import type { AccountInfoResponse } from "#app/@types/PokerogueAccountApi";
import { SESSION_ID_COOKIE_NAME } from "#app/constants";
import { PokerogueAccountApi } from "#app/plugins/api/pokerogue-account-api";
import { getApiBaseUrl } from "#test/testUtils/testUtils";
import * as Utils from "#app/utils";
import { http, HttpResponse } from "msw";
import { afterEach, beforeEach, describe, expect, it, vi } from "vitest";

const apiBase = getApiBaseUrl();
const accountApi = new PokerogueAccountApi(apiBase);
const { server } = global;

afterEach(() => {

describe("Pokerogue Account API", () => {
  beforeEach(() => {
    vi.spyOn(console, "warn");

  describe("Get Info", () => {
    it("should return account-info & 200 on SUCCESS", async () => {
      const expectedAccountInfo: AccountInfoResponse = {
        username: "test",
        lastSessionSlot: -1,
        discordId: "23235353543535",
        googleId: "1ed1d1d11d1d1d1d1d1",
        hasAdminRole: false,
      server.use(http.get(`${apiBase}/account/info`, () => HttpResponse.json(expectedAccountInfo)));

      const [accountInfo, status] = await accountApi.getInfo();


    it("should return null + status-code anad report a warning on FAILURE", async () => {
      server.use(http.get(`${apiBase}/account/info`, () => new HttpResponse("", { status: 401 })));

      const [accountInfo, status] = await accountApi.getInfo();

      expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Could not get account info!", 401, "Unauthorized");

    it("should return null + 500 anad report a warning on ERROR", async () => {
      server.use(http.get(`${apiBase}/account/info`, () => HttpResponse.error()));

      const [accountInfo, status] = await accountApi.getInfo();

      expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Could not get account info!", expect.any(Error));

  describe("Register", () => {
    const registerParams = { username: "test", password: "test" };

    it("should return null on SUCCESS", async () => {
      server.use(`${apiBase}/account/register`, () => HttpResponse.text()));

      const error = await accountApi.register(registerParams);


    it("should return error message on FAILURE", async () => {
      server.use(`${apiBase}/account/register`, () => new HttpResponse("Username is already taken", { status: 400 })),

      const error = await accountApi.register(registerParams);

      expect(error).toBe("Username is already taken");

    it('should return "Unknown error" and report a warning on ERROR', async () => {
      server.use(`${apiBase}/account/register`, () => HttpResponse.error()));

      const error = await accountApi.register(registerParams);

      expect(error).toBe("Unknown error!");
      expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Register failed!", expect.any(Error));

  describe("Login", () => {
    const loginParams = { username: "test", password: "test" };

    it("should return null and set the cookie on SUCCESS", async () => {
      vi.spyOn(Utils, "setCookie");
      server.use(`${apiBase}/account/login`, () => HttpResponse.json({ token: "abctest" })));

      const error = await accountApi.login(loginParams);

      expect(Utils.setCookie).toHaveBeenCalledWith(SESSION_ID_COOKIE_NAME, "abctest");

    it("should return error message and report a warning on FAILURE", async () => {
      server.use(`${apiBase}/account/login`, () => new HttpResponse("Password is incorrect", { status: 401 })),

      const error = await accountApi.login(loginParams);

      expect(error).toBe("Password is incorrect");
      expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Login failed!", 401, "Unauthorized");

    it('should return "Unknown error" and report a warning on ERROR', async () => {
      server.use(`${apiBase}/account/login`, () => HttpResponse.error()));

      const error = await accountApi.login(loginParams);

      expect(error).toBe("Unknown error!");
      expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Login failed!", expect.any(Error));

  describe("Logout", () => {
    beforeEach(() => {
      vi.spyOn(Utils, "removeCookie");

    it("should remove cookie on success", async () => {
      vi.spyOn(Utils, "setCookie");
      server.use(http.get(`${apiBase}/account/logout`, () => new HttpResponse("", { status: 200 })));

      await accountApi.logout();


    it("should report a warning on and remove cookie on FAILURE", async () => {
      server.use(http.get(`${apiBase}/account/logout`, () => new HttpResponse("", { status: 401 })));

      await accountApi.logout();

      expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Log out failed!", expect.any(Error));

    it("should report a warning on and remove cookie on ERROR", async () => {
      server.use(http.get(`${apiBase}/account/logout`, () => HttpResponse.error()));

      await accountApi.logout();

      expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Log out failed!", expect.any(Error));