import type { ClearSessionSavedataRequest, ClearSessionSavedataResponse, DeleteSessionSavedataRequest, GetSessionSavedataRequest, NewClearSessionSavedataRequest, UpdateSessionSavedataRequest, } from "#app/@types/PokerogueSessionSavedataApi"; import { PokerogueSessionSavedataApi } from "#app/plugins/api/pokerogue-session-savedata-api"; import type { SessionSaveData } from "#app/system/game-data"; import { getApiBaseUrl } from "#test/testUtils/testUtils"; import { http, HttpResponse } from "msw"; import { afterEach, beforeEach, describe, expect, it, vi } from "vitest"; const apiBase = getApiBaseUrl(); const sessionSavedataApi = new PokerogueSessionSavedataApi(apiBase); const { server } = global; afterEach(() => { server.resetHandlers(); }); describe("Pokerogue Session Savedata API", () => { beforeEach(() => { vi.spyOn(console, "warn"); }); describe("Newclear", () => { const params: NewClearSessionSavedataRequest = { clientSessionId: "test-session-id", isVictory: true, slot: 3, }; it("should return true on SUCCESS", async () => { server.use(http.get(`${apiBase}/savedata/session/newclear`, () => HttpResponse.json(true))); const success = await sessionSavedataApi.newclear(params); expect(success).toBe(true); }); it("should return false on FAILURE", async () => { server.use(http.get(`${apiBase}/savedata/session/newclear`, () => HttpResponse.json(false))); const success = await sessionSavedataApi.newclear(params); expect(success).toBe(false); }); it("should return false and report a warning on ERROR", async () => { server.use(http.get(`${apiBase}/savedata/session/newclear`, () => HttpResponse.error())); const success = await sessionSavedataApi.newclear(params); expect(success).toBe(false); expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Could not newclear session!", expect.any(Error)); }); }); describe("Get ", () => { const params: GetSessionSavedataRequest = { clientSessionId: "test-session-id", slot: 3, }; it("should return session-savedata string on SUCCESS", async () => { server.use(http.get(`${apiBase}/savedata/session/get`, () => HttpResponse.text("TEST SESSION SAVEDATA"))); const savedata = await sessionSavedataApi.get(params); expect(savedata).toBe("TEST SESSION SAVEDATA"); }); it("should return null and report a warning on ERROR", async () => { server.use(http.get(`${apiBase}/savedata/session/get`, () => HttpResponse.error())); const savedata = await sessionSavedataApi.get(params); expect(savedata).toBeNull(); expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Could not get session savedata!", expect.any(Error)); }); }); describe("Update", () => { const params: UpdateSessionSavedataRequest = { clientSessionId: "test-session-id", slot: 3, secretId: 9876543321, trainerId: 123456789, }; it("should return an empty string on SUCCESS", async () => { server.use(`${apiBase}/savedata/session/update`, () => HttpResponse.text(null))); const error = await sessionSavedataApi.update(params, "UPDATED SESSION SAVEDATA"); expect(error).toBe(""); }); it("should return an error string on FAILURE", async () => { server.use(`${apiBase}/savedata/session/update`, () => HttpResponse.text("Failed to update!"))); const error = await sessionSavedataApi.update(params, "UPDATED SESSION SAVEDATA"); expect(error).toBe("Failed to update!"); }); it("should return 'Unknown Error!' and report a warning on ERROR", async () => { server.use(`${apiBase}/savedata/session/update`, () => HttpResponse.error())); const error = await sessionSavedataApi.update(params, "UPDATED SESSION SAVEDATA"); expect(error).toBe("Unknown Error!"); expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Could not update session savedata!", expect.any(Error)); }); }); describe("Delete", () => { const params: DeleteSessionSavedataRequest = { clientSessionId: "test-session-id", slot: 3, }; it("should return null on SUCCESS", async () => { server.use(http.get(`${apiBase}/savedata/session/delete`, () => HttpResponse.text(null))); const error = await sessionSavedataApi.delete(params); expect(error).toBeNull(); }); it("should return an error string on FAILURE", async () => { server.use( http.get(`${apiBase}/savedata/session/delete`, () => new HttpResponse("Failed to delete!", { status: 400 })), ); const error = await sessionSavedataApi.delete(params); expect(error).toBe("Failed to delete!"); }); it("should return 'Unknown error' and report a warning on ERROR", async () => { server.use(http.get(`${apiBase}/savedata/session/delete`, () => HttpResponse.error())); const error = await sessionSavedataApi.delete(params); expect(error).toBe("Unknown error"); expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Could not delete session savedata!", expect.any(Error)); }); }); describe("Clear", () => { const params: ClearSessionSavedataRequest = { clientSessionId: "test-session-id", slot: 3, trainerId: 123456789, }; it("should return sucess=true on SUCCESS", async () => { server.use(`${apiBase}/savedata/session/clear`, () => HttpResponse.json({ success: true, }), ), ); const { success, error } = await sessionSavedataApi.clear(params, {} as SessionSaveData); expect(success).toBe(true); expect(error).toBeUndefined(); }); it("should return sucess=false & an error string on FAILURE", async () => { server.use(`${apiBase}/savedata/session/clear`, () => HttpResponse.json({ success: false, error: "Failed to clear!", }), ), ); const { success, error } = await sessionSavedataApi.clear(params, {} as SessionSaveData); expect(error).toBe("Failed to clear!"); expect(success).toBe(false); }); it("should return success=false & error='Unknown error' and report a warning on ERROR", async () => { server.use(`${apiBase}/savedata/session/clear`, () => HttpResponse.error())); const { success, error } = await sessionSavedataApi.clear(params, {} as SessionSaveData); expect(error).toBe("Unknown error"); expect(success).toBe(false); }); }); });