import BattleScene from "#app/battle-scene.js"; import { BattlerIndex } from "#app/battle.js"; import { applyAbAttrs, RedirectMoveAbAttr, BlockRedirectAbAttr, IncreasePpAbAttr, applyPreAttackAbAttrs, PokemonTypeChangeAbAttr, applyPostMoveUsedAbAttrs, PostMoveUsedAbAttr } from "#app/data/ability.js"; import { CommonAnim } from "#app/data/battle-anims.js"; import { CenterOfAttentionTag, BattlerTagLapseType } from "#app/data/battler-tags.js"; import { MoveFlags, BypassRedirectAttr, allMoves, CopyMoveAttr, applyMoveAttrs, BypassSleepAttr, HealStatusEffectAttr, ChargeAttr, PreMoveMessageAttr } from "#app/data/move.js"; import { SpeciesFormChangePreMoveTrigger } from "#app/data/pokemon-forms.js"; import { getStatusEffectActivationText, getStatusEffectHealText } from "#app/data/status-effect.js"; import { Type } from "#app/data/type.js"; import { getTerrainBlockMessage } from "#app/data/weather.js"; import { Abilities } from "#app/enums/abilities.js"; import { BattlerTagType } from "#app/enums/battler-tag-type.js"; import { Moves } from "#app/enums/moves.js"; import { StatusEffect } from "#app/enums/status-effect.js"; import { MoveUsedEvent } from "#app/events/battle-scene.js"; import Pokemon, { PokemonMove, MoveResult, TurnMove } from "#app/field/pokemon.js"; import { getPokemonNameWithAffix } from "#app/messages.js"; import i18next from "i18next"; import * as Utils from "#app/utils.js"; import { BattlePhase } from "./battle-phase"; import { CommonAnimPhase } from "./common-anim-phase"; import { MoveEffectPhase } from "./move-effect-phase"; import { MoveEndPhase } from "./move-end-phase"; import { ShowAbilityPhase } from "./show-ability-phase"; export class MovePhase extends BattlePhase { public pokemon: Pokemon; public move: PokemonMove; public targets: BattlerIndex[]; protected followUp: boolean; protected ignorePp: boolean; protected failed: boolean; protected cancelled: boolean; constructor(scene: BattleScene, pokemon: Pokemon, targets: BattlerIndex[], move: PokemonMove, followUp?: boolean, ignorePp?: boolean) { super(scene); this.pokemon = pokemon; this.targets = targets; this.move = move; this.followUp = !!followUp; this.ignorePp = !!ignorePp; this.failed = false; this.cancelled = false; } canMove(): boolean { return this.pokemon.isActive(true) && this.move.isUsable(this.pokemon, this.ignorePp) && !!this.targets.length; } /**Signifies the current move should fail but still use PP */ fail(): void { this.failed = true; } /**Signifies the current move should cancel and retain PP */ cancel(): void { this.cancelled = true; } start() { super.start(); console.log(Moves[this.move.moveId]); if (!this.canMove()) { if (this.move.moveId && this.pokemon.summonData?.disabledMove === this.move.moveId) { this.scene.queueMessage(`${this.move.getName()} is disabled!`); } if (this.pokemon.isActive(true) && this.move.ppUsed >= this.move.getMovePp()) { // if the move PP was reduced from Spite or otherwise, the move fails; this.showMoveText(); this.showFailedText(); } return this.end(); } if (!this.followUp) { if (this.move.getMove().checkFlag(MoveFlags.IGNORE_ABILITIES, this.pokemon, null)) { this.scene.arena.setIgnoreAbilities(); } } else { this.pokemon.turnData.hitsLeft = 0; // TODO: is `0` correct? this.pokemon.turnData.hitCount = 0; // TODO: is `0` correct? } // Move redirection abilities (ie. Storm Drain) only support single target moves const moveTarget = this.targets.length === 1 ? new Utils.IntegerHolder(this.targets[0]) : null; if (moveTarget) { const oldTarget = moveTarget.value; this.scene.getField(true).filter(p => p !== this.pokemon).forEach(p => applyAbAttrs(RedirectMoveAbAttr, p, null, this.move.moveId, moveTarget)); this.pokemon.getOpponents().forEach(p => { const redirectTag = p.getTag(CenterOfAttentionTag) as CenterOfAttentionTag; if (redirectTag && (!redirectTag.powder || (!this.pokemon.isOfType(Type.GRASS) && !this.pokemon.hasAbility(Abilities.OVERCOAT)))) { moveTarget.value = p.getBattlerIndex(); } }); //Check if this move is immune to being redirected, and restore its target to the intended target if it is. if ((this.pokemon.hasAbilityWithAttr(BlockRedirectAbAttr) || this.move.getMove().hasAttr(BypassRedirectAttr))) { //If an ability prevented this move from being redirected, display its ability pop up. if ((this.pokemon.hasAbilityWithAttr(BlockRedirectAbAttr) && !this.move.getMove().hasAttr(BypassRedirectAttr)) && oldTarget !== moveTarget.value) { this.scene.unshiftPhase(new ShowAbilityPhase(this.scene, this.pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), this.pokemon.getPassiveAbility().hasAttr(BlockRedirectAbAttr))); } moveTarget.value = oldTarget; } this.targets[0] = moveTarget.value; } // Check for counterattack moves to switch target if (this.targets.length === 1 && this.targets[0] === BattlerIndex.ATTACKER) { if (this.pokemon.turnData.attacksReceived.length) { const attack = this.pokemon.turnData.attacksReceived[0]; this.targets[0] = attack.sourceBattlerIndex; // account for metal burst and comeuppance hitting remaining targets in double battles // counterattack will redirect to remaining ally if original attacker faints if (this.scene.currentBattle.double && this.move.getMove().hasFlag(MoveFlags.REDIRECT_COUNTER)) { if (this.scene.getField()[this.targets[0]].hp === 0) { const opposingField = this.pokemon.isPlayer() ? this.scene.getEnemyField() : this.scene.getPlayerField(); //@ts-ignore this.targets[0] = opposingField.find(p => p.hp > 0)?.getBattlerIndex(); //TODO: fix ts-ignore } } } if (this.targets[0] === BattlerIndex.ATTACKER) {; // Marks the move as failed for later in doMove this.showMoveText(); this.showFailedText(); } } const targets = this.scene.getField(true).filter(p => { if (this.targets.indexOf(p.getBattlerIndex()) > -1) { return true; } return false; }); const doMove = () => { this.pokemon.turnData.acted = true; // Record that the move was attempted, even if it fails this.pokemon.lapseTags(BattlerTagLapseType.PRE_MOVE); let ppUsed = 1; // Filter all opponents to include only those this move is targeting const targetedOpponents = this.pokemon.getOpponents().filter(o => this.targets.includes(o.getBattlerIndex())); for (const opponent of targetedOpponents) { if (this.move.ppUsed + ppUsed >= this.move.getMovePp()) { // If we're already at max PP usage, stop checking break; } if (opponent.hasAbilityWithAttr(IncreasePpAbAttr)) { // Accounting for abilities like Pressure ppUsed++; } } if (!this.followUp && this.canMove() && !this.cancelled) { this.pokemon.lapseTags(BattlerTagLapseType.MOVE); } const moveQueue = this.pokemon.getMoveQueue(); if (this.cancelled || this.failed) { if (this.failed) { this.move.usePp(ppUsed); // Only use PP if the move failed this.scene.eventTarget.dispatchEvent(new MoveUsedEvent(this.pokemon?.id, this.move.getMove(), this.move.ppUsed)); } // Record a failed move so Abilities like Truant don't trigger next turn and soft-lock this.pokemon.pushMoveHistory({ move: Moves.NONE, result: MoveResult.FAIL }); this.pokemon.lapseTags(BattlerTagLapseType.MOVE_EFFECT); // Remove any tags from moves like Fly/Dive/etc. moveQueue.shift(); // Remove the second turn of charge moves return this.end(); } this.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(this.pokemon, SpeciesFormChangePreMoveTrigger); if (this.move.moveId) { this.showMoveText(); } // This should only happen when there are no valid targets left on the field if ((moveQueue.length && moveQueue[0].move === Moves.NONE) || !targets.length) { this.showFailedText(); this.cancel(); // Record a failed move so Abilities like Truant don't trigger next turn and soft-lock this.pokemon.pushMoveHistory({ move: Moves.NONE, result: MoveResult.FAIL }); this.pokemon.lapseTags(BattlerTagLapseType.MOVE_EFFECT); // Remove any tags from moves like Fly/Dive/etc. moveQueue.shift(); return this.end(); } if (!moveQueue.length || !moveQueue.shift()?.ignorePP) { // using .shift here clears out two turn moves once they've been used this.move.usePp(ppUsed); this.scene.eventTarget.dispatchEvent(new MoveUsedEvent(this.pokemon?.id, this.move.getMove(), this.move.ppUsed)); } if (!allMoves[this.move.moveId].hasAttr(CopyMoveAttr)) { this.scene.currentBattle.lastMove = this.move.moveId; } // Assume conditions affecting targets only apply to moves with a single target let success = this.move.getMove().applyConditions(this.pokemon, targets[0], this.move.getMove()); const cancelled = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false); let failedText = this.move.getMove().getFailedText(this.pokemon, targets[0], this.move.getMove(), cancelled); if (success && this.scene.arena.isMoveWeatherCancelled(this.move.getMove())) { success = false; } else if (success && this.scene.arena.isMoveTerrainCancelled(this.pokemon, this.targets, this.move.getMove())) { success = false; if (failedText === null) { failedText = getTerrainBlockMessage(targets[0], this.scene.arena.terrain?.terrainType!); // TODO: is this bang correct? } } /** * Trigger pokemon type change before playing the move animation * Will still change the user's type when using Roar, Whirlwind, Trick-or-Treat, and Forest's Curse, * regardless of whether the move successfully executes or not. */ if (success || [Moves.ROAR, Moves.WHIRLWIND, Moves.TRICK_OR_TREAT, Moves.FORESTS_CURSE].includes(this.move.moveId)) { applyPreAttackAbAttrs(PokemonTypeChangeAbAttr, this.pokemon, null, this.move.getMove()); } if (success) { this.scene.unshiftPhase(this.getEffectPhase()); } else { this.pokemon.pushMoveHistory({ move: this.move.moveId, targets: this.targets, result: MoveResult.FAIL, virtual: this.move.virtual }); if (!cancelled.value) { this.showFailedText(failedText); } } // Checks if Dancer ability is triggered if (this.move.getMove().hasFlag(MoveFlags.DANCE_MOVE) && !this.followUp) { // Pokemon with Dancer can be on either side of the battle so we check in both cases this.scene.getPlayerField().forEach(pokemon => { applyPostMoveUsedAbAttrs(PostMoveUsedAbAttr, pokemon, this.move, this.pokemon, this.targets); }); this.scene.getEnemyField().forEach(pokemon => { applyPostMoveUsedAbAttrs(PostMoveUsedAbAttr, pokemon, this.move, this.pokemon, this.targets); }); } this.end(); }; if (!this.followUp && this.pokemon.status && !this.pokemon.status.isPostTurn()) { this.pokemon.status.incrementTurn(); let activated = false; let healed = false; switch (this.pokemon.status.effect) { case StatusEffect.PARALYSIS: if (!this.pokemon.randSeedInt(4)) { activated = true; this.cancelled = true; } break; case StatusEffect.SLEEP: applyMoveAttrs(BypassSleepAttr, this.pokemon, null, this.move.getMove()); healed = this.pokemon.status.turnCount === this.pokemon.status.cureTurn; activated = !healed && !this.pokemon.getTag(BattlerTagType.BYPASS_SLEEP); this.cancelled = activated; break; case StatusEffect.FREEZE: healed = !!this.move.getMove().findAttr(attr => attr instanceof HealStatusEffectAttr && attr.selfTarget && attr.isOfEffect(StatusEffect.FREEZE)) || !this.pokemon.randSeedInt(5); activated = !healed; this.cancelled = activated; break; } if (activated) { this.scene.queueMessage(getStatusEffectActivationText(this.pokemon.status.effect, getPokemonNameWithAffix(this.pokemon))); this.scene.unshiftPhase(new CommonAnimPhase(this.scene, this.pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), undefined, CommonAnim.POISON + (this.pokemon.status.effect - 1))); doMove(); } else { if (healed) { this.scene.queueMessage(getStatusEffectHealText(this.pokemon.status.effect, getPokemonNameWithAffix(this.pokemon))); this.pokemon.resetStatus(); this.pokemon.updateInfo(); } doMove(); } } else { doMove(); } } getEffectPhase(): MoveEffectPhase { return new MoveEffectPhase(this.scene, this.pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), this.targets, this.move); } showMoveText(): void { if (this.move.getMove().hasAttr(ChargeAttr)) { const lastMove = this.pokemon.getLastXMoves() as TurnMove[]; if (!lastMove.length || lastMove[0].move !== this.move.getMove().id || lastMove[0].result !== MoveResult.OTHER) { this.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("battle:useMove", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(this.pokemon), moveName: this.move.getName() }), 500); return; } } if (this.pokemon.getTag(BattlerTagType.RECHARGING || BattlerTagType.INTERRUPTED)) { return; } this.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("battle:useMove", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(this.pokemon), moveName: this.move.getName() }), 500); applyMoveAttrs(PreMoveMessageAttr, this.pokemon, this.pokemon.getOpponents().find(() => true)!, this.move.getMove()); //TODO: is the bang correct here? } showFailedText(failedText: string | null = null): void { this.scene.queueMessage(failedText || i18next.t("battle:attackFailed")); } end() { if (!this.followUp && this.canMove()) { this.scene.unshiftPhase(new MoveEndPhase(this.scene, this.pokemon.getBattlerIndex())); } super.end(); } }