import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/interfaces/locales"; /** * The weather namespace holds text displayed when weather is active during a battle */ export const weather: SimpleTranslationEntries = { "sunnyStartMessage": "The sunlight got bright!", "sunnyLapseMessage": "The sunlight is strong.", "sunnyClearMessage": "The sunlight faded.", "rainStartMessage": "A downpour started!", "rainLapseMessage": "The downpour continues.", "rainClearMessage": "The rain stopped.", "sandstormStartMessage": "A sandstorm brewed!", "sandstormLapseMessage": "The sandstorm rages.", "sandstormClearMessage": "The sandstorm subsided.", "sandstormDamageMessage": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} is buffeted\nby the sandstorm!", "hailStartMessage": "It started to hail!", "hailLapseMessage": "Hail continues to fall.", "hailClearMessage": "The hail stopped.", "hailDamageMessage": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} is pelted\nby the hail!", "snowStartMessage": "It started to snow!", "snowLapseMessage": "The snow is falling down.", "snowClearMessage": "The snow stopped.", "fogStartMessage": "A thick fog emerged!", "fogLapseMessage": "The fog continues.", "fogClearMessage": "The fog disappeared.", "heavyRainStartMessage": "A heavy downpour started!", "heavyRainLapseMessage": "The heavy downpour continues.", "heavyRainClearMessage": "The heavy rain stopped.", "harshSunStartMessage": "The sunlight got hot!", "harshSunLapseMessage": "The sun is scorching hot.", "harshSunClearMessage": "The harsh sunlight faded.", "strongWindsStartMessage": "A heavy wind began!", "strongWindsLapseMessage": "The wind blows intensely.", "strongWindsClearMessage": "The heavy wind stopped." };