import BattleScene from "../battle-scene"; import { Achv, getAchievementDescription } from "../system/achv"; import { Voucher } from "../system/voucher"; import { TextStyle, addTextObject } from "./text"; import { PlayerGender } from "#enums/player-gender"; export default class AchvBar extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container { private defaultWidth: number; private defaultHeight: number; private bg: Phaser.GameObjects.NineSlice; private icon: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; private titleText: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; private scoreText: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; private descriptionText: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; private queue: (Achv | Voucher)[] = []; private playerGender: PlayerGender; public shown: boolean; constructor(scene: BattleScene) { super(scene, / 6, 0); this.playerGender = scene.gameData.gender; } setup(): void { this.defaultWidth = 160; this.defaultHeight = 40; = this.scene.add.nineslice(0, 0, "achv_bar", undefined, this.defaultWidth, this.defaultHeight, 41, 6, 16, 4);, 0); this.add(; this.icon = this.scene.add.sprite(4, 4, "items"); this.icon.setOrigin(0, 0); this.add(this.icon); this.titleText = addTextObject(this.scene, 40, 3, "", TextStyle.MESSAGE, { fontSize: "72px" }); this.titleText.setOrigin(0, 0); this.add(this.titleText); this.scoreText = addTextObject(this.scene, 150, 3, "", TextStyle.MESSAGE, { fontSize: "72px" }); this.scoreText.setOrigin(1, 0); this.add(this.scoreText); this.descriptionText = addTextObject(this.scene, 43, 16, "", TextStyle.WINDOW_ALT, { fontSize: "72px" }); this.descriptionText.setOrigin(0, 0); this.add(this.descriptionText); this.descriptionText.setWordWrapWidth(664); this.descriptionText.setLineSpacing(-5); this.setScale(0.5); this.shown = false; } showAchv(achv: Achv | Voucher): void { if (this.shown) { this.queue.push(achv); return; } const tier = achv.getTier();`achv_bar${tier ? `_${tier + 1}` : ""}`); this.icon.setFrame(achv.getIconImage()); this.titleText.setText(achv.getName(this.playerGender)); this.scoreText.setVisible(achv instanceof Achv); if (achv instanceof Achv) { this.descriptionText.setText(getAchievementDescription((achv as Achv).localizationKey)); } else if (achv instanceof Voucher) { this.descriptionText.setText((achv as Voucher).description); } if (achv instanceof Achv) { this.scoreText.setText(`+${(achv as Achv).score}pt`); } // Take the width of the default interface or the title if longest = Math.max(this.defaultWidth, this.icon.displayWidth + this.titleText.displayWidth + this.scoreText.displayWidth + 16); this.scoreText.x = - 2; this.descriptionText.width = - this.icon.displayWidth - 16; this.descriptionText.setWordWrapWidth(this.descriptionText.width * 6); // Take the height of the default interface or the description if longest = Math.max(this.defaultHeight, this.titleText.displayHeight + this.descriptionText.displayHeight + 8); this.icon.y = ( / 2) - (this.icon.height / 2); (this.scene as BattleScene).playSound("se/achv"); this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: this, x: ( / 6) - ( / 2), duration: 500, ease: "Sine.easeOut" }); this.scene.time.delayedCall(10000, () => this.hide(this.playerGender)); this.setVisible(true); this.shown = true; } protected hide(playerGender: PlayerGender): void { if (!this.shown) { return; } this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: this, x: ( / 6), duration: 500, ease: "Sine.easeIn", onComplete: () => { this.shown = false; this.setVisible(false); if (this.queue.length) { const shifted = this.queue.shift(); shifted && this.showAchv(shifted); } } }); } }