import BattleScene from "../battle-scene"; import {addTextObject, TextStyle} from "./text"; import i18next from "i18next"; import * as Utils from "#app/utils"; const hiddenX = -150; const shownX = 0; const baseY = 0; export default class BgmBar extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container { private defaultWidth: number; private defaultHeight: number; private bg: Phaser.GameObjects.NineSlice; private musicText: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; public shown: boolean; constructor(scene: BattleScene) { super(scene, hiddenX, baseY); } setup(): void { this.defaultWidth = 230; this.defaultHeight = 100; = this.scene.add.nineslice(-5, -5, "bgm_bar", undefined, this.defaultWidth, this.defaultHeight, 0, 0, 10, 10);, 0); this.add(; this.musicText = addTextObject(this.scene, 5, 5, "", TextStyle.BGM_BAR); this.musicText.setOrigin(0, 0); this.musicText.setWordWrapWidth(650, true); this.add(this.musicText); this.setVisible(false); this.shown = false; } /* * Set the BGM Name to the BGM bar. * @param {string} bgmName The name of the BGM to set. */ setBgmToBgmBar(bgmName: string): void { this.musicText.setText(`${i18next.t("bgmName:music")}${this.getRealBgmName(bgmName)}`); this.musicText.width = - 20; this.musicText.setWordWrapWidth(this.defaultWidth * 4); = Math.min(this.defaultWidth, this.musicText.displayWidth + 23); = Math.min(this.defaultHeight, this.musicText.displayHeight + 20); (this.scene as BattleScene).fieldUI.bringToTop(this); this.y = baseY; } /* Show or hide the BGM bar. @param {boolean} visible Whether to show or hide the BGM bar. */ public toggleBgmBar(visible: boolean): void { /* Prevents the bar from being displayed if musicText is completely empty. This can be the case, for example, when the game's 1st music track takes a long time to reach the client, and the menu is opened before it is played. */ if (this.musicText.text === "") { this.setVisible(false); return; } if (!(this.scene as BattleScene).showBgmBar) { this.setVisible(false); return; } this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: this, x: visible ? shownX : hiddenX, duration: 500, ease: "Sine.easeInOut", onComplete: () => { this.setVisible(true); } }); } getRealBgmName(bgmName: string): string { return i18next.t([`bgmName:${bgmName}`, "bgmName:missing_entries"], {name: Utils.formatText(bgmName)}); } }