import { getIconForLatestInput, getSettingNameWithKeycode } from "#app/configs/inputs/configHandler"; import { SettingKeyboard } from "#app/system/settings/settings-keyboard"; import { expect } from "vitest"; export class InGameManip { private config; private keycode; private settingName; private icon; private configs; private latestSource; private selectedDevice; constructor(configs, config, selectedDevice) { this.config = config; this.configs = configs; this.selectedDevice = selectedDevice; this.keycode = null; this.settingName = null; this.icon = null; this.latestSource = null; } whenWePressOnKeyboard(keycode) { this.keycode = Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes[keycode.toUpperCase()]; return this; } nothingShouldHappen() { const settingName = getSettingNameWithKeycode(this.config, this.keycode); expect(settingName).toEqual(-1); return this; } forTheWantedBind(settingName) { if (!settingName.includes("Button_")) { settingName = "Button_" + settingName; } this.settingName = SettingKeyboard[settingName]; return this; } weShouldSeeTheIcon(icon) { if (!icon.includes("KEY_")) { icon = "KEY_" + icon; } this.icon = this.config.icons[icon]; expect(getIconForLatestInput(this.configs, this.latestSource, this.selectedDevice, this.settingName)).toEqual( this.icon, ); return this; } forTheSource(source) { this.latestSource = source; return this; } normalizeSettingNameString(input) { // Convert the input string to lower case const lowerCasedInput = input.toLowerCase(); // Replace underscores with spaces, capitalize the first letter of each word, and join them back with underscores const words = lowerCasedInput.split("_").map(word => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1)); const result = words.join("_"); return result; } weShouldTriggerTheButton(settingName) { if (!settingName.includes("Button_")) { settingName = "Button_" + settingName; } this.settingName = SettingKeyboard[this.normalizeSettingNameString(settingName)]; expect(getSettingNameWithKeycode(this.config, this.keycode)).toEqual(this.settingName); return this; } }