import BattleScene from "#app/battle-scene.js"; import { BattleType } from "#app/battle.js"; import { getPokeballAtlasKey, getPokeballTintColor } from "#app/data/pokeball.js"; import { SpeciesFormChangeActiveTrigger } from "#app/data/pokemon-forms.js"; import { TrainerSlot } from "#app/data/trainer-config.js"; import { PlayerGender } from "#app/enums/player-gender.js"; import { addPokeballOpenParticles } from "#app/field/anims.js"; import Pokemon, { FieldPosition } from "#app/field/pokemon.js"; import { getPokemonNameWithAffix } from "#app/messages.js"; import i18next from "i18next"; import { PartyMemberPokemonPhase } from "./party-member-pokemon-phase"; import { PostSummonPhase } from "./post-summon-phase"; import { GameOverPhase } from "./game-over-phase"; import { ShinySparklePhase } from "./shiny-sparkle-phase"; export class SummonPhase extends PartyMemberPokemonPhase { private loaded: boolean; constructor(scene: BattleScene, fieldIndex: integer, player: boolean = true, loaded: boolean = false) { super(scene, fieldIndex, player); this.loaded = loaded; } start() { super.start(); this.preSummon(); } /** * Sends out a Pokemon before the battle begins and shows the appropriate messages */ preSummon(): void { const partyMember = this.getPokemon(); // If the Pokemon about to be sent out is fainted or illegal under a challenge, switch to the first non-fainted legal Pokemon if (!partyMember.isAllowedInBattle()) { console.warn("The Pokemon about to be sent out is fainted or illegal under a challenge. Attempting to resolve..."); // First check if they're somehow still in play, if so remove them. if (partyMember.isOnField()) { partyMember.leaveField(); } const party = this.getParty(); // Find the first non-fainted Pokemon index above the current one const legalIndex = party.findIndex((p, i) => i > this.partyMemberIndex && p.isAllowedInBattle()); if (legalIndex === -1) { console.error("Party Details:\n", party); console.error("All available Pokemon were fainted or illegal!"); this.scene.clearPhaseQueue(); this.scene.unshiftPhase(new GameOverPhase(this.scene)); this.end(); return; } // Swaps the fainted Pokemon and the first non-fainted legal Pokemon in the party [party[this.partyMemberIndex], party[legalIndex]] = [party[legalIndex], party[this.partyMemberIndex]]; console.warn("Swapped %s %O with %s %O", getPokemonNameWithAffix(partyMember), partyMember, getPokemonNameWithAffix(party[0]), party[0]); } if (this.player) { this.scene.ui.showText(i18next.t("battle:playerGo", { pokemonName: getPokemonNameWithAffix(this.getPokemon()) })); if (this.player) { this.scene.pbTray.hide(); } this.scene.trainer.setTexture(`trainer_${this.scene.gameData.gender === PlayerGender.FEMALE ? "f" : "m"}_back_pb`); this.scene.time.delayedCall(562, () => { this.scene.trainer.setFrame("2"); this.scene.time.delayedCall(64, () => { this.scene.trainer.setFrame("3"); }); }); this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: this.scene.trainer, x: -36, duration: 1000, onComplete: () => this.scene.trainer.setVisible(false) }); this.scene.time.delayedCall(750, () => this.summon()); } else { const trainerName = this.scene.currentBattle.trainer?.getName(!(this.fieldIndex % 2) ? TrainerSlot.TRAINER : TrainerSlot.TRAINER_PARTNER); const pokemonName = this.getPokemon().getNameToRender(); const message = i18next.t("battle:trainerSendOut", { trainerName, pokemonName }); this.scene.pbTrayEnemy.hide(); this.scene.ui.showText(message, null, () => this.summon()); } } summon(): void { const pokemon = this.getPokemon(); const pokeball = this.scene.addFieldSprite(this.player ? 36 : 248, this.player ? 80 : 44, "pb", getPokeballAtlasKey(pokemon.pokeball)); pokeball.setVisible(false); pokeball.setOrigin(0.5, 0.625); this.scene.field.add(pokeball); if (this.fieldIndex === 1) { pokemon.setFieldPosition(FieldPosition.RIGHT, 0); } else { const availablePartyMembers = this.getParty().filter(p => p.isAllowedInBattle()).length; pokemon.setFieldPosition(!this.scene.currentBattle.double || availablePartyMembers === 1 ? FieldPosition.CENTER : FieldPosition.LEFT); } const fpOffset = pokemon.getFieldPositionOffset(); pokeball.setVisible(true); this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: pokeball, duration: 650, x: (this.player ? 100 : 236) + fpOffset[0] }); this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: pokeball, duration: 150, ease: "Cubic.easeOut", y: (this.player ? 70 : 34) + fpOffset[1], onComplete: () => { this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: pokeball, duration: 500, ease: "Cubic.easeIn", angle: 1440, y: (this.player ? 132 : 86) + fpOffset[1], onComplete: () => { this.scene.playSound("pb_rel"); pokeball.destroy(); this.scene.add.existing(pokemon); this.scene.field.add(pokemon); if (!this.player) { const playerPokemon = this.scene.getPlayerPokemon() as Pokemon; if (playerPokemon?.visible) { this.scene.field.moveBelow(pokemon, playerPokemon); } this.scene.currentBattle.seenEnemyPartyMemberIds.add(; } addPokeballOpenParticles(this.scene, pokemon.x, pokemon.y - 16, pokemon.pokeball); this.scene.updateModifiers(this.player); this.scene.updateFieldScale(); pokemon.showInfo(); pokemon.playAnim(); pokemon.setVisible(true); pokemon.getSprite().setVisible(true); pokemon.setScale(0.5); pokemon.tint(getPokeballTintColor(pokemon.pokeball)); pokemon.untint(250, "Sine.easeIn"); this.scene.updateFieldScale(); this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: pokemon, duration: 250, ease: "Sine.easeIn", scale: pokemon.getSpriteScale(), onComplete: () => { pokemon.cry(pokemon.getHpRatio() > 0.25 ? undefined : { rate: 0.85 }); pokemon.getSprite().clearTint(); pokemon.resetSummonData(); this.scene.time.delayedCall(1000, () => this.end()); } }); } }); } }); } onEnd(): void { const pokemon = this.getPokemon(); if (pokemon.isShiny()) { this.scene.unshiftPhase(new ShinySparklePhase(this.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex())); } pokemon.resetTurnData(); if (!this.loaded || this.scene.currentBattle.battleType === BattleType.TRAINER || (this.scene.currentBattle.waveIndex % 10) === 1) { this.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(pokemon, SpeciesFormChangeActiveTrigger, true); this.queuePostSummon(); } } queuePostSummon(): void { this.scene.pushPhase(new PostSummonPhase(this.scene, this.getPokemon().getBattlerIndex())); } end() { this.onEnd(); super.end(); } }