import GameWrapper from "#app/test/utils/gameWrapper"; import {Mode} from "#app/ui/ui"; import {generateStarter, waitUntil} from "#app/test/utils/gameManagerUtils"; import { CheckSwitchPhase, CommandPhase, EncounterPhase, LoginPhase, PostSummonPhase, SelectGenderPhase, SelectStarterPhase, SummonPhase, TitlePhase, ToggleDoublePositionPhase, } from "#app/phases"; import BattleScene from "#app/battle-scene.js"; import PhaseInterceptor from "#app/test/utils/phaseInterceptor"; import TextInterceptor from "#app/test/utils/TextInterceptor"; import {expect} from "vitest"; import {GameModes, getGameMode} from "#app/game-mode"; import fs from "fs"; import { AES, enc } from "crypto-js"; import {updateUserInfo} from "#app/account"; import {Species} from "#app/data/enums/species"; import {PlayerGender} from "#app/data/enums/player-gender"; import {GameDataType} from "#app/data/enums/game-data-type"; import InputsHandler from "#app/test/utils/inputsHandler"; import {ExpNotification} from "#app/enums/exp-notification"; /** * Class to manage the game state and transitions between phases. */ export default class GameManager { public gameWrapper: GameWrapper; public scene: BattleScene; public phaseInterceptor: PhaseInterceptor; public textInterceptor: TextInterceptor; public inputsHandler: InputsHandler; /** * Creates an instance of GameManager. * @param phaserGame - The Phaser game instance. * @param bypassLogin - Whether to bypass the login phase. */ constructor(phaserGame: Phaser.Game, bypassLogin: boolean = true) { BattleScene.prototype.randBattleSeedInt = (arg) => arg-1; this.gameWrapper = new GameWrapper(phaserGame, bypassLogin); this.scene = new BattleScene(); this.phaseInterceptor = new PhaseInterceptor(this.scene); this.textInterceptor = new TextInterceptor(this.scene); this.gameWrapper.setScene(this.scene); } /** * Sets the game mode. * @param mode - The mode to set. */ setMode(mode: Mode) { this.scene.ui?.setMode(mode); } /** * Waits until the specified mode is set. * @param mode - The mode to wait for. * @returns A promise that resolves when the mode is set. */ waitMode(mode: Mode): Promise { return new Promise(async (resolve) => { await waitUntil(() => this.scene.ui?.getMode() === mode); return resolve(); }); } /** * Ends the current phase. */ endPhase() { this.scene.getCurrentPhase().end(); } /** * Adds an action to be executed on the next prompt. * @param phaseTarget - The target phase. * @param mode - The mode to wait for. * @param callback - The callback to execute. * @param expireFn - Optional function to determine if the prompt has expired. */ onNextPrompt(phaseTarget: string, mode: Mode, callback: () => void, expireFn?: () => void) { this.phaseInterceptor.addToNextPrompt(phaseTarget, mode, callback, expireFn); } /** * Runs the game to the title phase. * @returns A promise that resolves when the title phase is reached. */ runToTitle(): Promise { return new Promise(async(resolve) => { await; this.onNextPrompt("SelectGenderPhase", Mode.OPTION_SELECT, () => { this.scene.gameData.gender = PlayerGender.MALE; this.endPhase(); }, () => this.isCurrentPhase(TitlePhase)); await, () => this.isCurrentPhase(TitlePhase)); await; this.scene.gameSpeed = 5; this.scene.moveAnimations = false; this.scene.showLevelUpStats = false; this.scene.expGainsSpeed = 3; this.scene.expParty = ExpNotification.SKIP; this.scene.hpBarSpeed = 3; resolve(); }); } /** * Runs the game to the summon phase. * @param species - Optional array of species to summon. * @returns A promise that resolves when the summon phase is reached. */ runToSummon(species?: Species[]): Promise { return new Promise(async(resolve) => { await this.runToTitle(); this.onNextPrompt("TitlePhase", Mode.TITLE, () => { this.scene.gameMode = getGameMode(GameModes.CLASSIC); const starters = generateStarter(this.scene, species); const selectStarterPhase = new SelectStarterPhase(this.scene); this.scene.pushPhase(new EncounterPhase(this.scene, false)); selectStarterPhase.initBattle(starters); }); await; resolve(); }); } /** * Starts a battle. * @param species - Optional array of species to start the battle with. * @returns A promise that resolves when the battle is started. */ startBattle(species?: Species[]): Promise { return new Promise(async(resolve) => { await this.runToSummon(species); await this.phaseInterceptor.runFrom(PostSummonPhase).to(ToggleDoublePositionPhase); await, () => this.isCurrentPhase(CheckSwitchPhase) || this.isCurrentPhase(PostSummonPhase)); this.onNextPrompt("CheckSwitchPhase", Mode.CONFIRM, () => { this.setMode(Mode.MESSAGE); this.endPhase(); }, () => this.isCurrentPhase(PostSummonPhase)); this.onNextPrompt("CheckSwitchPhase", Mode.CONFIRM, () => { this.setMode(Mode.MESSAGE); this.endPhase(); }, () => this.isCurrentPhase(PostSummonPhase)); await, () => this.isCurrentPhase(PostSummonPhase)); await, () => this.isCurrentPhase(PostSummonPhase)); await this.phaseInterceptor.runFrom(PostSummonPhase).to(CommandPhase); await waitUntil(() => this.scene.ui?.getMode() === Mode.COMMAND); console.log("==================[New Turn]=================="); expect(this.scene.ui?.getMode()).toBe(Mode.COMMAND); expect(this.scene.getCurrentPhase(); return resolve(); }); } /** * Checks if the player has won the battle. * @returns True if the player has won, otherwise false. */ isVictory() { return this.scene.currentBattle.enemyParty.every(pokemon => pokemon.isFainted()); } /** * Checks if the current phase matches the target phase. * @param phaseTarget - The target phase. * @returns True if the current phase matches the target phase, otherwise false. */ isCurrentPhase(phaseTarget) { const targetName = typeof phaseTarget === "string" ? phaseTarget :; return this.scene.getCurrentPhase() === targetName; } /** * Checks if the current mode matches the target mode. * @param mode - The target mode. * @returns True if the current mode matches the target mode, otherwise false. */ isCurrentMode(mode: Mode) { return this.scene.ui?.getMode() === mode; } /** * Exports the save data to import it in a test game. * @returns A promise that resolves with the exported save data. */ exportSaveToTest(): Promise { return new Promise(async (resolve) => { await this.scene.gameData.saveAll(this.scene, true, true, true, true); this.scene.reset(true); await waitUntil(() => this.scene.ui?.getMode() === Mode.TITLE); await this.scene.gameData.tryExportData(GameDataType.SESSION, 0); await waitUntil(() => localStorage.hasOwnProperty("toExport")); return resolve(localStorage.getItem("toExport")); }); } /** * Imports game data from a file. * @param path - The path to the data file. * @returns A promise that resolves with a tuple containing a boolean indicating success and an integer status code. */ async importData(path): Promise<[boolean, integer]> { const saveKey = "x0i2O7WRiANTqPmZ"; const dataRaw = fs.readFileSync(path, {encoding: "utf8", flag: "r"}); let dataStr = AES.decrypt(dataRaw, saveKey).toString(enc.Utf8); dataStr = this.scene.gameData.convertSystemDataStr(dataStr); const systemData = this.scene.gameData.parseSystemData(dataStr); const valid = !!systemData.dexData && !!systemData.timestamp; if (valid) { await updateUserInfo(); await this.scene.gameData.initSystem(dataStr); } return updateUserInfo(); } }