import BattleScene from "../battle-scene"; import { TrainerType } from "../data/enums/trainer-type"; import { ModifierTier } from "../modifier/modifier-tier"; import { Achv, AchvTier, achvs } from "./achv"; import i18next from '../plugins/i18n'; export enum VoucherType { REGULAR, PLUS, PREMIUM, GOLDEN } export class Voucher { public id: string; public voucherType: VoucherType; public description: string; private conditionFunc: (scene: BattleScene, args: any[]) => boolean; constructor(voucherType: VoucherType, description: string, conditionFunc?: (scene: BattleScene, args: any[]) => boolean) { this.description = description; this.voucherType = voucherType; this.conditionFunc = conditionFunc; } validate(scene: BattleScene, args: any[]): boolean { return !this.conditionFunc || this.conditionFunc(scene, args); } getName(): string { return getVoucherTypeName(this.voucherType); } getIconImage(): string { return getVoucherTypeIcon(this.voucherType); } getTier(): AchvTier { switch (this.voucherType) { case VoucherType.REGULAR: return AchvTier.COMMON; case VoucherType.PLUS: return AchvTier.GREAT; case VoucherType.PREMIUM: return AchvTier.ULTRA; case VoucherType.GOLDEN: return AchvTier.ROGUE; } } } export function getVoucherTypeName(voucherType: VoucherType): string { switch (voucherType) { case VoucherType.REGULAR: return i18next.t("voucher:eggVoucher"); case VoucherType.PLUS: return i18next.t("voucher:eggVoucherPlus"); case VoucherType.PREMIUM: return i18next.t("voucher:eggVoucherPremium"); case VoucherType.GOLDEN: return i18next.t("voucher:eggVoucherGold"); } } export function getVoucherTypeIcon(voucherType: VoucherType): string { switch (voucherType) { case VoucherType.REGULAR: return 'coupon'; case VoucherType.PLUS: return 'pair_of_tickets'; case VoucherType.PREMIUM: return 'mystic_ticket'; case VoucherType.GOLDEN: return 'golden_mystic_ticket'; } } export interface Vouchers { [key: string]: Voucher; } export const vouchers: Vouchers = {}; const voucherAchvs: Achv[] = [ achvs.CLASSIC_VICTORY ]; { (function() { import('../data/trainer-config').then(tc => { const trainerConfigs = tc.trainerConfigs; for (let achv of voucherAchvs) { const voucherType = achv.score >= 150 ? VoucherType.GOLDEN : achv.score >= 100 ? VoucherType.PREMIUM : achv.score >= 75 ? VoucherType.PLUS : VoucherType.REGULAR; vouchers[] = new Voucher(voucherType, achv.description); } const bossTrainerTypes = Object.keys(trainerConfigs) .filter(tt => trainerConfigs[tt].isBoss && trainerConfigs[tt].getDerivedType() !== TrainerType.RIVAL); for (let trainerType of bossTrainerTypes) { const voucherType = trainerConfigs[trainerType].moneyMultiplier < 10 ? VoucherType.PLUS : VoucherType.PREMIUM; const key = TrainerType[trainerType]; const trainerName = trainerConfigs[trainerType].name; vouchers[key] = new Voucher( voucherType, i18next.t("voucher:defeatTrainer", { trainerName }) ); } const voucherKeys = Object.keys(vouchers); for (let k of voucherKeys) { vouchers[k].id = k; } }); })(); }