import { addTextObject, TextStyle } from "./text"; import BattleScene from "#app/battle-scene.js"; import { ArenaTagSide, ArenaTrapTag } from "#app/data/arena-tag.js"; import { WeatherType } from "#app/data/weather.js"; import { TerrainType } from "#app/data/terrain.js"; import { addWindow, WindowVariant } from "./ui-theme"; import { ArenaEvent, ArenaEventType, TagAddedEvent, TagRemovedEvent, TerrainChangedEvent, WeatherChangedEvent } from "#app/events/arena.js"; import { BattleSceneEventType, TurnEndEvent } from "../events/battle-scene"; import { ArenaTagType } from "#enums/arena-tag-type"; import TimeOfDayWidget from "./time-of-day-widget"; import * as Utils from "../utils"; /** Enum used to differentiate {@linkcode Arena} effects */ enum ArenaEffectType { PLAYER, WEATHER, TERRAIN, FIELD, ENEMY, } /** Container for info about an {@linkcode Arena}'s effects */ interface ArenaEffectInfo { /** The enum string representation of the effect */ name: string; /** {@linkcode ArenaEffectType} type of effect */ effecType: ArenaEffectType, /** The maximum duration set by the effect */ maxDuration: number; /** The current duration left on the effect */ duration: number; /** The arena tag type being added */ tagType?: ArenaTagType; } export default class ArenaFlyout extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container { /** An alias for the scene typecast to a {@linkcode BattleScene} */ private battleScene: BattleScene; /** The restricted width of the flyout which should be drawn to */ private flyoutWidth = 170; /** The restricted height of the flyout which should be drawn to */ private flyoutHeight = 51; /** The amount of translation animation on the x-axis */ private translationX: number; /** The x-axis point where the flyout should sit when activated */ private anchorX: number; /** The y-axis point where the flyout should sit when activated */ private anchorY: number; /** The initial container which defines where the flyout should be attached */ private flyoutParent: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; /** The container which defines the drawable dimensions of the flyout */ private flyoutContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; /** The background {@linkcode Phaser.GameObjects.NineSlice} window for the flyout */ private flyoutWindow: Phaser.GameObjects.NineSlice; /** The header {@linkcode Phaser.GameObjects.NineSlice} window for the flyout */ private flyoutWindowHeader: Phaser.GameObjects.NineSlice; /** The {@linkcode Phaser.GameObjects.Text} that goes inside of the header */ private flyoutTextHeader: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; private timeOfDayWidget: TimeOfDayWidget; /** The {@linkcode Phaser.GameObjects.Text} header used to indicate the player's effects */ private flyoutTextHeaderPlayer: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; /** The {@linkcode Phaser.GameObjects.Text} header used to indicate the enemy's effects */ private flyoutTextHeaderEnemy: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; /** The {@linkcode Phaser.GameObjects.Text} header used to indicate neutral effects */ private flyoutTextHeaderField: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; /** The {@linkcode Phaser.GameObjects.Text} used to indicate the player's effects */ private flyoutTextPlayer: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; /** The {@linkcode Phaser.GameObjects.Text} used to indicate the enemy's effects */ private flyoutTextEnemy: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; /** The {@linkcode Phaser.GameObjects.Text} used to indicate neutral effects */ private flyoutTextField: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; /** Container for all field effects observed by this object */ private readonly fieldEffectInfo: ArenaEffectInfo[] = []; // Stores callbacks in a variable so they can be unsubscribed from when destroyed private readonly onNewArenaEvent = (event: Event) => this.onNewArena(event); private readonly onTurnEndEvent = (event: Event) => this.onTurnEnd(event); private readonly onFieldEffectChangedEvent = (event: Event) => this.onFieldEffectChanged(event); constructor(scene: Phaser.Scene) { super(scene, 0, 0); this.setName("arena-flyout"); this.battleScene = this.scene as BattleScene; this.translationX = this.flyoutWidth; this.anchorX = 0; this.anchorY = -98; this.flyoutParent = this.scene.add.container(this.anchorX - this.translationX, this.anchorY); this.flyoutParent.setAlpha(0); this.add(this.flyoutParent); this.flyoutContainer = this.scene.add.container(0, 0); this.flyoutParent.add(this.flyoutContainer); this.flyoutWindow = addWindow(this.scene as BattleScene, 0, 0, this.flyoutWidth, this.flyoutHeight, false, false, 0, 0, WindowVariant.THIN); this.flyoutContainer.add(this.flyoutWindow); this.flyoutWindowHeader = addWindow(this.scene as BattleScene, this.flyoutWidth / 2, 0, this.flyoutWidth / 2, 14, false, false, 0, 0, WindowVariant.XTHIN); this.flyoutWindowHeader.setOrigin(); this.flyoutContainer.add(this.flyoutWindowHeader); this.flyoutTextHeader = addTextObject(this.scene, this.flyoutWidth / 2, 0, "Active Battle Effects", TextStyle.BATTLE_INFO); this.flyoutTextHeader.setFontSize(54); this.flyoutTextHeader.setAlign("center"); this.flyoutTextHeader.setOrigin(); this.flyoutContainer.add(this.flyoutTextHeader); this.timeOfDayWidget = new TimeOfDayWidget(this.scene, (this.flyoutWidth / 2) + (this.flyoutWindowHeader.displayWidth / 2)); this.flyoutContainer.add(this.timeOfDayWidget); this.flyoutTextHeaderPlayer = addTextObject(this.scene, 6, 5, "Player", TextStyle.SUMMARY_BLUE); this.flyoutTextHeaderPlayer.setFontSize(54); this.flyoutTextHeaderPlayer.setAlign("left"); this.flyoutTextHeaderPlayer.setOrigin(0, 0); this.flyoutContainer.add(this.flyoutTextHeaderPlayer); this.flyoutTextHeaderField = addTextObject(this.scene, this.flyoutWidth / 2, 5, "Neutral", TextStyle.SUMMARY_GREEN); this.flyoutTextHeaderField.setFontSize(54); this.flyoutTextHeaderField.setAlign("center"); this.flyoutTextHeaderField.setOrigin(0.5, 0); this.flyoutContainer.add(this.flyoutTextHeaderField); this.flyoutTextHeaderEnemy = addTextObject(this.scene, this.flyoutWidth - 6, 5, "Enemy", TextStyle.SUMMARY_RED); this.flyoutTextHeaderEnemy.setFontSize(54); this.flyoutTextHeaderEnemy.setAlign("right"); this.flyoutTextHeaderEnemy.setOrigin(1, 0); this.flyoutContainer.add(this.flyoutTextHeaderEnemy); this.flyoutTextPlayer = addTextObject(this.scene, 6, 13, "", TextStyle.BATTLE_INFO); this.flyoutTextPlayer.setLineSpacing(-1); this.flyoutTextPlayer.setFontSize(48); this.flyoutTextPlayer.setAlign("left"); this.flyoutTextPlayer.setOrigin(0, 0); this.flyoutContainer.add(this.flyoutTextPlayer); this.flyoutTextField = addTextObject(this.scene, this.flyoutWidth / 2, 13, "", TextStyle.BATTLE_INFO); this.flyoutTextField.setLineSpacing(-1); this.flyoutTextField.setFontSize(48); this.flyoutTextField.setAlign("center"); this.flyoutTextField.setOrigin(0.5, 0); this.flyoutContainer.add(this.flyoutTextField); this.flyoutTextEnemy = addTextObject(this.scene, this.flyoutWidth - 6, 13, "", TextStyle.BATTLE_INFO); this.flyoutTextEnemy.setLineSpacing(-1); this.flyoutTextEnemy.setFontSize(48); this.flyoutTextEnemy.setAlign("right"); this.flyoutTextEnemy.setOrigin(1, 0); this.flyoutContainer.add(this.flyoutTextEnemy); = "Fight Flyout"; = "Fight Flyout Parent"; // Subscribes to required events available on game start this.battleScene.eventTarget.addEventListener(BattleSceneEventType.NEW_ARENA, this.onNewArenaEvent); this.battleScene.eventTarget.addEventListener(BattleSceneEventType.TURN_END, this.onTurnEndEvent); } private onNewArena(event: Event) { this.fieldEffectInfo.length = 0; // Subscribes to required events available on battle start this.battleScene.arena.eventTarget.addEventListener(ArenaEventType.WEATHER_CHANGED, this.onFieldEffectChangedEvent); this.battleScene.arena.eventTarget.addEventListener(ArenaEventType.TERRAIN_CHANGED, this.onFieldEffectChangedEvent); this.battleScene.arena.eventTarget.addEventListener(ArenaEventType.TAG_ADDED, this.onFieldEffectChangedEvent); this.battleScene.arena.eventTarget.addEventListener(ArenaEventType.TAG_REMOVED, this.onFieldEffectChangedEvent); } /** Clears out the current string stored in all arena effect texts */ private clearText() { this.flyoutTextPlayer.text = ""; this.flyoutTextField.text = ""; this.flyoutTextEnemy.text = ""; } /** Parses through all set Arena Effects and puts them into the proper {@linkcode Phaser.GameObjects.Text} object */ private updateFieldText() { this.clearText(); this.fieldEffectInfo.sort((infoA, infoB) => infoA.duration - infoB.duration); for (let i = 0; i < this.fieldEffectInfo.length; i++) { const fieldEffectInfo = this.fieldEffectInfo[i]; // Creates a proxy object to decide which text object needs to be updated let textObject: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; switch (fieldEffectInfo.effecType) { case ArenaEffectType.PLAYER: textObject = this.flyoutTextPlayer; break; case ArenaEffectType.WEATHER: case ArenaEffectType.TERRAIN: case ArenaEffectType.FIELD: textObject = this.flyoutTextField; break; case ArenaEffectType.ENEMY: textObject = this.flyoutTextEnemy; break; } textObject.text += Utils.formatText(; if (fieldEffectInfo.effecType === ArenaEffectType.TERRAIN) { textObject.text += " Terrain"; // Adds 'Terrain' since the enum does not contain it } if (fieldEffectInfo.maxDuration !== 0) { textObject.text += " " + fieldEffectInfo.duration + "/" + fieldEffectInfo.maxDuration; } textObject.text += "\n"; } } /** * Parses the {@linkcode Event} being passed and updates the state of the fieldEffectInfo array * @param event {@linkcode Event} being sent */ private onFieldEffectChanged(event: Event) { const arenaEffectChangedEvent = event as ArenaEvent; if (!arenaEffectChangedEvent) { return; } let foundIndex: number; switch (arenaEffectChangedEvent.constructor) { case TagAddedEvent: const tagAddedEvent = arenaEffectChangedEvent as TagAddedEvent; const isArenaTrapTag = this.battleScene.arena.getTag(tagAddedEvent.arenaTagType) instanceof ArenaTrapTag; let arenaEffectType: ArenaEffectType; if (tagAddedEvent.arenaTagSide === ArenaTagSide.BOTH) { arenaEffectType = ArenaEffectType.FIELD; } else if (tagAddedEvent.arenaTagSide === ArenaTagSide.PLAYER) { arenaEffectType = ArenaEffectType.PLAYER; } else { arenaEffectType = ArenaEffectType.ENEMY; } const existingTrapTagIndex = isArenaTrapTag ? this.fieldEffectInfo.findIndex(e => tagAddedEvent.arenaTagType === e.tagType && arenaEffectType === e.effecType) : -1; let name: string = ArenaTagType[tagAddedEvent.arenaTagType]; if (isArenaTrapTag) { if (existingTrapTagIndex !== -1) { const layers = tagAddedEvent.arenaTagMaxLayers > 1 ? ` (${tagAddedEvent.arenaTagLayers})` : ""; this.fieldEffectInfo[existingTrapTagIndex].name = `${name}${layers}`; break; } else if (tagAddedEvent.arenaTagMaxLayers > 1) { name = `${name} (${tagAddedEvent.arenaTagLayers})`; } } this.fieldEffectInfo.push({ name, effecType: arenaEffectType, maxDuration: tagAddedEvent.duration, duration: tagAddedEvent.duration, tagType: tagAddedEvent.arenaTagType }); break; case TagRemovedEvent: const tagRemovedEvent = arenaEffectChangedEvent as TagRemovedEvent; foundIndex = this.fieldEffectInfo.findIndex(info => info.tagType === tagRemovedEvent.arenaTagType); if (foundIndex !== -1) { // If the tag was being tracked, remove it this.fieldEffectInfo.splice(foundIndex, 1); } break; case WeatherChangedEvent: case TerrainChangedEvent: const fieldEffectChangedEvent = arenaEffectChangedEvent as WeatherChangedEvent | TerrainChangedEvent; // Stores the old Weather/Terrain name in case it's in the array already const oldName = fieldEffectChangedEvent instanceof WeatherChangedEvent ? WeatherType[fieldEffectChangedEvent.oldWeatherType] : TerrainType[fieldEffectChangedEvent.oldTerrainType]; // Stores the new Weather/Terrain info const newInfo = { name: fieldEffectChangedEvent instanceof WeatherChangedEvent ? WeatherType[fieldEffectChangedEvent.newWeatherType] : TerrainType[fieldEffectChangedEvent.newTerrainType], effecType: fieldEffectChangedEvent instanceof WeatherChangedEvent ? ArenaEffectType.WEATHER : ArenaEffectType.TERRAIN, maxDuration: fieldEffectChangedEvent.duration, duration: fieldEffectChangedEvent.duration}; foundIndex = this.fieldEffectInfo.findIndex(info => [, oldName].includes(; if (foundIndex === -1) { if ( !== undefined) { this.fieldEffectInfo.push(newInfo); // Adds the info to the array if it doesn't already exist and is defined } } else if (! { this.fieldEffectInfo.splice(foundIndex, 1); // Removes the old info if the new one is undefined } else { this.fieldEffectInfo[foundIndex] = newInfo; // Otherwise, replace the old info } break; } this.updateFieldText(); } /** * Iterates through the fieldEffectInfo array and decrements the duration of each item * @param event {@linkcode Event} being sent */ private onTurnEnd(event: Event) { const turnEndEvent = event as TurnEndEvent; if (!turnEndEvent) { return; } const fieldEffectInfo: ArenaEffectInfo[] = []; this.fieldEffectInfo.forEach(i => fieldEffectInfo.push(i)); for (let i = 0; i < fieldEffectInfo.length; i++) { const info = fieldEffectInfo[i]; if (info.maxDuration === 0) { continue; } --info.duration; if (info.duration <= 0) { // Removes the item if the duration has expired this.fieldEffectInfo.splice(this.fieldEffectInfo.indexOf(info), 1); } } this.updateFieldText(); } /** * Animates the flyout to either show or hide it by applying a fade and translation * @param visible Should the flyout be shown? */ public toggleFlyout(visible: boolean): void { this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: this.flyoutParent, x: visible ? this.anchorX : this.anchorX - this.translationX, duration: Utils.fixedInt(125), ease: "Sine.easeInOut", alpha: visible ? 1 : 0, onComplete: () => this.timeOfDayWidget.parentVisible = visible, }); } public destroy(fromScene?: boolean): void { this.battleScene.eventTarget.removeEventListener(BattleSceneEventType.NEW_ARENA, this.onNewArenaEvent); this.battleScene.eventTarget.removeEventListener(BattleSceneEventType.TURN_END, this.onTurnEndEvent); this.battleScene.arena.eventTarget.removeEventListener(ArenaEventType.WEATHER_CHANGED, this.onFieldEffectChangedEvent); this.battleScene.arena.eventTarget.removeEventListener(ArenaEventType.TERRAIN_CHANGED, this.onFieldEffectChangedEvent); this.battleScene.arena.eventTarget.removeEventListener(ArenaEventType.TAG_ADDED, this.onFieldEffectChangedEvent); this.battleScene.arena.eventTarget.removeEventListener(ArenaEventType.TAG_REMOVED, this.onFieldEffectChangedEvent); super.destroy(fromScene); } }