import i18next from "i18next"; import LanguageDetector from "i18next-browser-languagedetector"; import processor, { KoreanPostpositionProcessor } from "i18next-korean-postposition-processor"; import { deConfig } from "#app/locales/de/config.js"; import { enConfig } from "#app/locales/en/config.js"; import { esConfig } from "#app/locales/es/config.js"; import { frConfig } from "#app/locales/fr/config.js"; import { itConfig } from "#app/locales/it/config.js"; import { koConfig } from "#app/locales/ko/config.js"; import { ptBrConfig } from "#app/locales/pt_BR/config.js"; import { zhCnConfig } from "#app/locales/zh_CN/config.js"; import { zhTwConfig } from "#app/locales/zh_TW/config.js"; export interface SimpleTranslationEntries { [key: string]: string } export interface MoveTranslationEntry { name: string, effect: string } export interface MoveTranslationEntries { [key: string]: MoveTranslationEntry } export interface AbilityTranslationEntry { name: string, description: string } export interface AbilityTranslationEntries { [key: string]: AbilityTranslationEntry } export interface ModifierTypeTranslationEntry { name?: string, description?: string, extra?: SimpleTranslationEntries } export interface ModifierTypeTranslationEntries { ModifierType: { [key: string]: ModifierTypeTranslationEntry }, AttackTypeBoosterItem: SimpleTranslationEntries, TempBattleStatBoosterItem: SimpleTranslationEntries, BaseStatBoosterItem: SimpleTranslationEntries, EvolutionItem: SimpleTranslationEntries, FormChangeItem: SimpleTranslationEntries, } export interface PokemonInfoTranslationEntries { Stat: SimpleTranslationEntries, Type: SimpleTranslationEntries, } export interface BerryTranslationEntry { name: string, effect: string, } export interface BerryTranslationEntries { [key: string]: BerryTranslationEntry } export interface AchievementTranslationEntry { name?: string, description?: string, } export interface AchievementTranslationEntries { [key: string]: AchievementTranslationEntry; } export interface DialogueTranslationEntry { [key: number]: string; } export interface DialogueTranslationCategory { [category: string]: DialogueTranslationEntry; } export interface DialogueTranslationEntries { [trainertype: string]: DialogueTranslationCategory; } export interface Localizable { localize(): void; } const fonts = [ new FontFace("emerald", "url(./fonts/pokemon-emerald-pro.ttf"), new FontFace("emerald", "url(./fonts/PokePT_Wansung.ttf)"), ]; function initFonts() { fonts.forEach((fontFace: FontFace) => { fontFace.load().then(f => document.fonts.add(f)).catch(e => console.error(e)); }); } export async function initI18n(): Promise { // Prevent reinitialization if (isInitialized) { return; } isInitialized = true; initFonts(); /** * i18next is a localization library for maintaining and using translation resources. * * Q: How do I add a new language? * A: To add a new language, create a new folder in the locales directory with the language code. * Each language folder should contain a file for each namespace (ex. menu.ts) with the translations. * Don't forget to declare new language in `supportedLngs` i18next initializer * * Q: How do I add a new namespace? * A: To add a new namespace, create a new file in each language folder with the translations. * Then update the `resources` field in the init() call and the CustomTypeOptions interface. * * Q: How do I make a language selectable in the settings? * A: In src/system/settings.ts, add a new case to the Setting.Language switch statement. */ i18next.use(LanguageDetector); i18next.use(processor); i18next.use(new KoreanPostpositionProcessor()); await i18next.init({ nonExplicitSupportedLngs: true, fallbackLng: "en", supportedLngs: ["en", "es", "fr", "it", "de", "zh", "pt", "ko"], detection: { lookupLocalStorage: "prLang" }, debug: true, interpolation: { escapeValue: false, }, resources: { en: { ...enConfig }, es: { ...esConfig }, fr: { ...frConfig }, it: { ...itConfig }, de: { ...deConfig }, "pt-BR": { ...ptBrConfig }, "zh-CN": { ...zhCnConfig }, "zh-TW": { ...zhTwConfig }, ko: { ...koConfig }, }, postProcess: ["korean-postposition"], }); } // Module declared to make referencing keys in the localization files type-safe. declare module "i18next" { interface CustomTypeOptions { defaultNS: "menu"; // Even if we don't use it, i18next requires a valid default namespace resources: { ability: AbilityTranslationEntries; abilityTriggers: SimpleTranslationEntries; achv: AchievementTranslationEntries; battle: SimpleTranslationEntries; battleMessageUiHandler: SimpleTranslationEntries; berry: BerryTranslationEntries; biome: SimpleTranslationEntries; challenges: SimpleTranslationEntries; commandUiHandler: SimpleTranslationEntries; PGMachv: AchievementTranslationEntries; PGMdialogue: DialogueTranslationEntries; PGMbattleSpecDialogue: SimpleTranslationEntries; PGMmiscDialogue: SimpleTranslationEntries; PGMdoubleBattleDialogue: DialogueTranslationEntries; PGFdialogue: DialogueTranslationEntries; PGFbattleSpecDialogue: SimpleTranslationEntries; PGFmiscDialogue: SimpleTranslationEntries; PGFdoubleBattleDialogue: DialogueTranslationEntries; PGFachv: AchievementTranslationEntries; egg: SimpleTranslationEntries; fightUiHandler: SimpleTranslationEntries; gameMode: SimpleTranslationEntries; gameStatsUiHandler: SimpleTranslationEntries; growth: SimpleTranslationEntries; menu: SimpleTranslationEntries; menuUiHandler: SimpleTranslationEntries; modifierType: ModifierTypeTranslationEntries; move: MoveTranslationEntries; nature: SimpleTranslationEntries; partyUiHandler: SimpleTranslationEntries; pokeball: SimpleTranslationEntries; pokemon: SimpleTranslationEntries; pokemonInfo: PokemonInfoTranslationEntries; pokemonInfoContainer: SimpleTranslationEntries; saveSlotSelectUiHandler: SimpleTranslationEntries; splashMessages: SimpleTranslationEntries; starterSelectUiHandler: SimpleTranslationEntries; titles: SimpleTranslationEntries; trainerClasses: SimpleTranslationEntries; trainerNames: SimpleTranslationEntries; tutorial: SimpleTranslationEntries; voucher: SimpleTranslationEntries; weather: SimpleTranslationEntries; }; } } export default i18next; export function getIsInitialized(): boolean { return isInitialized; } let isInitialized = false;