Gift. * @extends PostWeatherChangeAbAttr */ export class PostWeatherChangeFormChangeAbAttr extends PostWeatherChangeAbAttr { private ability: Abilities; private formRevertingWeathers: WeatherType[]; constructor(ability: Abilities, formRevertingWeathers: WeatherType[]) { super(false); this.ability = ability; this.formRevertingWeathers = formRevertingWeathers; } /** * Calls {@linkcode Arena.triggerWeatherBasedFormChangesToNormal | triggerWeatherBasedFormChangesToNormal} when the * weather changed to form-reverting weather, otherwise calls {@linkcode Arena.triggerWeatherBasedFormChanges | triggerWeatherBasedFormChanges} * @param {Pokemon} pokemon the Pokemon with this ability * @param passive n/a * @param weather n/a * @param args n/a * @returns whether the form change was triggered */ applyPostWeatherChange(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, weather: WeatherType, args: any[]): boolean { const isCastformWithForecast = (pokemon.species.speciesId === Species.CASTFORM && this.ability === Abilities.FORECAST); const isCherrimWithFlowerGift = (pokemon.species.speciesId === Species.CHERRIM && this.ability === Abilities.FLOWER_GIFT); if (isCastformWithForecast || isCherrimWithFlowerGift) { if (simulated) { return simulated; } const weatherType =; if (weatherType && this.formRevertingWeathers.includes(weatherType)) { pokemon.scene.arena.triggerWeatherBasedFormChangesToNormal(); } else { pokemon.scene.arena.triggerWeatherBasedFormChanges(); } return true; } return false; } } export class PostWeatherChangeAddBattlerTagAttr extends PostWeatherChangeAbAttr { private tagType: BattlerTagType; private turnCount: integer; private weatherTypes: WeatherType[]; constructor(tagType: BattlerTagType, turnCount: integer, ...weatherTypes: WeatherType[]) { super(); this.tagType = tagType; this.turnCount = turnCount; this.weatherTypes = weatherTypes; } applyPostWeatherChange(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, weather: WeatherType, args: any[]): boolean { console.log(this.weatherTypes.find(w => weather === w), WeatherType[weather]); if (!this.weatherTypes.find(w => weather === w)) { return false; } if (simulated) { return pokemon.canAddTag(this.tagType); } else { return pokemon.addTag(this.tagType, this.turnCount); } } } export class PostWeatherLapseAbAttr extends AbAttr { protected weatherTypes: WeatherType[]; constructor(...weatherTypes: WeatherType[]) { super(); this.weatherTypes = weatherTypes; } applyPostWeatherLapse(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, weather: Weather | null, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } getCondition(): AbAttrCondition { return getWeatherCondition(...this.weatherTypes); } } export class PostWeatherLapseHealAbAttr extends PostWeatherLapseAbAttr { private healFactor: integer; constructor(healFactor: integer, ...weatherTypes: WeatherType[]) { super(...weatherTypes); this.healFactor = healFactor; } applyPostWeatherLapse(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, weather: Weather, args: any[]): boolean { if (!pokemon.isFullHp()) { const scene = pokemon.scene; const abilityName = (!passive ? pokemon.getAbility() : pokemon.getPassiveAbility()).name; if (!simulated) { scene.unshiftPhase(new PokemonHealPhase(scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), Utils.toDmgValue(pokemon.getMaxHp() / (16 / this.healFactor)), i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postWeatherLapseHeal", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), abilityName }), true)); } return true; } return false; } } export class PostWeatherLapseDamageAbAttr extends PostWeatherLapseAbAttr { private damageFactor: integer; constructor(damageFactor: integer, ...weatherTypes: WeatherType[]) { super(...weatherTypes); this.damageFactor = damageFactor; } applyPostWeatherLapse(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, weather: Weather, args: any[]): boolean { const scene = pokemon.scene; if (pokemon.hasAbilityWithAttr(BlockNonDirectDamageAbAttr)) { return false; } if (!simulated) { const abilityName = (!passive ? pokemon.getAbility() : pokemon.getPassiveAbility()).name; scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postWeatherLapseDamage", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), abilityName })); pokemon.damageAndUpdate(Utils.toDmgValue(pokemon.getMaxHp() / (16 / this.damageFactor)), HitResult.OTHER); } return true; } } export class PostTerrainChangeAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPostTerrainChange(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, terrain: TerrainType, args: any[]): boolean { return false; } } export class PostTerrainChangeAddBattlerTagAttr extends PostTerrainChangeAbAttr { private tagType: BattlerTagType; private turnCount: integer; private terrainTypes: TerrainType[]; constructor(tagType: BattlerTagType, turnCount: integer, ...terrainTypes: TerrainType[]) { super(); this.tagType = tagType; this.turnCount = turnCount; this.terrainTypes = terrainTypes; } applyPostTerrainChange(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, terrain: TerrainType, args: any[]): boolean { if (!this.terrainTypes.find(t => t === terrain)) { return false; } if (simulated) { return pokemon.canAddTag(this.tagType); } else { return pokemon.addTag(this.tagType, this.turnCount); } } } function getTerrainCondition(...terrainTypes: TerrainType[]): AbAttrCondition { return (pokemon: Pokemon) => { const terrainType = pokemon.scene.arena.terrain?.terrainType; return !!terrainType && terrainTypes.indexOf(terrainType) > -1; }; } export class PostTurnAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPostTurn(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } /** * This attribute will heal 1/8th HP if the ability pokemon has the correct status. */ export class PostTurnStatusHealAbAttr extends PostTurnAbAttr { private effects: StatusEffect[]; /** * @param {StatusEffect[]} effects The status effect(s) that will qualify healing the ability pokemon */ constructor(...effects: StatusEffect[]) { super(false); this.effects = effects; } /** * @param {Pokemon} pokemon The pokemon with the ability that will receive the healing * @param {Boolean} passive N/A * @param {any[]} args N/A * @returns Returns true if healed from status, false if not */ applyPostTurn(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { if (pokemon.status && this.effects.includes(pokemon.status.effect)) { if (!pokemon.isFullHp()) { if (!simulated) { const scene = pokemon.scene; const abilityName = (!passive ? pokemon.getAbility() : pokemon.getPassiveAbility()).name; scene.unshiftPhase(new PokemonHealPhase(scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), Utils.toDmgValue(pokemon.getMaxHp() / 8), i18next.t("abilityTriggers:poisonHeal", { pokemonName: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), abilityName }), true)); } return true; } } return false; } } /** * After the turn ends, resets the status of either the ability holder or their ally * @param {boolean} allyTarget Whether to target ally, defaults to false (self-target) */ export class PostTurnResetStatusAbAttr extends PostTurnAbAttr { private allyTarget: boolean; private target: Pokemon; constructor(allyTarget: boolean = false) { super(true); this.allyTarget = allyTarget; } applyPostTurn(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.allyTarget) { = pokemon.getAlly(); } else { = pokemon; } if ( { if (!simulated) {, getPokemonNameWithAffix(;;; } return true; } return false; } } /** * After the turn ends, try to create an extra item */ export class PostTurnLootAbAttr extends PostTurnAbAttr { /** * @param itemType - The type of item to create * @param procChance - Chance to create an item * @see {@linkcode applyPostTurn()} */ constructor( /** Extend itemType to add more options */ private itemType: "EATEN_BERRIES" | "HELD_BERRIES", private procChance: (pokemon: Pokemon) => number ) { super(); } applyPostTurn(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { const pass = Phaser.Math.RND.realInRange(0, 1); // Clamp procChance to [0, 1]. Skip if didn't proc (less than pass) if (Math.max(Math.min(this.procChance(pokemon), 1), 0) < pass) { return false; } if (this.itemType === "EATEN_BERRIES") { return this.createEatenBerry(pokemon, simulated); } else { return false; } } /** * Create a new berry chosen randomly from the berries the pokemon ate this battle * @param pokemon The pokemon with this ability * @param simulated whether the associated ability call is simulated * @returns whether a new berry was created */ createEatenBerry(pokemon: Pokemon, simulated: boolean): boolean { const berriesEaten = pokemon.battleData.berriesEaten; if (!berriesEaten.length) { return false; } if (simulated) { return true; } const randomIdx = Utils.randSeedInt(berriesEaten.length); const chosenBerryType = berriesEaten[randomIdx]; const chosenBerry = new BerryModifierType(chosenBerryType); berriesEaten.splice(randomIdx); // Remove berry from memory const berryModifier = pokemon.scene.findModifier( (m) => m instanceof BerryModifier && m.berryType === chosenBerryType, pokemon.isPlayer() ) as BerryModifier | undefined; if (!berryModifier) { const newBerry = new BerryModifier(chosenBerry,, chosenBerryType, 1); if (pokemon.isPlayer()) { pokemon.scene.addModifier(newBerry); } else { pokemon.scene.addEnemyModifier(newBerry); } } else if (berryModifier.stackCount < berryModifier.getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon)) { berryModifier.stackCount++; } pokemon.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postTurnLootCreateEatenBerry", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), berryName: })); pokemon.scene.updateModifiers(pokemon.isPlayer()); return true; } } /** * Attribute used for {@linkcode Abilities.MOODY} */ export class MoodyAbAttr extends PostTurnAbAttr { constructor() { super(true); } /** * Randomly increases one stat stage by 2 and decreases a different stat stage by 1 * @param {Pokemon} pokemon Pokemon that has this ability * @param passive N/A * @param simulated true if applying in a simulated call. * @param args N/A * @returns true * * Any stat stages at +6 or -6 are excluded from being increased or decreased, respectively * If the pokemon already has all stat stages raised to 6, it will only decrease one stat stage by 1 * If the pokemon already has all stat stages lowered to -6, it will only increase one stat stage by 2 */ applyPostTurn(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { const canRaise = EFFECTIVE_STATS.filter(s => pokemon.getStatStage(s) < 6); let canLower = EFFECTIVE_STATS.filter(s => pokemon.getStatStage(s) > -6); if (!simulated) { if (canRaise.length > 0) { const raisedStat = canRaise[pokemon.randSeedInt(canRaise.length)]; canLower = canRaise.filter(s => s !== raisedStat); pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatStageChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, [ raisedStat ], 2)); } if (canLower.length > 0) { const loweredStat = canLower[pokemon.randSeedInt(canLower.length)]; pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatStageChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, [ loweredStat ], -1)); } } return true; } } export class SpeedBoostAbAttr extends PostTurnAbAttr { constructor() { super(true); } applyPostTurn(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { if (!simulated) { if (!pokemon.turnData.switchedInThisTurn && !pokemon.turnData.failedRunAway) { pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatStageChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, [ Stat.SPD ], 1)); } else { return false; } } return true; } } export class PostTurnHealAbAttr extends PostTurnAbAttr { applyPostTurn(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { if (!pokemon.isFullHp()) { if (!simulated) { const scene = pokemon.scene; const abilityName = (!passive ? pokemon.getAbility() : pokemon.getPassiveAbility()).name; scene.unshiftPhase(new PokemonHealPhase(scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), Utils.toDmgValue(pokemon.getMaxHp() / 16), i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postTurnHeal", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), abilityName }), true)); } return true; } return false; } } export class PostTurnFormChangeAbAttr extends PostTurnAbAttr { private formFunc: (p: Pokemon) => integer; constructor(formFunc: ((p: Pokemon) => integer)) { super(true); this.formFunc = formFunc; } applyPostTurn(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { const formIndex = this.formFunc(pokemon); if (formIndex !== pokemon.formIndex) { if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(pokemon, SpeciesFormChangeManualTrigger, false); } return true; } return false; } } /** * Attribute used for abilities (Bad Dreams) that damages the opponents for being asleep */ export class PostTurnHurtIfSleepingAbAttr extends PostTurnAbAttr { /** * Deals damage to all sleeping opponents equal to 1/8 of their max hp (min 1) * @param {Pokemon} pokemon Pokemon that has this ability * @param {boolean} passive N/A * @param {boolean} simulated true if applying in a simulated call. * @param {any[]} args N/A * @returns {boolean} true if any opponents are sleeping */ applyPostTurn(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { let hadEffect: boolean = false; for (const opp of pokemon.getOpponents()) { if ((opp.status?.effect === StatusEffect.SLEEP || opp.hasAbility(Abilities.COMATOSE)) && !opp.hasAbilityWithAttr(BlockNonDirectDamageAbAttr)) { if (!simulated) { opp.damageAndUpdate(Utils.toDmgValue(opp.getMaxHp() / 8), HitResult.OTHER); pokemon.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("abilityTriggers:badDreams", { pokemonName: getPokemonNameWithAffix(opp) })); } hadEffect = true; } } return hadEffect; } } /** * Grabs the last failed Pokeball used * @extends PostTurnAbAttr * @see {@linkcode applyPostTurn} */ export class FetchBallAbAttr extends PostTurnAbAttr { constructor() { super(); } /** * Adds the last used Pokeball back into the player's inventory * @param pokemon {@linkcode Pokemon} with this ability * @param passive N/A * @param args N/A * @returns true if player has used a pokeball and this pokemon is owned by the player */ applyPostTurn(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { if (simulated) { return false; } const lastUsed = pokemon.scene.currentBattle.lastUsedPokeball; if (lastUsed !== null && !!pokemon.isPlayer) { pokemon.scene.pokeballCounts[lastUsed]++; pokemon.scene.currentBattle.lastUsedPokeball = null; pokemon.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("abilityTriggers:fetchBall", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), pokeballName: getPokeballName(lastUsed) })); return true; } return false; } } export class PostBiomeChangeAbAttr extends AbAttr { } export class PostBiomeChangeWeatherChangeAbAttr extends PostBiomeChangeAbAttr { private weatherType: WeatherType; constructor(weatherType: WeatherType) { super(); this.weatherType = weatherType; } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (! { if (simulated) { return !== this.weatherType; } else { return pokemon.scene.arena.trySetWeather(this.weatherType, true); } } return false; } } export class PostBiomeChangeTerrainChangeAbAttr extends PostBiomeChangeAbAttr { private terrainType: TerrainType; constructor(terrainType: TerrainType) { super(); this.terrainType = terrainType; } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (simulated) { return pokemon.scene.arena.terrain?.terrainType !== this.terrainType; } else { return pokemon.scene.arena.trySetTerrain(this.terrainType, true); } } } /** * Triggers just after a move is used either by the opponent or the player * @extends AbAttr */ export class PostMoveUsedAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPostMoveUsed(pokemon: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, source: Pokemon, targets: BattlerIndex[], simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } /** * Triggers after a dance move is used either by the opponent or the player * @extends PostMoveUsedAbAttr */ export class PostDancingMoveAbAttr extends PostMoveUsedAbAttr { /** * Resolves the Dancer ability by replicating the move used by the source of the dance * either on the source itself or on the target of the dance * @param dancer {@linkcode Pokemon} with Dancer ability * @param move {@linkcode PokemonMove} Dancing move used by the source * @param source {@linkcode Pokemon} that used the dancing move * @param targets {@linkcode BattlerIndex}Targets of the dancing move * @param args N/A * * @return true if the Dancer ability was resolved */ applyPostMoveUsed(dancer: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, source: Pokemon, targets: BattlerIndex[], simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { // List of tags that prevent the Dancer from replicating the move const forbiddenTags = [ BattlerTagType.FLYING, BattlerTagType.UNDERWATER, BattlerTagType.UNDERGROUND, BattlerTagType.HIDDEN ]; // The move to replicate cannot come from the Dancer if (source.getBattlerIndex() !== dancer.getBattlerIndex() && !dancer.summonData.tags.some(tag => forbiddenTags.includes(tag.tagType))) { if (!simulated) { // If the move is an AttackMove or a StatusMove the Dancer must replicate the move on the source of the Dance if (move.getMove() instanceof AttackMove || move.getMove() instanceof StatusMove) { const target = this.getTarget(dancer, source, targets); dancer.scene.unshiftPhase(new MovePhase(dancer.scene, dancer, target, move, true, true)); } else if (move.getMove() instanceof SelfStatusMove) { // If the move is a SelfStatusMove (ie. Swords Dance) the Dancer should replicate it on itself dancer.scene.unshiftPhase(new MovePhase(dancer.scene, dancer, [ dancer.getBattlerIndex() ], move, true, true)); } } return true; } return false; } /** * Get the correct targets of Dancer ability * * @param dancer {@linkcode Pokemon} Pokemon with Dancer ability * @param source {@linkcode Pokemon} Source of the dancing move * @param targets {@linkcode BattlerIndex} Targets of the dancing move */ getTarget(dancer: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, targets: BattlerIndex[]) : BattlerIndex[] { if (dancer.isPlayer()) { return source.isPlayer() ? targets : [ source.getBattlerIndex() ]; } return source.isPlayer() ? [ source.getBattlerIndex() ] : targets; } } /** * Triggers after the Pokemon loses or consumes an item * @extends AbAttr */ export class PostItemLostAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPostItemLost(pokemon: Pokemon, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } /** * Applies a Battler Tag to the Pokemon after it loses or consumes item * @extends PostItemLostAbAttr */ export class PostItemLostApplyBattlerTagAbAttr extends PostItemLostAbAttr { private tagType: BattlerTagType; constructor(tagType: BattlerTagType) { super(true); this.tagType = tagType; } /** * Adds the last used Pokeball back into the player's inventory * @param pokemon {@linkcode Pokemon} with this ability * @param args N/A * @returns true if BattlerTag was applied */ applyPostItemLost(pokemon: Pokemon, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { if (!pokemon.getTag(this.tagType) && !simulated) { pokemon.addTag(this.tagType); return true; } return false; } } export class StatStageChangeMultiplierAbAttr extends AbAttr { private multiplier: integer; constructor(multiplier: integer) { super(true); this.multiplier = multiplier; } override apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { (args[0] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value *= this.multiplier; return true; } } export class StatStageChangeCopyAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatStageChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, (args[0] as BattleStat[]), (args[1] as number), true, false, false)); } return true; } } export class BypassBurnDamageReductionAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(false); } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { cancelled.value = true; return true; } } /** * Causes Pokemon to take reduced damage from the {@linkcode StatusEffect.BURN | Burn} status * @param multiplier Multiplied with the damage taken */ export class ReduceBurnDamageAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor(protected multiplier: number) { super(false); } /** * Applies the damage reduction * @param pokemon N/A * @param passive N/A * @param cancelled N/A * @param args `[0]` {@linkcode Utils.NumberHolder} The damage value being modified * @returns `true` */ apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value = Utils.toDmgValue((args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value * this.multiplier); return true; } } export class DoubleBerryEffectAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value *= 2; return true; } } export class PreventBerryUseAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { cancelled.value = true; return true; } } /** * A Pokemon with this ability heals by a percentage of their maximum hp after eating a berry * @param healPercent - Percent of Max HP to heal * @see {@linkcode apply()} for implementation */ export class HealFromBerryUseAbAttr extends AbAttr { /** Percent of Max HP to heal */ private healPercent: number; constructor(healPercent: number) { super(); // Clamp healPercent so its between [0,1]. this.healPercent = Math.max(Math.min(healPercent, 1), 0); } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, ...args: [Utils.BooleanHolder, any[]]): boolean { const { name: abilityName } = passive ? pokemon.getPassiveAbility() : pokemon.getAbility(); if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase( new PokemonHealPhase( pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), Utils.toDmgValue(pokemon.getMaxHp() * this.healPercent), i18next.t("abilityTriggers:healFromBerryUse", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), abilityName }), true ) ); } return true; } } export class RunSuccessAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { (args[0] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value = 256; return true; } } type ArenaTrapCondition = (user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon) => boolean; /** * Base class for checking if a Pokemon is trapped by arena trap * @extends AbAttr * @field {@linkcode arenaTrapCondition} Conditional for trapping abilities. * For example, Magnet Pull will only activate if opponent is Steel type. * @see {@linkcode applyCheckTrapped} */ export class CheckTrappedAbAttr extends AbAttr { protected arenaTrapCondition: ArenaTrapCondition; constructor(condition: ArenaTrapCondition) { super(false); this.arenaTrapCondition = condition; } applyCheckTrapped(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, trapped: Utils.BooleanHolder, otherPokemon: Pokemon, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } /** * Determines whether a Pokemon is blocked from switching/running away * because of a trapping ability or move. * @extends CheckTrappedAbAttr * @see {@linkcode applyCheckTrapped} */ export class ArenaTrapAbAttr extends CheckTrappedAbAttr { /** * Checks if enemy Pokemon is trapped by an Arena Trap-esque ability * If the enemy is a Ghost type, it is not trapped * If the enemy has the ability Run Away, it is not trapped. * If the user has Magnet Pull and the enemy is not a Steel type, it is not trapped. * If the user has Arena Trap and the enemy is not grounded, it is not trapped. * @param pokemon The {@link Pokemon} with this {@link AbAttr} * @param passive N/A * @param trapped {@link Utils.BooleanHolder} indicating whether the other Pokemon is trapped or not * @param otherPokemon The {@link Pokemon} that is affected by an Arena Trap ability * @param args N/A * @returns if enemy Pokemon is trapped or not */ applyCheckTrapped(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, trapped: Utils.BooleanHolder, otherPokemon: Pokemon, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.arenaTrapCondition(pokemon, otherPokemon)) { if (otherPokemon.getTypes(true).includes(Type.GHOST) || (otherPokemon.getTypes(true).includes(Type.STELLAR) && otherPokemon.getTypes().includes(Type.GHOST))) { trapped.value = false; return false; } else if (otherPokemon.hasAbility(Abilities.RUN_AWAY)) { trapped.value = false; return false; } trapped.value = true; return true; } trapped.value = false; return false; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return i18next.t("abilityTriggers:arenaTrap", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), abilityName }); } } export class MaxMultiHitAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { (args[0] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value = 0; return true; } } export class PostBattleAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(true); } applyPostBattle(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { return false; } } export class PostBattleLootAbAttr extends PostBattleAbAttr { applyPostBattle(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { const postBattleLoot = pokemon.scene.currentBattle.postBattleLoot; if (!simulated && postBattleLoot.length) { const randItem = Utils.randSeedItem(postBattleLoot); //@ts-ignore - TODO see below if (pokemon.scene.tryTransferHeldItemModifier(randItem, pokemon, true, 1, true)) { // TODO: fix. This is a promise!? postBattleLoot.splice(postBattleLoot.indexOf(randItem), 1); pokemon.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postBattleLoot", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), itemName: })); return true; } } return false; } } export class PostFaintAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPostFaint(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker?: Pokemon, move?: Move, hitResult?: HitResult, ...args: any[]): boolean { return false; } } /** * Used for weather suppressing abilities to trigger weather-based form changes upon being fainted. * Used by Cloud Nine and Air Lock. * @extends PostFaintAbAttr */ export class PostFaintUnsuppressedWeatherFormChangeAbAttr extends PostFaintAbAttr { /** * Triggers {@linkcode Arena.triggerWeatherBasedFormChanges | triggerWeatherBasedFormChanges} * when the user of the ability faints * @param {Pokemon} pokemon the fainted Pokemon * @param passive n/a * @param attacker n/a * @param move n/a * @param hitResult n/a * @param args n/a * @returns whether the form change was triggered */ applyPostFaint(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { const pokemonToTransform = getPokemonWithWeatherBasedForms(pokemon.scene); if (pokemonToTransform.length < 1) { return false; } if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.arena.triggerWeatherBasedFormChanges(); } return true; } } /** * Clears Desolate Land/Primordial Sea/Delta Stream upon the Pokemon fainting */ export class PostFaintClearWeatherAbAttr extends PostFaintAbAttr { /** * @param pokemon The {@linkcode Pokemon} with the ability * @param passive N/A * @param attacker N/A * @param move N/A * @param hitResult N/A * @param args N/A * @returns {boolean} Returns true if the weather clears, otherwise false. */ applyPostFaint(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker?: Pokemon, move?: Move, hitResult?: HitResult, ...args: any[]): boolean { const weatherType =; let turnOffWeather = false; // Clear weather only if user's ability matches the weather and no other pokemon has the ability. switch (weatherType) { case (WeatherType.HARSH_SUN): if (pokemon.hasAbility(Abilities.DESOLATE_LAND) && pokemon.scene.getField(true).filter(p => p.hasAbility(Abilities.DESOLATE_LAND)).length === 0) { turnOffWeather = true; } break; case (WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN): if (pokemon.hasAbility(Abilities.PRIMORDIAL_SEA) && pokemon.scene.getField(true).filter(p => p.hasAbility(Abilities.PRIMORDIAL_SEA)).length === 0) { turnOffWeather = true; } break; case (WeatherType.STRONG_WINDS): if (pokemon.hasAbility(Abilities.DELTA_STREAM) && pokemon.scene.getField(true).filter(p => p.hasAbility(Abilities.DELTA_STREAM)).length === 0) { turnOffWeather = true; } break; } if (simulated) { return turnOffWeather; } if (turnOffWeather) { pokemon.scene.arena.trySetWeather(WeatherType.NONE, false); return true; } return false; } } export class PostFaintContactDamageAbAttr extends PostFaintAbAttr { private damageRatio: integer; constructor(damageRatio: integer) { super(); this.damageRatio = damageRatio; } applyPostFaint(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker?: Pokemon, move?: Move, hitResult?: HitResult, ...args: any[]): boolean { if (move !== undefined && attacker !== undefined && move.checkFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT, attacker, pokemon)) { //If the mon didn't die to indirect damage const cancelled = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false); pokemon.scene.getField(true).map(p => applyAbAttrs(FieldPreventExplosiveMovesAbAttr, p, cancelled, simulated)); if (cancelled.value || attacker.hasAbilityWithAttr(BlockNonDirectDamageAbAttr)) { return false; } if (!simulated) { attacker.damageAndUpdate(Utils.toDmgValue(attacker.getMaxHp() * (1 / this.damageRatio)), HitResult.OTHER); attacker.turnData.damageTaken += Utils.toDmgValue(attacker.getMaxHp() * (1 / this.damageRatio)); } return true; } return false; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postFaintContactDamage", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), abilityName }); } } /** * Attribute used for abilities (Innards Out) that damage the opponent based on how much HP the last attack used to knock out the owner of the ability. */ export class PostFaintHPDamageAbAttr extends PostFaintAbAttr { constructor() { super (); } applyPostFaint(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker?: Pokemon, move?: Move, hitResult?: HitResult, ...args: any[]): boolean { if (move !== undefined && attacker !== undefined && !simulated) { //If the mon didn't die to indirect damage const damage = pokemon.turnData.attacksReceived[0].damage; attacker.damageAndUpdate((damage), HitResult.OTHER); attacker.turnData.damageTaken += damage; } return true; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postFaintHpDamage", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), abilityName }); } } export class RedirectMoveAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.canRedirect(args[0] as Moves)) { const target = args[1] as Utils.IntegerHolder; const newTarget = pokemon.getBattlerIndex(); if (target.value !== newTarget) { target.value = newTarget; return true; } } return false; } canRedirect(moveId: Moves): boolean { const move = allMoves[moveId]; return !![ MoveTarget.NEAR_OTHER, MoveTarget.OTHER ].find(t => move.moveTarget === t); } } export class RedirectTypeMoveAbAttr extends RedirectMoveAbAttr { public type: Type; constructor(type: Type) { super(); this.type = type; } canRedirect(moveId: Moves): boolean { return super.canRedirect(moveId) && allMoves[moveId].type === this.type; } } export class BlockRedirectAbAttr extends AbAttr { } /** * Used by Early Bird, makes the pokemon wake up faster * @param statusEffect - The {@linkcode StatusEffect} to check for * @see {@linkcode apply} */ export class ReduceStatusEffectDurationAbAttr extends AbAttr { private statusEffect: StatusEffect; constructor(statusEffect: StatusEffect) { super(true); this.statusEffect = statusEffect; } /** * Reduces the number of sleep turns remaining by an extra 1 when applied * @param args - The args passed to the `AbAttr`: * - `[0]` - The {@linkcode StatusEffect} of the Pokemon * - `[1]` - The number of turns remaining until the status is healed * @returns `true` if the ability was applied */ apply(_pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, _simulated: boolean, _cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (!(args[1] instanceof Utils.NumberHolder)) { return false; } if (args[0] === this.statusEffect) { args[1].value -= 1; return true; } return false; } } export class FlinchEffectAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(true); } } export class FlinchStatStageChangeAbAttr extends FlinchEffectAbAttr { private stats: BattleStat[]; private stages: number; constructor(stats: BattleStat[], stages: number) { super(); this.stats = Array.isArray(stats) ? stats : [ stats ]; this.stages = stages; } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatStageChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, this.stats, this.stages)); } return true; } } export class IncreasePpAbAttr extends AbAttr { } export class ForceSwitchOutImmunityAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { cancelled.value = true; return true; } } export class ReduceBerryUseThresholdAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(); } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const hpRatio = pokemon.getHpRatio(); if (args[0].value < hpRatio) { args[0].value *= 2; return args[0].value >= hpRatio; } return false; } } /** * Ability attribute used for abilites that change the ability owner's weight * Used for Heavy Metal (doubling weight) and Light Metal (halving weight) */ export class WeightMultiplierAbAttr extends AbAttr { private multiplier: integer; constructor(multiplier: integer) { super(); this.multiplier = multiplier; } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value *= this.multiplier; return true; } } export class SyncEncounterNatureAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(false); } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { (args[0] as Pokemon).setNature(pokemon.getNature()); return true; } } export class MoveAbilityBypassAbAttr extends AbAttr { private moveIgnoreFunc: (pokemon: Pokemon, move: Move) => boolean; constructor(moveIgnoreFunc?: (pokemon: Pokemon, move: Move) => boolean) { super(false); this.moveIgnoreFunc = moveIgnoreFunc || ((pokemon, move) => true); } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.moveIgnoreFunc(pokemon, (args[0] as Move))) { cancelled.value = true; return true; } return false; } } export class SuppressFieldAbilitiesAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(false); } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const ability = (args[0] as Ability); if (!ability.hasAttr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) && !ability.hasAttr(SuppressFieldAbilitiesAbAttr)) { cancelled.value = true; return true; } return false; } } export class AlwaysHitAbAttr extends AbAttr { } /** Attribute for abilities that allow moves that make contact to ignore protection (i.e. Unseen Fist) */ export class IgnoreProtectOnContactAbAttr extends AbAttr { } /** * Attribute implementing the effects of {@link | Infiltrator}. * Allows the source's moves to bypass the effects of opposing Light Screen, Reflect, Aurora Veil, Safeguard, Mist, and Substitute. */ export class InfiltratorAbAttr extends AbAttr { /** * Sets a flag to bypass screens, Substitute, Safeguard, and Mist * @param pokemon n/a * @param passive n/a * @param simulated n/a * @param cancelled n/a * @param args `[0]` a {@linkcode Utils.BooleanHolder | BooleanHolder} containing the flag * @returns `true` if the bypass flag was successfully set; `false` otherwise. */ override apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: null, args: any[]): boolean { const bypassed = args[0]; if (args[0] instanceof Utils.BooleanHolder) { bypassed.value = true; return true; } return false; } } export class UncopiableAbilityAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(false); } } export class UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(false); } } export class UnswappableAbilityAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(false); } } export class NoTransformAbilityAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(false); } } export class NoFusionAbilityAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(false); } } export class IgnoreTypeImmunityAbAttr extends AbAttr { private defenderType: Type; private allowedMoveTypes: Type[]; constructor(defenderType: Type, allowedMoveTypes: Type[]) { super(true); this.defenderType = defenderType; this.allowedMoveTypes = allowedMoveTypes; } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.defenderType === (args[1] as Type) && this.allowedMoveTypes.includes(args[0] as Type)) { cancelled.value = true; return true; } return false; } } /** * Ignores the type immunity to Status Effects of the defender if the defender is of a certain type */ export class IgnoreTypeStatusEffectImmunityAbAttr extends AbAttr { private statusEffect: StatusEffect[]; private defenderType: Type[]; constructor(statusEffect: StatusEffect[], defenderType: Type[]) { super(true); this.statusEffect = statusEffect; this.defenderType = defenderType; } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.statusEffect.includes(args[0] as StatusEffect) && this.defenderType.includes(args[1] as Type)) { cancelled.value = true; return true; } return false; } } /** * Gives money to the user after the battle. * * @extends PostBattleAbAttr * @see {@linkcode applyPostBattle} */ export class MoneyAbAttr extends PostBattleAbAttr { constructor() { super(); } /** * @param pokemon {@linkcode Pokemon} that is the user of this ability. * @param passive N/A * @param args N/A * @returns true */ applyPostBattle(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.currentBattle.moneyScattered += pokemon.scene.getWaveMoneyAmount(0.2); } return true; } } /** * Applies a stat change after a Pokémon is summoned, * conditioned on the presence of a specific arena tag. * * @extends {PostSummonStatStageChangeAbAttr} */ export class PostSummonStatStageChangeOnArenaAbAttr extends PostSummonStatStageChangeAbAttr { /** * The type of arena tag that conditions the stat change. * @private * @type {ArenaTagType} */ private tagType: ArenaTagType; /** * Creates an instance of PostSummonStatStageChangeOnArenaAbAttr. * Initializes the stat change to increase Attack by 1 stage if the specified arena tag is present. * * @param {ArenaTagType} tagType - The type of arena tag to check for. */ constructor(tagType: ArenaTagType) { super([ Stat.ATK ], 1, true, false); this.tagType = tagType; } /** * Applies the post-summon stat change if the specified arena tag is present on pokemon's side. * This is used in Wind Rider ability. * * @param {Pokemon} pokemon - The Pokémon being summoned. * @param {boolean} passive - Whether the effect is passive. * @param {any[]} args - Additional arguments. * @returns {boolean} - Returns true if the stat change was applied, otherwise false. */ applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { const side = pokemon.isPlayer() ? ArenaTagSide.PLAYER : ArenaTagSide.ENEMY; if (pokemon.scene.arena.getTagOnSide(this.tagType, side)) { return super.applyPostSummon(pokemon, passive, simulated, args); } return false; } } /** * Takes no damage from the first hit of a damaging move. * This is used in the Disguise and Ice Face abilities. * @extends ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr */ export class FormBlockDamageAbAttr extends ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr { private multiplier: number; private tagType: BattlerTagType; private recoilDamageFunc?: ((pokemon: Pokemon) => number); private triggerMessageFunc: (pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string) => string; constructor(condition: PokemonDefendCondition, multiplier: number, tagType: BattlerTagType, triggerMessageFunc: (pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string) => string, recoilDamageFunc?: (pokemon: Pokemon) => number) { super(condition, multiplier); this.multiplier = multiplier; this.tagType = tagType; this.recoilDamageFunc = recoilDamageFunc; this.triggerMessageFunc = triggerMessageFunc; } /** * Applies the pre-defense ability to the Pokémon. * Removes the appropriate `BattlerTagType` when hit by an attack and is in its defense form. * * @param pokemon The Pokémon with the ability. * @param _passive n/a * @param attacker The attacking Pokémon. * @param move The move being used. * @param _cancelled n/a * @param args Additional arguments. * @returns `true` if the immunity was applied. */ override applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, _cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.condition(pokemon, attacker, move) && !move.hitsSubstitute(attacker, pokemon)) { if (!simulated) { (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value = this.multiplier; pokemon.removeTag(this.tagType); if (this.recoilDamageFunc) { pokemon.damageAndUpdate(this.recoilDamageFunc(pokemon), HitResult.OTHER, false, false, true, true); } } return true; } return false; } /** * Gets the message triggered when the Pokémon avoids damage using the form-changing ability. * @param pokemon The Pokémon with the ability. * @param abilityName The name of the ability. * @param _args n/a * @returns The trigger message. */ getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ..._args: any[]): string { return this.triggerMessageFunc(pokemon, abilityName); } } /** * If a Pokémon with this Ability selects a damaging move, it has a 30% chance of going first in its priority bracket. If the Ability activates, this is announced at the start of the turn (after move selection). * * @extends AbAttr */ export class BypassSpeedChanceAbAttr extends AbAttr { public chance: integer; /** * @param {integer} chance probability of ability being active. */ constructor(chance: integer) { super(true); this.chance = chance; } /** * bypass move order in their priority bracket when pokemon choose damaging move * @param {Pokemon} pokemon {@linkcode Pokemon} the Pokemon applying this ability * @param {boolean} passive N/A * @param {Utils.BooleanHolder} cancelled N/A * @param {any[]} args [0] {@linkcode Utils.BooleanHolder} set to true when the ability activated * @returns {boolean} - whether the ability was activated. */ apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (simulated) { return false; } const bypassSpeed = args[0] as Utils.BooleanHolder; if (!bypassSpeed.value && pokemon.randSeedInt(100) < this.chance) { const turnCommand = pokemon.scene.currentBattle.turnCommands[pokemon.getBattlerIndex()]; const isCommandFight = turnCommand?.command === Command.FIGHT; const move = turnCommand?.move?.move ? allMoves[turnCommand.move.move] : null; const isDamageMove = move?.category === MoveCategory.PHYSICAL || move?.category === MoveCategory.SPECIAL; if (isCommandFight && isDamageMove) { bypassSpeed.value = true; return true; } } return false; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return i18next.t("abilityTriggers:quickDraw", { pokemonName: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon) }); } } /** * This attribute checks if a Pokemon's move meets a provided condition to determine if the Pokemon can use Quick Claw * It was created because Pokemon with the ability Mycelium Might cannot access Quick Claw's benefits when using status moves. */ export class PreventBypassSpeedChanceAbAttr extends AbAttr { private condition: ((pokemon: Pokemon, move: Move) => boolean); /** * @param {function} condition - checks if a move meets certain conditions */ constructor(condition: (pokemon: Pokemon, move: Move) => boolean) { super(true); this.condition = condition; } /** * @argument {boolean} bypassSpeed - determines if a Pokemon is able to bypass speed at the moment * @argument {boolean} canCheckHeldItems - determines if a Pokemon has access to Quick Claw's effects or not */ apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const bypassSpeed = args[0] as Utils.BooleanHolder; const canCheckHeldItems = args[1] as Utils.BooleanHolder; const turnCommand = pokemon.scene.currentBattle.turnCommands[pokemon.getBattlerIndex()]; const isCommandFight = turnCommand?.command === Command.FIGHT; const move = turnCommand?.move?.move ? allMoves[turnCommand.move.move] : null; if (this.condition(pokemon, move!) && isCommandFight) { bypassSpeed.value = false; canCheckHeldItems.value = false; return false; } return true; } } /** * This applies a terrain-based type change to the Pokemon. * Used by Mimicry. */ export class TerrainEventTypeChangeAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { constructor() { super(true); } override apply(pokemon: Pokemon, _passive: boolean, _simulated: boolean, _cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, _args: any[]): boolean { if (pokemon.isTerastallized()) { return false; } const currentTerrain = pokemon.scene.arena.getTerrainType(); const typeChange: Type[] = this.determineTypeChange(pokemon, currentTerrain); if (typeChange.length !== 0) { if (pokemon.summonData.addedType && typeChange.includes(pokemon.summonData.addedType)) { pokemon.summonData.addedType = null; } pokemon.summonData.types = typeChange; pokemon.updateInfo(); } return true; } /** * Retrieves the type(s) the Pokemon should change to in response to a terrain * @param pokemon * @param currentTerrain {@linkcode TerrainType} * @returns a list of type(s) */ private determineTypeChange(pokemon: Pokemon, currentTerrain: TerrainType): Type[] { const typeChange: Type[] = []; switch (currentTerrain) { case TerrainType.ELECTRIC: typeChange.push(Type.ELECTRIC); break; case TerrainType.MISTY: typeChange.push(Type.FAIRY); break; case TerrainType.GRASSY: typeChange.push(Type.GRASS); break; case TerrainType.PSYCHIC: typeChange.push(Type.PSYCHIC); break; default: pokemon.getTypes(false, false, true).forEach(t => { typeChange.push(t); }); break; } return typeChange; } /** * Checks if the Pokemon should change types if summoned into an active terrain * @returns `true` if there is an active terrain requiring a type change | `false` if not */ override applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { if (pokemon.scene.arena.getTerrainType() !== TerrainType.NONE) { return this.apply(pokemon, passive, simulated, new Utils.BooleanHolder(false), []); } return false; } override getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]) { const currentTerrain = pokemon.scene.arena.getTerrainType(); const pokemonNameWithAffix = getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon); if (currentTerrain === TerrainType.NONE) { return i18next.t("abilityTriggers:pokemonTypeChangeRevert", { pokemonNameWithAffix }); } else { const moveType = i18next.t(`pokemonInfo:Type.${Type[this.determineTypeChange(pokemon, currentTerrain)[0]]}`); return i18next.t("abilityTriggers:pokemonTypeChange", { pokemonNameWithAffix, moveType }); } } } async function applyAbAttrsInternal( attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon | null, applyFunc: AbAttrApplyFunc, args: any[], showAbilityInstant: boolean = false, simulated: boolean = false, messages: string[] = [], ) { for (const passive of [ false, true ]) { if (!pokemon?.canApplyAbility(passive) || (passive && pokemon.getPassiveAbility().id === pokemon.getAbility().id)) { continue; } const ability = passive ? pokemon.getPassiveAbility() : pokemon.getAbility(); for (const attr of ability.getAttrs(attrType)) { const condition = attr.getCondition(); if (condition && !condition(pokemon)) { continue; } pokemon.scene.setPhaseQueueSplice(); let result = applyFunc(attr, passive); // TODO Remove this when promises get reworked if (result instanceof Promise) { result = await result; } if (result) { if (pokemon.summonData && !pokemon.summonData.abilitiesApplied.includes( { pokemon.summonData.abilitiesApplied.push(; } if (pokemon.battleData && !simulated && !pokemon.battleData.abilitiesApplied.includes( { pokemon.battleData.abilitiesApplied.push(; } if (attr.showAbility && !simulated) { if (showAbilityInstant) { pokemon.scene.abilityBar.showAbility(pokemon, passive); } else { queueShowAbility(pokemon, passive); } } const message = attr.getTriggerMessage(pokemon,, args); if (message) { if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.queueMessage(message); } } messages.push(message!); } } pokemon.scene.clearPhaseQueueSplice(); } } class ForceSwitchOutHelper { constructor(private switchType: SwitchType) {} /** * Handles the logic for switching out a Pokémon based on battle conditions, HP, and the switch type. * * @param pokemon The {@linkcode Pokemon} attempting to switch out. * @returns `true` if the switch is successful */ public switchOutLogic(pokemon: Pokemon): boolean { const switchOutTarget = pokemon; /** * If the switch-out target is a player-controlled Pokémon, the function checks: * - Whether there are available party members to switch in. * - If the Pokémon is still alive (hp > 0), and if so, it leaves the field and a new SwitchPhase is initiated. */ if (switchOutTarget instanceof PlayerPokemon) { if (switchOutTarget.scene.getPlayerParty().filter((p) => p.isAllowedInBattle() && !p.isOnField()).length < 1) { return false; } if (switchOutTarget.hp > 0) { switchOutTarget.leaveField(this.switchType === SwitchType.SWITCH); pokemon.scene.prependToPhase(new SwitchPhase(pokemon.scene, this.switchType, switchOutTarget.getFieldIndex(), true, true), MoveEndPhase); return true; } /** * For non-wild battles, it checks if the opposing party has any available Pokémon to switch in. * If yes, the Pokémon leaves the field and a new SwitchSummonPhase is initiated. */ } else if (pokemon.scene.currentBattle.battleType !== BattleType.WILD) { if (switchOutTarget.scene.getEnemyParty().filter((p) => p.isAllowedInBattle() && !p.isOnField()).length < 1) { return false; } if (switchOutTarget.hp > 0) { switchOutTarget.leaveField(this.switchType === SwitchType.SWITCH); pokemon.scene.prependToPhase(new SwitchSummonPhase(pokemon.scene, this.switchType, switchOutTarget.getFieldIndex(), (pokemon.scene.currentBattle.trainer ? pokemon.scene.currentBattle.trainer.getNextSummonIndex((switchOutTarget as EnemyPokemon).trainerSlot) : 0), false, false), MoveEndPhase); return true; } /** * For wild Pokémon battles, the Pokémon will flee if the conditions are met (waveIndex and double battles). */ } else { if (!pokemon.scene.currentBattle.waveIndex && pokemon.scene.currentBattle.waveIndex % 10 === 0) { return false; } if (switchOutTarget.hp > 0) { switchOutTarget.leaveField(false); pokemon.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("moveTriggers:fled", { pokemonName: getPokemonNameWithAffix(switchOutTarget) }), null, true, 500); if (switchOutTarget.scene.currentBattle.double) { const allyPokemon = switchOutTarget.getAlly(); switchOutTarget.scene.redirectPokemonMoves(switchOutTarget, allyPokemon); } } if (!switchOutTarget.getAlly()?.isActive(true)) { pokemon.scene.clearEnemyHeldItemModifiers(); if (switchOutTarget.hp) { pokemon.scene.pushPhase(new BattleEndPhase(pokemon.scene)); pokemon.scene.pushPhase(new NewBattlePhase(pokemon.scene)); } } } return false; } /** * Determines if a Pokémon can switch out based on its status, the opponent's status, and battle conditions. * * @param pokemon The Pokémon attempting to switch out. * @param opponent The opponent Pokémon. * @returns `true` if the switch-out condition is met */ public getSwitchOutCondition(pokemon: Pokemon, opponent: Pokemon): boolean { const switchOutTarget = pokemon; const player = switchOutTarget instanceof PlayerPokemon; if (player) { const blockedByAbility = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false); applyAbAttrs(ForceSwitchOutImmunityAbAttr, opponent, blockedByAbility); return !blockedByAbility.value; } if (!player && pokemon.scene.currentBattle.battleType === BattleType.WILD) { if (!pokemon.scene.currentBattle.waveIndex && pokemon.scene.currentBattle.waveIndex % 10 === 0) { return false; } } if (!player && pokemon.scene.currentBattle.isBattleMysteryEncounter() && !pokemon.scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter?.fleeAllowed) { return false; } const party = player ? pokemon.scene.getPlayerParty() : pokemon.scene.getEnemyParty(); return (!player && pokemon.scene.currentBattle.battleType === BattleType.WILD) || party.filter(p => p.isAllowedInBattle() && (player || (p as EnemyPokemon).trainerSlot === (switchOutTarget as EnemyPokemon).trainerSlot)).length > pokemon.scene.currentBattle.getBattlerCount(); } /** * Returns a message if the switch-out attempt fails due to ability effects. * * @param target The target Pokémon. * @returns The failure message, or `null` if no failure. */ public getFailedText(target: Pokemon): string | null { const blockedByAbility = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false); applyAbAttrs(ForceSwitchOutImmunityAbAttr, target, blockedByAbility); return blockedByAbility.value ? i18next.t("moveTriggers:cannotBeSwitchedOut", { pokemonName: getPokemonNameWithAffix(target) }) : null; } } /** * Calculates the amount of recovery from the Shell Bell item. * * If the Pokémon is holding a Shell Bell, this function computes the amount of health * recovered based on the damage dealt in the current turn. The recovery is multiplied by the * Shell Bell's modifier (if any). * * @param pokemon - The Pokémon whose Shell Bell recovery is being calculated. * @returns The amount of health recovered by Shell Bell. */ function calculateShellBellRecovery(pokemon: Pokemon): number { const shellBellModifier = pokemon.getHeldItems().find(m => m instanceof HitHealModifier); if (shellBellModifier) { return Utils.toDmgValue(pokemon.turnData.totalDamageDealt / 8) * shellBellModifier.stackCount; } return 0; } /** * Triggers after the Pokemon takes any damage * @extends AbAttr */ export class PostDamageAbAttr extends AbAttr { public applyPostDamage(pokemon: Pokemon, damage: number, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[], source?: Pokemon): boolean | Promise { return false; } } /** * Ability attribute for forcing a Pokémon to switch out after its health drops below half. * This attribute checks various conditions related to the damage received, the moves used by the Pokémon * and its opponents, and determines whether a forced switch-out should occur. * * Used by Wimp Out and Emergency Exit * * @extends PostDamageAbAttr * @see {@linkcode applyPostDamage} */ export class PostDamageForceSwitchAbAttr extends PostDamageAbAttr { private helper: ForceSwitchOutHelper = new ForceSwitchOutHelper(SwitchType.SWITCH); private hpRatio: number; constructor(hpRatio: number = 0.5) { super(); this.hpRatio = hpRatio; } /** * Applies the switch-out logic after the Pokémon takes damage. * Checks various conditions based on the moves used by the Pokémon, the opponents' moves, and * the Pokémon's health after damage to determine whether the switch-out should occur. * * @param pokemon The Pokémon that took damage. * @param damage The amount of damage taken by the Pokémon. * @param passive N/A * @param simulated Whether the ability is being simulated. * @param args N/A * @param source The Pokemon that dealt damage * @returns `true` if the switch-out logic was successfully applied */ public override applyPostDamage(pokemon: Pokemon, damage: number, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, args: any[], source?: Pokemon): boolean | Promise { const moveHistory = pokemon.getMoveHistory(); // Will not activate when the Pokémon's HP is lowered by cutting its own HP const fordbiddenAttackingMoves = [ Moves.BELLY_DRUM, Moves.SUBSTITUTE, Moves.CURSE, Moves.PAIN_SPLIT ]; if (moveHistory.length > 0) { const lastMoveUsed = moveHistory[moveHistory.length - 1]; if (fordbiddenAttackingMoves.includes(lastMoveUsed.move)) { return false; } } // Dragon Tail and Circle Throw switch out Pokémon before the Ability activates. const fordbiddenDefendingMoves = [ Moves.DRAGON_TAIL, Moves.CIRCLE_THROW ]; if (source) { const enemyMoveHistory = source.getMoveHistory(); if (enemyMoveHistory.length > 0) { const enemyLastMoveUsed = enemyMoveHistory[enemyMoveHistory.length - 1]; // Will not activate if the Pokémon's HP falls below half while it is in the air during Sky Drop. if (fordbiddenDefendingMoves.includes(enemyLastMoveUsed.move) || enemyLastMoveUsed.move === Moves.SKY_DROP && enemyLastMoveUsed.result === MoveResult.OTHER) { return false; // Will not activate if the Pokémon's HP falls below half by a move affected by Sheer Force. } else if (allMoves[enemyLastMoveUsed.move].chance >= 0 && source.hasAbility(Abilities.SHEER_FORCE)) { return false; // Activate only after the last hit of multistrike moves } else if (source.turnData.hitsLeft > 1) { return false; } if (source.turnData.hitCount > 1) { damage = pokemon.turnData.damageTaken; } } } if (pokemon.hp + damage >= pokemon.getMaxHp() * this.hpRatio) { // Activates if it falls below half and recovers back above half from a Shell Bell const shellBellHeal = calculateShellBellRecovery(pokemon); if (pokemon.hp - shellBellHeal < pokemon.getMaxHp() * this.hpRatio) { for (const opponent of pokemon.getOpponents()) { if (!this.helper.getSwitchOutCondition(pokemon, opponent)) { return false; } } return this.helper.switchOutLogic(pokemon); } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } public getFailedText(user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: Move, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder): string | null { return this.helper.getFailedText(target); } } export function applyAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder | null, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.apply(pokemon, passive, simulated, cancelled, args), args, false, simulated); } export function applyPostBattleInitAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostBattleInit(pokemon, passive, simulated, args), args, false, simulated); } export function applyPreDefendAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move | null, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder | null, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPreDefend(pokemon, passive, simulated, attacker, move, cancelled, args), args, false, simulated); } export function applyPostDefendAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, attacker: Pokemon, move: Move, hitResult: HitResult | null, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostDefend(pokemon, passive, simulated, attacker, move, hitResult, args), args, false, simulated); } export function applyPostMoveUsedAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, source: Pokemon, targets: BattlerIndex[], simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostMoveUsed(pokemon, move, source, targets, simulated, args), args, false, simulated); } export function applyStatMultiplierAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, stat: BattleStat, statValue: Utils.NumberHolder, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyStatStage(pokemon, passive, simulated, stat, statValue, args), args); } export function applyPostSetStatusAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, effect: StatusEffect, sourcePokemon?: Pokemon | null, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostSetStatus(pokemon, sourcePokemon, passive, effect, simulated, args), args, false, simulated); } export function applyPostDamageAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, damage: number, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean = false, args: any[], source?: Pokemon): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostDamage(pokemon, damage, passive, simulated, args, source), args); } /** * Applies a field Stat multiplier attribute * @param attrType {@linkcode FieldMultiplyStatAbAttr} should always be FieldMultiplyBattleStatAbAttr for the time being * @param pokemon {@linkcode Pokemon} the Pokemon applying this ability * @param stat {@linkcode Stat} the type of the checked stat * @param statValue {@linkcode Utils.NumberHolder} the value of the checked stat * @param checkedPokemon {@linkcode Pokemon} the Pokemon with the checked stat * @param hasApplied {@linkcode Utils.BooleanHolder} whether or not a FieldMultiplyBattleStatAbAttr has already affected this stat * @param args unused */ export function applyFieldStatMultiplierAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, stat: Stat, statValue: Utils.NumberHolder, checkedPokemon: Pokemon, hasApplied: Utils.BooleanHolder, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyFieldStat(pokemon, passive, simulated, stat, statValue, checkedPokemon, hasApplied, args), args); } export function applyPreAttackAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, defender: Pokemon | null, move: Move, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPreAttack(pokemon, passive, simulated, defender, move, args), args, false, simulated); } export function applyPostAttackAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, defender: Pokemon, move: Move, hitResult: HitResult | null, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostAttack(pokemon, passive, simulated, defender, move, hitResult, args), args, false, simulated); } export function applyPostKnockOutAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, knockedOut: Pokemon, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostKnockOut(pokemon, passive, simulated, knockedOut, args), args, false, simulated); } export function applyPostVictoryAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostVictory(pokemon, passive, simulated, args), args, false, simulated); } export function applyPostSummonAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostSummon(pokemon, passive, simulated, args), args, false, simulated); } export function applyPreSwitchOutAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPreSwitchOut(pokemon, passive, simulated, args), args, true, simulated); } export function applyPreStatStageChangeAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon | null, stat: BattleStat, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPreStatStageChange(pokemon, passive, simulated, stat, cancelled, args), args, false, simulated); } export function applyPostStatStageChangeAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, stats: BattleStat[], stages: integer, selfTarget: boolean, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, _passive) => attr.applyPostStatStageChange(pokemon, simulated, stats, stages, selfTarget, args), args, false, simulated); } export function applyPreSetStatusAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, effect: StatusEffect | undefined, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPreSetStatus(pokemon, passive, simulated, effect, cancelled, args), args, false, simulated); } export function applyPreApplyBattlerTagAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, tag: BattlerTag, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPreApplyBattlerTag(pokemon, passive, simulated, tag, cancelled, args), args, false, simulated); } export function applyPreWeatherEffectAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, weather: Weather | null, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPreWeatherEffect(pokemon, passive, simulated, weather, cancelled, args), args, true, simulated); } export function applyPostTurnAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostTurn(pokemon, passive, simulated, args), args, false, simulated); } export function applyPostWeatherChangeAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, weather: WeatherType, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostWeatherChange(pokemon, passive, simulated, weather, args), args, false, simulated); } export function applyPostWeatherLapseAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, weather: Weather | null, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostWeatherLapse(pokemon, passive, simulated, weather, args), args, false, simulated); } export function applyPostTerrainChangeAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, terrain: TerrainType, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostTerrainChange(pokemon, passive, simulated, terrain, args), args, false, simulated); } export function applyCheckTrappedAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, trapped: Utils.BooleanHolder, otherPokemon: Pokemon, messages: string[], simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyCheckTrapped(pokemon, passive, simulated, trapped, otherPokemon, args), args, false, simulated, messages); } export function applyPostBattleAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostBattle(pokemon, passive, simulated, args), args, false, simulated); } export function applyPostFaintAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, attacker?: Pokemon, move?: Move, hitResult?: HitResult, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostFaint(pokemon, passive, simulated, attacker, move, hitResult, args), args, false, simulated); } export function applyPostItemLostAbAttrs(attrType: Constructor, pokemon: Pokemon, simulated: boolean = false, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostItemLost(pokemon, simulated, args), args); } function queueShowAbility(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean): void { pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new ShowAbilityPhase(pokemon.scene,, passive)); pokemon.scene.clearPhaseQueueSplice(); } /** * Sets the ability of a Pokémon as revealed. * * @param pokemon - The Pokémon whose ability is being revealed. */ function setAbilityRevealed(pokemon: Pokemon): void { if (pokemon.battleData) { pokemon.battleData.abilityRevealed = true; } } /** * Returns the Pokemon with weather-based forms * @param {BattleScene} scene - The current scene */ function getPokemonWithWeatherBasedForms(scene: BattleScene) { return scene.getField(true).filter(p => (p.hasAbility(Abilities.FORECAST) && p.species.speciesId === Species.CASTFORM) || (p.hasAbility(Abilities.FLOWER_GIFT) && p.species.speciesId === Species.CHERRIM) ); } export const allAbilities = [ new Ability(Abilities.NONE, 3) ]; export function initAbilities() { allAbilities.push( new Ability(Abilities.STENCH, 3) .attr(PostAttackApplyBattlerTagAbAttr, false, (user, target, move) => !move.hasAttr(FlinchAttr) && !move.hitsSubstitute(user, target) ? 10 : 0, BattlerTagType.FLINCHED), new Ability(Abilities.DRIZZLE, 3) .attr(PostSummonWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.RAIN) .attr(PostBiomeChangeWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.RAIN), new Ability(Abilities.SPEED_BOOST, 3) .attr(SpeedBoostAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.BATTLE_ARMOR, 3) .attr(BlockCritAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.STURDY, 3) .attr(PreDefendFullHpEndureAbAttr) .attr(BlockOneHitKOAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.DAMP, 3) .attr(FieldPreventExplosiveMovesAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.LIMBER, 3) .attr(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, StatusEffect.PARALYSIS) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SAND_VEIL, 3) .attr(StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.EVA, 1.2) .attr(BlockWeatherDamageAttr, WeatherType.SANDSTORM) .condition(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.SANDSTORM)) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.STATIC, 3) .attr(PostDefendContactApplyStatusEffectAbAttr, 30, StatusEffect.PARALYSIS) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.VOLT_ABSORB, 3) .attr(TypeImmunityHealAbAttr, Type.ELECTRIC) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.WATER_ABSORB, 3) .attr(TypeImmunityHealAbAttr, Type.WATER) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.OBLIVIOUS, 3) .attr(BattlerTagImmunityAbAttr, [ BattlerTagType.INFATUATED, BattlerTagType.TAUNT ]) .attr(IntimidateImmunityAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.CLOUD_NINE, 3) .attr(SuppressWeatherEffectAbAttr, true) .attr(PostSummonUnnamedMessageAbAttr, i18next.t("abilityTriggers:weatherEffectDisappeared")) .attr(PostSummonWeatherSuppressedFormChangeAbAttr) .attr(PostFaintUnsuppressedWeatherFormChangeAbAttr) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.COMPOUND_EYES, 3) .attr(StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.ACC, 1.3), new Ability(Abilities.INSOMNIA, 3) .attr(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, StatusEffect.SLEEP) .attr(BattlerTagImmunityAbAttr, BattlerTagType.DROWSY) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.COLOR_CHANGE, 3) .attr(PostDefendTypeChangeAbAttr) .condition(getSheerForceHitDisableAbCondition()), new Ability(Abilities.IMMUNITY, 3) .attr(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, StatusEffect.POISON, StatusEffect.TOXIC) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.FLASH_FIRE, 3) .attr(TypeImmunityAddBattlerTagAbAttr, Type.FIRE, BattlerTagType.FIRE_BOOST, 1) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SHIELD_DUST, 3) .attr(IgnoreMoveEffectsAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.OWN_TEMPO, 3) .attr(BattlerTagImmunityAbAttr, BattlerTagType.CONFUSED) .attr(IntimidateImmunityAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SUCTION_CUPS, 3) .attr(ForceSwitchOutImmunityAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.INTIMIDATE, 3) .attr(PostSummonStatStageChangeAbAttr, [ Stat.ATK ], -1, false, true), new Ability(Abilities.SHADOW_TAG, 3) .attr(ArenaTrapAbAttr, (user, target) => { if (target.hasAbility(Abilities.SHADOW_TAG)) { return false; } return true; }), new Ability(Abilities.ROUGH_SKIN, 3) .attr(PostDefendContactDamageAbAttr, 8) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.WONDER_GUARD, 3) .attr(NonSuperEffectiveImmunityAbAttr) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.LEVITATE, 3) .attr(AttackTypeImmunityAbAttr, Type.GROUND, (pokemon: Pokemon) => !pokemon.getTag(GroundedTag) && !pokemon.scene.arena.getTag(ArenaTagType.GRAVITY)) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.EFFECT_SPORE, 3) .attr(EffectSporeAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.SYNCHRONIZE, 3) .attr(SyncEncounterNatureAbAttr) .attr(SynchronizeStatusAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.CLEAR_BODY, 3) .attr(ProtectStatAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.NATURAL_CURE, 3) .attr(PreSwitchOutResetStatusAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.LIGHTNING_ROD, 3) .attr(RedirectTypeMoveAbAttr, Type.ELECTRIC) .attr(TypeImmunityStatStageChangeAbAttr, Type.ELECTRIC, Stat.SPATK, 1) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SERENE_GRACE, 3) .attr(MoveEffectChanceMultiplierAbAttr, 2), new Ability(Abilities.SWIFT_SWIM, 3) .attr(StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.SPD, 2) .condition(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.RAIN, WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN)), new Ability(Abilities.CHLOROPHYLL, 3) .attr(StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.SPD, 2) .condition(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.SUNNY, WeatherType.HARSH_SUN)), new Ability(Abilities.ILLUMINATE, 3) .attr(ProtectStatAbAttr, Stat.ACC) .attr(DoubleBattleChanceAbAttr) .attr(IgnoreOpponentStatStagesAbAttr, [ Stat.EVA ]) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.TRACE, 3) .attr(PostSummonCopyAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.HUGE_POWER, 3) .attr(StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.ATK, 2), new Ability(Abilities.POISON_POINT, 3) .attr(PostDefendContactApplyStatusEffectAbAttr, 30, StatusEffect.POISON) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.INNER_FOCUS, 3) .attr(BattlerTagImmunityAbAttr, BattlerTagType.FLINCHED) .attr(IntimidateImmunityAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.MAGMA_ARMOR, 3) .attr(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, StatusEffect.FREEZE) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.WATER_VEIL, 3) .attr(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, StatusEffect.BURN) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.MAGNET_PULL, 3) .attr(ArenaTrapAbAttr, (user, target) => { if (target.getTypes(true).includes(Type.STEEL) || (target.getTypes(true).includes(Type.STELLAR) && target.getTypes().includes(Type.STEEL))) { return true; } return false; }), new Ability(Abilities.SOUNDPROOF, 3) .attr(MoveImmunityAbAttr, (pokemon, attacker, move) => pokemon !== attacker && move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.SOUND_BASED)) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.RAIN_DISH, 3) .attr(PostWeatherLapseHealAbAttr, 1, WeatherType.RAIN, WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN), new Ability(Abilities.SAND_STREAM, 3) .attr(PostSummonWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.SANDSTORM) .attr(PostBiomeChangeWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.SANDSTORM), new Ability(Abilities.PRESSURE, 3) .attr(IncreasePpAbAttr) .attr(PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (pokemon: Pokemon) => i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postSummonPressure", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon) })), new Ability(Abilities.THICK_FAT, 3) .attr(ReceivedTypeDamageMultiplierAbAttr, Type.FIRE, 0.5) .attr(ReceivedTypeDamageMultiplierAbAttr, Type.ICE, 0.5) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.EARLY_BIRD, 3) .attr(ReduceStatusEffectDurationAbAttr, StatusEffect.SLEEP), new Ability(Abilities.FLAME_BODY, 3) .attr(PostDefendContactApplyStatusEffectAbAttr, 30, StatusEffect.BURN) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.RUN_AWAY, 3) .attr(RunSuccessAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.KEEN_EYE, 3) .attr(ProtectStatAbAttr, Stat.ACC) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.HYPER_CUTTER, 3) .attr(ProtectStatAbAttr, Stat.ATK) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.PICKUP, 3) .attr(PostBattleLootAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.TRUANT, 3) .attr(PostSummonAddBattlerTagAbAttr, BattlerTagType.TRUANT, 1, false), new Ability(Abilities.HUSTLE, 3) .attr(StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.ATK, 1.5) .attr(StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.ACC, 0.8, (_user, _target, move) => move.category === MoveCategory.PHYSICAL), new Ability(Abilities.CUTE_CHARM, 3) .attr(PostDefendContactApplyTagChanceAbAttr, 30, BattlerTagType.INFATUATED), new Ability(Abilities.PLUS, 3) .conditionalAttr(p => p.scene.currentBattle.double && [ Abilities.PLUS, Abilities.MINUS ].some(a => p.getAlly().hasAbility(a)), StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.SPATK, 1.5), new Ability(Abilities.MINUS, 3) .conditionalAttr(p => p.scene.currentBattle.double && [ Abilities.PLUS, Abilities.MINUS ].some(a => p.getAlly().hasAbility(a)), StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.SPATK, 1.5), new Ability(Abilities.FORECAST, 3) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr) .attr(PostSummonFormChangeByWeatherAbAttr, Abilities.FORECAST) .attr(PostWeatherChangeFormChangeAbAttr, Abilities.FORECAST, [ WeatherType.NONE, WeatherType.SANDSTORM, WeatherType.STRONG_WINDS, WeatherType.FOG ]), new Ability(Abilities.STICKY_HOLD, 3) .attr(BlockItemTheftAbAttr) .bypassFaint() .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SHED_SKIN, 3) .conditionalAttr(pokemon => !Utils.randSeedInt(3), PostTurnResetStatusAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.GUTS, 3) .attr(BypassBurnDamageReductionAbAttr) .conditionalAttr(pokemon => !!pokemon.status || pokemon.hasAbility(Abilities.COMATOSE), StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.ATK, 1.5), new Ability(Abilities.MARVEL_SCALE, 3) .conditionalAttr(pokemon => !!pokemon.status || pokemon.hasAbility(Abilities.COMATOSE), StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.DEF, 1.5) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.LIQUID_OOZE, 3) .attr(ReverseDrainAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.OVERGROW, 3) .attr(LowHpMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.GRASS), new Ability(Abilities.BLAZE, 3) .attr(LowHpMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.FIRE), new Ability(Abilities.TORRENT, 3) .attr(LowHpMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.WATER), new Ability(Abilities.SWARM, 3) .attr(LowHpMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.BUG), new Ability(Abilities.ROCK_HEAD, 3) .attr(BlockRecoilDamageAttr), new Ability(Abilities.DROUGHT, 3) .attr(PostSummonWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.SUNNY) .attr(PostBiomeChangeWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.SUNNY), new Ability(Abilities.ARENA_TRAP, 3) .attr(ArenaTrapAbAttr, (user, target) => { if (target.isGrounded()) { return true; } return false; }) .attr(DoubleBattleChanceAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.VITAL_SPIRIT, 3) .attr(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, StatusEffect.SLEEP) .attr(BattlerTagImmunityAbAttr, BattlerTagType.DROWSY) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.WHITE_SMOKE, 3) .attr(ProtectStatAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.PURE_POWER, 3) .attr(StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.ATK, 2), new Ability(Abilities.SHELL_ARMOR, 3) .attr(BlockCritAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.AIR_LOCK, 3) .attr(SuppressWeatherEffectAbAttr, true) .attr(PostSummonUnnamedMessageAbAttr, i18next.t("abilityTriggers:weatherEffectDisappeared")) .attr(PostSummonWeatherSuppressedFormChangeAbAttr) .attr(PostFaintUnsuppressedWeatherFormChangeAbAttr) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.TANGLED_FEET, 4) .conditionalAttr(pokemon => !!pokemon.getTag(BattlerTagType.CONFUSED), StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.EVA, 2) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.MOTOR_DRIVE, 4) .attr(TypeImmunityStatStageChangeAbAttr, Type.ELECTRIC, Stat.SPD, 1) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.RIVALRY, 4) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => user?.gender !== Gender.GENDERLESS && target?.gender !== Gender.GENDERLESS && user?.gender === target?.gender, 1.25, true) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => user?.gender !== Gender.GENDERLESS && target?.gender !== Gender.GENDERLESS && user?.gender !== target?.gender, 0.75), new Ability(Abilities.STEADFAST, 4) .attr(FlinchStatStageChangeAbAttr, [ Stat.SPD ], 1), new Ability(Abilities.SNOW_CLOAK, 4) .attr(StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.EVA, 1.2) .attr(BlockWeatherDamageAttr, WeatherType.HAIL) .condition(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.HAIL, WeatherType.SNOW)) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.GLUTTONY, 4) .attr(ReduceBerryUseThresholdAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.ANGER_POINT, 4) .attr(PostDefendCritStatStageChangeAbAttr, Stat.ATK, 6), new Ability(Abilities.UNBURDEN, 4) .attr(PostItemLostApplyBattlerTagAbAttr, BattlerTagType.UNBURDEN), new Ability(Abilities.HEATPROOF, 4) .attr(ReceivedTypeDamageMultiplierAbAttr, Type.FIRE, 0.5) .attr(ReduceBurnDamageAbAttr, 0.5) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SIMPLE, 4) .attr(StatStageChangeMultiplierAbAttr, 2) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.DRY_SKIN, 4) .attr(PostWeatherLapseDamageAbAttr, 2, WeatherType.SUNNY, WeatherType.HARSH_SUN) .attr(PostWeatherLapseHealAbAttr, 2, WeatherType.RAIN, WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN) .attr(ReceivedTypeDamageMultiplierAbAttr, Type.FIRE, 1.25) .attr(TypeImmunityHealAbAttr, Type.WATER) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.DOWNLOAD, 4) .attr(DownloadAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.IRON_FIST, 4) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.PUNCHING_MOVE), 1.2), new Ability(Abilities.POISON_HEAL, 4) .attr(PostTurnStatusHealAbAttr, StatusEffect.TOXIC, StatusEffect.POISON) .attr(BlockStatusDamageAbAttr, StatusEffect.TOXIC, StatusEffect.POISON), new Ability(Abilities.ADAPTABILITY, 4) .attr(StabBoostAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.SKILL_LINK, 4) .attr(MaxMultiHitAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.HYDRATION, 4) .attr(PostTurnResetStatusAbAttr) .condition(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.RAIN, WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN)), new Ability(Abilities.SOLAR_POWER, 4) .attr(PostWeatherLapseDamageAbAttr, 2, WeatherType.SUNNY, WeatherType.HARSH_SUN) .attr(StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.SPATK, 1.5) .condition(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.SUNNY, WeatherType.HARSH_SUN)), new Ability(Abilities.QUICK_FEET, 4) .conditionalAttr(pokemon => pokemon.status ? pokemon.status.effect === StatusEffect.PARALYSIS : false, StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.SPD, 2) .conditionalAttr(pokemon => !!pokemon.status || pokemon.hasAbility(Abilities.COMATOSE), StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.SPD, 1.5), new Ability(Abilities.NORMALIZE, 4) .attr(MoveTypeChangeAbAttr, Type.NORMAL, 1.2, (user, target, move) => { return ![ Moves.HIDDEN_POWER, Moves.WEATHER_BALL, Moves.NATURAL_GIFT, Moves.JUDGMENT, Moves.TECHNO_BLAST ].includes(; }), new Ability(Abilities.SNIPER, 4) .attr(MultCritAbAttr, 1.5), new Ability(Abilities.MAGIC_GUARD, 4) .attr(BlockNonDirectDamageAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.NO_GUARD, 4) .attr(AlwaysHitAbAttr) .attr(DoubleBattleChanceAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.STALL, 4) .attr(ChangeMovePriorityAbAttr, (pokemon, move: Move) => true, -0.2), new Ability(Abilities.TECHNICIAN, 4) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => { const power = new Utils.NumberHolder(move.power); applyMoveAttrs(VariablePowerAttr, user, target, move, power); return power.value <= 60; }, 1.5), new Ability(Abilities.LEAF_GUARD, 4) .attr(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr) .condition(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.SUNNY, WeatherType.HARSH_SUN)) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.KLUTZ, 4) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.MOLD_BREAKER, 4) .attr(PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (pokemon: Pokemon) => i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postSummonMoldBreaker", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon) })) .attr(MoveAbilityBypassAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.SUPER_LUCK, 4) .attr(BonusCritAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.AFTERMATH, 4) .attr(PostFaintContactDamageAbAttr, 4) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.ANTICIPATION, 4) .conditionalAttr(getAnticipationCondition(), PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (pokemon: Pokemon) => i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postSummonAnticipation", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon) })), new Ability(Abilities.FOREWARN, 4) .attr(ForewarnAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.UNAWARE, 4) .attr(IgnoreOpponentStatStagesAbAttr, [ Stat.ATK, Stat.DEF, Stat.SPATK, Stat.SPDEF, Stat.ACC, Stat.EVA ]) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.TINTED_LENS, 4) .attr(DamageBoostAbAttr, 2, (user, target, move) => (target?.getMoveEffectiveness(user!, move) ?? 1) <= 0.5), new Ability(Abilities.FILTER, 4) .attr(ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr, (target, user, move) => target.getMoveEffectiveness(user, move) >= 2, 0.75) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SLOW_START, 4) .attr(PostSummonAddBattlerTagAbAttr, BattlerTagType.SLOW_START, 5), new Ability(Abilities.SCRAPPY, 4) .attr(IgnoreTypeImmunityAbAttr, Type.GHOST, [ Type.NORMAL, Type.FIGHTING ]) .attr(IntimidateImmunityAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.STORM_DRAIN, 4) .attr(RedirectTypeMoveAbAttr, Type.WATER) .attr(TypeImmunityStatStageChangeAbAttr, Type.WATER, Stat.SPATK, 1) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.ICE_BODY, 4) .attr(BlockWeatherDamageAttr, WeatherType.HAIL) .attr(PostWeatherLapseHealAbAttr, 1, WeatherType.HAIL, WeatherType.SNOW), new Ability(Abilities.SOLID_ROCK, 4) .attr(ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr, (target, user, move) => target.getMoveEffectiveness(user, move) >= 2, 0.75) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SNOW_WARNING, 4) .attr(PostSummonWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.SNOW) .attr(PostBiomeChangeWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.SNOW), new Ability(Abilities.HONEY_GATHER, 4) .attr(MoneyAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.FRISK, 4) .attr(FriskAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.RECKLESS, 4) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.RECKLESS_MOVE), 1.2), new Ability(Abilities.MULTITYPE, 4) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.FLOWER_GIFT, 4) .conditionalAttr(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.SUNNY || WeatherType.HARSH_SUN), StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.ATK, 1.5) .conditionalAttr(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.SUNNY || WeatherType.HARSH_SUN), StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.SPDEF, 1.5) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr) .attr(PostSummonFormChangeByWeatherAbAttr, Abilities.FLOWER_GIFT) .attr(PostWeatherChangeFormChangeAbAttr, Abilities.FLOWER_GIFT, [ WeatherType.NONE, WeatherType.SANDSTORM, WeatherType.STRONG_WINDS, WeatherType.FOG, WeatherType.HAIL, WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN, WeatherType.SNOW, WeatherType.RAIN ]) .partial() // Should also boosts stats of ally .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.BAD_DREAMS, 4) .attr(PostTurnHurtIfSleepingAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.PICKPOCKET, 5) .attr(PostDefendStealHeldItemAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT)) .condition(getSheerForceHitDisableAbCondition()), new Ability(Abilities.SHEER_FORCE, 5) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => move.chance >= 1, 5461 / 4096) .attr(MoveEffectChanceMultiplierAbAttr, 0) .edgeCase() // Should disable shell bell and Meloetta's relic song transformation .edgeCase(), // Should disable life orb, eject button, red card, kee/maranga berry if they get implemented new Ability(Abilities.CONTRARY, 5) .attr(StatStageChangeMultiplierAbAttr, -1) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.UNNERVE, 5) .attr(PreventBerryUseAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.DEFIANT, 5) .attr(PostStatStageChangeStatStageChangeAbAttr, (target, statsChanged, stages) => stages < 0, [ Stat.ATK ], 2), new Ability(Abilities.DEFEATIST, 5) .attr(StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.ATK, 0.5) .attr(StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.SPATK, 0.5) .condition((pokemon) => pokemon.getHpRatio() <= 0.5), new Ability(Abilities.CURSED_BODY, 5) .attr(PostDefendMoveDisableAbAttr, 30) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.HEALER, 5) .conditionalAttr(pokemon => pokemon.getAlly() && Utils.randSeedInt(10) < 3, PostTurnResetStatusAbAttr, true), new Ability(Abilities.FRIEND_GUARD, 5) .attr(AlliedFieldDamageReductionAbAttr, 0.75) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.WEAK_ARMOR, 5) .attr(PostDefendStatStageChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category === MoveCategory.PHYSICAL, Stat.DEF, -1) .attr(PostDefendStatStageChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category === MoveCategory.PHYSICAL, Stat.SPD, 2), new Ability(Abilities.HEAVY_METAL, 5) .attr(WeightMultiplierAbAttr, 2) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.LIGHT_METAL, 5) .attr(WeightMultiplierAbAttr, 0.5) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.MULTISCALE, 5) .attr(ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr, (target, user, move) => target.isFullHp(), 0.5) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.TOXIC_BOOST, 5) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => move.category === MoveCategory.PHYSICAL && (user?.status?.effect === StatusEffect.POISON || user?.status?.effect === StatusEffect.TOXIC), 1.5), new Ability(Abilities.FLARE_BOOST, 5) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => move.category === MoveCategory.SPECIAL && user?.status?.effect === StatusEffect.BURN, 1.5), new Ability(Abilities.HARVEST, 5) .attr( PostTurnLootAbAttr, "EATEN_BERRIES", /** Rate is doubled when under sun {@link} */ (pokemon) => 0.5 * (getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.SUNNY, WeatherType.HARSH_SUN)(pokemon) ? 2 : 1) ) .edgeCase(), // Cannot recover berries used up by fling or natural gift (unimplemented) new Ability(Abilities.TELEPATHY, 5) .attr(MoveImmunityAbAttr, (pokemon, attacker, move) => pokemon.getAlly() === attacker && move instanceof AttackMove) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.MOODY, 5) .attr(MoodyAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.OVERCOAT, 5) .attr(BlockWeatherDamageAttr) .attr(MoveImmunityAbAttr, (pokemon, attacker, move) => pokemon !== attacker && move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.POWDER_MOVE)) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.POISON_TOUCH, 5) .attr(PostAttackContactApplyStatusEffectAbAttr, 30, StatusEffect.POISON), new Ability(Abilities.REGENERATOR, 5) .attr(PreSwitchOutHealAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.BIG_PECKS, 5) .attr(ProtectStatAbAttr, Stat.DEF) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SAND_RUSH, 5) .attr(StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.SPD, 2) .attr(BlockWeatherDamageAttr, WeatherType.SANDSTORM) .condition(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.SANDSTORM)), new Ability(Abilities.WONDER_SKIN, 5) .attr(WonderSkinAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.ANALYTIC, 5) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => !!target?.getLastXMoves(1).find(m => m.turn === target?.scene.currentBattle.turn) || user?.scene.currentBattle.turnCommands[target?.getBattlerIndex() ?? BattlerIndex.ATTACKER]?.command !== Command.FIGHT, 1.3), new Ability(Abilities.ILLUSION, 5) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.IMPOSTER, 5) .attr(PostSummonTransformAbAttr) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.INFILTRATOR, 5) .attr(InfiltratorAbAttr) .partial(), // does not bypass Mist new Ability(Abilities.MUMMY, 5) .attr(PostDefendAbilityGiveAbAttr, Abilities.MUMMY) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.MOXIE, 5) .attr(PostVictoryStatStageChangeAbAttr, Stat.ATK, 1), new Ability(Abilities.JUSTIFIED, 5) .attr(PostDefendStatStageChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => user.getMoveType(move) === Type.DARK && move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS, Stat.ATK, 1), new Ability(Abilities.RATTLED, 5) .attr(PostDefendStatStageChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => { const moveType = user.getMoveType(move); return move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS && (moveType === Type.DARK || moveType === Type.BUG || moveType === Type.GHOST); }, Stat.SPD, 1) .attr(PostIntimidateStatStageChangeAbAttr, [ Stat.SPD ], 1), new Ability(Abilities.MAGIC_BOUNCE, 5) .ignorable() .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.SAP_SIPPER, 5) .attr(TypeImmunityStatStageChangeAbAttr, Type.GRASS, Stat.ATK, 1) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.PRANKSTER, 5) .attr(ChangeMovePriorityAbAttr, (pokemon, move: Move) => move.category === MoveCategory.STATUS, 1), new Ability(Abilities.SAND_FORCE, 5) .attr(MoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.ROCK, 1.3) .attr(MoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.GROUND, 1.3) .attr(MoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.STEEL, 1.3) .attr(BlockWeatherDamageAttr, WeatherType.SANDSTORM) .condition(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.SANDSTORM)), new Ability(Abilities.IRON_BARBS, 5) .attr(PostDefendContactDamageAbAttr, 8) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.ZEN_MODE, 5) .attr(PostBattleInitFormChangeAbAttr, () => 0) .attr(PostSummonFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.getHpRatio() <= 0.5 ? 1 : 0) .attr(PostTurnFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.getHpRatio() <= 0.5 ? 1 : 0) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.VICTORY_STAR, 5) .attr(StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.ACC, 1.1) .partial(), // Does not boost ally's accuracy new Ability(Abilities.TURBOBLAZE, 5) .attr(PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (pokemon: Pokemon) => i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postSummonTurboblaze", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon) })) .attr(MoveAbilityBypassAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.TERAVOLT, 5) .attr(PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (pokemon: Pokemon) => i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postSummonTeravolt", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon) })) .attr(MoveAbilityBypassAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.AROMA_VEIL, 6) .attr(UserFieldBattlerTagImmunityAbAttr, [ BattlerTagType.INFATUATED, BattlerTagType.TAUNT, BattlerTagType.DISABLED, BattlerTagType.TORMENT, BattlerTagType.HEAL_BLOCK ]) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.FLOWER_VEIL, 6) .ignorable() .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.CHEEK_POUCH, 6) .attr(HealFromBerryUseAbAttr, 1 / 3), new Ability(Abilities.PROTEAN, 6) .attr(PokemonTypeChangeAbAttr), //.condition((p) => !p.summonData?.abilitiesApplied.includes(Abilities.PROTEAN)), //Gen 9 Implementation new Ability(Abilities.FUR_COAT, 6) .attr(ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category === MoveCategory.PHYSICAL, 0.5) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.MAGICIAN, 6) .attr(PostAttackStealHeldItemAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.BULLETPROOF, 6) .attr(MoveImmunityAbAttr, (pokemon, attacker, move) => pokemon !== attacker && move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.BALLBOMB_MOVE)) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.COMPETITIVE, 6) .attr(PostStatStageChangeStatStageChangeAbAttr, (target, statsChanged, stages) => stages < 0, [ Stat.SPATK ], 2), new Ability(Abilities.STRONG_JAW, 6) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.BITING_MOVE), 1.5), new Ability(Abilities.REFRIGERATE, 6) .attr(MoveTypeChangeAbAttr, Type.ICE, 1.2, (user, target, move) => move.type === Type.NORMAL && !move.hasAttr(VariableMoveTypeAttr)), new Ability(Abilities.SWEET_VEIL, 6) .attr(UserFieldStatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, StatusEffect.SLEEP) .attr(UserFieldBattlerTagImmunityAbAttr, BattlerTagType.DROWSY) .ignorable() .partial(), // Mold Breaker ally should not be affected by Sweet Veil new Ability(Abilities.STANCE_CHANGE, 6) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.GALE_WINGS, 6) .attr(ChangeMovePriorityAbAttr, (pokemon, move) => pokemon.isFullHp() && pokemon.getMoveType(move) === Type.FLYING, 1), new Ability(Abilities.MEGA_LAUNCHER, 6) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.PULSE_MOVE), 1.5), new Ability(Abilities.GRASS_PELT, 6) .conditionalAttr(getTerrainCondition(TerrainType.GRASSY), StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.DEF, 1.5) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SYMBIOSIS, 6) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.TOUGH_CLAWS, 6) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT), 1.3), new Ability(Abilities.PIXILATE, 6) .attr(MoveTypeChangeAbAttr, Type.FAIRY, 1.2, (user, target, move) => move.type === Type.NORMAL && !move.hasAttr(VariableMoveTypeAttr)), new Ability(Abilities.GOOEY, 6) .attr(PostDefendStatStageChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT), Stat.SPD, -1, false), new Ability(Abilities.AERILATE, 6) .attr(MoveTypeChangeAbAttr, Type.FLYING, 1.2, (user, target, move) => move.type === Type.NORMAL && !move.hasAttr(VariableMoveTypeAttr)), new Ability(Abilities.PARENTAL_BOND, 6) .attr(AddSecondStrikeAbAttr, 0.25), new Ability(Abilities.DARK_AURA, 6) .attr(PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (pokemon: Pokemon) => i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postSummonDarkAura", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon) })) .attr(FieldMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.DARK, 4 / 3), new Ability(Abilities.FAIRY_AURA, 6) .attr(PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (pokemon: Pokemon) => i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postSummonFairyAura", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon) })) .attr(FieldMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.FAIRY, 4 / 3), new Ability(Abilities.AURA_BREAK, 6) .ignorable() .conditionalAttr(pokemon => pokemon.scene.getField(true).some(p => p.hasAbility(Abilities.DARK_AURA)), FieldMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.DARK, 9 / 16) .conditionalAttr(pokemon => pokemon.scene.getField(true).some(p => p.hasAbility(Abilities.FAIRY_AURA)), FieldMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.FAIRY, 9 / 16) .conditionalAttr(pokemon => pokemon.scene.getField(true).some(p => p.hasAbility(Abilities.DARK_AURA) || p.hasAbility(Abilities.FAIRY_AURA)), PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (pokemon: Pokemon) => i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postSummonAuraBreak", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon) })), new Ability(Abilities.PRIMORDIAL_SEA, 6) .attr(PostSummonWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN) .attr(PostBiomeChangeWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN) .attr(PreSwitchOutClearWeatherAbAttr) .attr(PostFaintClearWeatherAbAttr) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.DESOLATE_LAND, 6) .attr(PostSummonWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.HARSH_SUN) .attr(PostBiomeChangeWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.HARSH_SUN) .attr(PreSwitchOutClearWeatherAbAttr) .attr(PostFaintClearWeatherAbAttr) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.DELTA_STREAM, 6) .attr(PostSummonWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.STRONG_WINDS) .attr(PostBiomeChangeWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.STRONG_WINDS) .attr(PreSwitchOutClearWeatherAbAttr) .attr(PostFaintClearWeatherAbAttr) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.STAMINA, 7) .attr(PostDefendStatStageChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS, Stat.DEF, 1), new Ability(Abilities.WIMP_OUT, 7) .attr(PostDamageForceSwitchAbAttr) .edgeCase(), // Should not trigger when hurting itself in confusion new Ability(Abilities.EMERGENCY_EXIT, 7) .attr(PostDamageForceSwitchAbAttr) .edgeCase(), // Should not trigger when hurting itself in confusion new Ability(Abilities.WATER_COMPACTION, 7) .attr(PostDefendStatStageChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => user.getMoveType(move) === Type.WATER && move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS, Stat.DEF, 2), new Ability(Abilities.MERCILESS, 7) .attr(ConditionalCritAbAttr, (user, target, move) => target?.status?.effect === StatusEffect.TOXIC || target?.status?.effect === StatusEffect.POISON), new Ability(Abilities.SHIELDS_DOWN, 7) .attr(PostBattleInitFormChangeAbAttr, () => 0) .attr(PostSummonFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.formIndex % 7 + (p.getHpRatio() <= 0.5 ? 7 : 0)) .attr(PostTurnFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.formIndex % 7 + (p.getHpRatio() <= 0.5 ? 7 : 0)) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr) .bypassFaint() .partial(), // Meteor form should protect against status effects and yawn new Ability(Abilities.STAKEOUT, 7) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => user?.scene.currentBattle.turnCommands[target?.getBattlerIndex() ?? BattlerIndex.ATTACKER]?.command === Command.POKEMON, 2), new Ability(Abilities.WATER_BUBBLE, 7) .attr(ReceivedTypeDamageMultiplierAbAttr, Type.FIRE, 0.5) .attr(MoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.WATER, 2) .attr(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, StatusEffect.BURN) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.STEELWORKER, 7) .attr(MoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.STEEL), new Ability(Abilities.BERSERK, 7) .attr(PostDefendHpGatedStatStageChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS, 0.5, [ Stat.SPATK ], 1) .condition(getSheerForceHitDisableAbCondition()), new Ability(Abilities.SLUSH_RUSH, 7) .attr(StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.SPD, 2) .condition(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.HAIL, WeatherType.SNOW)), new Ability(Abilities.LONG_REACH, 7) .attr(IgnoreContactAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.LIQUID_VOICE, 7) .attr(MoveTypeChangeAbAttr, Type.WATER, 1, (user, target, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.SOUND_BASED)), new Ability(Abilities.TRIAGE, 7) .attr(ChangeMovePriorityAbAttr, (pokemon, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.TRIAGE_MOVE), 3), new Ability(Abilities.GALVANIZE, 7) .attr(MoveTypeChangeAbAttr, Type.ELECTRIC, 1.2, (user, target, move) => move.type === Type.NORMAL && !move.hasAttr(VariableMoveTypeAttr)), new Ability(Abilities.SURGE_SURFER, 7) .conditionalAttr(getTerrainCondition(TerrainType.ELECTRIC), StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.SPD, 2), new Ability(Abilities.SCHOOLING, 7) .attr(PostBattleInitFormChangeAbAttr, () => 0) .attr(PostSummonFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.level < 20 || p.getHpRatio() <= 0.25 ? 0 : 1) .attr(PostTurnFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.level < 20 || p.getHpRatio() <= 0.25 ? 0 : 1) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.DISGUISE, 7) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr) // Add BattlerTagType.DISGUISE if the pokemon is in its disguised form .conditionalAttr(pokemon => pokemon.formIndex === 0, PostSummonAddBattlerTagAbAttr, BattlerTagType.DISGUISE, 0, false) .attr(FormBlockDamageAbAttr, (target, user, move) => !!target.getTag(BattlerTagType.DISGUISE) && target.getMoveEffectiveness(user, move) > 0, 0, BattlerTagType.DISGUISE, (pokemon, abilityName) => i18next.t("abilityTriggers:disguiseAvoidedDamage", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), abilityName: abilityName }), (pokemon) => Utils.toDmgValue(pokemon.getMaxHp() / 8)) .attr(PostBattleInitFormChangeAbAttr, () => 0) .bypassFaint() .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.BATTLE_BOND, 7) .attr(PostVictoryFormChangeAbAttr, () => 2) .attr(PostBattleInitFormChangeAbAttr, () => 1) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.POWER_CONSTRUCT, 7) .conditionalAttr(pokemon => pokemon.formIndex === 2 || pokemon.formIndex === 4, PostBattleInitFormChangeAbAttr, () => 2) .conditionalAttr(pokemon => pokemon.formIndex === 3 || pokemon.formIndex === 5, PostBattleInitFormChangeAbAttr, () => 3) .conditionalAttr(pokemon => pokemon.formIndex === 2 || pokemon.formIndex === 4, PostSummonFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.getHpRatio() <= 0.5 || p.getFormKey() === "complete" ? 4 : 2) .conditionalAttr(pokemon => pokemon.formIndex === 2 || pokemon.formIndex === 4, PostTurnFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.getHpRatio() <= 0.5 || p.getFormKey() === "complete" ? 4 : 2) .conditionalAttr(pokemon => pokemon.formIndex === 3 || pokemon.formIndex === 5, PostSummonFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.getHpRatio() <= 0.5 || p.getFormKey() === "10-complete" ? 5 : 3) .conditionalAttr(pokemon => pokemon.formIndex === 3 || pokemon.formIndex === 5, PostTurnFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.getHpRatio() <= 0.5 || p.getFormKey() === "10-complete" ? 5 : 3) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.CORROSION, 7) .attr(IgnoreTypeStatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, [ StatusEffect.POISON, StatusEffect.TOXIC ], [ Type.STEEL, Type.POISON ]) .edgeCase(), // Should interact correctly with magic coat/bounce (not yet implemented) + fling with toxic orb (not implemented yet) new Ability(Abilities.COMATOSE, 7) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, ...getNonVolatileStatusEffects()) .attr(BattlerTagImmunityAbAttr, BattlerTagType.DROWSY), new Ability(Abilities.QUEENLY_MAJESTY, 7) .attr(FieldPriorityMoveImmunityAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.INNARDS_OUT, 7) .attr(PostFaintHPDamageAbAttr) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.DANCER, 7) .attr(PostDancingMoveAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.BATTERY, 7) .attr(AllyMoveCategoryPowerBoostAbAttr, [ MoveCategory.SPECIAL ], 1.3), new Ability(Abilities.FLUFFY, 7) .attr(ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT), 0.5) .attr(ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr, (target, user, move) => user.getMoveType(move) === Type.FIRE, 2) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.DAZZLING, 7) .attr(FieldPriorityMoveImmunityAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SOUL_HEART, 7) .attr(PostKnockOutStatStageChangeAbAttr, Stat.SPATK, 1), new Ability(Abilities.TANGLING_HAIR, 7) .attr(PostDefendStatStageChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT), Stat.SPD, -1, false), new Ability(Abilities.RECEIVER, 7) .attr(CopyFaintedAllyAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.POWER_OF_ALCHEMY, 7) .attr(CopyFaintedAllyAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.BEAST_BOOST, 7) .attr(PostVictoryStatStageChangeAbAttr, p => { let highestStat: EffectiveStat; let highestValue = 0; for (const s of EFFECTIVE_STATS) { const value = p.getStat(s, false); if (value > highestValue) { highestStat = s; highestValue = value; } } return highestStat!; }, 1), new Ability(Abilities.RKS_SYSTEM, 7) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.ELECTRIC_SURGE, 7) .attr(PostSummonTerrainChangeAbAttr, TerrainType.ELECTRIC) .attr(PostBiomeChangeTerrainChangeAbAttr, TerrainType.ELECTRIC), new Ability(Abilities.PSYCHIC_SURGE, 7) .attr(PostSummonTerrainChangeAbAttr, TerrainType.PSYCHIC) .attr(PostBiomeChangeTerrainChangeAbAttr, TerrainType.PSYCHIC), new Ability(Abilities.MISTY_SURGE, 7) .attr(PostSummonTerrainChangeAbAttr, TerrainType.MISTY) .attr(PostBiomeChangeTerrainChangeAbAttr, TerrainType.MISTY), new Ability(Abilities.GRASSY_SURGE, 7) .attr(PostSummonTerrainChangeAbAttr, TerrainType.GRASSY) .attr(PostBiomeChangeTerrainChangeAbAttr, TerrainType.GRASSY), new Ability(Abilities.FULL_METAL_BODY, 7) .attr(ProtectStatAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.SHADOW_SHIELD, 7) .attr(ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr, (target, user, move) => target.isFullHp(), 0.5), new Ability(Abilities.PRISM_ARMOR, 7) .attr(ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr, (target, user, move) => target.getMoveEffectiveness(user, move) >= 2, 0.75), new Ability(Abilities.NEUROFORCE, 7) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => (target?.getMoveEffectiveness(user!, move) ?? 1) >= 2, 1.25), new Ability(Abilities.INTREPID_SWORD, 8) .attr(PostSummonStatStageChangeAbAttr, [ Stat.ATK ], 1, true) .condition(getOncePerBattleCondition(Abilities.INTREPID_SWORD)), new Ability(Abilities.DAUNTLESS_SHIELD, 8) .attr(PostSummonStatStageChangeAbAttr, [ Stat.DEF ], 1, true) .condition(getOncePerBattleCondition(Abilities.DAUNTLESS_SHIELD)), new Ability(Abilities.LIBERO, 8) .attr(PokemonTypeChangeAbAttr), //.condition((p) => !p.summonData?.abilitiesApplied.includes(Abilities.LIBERO)), //Gen 9 Implementation new Ability(Abilities.BALL_FETCH, 8) .attr(FetchBallAbAttr) .condition(getOncePerBattleCondition(Abilities.BALL_FETCH)), new Ability(Abilities.COTTON_DOWN, 8) .attr(PostDefendStatStageChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS, Stat.SPD, -1, false, true) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.PROPELLER_TAIL, 8) .attr(BlockRedirectAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.MIRROR_ARMOR, 8) .ignorable() .unimplemented(), /** * Right now, the logic is attached to Surf and Dive moves. Ideally, the post-defend/hit should be an * ability attribute but the current implementation of move effects for BattlerTag does not support this- in the case * where Cramorant is fainted. * @see {@linkcode GulpMissileTagAttr} and {@linkcode GulpMissileTag} for Gulp Missile implementation */ new Ability(Abilities.GULP_MISSILE, 8) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .bypassFaint() .edgeCase(), // Soft-locks the game if a form-changed Cramorant and its attacker both faint at the same time (ex. using Self-Destruct) new Ability(Abilities.STALWART, 8) .attr(BlockRedirectAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.STEAM_ENGINE, 8) .attr(PostDefendStatStageChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => { const moveType = user.getMoveType(move); return move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS && (moveType === Type.FIRE || moveType === Type.WATER); }, Stat.SPD, 6), new Ability(Abilities.PUNK_ROCK, 8) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.SOUND_BASED), 1.3) .attr(ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.SOUND_BASED), 0.5) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SAND_SPIT, 8) .attr(PostDefendWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.SANDSTORM, (target, user, move) => move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS), new Ability(Abilities.ICE_SCALES, 8) .attr(ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category === MoveCategory.SPECIAL, 0.5) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.RIPEN, 8) .attr(DoubleBerryEffectAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.ICE_FACE, 8) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr) // Add BattlerTagType.ICE_FACE if the pokemon is in ice face form .conditionalAttr(pokemon => pokemon.formIndex === 0, PostSummonAddBattlerTagAbAttr, BattlerTagType.ICE_FACE, 0, false) // When summoned with active HAIL or SNOW, add BattlerTagType.ICE_FACE .conditionalAttr(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.HAIL, WeatherType.SNOW), PostSummonAddBattlerTagAbAttr, BattlerTagType.ICE_FACE, 0) // When weather changes to HAIL or SNOW while pokemon is fielded, add BattlerTagType.ICE_FACE .attr(PostWeatherChangeAddBattlerTagAttr, BattlerTagType.ICE_FACE, 0, WeatherType.HAIL, WeatherType.SNOW) .attr(FormBlockDamageAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category === MoveCategory.PHYSICAL && !!target.getTag(BattlerTagType.ICE_FACE), 0, BattlerTagType.ICE_FACE, (pokemon, abilityName) => i18next.t("abilityTriggers:iceFaceAvoidedDamage", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), abilityName: abilityName })) .attr(PostBattleInitFormChangeAbAttr, () => 0) .bypassFaint() .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.POWER_SPOT, 8) .attr(AllyMoveCategoryPowerBoostAbAttr, [ MoveCategory.SPECIAL, MoveCategory.PHYSICAL ], 1.3), new Ability(Abilities.MIMICRY, 8) .attr(TerrainEventTypeChangeAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.SCREEN_CLEANER, 8) .attr(PostSummonRemoveArenaTagAbAttr, [ ArenaTagType.AURORA_VEIL, ArenaTagType.LIGHT_SCREEN, ArenaTagType.REFLECT ]), new Ability(Abilities.STEELY_SPIRIT, 8) .attr(UserFieldMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.STEEL), new Ability(Abilities.PERISH_BODY, 8) .attr(PostDefendPerishSongAbAttr, 4), new Ability(Abilities.WANDERING_SPIRIT, 8) .attr(PostDefendAbilitySwapAbAttr) .bypassFaint() .edgeCase(), // interacts incorrectly with rock head. It's meant to switch abilities before recoil would apply so that a pokemon with rock head would lose rock head first and still take the recoil new Ability(Abilities.GORILLA_TACTICS, 8) .attr(GorillaTacticsAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.NEUTRALIZING_GAS, 8) .attr(SuppressFieldAbilitiesAbAttr) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .attr(PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (pokemon: Pokemon) => i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postSummonNeutralizingGas", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon) })) .partial(), // A bunch of weird interactions with other abilities being suppressed then unsuppressed new Ability(Abilities.PASTEL_VEIL, 8) .attr(PostSummonUserFieldRemoveStatusEffectAbAttr, StatusEffect.POISON, StatusEffect.TOXIC) .attr(UserFieldStatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, StatusEffect.POISON, StatusEffect.TOXIC) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.HUNGER_SWITCH, 8) .attr(PostTurnFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.getFormKey() ? 0 : 1) .attr(PostTurnFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.getFormKey() ? 1 : 0) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr) .condition((pokemon) => !pokemon.isTerastallized()), new Ability(Abilities.QUICK_DRAW, 8) .attr(BypassSpeedChanceAbAttr, 30), new Ability(Abilities.UNSEEN_FIST, 8) .attr(IgnoreProtectOnContactAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.CURIOUS_MEDICINE, 8) .attr(PostSummonClearAllyStatStagesAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.TRANSISTOR, 8) .attr(MoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.ELECTRIC), new Ability(Abilities.DRAGONS_MAW, 8) .attr(MoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.DRAGON), new Ability(Abilities.CHILLING_NEIGH, 8) .attr(PostVictoryStatStageChangeAbAttr, Stat.ATK, 1), new Ability(Abilities.GRIM_NEIGH, 8) .attr(PostVictoryStatStageChangeAbAttr, Stat.SPATK, 1), new Ability(Abilities.AS_ONE_GLASTRIER, 8) .attr(PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (pokemon: Pokemon) => i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postSummonAsOneGlastrier", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon) })) .attr(PreventBerryUseAbAttr) .attr(PostVictoryStatStageChangeAbAttr, Stat.ATK, 1) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.AS_ONE_SPECTRIER, 8) .attr(PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (pokemon: Pokemon) => i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postSummonAsOneSpectrier", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon) })) .attr(PreventBerryUseAbAttr) .attr(PostVictoryStatStageChangeAbAttr, Stat.SPATK, 1) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.LINGERING_AROMA, 9) .attr(PostDefendAbilityGiveAbAttr, Abilities.LINGERING_AROMA) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.SEED_SOWER, 9) .attr(PostDefendTerrainChangeAbAttr, TerrainType.GRASSY), new Ability(Abilities.THERMAL_EXCHANGE, 9) .attr(PostDefendStatStageChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => user.getMoveType(move) === Type.FIRE && move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS, Stat.ATK, 1) .attr(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, StatusEffect.BURN) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.ANGER_SHELL, 9) .attr(PostDefendHpGatedStatStageChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS, 0.5, [ Stat.ATK, Stat.SPATK, Stat.SPD ], 1) .attr(PostDefendHpGatedStatStageChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS, 0.5, [ Stat.DEF, Stat.SPDEF ], -1) .condition(getSheerForceHitDisableAbCondition()), new Ability(Abilities.PURIFYING_SALT, 9) .attr(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr) .attr(ReceivedTypeDamageMultiplierAbAttr, Type.GHOST, 0.5) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.WELL_BAKED_BODY, 9) .attr(TypeImmunityStatStageChangeAbAttr, Type.FIRE, Stat.DEF, 2) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.WIND_RIDER, 9) .attr(MoveImmunityStatStageChangeAbAttr, (pokemon, attacker, move) => pokemon !== attacker && move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.WIND_MOVE) && move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS, Stat.ATK, 1) .attr(PostSummonStatStageChangeOnArenaAbAttr, ArenaTagType.TAILWIND) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.GUARD_DOG, 9) .attr(PostIntimidateStatStageChangeAbAttr, [ Stat.ATK ], 1, true) .attr(ForceSwitchOutImmunityAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.ROCKY_PAYLOAD, 9) .attr(MoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.ROCK), new Ability(Abilities.WIND_POWER, 9) .attr(PostDefendApplyBattlerTagAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.WIND_MOVE), BattlerTagType.CHARGED), new Ability(Abilities.ZERO_TO_HERO, 9) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr) .attr(PostBattleInitFormChangeAbAttr, () => 0) .attr(PreSwitchOutFormChangeAbAttr, (pokemon) => !pokemon.isFainted() ? 1 : pokemon.formIndex) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.COMMANDER, 9) .attr(CommanderAbAttr) .attr(DoubleBattleChanceAbAttr) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .edgeCase(), // Encore, Frenzy, and other non-`TURN_END` tags don't lapse correctly on the commanding Pokemon. new Ability(Abilities.ELECTROMORPHOSIS, 9) .attr(PostDefendApplyBattlerTagAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS, BattlerTagType.CHARGED), new Ability(Abilities.PROTOSYNTHESIS, 9) .conditionalAttr(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.SUNNY, WeatherType.HARSH_SUN), PostSummonAddBattlerTagAbAttr, BattlerTagType.PROTOSYNTHESIS, 0, true) .attr(PostWeatherChangeAddBattlerTagAttr, BattlerTagType.PROTOSYNTHESIS, 0, WeatherType.SUNNY, WeatherType.HARSH_SUN) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .partial(), // While setting the tag, the getbattlestat should ignore all modifiers to stats except stat stages new Ability(Abilities.QUARK_DRIVE, 9) .conditionalAttr(getTerrainCondition(TerrainType.ELECTRIC), PostSummonAddBattlerTagAbAttr, BattlerTagType.QUARK_DRIVE, 0, true) .attr(PostTerrainChangeAddBattlerTagAttr, BattlerTagType.QUARK_DRIVE, 0, TerrainType.ELECTRIC) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .partial(), // While setting the tag, the getbattlestat should ignore all modifiers to stats except stat stages new Ability(Abilities.GOOD_AS_GOLD, 9) .attr(MoveImmunityAbAttr, (pokemon, attacker, move) => pokemon !== attacker && move.category === MoveCategory.STATUS) .ignorable() .partial(), // Lots of weird interactions with moves and abilities such as negating status moves that target the field new Ability(Abilities.VESSEL_OF_RUIN, 9) .attr(FieldMultiplyStatAbAttr, Stat.SPATK, 0.75) .attr(PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (user) => i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postSummonVesselOfRuin", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(user), statName: i18next.t(getStatKey(Stat.SPATK)) })) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SWORD_OF_RUIN, 9) .attr(FieldMultiplyStatAbAttr, Stat.DEF, 0.75) .attr(PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (user) => i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postSummonSwordOfRuin", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(user), statName: i18next.t(getStatKey(Stat.DEF)) })), new Ability(Abilities.TABLETS_OF_RUIN, 9) .attr(FieldMultiplyStatAbAttr, Stat.ATK, 0.75) .attr(PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (user) => i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postSummonTabletsOfRuin", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(user), statName: i18next.t(getStatKey(Stat.ATK)) })) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.BEADS_OF_RUIN, 9) .attr(FieldMultiplyStatAbAttr, Stat.SPDEF, 0.75) .attr(PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (user) => i18next.t("abilityTriggers:postSummonBeadsOfRuin", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(user), statName: i18next.t(getStatKey(Stat.SPDEF)) })), new Ability(Abilities.ORICHALCUM_PULSE, 9) .attr(PostSummonWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.SUNNY) .attr(PostBiomeChangeWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.SUNNY) .conditionalAttr(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.SUNNY, WeatherType.HARSH_SUN), StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.ATK, 4 / 3), new Ability(Abilities.HADRON_ENGINE, 9) .attr(PostSummonTerrainChangeAbAttr, TerrainType.ELECTRIC) .attr(PostBiomeChangeTerrainChangeAbAttr, TerrainType.ELECTRIC) .conditionalAttr(getTerrainCondition(TerrainType.ELECTRIC), StatMultiplierAbAttr, Stat.SPATK, 4 / 3), new Ability(Abilities.OPPORTUNIST, 9) .attr(StatStageChangeCopyAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.CUD_CHEW, 9) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.SHARPNESS, 9) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.SLICING_MOVE), 1.5), new Ability(Abilities.SUPREME_OVERLORD, 9) .attr(VariableMovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => 1 + 0.1 * Math.min(user.isPlayer() ? user.scene.currentBattle.playerFaints : user.scene.currentBattle.enemyFaints, 5)) .partial(), // Counter resets every wave instead of on arena reset new Ability(Abilities.COSTAR, 9) .attr(PostSummonCopyAllyStatsAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.TOXIC_DEBRIS, 9) .attr(PostDefendApplyArenaTrapTagAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category === MoveCategory.PHYSICAL, ArenaTagType.TOXIC_SPIKES) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.ARMOR_TAIL, 9) .attr(FieldPriorityMoveImmunityAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.EARTH_EATER, 9) .attr(TypeImmunityHealAbAttr, Type.GROUND) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.MYCELIUM_MIGHT, 9) .attr(ChangeMovePriorityAbAttr, (pokemon, move) => move.category === MoveCategory.STATUS, -0.2) .attr(PreventBypassSpeedChanceAbAttr, (pokemon, move) => move.category === MoveCategory.STATUS) .attr(MoveAbilityBypassAbAttr, (pokemon, move: Move) => move.category === MoveCategory.STATUS), new Ability(Abilities.MINDS_EYE, 9) .attr(IgnoreTypeImmunityAbAttr, Type.GHOST, [ Type.NORMAL, Type.FIGHTING ]) .attr(ProtectStatAbAttr, Stat.ACC) .attr(IgnoreOpponentStatStagesAbAttr, [ Stat.EVA ]) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SUPERSWEET_SYRUP, 9) .attr(PostSummonStatStageChangeAbAttr, [ Stat.EVA ], -1) .condition(getOncePerBattleCondition(Abilities.SUPERSWEET_SYRUP)), new Ability(Abilities.HOSPITALITY, 9) .attr(PostSummonAllyHealAbAttr, 4, true), new Ability(Abilities.TOXIC_CHAIN, 9) .attr(PostAttackApplyStatusEffectAbAttr, false, 30, StatusEffect.TOXIC), new Ability(Abilities.EMBODY_ASPECT_TEAL, 9) .attr(PostBattleInitStatStageChangeAbAttr, [ Stat.SPD ], 1, true) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .partial(), // Ogerpon tera interactions new Ability(Abilities.EMBODY_ASPECT_WELLSPRING, 9) .attr(PostBattleInitStatStageChangeAbAttr, [ Stat.SPDEF ], 1, true) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .partial(), // Ogerpon tera interactions new Ability(Abilities.EMBODY_ASPECT_HEARTHFLAME, 9) .attr(PostBattleInitStatStageChangeAbAttr, [ Stat.ATK ], 1, true) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .partial(), // Ogerpon tera interactions new Ability(Abilities.EMBODY_ASPECT_CORNERSTONE, 9) .attr(PostBattleInitStatStageChangeAbAttr, [ Stat.DEF ], 1, true) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .partial(), // Ogerpon tera interactions new Ability(Abilities.TERA_SHIFT, 9) .attr(PostSummonFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.getFormKey() ? 0 : 1) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.TERA_SHELL, 9) .attr(FullHpResistTypeAbAttr) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.TERAFORM_ZERO, 9) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.POISON_PUPPETEER, 9) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(ConfusionOnStatusEffectAbAttr, StatusEffect.POISON, StatusEffect.TOXIC) ); }