import BattleScene from "#app/battle-scene"; import {Mode} from "#app/ui/ui"; import {InputsIcons} from "#app/ui/settings/abstract-settings-ui-handler"; import {addTextObject, setTextStyle, TextStyle} from "#app/ui/text"; import {addWindow} from "#app/ui/ui-theme"; import {Button} from "#app/enums/buttons"; /** * Manages navigation and menus tabs within the setting menu. */ export class NavigationManager { private static instance: NavigationManager; public modes: Mode[]; public selectedMode: Mode = Mode.SETTINGS; public navigationMenus: NavigationMenu[] = new Array(); public labels: string[]; /** * Creates an instance of NavigationManager. * To create a new tab in the menu, add the mode to the modes array and the label to the labels array. * and instantiate a new NavigationMenu instance in your handler * like: this.navigationContainer = new NavigationMenu(this.scene, 0, 0); */ constructor() { this.modes = [ Mode.SETTINGS, Mode.SETTINGS_GAMEPAD, Mode.SETTINGS_KEYBOARD, ]; this.labels = ["General", "Gamepad", "Keyboard"]; } public reset() { this.selectedMode = Mode.SETTINGS; } /** * Gets the singleton instance of the NavigationManager. * @returns The singleton instance of NavigationManager. */ public static getInstance(): NavigationManager { if (!NavigationManager.instance) { NavigationManager.instance = new NavigationManager(); } return NavigationManager.instance; } /** * Navigates to the previous mode in the modes array. * @param scene The current BattleScene instance. */ public navigateLeft(scene) { const pos = this.modes.indexOf(this.selectedMode); const maxPos = this.modes.length - 1; if (pos === 0) { this.selectedMode = this.modes[maxPos]; } else { this.selectedMode = this.modes[pos - 1]; } scene.ui.setMode(this.selectedMode); this.updateNavigationMenus(); } /** * Navigates to the next mode in the modes array. * @param scene The current BattleScene instance. */ public navigateRight(scene) { const pos = this.modes.indexOf(this.selectedMode); const maxPos = this.modes.length - 1; if (pos === maxPos) { this.selectedMode = this.modes[0]; } else { this.selectedMode = this.modes[pos + 1]; } scene.ui.setMode(this.selectedMode); this.updateNavigationMenus(); } /** * Updates all navigation menus. */ public updateNavigationMenus() { for (const instance of this.navigationMenus) { instance.update(); } } /** * Updates icons for all navigation menus. */ public updateIcons() { for (const instance of this.navigationMenus) { instance.updateIcons(); } } } export default class NavigationMenu extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container { private navigationIcons: InputsIcons; public scene: BattleScene; protected headerTitles: Phaser.GameObjects.Text[] = new Array(); /** * Creates an instance of NavigationMenu. * @param scene The current BattleScene instance. * @param x The x position of the NavigationMenu. * @param y The y position of the NavigationMenu. */ constructor(scene: BattleScene, x: number, y: number) { super(scene, x, y); this.scene = scene; this.setup(); } /** * Sets up the NavigationMenu by adding windows, icons, and labels. */ setup() { const navigationManager = NavigationManager.getInstance(); const headerBg = addWindow(this.scene, 0, 0, ( / 6) - 2, 24); headerBg.setOrigin(0, 0); this.add(headerBg); this.width = headerBg.width; this.height = headerBg.height; this.navigationIcons = {}; const iconPreviousTab = this.scene.add.sprite(8, 4, "keyboard"); iconPreviousTab.setOrigin(0, -0.1); iconPreviousTab.setPositionRelative(headerBg, 8, 4); this.navigationIcons["BUTTON_CYCLE_FORM"] = iconPreviousTab; const iconNextTab = this.scene.add.sprite(0, 0, "keyboard"); iconNextTab.setOrigin(0, -0.1); iconNextTab.setPositionRelative(headerBg, headerBg.width - 20, 4); this.navigationIcons["BUTTON_CYCLE_SHINY"] = iconNextTab; let relative: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite | Phaser.GameObjects.Text = iconPreviousTab; let relativeWidth: number = iconPreviousTab.width*6; for (const label of navigationManager.labels) { const labelText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, label, TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL); labelText.setOrigin(0, 0); labelText.setPositionRelative(relative, 6 + relativeWidth/6, 0); this.add(labelText); this.headerTitles.push(labelText); relative = labelText; relativeWidth = labelText.width; } this.add(iconPreviousTab); this.add(iconNextTab); navigationManager.navigationMenus.push(this); navigationManager.updateNavigationMenus(); } /** * Updates the NavigationMenu's header titles based on the selected mode. */ update() { const navigationManager = NavigationManager.getInstance(); const posSelected = navigationManager.modes.indexOf(navigationManager.selectedMode); for (const [index, title] of this.headerTitles.entries()) { setTextStyle(title, this.scene, index === posSelected ? TextStyle.SETTINGS_SELECTED : TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL); } } /** * Updates the icons in the NavigationMenu based on the latest input recorded. */ updateIcons() { const specialIcons = { "BUTTON_HOME": "HOME.png", "BUTTON_DELETE": "DEL.png", }; for (const settingName of Object.keys(this.navigationIcons)) { if (Object.keys(specialIcons).includes(settingName)) { this.navigationIcons[settingName].setTexture("keyboard"); this.navigationIcons[settingName].setFrame(specialIcons[settingName]); this.navigationIcons[settingName].alpha = 1; continue; } const icon = this.scene.inputController?.getIconForLatestInputRecorded(settingName); if (icon) { const type = this.scene.inputController?.getLastSourceType(); this.navigationIcons[settingName].setTexture(type); this.navigationIcons[settingName].setFrame(icon); this.navigationIcons[settingName].alpha = 1; } else { this.navigationIcons[settingName].alpha = 0; } } } /** * Handles navigation based on the button pressed. * @param button The button pressed for navigation. * @returns A boolean indicating if the navigation was handled. */ navigate(button: Button): boolean { const navigationManager = NavigationManager.getInstance(); switch (button) { case Button.CYCLE_FORM: navigationManager.navigateLeft(this.scene); return true; break; case Button.CYCLE_SHINY: navigationManager.navigateRight(this.scene); return true; break; } return false; } }