import BattleScene, { AnySound } from "#app/battle-scene.js"; import { Egg, EGG_SEED } from "#app/data/egg.js"; import { EggCountChangedEvent } from "#app/events/egg.js"; import { PlayerPokemon } from "#app/field/pokemon.js"; import { getPokemonNameWithAffix } from "#app/messages.js"; import { Phase } from "#app/phase.js"; import { achvs } from "#app/system/achv.js"; import EggCounterContainer from "#app/ui/egg-counter-container.js"; import EggHatchSceneHandler from "#app/ui/egg-hatch-scene-handler.js"; import PokemonInfoContainer from "#app/ui/pokemon-info-container.js"; import { Mode } from "#app/ui/ui.js"; import i18next from "i18next"; import SoundFade from "phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/soundfade"; import * as Utils from "#app/utils.js"; /** * Class that represents egg hatching */ export class EggHatchPhase extends Phase { /** The egg that is hatching */ private egg: Egg; /** The number of eggs that are hatching */ private eggsToHatchCount: integer; /** The container that lists how many eggs are hatching */ private eggCounterContainer: EggCounterContainer; /** The scene handler for egg hatching */ private eggHatchHandler: EggHatchSceneHandler; /** The phaser gameobject container that holds everything */ private eggHatchContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; /** The phaser image that is the background */ private eggHatchBg: Phaser.GameObjects.Image; /** The phaser rectangle that overlays during the scene */ private eggHatchOverlay: Phaser.GameObjects.Rectangle; /** The phaser container that holds the egg */ private eggContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; /** The phaser sprite of the egg */ private eggSprite: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; /** The phaser sprite of the cracks in an egg */ private eggCrackSprite: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; /** The phaser sprite that represents the overlaid light rays */ private eggLightraysOverlay: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; /** The phaser sprite of the hatched Pokemon */ private pokemonSprite: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; /** The phaser sprite for shiny sparkles */ private pokemonShinySparkle: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; /** The {@link PokemonInfoContainer} of the newly hatched Pokemon */ private infoContainer: PokemonInfoContainer; /** The newly hatched {@link PlayerPokemon} */ private pokemon: PlayerPokemon; /** The index of which egg move is unlocked. 0-2 is common, 3 is rare */ private eggMoveIndex: integer; /** Internal booleans representing if the egg is hatched, able to be skipped, or skipped */ private hatched: boolean; private canSkip: boolean; private skipped: boolean; /** The sound effect being played when the egg is hatched */ private evolutionBgm: AnySound; constructor(scene: BattleScene, egg: Egg, eggsToHatchCount: integer) { super(scene); this.egg = egg; this.eggsToHatchCount = eggsToHatchCount; } start() { super.start(); this.scene.ui.setModeForceTransition(Mode.EGG_HATCH_SCENE).then(() => { if (!this.egg) { return this.end(); } const eggIndex = this.scene.gameData.eggs.findIndex(e => ===; if (eggIndex === -1) { return this.end(); } this.scene.gameData.eggs.splice(eggIndex, 1); this.scene.fadeOutBgm(undefined, false); this.eggHatchHandler = this.scene.ui.getHandler() as EggHatchSceneHandler; this.eggHatchContainer = this.eggHatchHandler.eggHatchContainer; this.eggHatchBg = this.scene.add.image(0, 0, "default_bg"); this.eggHatchBg.setOrigin(0, 0); this.eggHatchContainer.add(this.eggHatchBg); this.eggContainer = this.scene.add.container(this.eggHatchBg.displayWidth / 2, this.eggHatchBg.displayHeight / 2); this.eggSprite = this.scene.add.sprite(0, 0, "egg", `egg_${this.egg.getKey()}`); this.eggCrackSprite = this.scene.add.sprite(0, 0, "egg_crack", "0"); this.eggCrackSprite.setVisible(false); this.eggLightraysOverlay = this.scene.add.sprite((-this.eggHatchBg.displayWidth / 2) + 4, -this.eggHatchBg.displayHeight / 2, "egg_lightrays", "3"); this.eggLightraysOverlay.setOrigin(0, 0); this.eggLightraysOverlay.setVisible(false); this.eggContainer.add(this.eggSprite); this.eggContainer.add(this.eggCrackSprite); this.eggContainer.add(this.eggLightraysOverlay); this.eggHatchContainer.add(this.eggContainer); this.eggCounterContainer = new EggCounterContainer(this.scene, this.eggsToHatchCount); this.eggHatchContainer.add(this.eggCounterContainer); const getPokemonSprite = () => { const ret = this.scene.add.sprite(this.eggHatchBg.displayWidth / 2, this.eggHatchBg.displayHeight / 2, "pkmn__sub"); ret.setPipeline(this.scene.spritePipeline, { tone: [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], ignoreTimeTint: true }); return ret; }; this.eggHatchContainer.add((this.pokemonSprite = getPokemonSprite())); this.pokemonShinySparkle = this.scene.add.sprite(this.pokemonSprite.x, this.pokemonSprite.y, "shiny"); this.pokemonShinySparkle.setVisible(false); this.eggHatchContainer.add(this.pokemonShinySparkle); this.eggHatchOverlay = this.scene.add.rectangle(0, / 6, / 6, / 6, 0xFFFFFF); this.eggHatchOverlay.setOrigin(0, 0); this.eggHatchOverlay.setAlpha(0); this.scene.fieldUI.add(this.eggHatchOverlay); this.infoContainer = new PokemonInfoContainer(this.scene); this.infoContainer.setup(); this.eggHatchContainer.add(this.infoContainer); // The game will try to unfuse any Pokemon even though eggs should not generate fused Pokemon in the first place const pokemon = this.generatePokemon(); if (pokemon.fusionSpecies) { pokemon.clearFusionSpecies(); } this.pokemonSprite.setVisible(false); this.pokemon = pokemon; pokemon.loadAssets().then(() => { this.canSkip = true; this.scene.time.delayedCall(1000, () => { if (!this.hatched) { this.evolutionBgm = this.scene.playSoundWithoutBgm("evolution"); } }); this.scene.time.delayedCall(2000, () => { if (this.hatched) { return; } this.eggCrackSprite.setVisible(true); this.doSpray(1, this.eggSprite.displayHeight / -2); this.doEggShake(2).then(() => { if (this.hatched) { return; } this.scene.time.delayedCall(1000, () => { if (this.hatched) { return; } this.doSpray(2, this.eggSprite.displayHeight / -4); this.eggCrackSprite.setFrame("1"); this.scene.time.delayedCall(125, () => this.eggCrackSprite.setFrame("2")); this.doEggShake(4).then(() => { if (this.hatched) { return; } this.scene.time.delayedCall(1000, () => { if (this.hatched) { return; } this.scene.playSound("egg_crack"); this.doSpray(4); this.eggCrackSprite.setFrame("3"); this.scene.time.delayedCall(125, () => this.eggCrackSprite.setFrame("4")); this.doEggShake(8, 2).then(() => { if (!this.hatched) { this.doHatch(); } }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); } end() { if (this.scene.findPhase((p) => p instanceof EggHatchPhase)) { this.eggHatchHandler.clear(); } else { this.scene.time.delayedCall(250, () => this.scene.setModifiersVisible(true)); } super.end(); } /** * Function that animates egg shaking * @param intensity of horizontal shaking. Doubled on the first call (where count is 0) * @param repeatCount the number of times this function should be called (asynchronous recursion?!?) * @param count the current number of times this function has been called. * @returns nothing since it's a Promise */ doEggShake(intensity: number, repeatCount?: integer, count?: integer): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { if (repeatCount === undefined) { repeatCount = 0; } if (count === undefined) { count = 0; } this.scene.playSound("pb_move"); this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: this.eggContainer, x: `-=${intensity / (count ? 1 : 2)}`, ease: "Sine.easeInOut", duration: 125, onComplete: () => { this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: this.eggContainer, x: `+=${intensity}`, ease: "Sine.easeInOut", duration: 250, onComplete: () => { count!++; if (count! < repeatCount!) { // we know they are defined return this.doEggShake(intensity, repeatCount, count).then(() => resolve()); } this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: this.eggContainer, x: `-=${intensity / 2}`, ease: "Sine.easeInOut", duration: 125, onComplete: () => resolve() }); } }); } }); }); } /** * Tries to skip the hatching animation * @returns false if cannot be skipped or already skipped. True otherwise */ trySkip(): boolean { if (!this.canSkip || this.skipped) { return false; } if (this.eggCounterContainer.eggCountText?.data === undefined) { return false; } this.skipped = true; if (!this.hatched) { this.doHatch(); } else { this.doReveal(); } return true; } /** * Plays the animation of an egg hatch */ doHatch(): void { this.canSkip = false; this.hatched = true; if (this.evolutionBgm) { SoundFade.fadeOut(this.scene, this.evolutionBgm, Utils.fixedInt(100)); } for (let e = 0; e < 5; e++) { this.scene.time.delayedCall(Utils.fixedInt(375 * e), () => this.scene.playSound("egg_hatch", { volume: 1 - (e * 0.2) })); } this.eggLightraysOverlay.setVisible(true);"egg_lightrays"); this.scene.tweens.add({ duration: Utils.fixedInt(125), targets: this.eggHatchOverlay, alpha: 1, ease: "Cubic.easeIn", onComplete: () => { this.skipped = false; this.canSkip = true; } }); this.scene.time.delayedCall(Utils.fixedInt(1500), () => { this.canSkip = false; if (!this.skipped) { this.doReveal(); } }); } /** * Function to do the logic and animation of completing a hatch and revealing the Pokemon */ doReveal(): void { const isShiny = this.pokemon.isShiny(); if (this.pokemon.species.subLegendary) { this.scene.validateAchv(achvs.HATCH_SUB_LEGENDARY); } if (this.pokemon.species.legendary) { this.scene.validateAchv(achvs.HATCH_LEGENDARY); } if (this.pokemon.species.mythical) { this.scene.validateAchv(achvs.HATCH_MYTHICAL); } if (isShiny) { this.scene.validateAchv(achvs.HATCH_SHINY); } this.eggContainer.setVisible(false);; this.pokemonSprite.setPipelineData("ignoreTimeTint", true); this.pokemonSprite.setPipelineData("spriteKey", this.pokemon.getSpriteKey()); this.pokemonSprite.setPipelineData("shiny", this.pokemon.shiny); this.pokemonSprite.setPipelineData("variant", this.pokemon.variant); this.pokemonSprite.setVisible(true); this.scene.time.delayedCall(Utils.fixedInt(250), () => { this.eggsToHatchCount--; this.eggHatchHandler.eventTarget.dispatchEvent(new EggCountChangedEvent(this.eggsToHatchCount)); this.pokemon.cry(); if (isShiny) { this.scene.time.delayedCall(Utils.fixedInt(500), () => {`sparkle${this.pokemon.variant ? `_${this.pokemon.variant + 1}` : ""}`); this.scene.playSound("sparkle"); }); } this.scene.time.delayedCall(Utils.fixedInt(!this.skipped ? !isShiny ? 1250 : 1750 : !isShiny ? 250 : 750), () => {, false, this.skipped ? 2 : 1); this.scene.playSoundWithoutBgm("evolution_fanfare"); this.scene.ui.showText(i18next.t("egg:hatchFromTheEgg", { pokemonName: getPokemonNameWithAffix(this.pokemon) }), null, () => { this.scene.gameData.updateSpeciesDexIvs(this.pokemon.species.speciesId, this.pokemon.ivs); this.scene.gameData.setPokemonCaught(this.pokemon, true, true).then(() => { this.scene.gameData.setEggMoveUnlocked(this.pokemon.species, this.eggMoveIndex).then(() => { this.scene.ui.showText("", 0); this.end(); }); }); }, null, true, 3000); //this.scene.time.delayedCall(Utils.fixedInt(4250), () => this.scene.playBgm()); }); }); this.scene.tweens.add({ duration: Utils.fixedInt(this.skipped ? 500 : 3000), targets: this.eggHatchOverlay, alpha: 0, ease: "Cubic.easeOut" }); } /** * Helper function to generate sine. (Why is this not a Utils?!?) * @param index random number from 0-7 being passed in to scale pi/128 * @param amplitude Scaling * @returns a number */ sin(index: integer, amplitude: integer): number { return amplitude * Math.sin(index * (Math.PI / 128)); } /** * Animates spraying * @param intensity number of times this is repeated (this is a badly named variable) * @param offsetY how much to offset the Y coordinates */ doSpray(intensity: integer, offsetY?: number) { this.scene.tweens.addCounter({ repeat: intensity, duration: Utils.getFrameMs(1), onRepeat: () => { this.doSprayParticle(Utils.randInt(8), offsetY || 0); } }); } /** * Animates a particle used in the spray animation * @param trigIndex Used to modify the particle's vertical speed, is a random number from 0-7 * @param offsetY how much to offset the Y coordinate */ doSprayParticle(trigIndex: integer, offsetY: number) { const initialX = this.eggHatchBg.displayWidth / 2; const initialY = this.eggHatchBg.displayHeight / 2 + offsetY; const shardKey = !this.egg.isManaphyEgg() ? this.egg.tier.toString() : "1"; const particle = this.scene.add.image(initialX, initialY, "egg_shard", `${shardKey}_${Math.floor(trigIndex / 2)}`); this.eggHatchContainer.add(particle); let f = 0; let yOffset = 0; const speed = 3 - Utils.randInt(8); const amp = 24 + Utils.randInt(32); const particleTimer = this.scene.tweens.addCounter({ repeat: -1, duration: Utils.getFrameMs(1), onRepeat: () => { updateParticle(); } }); const updateParticle = () => { const speedMultiplier = this.skipped ? 6 : 1; yOffset += speedMultiplier; if (trigIndex < 160) { particle.setPosition(initialX + (speed * f) / 3, initialY + yOffset); particle.y += -this.sin(trigIndex, amp); if (f > 108) { particle.setScale((1 - (f - 108) / 20)); } trigIndex += 2 * speedMultiplier; f += speedMultiplier; } else { particle.destroy(); particleTimer.remove(); } }; updateParticle(); } /** * Generates a Pokemon to be hatched by the egg * @returns the hatched PlayerPokemon */ generatePokemon(): PlayerPokemon { let ret: PlayerPokemon; this.scene.executeWithSeedOffset(() => { ret = this.egg.generatePlayerPokemon(this.scene); this.eggMoveIndex = this.egg.eggMoveIndex; },, EGG_SEED.toString()); return ret!; } }