import Phaser from "phaser";
import BattleScene, { AnySound } from "../battle-scene";
import { Variant, VariantSet, variantColorCache } from "#app/data/variant";
import { variantData } from "#app/data/variant";
import BattleInfo, { PlayerBattleInfo, EnemyBattleInfo } from "../ui/battle-info";
import Move, { HighCritAttr, HitsTagAttr, applyMoveAttrs, FixedDamageAttr, VariableAtkAttr, allMoves, MoveCategory, TypelessAttr, CritOnlyAttr, getMoveTargets, OneHitKOAttr, VariableMoveTypeAttr, VariableDefAttr, AttackMove, ModifiedDamageAttr, VariableMoveTypeMultiplierAttr, IgnoreOpponentStatStagesAttr, SacrificialAttr, VariableMoveCategoryAttr, CounterDamageAttr, StatStageChangeAttr, RechargeAttr, ChargeAttr, IgnoreWeatherTypeDebuffAttr, BypassBurnDamageReductionAttr, SacrificialAttrOnHit, OneHitKOAccuracyAttr, RespectAttackTypeImmunityAttr, MoveTarget } from "../data/move";
import { default as PokemonSpecies, PokemonSpeciesForm, SpeciesFormKey, getFusedSpeciesName, getPokemonSpecies, getPokemonSpeciesForm, getStarterValueFriendshipCap, speciesStarters, starterPassiveAbilities } from "../data/pokemon-species";
import { Constructor, isNullOrUndefined, randSeedInt } from "#app/utils";
import * as Utils from "../utils";
import { Type, TypeDamageMultiplier, getTypeDamageMultiplier, getTypeRgb } from "../data/type";
import { getLevelTotalExp } from "../data/exp";
import { Stat, type PermanentStat, type BattleStat, type EffectiveStat, PERMANENT_STATS, BATTLE_STATS, EFFECTIVE_STATS } from "#enums/stat";
import { DamageMoneyRewardModifier, EnemyDamageBoosterModifier, EnemyDamageReducerModifier, EnemyEndureChanceModifier, EnemyFusionChanceModifier, HiddenAbilityRateBoosterModifier, BaseStatModifier, PokemonFriendshipBoosterModifier, PokemonHeldItemModifier, PokemonNatureWeightModifier, ShinyRateBoosterModifier, SurviveDamageModifier, TempStatStageBoosterModifier, TempCritBoosterModifier, StatBoosterModifier, CritBoosterModifier, TerastallizeModifier, PokemonBaseStatFlatModifier, PokemonBaseStatTotalModifier, PokemonIncrementingStatModifier, EvoTrackerModifier } from "../modifier/modifier";
import { PokeballType } from "../data/pokeball";
import { Gender } from "../data/gender";
import { initMoveAnim, loadMoveAnimAssets } from "../data/battle-anims";
import { Status, StatusEffect, getRandomStatus } from "../data/status-effect";
import { pokemonEvolutions, pokemonPrevolutions, SpeciesFormEvolution, SpeciesEvolutionCondition, FusionSpeciesFormEvolution } from "../data/pokemon-evolutions";
import { reverseCompatibleTms, tmSpecies, tmPoolTiers } from "../data/tms";
import { BattlerTag, BattlerTagLapseType, EncoreTag, GroundedTag, HighestStatBoostTag, SubstituteTag, TypeImmuneTag, getBattlerTag, SemiInvulnerableTag, TypeBoostTag, MoveRestrictionBattlerTag, ExposedTag, DragonCheerTag, CritBoostTag, TrappedTag, TarShotTag } from "../data/battler-tags";
import { WeatherType } from "../data/weather";
import { ArenaTagSide, NoCritTag, WeakenMoveScreenTag } from "../data/arena-tag";
import { Ability, AbAttr, StatMultiplierAbAttr, BlockCritAbAttr, BonusCritAbAttr, BypassBurnDamageReductionAbAttr, FieldPriorityMoveImmunityAbAttr, IgnoreOpponentStatStagesAbAttr, MoveImmunityAbAttr, PreDefendFullHpEndureAbAttr, ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr, ReduceStatusEffectDurationAbAttr, StabBoostAbAttr, StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, TypeImmunityAbAttr, WeightMultiplierAbAttr, allAbilities, applyAbAttrs, applyStatMultiplierAbAttrs, applyPreApplyBattlerTagAbAttrs, applyPreAttackAbAttrs, applyPreDefendAbAttrs, applyPreSetStatusAbAttrs, UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr, SuppressFieldAbilitiesAbAttr, NoFusionAbilityAbAttr, MultCritAbAttr, IgnoreTypeImmunityAbAttr, DamageBoostAbAttr, IgnoreTypeStatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, ConditionalCritAbAttr, applyFieldStatMultiplierAbAttrs, FieldMultiplyStatAbAttr, AddSecondStrikeAbAttr, UserFieldStatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, UserFieldBattlerTagImmunityAbAttr, BattlerTagImmunityAbAttr, MoveTypeChangeAbAttr, FullHpResistTypeAbAttr, applyCheckTrappedAbAttrs, CheckTrappedAbAttr } from "../data/ability";
import PokemonData from "../system/pokemon-data";
import { BattlerIndex } from "../battle";
import { Mode } from "../ui/ui";
import PartyUiHandler, { PartyOption, PartyUiMode } from "../ui/party-ui-handler";
import SoundFade from "phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/soundfade";
import { LevelMoves } from "../data/pokemon-level-moves";
import { DamageAchv, achvs } from "../system/achv";
import { DexAttr, StarterDataEntry, StarterMoveset } from "../system/game-data";
import { QuantizerCelebi, argbFromRgba, rgbaFromArgb } from "@material/material-color-utilities";
import { Nature, getNatureStatMultiplier } from "../data/nature";
import { SpeciesFormChange, SpeciesFormChangeActiveTrigger, SpeciesFormChangeMoveLearnedTrigger, SpeciesFormChangePostMoveTrigger, SpeciesFormChangeStatusEffectTrigger } from "../data/pokemon-forms";
import { TerrainType } from "../data/terrain";
import { TrainerSlot } from "../data/trainer-config";
import Overrides from "#app/overrides";
import i18next from "i18next";
import { speciesEggMoves } from "../data/egg-moves";
import { ModifierTier } from "../modifier/modifier-tier";
import { applyChallenges, ChallengeType } from "#app/data/challenge";
import { Abilities } from "#enums/abilities";
import { ArenaTagType } from "#enums/arena-tag-type";
import { BattleSpec } from "#enums/battle-spec";
import { BattlerTagType } from "#enums/battler-tag-type";
import { BerryType } from "#enums/berry-type";
import { Biome } from "#enums/biome";
import { Moves } from "#enums/moves";
import { Species } from "#enums/species";
import { getPokemonNameWithAffix } from "#app/messages";
import { DamagePhase } from "#app/phases/damage-phase";
import { FaintPhase } from "#app/phases/faint-phase";
import { LearnMovePhase } from "#app/phases/learn-move-phase";
import { MoveEffectPhase } from "#app/phases/move-effect-phase";
import { MoveEndPhase } from "#app/phases/move-end-phase";
import { ObtainStatusEffectPhase } from "#app/phases/obtain-status-effect-phase";
import { StatStageChangePhase } from "#app/phases/stat-stage-change-phase";
import { SwitchSummonPhase } from "#app/phases/switch-summon-phase";
import { ToggleDoublePositionPhase } from "#app/phases/toggle-double-position-phase";
import { Challenges } from "#enums/challenges";
import { PokemonAnimType } from "#app/enums/pokemon-anim-type";
import { PLAYER_PARTY_MAX_SIZE } from "#app/constants";
import { MysteryEncounterPokemonData } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/mystery-encounter-pokemon-data";

export enum FieldPosition {

export default abstract class Pokemon extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
  public id: integer;
  public name: string;
  public nickname: string;
  public species: PokemonSpecies;
  public formIndex: integer;
  public abilityIndex: integer;
  public passive: boolean;
  public shiny: boolean;
  public variant: Variant;
  public pokeball: PokeballType;
  protected battleInfo: BattleInfo;
  public level: integer;
  public exp: integer;
  public levelExp: integer;
  public gender: Gender;
  public hp: integer;
  public stats: integer[];
  public ivs: integer[];
  public nature: Nature;
  public natureOverride: Nature | -1;
  public moveset: (PokemonMove | null)[];
  public status: Status | null;
  public friendship: integer;
  public metLevel: integer;
  public metBiome: Biome | -1;
  public metSpecies: Species;
  public metWave: number;
  public luck: integer;
  public pauseEvolutions: boolean;
  public pokerus: boolean;
  public switchOutStatus: boolean;
  public evoCounter: integer;

  public fusionSpecies: PokemonSpecies | null;
  public fusionFormIndex: integer;
  public fusionAbilityIndex: integer;
  public fusionShiny: boolean;
  public fusionVariant: Variant;
  public fusionGender: Gender;
  public fusionLuck: integer;
  public fusionMysteryEncounterPokemonData: MysteryEncounterPokemonData | null;

  private summonDataPrimer: PokemonSummonData | null;

  public summonData: PokemonSummonData;
  public battleData: PokemonBattleData;
  public battleSummonData: PokemonBattleSummonData;
  public turnData: PokemonTurnData;
  public mysteryEncounterPokemonData: MysteryEncounterPokemonData;

  /** Used by Mystery Encounters to execute pokemon-specific logic (such as stat boosts) at start of battle */
  public mysteryEncounterBattleEffects?: (pokemon: Pokemon) => void;

  public fieldPosition: FieldPosition;

  public maskEnabled: boolean;
  public maskSprite: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite | null;

  public usedTMs: Moves[];

  private shinySparkle: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite;

  constructor(scene: BattleScene, x: number, y: number, species: PokemonSpecies, level: integer, abilityIndex?: integer, formIndex?: integer, gender?: Gender, shiny?: boolean, variant?: Variant, ivs?: integer[], nature?: Nature, dataSource?: Pokemon | PokemonData) {
    super(scene, x, y);

    if (!species.isObtainable() && this.isPlayer()) {
      throw `Cannot create a player Pokemon for species '${species.getName(formIndex)}'`;

    const hiddenAbilityChance = new Utils.IntegerHolder(256);
    if (!this.hasTrainer()) {
      this.scene.applyModifiers(HiddenAbilityRateBoosterModifier, true, hiddenAbilityChance);

    this.species = species;
    this.pokeball = dataSource?.pokeball || PokeballType.POKEBALL;
    this.level = level;
    this.switchOutStatus = false;

    // Determine the ability index
    if (abilityIndex !== undefined) {
      this.abilityIndex = abilityIndex; // Use the provided ability index if it is defined
    } else {
      // If abilityIndex is not provided, determine it based on species and hidden ability
      const hasHiddenAbility = !Utils.randSeedInt(hiddenAbilityChance.value);
      const randAbilityIndex = Utils.randSeedInt(2);
      if (species.abilityHidden && hasHiddenAbility) {
        // If the species has a hidden ability and the hidden ability is present
        this.abilityIndex = 2;
      } else {
        // If there is no hidden ability or species does not have a hidden ability
        this.abilityIndex = species.ability2 !== species.ability1 ? randAbilityIndex : 0; // Use random ability index if species has a second ability, otherwise use 0
    if (formIndex !== undefined) {
      this.formIndex = formIndex;
    if (gender !== undefined) {
      this.gender = gender;
    if (shiny !== undefined) {
      this.shiny = shiny;
    if (variant !== undefined) {
      this.variant = variant;
    this.exp = dataSource?.exp || getLevelTotalExp(this.level, species.growthRate);
    this.levelExp = dataSource?.levelExp || 0;
    if (dataSource) { =;
      this.hp = dataSource.hp;
      this.stats = dataSource.stats;
      this.ivs = dataSource.ivs;
      this.passive = !!dataSource.passive;
      if (this.variant === undefined) {
        this.variant = 0;
      this.nature = dataSource.nature || 0 as Nature;
      this.nickname = dataSource.nickname;
      this.natureOverride = dataSource.natureOverride !== undefined ? dataSource.natureOverride : -1;
      this.moveset = dataSource.moveset;
      this.status = dataSource.status!; // TODO: is this bang correct?
      this.friendship = dataSource.friendship !== undefined ? dataSource.friendship : this.species.baseFriendship;
      this.metLevel = dataSource.metLevel || 5;
      this.luck = dataSource.luck;
      this.metBiome = dataSource.metBiome;
      this.metSpecies = dataSource.metSpecies ?? (this.metBiome !== -1 ? this.species.speciesId : this.species.getRootSpeciesId(true));
      this.metWave = dataSource.metWave ?? (this.metBiome === -1 ? -1 : 0);
      this.pauseEvolutions = dataSource.pauseEvolutions;
      this.pokerus = !!dataSource.pokerus;
      this.evoCounter = dataSource.evoCounter ?? 0;
      this.fusionSpecies = dataSource.fusionSpecies instanceof PokemonSpecies ? dataSource.fusionSpecies : dataSource.fusionSpecies ? getPokemonSpecies(dataSource.fusionSpecies) : null;
      this.fusionFormIndex = dataSource.fusionFormIndex;
      this.fusionAbilityIndex = dataSource.fusionAbilityIndex;
      this.fusionShiny = dataSource.fusionShiny;
      this.fusionVariant = dataSource.fusionVariant || 0;
      this.fusionGender = dataSource.fusionGender;
      this.fusionLuck = dataSource.fusionLuck;
      this.fusionMysteryEncounterPokemonData = dataSource.fusionMysteryEncounterPokemonData;
      this.usedTMs = dataSource.usedTMs ?? [];
      this.mysteryEncounterPokemonData = new MysteryEncounterPokemonData(dataSource.mysteryEncounterPokemonData);
    } else { = Utils.randSeedInt(4294967296);
      this.ivs = ivs || Utils.getIvsFromId(;

      if (this.gender === undefined) {

      if (this.formIndex === undefined) {
        this.formIndex = this.scene.getSpeciesFormIndex(species, this.gender, this.nature, this.isPlayer());

      if (this.shiny === undefined) {

      if (this.variant === undefined) {
        this.variant = this.shiny ? this.generateVariant() : 0;

      this.mysteryEncounterPokemonData = new MysteryEncounterPokemonData();

      if (nature !== undefined) {
      } else {

      this.natureOverride = -1;

      this.friendship = species.baseFriendship;
      this.metLevel = level;
      this.metBiome = scene.currentBattle ? scene.arena.biomeType : -1;
      this.metSpecies = species.speciesId;
      this.metWave = scene.currentBattle ? scene.currentBattle.waveIndex : -1;
      this.pokerus = false;

      if (level > 1) {
        const fused = new Utils.BooleanHolder(scene.gameMode.isSplicedOnly);
        if (!fused.value && !this.isPlayer() && !this.hasTrainer()) {
          this.scene.applyModifier(EnemyFusionChanceModifier, false, fused);

        if (fused.value) {
      this.luck = (this.shiny ? this.variant + 1 : 0) + (this.fusionShiny ? this.fusionVariant + 1 : 0);
      this.fusionLuck = this.luck;


    if (!species.isObtainable()) {
      this.shiny = false;

    if (!dataSource) {

  getNameToRender() {
    try {
      if (this.nickname) {
        return decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(this.nickname)));
    } catch (err) {
      console.error(`Failed to decode nickname for ${}`, err);

  init(): void {
    this.fieldPosition = FieldPosition.CENTER;


    this.scene.fieldUI.addAt(this.battleInfo, 0);

    const getSprite = (hasShadow?: boolean) => {
      const ret = this.scene.addPokemonSprite(this, 0, 0, `pkmn__${this.isPlayer() ? "back__" : ""}sub`, undefined, true);
      ret.setOrigin(0.5, 1);
      ret.setPipeline(this.scene.spritePipeline, { tone: [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], hasShadow: !!hasShadow, teraColor: getTypeRgb(this.getTeraType()) });
      return ret;


    const sprite = getSprite(true);
    const tintSprite = getSprite();


    this.addAt(sprite, 0);
    this.addAt(tintSprite, 1);

    if (this.isShiny() && !this.shinySparkle) {

  abstract initBattleInfo(): void;

  isOnField(): boolean {
    if (!this.scene) {
      return false;
    return this.scene.field.getIndex(this) > -1;

  isFainted(checkStatus?: boolean): boolean {
    return !this.hp && (!checkStatus || this.status?.effect === StatusEffect.FAINT);

   * Check if this pokemon is both not fainted (or a fled wild pokemon) and allowed to be in battle.
   * This is frequently a better alternative to {@link isFainted}
   * @returns {boolean} True if pokemon is allowed in battle
  isAllowedInBattle(): boolean {
    return !this.isFainted() && this.isAllowed();

   * Check if this pokemon is allowed (no challenge exclusion)
   * This is frequently a better alternative to {@link isFainted}
   * @returns {boolean} True if pokemon is allowed in battle
  isAllowed(): boolean {
    const challengeAllowed = new Utils.BooleanHolder(true);
    applyChallenges(this.scene.gameMode, ChallengeType.POKEMON_IN_BATTLE, this, challengeAllowed);
    return challengeAllowed.value;

  isActive(onField?: boolean): boolean {
    if (!this.scene) {
      return false;
    return this.isAllowedInBattle() && !!this.scene && (!onField || this.isOnField());

  getDexAttr(): bigint {
    let ret = 0n;
    ret |= this.gender !== Gender.FEMALE ? DexAttr.MALE : DexAttr.FEMALE;
    ret |= !this.shiny ? DexAttr.NON_SHINY : DexAttr.SHINY;
    ret |= this.variant >= 2 ? DexAttr.VARIANT_3 : this.variant === 1 ? DexAttr.VARIANT_2 : DexAttr.DEFAULT_VARIANT;
    ret |= this.scene.gameData.getFormAttr(this.formIndex);
    return ret;

   * Sets the Pokemon's name. Only called when loading a Pokemon so this function needs to be called when
   * initializing hardcoded Pokemon or else it will not display the form index name properly.
   * @returns n/a
  generateName(): void {
    if (!this.fusionSpecies) { = this.species.getName(this.formIndex);
    } = getFusedSpeciesName(this.species.getName(this.formIndex), this.fusionSpecies.getName(this.fusionFormIndex));
    if (this.battleInfo) {

  abstract isPlayer(): boolean;

  abstract hasTrainer(): boolean;

  abstract getFieldIndex(): integer;

  abstract getBattlerIndex(): BattlerIndex;

  loadAssets(ignoreOverride: boolean = true): Promise<void> {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      const moveIds = this.getMoveset().map(m => m!.getMove().id); // TODO: is this bang correct?
      Promise.allSettled( => initMoveAnim(this.scene, m)))
        .then(() => {
          loadMoveAnimAssets(this.scene, moveIds);
          this.getSpeciesForm().loadAssets(this.scene, this.getGender() === Gender.FEMALE, this.formIndex, this.shiny, this.variant);
          if (this.isPlayer() || this.getFusionSpeciesForm()) {
            this.scene.loadPokemonAtlas(this.getBattleSpriteKey(true, ignoreOverride), this.getBattleSpriteAtlasPath(true, ignoreOverride));
          if (this.getFusionSpeciesForm()) {
            this.getFusionSpeciesForm().loadAssets(this.scene, this.getFusionGender() === Gender.FEMALE, this.fusionFormIndex, this.fusionShiny, this.fusionVariant);
            this.scene.loadPokemonAtlas(this.getFusionBattleSpriteKey(true, ignoreOverride), this.getFusionBattleSpriteAtlasPath(true, ignoreOverride));
          this.scene.load.once(Phaser.Loader.Events.COMPLETE, () => {
            if (this.isPlayer()) {
              const originalWarn = console.warn;
              // Ignore warnings for missing frames, because there will be a lot
              console.warn = () => {};
              const battleFrameNames = this.scene.anims.generateFrameNames(this.getBattleSpriteKey(), { zeroPad: 4, suffix: ".png", start: 1, end: 400 });
              console.warn = originalWarn;
              if (!(this.scene.anims.exists(this.getBattleSpriteKey()))) {
                  key: this.getBattleSpriteKey(),
                  frames: battleFrameNames,
                  frameRate: 12,
                  repeat: -1
            const updateFusionPaletteAndResolve = () => {
              if (this.summonData?.speciesForm) {
            if (this.shiny) {
              const populateVariantColors = (key: string, back: boolean = false): Promise<void> => {
                return new Promise(resolve => {
                  const battleSpritePath = this.getBattleSpriteAtlasPath(back, ignoreOverride).replace("variant/", "").replace(/_[1-3]$/, "");
                  let config = variantData;
                  const useExpSprite = this.scene.experimentalSprites && this.scene.hasExpSprite(this.getBattleSpriteKey(back, ignoreOverride));
                  battleSpritePath.split("/").map(p => config ? config = config[p] : null);
                  const variantSet: VariantSet = config as VariantSet;
                  if (variantSet && variantSet[this.variant] === 1) {
                    if (variantColorCache.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                      return resolve();
                    this.scene.cachedFetch(`./images/pokemon/variant/${useExpSprite ? "exp/" : ""}${battleSpritePath}.json`).
                      then(res => {
                        // Prevent the JSON from processing if it failed to load
                        if (!res.ok) {
                          console.error(`Could not load ${res.url}!`);
                        return res.json();
                      }).then(c => {
                        variantColorCache[key] = c;
                  } else {
              if (this.isPlayer()) {
                Promise.all([ populateVariantColors(this.getBattleSpriteKey(false)), populateVariantColors(this.getBattleSpriteKey(true), true) ]).then(() => updateFusionPaletteAndResolve());
              } else {
                populateVariantColors(this.getBattleSpriteKey(false)).then(() => updateFusionPaletteAndResolve());
            } else {
          if (!this.scene.load.isLoading()) {

  getFormKey(): string {
    if (!this.species.forms.length || this.species.forms.length <= this.formIndex) {
      return "";
    return this.species.forms[this.formIndex].formKey;

  getFusionFormKey(): string | null {
    if (!this.fusionSpecies) {
      return null;
    if (!this.fusionSpecies.forms.length || this.fusionSpecies.forms.length <= this.fusionFormIndex) {
      return "";
    return this.fusionSpecies.forms[this.fusionFormIndex].formKey;

  getSpriteAtlasPath(ignoreOverride?: boolean): string {
    const spriteId = this.getSpriteId(ignoreOverride).replace(/\_{2}/g, "/");
    return `${/_[1-3]$/.test(spriteId) ? "variant/" : ""}${spriteId}`;

  getBattleSpriteAtlasPath(back?: boolean, ignoreOverride?: boolean): string {
    const spriteId = this.getBattleSpriteId(back, ignoreOverride).replace(/\_{2}/g, "/");
    return `${/_[1-3]$/.test(spriteId) ? "variant/" : ""}${spriteId}`;

  getSpriteId(ignoreOverride?: boolean): string {
    return this.getSpeciesForm(ignoreOverride).getSpriteId(this.getGender(ignoreOverride) === Gender.FEMALE, this.formIndex, this.shiny, this.variant);

  getBattleSpriteId(back?: boolean, ignoreOverride?: boolean): string {
    if (back === undefined) {
      back = this.isPlayer();
    return this.getSpeciesForm(ignoreOverride).getSpriteId(this.getGender(ignoreOverride) === Gender.FEMALE, this.formIndex, this.shiny, this.variant, back);

  getSpriteKey(ignoreOverride?: boolean): string {
    return this.getSpeciesForm(ignoreOverride).getSpriteKey(this.getGender(ignoreOverride) === Gender.FEMALE, this.formIndex, this.shiny, this.variant);

  getBattleSpriteKey(back?: boolean, ignoreOverride?: boolean): string {
    return `pkmn__${this.getBattleSpriteId(back, ignoreOverride)}`;

  getFusionSpriteId(ignoreOverride?: boolean): string {
    return this.getFusionSpeciesForm(ignoreOverride).getSpriteId(this.getFusionGender(ignoreOverride) === Gender.FEMALE, this.fusionFormIndex, this.fusionShiny, this.fusionVariant);

  getFusionBattleSpriteId(back?: boolean, ignoreOverride?: boolean): string {
    if (back === undefined) {
      back = this.isPlayer();
    return this.getFusionSpeciesForm(ignoreOverride).getSpriteId(this.getFusionGender(ignoreOverride) === Gender.FEMALE, this.fusionFormIndex, this.fusionShiny, this.fusionVariant, back);

  getFusionBattleSpriteKey(back?: boolean, ignoreOverride?: boolean): string {
    return `pkmn__${this.getFusionBattleSpriteId(back, ignoreOverride)}`;

  getFusionBattleSpriteAtlasPath(back?: boolean, ignoreOverride?: boolean): string {
    return this.getFusionBattleSpriteId(back, ignoreOverride).replace(/\_{2}/g, "/");

  getIconAtlasKey(ignoreOverride?: boolean): string {
    return this.getSpeciesForm(ignoreOverride).getIconAtlasKey(this.formIndex, this.shiny, this.variant);

  getFusionIconAtlasKey(ignoreOverride?: boolean): string {
    return this.getFusionSpeciesForm(ignoreOverride).getIconAtlasKey(this.fusionFormIndex, this.fusionShiny, this.fusionVariant);

  getIconId(ignoreOverride?: boolean): string {
    return this.getSpeciesForm(ignoreOverride).getIconId(this.getGender(ignoreOverride) === Gender.FEMALE, this.formIndex, this.shiny, this.variant);

  getFusionIconId(ignoreOverride?: boolean): string {
    return this.getFusionSpeciesForm(ignoreOverride).getIconId(this.getFusionGender(ignoreOverride) === Gender.FEMALE, this.fusionFormIndex, this.fusionShiny, this.fusionVariant);

  getSpeciesForm(ignoreOverride?: boolean): PokemonSpeciesForm {
    if (!ignoreOverride && this.summonData?.speciesForm) {
      return this.summonData.speciesForm;
    if (this.species.forms && this.species.forms.length > 0) {
      return this.species.forms[this.formIndex];

    return this.species;

  getFusionSpeciesForm(ignoreOverride?: boolean): PokemonSpeciesForm {
    if (!ignoreOverride && this.summonData?.speciesForm) {
      return this.summonData.fusionSpeciesForm;
    if (!this.fusionSpecies?.forms?.length || this.fusionFormIndex >= this.fusionSpecies?.forms.length) {
      return this.fusionSpecies; // TODO: I don't even know how to fix this... A complete cluster of classes involved + null
    return this.fusionSpecies?.forms[this.fusionFormIndex];

  getSprite(): Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite {
    return this.getAt(0) as Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite;

  getTintSprite(): Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite | null {
    return !this.maskEnabled
      ? this.getAt(1) as Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite
      : this.maskSprite;

  getSpriteScale(): number {
    const formKey = this.getFormKey();
    if (this.isMax() === true || formKey === "segin-starmobile" || formKey === "schedar-starmobile" || formKey === "navi-starmobile" || formKey === "ruchbah-starmobile" || formKey === "caph-starmobile") {
      return 1.5;
    } else if (this.mysteryEncounterPokemonData.spriteScale > 0) {
      return this.mysteryEncounterPokemonData.spriteScale;
    return 1;

  /** Resets the pokemon's field sprite properties, including position, alpha, and scale */
  resetSprite(): void {
    // Resetting properties should not be shown on the field

    // Remove the offset from having a Substitute active
    if (this.isOffsetBySubstitute()) {
      this.x -= this.getSubstituteOffset()[0];
      this.y -= this.getSubstituteOffset()[1];

    // Reset sprite display properties

  getHeldItems(): PokemonHeldItemModifier[] {
    if (!this.scene) {
      return [];
    return this.scene.findModifiers(m => m instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier && m.pokemonId ===, this.isPlayer()) as PokemonHeldItemModifier[];

  updateScale(): void {

  updateSpritePipelineData(): void {
    [ this.getSprite(), this.getTintSprite() ].filter(s => !!s).map(s => s.pipelineData["teraColor"] = getTypeRgb(this.getTeraType()));

  initShinySparkle(): void {
    const keySuffix = this.variant ? `_${this.variant + 1}` : "";
    const key = `shiny${keySuffix}`;
    const shinySparkle = this.scene.addFieldSprite(0, 0, key);
    shinySparkle.setOrigin(0.5, 1);
    const frameNames = this.scene.anims.generateFrameNames(key, { suffix: ".png", end: 34 });
    if (!(this.scene.anims.exists(`sparkle${keySuffix}`))) {
        key: `sparkle${keySuffix}`,
        frames: frameNames,
        frameRate: 32,
        showOnStart: true,
        hideOnComplete: true,

    this.shinySparkle = shinySparkle;

   * Attempts to animate a given {@linkcode Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite}
   * @see {@linkcode}
   * @param sprite {@linkcode Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite} to animate
   * @param tintSprite {@linkcode Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite} placed on top of the sprite to add a color tint
   * @param animConfig {@linkcode String} to pass to {@linkcode}
   * @returns true if the sprite was able to be animated
  tryPlaySprite(sprite: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite, tintSprite: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite, key: string): boolean {
    // Catch errors when trying to play an animation that doesn't exist
    try {;;
    } catch (error: unknown) {
      console.error(`Couldn't play animation for '${key}'!\nIs the image for this Pokemon missing?\n`, error);

      return false;

    return true;

  playAnim(): void {
    this.tryPlaySprite(this.getSprite(), this.getTintSprite()!, this.getBattleSpriteKey()); // TODO: is the bag correct?

  getFieldPositionOffset(): [ number, number ] {
    switch (this.fieldPosition) {
    case FieldPosition.CENTER:
      return [ 0, 0 ];
    case FieldPosition.LEFT:
      return [ -32, -8 ];
    case FieldPosition.RIGHT:
      return [ 32, 0 ];

   * Returns the Pokemon's offset from its current field position in the event that
   * it has a Substitute doll in effect. The offset is returned in `[ x, y ]` format.
   * @see {@linkcode SubstituteTag}
   * @see {@linkcode getFieldPositionOffset}
  getSubstituteOffset(): [ number, number ] {
    return this.isPlayer() ? [-30, 10] : [30, -10];

   * Returns whether or not the Pokemon's position on the field is offset because
   * the Pokemon has a Substitute active.
   * @see {@linkcode SubstituteTag}
  isOffsetBySubstitute(): boolean {
    const substitute = this.getTag(SubstituteTag);
    if (substitute) {
      if (substitute.sprite === undefined) {
        return false;

      // During the Pokemon's MoveEffect phase, the offset is removed to put the Pokemon "in focus"
      const currentPhase = this.scene.getCurrentPhase();
      if (currentPhase instanceof MoveEffectPhase && currentPhase.getPokemon() === this) {
        return false;
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

  /** If this Pokemon has a Substitute on the field, removes its sprite from the field. */
  destroySubstitute(): void {
    const substitute = this.getTag(SubstituteTag);
    if (substitute && substitute.sprite) {

  setFieldPosition(fieldPosition: FieldPosition, duration?: integer): Promise<void> {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      if (fieldPosition === this.fieldPosition) {

      const initialOffset = this.getFieldPositionOffset();

      this.fieldPosition = fieldPosition;

      this.battleInfo.setMini(fieldPosition !== FieldPosition.CENTER);
      this.battleInfo.setOffset(fieldPosition === FieldPosition.RIGHT);

      const newOffset = this.getFieldPositionOffset();

      const relX = newOffset[0] - initialOffset[0];
      const relY = newOffset[1] - initialOffset[1];

      if (duration) {
          targets: this,
          x: (_target, _key, value: number) => value + relX,
          y: (_target, _key, value: number) => value + relY,
          duration: duration,
          ease: "Sine.easeOut",
          onComplete: () => resolve()
      } else {
        this.x += relX;
        this.y += relY;

   * Retrieves the entire set of stats of the {@linkcode Pokemon}.
   * @param bypassSummonData prefer actual stats (`true` by default) or in-battle overriden stats (`false`)
   * @returns the numeric values of the {@linkcode Pokemon}'s stats
  getStats(bypassSummonData: boolean = true): number[] {
    if (!bypassSummonData && this.summonData?.stats) {
      return this.summonData.stats;
    return this.stats;

   * Retrieves the corresponding {@linkcode PermanentStat} of the {@linkcode Pokemon}.
   * @param stat the desired {@linkcode PermanentStat}
   * @param bypassSummonData prefer actual stats (`true` by default) or in-battle overridden stats (`false`)
   * @returns the numeric value of the desired {@linkcode Stat}
  getStat(stat: PermanentStat, bypassSummonData: boolean = true): number {
    if (!bypassSummonData && this.summonData && (this.summonData.stats[stat] !== 0)) {
      return this.summonData.stats[stat];
    return this.stats[stat];

   * Writes the value to the corrseponding {@linkcode PermanentStat} of the {@linkcode Pokemon}.
   * Note that this does nothing if {@linkcode value} is less than 0.
   * @param stat the desired {@linkcode PermanentStat} to be overwritten
   * @param value the desired numeric value
   * @param bypassSummonData write to actual stats (`true` by default) or in-battle overridden stats (`false`)
  setStat(stat: PermanentStat, value: number, bypassSummonData: boolean = true): void {
    if (value >= 0) {
      if (!bypassSummonData && this.summonData) {
        this.summonData.stats[stat] = value;
      } else {
        this.stats[stat] = value;

   * Retrieves the entire set of in-battle stat stages of the {@linkcode Pokemon}.
   * @returns the numeric values of the {@linkcode Pokemon}'s in-battle stat stages if available, a fresh stat stage array otherwise
  getStatStages(): number[] {
    return this.summonData ? this.summonData.statStages : [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ];

   * Retrieves the in-battle stage of the specified {@linkcode BattleStat}.
   * @param stat the {@linkcode BattleStat} whose stage is desired
   * @returns the stage of the desired {@linkcode BattleStat} if available, 0 otherwise
  getStatStage(stat: BattleStat): number {
    return this.summonData ? this.summonData.statStages[stat - 1] : 0;

   * Writes the value to the in-battle stage of the corresponding {@linkcode BattleStat} of the {@linkcode Pokemon}.
   * Note that, if the value is not within a range of [-6, 6], it will be forced to the closest range bound.
   * @param stat the {@linkcode BattleStat} whose stage is to be overwritten
   * @param value the desired numeric value
  setStatStage(stat: BattleStat, value: number): void {
    if (this.summonData) {
      if (value >= -6) {
        this.summonData.statStages[stat - 1] = Math.min(value, 6);
      } else {
        this.summonData.statStages[stat - 1] = Math.max(value, -6);

   * Retrieves the critical-hit stage considering the move used and the Pokemon
   * who used it.
   * @param source the {@linkcode Pokemon} who using the move
   * @param move the {@linkcode Move} being used
   * @returns the final critical-hit stage value
  getCritStage(source: Pokemon, move: Move): number {
    const critStage = new Utils.IntegerHolder(0);
    applyMoveAttrs(HighCritAttr, source, this, move, critStage);
    this.scene.applyModifiers(CritBoosterModifier, source.isPlayer(), source, critStage);
    this.scene.applyModifiers(TempCritBoosterModifier, source.isPlayer(), critStage);
    const bonusCrit = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);
    if (applyAbAttrs(BonusCritAbAttr, source, null, false, bonusCrit)) { // TODO: resolve ts-ignore. This is a promise. Checking a promise is bogus.
      if (bonusCrit.value) {
        critStage.value += 1;
    const critBoostTag = source.getTag(CritBoostTag);
    if (critBoostTag) {
      if (critBoostTag instanceof DragonCheerTag) {
        critStage.value += critBoostTag.typesOnAdd.includes(Type.DRAGON) ? 2 : 1;
      } else {
        critStage.value += 2;

    console.log(`crit stage: +${critStage.value}`);
    return critStage.value;

   * Calculates and retrieves the final value of a stat considering any held
   * items, move effects, opponent abilities, and whether there was a critical
   * hit.
   * @param stat the desired {@linkcode EffectiveStat}
   * @param opponent the target {@linkcode Pokemon}
   * @param move the {@linkcode Move} being used
   * @param ignoreAbility determines whether this Pokemon's abilities should be ignored during the stat calculation
   * @param ignoreOppAbility during an attack, determines whether the opposing Pokemon's abilities should be ignored during the stat calculation.
   * @param isCritical determines whether a critical hit has occurred or not (`false` by default)
   * @param simulated if `true`, nullifies any effects that produce any changes to game state from triggering
   * @returns the final in-battle value of a stat
  getEffectiveStat(stat: EffectiveStat, opponent?: Pokemon, move?: Move, ignoreAbility: boolean = false, ignoreOppAbility: boolean = false, isCritical: boolean = false, simulated: boolean = true): integer {
    const statValue = new Utils.NumberHolder(this.getStat(stat, false));
    this.scene.applyModifiers(StatBoosterModifier, this.isPlayer(), this, stat, statValue);

    // The Ruin abilities here are never ignored, but they reveal themselves on summon anyway
    const fieldApplied = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);
    for (const pokemon of this.scene.getField(true)) {
      applyFieldStatMultiplierAbAttrs(FieldMultiplyStatAbAttr, pokemon, stat, statValue, this, fieldApplied, simulated);
      if (fieldApplied.value) {
    if (!ignoreAbility) {
      applyStatMultiplierAbAttrs(StatMultiplierAbAttr, this, stat, statValue, simulated);

    let ret = statValue.value * this.getStatStageMultiplier(stat, opponent, move, ignoreOppAbility, isCritical, simulated);

    switch (stat) {
    case Stat.ATK:
      if (this.getTag(BattlerTagType.SLOW_START)) {
        ret >>= 1;
    case Stat.DEF:
      if (this.isOfType(Type.ICE) && === WeatherType.SNOW) {
        ret *= 1.5;
    case Stat.SPATK:
    case Stat.SPDEF:
      if (this.isOfType(Type.ROCK) && === WeatherType.SANDSTORM) {
        ret *= 1.5;
    case Stat.SPD:
      // Check both the player and enemy to see if Tailwind should be multiplying the speed of the Pokemon
      if    ((this.isPlayer() && this.scene.arena.getTagOnSide(ArenaTagType.TAILWIND, ArenaTagSide.PLAYER))
          ||  (!this.isPlayer() && this.scene.arena.getTagOnSide(ArenaTagType.TAILWIND, ArenaTagSide.ENEMY))) {
        ret *= 2;

      if (this.getTag(BattlerTagType.SLOW_START)) {
        ret >>= 1;
      if (this.status && this.status.effect === StatusEffect.PARALYSIS) {
        ret >>= 1;

    const highestStatBoost = this.findTag(t => t instanceof HighestStatBoostTag && (t as HighestStatBoostTag).stat === stat) as HighestStatBoostTag;
    if (highestStatBoost) {
      ret *= highestStatBoost.multiplier;

    return Math.floor(ret);

  calculateStats(): void {
    if (!this.stats) {
      this.stats = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ];

    // Get and manipulate base stats
    const baseStats = this.calculateBaseStats();
    // Using base stats, calculate and store stats one by one
    for (const s of PERMANENT_STATS) {
      let value = Math.floor(((2 * baseStats[s] + this.ivs[s]) * this.level) * 0.01);
      if (s === Stat.HP) {
        value = value + this.level + 10;
        if (this.hasAbility(Abilities.WONDER_GUARD, false, true)) {
          value = 1;
        if (this.hp > value || this.hp === undefined) {
          this.hp = value;
        } else if (this.hp) {
          const lastMaxHp = this.getMaxHp();
          if (lastMaxHp && value > lastMaxHp) {
            this.hp += value - lastMaxHp;
      } else {
        value += 5;
        const natureStatMultiplier = new Utils.NumberHolder(getNatureStatMultiplier(this.getNature(), s));
        this.scene.applyModifier(PokemonNatureWeightModifier, this.isPlayer(), this, natureStatMultiplier);
        if (natureStatMultiplier.value !== 1) {
          value = Math.max(Math[natureStatMultiplier.value > 1 ? "ceil" : "floor"](value * natureStatMultiplier.value), 1);

      this.setStat(s, value);
    this.scene.applyModifier(PokemonIncrementingStatModifier, this.isPlayer(), this, this.stats);

  calculateBaseStats(): number[] {
    const baseStats = this.getSpeciesForm(true).baseStats.slice(0);
    // Shuckle Juice
    this.scene.applyModifiers(PokemonBaseStatTotalModifier, this.isPlayer(), this, baseStats);
    // Old Gateau
    this.scene.applyModifiers(PokemonBaseStatFlatModifier, this.isPlayer(), this, baseStats);
    if (this.isFusion()) {
      const fusionBaseStats = this.getFusionSpeciesForm(true).baseStats;
      for (const s of PERMANENT_STATS) {
        baseStats[s] = Math.ceil((baseStats[s] + fusionBaseStats[s]) / 2);
    } else if (this.scene.gameMode.isSplicedOnly) {
      for (const s of PERMANENT_STATS) {
        baseStats[s] = Math.ceil(baseStats[s] / 2);
    // Vitamins
    this.scene.applyModifiers(BaseStatModifier, this.isPlayer(), this, baseStats);

    return baseStats;

  getNature(): Nature {
    return this.natureOverride !== -1 ? this.natureOverride : this.nature;

  setNature(nature: Nature): void {
    this.nature = nature;

  generateNature(naturePool?: Nature[]): void {
    if (naturePool === undefined) {
      naturePool = Utils.getEnumValues(Nature);
    const nature = naturePool[Utils.randSeedInt(naturePool.length)];

  isFullHp(): boolean {
    return this.hp >= this.getMaxHp();

  getMaxHp(): integer {
    return this.getStat(Stat.HP);

  getInverseHp(): integer {
    return this.getMaxHp() - this.hp;

  getHpRatio(precise: boolean = false): number {
    return precise
      ? this.hp / this.getMaxHp()
      : Math.round((this.hp / this.getMaxHp()) * 100) / 100;

  generateGender(): void {
    if (this.species.malePercent === null) {
      this.gender = Gender.GENDERLESS;
    } else {
      const genderChance = ( % 256) * 0.390625;
      if (genderChance < this.species.malePercent) {
        this.gender = Gender.MALE;
      } else {
        this.gender = Gender.FEMALE;

  getGender(ignoreOverride?: boolean): Gender {
    if (!ignoreOverride && this.summonData?.gender !== undefined) {
      return this.summonData.gender;
    return this.gender;

  getFusionGender(ignoreOverride?: boolean): Gender {
    if (!ignoreOverride && this.summonData?.fusionGender !== undefined) {
      return this.summonData.fusionGender;
    return this.fusionGender;

  isShiny(): boolean {
    return this.shiny || (this.isFusion() && this.fusionShiny);

  getVariant(): Variant {
    return !this.isFusion() ? this.variant : Math.max(this.variant, this.fusionVariant) as Variant;

  getLuck(): integer {
    return this.luck + (this.isFusion() ? this.fusionLuck : 0);

  isFusion(): boolean {
    return !!this.fusionSpecies;

  abstract isBoss(): boolean;

  getMoveset(ignoreOverride?: boolean): (PokemonMove | null)[] {
    const ret = !ignoreOverride && this.summonData?.moveset
      ? this.summonData.moveset
      : this.moveset;

    // Overrides moveset based on arrays specified in overrides.ts
    let overrideArray: Moves | Array<Moves> = this.isPlayer() ? Overrides.MOVESET_OVERRIDE : Overrides.OPP_MOVESET_OVERRIDE;
    if (!Array.isArray(overrideArray)) {
      overrideArray = [overrideArray];
    if (overrideArray.length > 0) {
      if (!this.isPlayer()) {
        this.moveset = [];
      overrideArray.forEach((move: Moves, index: number) => {
        const ppUsed = this.moveset[index]?.ppUsed ?? 0;
        this.moveset[index] = new PokemonMove(move, Math.min(ppUsed, allMoves[move].pp));

    return ret;

   * Checks which egg moves have been unlocked for the {@linkcode Pokemon} based
   * on the species it was met at or by the first {@linkcode Pokemon} in its evolution
   * line that can act as a starter and provides those egg moves.
   * @returns an array of {@linkcode Moves}, the length of which is determined by how many
   * egg moves are unlocked for that species.
  getUnlockedEggMoves(): Moves[] {
    const moves: Moves[] = [];
    const species = this.metSpecies in speciesEggMoves ? this.metSpecies : this.getSpeciesForm(true).getRootSpeciesId(true);
    if (species in speciesEggMoves) {
      for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        if (this.scene.gameData.starterData[species].eggMoves & (1 << i)) {
    return moves;

   * Gets all possible learnable level moves for the {@linkcode Pokemon},
   * excluding any moves already known.
   * Available egg moves are only included if the {@linkcode Pokemon} was
   * in the starting party of the run and if Fresh Start is not active.
   * @returns an array of {@linkcode Moves}, the length of which is determined
   * by how many learnable moves there are for the {@linkcode Pokemon}.
  getLearnableLevelMoves(): Moves[] {
    let levelMoves = this.getLevelMoves(1, true, false, true).map(lm => lm[1]);
    if (this.metBiome === -1 && !this.scene.gameMode.isFreshStartChallenge() && !this.scene.gameMode.isDaily) {
      levelMoves = this.getUnlockedEggMoves().concat(levelMoves);
    if (Array.isArray(this.usedTMs) && this.usedTMs.length > 0) {
      levelMoves = this.usedTMs.filter(m => !levelMoves.includes(m)).concat(levelMoves);
    levelMoves = levelMoves.filter(lm => !this.moveset.some(m => m?.moveId === lm));
    return levelMoves;

   * Gets the types of a pokemon
   * @param includeTeraType boolean to include tera-formed type, default false
   * @param forDefend boolean if the pokemon is defending from an attack
   * @param ignoreOverride boolean if true, ignore ability changing effects
   * @returns array of {@linkcode Type}
  getTypes(includeTeraType = false, forDefend: boolean = false, ignoreOverride?: boolean): Type[] {
    const types : Type[] = [];

    if (includeTeraType) {
      const teraType = this.getTeraType();
      if (teraType !== Type.UNKNOWN) {
        if (forDefend) {
          return types;

    if (!types.length || !includeTeraType) {
      if (!ignoreOverride && this.summonData?.types && this.summonData.types.length > 0) {
        this.summonData.types.forEach(t => types.push(t));
      } else if (this.mysteryEncounterPokemonData.types && this.mysteryEncounterPokemonData.types.length > 0) {
        // "Permanent" override for a Pokemon's normal types, currently only used by Mystery Encounters

        // Fusing a Pokemon onto something with "permanently changed" types will still apply the fusion's types as normal
        const fusionSpeciesForm = this.getFusionSpeciesForm(ignoreOverride);
        if (fusionSpeciesForm) {
          // Check if the fusion Pokemon also had "permanently changed" types
          const fusionMETypes = this.fusionMysteryEncounterPokemonData?.types;
          if (fusionMETypes && fusionMETypes.length >= 2 && fusionMETypes[1] !== types[0]) {
          } else if (fusionMETypes && fusionMETypes.length === 1 && fusionMETypes[0] !== types[0]) {
          } else if (fusionSpeciesForm.type2 !== null && fusionSpeciesForm.type2 !== types[0]) {
          } else if (fusionSpeciesForm.type1 !== types[0]) {

        if (types.length === 1 && this.mysteryEncounterPokemonData.types.length >= 2) {
      } else {
        const speciesForm = this.getSpeciesForm(ignoreOverride);


        const fusionSpeciesForm = this.getFusionSpeciesForm(ignoreOverride);
        if (fusionSpeciesForm) {
          // Check if the fusion Pokemon also had "permanently changed" types
          // Otherwise, use standard fusion type logic
          const fusionMETypes = this.fusionMysteryEncounterPokemonData?.types;
          if (fusionMETypes && fusionMETypes.length >= 2 && fusionMETypes[1] !== types[0]) {
          } else if (fusionMETypes && fusionMETypes.length === 1 && fusionMETypes[0] !== types[0]) {
          } else if (fusionSpeciesForm.type2 !== null && fusionSpeciesForm.type2 !== speciesForm.type1) {
          } else if (fusionSpeciesForm.type1 !== speciesForm.type1) {

        if (types.length === 1 && speciesForm.type2 !== null) {

    // this.scene potentially can be undefined for a fainted pokemon in doubles
    // use optional chaining to avoid runtime errors

    if (!types.length) { // become UNKNOWN if no types are present

    if (types.length > 1 && types.includes(Type.UNKNOWN)) { // remove UNKNOWN if other types are present
      const index = types.indexOf(Type.UNKNOWN);
      if (index !== -1) {
        types.splice(index, 1);

    return types;

  isOfType(type: Type, includeTeraType: boolean = true, forDefend: boolean = false, ignoreOverride?: boolean): boolean {
    return !!this.getTypes(includeTeraType, forDefend, ignoreOverride).some(t => t === type);

   * Gets the non-passive ability of the pokemon. This accounts for fusions and ability changing effects.
   * This should rarely be called, most of the time {@link hasAbility} or {@link hasAbilityWithAttr} are better used as
   * those check both the passive and non-passive abilities and account for ability suppression.
   * @see {@link hasAbility} {@link hasAbilityWithAttr} Intended ways to check abilities in most cases
   * @param {boolean} ignoreOverride If true, ignore ability changing effects
   * @returns {Ability} The non-passive ability of the pokemon
  getAbility(ignoreOverride?: boolean): Ability {
    if (!ignoreOverride && this.summonData?.ability) {
      return allAbilities[this.summonData.ability];
    if (Overrides.ABILITY_OVERRIDE && this.isPlayer()) {
      return allAbilities[Overrides.ABILITY_OVERRIDE];
    if (Overrides.OPP_ABILITY_OVERRIDE && !this.isPlayer()) {
      return allAbilities[Overrides.OPP_ABILITY_OVERRIDE];
    if (this.isFusion()) {
      if (!isNullOrUndefined(this.fusionMysteryEncounterPokemonData?.ability) && this.fusionMysteryEncounterPokemonData!.ability !== -1) {
        return allAbilities[this.fusionMysteryEncounterPokemonData!.ability];
      } else {
        return allAbilities[this.getFusionSpeciesForm(ignoreOverride).getAbility(this.fusionAbilityIndex)];
    if (!isNullOrUndefined(this.mysteryEncounterPokemonData.ability) && this.mysteryEncounterPokemonData.ability !== -1) {
      return allAbilities[this.mysteryEncounterPokemonData.ability];
    let abilityId = this.getSpeciesForm(ignoreOverride).getAbility(this.abilityIndex);
    if (abilityId === Abilities.NONE) {
      abilityId = this.species.ability1;
    return allAbilities[abilityId];

   * Gets the passive ability of the pokemon. This should rarely be called, most of the time
   * {@link hasAbility} or {@link hasAbilityWithAttr} are better used as those check both the passive and
   * non-passive abilities and account for ability suppression.
   * @see {@link hasAbility} {@link hasAbilityWithAttr} Intended ways to check abilities in most cases
   * @returns {Ability} The passive ability of the pokemon
  getPassiveAbility(): Ability {
    if (Overrides.PASSIVE_ABILITY_OVERRIDE && this.isPlayer()) {
      return allAbilities[Overrides.PASSIVE_ABILITY_OVERRIDE];
    if (Overrides.OPP_PASSIVE_ABILITY_OVERRIDE && !this.isPlayer()) {
      return allAbilities[Overrides.OPP_PASSIVE_ABILITY_OVERRIDE];
    if (!isNullOrUndefined(this.mysteryEncounterPokemonData.passive) && this.mysteryEncounterPokemonData.passive !== -1) {
      return allAbilities[this.mysteryEncounterPokemonData.passive];

    let starterSpeciesId = this.species.speciesId;
    while (pokemonPrevolutions.hasOwnProperty(starterSpeciesId)) {
      starterSpeciesId = pokemonPrevolutions[starterSpeciesId];
    return allAbilities[starterPassiveAbilities[starterSpeciesId]];

   * Gets a list of all instances of a given ability attribute among abilities this pokemon has.
   * Accounts for all the various effects which can affect whether an ability will be present or
   * in effect, and both passive and non-passive.
   * @param attrType {@linkcode AbAttr} The ability attribute to check for.
   * @param canApply {@linkcode Boolean} If false, it doesn't check whether the ability is currently active
   * @param ignoreOverride {@linkcode Boolean} If true, it ignores ability changing effects
   * @returns A list of all the ability attributes on this ability.
  getAbilityAttrs<T extends AbAttr = AbAttr>(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): T }, canApply: boolean = true, ignoreOverride?: boolean): T[] {
    const abilityAttrs: T[] = [];

    if (!canApply || this.canApplyAbility()) {

    if (!canApply || this.canApplyAbility(true)) {

    return abilityAttrs;

   * Checks if a pokemon has a passive either from:
   *  - bought with starter candy
   *  - set by override
   *  - is a boss pokemon
   * @returns whether or not a pokemon should have a passive
  hasPassive(): boolean {
    // returns override if valid for current case
    if ((Overrides.PASSIVE_ABILITY_OVERRIDE !== Abilities.NONE && this.isPlayer()) ||
        (Overrides.OPP_PASSIVE_ABILITY_OVERRIDE !== Abilities.NONE && !this.isPlayer())) {
      return true;

    // Classic Final boss and Endless Minor/Major bosses do not have passive
    const { currentBattle, gameMode } = this.scene;
    const waveIndex = currentBattle?.waveIndex;
    if (this instanceof EnemyPokemon &&
      (currentBattle?.battleSpec === BattleSpec.FINAL_BOSS ||
      gameMode.isEndlessMinorBoss(waveIndex) ||
      gameMode.isEndlessMajorBoss(waveIndex))) {
      return false;

    return this.passive || this.isBoss();

   * Checks whether an ability of a pokemon can be currently applied. This should rarely be
   * directly called, as {@link hasAbility} and {@link hasAbilityWithAttr} already call this.
   * @see {@link hasAbility} {@link hasAbilityWithAttr} Intended ways to check abilities in most cases
   * @param {boolean} passive If true, check if passive can be applied instead of non-passive
   * @returns {Ability} The passive ability of the pokemon
  canApplyAbility(passive: boolean = false): boolean {
    if (passive && !this.hasPassive()) {
      return false;
    const ability = (!passive ? this.getAbility() : this.getPassiveAbility());
    if (this.isFusion() && ability.hasAttr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr)) {
      return false;
    if (this.scene?.arena.ignoreAbilities && ability.isIgnorable) {
      return false;
    if (this.summonData?.abilitySuppressed && !ability.hasAttr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr)) {
      return false;
    if (this.isOnField() && !ability.hasAttr(SuppressFieldAbilitiesAbAttr)) {
      const suppressed = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);
      this.scene.getField(true).filter(p => p !== this).map(p => {
        if (p.getAbility().hasAttr(SuppressFieldAbilitiesAbAttr) && p.canApplyAbility()) {
          p.getAbility().getAttrs(SuppressFieldAbilitiesAbAttr).map(a => a.apply(this, false, false, suppressed, [ability]));
        if (p.getPassiveAbility().hasAttr(SuppressFieldAbilitiesAbAttr) && p.canApplyAbility(true)) {
          p.getPassiveAbility().getAttrs(SuppressFieldAbilitiesAbAttr).map(a => a.apply(this, true, false, suppressed, [ability]));
      if (suppressed.value) {
        return false;
    return (!!this.hp || ability.isBypassFaint) && !ability.conditions.find(condition => !condition(this));

   * Checks whether a pokemon has the specified ability and it's in effect. Accounts for all the various
   * effects which can affect whether an ability will be present or in effect, and both passive and
   * non-passive. This is the primary way to check whether a pokemon has a particular ability.
   * @param {Abilities} ability The ability to check for
   * @param {boolean} canApply If false, it doesn't check whether the ability is currently active
   * @param {boolean} ignoreOverride If true, it ignores ability changing effects
   * @returns {boolean} Whether the ability is present and active
  hasAbility(ability: Abilities, canApply: boolean = true, ignoreOverride?: boolean): boolean {
    if ((!canApply || this.canApplyAbility()) && this.getAbility(ignoreOverride).id === ability) {
      return true;
    if (this.hasPassive() && (!canApply || this.canApplyAbility(true)) && this.getPassiveAbility().id === ability) {
      return true;
    return false;

   * Checks whether a pokemon has an ability with the specified attribute and it's in effect.
   * Accounts for all the various effects which can affect whether an ability will be present or
   * in effect, and both passive and non-passive. This is one of the two primary ways to check
   * whether a pokemon has a particular ability.
   * @param {AbAttr} attrType The ability attribute to check for
   * @param {boolean} canApply If false, it doesn't check whether the ability is currently active
   * @param {boolean} ignoreOverride If true, it ignores ability changing effects
   * @returns {boolean} Whether an ability with that attribute is present and active
  hasAbilityWithAttr(attrType: Constructor<AbAttr>, canApply: boolean = true, ignoreOverride?: boolean): boolean {
    if ((!canApply || this.canApplyAbility()) && this.getAbility(ignoreOverride).hasAttr(attrType)) {
      return true;
    if (this.hasPassive() && (!canApply || this.canApplyAbility(true)) && this.getPassiveAbility().hasAttr(attrType)) {
      return true;
    return false;

  getWeight(): number {
    const weight = new Utils.NumberHolder(this.species.weight);
    // This will trigger the ability overlay so only call this function when necessary
    applyAbAttrs(WeightMultiplierAbAttr, this, null, false, weight);
    return weight.value;

   * Gets the tera-formed type of the pokemon, or UNKNOWN if not present
   * @returns the {@linkcode Type}
  getTeraType(): Type {
    // this.scene can be undefined for a fainted mon in doubles
    if (this.scene !== undefined) {
      const teraModifier = this.scene.findModifier(m => m instanceof TerastallizeModifier
        && m.pokemonId === && !!m.getBattlesLeft(), this.isPlayer()) as TerastallizeModifier;
      // return teraType
      if (teraModifier) {
        return teraModifier.teraType;
    // if scene is undefined, or if teraModifier is considered false, then return unknown type
    return Type.UNKNOWN;

  isTerastallized(): boolean {
    return this.getTeraType() !== Type.UNKNOWN;

  isGrounded(): boolean {
    return !!this.getTag(GroundedTag) || (!this.isOfType(Type.FLYING, true, true) && !this.hasAbility(Abilities.LEVITATE) && !this.getTag(BattlerTagType.MAGNET_RISEN) && !this.getTag(SemiInvulnerableTag));

   * Determines whether this Pokemon is prevented from running or switching due
   * to effects from moves and/or abilities.
   * @param trappedAbMessages `string[]` If defined, ability trigger messages
   * (e.g. from Shadow Tag) are forwarded through this array.
   * @param simulated `boolean` if `true`, applies abilities via simulated calls.
   * @returns
  isTrapped(trappedAbMessages: string[] = [], simulated: boolean = true): boolean {
    if (this.isOfType(Type.GHOST)) {
      return false;

    const trappedByAbility = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);
    const opposingField = this.isPlayer() ? this.scene.getEnemyField() : this.scene.getPlayerField();

    opposingField.forEach(opponent =>
      applyCheckTrappedAbAttrs(CheckTrappedAbAttr, opponent, trappedByAbility, this, trappedAbMessages, simulated)

    return (trappedByAbility.value || !!this.getTag(TrappedTag));

   * Calculates the type of a move when used by this Pokemon after
   * type-changing move and ability attributes have applied.
   * @param move {@linkcode Move} The move being used.
   * @param simulated If `true`, prevents showing abilities applied in this calculation.
   * @returns the {@linkcode Type} of the move after attributes are applied
  getMoveType(move: Move, simulated: boolean = true): Type {
    const moveTypeHolder = new Utils.NumberHolder(move.type);

    applyMoveAttrs(VariableMoveTypeAttr, this, null, move, moveTypeHolder);
    applyPreAttackAbAttrs(MoveTypeChangeAbAttr, this, null, move, simulated, moveTypeHolder);

    return moveTypeHolder.value as Type;

   * Calculates the effectiveness of a move against the Pokémon.
   * This includes modifiers from move and ability attributes.
   * @param source {@linkcode Pokemon} The attacking Pokémon.
   * @param move {@linkcode Move} The move being used by the attacking Pokémon.
   * @param ignoreAbility Whether to ignore abilities that might affect type effectiveness or immunity (defaults to `false`).
   * @param simulated Whether to apply abilities via simulated calls (defaults to `true`)
   * @param cancelled {@linkcode Utils.BooleanHolder} Stores whether the move was cancelled by a non-type-based immunity.
   * Currently only used by {@linkcode Pokemon.apply} to determine whether a "No effect" message should be shown.
   * @returns The type damage multiplier, indicating the effectiveness of the move
  getMoveEffectiveness(source: Pokemon, move: Move, ignoreAbility: boolean = false, simulated: boolean = true, cancelled?: Utils.BooleanHolder): TypeDamageMultiplier {
    if (move.hasAttr(TypelessAttr)) {
      return 1;
    const moveType = source.getMoveType(move);

    const typeMultiplier = new Utils.NumberHolder((move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS || move.hasAttr(RespectAttackTypeImmunityAttr))
      ? this.getAttackTypeEffectiveness(moveType, source, false, simulated)
      : 1);

    applyMoveAttrs(VariableMoveTypeMultiplierAttr, source, this, move, typeMultiplier);
    if (this.getTypes(true, true).find(t => move.isTypeImmune(source, this, t))) {
      typeMultiplier.value = 0;

    if (this.getTag(TarShotTag) && (this.getMoveType(move) === Type.FIRE)) {
      typeMultiplier.value *= 2;

    const cancelledHolder = cancelled ?? new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);
    if (!ignoreAbility) {
      applyPreDefendAbAttrs(TypeImmunityAbAttr, this, source, move, cancelledHolder, simulated, typeMultiplier);

      if (!cancelledHolder.value) {
        applyPreDefendAbAttrs(MoveImmunityAbAttr, this, source, move, cancelledHolder, simulated, typeMultiplier);

      if (!cancelledHolder.value) {
        const defendingSidePlayField = this.isPlayer() ? this.scene.getPlayerField() : this.scene.getEnemyField();
        defendingSidePlayField.forEach((p) => applyPreDefendAbAttrs(FieldPriorityMoveImmunityAbAttr, p, source, move, cancelledHolder));

    const immuneTags = this.findTags(tag => tag instanceof TypeImmuneTag && tag.immuneType === moveType);
    for (const tag of immuneTags) {
      if (move && !move.getAttrs(HitsTagAttr).some(attr => attr.tagType === tag.tagType)) {
        typeMultiplier.value = 0;

    // Apply Tera Shell's effect to attacks after all immunities are accounted for
    if (!ignoreAbility && move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS) {
      applyPreDefendAbAttrs(FullHpResistTypeAbAttr, this, source, move, cancelledHolder, simulated, typeMultiplier);

    if (move.category === MoveCategory.STATUS && move.hitsSubstitute(source, this)) {
      typeMultiplier.value = 0;

    return (!cancelledHolder.value ? typeMultiplier.value : 0) as TypeDamageMultiplier;

   * Calculates the move's type effectiveness multiplier based on the target's type/s.
   * @param moveType {@linkcode Type} the type of the move being used
   * @param source {@linkcode Pokemon} the Pokemon using the move
   * @param ignoreStrongWinds whether or not this ignores strong winds (anticipation, forewarn, stealth rocks)
   * @param simulated tag to only apply the strong winds effect message when the move is used
   * @returns a multiplier for the type effectiveness
  getAttackTypeEffectiveness(moveType: Type, source?: Pokemon, ignoreStrongWinds: boolean = false, simulated: boolean = true): TypeDamageMultiplier {
    if (moveType === Type.STELLAR) {
      return this.isTerastallized() ? 2 : 1;
    const types = this.getTypes(true, true);
    const arena = this.scene.arena;

    // Handle flying v ground type immunity without removing flying type so effective types are still effective
    // Related to
    if (moveType === Type.GROUND && (this.isGrounded() || arena.hasTag(ArenaTagType.GRAVITY))) {
      const flyingIndex = types.indexOf(Type.FLYING);
      if (flyingIndex > -1) {
        types.splice(flyingIndex, 1);

    let multiplier = => {
      const multiplier = new Utils.NumberHolder(getTypeDamageMultiplier(moveType, defType));
      applyChallenges(this.scene.gameMode, ChallengeType.TYPE_EFFECTIVENESS, multiplier);
      if (source) {
        const ignoreImmunity = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);
        if (source.isActive(true) && source.hasAbilityWithAttr(IgnoreTypeImmunityAbAttr)) {
          applyAbAttrs(IgnoreTypeImmunityAbAttr, source, ignoreImmunity, simulated, moveType, defType);
        if (ignoreImmunity.value) {
          if (multiplier.value === 0) {
            return 1;

        const exposedTags = this.findTags(tag => tag instanceof ExposedTag) as ExposedTag[];
        if (exposedTags.some(t => t.ignoreImmunity(defType, moveType))) {
          if (multiplier.value === 0) {
            return 1;
      return multiplier.value;
    }).reduce((acc, cur) => acc * cur, 1) as TypeDamageMultiplier;

    const typeMultiplierAgainstFlying = new Utils.NumberHolder(getTypeDamageMultiplier(moveType, Type.FLYING));
    applyChallenges(this.scene.gameMode, ChallengeType.TYPE_EFFECTIVENESS, typeMultiplierAgainstFlying);
    // Handle strong winds lowering effectiveness of types super effective against pure flying
    if (!ignoreStrongWinds && === WeatherType.STRONG_WINDS && ! && this.isOfType(Type.FLYING) && typeMultiplierAgainstFlying.value === 2) {
      multiplier /= 2;
      if (!simulated) {
    return multiplier as TypeDamageMultiplier;

   * Computes the given Pokemon's matchup score against this Pokemon.
   * In most cases, this score ranges from near-zero to 16, but the maximum possible matchup score is 64.
   * @param opponent {@linkcode Pokemon} The Pokemon to compare this Pokemon against
   * @returns A score value based on how favorable this Pokemon is when fighting the given Pokemon
  getMatchupScore(opponent: Pokemon): number {
    const types = this.getTypes(true);
    const enemyTypes = opponent.getTypes(true, true);
    /** Is this Pokemon faster than the opponent? */
    const outspeed = (this.isActive(true) ? this.getEffectiveStat(Stat.SPD, opponent) : this.getStat(Stat.SPD, false)) >= opponent.getEffectiveStat(Stat.SPD, this);
     * Based on how effective this Pokemon's types are offensively against the opponent's types.
     * This score is increased by 25 percent if this Pokemon is faster than the opponent.
    let atkScore = opponent.getAttackTypeEffectiveness(types[0], this) * (outspeed ? 1.25 : 1);
     * Based on how effectively this Pokemon defends against the opponent's types.
     * This score cannot be higher than 4.
    let defScore = 1 / Math.max(this.getAttackTypeEffectiveness(enemyTypes[0], opponent), 0.25);
    if (types.length > 1) {
      atkScore *= opponent.getAttackTypeEffectiveness(types[1], this);
    if (enemyTypes.length > 1) {
      defScore *= (1 / Math.max(this.getAttackTypeEffectiveness(enemyTypes[1], opponent), 0.25));
     * Based on this Pokemon's HP ratio compared to that of the opponent.
     * This ratio is multiplied by 1.5 if this Pokemon outspeeds the opponent;
     * however, the final ratio cannot be higher than 1.
    let hpDiffRatio = this.getHpRatio() + (1 - opponent.getHpRatio());
    if (outspeed) {
      hpDiffRatio = Math.min(hpDiffRatio * 1.5, 1);
    return (atkScore + defScore) * hpDiffRatio;

  getEvolution(): SpeciesFormEvolution | null {
    if (pokemonEvolutions.hasOwnProperty(this.species.speciesId)) {
      const evolutions = pokemonEvolutions[this.species.speciesId];
      for (const e of evolutions) {
        if (!e.item && this.level >= e.level && (!e.preFormKey || this.getFormKey() === e.preFormKey)) {
          if (e.condition === null || (e.condition as SpeciesEvolutionCondition).predicate(this)) {
            return e;

    if (this.isFusion() && this.fusionSpecies && pokemonEvolutions.hasOwnProperty(this.fusionSpecies.speciesId)) {
      const fusionEvolutions = pokemonEvolutions[this.fusionSpecies.speciesId].map(e => new FusionSpeciesFormEvolution(this.species.speciesId, e));
      for (const fe of fusionEvolutions) {
        if (!fe.item && this.level >= fe.level && (!fe.preFormKey || this.getFusionFormKey() === fe.preFormKey)) {
          if (fe.condition === null || (fe.condition as SpeciesEvolutionCondition).predicate(this)) {
            return fe;

    return null;

   * Gets all level up moves in a given range for a particular pokemon.
   * @param {integer} startingLevel Don't include moves below this level
   * @param {boolean} includeEvolutionMoves Whether to include evolution moves
   * @param {boolean} simulateEvolutionChain Whether to include moves from prior evolutions
   * @param {boolean} includeRelearnerMoves Whether to include moves that would require a relearner. Note the move relearner inherently allows evolution moves
   * @returns {LevelMoves} A list of moves and the levels they can be learned at
  getLevelMoves(startingLevel?: integer, includeEvolutionMoves: boolean = false, simulateEvolutionChain: boolean = false, includeRelearnerMoves: boolean = false): LevelMoves {
    const ret: LevelMoves = [];
    let levelMoves: LevelMoves = [];
    if (!startingLevel) {
      startingLevel = this.level;
    if (simulateEvolutionChain) {
      const evolutionChain = this.species.getSimulatedEvolutionChain(this.level, this.hasTrainer(), this.isBoss(), this.isPlayer());
      for (let e = 0; e < evolutionChain.length; e++) {
        // TODO: Might need to pass specific form index in simulated evolution chain
        const speciesLevelMoves = getPokemonSpeciesForm(evolutionChain[e][0], this.formIndex).getLevelMoves();
        if (includeRelearnerMoves) {
        } else {
          levelMoves.push(...speciesLevelMoves.filter(lm => (includeEvolutionMoves && lm[0] === 0) || ((!e || lm[0] > 1) && (e === evolutionChain.length - 1 || lm[0] <= evolutionChain[e + 1][1]))));
    } else {
      levelMoves = this.getSpeciesForm(true).getLevelMoves().filter(lm => (includeEvolutionMoves && lm[0] === 0) || (includeRelearnerMoves && lm[0] === -1) || lm[0] > 0);
    if (this.fusionSpecies) {
      if (simulateEvolutionChain) {
        const fusionEvolutionChain = this.fusionSpecies.getSimulatedEvolutionChain(this.level, this.hasTrainer(), this.isBoss(), this.isPlayer());
        for (let e = 0; e < fusionEvolutionChain.length; e++) {
          // TODO: Might need to pass specific form index in simulated evolution chain
          const speciesLevelMoves = getPokemonSpeciesForm(fusionEvolutionChain[e][0], this.fusionFormIndex).getLevelMoves();
          if (includeRelearnerMoves) {
            levelMoves.push(...speciesLevelMoves.filter(lm => (includeEvolutionMoves && lm[0] === 0) || lm[0] !== 0));
          } else {
            levelMoves.push(...speciesLevelMoves.filter(lm => (includeEvolutionMoves && lm[0] === 0) || ((!e || lm[0] > 1) && (e === fusionEvolutionChain.length - 1 || lm[0] <= fusionEvolutionChain[e + 1][1]))));
      } else {
        levelMoves.push(...this.getFusionSpeciesForm(true).getLevelMoves().filter(lm => (includeEvolutionMoves && lm[0] === 0) || (includeRelearnerMoves && lm[0] === -1) || lm[0] > 0));
    levelMoves.sort((lma: [integer, integer], lmb: [integer, integer]) => lma[0] > lmb[0] ? 1 : lma[0] < lmb[0] ? -1 : 0);

     * Filter out moves not within the correct level range(s)
     * Includes moves below startingLevel, or of specifically level 0 if
     * includeRelearnerMoves or includeEvolutionMoves are true respectively
    levelMoves = levelMoves.filter(lm => {
      const level = lm[0];
      const isRelearner = level < startingLevel;
      const allowedEvolutionMove = (level === 0) && includeEvolutionMoves;

      return !(level > this.level)
          && (includeRelearnerMoves || !isRelearner || allowedEvolutionMove);

     * This must be done AFTER filtering by level, else if the same move shows up
     * in levelMoves multiple times all but the lowest level one will be skipped.
     * This causes problems when there are intentional duplicates (i.e. Smeargle with Sketch)
    if (levelMoves) {
      this.getUniqueMoves(levelMoves, ret);

    return ret;

   * Helper function for getLevelMoves.
   * Finds all non-duplicate items from the input, and pushes them into the output.
   * Two items count as duplicate if they have the same Move, regardless of level.
   * @param levelMoves the input array to search for non-duplicates from
   * @param ret the output array to be pushed into.
  private getUniqueMoves(levelMoves: LevelMoves, ret: LevelMoves ): void {
    const uniqueMoves : Moves[] = [];
    for (const lm of levelMoves) {
      if (!uniqueMoves.find(m => m === lm[1])) {

   * Get a list of all egg moves
   * @returns list of egg moves
  getEggMoves() : Moves[] {
    return speciesEggMoves[this.species.speciesId];

  setMove(moveIndex: integer, moveId: Moves): void {
    const move = moveId ? new PokemonMove(moveId) : null;
    this.moveset[moveIndex] = move;
    if (this.summonData?.moveset) {
      this.summonData.moveset[moveIndex] = move;

   * Function that tries to set a Pokemon shiny based on the trainer's trainer ID and secret ID.
   * Endless Pokemon in the end biome are unable to be set to shiny
   * The exact mechanic is that it calculates E as the XOR of the player's trainer ID and secret ID.
   * F is calculated as the XOR of the first 16 bits of the Pokemon's ID with the last 16 bits.
   * The XOR of E and F are then compared to the {@linkcode shinyThreshold} (or {@linkcode thresholdOverride} if set) to see whether or not to generate a shiny.
   * The base shiny odds are {@linkcode baseShinyChance} / 65536
   * @param thresholdOverride number that is divided by 2^16 (65536) to get the shiny chance, overrides {@linkcode shinyThreshold} if set (bypassing shiny rate modifiers such as Shiny Charm)
   * @returns true if the Pokemon has been set as a shiny, false otherwise
  trySetShiny(thresholdOverride?: integer): boolean {
    // Shiny Pokemon should not spawn in the end biome in endless
    if (this.scene.gameMode.isEndless && this.scene.arena.biomeType === Biome.END) {
      return false;

    const rand1 = ( & 0xFFFF0000) >>> 16;
    const rand2 = ( & 0x0000FFFF);

    const E = this.scene.gameData.trainerId ^ this.scene.gameData.secretId;
    const F = rand1 ^ rand2;

    /** `64/65536 -> 1/1024` */
    const baseShinyChance = 64;
    const shinyThreshold = new Utils.IntegerHolder(baseShinyChance);
    if (thresholdOverride === undefined) {
      if (this.scene.eventManager.isEventActive()) {
        shinyThreshold.value *= this.scene.eventManager.getShinyMultiplier();
      if (!this.hasTrainer()) {
        this.scene.applyModifiers(ShinyRateBoosterModifier, true, shinyThreshold);
    } else {
      shinyThreshold.value = thresholdOverride;

    this.shiny = (E ^ F) < shinyThreshold.value;

    if (this.shiny) {

    return this.shiny;

   * Function that tries to set a Pokemon shiny based on seed.
   * For manual use only, usually to roll a Pokemon's shiny chance a second time.
   * The base shiny odds are {@linkcode baseShinyChance} / 65536
   * @param thresholdOverride number that is divided by 2^16 (65536) to get the shiny chance, overrides {@linkcode shinyThreshold} if set (bypassing shiny rate modifiers such as Shiny Charm)
   * @param applyModifiersToOverride If {@linkcode thresholdOverride} is set and this is true, will apply Shiny Charm and event modifiers to {@linkcode thresholdOverride}
   * @returns true if the Pokemon has been set as a shiny, false otherwise
  trySetShinySeed(thresholdOverride?: integer, applyModifiersToOverride?: boolean): boolean {
    /** `64/65536 -> 1/1024` */
    const baseShinyChance = 64;
    const shinyThreshold = new Utils.IntegerHolder(baseShinyChance);
    if (thresholdOverride === undefined || applyModifiersToOverride) {
      if (thresholdOverride !== undefined && applyModifiersToOverride) {
        shinyThreshold.value = thresholdOverride;
      if (this.scene.eventManager.isEventActive()) {
        shinyThreshold.value *= this.scene.eventManager.getShinyMultiplier();
      if (!this.hasTrainer()) {
        this.scene.applyModifiers(ShinyRateBoosterModifier, true, shinyThreshold);
    } else {
      shinyThreshold.value = thresholdOverride;

    this.shiny = randSeedInt(65536) < shinyThreshold.value;

    if (this.shiny) {

    return this.shiny;

   * Generates a variant
   * Has a 10% of returning 2 (epic variant)
   * And a 30% of returning 1 (rare variant)
   * Returns 0 (basic shiny) if there is no variant or 60% of the time otherwise
   * @returns the shiny variant
  generateVariant(): Variant {
    const formIndex: number = this.formIndex;
    let variantDataIndex: string | number = this.species.speciesId;
    if (this.species.forms.length > 0) {
      const formKey = this.species.forms[formIndex]?.formKey;
      if (formKey) {
        variantDataIndex = `${variantDataIndex}-${formKey}`;
    // Checks if there is no variant data for both the index or index with form
    if (!this.shiny || (!variantData.hasOwnProperty(variantDataIndex) && !variantData.hasOwnProperty(this.species.speciesId))) {
      return 0;
    const rand = Utils.randSeedInt(10);
    if (rand >= 4) {
      return 0;             // 6/10
    } else if (rand >= 1) {
      return 1;             // 3/10
    } else {
      return 2;             // 1/10

  generateFusionSpecies(forStarter?: boolean): void {
    const hiddenAbilityChance = new Utils.IntegerHolder(256);
    if (!this.hasTrainer()) {
      this.scene.applyModifiers(HiddenAbilityRateBoosterModifier, true, hiddenAbilityChance);

    const hasHiddenAbility = !Utils.randSeedInt(hiddenAbilityChance.value);
    const randAbilityIndex = Utils.randSeedInt(2);

    const filter = !forStarter ? this.species.getCompatibleFusionSpeciesFilter()
      : species => {
        return pokemonEvolutions.hasOwnProperty(species.speciesId)
      && !pokemonPrevolutions.hasOwnProperty(species.speciesId)
      && !species.pseudoLegendary
      && !species.legendary
      && !species.mythical
      && !species.isTrainerForbidden()
      && species.speciesId !== this.species.speciesId;

    this.fusionSpecies = this.scene.randomSpecies(this.scene.currentBattle?.waveIndex || 0, this.level, false, filter, true);
    this.fusionAbilityIndex = (this.fusionSpecies.abilityHidden && hasHiddenAbility ? 2 : this.fusionSpecies.ability2 !== this.fusionSpecies.ability1 ? randAbilityIndex : 0);
    this.fusionShiny = this.shiny;
    this.fusionVariant = this.variant;

    if (this.fusionSpecies.malePercent === null) {
      this.fusionGender = Gender.GENDERLESS;
    } else {
      const genderChance = ( % 256) * 0.390625;
      if (genderChance < this.fusionSpecies.malePercent) {
        this.fusionGender = Gender.MALE;
      } else {
        this.fusionGender = Gender.FEMALE;

    this.fusionFormIndex = this.scene.getSpeciesFormIndex(this.fusionSpecies, this.fusionGender, this.getNature(), true);
    this.fusionLuck = this.luck;


  clearFusionSpecies(): void {
    this.fusionSpecies = null;
    this.fusionFormIndex = 0;
    this.fusionAbilityIndex = 0;
    this.fusionShiny = false;
    this.fusionVariant = 0;
    this.fusionGender = 0;
    this.fusionLuck = 0;
    this.fusionMysteryEncounterPokemonData = null;


  generateAndPopulateMoveset(): void {
    this.moveset = [];
    let movePool: [Moves, number][] = [];
    const allLevelMoves = this.getLevelMoves(1, true, true);
    if (!allLevelMoves) {
      console.log(this.species.speciesId, "ERROR");

    for (let m = 0; m < allLevelMoves.length; m++) {
      const levelMove = allLevelMoves[m];
      if (this.level < levelMove[0]) {
      let weight = levelMove[0];
      if (weight === 0) { // Evo Moves
        weight = 50;
      if (weight === 1 && allMoves[levelMove[1]].power >= 80) { // Assume level 1 moves with 80+ BP are "move reminder" moves and bump their weight
        weight = 40;
      if (allMoves[levelMove[1]].name.endsWith(" (N)")) {
        weight /= 100;
      } // Unimplemented level up moves are possible to generate, but 1% of their normal chance.
      if (!movePool.some(m => m[0] === levelMove[1])) {
        movePool.push([levelMove[1], weight]);

    if (this.hasTrainer()) {
      const tms = Object.keys(tmSpecies);
      for (const tm of tms) {
        const moveId = parseInt(tm) as Moves;
        let compatible = false;
        for (const p of tmSpecies[tm]) {
          if (Array.isArray(p)) {
            if (p[0] === this.species.speciesId || (this.fusionSpecies && p[0] === this.fusionSpecies.speciesId) && p.slice(1).indexOf(this.species.forms[this.formIndex]) > -1) {
              compatible = true;
          } else if (p === this.species.speciesId || (this.fusionSpecies && p === this.fusionSpecies.speciesId)) {
            compatible = true;
        if (compatible && !movePool.some(m => m[0] === moveId) && !allMoves[moveId].name.endsWith(" (N)")) {
          if (tmPoolTiers[moveId] === ModifierTier.COMMON && this.level >= 15) {
            movePool.push([moveId, 4]);
          } else if (tmPoolTiers[moveId] === ModifierTier.GREAT && this.level >= 30) {
            movePool.push([moveId, 8]);
          } else if (tmPoolTiers[moveId] === ModifierTier.ULTRA && this.level >= 50) {
            movePool.push([moveId, 14]);

      if (this.level >= 60) { // No egg moves below level 60
        for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
          const moveId = speciesEggMoves[this.species.getRootSpeciesId()][i];
          if (!movePool.some(m => m[0] === moveId) && !allMoves[moveId].name.endsWith(" (N)")) {
            movePool.push([moveId, 40]);
        const moveId = speciesEggMoves[this.species.getRootSpeciesId()][3];
        if (this.level >= 170 && !movePool.some(m => m[0] === moveId) && !allMoves[moveId].name.endsWith(" (N)") && !this.isBoss()) { // No rare egg moves before e4
          movePool.push([moveId, 30]);
        if (this.fusionSpecies) {
          for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            const moveId = speciesEggMoves[this.fusionSpecies.getRootSpeciesId()][i];
            if (!movePool.some(m => m[0] === moveId) && !allMoves[moveId].name.endsWith(" (N)")) {
              movePool.push([moveId, 40]);
          const moveId = speciesEggMoves[this.fusionSpecies.getRootSpeciesId()][3];
          if (this.level >= 170 && !movePool.some(m => m[0] === moveId) && !allMoves[moveId].name.endsWith(" (N)") && !this.isBoss()) {// No rare egg moves before e4
            movePool.push([moveId, 30]);

    if (this.isBoss()) { // Bosses never get self ko moves
      movePool = movePool.filter(m => !allMoves[m[0]].hasAttr(SacrificialAttr));
    movePool = movePool.filter(m => !allMoves[m[0]].hasAttr(SacrificialAttrOnHit));
    if (this.hasTrainer()) {
      // Trainers never get OHKO moves
      movePool = movePool.filter(m => !allMoves[m[0]].hasAttr(OneHitKOAttr));
      // Half the weight of self KO moves
      movePool = => [m[0], m[1] * (!!allMoves[m[0]].hasAttr(SacrificialAttr) ? 0.5 : 1)]);
      movePool = => [m[0], m[1] * (!!allMoves[m[0]].hasAttr(SacrificialAttrOnHit) ? 0.5 : 1)]);
      // Trainers get a weight bump to stat buffing moves
      movePool = => [m[0], m[1] * (allMoves[m[0]].getAttrs(StatStageChangeAttr).some(a => a.stages > 1 && a.selfTarget) ? 1.25 : 1)]);
      // Trainers get a weight decrease to multiturn moves
      movePool = => [m[0], m[1] * (!!allMoves[m[0]].hasAttr(ChargeAttr) || !!allMoves[m[0]].hasAttr(RechargeAttr) ? 0.7 : 1)]);

    // Weight towards higher power moves, by reducing the power of moves below the highest power.
    // Caps max power at 90 to avoid something like hyper beam ruining the stats.
    // This is a pretty soft weighting factor, although it is scaled with the weight multiplier.
    const maxPower = Math.min(movePool.reduce((v, m) => Math.max(allMoves[m[0]].power, v), 40), 90);
    movePool = => [m[0], m[1] * (allMoves[m[0]].category === MoveCategory.STATUS ? 1 : Math.max(Math.min(allMoves[m[0]].power/maxPower, 1), 0.5))]);

    // Weight damaging moves against the lower stat
    const atk = this.getStat(Stat.ATK);
    const spAtk = this.getStat(Stat.SPATK);
    const worseCategory: MoveCategory = atk > spAtk ? MoveCategory.SPECIAL : MoveCategory.PHYSICAL;
    const statRatio = worseCategory === MoveCategory.PHYSICAL ? atk / spAtk : spAtk / atk;
    movePool = => [m[0], m[1] * (allMoves[m[0]].category === worseCategory ? statRatio : 1)]);

    let weightMultiplier = 0.9; // The higher this is the more the game weights towards higher level moves. At 0 all moves are equal weight.
    if (this.hasTrainer()) {
      weightMultiplier += 0.7;
    if (this.isBoss()) {
      weightMultiplier += 0.4;
    const baseWeights: [Moves, number][] = => [m[0], Math.ceil(Math.pow(m[1], weightMultiplier)*100)]);

    if (this.hasTrainer() || this.isBoss()) { // Trainers and bosses always force a stab move
      const stabMovePool = baseWeights.filter(m => allMoves[m[0]].category !== MoveCategory.STATUS && this.isOfType(allMoves[m[0]].type));

      if (stabMovePool.length) {
        const totalWeight = stabMovePool.reduce((v, m) => v + m[1], 0);
        let rand = Utils.randSeedInt(totalWeight);
        let index = 0;
        while (rand > stabMovePool[index][1]) {
          rand -= stabMovePool[index++][1];
        this.moveset.push(new PokemonMove(stabMovePool[index][0], 0, 0));
    } else { // Normal wild pokemon just force a random damaging move
      const attackMovePool = baseWeights.filter(m => allMoves[m[0]].category !== MoveCategory.STATUS);
      if (attackMovePool.length) {
        const totalWeight = attackMovePool.reduce((v, m) => v + m[1], 0);
        let rand = Utils.randSeedInt(totalWeight);
        let index = 0;
        while (rand > attackMovePool[index][1]) {
          rand -= attackMovePool[index++][1];
        this.moveset.push(new PokemonMove(attackMovePool[index][0], 0, 0));

    while (baseWeights.length > this.moveset.length && this.moveset.length < 4) {
      if (this.hasTrainer()) {
        // Sqrt the weight of any damaging moves with overlapping types. This is about a 0.05 - 0.1 multiplier.
        // Other damaging moves 2x weight if 0-1 damaging moves, 0.5x if 2, 0.125x if 3. These weights double if STAB.
        // Status moves remain unchanged on weight, this encourages 1-2
        movePool = baseWeights.filter(m => !this.moveset.some(mo => m[0] === mo?.moveId)).map(m => [m[0], this.moveset.some(mo => mo?.getMove().category !== MoveCategory.STATUS && mo?.getMove().type === allMoves[m[0]].type) ? Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(m[1])) : allMoves[m[0]].category !== MoveCategory.STATUS ? Math.ceil(m[1]/Math.max(Math.pow(4, this.moveset.filter(mo => (mo?.getMove().power!) > 1).length)/8, 0.5) * (this.isOfType(allMoves[m[0]].type) ? 2 : 1)) : m[1]]); // TODO: is this bang correct?
      } else { // Non-trainer pokemon just use normal weights
        movePool = baseWeights.filter(m => !this.moveset.some(mo => m[0] === mo?.moveId));
      const totalWeight = movePool.reduce((v, m) => v + m[1], 0);
      let rand = Utils.randSeedInt(totalWeight);
      let index = 0;
      while (rand > movePool[index][1]) {
        rand -= movePool[index++][1];
      this.moveset.push(new PokemonMove(movePool[index][0], 0, 0));

    this.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(this, SpeciesFormChangeMoveLearnedTrigger);

  trySelectMove(moveIndex: integer, ignorePp?: boolean): boolean {
    const move = this.getMoveset().length > moveIndex
      ? this.getMoveset()[moveIndex]
      : null;
    return move?.isUsable(this, ignorePp)!; // TODO: is this bang correct?

  showInfo(): void {
    if (!this.battleInfo.visible) {
      const otherBattleInfo = this.scene.fieldUI.getAll().slice(0, 4).filter(ui => ui instanceof BattleInfo && ((ui as BattleInfo) instanceof PlayerBattleInfo) === this.isPlayer()).find(() => true);
      if (!otherBattleInfo || !this.getFieldIndex()) {
        this.scene.sendTextToBack(); // Push the top right text objects behind everything else
      } else {
        this.scene.fieldUI.moveAbove(this.battleInfo, otherBattleInfo);
      this.battleInfo.setX(this.battleInfo.x + (this.isPlayer() ? 150 : !this.isBoss() ? -150 : -198));
      if (this.isPlayer()) {
        this.battleInfo.expMaskRect.x += 150;
        targets: [ this.battleInfo, this.battleInfo.expMaskRect ],
        x: this.isPlayer() ? "-=150" : `+=${!this.isBoss() ? 150 : 246}`,
        duration: 1000,
        ease: "Cubic.easeOut"

  hideInfo(): Promise<void> {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      if (this.battleInfo && this.battleInfo.visible) {
          targets: [ this.battleInfo, this.battleInfo.expMaskRect ],
          x: this.isPlayer() ? "+=150" : `-=${!this.isBoss() ? 150 : 246}`,
          duration: 500,
          ease: "Cubic.easeIn",
          onComplete: () => {
            if (this.isPlayer()) {
              this.battleInfo.expMaskRect.x -= 150;
            this.battleInfo.setX(this.battleInfo.x - (this.isPlayer() ? 150 : !this.isBoss() ? -150 : -198));
      } else {

   * sets if the pokemon is switching out (if it's a enemy wild implies it's going to flee)
   * @param status - boolean
  setSwitchOutStatus(status: boolean): void {
    this.switchOutStatus = status;

  updateInfo(instant?: boolean): Promise<void> {
    return this.battleInfo.updateInfo(this, instant);

   * Show or hide the type effectiveness multiplier window
   * Passing undefined will hide the window
  updateEffectiveness(effectiveness?: string) {

  toggleStats(visible: boolean): void {

  toggleFlyout(visible: boolean): void {

  addExp(exp: integer) {
    const maxExpLevel = this.scene.getMaxExpLevel();
    const initialExp = this.exp;
    this.exp += exp;
    while (this.level < maxExpLevel && this.exp >= getLevelTotalExp(this.level + 1, this.species.growthRate)) {
    if (this.level >= maxExpLevel) {
      console.log(initialExp, this.exp, getLevelTotalExp(this.level, this.species.growthRate));
      this.exp = Math.max(getLevelTotalExp(this.level, this.species.growthRate), initialExp);
    this.levelExp = this.exp - getLevelTotalExp(this.level, this.species.growthRate);

  getOpponent(targetIndex: integer): Pokemon | null {
    const ret = this.getOpponents()[targetIndex];
    if (ret.summonData) {
      return ret;
    return null;

  getOpponents(): Pokemon[] {
    return ((this.isPlayer() ? this.scene.getEnemyField() : this.scene.getPlayerField()) as Pokemon[]).filter(p => p.isActive());

  getOpponentDescriptor(): string {
    const opponents = this.getOpponents();
    if (opponents.length === 1) {
      return opponents[0].name;
    return this.isPlayer() ? i18next.t("arenaTag:opposingTeam") : i18next.t("arenaTag:yourTeam");

  getAlly(): Pokemon {
    return (this.isPlayer() ? this.scene.getPlayerField() : this.scene.getEnemyField())[this.getFieldIndex() ? 0 : 1];

   * Gets the Pokémon on the allied field.
   * @returns An array of Pokémon on the allied field.
  getAlliedField(): Pokemon[] {
    return this instanceof PlayerPokemon ? this.scene.getPlayerField() : this.scene.getEnemyField();

   * Calculates the stat stage multiplier of the user against an opponent.
   * Note that this does not apply to evasion or accuracy
   * @see {@linkcode getAccuracyMultiplier}
   * @param stat the desired {@linkcode EffectiveStat}
   * @param opponent the target {@linkcode Pokemon}
   * @param move the {@linkcode Move} being used
   * @param ignoreOppAbility determines whether the effects of the opponent's abilities (i.e. Unaware) should be ignored (`false` by default)
   * @param isCritical determines whether a critical hit has occurred or not (`false` by default)
   * @param simulated determines whether effects are applied without altering game state (`true` by default)
   * @return the stat stage multiplier to be used for effective stat calculation
  getStatStageMultiplier(stat: EffectiveStat, opponent?: Pokemon, move?: Move, ignoreOppAbility: boolean = false, isCritical: boolean = false, simulated: boolean = true): number {
    const statStage = new Utils.IntegerHolder(this.getStatStage(stat));
    const ignoreStatStage = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);

    if (opponent) {
      if (isCritical) {
        switch (stat) {
        case Stat.ATK:
        case Stat.SPATK:
          statStage.value = Math.max(statStage.value, 0);
        case Stat.DEF:
        case Stat.SPDEF:
          statStage.value = Math.min(statStage.value, 0);
      if (!ignoreOppAbility) {
        applyAbAttrs(IgnoreOpponentStatStagesAbAttr, opponent, null, simulated, stat, ignoreStatStage);
      if (move) {
        applyMoveAttrs(IgnoreOpponentStatStagesAttr, this, opponent, move, ignoreStatStage);

    if (!ignoreStatStage.value) {
      const statStageMultiplier = new Utils.NumberHolder(Math.max(2, 2 + statStage.value) / Math.max(2, 2 - statStage.value));
      this.scene.applyModifiers(TempStatStageBoosterModifier, this.isPlayer(), stat, statStageMultiplier);
      return Math.min(statStageMultiplier.value, 4);
    return 1;

   * Calculates the accuracy multiplier of the user against a target.
   * This method considers various factors such as the user's accuracy level, the target's evasion level,
   * abilities, and modifiers to compute the final accuracy multiplier.
   * @param target {@linkcode Pokemon} - The target Pokémon against which the move is used.
   * @param sourceMove {@linkcode Move}  - The move being used by the user.
   * @returns The calculated accuracy multiplier.
  getAccuracyMultiplier(target: Pokemon, sourceMove: Move): number {
    const isOhko = sourceMove.hasAttr(OneHitKOAccuracyAttr);
    if (isOhko) {
      return 1;

    const userAccStage = new Utils.IntegerHolder(this.getStatStage(Stat.ACC));
    const targetEvaStage = new Utils.IntegerHolder(target.getStatStage(Stat.EVA));

    const ignoreAccStatStage = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);
    const ignoreEvaStatStage = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);

    applyAbAttrs(IgnoreOpponentStatStagesAbAttr, target, null, false, Stat.ACC, ignoreAccStatStage);
    applyAbAttrs(IgnoreOpponentStatStagesAbAttr, this, null, false, Stat.EVA, ignoreEvaStatStage);
    applyMoveAttrs(IgnoreOpponentStatStagesAttr, this, target, sourceMove, ignoreEvaStatStage);

    this.scene.applyModifiers(TempStatStageBoosterModifier, this.isPlayer(), Stat.ACC, userAccStage);

    userAccStage.value = ignoreAccStatStage.value ? 0 : Math.min(userAccStage.value, 6);
    targetEvaStage.value = ignoreEvaStatStage.value ? 0 : targetEvaStage.value;

    if (target.findTag(t => t instanceof ExposedTag)) {
      targetEvaStage.value = Math.min(0, targetEvaStage.value);

    const accuracyMultiplier = new Utils.NumberHolder(1);
    if (userAccStage.value !== targetEvaStage.value) {
      accuracyMultiplier.value = userAccStage.value > targetEvaStage.value
        ? (3 + Math.min(userAccStage.value - targetEvaStage.value, 6)) / 3
        : 3 / (3 + Math.min(targetEvaStage.value - userAccStage.value, 6));

    applyStatMultiplierAbAttrs(StatMultiplierAbAttr, this, Stat.ACC, accuracyMultiplier, false, sourceMove);

    const evasionMultiplier = new Utils.NumberHolder(1);
    applyStatMultiplierAbAttrs(StatMultiplierAbAttr, target, Stat.EVA, evasionMultiplier);

    return accuracyMultiplier.value / evasionMultiplier.value;

   * Calculates the base damage of the given move against this Pokemon when attacked by the given source.
   * Used during damage calculation and for Shell Side Arm's forecasting effect.
   * @param source the attacking {@linkcode Pokemon}.
   * @param move the {@linkcode Move} used in the attack.
   * @param moveCategory the move's {@linkcode MoveCategory} after variable-category effects are applied.
   * @param ignoreAbility if `true`, ignores this Pokemon's defensive ability effects (defaults to `false`).
   * @param ignoreSourceAbility if `true`, ignore's the attacking Pokemon's ability effects (defaults to `false`).
   * @param isCritical if `true`, calculates effective stats as if the hit were critical (defaults to `false`).
   * @param simulated if `true`, suppresses changes to game state during calculation (defaults to `true`).
   * @returns The move's base damage against this Pokemon when used by the source Pokemon.
  getBaseDamage(source: Pokemon, move: Move, moveCategory: MoveCategory, ignoreAbility: boolean = false, ignoreSourceAbility: boolean = false, isCritical: boolean = false, simulated: boolean = true): number {
    const isPhysical = moveCategory === MoveCategory.PHYSICAL;

    /** A base damage multiplier based on the source's level */
    const levelMultiplier = (2 * source.level / 5 + 2);

    /** The power of the move after power boosts from abilities, etc. have applied */
    const power = move.calculateBattlePower(source, this, simulated);

     * The attacker's offensive stat for the given move's category.
     * Critical hits cause negative stat stages to be ignored.
    const sourceAtk = new Utils.NumberHolder(source.getEffectiveStat(isPhysical ? Stat.ATK : Stat.SPATK, this, undefined, ignoreSourceAbility, ignoreAbility, isCritical, simulated));
    applyMoveAttrs(VariableAtkAttr, source, this, move, sourceAtk);

     * This Pokemon's defensive stat for the given move's category.
     * Critical hits cause positive stat stages to be ignored.
    const targetDef = new Utils.NumberHolder(this.getEffectiveStat(isPhysical ? Stat.DEF : Stat.SPDEF, source, move, ignoreAbility, ignoreSourceAbility, isCritical, simulated));
    applyMoveAttrs(VariableDefAttr, source, this, move, targetDef);

     * The attack's base damage, as determined by the source's level, move power
     * and Attack stat as well as this Pokemon's Defense stat
    const baseDamage = ((levelMultiplier * power * sourceAtk.value / targetDef.value) / 50) + 2;

    /** Debug message for non-simulated calls (i.e. when damage is actually dealt) */
    if (!simulated) {
      console.log("base damage", baseDamage,, power, sourceAtk.value, targetDef.value);

    return baseDamage;

   * Calculates the damage of an attack made by another Pokemon against this Pokemon
   * @param source {@linkcode Pokemon} the attacking Pokemon
   * @param move {@linkcode Pokemon} the move used in the attack
   * @param ignoreAbility If `true`, ignores this Pokemon's defensive ability effects
   * @param ignoreSourceAbility If `true`, ignores the attacking Pokemon's ability effects
   * @param isCritical If `true`, calculates damage for a critical hit.
   * @param simulated If `true`, suppresses changes to game state during the calculation.
   * @returns a {@linkcode DamageCalculationResult} object with three fields:
   * - `cancelled`: `true` if the move was cancelled by another effect.
   * - `result`: {@linkcode HitResult} indicates the attack's type effectiveness.
   * - `damage`: `number` the attack's final damage output.
  getAttackDamage(source: Pokemon, move: Move, ignoreAbility: boolean = false, ignoreSourceAbility: boolean = false, isCritical: boolean = false, simulated: boolean = true): DamageCalculationResult {
    const damage = new Utils.NumberHolder(0);
    const defendingSide = this.isPlayer() ? ArenaTagSide.PLAYER : ArenaTagSide.ENEMY;

    const variableCategory = new Utils.NumberHolder(move.category);
    applyMoveAttrs(VariableMoveCategoryAttr, source, this, move, variableCategory);
    const moveCategory = variableCategory.value as MoveCategory;

    /** The move's type after type-changing effects are applied */
    const moveType = source.getMoveType(move);

    /** If `value` is `true`, cancels the move and suppresses "No Effect" messages */
    const cancelled = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);

     * The effectiveness of the move being used. Along with type matchups, this
     * accounts for changes in effectiveness from the move's attributes and the
     * abilities of both the source and this Pokemon.
     * Note that the source's abilities are not ignored here
    const typeMultiplier = this.getMoveEffectiveness(source, move, ignoreAbility, simulated, cancelled);

    const isPhysical = moveCategory === MoveCategory.PHYSICAL;

    /** Combined damage multiplier from field effects such as weather, terrain, etc. */
    const arenaAttackTypeMultiplier = new Utils.NumberHolder(this.scene.arena.getAttackTypeMultiplier(moveType, source.isGrounded()));
    applyMoveAttrs(IgnoreWeatherTypeDebuffAttr, source, this, move, arenaAttackTypeMultiplier);

    const isTypeImmune = (typeMultiplier * arenaAttackTypeMultiplier.value) === 0;

    if (cancelled.value || isTypeImmune) {
      return {
        cancelled: cancelled.value,
        result: === Moves.SHEER_COLD ? HitResult.IMMUNE : HitResult.NO_EFFECT,
        damage: 0

    // If the attack deals fixed damaged, return a result with that much damage
    const fixedDamage = new Utils.IntegerHolder(0);
    applyMoveAttrs(FixedDamageAttr, source, this, move, fixedDamage);
    if (fixedDamage.value) {
      return {
        cancelled: false,
        result: HitResult.EFFECTIVE,
        damage: fixedDamage.value

    // If the attack is a one-hit KO move, return a result with damage equal to this Pokemon's HP
    const isOneHitKo = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);
    applyMoveAttrs(OneHitKOAttr, source, this, move, isOneHitKo);
    if (isOneHitKo.value) {
      return {
        cancelled: false,
        result: HitResult.ONE_HIT_KO,
        damage: this.hp

     * The attack's base damage, as determined by the source's level, move power
     * and Attack stat as well as this Pokemon's Defense stat
    const baseDamage = this.getBaseDamage(source, move, moveCategory, ignoreAbility, ignoreSourceAbility, isCritical, simulated);

    /** 25% damage debuff on moves hitting more than one non-fainted target (regardless of immunities) */
    const { targets, multiple } = getMoveTargets(source,;
    const numTargets = multiple ? targets.length : 1;
    const targetMultiplier = (numTargets > 1) ? 0.75 : 1;

    /** 0.25x multiplier if this is an added strike from the attacker's Parental Bond */
    const parentalBondMultiplier = new Utils.NumberHolder(1);
    if (!ignoreSourceAbility) {
      applyPreAttackAbAttrs(AddSecondStrikeAbAttr, source, this, move, simulated, numTargets, new Utils.IntegerHolder(0), parentalBondMultiplier);

    /** Doubles damage if this Pokemon's last move was Glaive Rush */
    const glaiveRushMultiplier = new Utils.IntegerHolder(1);
    if (this.getTag(BattlerTagType.RECEIVE_DOUBLE_DAMAGE)) {
      glaiveRushMultiplier.value = 2;

    /** The damage multiplier when the given move critically hits */
    const criticalMultiplier = new Utils.NumberHolder(isCritical ? 1.5 : 1);
    applyAbAttrs(MultCritAbAttr, source, null, simulated, criticalMultiplier);

     * A multiplier for random damage spread in the range [0.85, 1]
     * This is always 1 for simulated calls.
    const randomMultiplier = simulated ? 1 : ((this.randSeedIntRange(85, 100)) / 100);

    const sourceTypes = source.getTypes();
    const sourceTeraType = source.getTeraType();
    const matchesSourceType = sourceTypes.includes(moveType);
    /** A damage multiplier for when the attack is of the attacker's type and/or Tera type. */
    const stabMultiplier = new Utils.NumberHolder(1);
    if (matchesSourceType) {
      stabMultiplier.value += 0.5;
    if (sourceTeraType !== Type.UNKNOWN && sourceTeraType === moveType) {
      stabMultiplier.value += 0.5;

    if (!ignoreSourceAbility) {
      applyAbAttrs(StabBoostAbAttr, source, null, simulated, stabMultiplier);

    stabMultiplier.value = Math.min(stabMultiplier.value, 2.25);

    /** Halves damage if the attacker is using a physical attack while burned */
    const burnMultiplier = new Utils.NumberHolder(1);
    if (isPhysical && source.status && source.status.effect === StatusEffect.BURN) {
      if (!move.hasAttr(BypassBurnDamageReductionAttr)) {
        const burnDamageReductionCancelled = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);
        if (!ignoreSourceAbility) {
          applyAbAttrs(BypassBurnDamageReductionAbAttr, source, burnDamageReductionCancelled, simulated);
        if (!burnDamageReductionCancelled.value) {
          burnMultiplier.value = 0.5;

    /** Reduces damage if this Pokemon has a relevant screen (e.g. Light Screen for special attacks) */
    const screenMultiplier = new Utils.NumberHolder(1);
    this.scene.arena.applyTagsForSide(WeakenMoveScreenTag, defendingSide, move.category, this.scene.currentBattle.double, screenMultiplier);

     * For each {@linkcode HitsTagAttr} the move has, doubles the damage of the move if:
     * The target has a {@linkcode BattlerTagType} that this move interacts with
     * AND
     * The move doubles damage when used against that tag
    const hitsTagMultiplier = new Utils.NumberHolder(1);
    move.getAttrs(HitsTagAttr).filter(hta => hta.doubleDamage).forEach(hta => {
      if (this.getTag(hta.tagType)) {
        hitsTagMultiplier.value *= 2;

    /** Halves damage if this Pokemon is grounded in Misty Terrain against a Dragon-type attack */
    const mistyTerrainMultiplier = (this.scene.arena.terrain?.terrainType === TerrainType.MISTY && this.isGrounded() && moveType === Type.DRAGON)
      ? 0.5
      : 1;

    damage.value = Utils.toDmgValue(
      * targetMultiplier
      * parentalBondMultiplier.value
      * arenaAttackTypeMultiplier.value
      * glaiveRushMultiplier.value
      * criticalMultiplier.value
      * randomMultiplier
      * stabMultiplier.value
      * typeMultiplier
      * burnMultiplier.value
      * screenMultiplier.value
      * hitsTagMultiplier.value
      * mistyTerrainMultiplier

    /** Doubles damage if the attacker has Tinted Lens and is using a resisted move */
    if (!ignoreSourceAbility) {
      applyPreAttackAbAttrs(DamageBoostAbAttr, source, this, move, simulated, damage);

    /** Apply the enemy's Damage and Resistance tokens */
    if (!source.isPlayer()) {
      this.scene.applyModifiers(EnemyDamageBoosterModifier, false, damage);
    if (!this.isPlayer()) {
      this.scene.applyModifiers(EnemyDamageReducerModifier, false, damage);

    /** Apply this Pokemon's post-calc defensive modifiers (e.g. Fur Coat) */
    if (!ignoreAbility) {
      applyPreDefendAbAttrs(ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr, this, source, move, cancelled, simulated, damage);

    // This attribute may modify damage arbitrarily, so be careful about changing its order of application.
    applyMoveAttrs(ModifiedDamageAttr, source, this, move, damage);

    if (this.isFullHp() && !ignoreAbility) {
      applyPreDefendAbAttrs(PreDefendFullHpEndureAbAttr, this, source, move, cancelled, false, damage);

    // debug message for when damage is applied (i.e. not simulated)
    if (!simulated) {
      console.log("damage", damage.value,;

    let hitResult: HitResult;
    if (typeMultiplier < 1) {
      hitResult = HitResult.NOT_VERY_EFFECTIVE;
    } else if (typeMultiplier > 1) {
      hitResult = HitResult.SUPER_EFFECTIVE;
    } else {
      hitResult = HitResult.EFFECTIVE;

    return {
      cancelled: cancelled.value,
      result: hitResult,
      damage: damage.value

   * Applies the results of a move to this pokemon
   * @param source The {@linkcode Pokemon} using the move
   * @param move The {@linkcode Move} being used
   * @returns The {@linkcode HitResult} of the attack
  apply(source: Pokemon, move: Move): HitResult {
    const defendingSide = this.isPlayer() ? ArenaTagSide.PLAYER : ArenaTagSide.ENEMY;
    if (move.category === MoveCategory.STATUS) {
      const cancelled = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);
      const typeMultiplier = this.getMoveEffectiveness(source, move, false, false, cancelled);

      if (!cancelled.value && typeMultiplier === 0) {
        this.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("battle:hitResultNoEffect", { pokemonName: getPokemonNameWithAffix(this) }));
      return (typeMultiplier === 0) ? HitResult.NO_EFFECT : HitResult.STATUS;
    } else {
      /** Determines whether the attack critically hits */
      let isCritical: boolean;
      const critOnly = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);
      const critAlways = source.getTag(BattlerTagType.ALWAYS_CRIT);
      applyMoveAttrs(CritOnlyAttr, source, this, move, critOnly);
      applyAbAttrs(ConditionalCritAbAttr, source, null, false, critOnly, this, move);
      if (critOnly.value || critAlways) {
        isCritical = true;
      } else {
        const critChance = [24, 8, 2, 1][Math.max(0, Math.min(this.getCritStage(source, move), 3))];
        isCritical = critChance === 1 || !this.scene.randBattleSeedInt(critChance);

      const noCritTag = this.scene.arena.getTagOnSide(NoCritTag, defendingSide);
      const blockCrit = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);
      applyAbAttrs(BlockCritAbAttr, this, null, false, blockCrit);
      if (noCritTag || blockCrit.value || Overrides.NEVER_CRIT_OVERRIDE) {
        isCritical = false;

      const { cancelled, result, damage: dmg } = this.getAttackDamage(source, move, false, false, isCritical, false);

      const typeBoost = source.findTag(t => t instanceof TypeBoostTag && t.boostedType === source.getMoveType(move)) as TypeBoostTag;
      if (typeBoost?.oneUse) {

      if (cancelled || result === HitResult.IMMUNE || result === HitResult.NO_EFFECT) {

        if (!cancelled) {
          if (result === HitResult.IMMUNE) {
            this.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("battle:hitResultImmune", { pokemonName: getPokemonNameWithAffix(this) }));
          } else {
            this.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("battle:hitResultNoEffect", { pokemonName: getPokemonNameWithAffix(this) }));
        return result;

      // In case of fatal damage, this tag would have gotten cleared before we could lapse it.
      const destinyTag = this.getTag(BattlerTagType.DESTINY_BOND);

      const isOneHitKo = result === HitResult.ONE_HIT_KO;

      if (dmg) {

        const substitute = this.getTag(SubstituteTag);
        const isBlockedBySubstitute = !!substitute && move.hitsSubstitute(source, this);
        if (isBlockedBySubstitute) {
          substitute.hp -= dmg;
        if (!this.isPlayer() && dmg >= this.hp) {
          this.scene.applyModifiers(EnemyEndureChanceModifier, false, this);

         * We explicitly require to ignore the faint phase here, as we want to show the messages
         * about the critical hit and the super effective/not very effective messages before the faint phase.
        const damage = this.damageAndUpdate(isBlockedBySubstitute ? 0 : dmg, result as DamageResult, isCritical, isOneHitKo, isOneHitKo, true);

        if (damage > 0) {
          if (source.isPlayer()) {
            this.scene.validateAchvs(DamageAchv, damage);
            if (damage > this.scene.gameData.gameStats.highestDamage) {
              this.scene.gameData.gameStats.highestDamage = damage;
          source.turnData.damageDealt += damage;
          source.turnData.currDamageDealt = damage;
          this.turnData.damageTaken += damage;
          const attackResult = { move:, result: result as DamageResult, damage: damage, critical: isCritical, sourceId:, sourceBattlerIndex: source.getBattlerIndex() };
          if (source.isPlayer() && !this.isPlayer()) {
            this.scene.applyModifiers(DamageMoneyRewardModifier, true, source, new Utils.NumberHolder(damage));

      if (isCritical) {

      // want to include is.Fainted() in case multi hit move ends early, still want to render message
      if (source.turnData.hitsLeft === 1 || this.isFainted()) {
        switch (result) {
        case HitResult.SUPER_EFFECTIVE:
        case HitResult.NOT_VERY_EFFECTIVE:
        case HitResult.ONE_HIT_KO:

      if (this.isFainted()) {
        // set splice index here, so future scene queues happen before FaintedPhase
        this.scene.unshiftPhase(new FaintPhase(this.scene, this.getBattlerIndex(), isOneHitKo));

      if (dmg) {
        destinyTag?.lapse(source, BattlerTagLapseType.CUSTOM);

      return result;

   * Called by damageAndUpdate()
   * @param damage integer
   * @param ignoreSegments boolean, not currently used
   * @param preventEndure  used to update damage if endure or sturdy
   * @param ignoreFaintPhase  flag on wheter to add FaintPhase if pokemon after applying damage faints
   * @returns integer representing damage
  damage(damage: integer, ignoreSegments: boolean = false, preventEndure: boolean = false, ignoreFaintPhase: boolean = false): integer {
    if (this.isFainted()) {
      return 0;
    const surviveDamage = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);

    if (!preventEndure && this.hp - damage <= 0) {
      if (this.hp >= 1 && this.getTag(BattlerTagType.ENDURING)) {
        surviveDamage.value = this.lapseTag(BattlerTagType.ENDURING);
      } else if (this.hp > 1 && this.getTag(BattlerTagType.STURDY)) {
        surviveDamage.value = this.lapseTag(BattlerTagType.STURDY);
      if (!surviveDamage.value) {
        this.scene.applyModifiers(SurviveDamageModifier, this.isPlayer(), this, surviveDamage);
      if (surviveDamage.value) {
        damage = this.hp - 1;

    damage = Math.min(damage, this.hp);
    this.hp = this.hp - damage;
    if (this.isFainted() && !ignoreFaintPhase) {
       * When adding the FaintPhase, want to toggle future unshiftPhase() and queueMessage() calls
       * to appear before the FaintPhase (as FaintPhase will potentially end the encounter and add Phases such as
       * GameOverPhase, VictoryPhase, etc.. that will interfere with anything else that happens during this MoveEffectPhase)
       * Once the MoveEffectPhase is over (and calls it's .end() function, shiftPhase() will reset the PhaseQueueSplice via clearPhaseQueueSplice() )
      this.scene.unshiftPhase(new FaintPhase(this.scene, this.getBattlerIndex(), preventEndure));

    return damage;

   * Called by apply(), given the damage, adds a new DamagePhase and actually updates HP values, etc.
   * @param damage integer - passed to damage()
   * @param result an enum if it's super effective, not very, etc.
   * @param critical boolean if move is a critical hit
   * @param ignoreSegments boolean, passed to damage() and not used currently
   * @param preventEndure boolean, ignore endure properties of pokemon, passed to damage()
   * @param ignoreFaintPhase boolean to ignore adding a FaintPhase, passsed to damage()
   * @returns integer of damage done
  damageAndUpdate(damage: integer, result?: DamageResult, critical: boolean = false, ignoreSegments: boolean = false, preventEndure: boolean = false, ignoreFaintPhase: boolean = false): integer {
    const damagePhase = new DamagePhase(this.scene, this.getBattlerIndex(), damage, result as DamageResult, critical);
    damage = this.damage(damage, ignoreSegments, preventEndure, ignoreFaintPhase);
    // Damage amount may have changed, but needed to be queued before calling damage function
    return damage;

  heal(amount: integer): integer {
    const healAmount = Math.min(amount, this.getMaxHp() - this.hp);
    this.hp += healAmount;
    return healAmount;

  isBossImmune(): boolean {
    return this.isBoss();

  isMax(): boolean {
    const maxForms = [SpeciesFormKey.GIGANTAMAX, SpeciesFormKey.GIGANTAMAX_RAPID, SpeciesFormKey.GIGANTAMAX_SINGLE, SpeciesFormKey.ETERNAMAX] as string[];
    return maxForms.includes(this.getFormKey()) || (!!this.getFusionFormKey() && maxForms.includes(this.getFusionFormKey()!));

  canAddTag(tagType: BattlerTagType): boolean {
    if (this.getTag(tagType)) {
      return false;

    const stubTag = new BattlerTag(tagType, 0, 0);

    const cancelled = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);
    applyPreApplyBattlerTagAbAttrs(BattlerTagImmunityAbAttr, this, stubTag, cancelled, true);

    const userField = this.getAlliedField();
    userField.forEach(pokemon => applyPreApplyBattlerTagAbAttrs(UserFieldBattlerTagImmunityAbAttr, pokemon, stubTag, cancelled, true));

    return !cancelled.value;

  addTag(tagType: BattlerTagType, turnCount: integer = 0, sourceMove?: Moves, sourceId?: integer): boolean {
    const existingTag = this.getTag(tagType);
    if (existingTag) {
      return false;

    const newTag = getBattlerTag(tagType, turnCount, sourceMove!, sourceId!); // TODO: are the bangs correct?

    const cancelled = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);
    applyPreApplyBattlerTagAbAttrs(BattlerTagImmunityAbAttr, this, newTag, cancelled);

    const userField = this.getAlliedField();
    userField.forEach(pokemon => applyPreApplyBattlerTagAbAttrs(UserFieldBattlerTagImmunityAbAttr, pokemon, newTag, cancelled));

    if (!cancelled.value && newTag.canAdd(this)) {

      return true;

    return false;

  /** @overload */
  getTag(tagType: BattlerTagType): BattlerTag | null;

  /** @overload */
  getTag<T extends BattlerTag>(tagType: Constructor<T>): T | null;

  getTag(tagType: BattlerTagType | Constructor<BattlerTag>): BattlerTag | null {
    if (!this.summonData) {
      return null;
    return (tagType instanceof Function
      ? this.summonData.tags.find(t => t instanceof tagType)
      : this.summonData.tags.find(t => t.tagType === tagType)
    )!; // TODO: is this bang correct?

  findTag(tagFilter: ((tag: BattlerTag) => boolean)) {
    if (!this.summonData) {
      return null;
    return this.summonData.tags.find(t => tagFilter(t));

  findTags(tagFilter: ((tag: BattlerTag) => boolean)): BattlerTag[] {
    if (!this.summonData) {
      return [];
    return this.summonData.tags.filter(t => tagFilter(t));

  lapseTag(tagType: BattlerTagType): boolean {
    const tags = this.summonData.tags;
    const tag = tags.find(t => t.tagType === tagType);
    if (tag && !(tag.lapse(this, BattlerTagLapseType.CUSTOM))) {
      tags.splice(tags.indexOf(tag), 1);
    return !!tag;

  lapseTags(lapseType: BattlerTagLapseType): void {
    const tags = this.summonData.tags;
    tags.filter(t => lapseType === BattlerTagLapseType.FAINT || ((t.lapseTypes.some(lType => lType === lapseType)) && !(t.lapse(this, lapseType)))).forEach(t => {
      tags.splice(tags.indexOf(t), 1);

  removeTag(tagType: BattlerTagType): boolean {
    const tags = this.summonData.tags;
    const tag = tags.find(t => t.tagType === tagType);
    if (tag) {
      tags.splice(tags.indexOf(tag), 1);
    return !!tag;

  findAndRemoveTags(tagFilter: ((tag: BattlerTag) => boolean)): boolean {
    if (!this.summonData) {
      return false;
    const tags = this.summonData.tags;
    const tagsToRemove = tags.filter(t => tagFilter(t));
    for (const tag of tagsToRemove) {
      tag.turnCount = 0;
      tags.splice(tags.indexOf(tag), 1);
    return true;

  removeTagsBySourceId(sourceId: integer): void {
    this.findAndRemoveTags(t => t.isSourceLinked() && t.sourceId === sourceId);

  transferTagsBySourceId(sourceId: integer, newSourceId: integer): void {
    if (!this.summonData) {
    const tags = this.summonData.tags;
    tags.filter(t => t.sourceId === sourceId).forEach(t => t.sourceId = newSourceId);

   * Transferring stat changes and Tags
   * @param source {@linkcode Pokemon} the pokemon whose stats/Tags are to be passed on from, ie: the Pokemon using Baton Pass
  transferSummon(source: Pokemon): void {
    // Copy all stat stages
    for (const s of BATTLE_STATS) {
      const sourceStage = source.getStatStage(s);
      if ((this instanceof PlayerPokemon) && (sourceStage === 6)) {
      this.setStatStage(s, sourceStage);

    for (const tag of source.summonData.tags) {
      if (!tag.isBatonPassable) {



   * Gets whether the given move is currently disabled for this Pokemon.
   * @param {Moves} moveId {@linkcode Moves} ID of the move to check
   * @returns {boolean} `true` if the move is disabled for this Pokemon, otherwise `false`
   * @see {@linkcode MoveRestrictionBattlerTag}
  isMoveRestricted(moveId: Moves): boolean {
    return this.getRestrictingTag(moveId) !== null;

   * Gets whether the given move is currently disabled for the user based on the player's target selection
   * @param {Moves} moveId {@linkcode Moves} ID of the move to check
   * @param {Pokemon} user {@linkcode Pokemon} the move user
   * @param {Pokemon} target {@linkcode Pokemon} the target of the move
   * @returns {boolean} `true` if the move is disabled for this Pokemon due to the player's target selection
   * @see {@linkcode MoveRestrictionBattlerTag}
  isMoveTargetRestricted(moveId: Moves, user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon): boolean {
    for (const tag of this.findTags(t => t instanceof MoveRestrictionBattlerTag)) {
      if ((tag as MoveRestrictionBattlerTag).isMoveTargetRestricted(moveId, user, target)) {
        return (tag as MoveRestrictionBattlerTag !== null);
    return false;

   * Gets the {@link MoveRestrictionBattlerTag} that is restricting a move, if it exists.
   * @param {Moves} moveId {@linkcode Moves} ID of the move to check
   * @param {Pokemon} user {@linkcode Pokemon} the move user, optional and used when the target is a factor in the move's restricted status
   * @param {Pokemon} target {@linkcode Pokemon} the target of the move, optional and used when the target is a factor in the move's restricted status
   * @returns {MoveRestrictionBattlerTag | null} the first tag on this Pokemon that restricts the move, or `null` if the move is not restricted.
  getRestrictingTag(moveId: Moves, user?: Pokemon, target?: Pokemon): MoveRestrictionBattlerTag | null {
    for (const tag of this.findTags(t => t instanceof MoveRestrictionBattlerTag)) {
      if ((tag as MoveRestrictionBattlerTag).isMoveRestricted(moveId)) {
        return tag as MoveRestrictionBattlerTag;
      } else if (user && target && (tag as MoveRestrictionBattlerTag).isMoveTargetRestricted(moveId, user, target)) {
        return tag as MoveRestrictionBattlerTag;
    return null;

  getMoveHistory(): TurnMove[] {
    return this.battleSummonData.moveHistory;

  pushMoveHistory(turnMove: TurnMove) {
    turnMove.turn = this.scene.currentBattle?.turn;

  getLastXMoves(turnCount: integer = 0): TurnMove[] {
    const moveHistory = this.getMoveHistory();
    return moveHistory.slice(turnCount >= 0 ? Math.max(moveHistory.length - (turnCount || 1), 0) : 0, moveHistory.length).reverse();

  getMoveQueue(): QueuedMove[] {
    return this.summonData.moveQueue;

   * If this Pokemon is using a multi-hit move, cancels all subsequent strikes
   * @param {Pokemon} target If specified, this only cancels subsequent strikes against the given target
  stopMultiHit(target?: Pokemon): void {
    const effectPhase = this.scene.getCurrentPhase();
    if (effectPhase instanceof MoveEffectPhase && effectPhase.getUserPokemon() === this) {

  changeForm(formChange: SpeciesFormChange): Promise<void> {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      this.formIndex = Math.max(this.species.forms.findIndex(f => f.formKey === formChange.formKey), 0);
      const abilityCount = this.getSpeciesForm().getAbilityCount();
      if (this.abilityIndex >= abilityCount) {// Shouldn't happen
        this.abilityIndex = abilityCount - 1;
      this.scene.gameData.setPokemonSeen(this, false);
      this.loadAssets().then(() => {
        this.scene.updateModifiers(this.isPlayer(), true);
        Promise.all([ this.updateInfo(), this.scene.updateFieldScale() ]).then(() => resolve());

  cry(soundConfig?: Phaser.Types.Sound.SoundConfig, sceneOverride?: BattleScene): AnySound {
    const scene = sceneOverride || this.scene;
    const cry = this.getSpeciesForm().cry(scene, soundConfig);
    let duration = cry.totalDuration * 1000;
    if (this.fusionSpecies && this.getSpeciesForm() !== this.getFusionSpeciesForm()) {
      let fusionCry = this.getFusionSpeciesForm().cry(scene, soundConfig, true);
      duration = Math.min(duration, fusionCry.totalDuration * 1000);
      scene.time.delayedCall(Utils.fixedInt(Math.ceil(duration * 0.4)), () => {
        try {
          SoundFade.fadeOut(scene, cry, Utils.fixedInt(Math.ceil(duration * 0.2)));
          fusionCry = this.getFusionSpeciesForm().cry(scene, Object.assign({ seek: Math.max(fusionCry.totalDuration * 0.4, 0) }, soundConfig));
          SoundFade.fadeIn(scene, fusionCry, Utils.fixedInt(Math.ceil(duration * 0.2)), scene.masterVolume * scene.seVolume, 0);
        } catch (err) {

    return cry;

  faintCry(callback: Function): void {
    if (this.fusionSpecies && this.getSpeciesForm() !== this.getFusionSpeciesForm()) {
      return this.fusionFaintCry(callback);

    const key = `cry/${this.species.getCryKey(this.formIndex)}`;
    //eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
    let i = 0;
    let rate = 0.85;
    const cry = this.scene.playSound(key, { rate: rate }) as AnySound;
    const sprite = this.getSprite();
    const tintSprite = this.getTintSprite();
    const delay = Math.max(this.scene.sound.get(key).totalDuration * 50, 25);

    let frameProgress = 0;
    let frameThreshold: number;


    let faintCryTimer : Phaser.Time.TimerEvent | null = this.scene.time.addEvent({
      delay: Utils.fixedInt(delay),
      repeat: -1,
      callback: () => {
        frameThreshold = sprite.anims.msPerFrame / rate;
        frameProgress += delay;
        while (frameProgress > frameThreshold) {
          if (sprite.anims.duration) {
          frameProgress -= frameThreshold;
        if (cry && !cry.pendingRemove) {
          rate *= 0.99;
        } else {
          faintCryTimer = null;
          if (callback) {

    // Failsafe
    this.scene.time.delayedCall(Utils.fixedInt(3000), () => {
      if (!faintCryTimer || !this.scene) {
      if (cry?.isPlaying) {
      if (callback) {

  private fusionFaintCry(callback: Function): void {
    const key = `cry/${this.species.getCryKey(this.formIndex)}`;
    let i = 0;
    let rate = 0.85;
    const cry = this.scene.playSound(key, { rate: rate }) as AnySound;
    const sprite = this.getSprite();
    const tintSprite = this.getTintSprite();
    let duration = cry.totalDuration * 1000;

    const fusionCryKey = `cry/${this.fusionSpecies?.getCryKey(this.fusionFormIndex)}`;
    let fusionCry = this.scene.playSound(fusionCryKey, { rate: rate }) as AnySound;
    duration = Math.min(duration, fusionCry.totalDuration * 1000);

    const delay = Math.max(duration * 0.05, 25);

    let transitionIndex = 0;
    let durationProgress = 0;

    const transitionThreshold = Math.ceil(duration * 0.4);
    while (durationProgress < transitionThreshold) {
      durationProgress += delay * rate;
      rate *= 0.99;

    transitionIndex = i;

    i = 0;
    rate = 0.85;

    let frameProgress = 0;
    let frameThreshold: number;


    let faintCryTimer: Phaser.Time.TimerEvent | null = this.scene.time.addEvent({
      delay: Utils.fixedInt(delay),
      repeat: -1,
      callback: () => {
        frameThreshold = sprite.anims.msPerFrame / rate;
        frameProgress += delay;
        while (frameProgress > frameThreshold) {
          if (sprite.anims.duration) {
          frameProgress -= frameThreshold;
        if (i === transitionIndex) {
          SoundFade.fadeOut(this.scene, cry, Utils.fixedInt(Math.ceil((duration / rate) * 0.2)));
          fusionCry = this.scene.playSound(fusionCryKey, Object.assign({ seek: Math.max(fusionCry.totalDuration * 0.4, 0), rate: rate }));
          SoundFade.fadeIn(this.scene, fusionCry, Utils.fixedInt(Math.ceil((duration / rate) * 0.2)), this.scene.masterVolume * this.scene.seVolume, 0);
        rate *= 0.99;
        if (cry && !cry.pendingRemove) {
        if (fusionCry && !fusionCry.pendingRemove) {
        if ((!cry || cry.pendingRemove) && (!fusionCry || fusionCry.pendingRemove)) {
          faintCryTimer = null;
          if (callback) {

    // Failsafe
    this.scene.time.delayedCall(Utils.fixedInt(3000), () => {
      if (!faintCryTimer || !this.scene) {
      if (cry?.isPlaying) {
      if (fusionCry?.isPlaying) {
      if (callback) {

  isOppositeGender(pokemon: Pokemon): boolean {
    return this.gender !== Gender.GENDERLESS && pokemon.gender === (this.gender === Gender.MALE ? Gender.FEMALE : Gender.MALE);

  canSetStatus(effect: StatusEffect | undefined, quiet: boolean = false, overrideStatus: boolean = false, sourcePokemon: Pokemon | null = null): boolean {
    if (effect !== StatusEffect.FAINT) {
      if (overrideStatus ? this.status?.effect === effect : this.status) {
        return false;
      if (this.isGrounded() && this.scene.arena.terrain?.terrainType === TerrainType.MISTY) {
        return false;

    const types = this.getTypes(true, true);

    const defendingSide = this.isPlayer() ? ArenaTagSide.PLAYER : ArenaTagSide.ENEMY;
    if (sourcePokemon && sourcePokemon !== this && this.scene.arena.getTagOnSide(ArenaTagType.SAFEGUARD, defendingSide)) {
      return false;

    switch (effect) {
    case StatusEffect.POISON:
    case StatusEffect.TOXIC:
      // Check if the Pokemon is immune to Poison/Toxic or if the source pokemon is canceling the immunity
      const poisonImmunity = => {
        // Check if the Pokemon is not immune to Poison/Toxic
        if (defType !== Type.POISON && defType !== Type.STEEL) {
          return false;

        // Check if the source Pokemon has an ability that cancels the Poison/Toxic immunity
        const cancelImmunity = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);
        if (sourcePokemon) {
          applyAbAttrs(IgnoreTypeStatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, sourcePokemon, cancelImmunity, false, effect, defType);
          if (cancelImmunity.value) {
            return false;

        return true;

      if (this.isOfType(Type.POISON) || this.isOfType(Type.STEEL)) {
        if (poisonImmunity.includes(true)) {
          return false;
    case StatusEffect.PARALYSIS:
      if (this.isOfType(Type.ELECTRIC)) {
        return false;
    case StatusEffect.SLEEP:
      if (this.isGrounded() && this.scene.arena.terrain?.terrainType === TerrainType.ELECTRIC) {
        return false;
    case StatusEffect.FREEZE:
      if (this.isOfType(Type.ICE) || (this.scene?.arena?.weather?.weatherType &&[WeatherType.SUNNY, WeatherType.HARSH_SUN].includes( {
        return false;
    case StatusEffect.BURN:
      if (this.isOfType(Type.FIRE)) {
        return false;

    const cancelled = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);
    applyPreSetStatusAbAttrs(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, this, effect, cancelled, quiet);

    const userField = this.getAlliedField();
    userField.forEach(pokemon => applyPreSetStatusAbAttrs(UserFieldStatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, pokemon, effect, cancelled, quiet));

    if (cancelled.value) {
      return false;

    return true;

  trySetStatus(effect: StatusEffect | undefined, asPhase: boolean = false, sourcePokemon: Pokemon | null = null, cureTurn: integer | null = 0, sourceText: string | null = null): boolean {
    if (!this.canSetStatus(effect, asPhase, false, sourcePokemon)) {
      return false;

     * If this Pokemon falls asleep or freezes in the middle of a multi-hit attack,
     * cancel the attack's subsequent hits.
    if (effect === StatusEffect.SLEEP || effect === StatusEffect.FREEZE) {

    if (asPhase) {
      this.scene.unshiftPhase(new ObtainStatusEffectPhase(this.scene, this.getBattlerIndex(), effect, cureTurn, sourceText!, sourcePokemon!)); // TODO: are these bangs correct?
      return true;

    let statusCureTurn: Utils.IntegerHolder;

    if (effect === StatusEffect.SLEEP) {
      statusCureTurn = new Utils.IntegerHolder(this.randSeedIntRange(2, 4));
      applyAbAttrs(ReduceStatusEffectDurationAbAttr, this, null, false, effect, statusCureTurn);


      // If the user is invulnerable, lets remove their invulnerability when they fall asleep
      const invulnerableTags = [

      const tag = invulnerableTags.find((t) => this.getTag(t));

      if (tag) {

    statusCureTurn = statusCureTurn!; // tell TS compiler it's defined
    effect = effect!; // If `effect` is undefined then `trySetStatus()` will have already returned early via the `canSetStatus()` call
    this.status = new Status(effect, 0, statusCureTurn?.value);

    if (effect !== StatusEffect.FAINT) {
      this.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(this, SpeciesFormChangeStatusEffectTrigger, true);

    return true;

  * Resets the status of a pokemon.
  * @param revive Whether revive should be cured; defaults to true.
  * @param confusion Whether resetStatus should include confusion or not; defaults to false.
  * @param reloadAssets Whether to reload the assets or not; defaults to false.
  resetStatus(revive: boolean = true, confusion: boolean = false, reloadAssets: boolean = false): void {
    const lastStatus = this.status?.effect;
    if (!revive && lastStatus === StatusEffect.FAINT) {
    this.status = null;
    if (lastStatus === StatusEffect.SLEEP) {
      if (this.getTag(BattlerTagType.NIGHTMARE)) {
    if (confusion) {
      if (this.getTag(BattlerTagType.CONFUSED)) {
    if (reloadAssets) {
      this.loadAssets(false).then(() => this.playAnim());

  primeSummonData(summonDataPrimer: PokemonSummonData): void {
    this.summonDataPrimer = summonDataPrimer;

  resetSummonData(): void {
    if (this.summonData?.speciesForm) {
      this.summonData.speciesForm = null;
    this.summonData = new PokemonSummonData();
    if (!this.battleData) {
    if (this.summonDataPrimer) {
      for (const k of Object.keys(this.summonData)) {
        if (this.summonDataPrimer[k]) {
          this.summonData[k] = this.summonDataPrimer[k];
      // If this Pokemon has a Substitute when loading in, play an animation to add its sprite
      if (this.getTag(SubstituteTag)) {
        this.scene.triggerPokemonBattleAnim(this, PokemonAnimType.SUBSTITUTE_ADD);
        this.getTag(SubstituteTag)!.sourceInFocus = false;
      this.summonDataPrimer = null;

  resetBattleData(): void {
    this.battleData = new PokemonBattleData();

  resetBattleSummonData(): void {
    this.battleSummonData = new PokemonBattleSummonData();
    if (this.getTag(BattlerTagType.SEEDED)) {
    if (this.scene) {
      this.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(this, SpeciesFormChangePostMoveTrigger, true);

  resetTurnData(): void {
    this.turnData = new PokemonTurnData();

  getExpValue(): integer {
    // Logic to factor in victor level has been removed for balancing purposes, so the player doesn't have to focus on EXP maxxing
    return ((this.getSpeciesForm().getBaseExp() * this.level) / 5 + 1);

  setFrameRate(frameRate: integer) {
    this.scene.anims.get(this.getBattleSpriteKey()).frameRate = frameRate;

  tint(color: number, alpha?: number, duration?: integer, ease?: string) {
    const tintSprite = this.getTintSprite();

    if (duration) {

        targets: tintSprite,
        alpha: alpha || 1,
        duration: duration,
        ease: ease || "Linear"
    } else {

  untint(duration: integer, ease?: string) {
    const tintSprite = this.getTintSprite();

    if (duration) {
        targets: tintSprite,
        alpha: 0,
        duration: duration,
        ease: ease || "Linear",
        onComplete: () => {
    } else {

  enableMask() {
    if (!this.maskEnabled) {
      this.maskSprite = this.getTintSprite();
      this.maskSprite?.setPosition(this.x * this.parentContainer.scale + this.parentContainer.x,
        this.y * this.parentContainer.scale + this.parentContainer.y);
      this.maskSprite?.setScale(this.getSpriteScale() * this.parentContainer.scale);
      this.maskEnabled = true;

  disableMask() {
    if (this.maskEnabled) {
      this.maskSprite?.setPosition(0, 0);
      this.maskSprite = null;
      this.maskEnabled = false;

  sparkle(): void {
    if (this.shinySparkle) {`sparkle${this.variant ? `_${this.variant + 1}` : ""}`);

  updateFusionPalette(ignoreOveride?: boolean): void {
    if (!this.getFusionSpeciesForm(ignoreOveride)) {
      [ this.getSprite(), this.getTintSprite() ].filter(s => !!s).map(s => {
        s.pipelineData[`spriteColors${ignoreOveride && this.summonData?.speciesForm ? "Base" : ""}`] = [];
        s.pipelineData[`fusionSpriteColors${ignoreOveride && this.summonData?.speciesForm ? "Base" : ""}`] = [];

    const speciesForm = this.getSpeciesForm(ignoreOveride);
    const fusionSpeciesForm = this.getFusionSpeciesForm(ignoreOveride);

    const spriteKey = speciesForm.getSpriteKey(this.getGender(ignoreOveride) === Gender.FEMALE, speciesForm.formIndex, this.shiny, this.variant);
    const backSpriteKey = speciesForm.getSpriteKey(this.getGender(ignoreOveride) === Gender.FEMALE, speciesForm.formIndex, this.shiny, this.variant).replace("pkmn__", "pkmn__back__");
    const fusionSpriteKey = fusionSpeciesForm.getSpriteKey(this.getFusionGender(ignoreOveride) === Gender.FEMALE, fusionSpeciesForm.formIndex, this.fusionShiny, this.fusionVariant);
    const fusionBackSpriteKey = fusionSpeciesForm.getSpriteKey(this.getFusionGender(ignoreOveride) === Gender.FEMALE, fusionSpeciesForm.formIndex, this.fusionShiny, this.fusionVariant).replace("pkmn__", "pkmn__back__");

    const sourceTexture = this.scene.textures.get(spriteKey);
    const sourceBackTexture = this.scene.textures.get(backSpriteKey);
    const fusionTexture = this.scene.textures.get(fusionSpriteKey);
    const fusionBackTexture = this.scene.textures.get(fusionBackSpriteKey);

    const [ sourceFrame, sourceBackFrame, fusionFrame, fusionBackFrame ] = [ sourceTexture, sourceBackTexture, fusionTexture, fusionBackTexture ].map(texture => texture.frames[texture.firstFrame]);
    const [ sourceImage, sourceBackImage, fusionImage, fusionBackImage ] = [ sourceTexture, sourceBackTexture, fusionTexture, fusionBackTexture ].map(i => i.getSourceImage() as HTMLImageElement);

    const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
    const backCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
    const fusionCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
    const fusionBackCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");

    const spriteColors: integer[][] = [];
    const pixelData: Uint8ClampedArray[] = [];

    [ canvas, backCanvas, fusionCanvas, fusionBackCanvas ].forEach((canv: HTMLCanvasElement, c: integer) => {
      const context = canv.getContext("2d");
      const frame = [ sourceFrame, sourceBackFrame, fusionFrame, fusionBackFrame ][c];
      canv.width = frame.width;
      canv.height = frame.height;

      if (context) {
        context.drawImage([ sourceImage, sourceBackImage, fusionImage, fusionBackImage ][c], frame.cutX, frame.cutY, frame.width, frame.height, 0, 0, frame.width, frame.height);
        const imageData = context.getImageData(frame.cutX, frame.cutY, frame.width, frame.height);

    for (let f = 0; f < 2; f++) {
      const variantColors = variantColorCache[!f ? spriteKey : backSpriteKey];
      const variantColorSet = new Map<integer, integer[]>();
      if (this.shiny && variantColors && variantColors[this.variant]) {
        Object.keys(variantColors[this.variant]).forEach(k => {
          variantColorSet.set(Utils.rgbaToInt(Array.from(Object.values(Utils.rgbHexToRgba(k)))), Array.from(Object.values(Utils.rgbHexToRgba(variantColors[this.variant][k]))));

      for (let i = 0; i < pixelData[f].length; i += 4) {
        if (pixelData[f][i + 3]) {
          const pixel = pixelData[f].slice(i, i + 4);
          let [ r, g, b, a ] = pixel;
          if (variantColors) {
            const color = Utils.rgbaToInt([r, g, b, a]);
            if (variantColorSet.has(color)) {
              const mappedPixel = variantColorSet.get(color);
              if (mappedPixel) {
                [ r, g, b, a ] = mappedPixel;
          if (!spriteColors.find(c => c[0] === r && c[1] === g && c[2] === b)) {
            spriteColors.push([ r, g, b, a ]);

    const fusionSpriteColors = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(spriteColors));

    const pixelColors: number[] = [];
    for (let f = 0; f < 2; f++) {
      for (let i = 0; i < pixelData[f].length; i += 4) {
        const total = pixelData[f].slice(i, i + 3).reduce((total: integer, value: integer) => total + value, 0);
        if (!total) {
        pixelColors.push(argbFromRgba({ r: pixelData[f][i], g: pixelData[f][i + 1], b: pixelData[f][i + 2], a: pixelData[f][i + 3] }));

    const fusionPixelColors : number[] = [];
    for (let f = 0; f < 2; f++) {
      const variantColors = variantColorCache[!f ? fusionSpriteKey : fusionBackSpriteKey];
      const variantColorSet = new Map<integer, integer[]>();
      if (this.fusionShiny && variantColors && variantColors[this.fusionVariant]) {
        Object.keys(variantColors[this.fusionVariant]).forEach(k => {
          variantColorSet.set(Utils.rgbaToInt(Array.from(Object.values(Utils.rgbHexToRgba(k)))), Array.from(Object.values(Utils.rgbHexToRgba(variantColors[this.fusionVariant][k]))));
      for (let i = 0; i < pixelData[2 + f].length; i += 4) {
        const total = pixelData[2 + f].slice(i, i + 3).reduce((total: integer, value: integer) => total + value, 0);
        if (!total) {
        let [ r, g, b, a ] = [ pixelData[2 + f][i], pixelData[2 + f][i + 1], pixelData[2 + f][i + 2], pixelData[2 + f][i + 3] ];
        if (variantColors) {
          const color = Utils.rgbaToInt([r, g, b, a]);
          if (variantColorSet.has(color)) {
            const mappedPixel = variantColorSet.get(color);
            if (mappedPixel) {
              [ r, g, b, a ] = mappedPixel;
        fusionPixelColors.push(argbFromRgba({ r, g, b, a }));

    let paletteColors: Map<number, number>;
    let fusionPaletteColors: Map<number, number>;

    const originalRandom = Math.random;
    Math.random = () => Phaser.Math.RND.realInRange(0, 1);

    this.scene.executeWithSeedOffset(() => {
      paletteColors = QuantizerCelebi.quantize(pixelColors, 4);
      fusionPaletteColors = QuantizerCelebi.quantize(fusionPixelColors, 4);
    }, 0, "This result should not vary");

    Math.random = originalRandom;

    paletteColors = paletteColors!; // tell TS compiler that paletteColors is defined!
    fusionPaletteColors = fusionPaletteColors!; // TS compiler that fusionPaletteColors is defined!
    const [ palette, fusionPalette ] = [ paletteColors, fusionPaletteColors ]
      .map(paletteColors => {
        let keys = Array.from(paletteColors.keys()).sort((a: integer, b: integer) => paletteColors.get(a)! < paletteColors.get(b)! ? 1 : -1);
        let rgbaColors: Map<number, integer[]>;
        let hsvColors: Map<number, number[]>;

        const mappedColors = new Map<integer, integer[]>();

        do {

          rgbaColors = keys.reduce((map: Map<number, integer[]>, k: number) => {
            map.set(k, Object.values(rgbaFromArgb(k))); return map;
          }, new Map<number, integer[]>());
          hsvColors = Array.from(rgbaColors.keys()).reduce((map: Map<number, number[]>, k: number) => {
            const rgb = rgbaColors.get(k)!.slice(0, 3);
            map.set(k, Utils.rgbToHsv(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]));
            return map;
          }, new Map<number, number[]>());

          for (let c = keys.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) {
            const hsv = hsvColors.get(keys[c])!;
            for (let c2 = 0; c2 < c; c2++) {
              const hsv2 = hsvColors.get(keys[c2])!;
              const diff = Math.abs(hsv[0] - hsv2[0]);
              if (diff < 30 || diff >= 330) {
                if (mappedColors.has(keys[c])) {
                } else {
                  mappedColors.set(keys[c], [ keys[c2] ]);

          mappedColors.forEach((values: integer[], key: integer) => {
            const keyColor = rgbaColors.get(key)!;
            const valueColors = => rgbaColors.get(v)!);
            const color = keyColor.slice(0);
            let count = paletteColors.get(key)!;
            for (const value of values) {
              const valueCount = paletteColors.get(value);
              if (!valueCount) {
              count += valueCount;

            for (let c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
              color[c] *= (paletteColors.get(key)! / count);
              values.forEach((value: integer, i: integer) => {
                if (paletteColors.has(value)) {
                  const valueCount = paletteColors.get(value)!;
                  color[c] += valueColors[i][c] * (valueCount / count);
              color[c] = Math.round(color[c]);

            for (const value of values) {
              if (mappedColors.has(value)) {

            paletteColors.set(argbFromRgba({ r: color[0], g: color[1], b: color[2], a: color[3] }), count);

          keys = Array.from(paletteColors.keys()).sort((a: integer, b: integer) => paletteColors.get(a)! < paletteColors.get(b)! ? 1 : -1);
        } while (mappedColors.size);

        return => Object.values(rgbaFromArgb(c)));

    const paletteDeltas: number[][] = [];

    spriteColors.forEach((sc: integer[], i: integer) => {
      for (let p = 0; p < palette.length; p++) {
        paletteDeltas[i].push(Utils.deltaRgb(sc, palette[p]));

    const easeFunc = Phaser.Tweens.Builders.GetEaseFunction("Cubic.easeIn");

    for (let sc = 0; sc < spriteColors.length; sc++) {
      const delta = Math.min(...paletteDeltas[sc]);
      const paletteIndex = Math.min(paletteDeltas[sc].findIndex(pd => pd === delta), fusionPalette.length - 1);
      if (delta < 255) {
        const ratio = easeFunc(delta / 255);
        const color = [ 0, 0, 0, fusionSpriteColors[sc][3] ];
        for (let c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
          color[c] = Math.round((fusionSpriteColors[sc][c] * ratio) + (fusionPalette[paletteIndex][c] * (1 - ratio)));
        fusionSpriteColors[sc] = color;

    [ this.getSprite(), this.getTintSprite() ].filter(s => !!s).map(s => {
      s.pipelineData[`spriteColors${ignoreOveride && this.summonData?.speciesForm ? "Base" : ""}`] = spriteColors;
      s.pipelineData[`fusionSpriteColors${ignoreOveride && this.summonData?.speciesForm ? "Base" : ""}`] = fusionSpriteColors;


   * Generates a random number using the current battle's seed, or the global seed if `this.scene.currentBattle` is falsy
   * <!-- @import "../battle".Battle -->
   * This calls either {@linkcode BattleScene.randBattleSeedInt}({@linkcode range}, {@linkcode min}) in `src/battle-scene.ts`
   * which calls {@linkcode Battle.randSeedInt}(`scene`, {@linkcode range}, {@linkcode min}) in `src/battle.ts`
   * which calls {@linkcode Utils.randSeedInt randSeedInt}({@linkcode range}, {@linkcode min}) in `src/utils.ts`,
   * or it directly calls {@linkcode Utils.randSeedInt randSeedInt}({@linkcode range}, {@linkcode min}) in `src/utils.ts` if there is no current battle
   * @param range How large of a range of random numbers to choose from. If {@linkcode range} <= 1, returns {@linkcode min}
   * @param min The minimum integer to pick, default `0`
   * @returns A random integer between {@linkcode min} and ({@linkcode min} + {@linkcode range} - 1)
  randSeedInt(range: integer, min: integer = 0): integer {
    return this.scene.currentBattle
      ? this.scene.randBattleSeedInt(range, min)
      : Utils.randSeedInt(range, min);

   * Generates a random number using the current battle's seed, or the global seed if `this.scene.currentBattle` is falsy
   * @param min The minimum integer to generate
   * @param max The maximum integer to generate
   * @returns a random integer between {@linkcode min} and {@linkcode max} inclusive
  randSeedIntRange(min: integer, max: integer): integer {
    return this.randSeedInt((max - min) + 1, min);

   * Causes a Pokemon to leave the field (such as in preparation for a switch out/escape).
   * @param clearEffects Indicates if effects should be cleared (true) or passed
   * to the next pokemon, such as during a baton pass (false)
   * @param hideInfo Indicates if this should also play the animation to hide the Pokemon's
   * info container.
  leaveField(clearEffects: boolean = true, hideInfo: boolean = true) {
    if (clearEffects) {
    if (hideInfo) {
    this.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(this, SpeciesFormChangeActiveTrigger, true);

  destroy(): void {

  getBattleInfo(): BattleInfo {
    return this.battleInfo;

   * Checks whether or not the Pokemon's root form has the same ability
   * @param abilityIndex the given ability index we are checking
   * @returns true if the abilities are the same
  hasSameAbilityInRootForm(abilityIndex: number): boolean {
    const currentAbilityIndex = this.abilityIndex;
    const rootForm = getPokemonSpecies(this.species.getRootSpeciesId());
    return rootForm.getAbility(abilityIndex) === rootForm.getAbility(currentAbilityIndex);

   * Helper function to check if the player already owns the starter data of the Pokemon's
   * current ability
   * @param ownedAbilityAttrs the owned abilityAttr of this Pokemon's root form
   * @returns true if the player already has it, false otherwise
  checkIfPlayerHasAbilityOfStarter(ownedAbilityAttrs: number): boolean {
    if ((ownedAbilityAttrs & 1) > 0 && this.hasSameAbilityInRootForm(0)) {
      return true;
    if ((ownedAbilityAttrs & 2) > 0 && this.hasSameAbilityInRootForm(1)) {
      return true;
    if ((ownedAbilityAttrs & 4) > 0 && this.hasSameAbilityInRootForm(2)) {
      return true;
    return false;

export default interface Pokemon {
  scene: BattleScene

export class PlayerPokemon extends Pokemon {
  public compatibleTms: Moves[];

  constructor(scene: BattleScene, species: PokemonSpecies, level: integer, abilityIndex?: integer, formIndex?: integer, gender?: Gender, shiny?: boolean, variant?: Variant, ivs?: integer[], nature?: Nature, dataSource?: Pokemon | PokemonData) {
    super(scene, 106, 148, species, level, abilityIndex, formIndex, gender, shiny, variant, ivs, nature, dataSource);

    if (Overrides.STATUS_OVERRIDE) {
      this.status = new Status(Overrides.STATUS_OVERRIDE);

    if (Overrides.SHINY_OVERRIDE) {
      this.shiny = true;
      if (Overrides.VARIANT_OVERRIDE) {
        this.variant = Overrides.VARIANT_OVERRIDE;
    if (!dataSource) {
      if (this.scene.gameMode.isDaily) {
      } else {
        this.moveset = [];

  initBattleInfo(): void {
    this.battleInfo = new PlayerBattleInfo(this.scene);

  isPlayer(): boolean {
    return true;

  hasTrainer(): boolean {
    return true;

  isBoss(): boolean {
    return false;

  getFieldIndex(): integer {
    return this.scene.getPlayerField().indexOf(this);

  getBattlerIndex(): BattlerIndex {
    return this.getFieldIndex();

  generateCompatibleTms(): void {
    this.compatibleTms = [];

    const tms = Object.keys(tmSpecies);
    for (const tm of tms) {
      const moveId = parseInt(tm) as Moves;
      let compatible = false;
      for (const p of tmSpecies[tm]) {
        if (Array.isArray(p)) {
          if (p[0] === this.species.speciesId || (this.fusionSpecies && p[0] === this.fusionSpecies.speciesId) && p.slice(1).indexOf(this.species.forms[this.formIndex]) > -1) {
            compatible = true;
        } else if (p === this.species.speciesId || (this.fusionSpecies && p === this.fusionSpecies.speciesId)) {
          compatible = true;
      if (reverseCompatibleTms.indexOf(moveId) > -1) {
        compatible = !compatible;
      if (compatible) {

  tryPopulateMoveset(moveset: StarterMoveset): boolean {
    if (!this.getSpeciesForm().validateStarterMoveset(moveset, this.scene.gameData.starterData[this.species.getRootSpeciesId()].eggMoves)) {
      return false;

    this.moveset = => new PokemonMove(m));

    return true;

   * Causes this mon to leave the field (via {@linkcode leaveField}) and then
   * opens the party switcher UI to switch a new mon in
   * @param batonPass Indicates if this switch was caused by a baton pass (and
   * thus should maintain active mon effects)
  switchOut(batonPass: boolean): Promise<void> {
    return new Promise(resolve => {

      this.scene.ui.setMode(Mode.PARTY, PartyUiMode.FAINT_SWITCH, this.getFieldIndex(), (slotIndex: integer, option: PartyOption) => {
        if (slotIndex >= this.scene.currentBattle.getBattlerCount() && slotIndex < 6) {
          this.scene.prependToPhase(new SwitchSummonPhase(this.scene, this.getFieldIndex(), slotIndex, false, batonPass), MoveEndPhase);
      }, PartyUiHandler.FilterNonFainted);

  addFriendship(friendship: integer): void {
    const starterSpeciesId = this.species.getRootSpeciesId();
    const fusionStarterSpeciesId = this.isFusion() && this.fusionSpecies ? this.fusionSpecies.getRootSpeciesId() : 0;
    const starterData = [
      fusionStarterSpeciesId ? this.scene.gameData.starterData[fusionStarterSpeciesId] : null
    ].filter(d => !!d);
    const amount = new Utils.IntegerHolder(friendship);
    const starterAmount = new Utils.IntegerHolder(Math.floor(friendship * (this.scene.gameMode.isClassic && friendship > 0 ? 2 : 1) / (fusionStarterSpeciesId ? 2 : 1)));
    if (amount.value > 0) {
      this.scene.applyModifier(PokemonFriendshipBoosterModifier, true, this, amount);
      this.scene.applyModifier(PokemonFriendshipBoosterModifier, true, this, starterAmount);

      this.friendship = Math.min(this.friendship + amount.value, 255);
      if (this.friendship === 255) {
      starterData.forEach((sd: StarterDataEntry, i: integer) => {
        const speciesId = !i ? starterSpeciesId : fusionStarterSpeciesId as Species;
        sd.friendship = (sd.friendship || 0) + starterAmount.value;
        if (sd.friendship >= getStarterValueFriendshipCap(speciesStarters[speciesId])) {
          this.scene.gameData.addStarterCandy(getPokemonSpecies(speciesId), 1);
          sd.friendship = 0;
    } else {
      this.friendship = Math.max(this.friendship + amount.value, 0);
      for (const sd of starterData) {
        sd.friendship = Math.max((sd.friendship || 0) + starterAmount.value, 0);
   * Handles Revival Blessing when used by player.
   * @returns Promise to revive a pokemon.
   * @see {@linkcode RevivalBlessingAttr}
  revivalBlessing(): Promise<void> {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      this.scene.ui.setMode(Mode.PARTY, PartyUiMode.REVIVAL_BLESSING, this.getFieldIndex(), (slotIndex:integer, option: PartyOption) => {
        if (slotIndex >= 0 && slotIndex<6) {
          const pokemon = this.scene.getParty()[slotIndex];
          if (!pokemon || !pokemon.isFainted()) {

          pokemon.heal(Math.min(Utils.toDmgValue(0.5 * pokemon.getMaxHp()), pokemon.getMaxHp()));
          this.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("moveTriggers:revivalBlessing", {pokemonName:}), 0, true);

          if (this.scene.currentBattle.double && this.scene.getParty().length > 1) {
            const allyPokemon = this.getAlly();
            if (slotIndex<=1) {
              // Revived ally pokemon
              this.scene.unshiftPhase(new SwitchSummonPhase(this.scene, pokemon.getFieldIndex(), slotIndex, false, false, true));
              this.scene.unshiftPhase(new ToggleDoublePositionPhase(this.scene, true));
            } else if (allyPokemon.isFainted()) {
              // Revived party pokemon, and ally pokemon is fainted
              this.scene.unshiftPhase(new SwitchSummonPhase(this.scene, allyPokemon.getFieldIndex(), slotIndex, false, false, true));
              this.scene.unshiftPhase(new ToggleDoublePositionPhase(this.scene, true));

        this.scene.ui.setMode(Mode.MESSAGE).then(() => resolve());
      }, PartyUiHandler.FilterFainted);

  getPossibleEvolution(evolution: SpeciesFormEvolution | null): Promise<Pokemon> {
    if (!evolution) {
      return new Promise(resolve => resolve(this));
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      const evolutionSpecies = getPokemonSpecies(evolution.speciesId);
      const isFusion = evolution instanceof FusionSpeciesFormEvolution;
      let ret: PlayerPokemon;
      if (isFusion) {
        const originalFusionSpecies = this.fusionSpecies;
        const originalFusionFormIndex = this.fusionFormIndex;
        this.fusionSpecies = evolutionSpecies;
        this.fusionFormIndex = evolution.evoFormKey !== null ? Math.max(evolutionSpecies.forms.findIndex(f => f.formKey === evolution.evoFormKey), 0) : this.fusionFormIndex;
        ret = this.scene.addPlayerPokemon(this.species, this.level, this.abilityIndex, this.formIndex, this.gender, this.shiny, this.variant, this.ivs, this.nature, this);
        this.fusionSpecies = originalFusionSpecies;
        this.fusionFormIndex = originalFusionFormIndex;
      } else {
        const formIndex = evolution.evoFormKey !== null && !isFusion ? Math.max(evolutionSpecies.forms.findIndex(f => f.formKey === evolution.evoFormKey), 0) : this.formIndex;
        ret = this.scene.addPlayerPokemon(!isFusion ? evolutionSpecies : this.species, this.level, this.abilityIndex, formIndex, this.gender, this.shiny, this.variant, this.ivs, this.nature, this);
      ret.loadAssets().then(() => resolve(ret));

  evolve(evolution: SpeciesFormEvolution | null, preEvolution: PokemonSpeciesForm): Promise<void> {
    if (!evolution) {
      return new Promise(resolve => resolve());
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      this.pauseEvolutions = false;
      // Handles Nincada evolving into Ninjask + Shedinja
      const isFusion = evolution instanceof FusionSpeciesFormEvolution;
      if (!isFusion) {
        this.species = getPokemonSpecies(evolution.speciesId);
      } else {
        this.fusionSpecies = getPokemonSpecies(evolution.speciesId);
      if (evolution.preFormKey !== null) {
        const formIndex = Math.max((!isFusion || !this.fusionSpecies ? this.species : this.fusionSpecies).forms.findIndex(f => f.formKey === evolution.evoFormKey), 0);
        if (!isFusion) {
          this.formIndex = formIndex;
        } else {
          this.fusionFormIndex = formIndex;
      if (!isFusion) {
        const abilityCount = this.getSpeciesForm().getAbilityCount();
        const preEvoAbilityCount = preEvolution.getAbilityCount();
        if ([0, 1, 2].includes(this.abilityIndex)) {
          // Handles cases where a Pokemon with 3 abilities evolves into a Pokemon with 2 abilities (ie: Eevee -> any Eeveelution)
          if (this.abilityIndex === 2 && preEvoAbilityCount === 3 && abilityCount === 2) {
            this.abilityIndex = 1;
        } else { // Prevent pokemon with an illegal ability value from breaking things
          console.warn("this.abilityIndex is somehow an illegal value, please report this");
          this.abilityIndex = 0;
      } else { // Do the same as above, but for fusions
        const abilityCount = this.getFusionSpeciesForm().getAbilityCount();
        const preEvoAbilityCount = preEvolution.getAbilityCount();
        if ([0, 1, 2].includes(this.fusionAbilityIndex)) {
          if (this.fusionAbilityIndex === 2 && preEvoAbilityCount === 3 && abilityCount === 2) {
            this.fusionAbilityIndex = 1;
        } else {
          console.warn("this.fusionAbilityIndex is somehow an illegal value, please report this");
          this.fusionAbilityIndex = 0;
      this.compatibleTms.splice(0, this.compatibleTms.length);
      const updateAndResolve = () => {
        this.loadAssets().then(() => {
          this.updateInfo(true).then(() => resolve());
      if (preEvolution.speciesId === Species.GIMMIGHOUL) {
        const evotracker = this.getHeldItems().filter(m => m instanceof EvoTrackerModifier)[0] ?? null;
        if (evotracker) {
      if (!this.scene.gameMode.isDaily || this.metBiome > -1) {
        this.scene.gameData.updateSpeciesDexIvs(this.species.speciesId, this.ivs);
        this.scene.gameData.setPokemonSeen(this, false);
        this.scene.gameData.setPokemonCaught(this, false).then(() => updateAndResolve());
      } else {

  private handleSpecialEvolutions(evolution: SpeciesFormEvolution) {
    const isFusion = evolution instanceof FusionSpeciesFormEvolution;

    const evoSpecies = (!isFusion ? this.species : this.fusionSpecies);
    if (evoSpecies?.speciesId === Species.NINCADA && evolution.speciesId === Species.NINJASK) {
      const newEvolution = pokemonEvolutions[evoSpecies.speciesId][1];

      if (newEvolution.condition?.predicate(this)) {
        const newPokemon = this.scene.addPlayerPokemon(this.species, this.level, this.abilityIndex, this.formIndex, undefined, this.shiny, this.variant, this.ivs, this.nature);
        newPokemon.natureOverride = this.natureOverride;
        newPokemon.passive = this.passive;
        newPokemon.moveset = this.moveset.slice();
        newPokemon.moveset = this.copyMoveset();
        newPokemon.luck = this.luck;
        newPokemon.metLevel = this.metLevel;
        newPokemon.metBiome = this.metBiome;
        newPokemon.metSpecies = this.metSpecies;
        newPokemon.metWave = this.metWave;
        newPokemon.fusionSpecies = this.fusionSpecies;
        newPokemon.fusionFormIndex = this.fusionFormIndex;
        newPokemon.fusionAbilityIndex = this.fusionAbilityIndex;
        newPokemon.fusionShiny = this.fusionShiny;
        newPokemon.fusionVariant = this.fusionVariant;
        newPokemon.fusionGender = this.fusionGender;
        newPokemon.fusionLuck = this.fusionLuck;
        newPokemon.usedTMs = this.usedTMs;

        newPokemon.evolve((!isFusion ? newEvolution : new FusionSpeciesFormEvolution(, newEvolution)), evoSpecies);
        const modifiers = this.scene.findModifiers(m => m instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier
          && m.pokemonId ===, true) as PokemonHeldItemModifier[];
        modifiers.forEach(m => {
          const clonedModifier = m.clone() as PokemonHeldItemModifier;
          clonedModifier.pokemonId =;
          this.scene.addModifier(clonedModifier, true);

  getPossibleForm(formChange: SpeciesFormChange): Promise<Pokemon> {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      const formIndex = Math.max(this.species.forms.findIndex(f => f.formKey === formChange.formKey), 0);
      const ret = this.scene.addPlayerPokemon(this.species, this.level, this.abilityIndex, formIndex, this.gender, this.shiny, this.variant, this.ivs, this.nature, this);
      ret.loadAssets().then(() => resolve(ret));

  changeForm(formChange: SpeciesFormChange): Promise<void> {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      this.formIndex = Math.max(this.species.forms.findIndex(f => f.formKey === formChange.formKey), 0);
      const abilityCount = this.getSpeciesForm().getAbilityCount();
      if (this.abilityIndex >= abilityCount) { // Shouldn't happen
        this.abilityIndex = abilityCount - 1;
      this.compatibleTms.splice(0, this.compatibleTms.length);
      const updateAndResolve = () => {
        this.loadAssets().then(() => {
          this.scene.updateModifiers(true, true);
          this.updateInfo(true).then(() => resolve());
      if (!this.scene.gameMode.isDaily || this.metBiome > -1) {
        this.scene.gameData.setPokemonSeen(this, false);
        this.scene.gameData.setPokemonCaught(this, false).then(() => updateAndResolve());
      } else {

  clearFusionSpecies(): void {

  * Returns a Promise to fuse two PlayerPokemon together
  * @param pokemon The PlayerPokemon to fuse to this one
  fuse(pokemon: PlayerPokemon): Promise<void> {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      this.fusionSpecies = pokemon.species;
      this.fusionFormIndex = pokemon.formIndex;
      this.fusionAbilityIndex = pokemon.abilityIndex;
      this.fusionShiny = pokemon.shiny;
      this.fusionVariant = pokemon.variant;
      this.fusionGender = pokemon.gender;
      this.fusionLuck = pokemon.luck;
      this.fusionMysteryEncounterPokemonData = pokemon.mysteryEncounterPokemonData;
      if ((pokemon.pauseEvolutions) || (this.pauseEvolutions)) {
        this.pauseEvolutions = true;


      // Store the average HP% that each Pokemon has
      const maxHp = this.getMaxHp();
      const newHpPercent = ((pokemon.hp / pokemon.getMaxHp()) + (this.hp / maxHp)) / 2;


      // Set this Pokemon's HP to the average % of both fusion components
      this.hp = Math.round(maxHp * newHpPercent);
      if (!this.isFainted()) {
        // If this Pokemon hasn't fainted, make sure the HP wasn't set over the new maximum
        this.hp = Math.min(this.hp, maxHp);
        this.status = getRandomStatus(this.status, pokemon.status); // Get a random valid status between the two
      } else if (!pokemon.isFainted()) {
        // If this Pokemon fainted but the other hasn't, make sure the HP wasn't set to zero
        this.hp = Math.max(this.hp, 1);
        this.status = pokemon.status; // Inherit the other Pokemon's status

      const fusedPartyMemberIndex = this.scene.getParty().indexOf(pokemon);
      let partyMemberIndex = this.scene.getParty().indexOf(this);
      if (partyMemberIndex > fusedPartyMemberIndex) {
      const fusedPartyMemberHeldModifiers = this.scene.findModifiers(m => m instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier
        && m.pokemonId ===, true) as PokemonHeldItemModifier[];
      const transferModifiers: Promise<boolean>[] = [];
      for (const modifier of fusedPartyMemberHeldModifiers) {
        transferModifiers.push(this.scene.tryTransferHeldItemModifier(modifier, this, false, modifier.getStackCount(), true, true));
      Promise.allSettled(transferModifiers).then(() => {
        this.scene.updateModifiers(true, true).then(() => {
          this.scene.getParty().splice(fusedPartyMemberIndex, 1)[0];
          const newPartyMemberIndex = this.scene.getParty().indexOf(this);
          pokemon.getMoveset(true).map(m => this.scene.unshiftPhase(new LearnMovePhase(this.scene, newPartyMemberIndex, m!.getMove().id))); // TODO: is the bang correct?

  unfuse(): Promise<void> {
    return new Promise(resolve => {

      this.updateInfo(true).then(() => resolve());

  /** Returns a deep copy of this Pokemon's moveset array */
  copyMoveset(): PokemonMove[] {
    const newMoveset : PokemonMove[] = [];
    this.moveset.forEach(move =>
      newMoveset.push(new PokemonMove(move!.moveId, 0, move!.ppUp, move!.virtual))); // TODO: are those bangs correct?

    return newMoveset;

export class EnemyPokemon extends Pokemon {
  public trainerSlot: TrainerSlot;
  public aiType: AiType;
  public bossSegments: integer;
  public bossSegmentIndex: integer;
  /** To indicate of the instance was populated with a dataSource -> e.g. loaded & populated from session data */
  public readonly isPopulatedFromDataSource: boolean;

  constructor(scene: BattleScene, species: PokemonSpecies, level: integer, trainerSlot: TrainerSlot, boss: boolean, dataSource?: PokemonData) {
    super(scene, 236, 84, species, level, dataSource?.abilityIndex, dataSource?.formIndex,
      dataSource?.gender, dataSource ? dataSource.shiny : false, dataSource ? dataSource.variant : undefined, undefined, dataSource ? dataSource.nature : undefined, dataSource);

    this.trainerSlot = trainerSlot;
    this.isPopulatedFromDataSource = !!dataSource; // if a dataSource is provided, then it was populated from dataSource
    if (boss) {
      this.setBoss(boss, dataSource?.bossSegments);

    if (Overrides.OPP_STATUS_OVERRIDE) {
      this.status = new Status(Overrides.OPP_STATUS_OVERRIDE);

    if (Overrides.OPP_GENDER_OVERRIDE) {
      this.gender = Overrides.OPP_GENDER_OVERRIDE;

    const speciesId = this.species.speciesId;

    if (speciesId in Overrides.OPP_FORM_OVERRIDES
      && Overrides.OPP_FORM_OVERRIDES[speciesId]
      && this.species.forms[Overrides.OPP_FORM_OVERRIDES[speciesId]]) {
      this.formIndex = Overrides.OPP_FORM_OVERRIDES[speciesId] ?? 0;

    if (!dataSource) {

      if (Overrides.OPP_SHINY_OVERRIDE) {
        this.shiny = true;
      if (this.shiny) {
        this.variant = this.generateVariant();
        if (Overrides.OPP_VARIANT_OVERRIDE) {
          this.variant = Overrides.OPP_VARIANT_OVERRIDE;

      this.luck = (this.shiny ? this.variant + 1 : 0) + (this.fusionShiny ? this.fusionVariant + 1 : 0);

      let prevolution: Species;
      let speciesId = species.speciesId;
      while ((prevolution = pokemonPrevolutions[speciesId])) {
        const evolution = pokemonEvolutions[prevolution].find(pe => pe.speciesId === speciesId && (!pe.evoFormKey || pe.evoFormKey === this.getFormKey()));
        if (evolution?.condition?.enforceFunc) {
        speciesId = prevolution;

    this.aiType = boss || this.hasTrainer() ? AiType.SMART : AiType.SMART_RANDOM;

  initBattleInfo(): void {
    if (!this.battleInfo) {
      this.battleInfo = new EnemyBattleInfo(this.scene);
    } else {

   * Sets the pokemons boss status. If true initializes the boss segments either from the arguments
   * or through the the Scene.getEncounterBossSegments function
   * @param boss if the pokemon is a boss
   * @param bossSegments amount of boss segments (health-bar segments)
  setBoss(boss: boolean = true, bossSegments: integer = 0): void {
    if (boss) {
      this.bossSegments = bossSegments || this.scene.getEncounterBossSegments(this.scene.currentBattle.waveIndex, this.level, this.species, true);
      this.bossSegmentIndex = this.bossSegments - 1;
    } else {
      this.bossSegments = 0;
      this.bossSegmentIndex = 0;

  generateAndPopulateMoveset(formIndex?: integer): void {
    switch (true) {
    case (this.species.speciesId === Species.SMEARGLE):
      this.moveset = [
        new PokemonMove(Moves.SKETCH),
        new PokemonMove(Moves.SKETCH),
        new PokemonMove(Moves.SKETCH),
        new PokemonMove(Moves.SKETCH)
    case (this.species.speciesId === Species.ETERNATUS):
      this.moveset = (formIndex !== undefined ? formIndex : this.formIndex)
        ? [
          new PokemonMove(Moves.DYNAMAX_CANNON),
          new PokemonMove(Moves.CROSS_POISON),
          new PokemonMove(Moves.FLAMETHROWER),
          new PokemonMove(Moves.RECOVER, 0, -4)
        : [
          new PokemonMove(Moves.ETERNABEAM),
          new PokemonMove(Moves.SLUDGE_BOMB),
          new PokemonMove(Moves.FLAMETHROWER),
          new PokemonMove(Moves.COSMIC_POWER)
      if (this.scene.gameMode.hasChallenge(Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE)) {
        this.moveset[2] = new PokemonMove(Moves.THUNDERBOLT);

   * Determines the move this Pokemon will use on the next turn, as well as
   * the Pokemon the move will target.
   * @returns this Pokemon's next move in the format {move, moveTargets}
  getNextMove(): QueuedMove {
    // If this Pokemon has a move already queued, return it.
    const queuedMove = this.getMoveQueue().length
      ? this.getMoveset().find(m => m?.moveId === this.getMoveQueue()[0].move)
      : null;
    if (queuedMove) {
      if (queuedMove.isUsable(this, this.getMoveQueue()[0].ignorePP)) {
        return { move: queuedMove.moveId, targets: this.getMoveQueue()[0].targets, ignorePP: this.getMoveQueue()[0].ignorePP };
      } else {
        return this.getNextMove();

    // Filter out any moves this Pokemon cannot use
    let movePool = this.getMoveset().filter(m => m?.isUsable(this));
    // If no moves are left, use Struggle. Otherwise, continue with move selection
    if (movePool.length) {
      // If there's only 1 move in the move pool, use it.
      if (movePool.length === 1) {
        return { move: movePool[0]!.moveId, targets: this.getNextTargets(movePool[0]!.moveId) }; // TODO: are the bangs correct?
      // If a move is forced because of Encore, use it.
      const encoreTag = this.getTag(EncoreTag) as EncoreTag;
      if (encoreTag) {
        const encoreMove = movePool.find(m => m?.moveId === encoreTag.moveId);
        if (encoreMove) {
          return { move: encoreMove.moveId, targets: this.getNextTargets(encoreMove.moveId) };
      switch (this.aiType) {
      case AiType.RANDOM: // No enemy should spawn with this AI type in-game
        const moveId = movePool[this.scene.randBattleSeedInt(movePool.length)]!.moveId; // TODO: is the bang correct?
        return { move: moveId, targets: this.getNextTargets(moveId) };
      case AiType.SMART_RANDOM:
      case AiType.SMART:
         * Search this Pokemon's move pool for moves that will KO an opposing target.
         * If there are any moves that can KO an opponent (i.e. a player Pokemon),
         * those moves are the only ones considered for selection on this turn.
        const koMoves = movePool.filter(pkmnMove => {
          if (!pkmnMove) {
            return false;

          const move = pkmnMove.getMove()!;
          if (move.moveTarget === MoveTarget.ATTACKER) {
            return false;

          const fieldPokemon = this.scene.getField();
          const moveTargets = getMoveTargets(this,
            .map(ind => fieldPokemon[ind])
            .filter(p => this.isPlayer() !== p.isPlayer());
          // Only considers critical hits for crit-only moves or when this Pokemon is under the effect of Laser Focus
          const isCritical = move.hasAttr(CritOnlyAttr) || !!this.getTag(BattlerTagType.ALWAYS_CRIT);

          return move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS
            && moveTargets.some(p => {
              const doesNotFail = move.applyConditions(this, p, move) || [Moves.SUCKER_PUNCH, Moves.UPPER_HAND, Moves.THUNDERCLAP].includes(;
              return doesNotFail && p.getAttackDamage(this, move, !p.battleData.abilityRevealed, false, isCritical).damage >= p.hp;
        }, this);

        if (koMoves.length > 0) {
          movePool = koMoves;

         * Move selection is based on the move's calculated "benefit score" against the
         * best possible target(s) (as determined by {@linkcode getNextTargets}).
         * For more information on how benefit scores are calculated, see `docs/`.
        const moveScores = => 0);
        const moveTargets = Object.fromEntries( => [ m!.moveId, this.getNextTargets(m!.moveId) ])); // TODO: are those bangs correct?
        for (const m in movePool) {
          const pokemonMove = movePool[m]!; // TODO: is the bang correct?
          const move = pokemonMove.getMove();

          let moveScore = moveScores[m];
          const targetScores: integer[] = [];

          for (const mt of moveTargets[]) {
            // Prevent a target score from being calculated when the target is whoever attacks the user
            if (mt === BattlerIndex.ATTACKER) {

            const target = this.scene.getField()[mt];
             * The "target score" of a move is given by the move's user benefit score + the move's target benefit score.
             * If the target is an ally, the target benefit score is multiplied by -1.
            let targetScore = move.getUserBenefitScore(this, target, move) + move.getTargetBenefitScore(this, target, move) * (mt < BattlerIndex.ENEMY === this.isPlayer() ? 1 : -1);
            if (Number.isNaN(targetScore)) {
              console.error(`Move ${} returned score of NaN`);
              targetScore = 0;
             * If this move is unimplemented, or the move is known to fail when used, set its
             * target score to -20
            if ((" (N)") || !move.applyConditions(this, target, move)) && ![Moves.SUCKER_PUNCH, Moves.UPPER_HAND, Moves.THUNDERCLAP].includes( {
              targetScore = -20;
            } else if (move instanceof AttackMove) {
               * Attack moves are given extra multipliers to their base benefit score based on
               * the move's type effectiveness against the target and whether the move is a STAB move.
              const effectiveness = target.getMoveEffectiveness(this, move, !target.battleData?.abilityRevealed);
              if (target.isPlayer() !== this.isPlayer()) {
                targetScore *= effectiveness;
                if (this.isOfType(move.type)) {
                  targetScore *= 1.5;
              } else if (effectiveness) {
                targetScore /= effectiveness;
                if (this.isOfType(move.type)) {
                  targetScore /= 1.5;
              /** If a move has a base benefit score of 0, its benefit score is assumed to be unimplemented at this point */
              if (!targetScore) {
                targetScore = -20;
          // When a move has multiple targets, its score is equal to the maximum target score across all targets
          moveScore += Math.max(...targetScores);

          // could make smarter by checking opponent def/spdef
          moveScores[m] = moveScore;


        // Sort the move pool in decreasing order of move score
        const sortedMovePool = movePool.slice(0);
        sortedMovePool.sort((a, b) => {
          const scoreA = moveScores[movePool.indexOf(a)];
          const scoreB = moveScores[movePool.indexOf(b)];
          return scoreA < scoreB ? 1 : scoreA > scoreB ? -1 : 0;
        let r = 0;
        if (this.aiType === AiType.SMART_RANDOM) {
          // Has a 5/8 chance to select the best move, and a 3/8 chance to advance to the next best move (and repeat this roll)
          while (r < sortedMovePool.length - 1 && this.scene.randBattleSeedInt(8) >= 5) {
        } else if (this.aiType === AiType.SMART) {
          // The chance to advance to the next best move increases when the compared moves' scores are closer to each other.
          while (r < sortedMovePool.length - 1 && (moveScores[movePool.indexOf(sortedMovePool[r + 1])] / moveScores[movePool.indexOf(sortedMovePool[r])]) >= 0
              && this.scene.randBattleSeedInt(100) < Math.round((moveScores[movePool.indexOf(sortedMovePool[r + 1])] / moveScores[movePool.indexOf(sortedMovePool[r])]) * 50)) {
        console.log( => m!.getName()), moveScores, r, => m!.getName())); // TODO: are those bangs correct?
        return { move: sortedMovePool[r]!.moveId, targets: moveTargets[sortedMovePool[r]!.moveId] };

    return { move: Moves.STRUGGLE, targets: this.getNextTargets(Moves.STRUGGLE) };

   * Determines the Pokemon the given move would target if used by this Pokemon
   * @param moveId {@linkcode Moves} The move to be used
   * @returns The indexes of the Pokemon the given move would target
  getNextTargets(moveId: Moves): BattlerIndex[] {
    const moveTargets = getMoveTargets(this, moveId);
    const targets = this.scene.getField(true).filter(p => moveTargets.targets.indexOf(p.getBattlerIndex()) > -1);
    // If the move is multi-target, return all targets' indexes
    if (moveTargets.multiple) {
      return => p.getBattlerIndex());

    const move = allMoves[moveId];

     * Get the move's target benefit score against each potential target.
     * For allies, this score is multiplied by -1.
    const benefitScores = targets
      .map(p => [ p.getBattlerIndex(), move.getTargetBenefitScore(this, p, move) * (p.isPlayer() === this.isPlayer() ? 1 : -1) ]);

    const sortedBenefitScores = benefitScores.slice(0);
    sortedBenefitScores.sort((a, b) => {
      const scoreA = a[1];
      const scoreB = b[1];
      return scoreA < scoreB ? 1 : scoreA > scoreB ? -1 : 0;

    if (!sortedBenefitScores.length) {
      // Set target to BattlerIndex.ATTACKER when using a counter move
      // This is the same as when the player does so
      if (move.hasAttr(CounterDamageAttr)) {
        return [BattlerIndex.ATTACKER];

      return [];

    let targetWeights = => s[1]);
    const lowestWeight = targetWeights[targetWeights.length - 1];

    // If the lowest target weight (i.e. benefit score) is negative, add abs(lowestWeight) to all target weights
    if (lowestWeight < 1) {
      for (let w = 0; w < targetWeights.length; w++) {
        targetWeights[w] += Math.abs(lowestWeight - 1);

    // Remove any targets whose weights are less than half the max of the target weights from consideration
    const benefitCutoffIndex = targetWeights.findIndex(s => s < targetWeights[0] / 2);
    if (benefitCutoffIndex > -1) {
      targetWeights = targetWeights.slice(0, benefitCutoffIndex);

    const thresholds: integer[] = [];
    let totalWeight: integer = 0;
    targetWeights.reduce((total: integer, w: integer) => {
      total += w;
      totalWeight = total;
      return total;
    }, 0);

     * Generate a random number from 0 to (totalWeight-1),
     * then select the first target whose cumulative weight (with all previous targets' weights)
     * is greater than that random number.
    const randValue = this.scene.randBattleSeedInt(totalWeight);
    let targetIndex: integer = 0;

    thresholds.every((t, i) => {
      if (randValue >= t) {
        return true;

      targetIndex = i;
      return false;

    return [ sortedBenefitScores[targetIndex][0] ];

  isPlayer() {
    return false;

  hasTrainer(): boolean {
    return !!this.trainerSlot;

  isBoss(): boolean {
    return !!this.bossSegments;

  getBossSegmentIndex(): integer {
    const segments = (this as EnemyPokemon).bossSegments;
    const segmentSize = this.getMaxHp() / segments;
    for (let s = segments - 1; s > 0; s--) {
      const hpThreshold = Math.round(segmentSize * s);
      if (this.hp > hpThreshold) {
        return s;

    return 0;

  damage(damage: integer, ignoreSegments: boolean = false, preventEndure: boolean = false, ignoreFaintPhase: boolean = false): integer {
    if (this.isFainted()) {
      return 0;

    let clearedBossSegmentIndex = this.isBoss()
      ? this.bossSegmentIndex + 1
      : 0;

    if (this.isBoss() && !ignoreSegments) {
      const segmentSize = this.getMaxHp() / this.bossSegments;
      for (let s = this.bossSegmentIndex; s > 0; s--) {
        const hpThreshold = segmentSize * s;
        const roundedHpThreshold = Math.round(hpThreshold);
        if (this.hp >= roundedHpThreshold) {
          if (this.hp - damage <= roundedHpThreshold) {
            const hpRemainder = this.hp - roundedHpThreshold;
            let segmentsBypassed = 0;
            while (segmentsBypassed < this.bossSegmentIndex && this.canBypassBossSegments(segmentsBypassed + 1) && (damage - hpRemainder) >= Math.round(segmentSize * Math.pow(2, segmentsBypassed + 1))) {
              //console.log('damage', damage, 'segment', segmentsBypassed + 1, 'segment size', segmentSize, 'damage needed', Math.round(segmentSize * Math.pow(2, segmentsBypassed + 1)));

            damage = Utils.toDmgValue(this.hp - hpThreshold + segmentSize * segmentsBypassed);
            clearedBossSegmentIndex = s - segmentsBypassed;

    switch (this.scene.currentBattle.battleSpec) {
    case BattleSpec.FINAL_BOSS:
      if (!this.formIndex && this.bossSegmentIndex < 1) {
        damage = Math.min(damage, this.hp - 1);

    const ret = super.damage(damage, ignoreSegments, preventEndure, ignoreFaintPhase);

    if (this.isBoss()) {
      if (ignoreSegments) {
        const segmentSize = this.getMaxHp() / this.bossSegments;
        clearedBossSegmentIndex = Math.ceil(this.hp / segmentSize);
      if (clearedBossSegmentIndex <= this.bossSegmentIndex) {

    return ret;

  canBypassBossSegments(segmentCount: integer = 1): boolean {
    if (this.scene.currentBattle.battleSpec === BattleSpec.FINAL_BOSS) {
      if (!this.formIndex && (this.bossSegmentIndex - segmentCount) < 1) {
        return false;

    return true;

   * Go through a boss' health segments and give stats boosts for each newly cleared segment
   * The base boost is 1 to a random stat that's not already maxed out per broken shield
   * For Pokemon with 3 health segments or more, breaking the last shield gives +2 instead
   * For Pokemon with 5 health segments or more, breaking the last two shields give +2 each
   * @param segmentIndex index of the segment to get down to (0 = no shield left, 1 = 1 shield left, etc.)
  handleBossSegmentCleared(segmentIndex: integer): void {
    while (this.bossSegmentIndex > 0 && segmentIndex - 1 < this.bossSegmentIndex) {
      // Filter out already maxed out stat stages and weigh the rest based on existing stats
      const leftoverStats = EFFECTIVE_STATS.filter((s: EffectiveStat) => this.getStatStage(s) < 6);
      const statWeights = EffectiveStat) => this.getStat(s, false));

      let boostedStat: EffectiveStat;
      const statThresholds: number[] = [];
      let totalWeight = 0;

      for (const i in statWeights) {
        totalWeight += statWeights[i];

      // Pick a random stat from the leftover stats to increase its stages
      const randInt = Utils.randSeedInt(totalWeight);
      for (const i in statThresholds) {
        if (randInt < statThresholds[i]) {
          boostedStat = leftoverStats[i];

      let stages = 1;

      // increase the boost if the boss has at least 3 segments and we passed last shield
      if (this.bossSegments >= 3 && this.bossSegmentIndex === 1) {
      // increase the boost if the boss has at least 5 segments and we passed the second to last shield
      if (this.bossSegments >= 5 && this.bossSegmentIndex === 2) {

      this.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatStageChangePhase(this.scene, this.getBattlerIndex(), true, [ boostedStat! ], stages, true, true));

  heal(amount: integer): integer {
    if (this.isBoss()) {
      const amountRatio = amount / this.getMaxHp();
      const segmentBypassCount = Math.floor(amountRatio / (1 / this.bossSegments));
      const segmentSize = this.getMaxHp() / this.bossSegments;
      for (let s = 1; s < this.bossSegments; s++) {
        const hpThreshold = segmentSize * s;
        if (this.hp <= Math.round(hpThreshold)) {
          const healAmount = Math.min(amount, this.getMaxHp() - this.hp, Math.round(hpThreshold + (segmentSize * segmentBypassCount) - this.hp));
          this.hp += healAmount;
          return healAmount;
        } else if (s >= this.bossSegmentIndex) {
          return super.heal(amount);

    return super.heal(amount);

  getFieldIndex(): integer {
    return this.scene.getEnemyField().indexOf(this);

  getBattlerIndex(): BattlerIndex {
    return BattlerIndex.ENEMY + this.getFieldIndex();

   * Add a new pokemon to the player's party (at `slotIndex` if set).
   * @param pokeballType the type of pokeball the pokemon was caught with
   * @param slotIndex an optional index to place the pokemon in the party
   * @returns the pokemon that was added or null if the pokemon could not be added
  addToParty(pokeballType: PokeballType, slotIndex: number = -1) {
    const party = this.scene.getParty();
    let ret: PlayerPokemon | null = null;

    if (party.length < PLAYER_PARTY_MAX_SIZE) {
      this.pokeball = pokeballType;
      this.metLevel = this.level;
      this.metBiome = this.scene.arena.biomeType;
      this.metWave = this.scene.currentBattle.waveIndex;
      this.metSpecies = this.species.speciesId;
      const newPokemon = this.scene.addPlayerPokemon(this.species, this.level, this.abilityIndex, this.formIndex, this.gender, this.shiny, this.variant, this.ivs, this.nature, this);

      if (Utils.isBetween(slotIndex, 0, PLAYER_PARTY_MAX_SIZE - 1)) {
        party.splice(slotIndex, 0, newPokemon);
      } else {

      ret = newPokemon;
      this.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(newPokemon, SpeciesFormChangeActiveTrigger, true);

    return ret;

export interface TurnMove {
  move: Moves;
  targets?: BattlerIndex[];
  result: MoveResult;
  virtual?: boolean;
  turn?: number;

export interface QueuedMove {
  move: Moves;
  targets: BattlerIndex[];
  ignorePP?: boolean;

export interface AttackMoveResult {
  move: Moves;
  result: DamageResult;
  damage: number;
  critical: boolean;
  sourceId: number;
  sourceBattlerIndex: BattlerIndex;

export class PokemonSummonData {
  /** [Atk, Def, SpAtk, SpDef, Spd, Acc, Eva] */
  public statStages: number[] = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
  public moveQueue: QueuedMove[] = [];
  public tags: BattlerTag[] = [];
  public abilitySuppressed: boolean = false;
  public abilitiesApplied: Abilities[] = [];

  public speciesForm: PokemonSpeciesForm | null;
  public fusionSpeciesForm: PokemonSpeciesForm;
  public ability: Abilities = Abilities.NONE;
  public passiveAbility: Abilities = Abilities.NONE;
  public gender: Gender;
  public fusionGender: Gender;
  public stats: number[] = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
  public moveset: (PokemonMove | null)[];
  // If not initialized this value will not be populated from save data.
  public types: Type[] = [];

export class PokemonBattleData {
  public hitCount: number = 0;
  public endured: boolean = false;
  public berriesEaten: BerryType[] = [];
  public abilitiesApplied: Abilities[] = [];
  public abilityRevealed: boolean = false;

export class PokemonBattleSummonData {
  /** The number of turns the pokemon has passed since entering the battle */
  public turnCount: number = 1;
  /** The list of moves the pokemon has used since entering the battle */
  public moveHistory: TurnMove[] = [];

export class PokemonTurnData {
  public flinched: boolean = false;
  public acted: boolean = false;
  public hitCount: number;
  public hitsLeft: number;
  public damageDealt: number = 0;
  public currDamageDealt: number = 0;
  public damageTaken: number = 0;
  public attacksReceived: AttackMoveResult[] = [];
  public order: number;
  public statStagesIncreased: boolean = false;
  public statStagesDecreased: boolean = false;

export enum AiType {

export enum MoveResult {

export enum HitResult {

export type DamageResult = HitResult.EFFECTIVE | HitResult.SUPER_EFFECTIVE | HitResult.NOT_VERY_EFFECTIVE | HitResult.ONE_HIT_KO | HitResult.OTHER;

/** Interface containing the results of a damage calculation for a given move */
export interface DamageCalculationResult {
  /** `true` if the move was cancelled (thus suppressing "No Effect" messages) */
  cancelled: boolean;
  /** The effectiveness of the move */
  result: HitResult;
  /** The damage dealt by the move */
  damage: number;

 * Wrapper class for the {@linkcode Move} class for Pokemon to interact with.
 * These are the moves assigned to a {@linkcode Pokemon} object.
 * It links to {@linkcode Move} class via the move ID.
 * Compared to {@linkcode Move}, this class also tracks if a move has received.
 * PP Ups, amount of PP used, and things like that.
 * @see {@linkcode isUsable} - checks if move is restricted, out of PP, or not implemented.
 * @see {@linkcode getMove} - returns {@linkcode Move} object by looking it up via ID.
 * @see {@linkcode usePp} - removes a point of PP from the move.
 * @see {@linkcode getMovePp} - returns amount of PP a move currently has.
 * @see {@linkcode getPpRatio} - returns the current PP amount / max PP amount.
 * @see {@linkcode getName} - returns name of {@linkcode Move}.
export class PokemonMove {
  public moveId: Moves;
  public ppUsed: integer;
  public ppUp: integer;
  public virtual: boolean;

  constructor(moveId: Moves, ppUsed?: integer, ppUp?: integer, virtual?: boolean) {
    this.moveId = moveId;
    this.ppUsed = ppUsed || 0;
    this.ppUp = ppUp || 0;
    this.virtual = !!virtual;

   * Checks whether the move can be selected or performed by a Pokemon, without consideration for the move's targets.
   * The move is unusable if it is out of PP, restricted by an effect, or unimplemented.
   * @param {Pokemon} pokemon {@linkcode Pokemon} that would be using this move
   * @param {boolean} ignorePp If `true`, skips the PP check
   * @param {boolean} ignoreRestrictionTags If `true`, skips the check for move restriction tags (see {@link MoveRestrictionBattlerTag})
   * @returns `true` if the move can be selected and used by the Pokemon, otherwise `false`.
  isUsable(pokemon: Pokemon, ignorePp?: boolean, ignoreRestrictionTags?: boolean): boolean {
    if (this.moveId && !ignoreRestrictionTags && pokemon.isMoveRestricted(this.moveId)) {
      return false;

    if (this.getMove().name.endsWith(" (N)")) {
      return false;

    return (ignorePp || this.ppUsed < this.getMovePp() || this.getMove().pp === -1);

  getMove(): Move {
    return allMoves[this.moveId];

   * Sets {@link ppUsed} for this move and ensures the value does not exceed {@link getMovePp}
   * @param {number} count Amount of PP to use
  usePp(count: number = 1) {
    this.ppUsed = Math.min(this.ppUsed + count, this.getMovePp());

  getMovePp(): integer {
    return this.getMove().pp + this.ppUp * Utils.toDmgValue(this.getMove().pp / 5);

  getPpRatio(): number {
    return 1 - (this.ppUsed / this.getMovePp());

  getName(): string {
    return this.getMove().name;

  * Copies an existing move or creates a valid PokemonMove object from json representing one
  * @param {PokemonMove | any} source The data for the move to copy
  * @return {PokemonMove} A valid pokemonmove object
  static loadMove(source: PokemonMove | any): PokemonMove {
    return new PokemonMove(source.moveId, source.ppUsed, source.ppUp, source.virtual);