import BattleScene from "./battle-scene"; import { getPokeballName, PokeballType } from "./pokeball"; import Pokemon, { PlayerPokemon } from "./pokemon"; import { Stat, getStatName } from "./pokemon-stat"; import { addTextObject, TextStyle } from "./text"; import PartyUiHandler from "./ui/party-ui-handler"; import * as Utils from "./utils"; export class ModifierBar extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container { constructor(scene: BattleScene) { super(scene, 1, 2); this.setScale(0.5); } addModifier(modifier: Modifier) { const icon = modifier.getIcon(this.scene as BattleScene); this.add(icon); this.setModifierIconPosition(icon); } updateModifier(modifier: Modifier, modifiers: Modifier[]) { const index = modifiers.indexOf(modifier); if (index > -1) { this.getAt(index).destroy(); const newIcon = modifier.getIcon(this.scene as BattleScene); this.addAt(newIcon, index); this.setModifierIconPosition(newIcon); } } setModifierIconPosition(icon: Phaser.GameObjects.Container) { const x = (this.getIndex(icon) % 12) * 26; const y = Math.floor((this.getIndex(icon) * 6) / ( / 6)) * 20; icon.setPosition(x, y); } } export abstract class Modifier { public type: ModifierType; public stackCount: integer; constructor(type: ModifierType) { this.type = type; this.stackCount = 1; } add(modifierBar: ModifierBar, modifiers: Modifier[]): boolean { modifiers.push(this); modifierBar.addModifier(this); return true; } shouldApply(_args: any[]): boolean { return true; } abstract apply(args: any[]): boolean; incrementStack(): void { this.stackCount++; } getIcon(scene: BattleScene): Phaser.GameObjects.Container { const container = scene.add.container(0, 0); const item = scene.add.sprite(0, 12, 'items'); item.setFrame(this.type.iconImage); item.setOrigin(0, 0.5); container.add(item); const stackText = this.getIconStackText(scene); if (stackText) container.add(stackText); return container; } getIconStackText(scene: BattleScene): Phaser.GameObjects.Text { if (this.stackCount <= 1) return null; const text = addTextObject(scene, 16, 12, this.stackCount.toString(), TextStyle.PARTY, { fontSize: '66px' }); text.setStroke('#424242', 16) text.setOrigin(1, 0); return text; } } export abstract class ConsumableModifier extends Modifier { constructor(type: ModifierType) { super(type); } add(_modifierBar: ModifierBar, _modifiers: Modifier[]): boolean { return true; } shouldApply(args: any[]): boolean { return args.length === 1 && args[0] instanceof BattleScene; } } class AddPokeballModifier extends ConsumableModifier { private pokeballType: PokeballType; private count: integer; constructor(type: ModifierType, pokeballType: PokeballType, count: integer) { super(type); this.pokeballType = pokeballType; this.count = count; } apply(args: any[]): boolean { (args[0] as BattleScene).pokeballCounts[this.pokeballType] += this.count; console.log((args[0] as BattleScene).pokeballCounts); return true; } } export abstract class PokemonModifier extends Modifier { public pokemonId: integer; constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer) { super(type); this.pokemonId = pokemonId; } shouldApply(args: any[]): boolean { return args.length && args[0] === this.pokemonId; } getIcon(scene: BattleScene): Phaser.GameObjects.Container { const container = scene.add.container(0, 0); const pokemon = this.getPokemon(scene); const pokemonIcon = scene.add.sprite(0, 8, pokemon.getIconAtlasKey());; pokemonIcon.setOrigin(0, 0.5); container.add(pokemonIcon); return container; } getPokemon(scene: BattleScene) { return scene.getParty().find(p => === this.pokemonId); } } export class PokemonBaseStatModifier extends PokemonModifier { protected stat: Stat; constructor(type: PokemonBaseStatBoosterModifierType, pokemonId: integer, stat: Stat) { super(type, pokemonId); this.stat = stat; } add(modifierBar: ModifierBar, modifiers: Modifier[]): boolean { for (let modifier of modifiers) { if (modifier instanceof PokemonBaseStatModifier) { const pokemonStatModifier = modifier as PokemonBaseStatModifier; console.log(pokemonStatModifier.stat, this.stat, pokemonStatModifier.pokemonId === this.pokemonId && pokemonStatModifier.stat === this.stat) if (pokemonStatModifier.pokemonId === this.pokemonId && pokemonStatModifier.stat === this.stat) { pokemonStatModifier.incrementStack(); modifierBar.updateModifier(pokemonStatModifier, modifiers); return true; } } } return super.add(modifierBar, modifiers); } shouldApply(args: any[]): boolean { console.log(args, this.pokemonId, args) return super.shouldApply(args) && args.length === 2 && args[1] instanceof Array; } apply(args: any[]): boolean { args[1][this.stat] = Math.min(Math.floor(args[1][this.stat] * (1 + this.stackCount * 0.1)), 999999); return true; } getIcon(scene: BattleScene): Phaser.GameObjects.Container { const container = super.getIcon(scene); const item = scene.add.sprite(16, 16, 'items'); item.setScale(0.5); item.setOrigin(0, 0.5); item.setTexture('items', this.type.iconImage); container.add(item); const stackText = this.getIconStackText(scene); if (stackText) container.add(stackText); return container; } } export abstract class ConsumablePokemonModifier extends PokemonModifier { constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer) { super(type, pokemonId); } add(_modifierBar: ModifierBar, _modifiers: Modifier[]): boolean { return true; } shouldApply(args: any[]): boolean { return args.length === 1 && args[0] instanceof Pokemon && (this.pokemonId === -1 || (args[0] as Pokemon).id === this.pokemonId); } } export class PokemonHpRestoreModifier extends ConsumablePokemonModifier { private restorePercent: integer; constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, restorePercent: integer, ) { super(type, pokemonId); this.restorePercent = restorePercent; } apply(args: any[]): boolean { const pokemon = args[0] as Pokemon; pokemon.hp = Math.min(pokemon.hp + (this.restorePercent * 0.01) * pokemon.getMaxHp(), pokemon.getMaxHp()); return true; } } export class ExpBoosterModifier extends Modifier { constructor(type: ModifierType) { super(type); } add(modifierBar: ModifierBar, modifiers: Modifier[]): boolean { for (let modifier of modifiers) { if (modifier instanceof ExpBoosterModifier) { const expModifier = modifier as ExpBoosterModifier; expModifier.incrementStack(); modifierBar.updateModifier(expModifier, modifiers); return true; } } return super.add(modifierBar, modifiers); } apply(args: any[]): boolean { (args[0] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value = Math.floor((args[0] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value * (1 + (this.stackCount * 0.25))); return true; } } export class ShinyRateBoosterModifier extends Modifier { constructor(type: ModifierType) { super(type); } add(modifierBar: ModifierBar, modifiers: Modifier[]): boolean { for (let modifier of modifiers) { if (modifier instanceof ShinyRateBoosterModifier) { const shinyRateModifier = modifier as ShinyRateBoosterModifier; shinyRateModifier.incrementStack(); modifierBar.updateModifier(shinyRateModifier, modifiers); return true; } } return super.add(modifierBar, modifiers); } apply(args: any[]): boolean { (args[0] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value = Math.pow((args[0] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value * 0.5, this.stackCount + 1); return true; } } export enum ModifierTier { COMMON, GREAT, ULTRA, MASTER }; export class ModifierType { public name: string; public description: string; public iconImage: string; public tier: ModifierTier; private newModifierFunc: Function; constructor(name: string, description: string, newModifierFunc: Function, iconImage?: string) { = name; this.description = description; this.iconImage = iconImage || name.replace(/[ \-]/g, '_').toLowerCase(); this.newModifierFunc = newModifierFunc; } setTier(tier: ModifierTier) { this.tier = tier; } newModifier(...args: any[]) { return this.newModifierFunc(this, args); } } class AddPokeballModifierType extends ModifierType { constructor(pokeballType: PokeballType, count: integer, iconImage?: string) { super(`${count}x ${getPokeballName(pokeballType)}`, `Receive ${getPokeballName(pokeballType)} x${count}`, (_type, _args) => new AddPokeballModifier(this, pokeballType, count), iconImage); } } export abstract class PokemonModifierType extends ModifierType { public selectFilter: Function; constructor(name: string, description: string, newModifierFunc: Function, selectFilter?: Function, iconImage?: string) { super(name, description, newModifierFunc, iconImage); this.selectFilter = selectFilter; } } class PokemonHpRestoreModifierType extends PokemonModifierType { protected restorePercent: integer; constructor(name: string, restorePercent: integer, iconImage?: string) { super(name, `Restore ${restorePercent}% HP for one POKéMON`, (_type, args) => new PokemonHpRestoreModifier(this, args[0], this.restorePercent), (pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => { if (pokemon.hp >= pokemon.getMaxHp()) return PartyUiHandler.NoEffectMessage; return null; }, iconImage); this.restorePercent = restorePercent; } } class PokemonReviveModifierType extends PokemonHpRestoreModifierType { constructor(name: string, restorePercent: integer, iconImage?: string) { super(name, restorePercent, iconImage); this.description = `Revive one POKéMON and restore ${restorePercent}% HP`; this.selectFilter = (pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => { if (pokemon.hp) return PartyUiHandler.NoEffectMessage; return null; }; } } class PokemonBaseStatBoosterModifierType extends PokemonModifierType { private stat: Stat; constructor(name: string, stat: Stat, _iconImage?: string) { super(name, `Increases one POKéMON's base ${getStatName(stat)} by 10%` , (_type, args) => new PokemonBaseStatModifier(this, args[0], this.stat)); this.stat = stat; } } class AllPokemonHpRestoreModifierType extends ModifierType { private restorePercent: integer; constructor(name: string, restorePercent: integer, iconImage?: string) { super(name, `Restore ${restorePercent}% HP for all POKéMON`, (_type, _args) => new PokemonHpRestoreModifier(this, -1, this.restorePercent), iconImage); this.restorePercent = restorePercent; } } class WeightedModifierType { public modifierType: ModifierType; public weight: integer; constructor(modifierType: ModifierType, weight: integer) { this.modifierType = modifierType; this.weight = weight; } setTier(tier: ModifierTier) { this.modifierType.setTier(tier); } } const modifierPool = { [ModifierTier.COMMON]: [ new WeightedModifierType(new AddPokeballModifierType(PokeballType.POKEBALL, 5, 'pb'), 2), new WeightedModifierType(new PokemonHpRestoreModifierType('POTION', 20), 3), new PokemonHpRestoreModifierType('SUPER POTION', 50), new PokemonBaseStatBoosterModifierType('HP-UP', Stat.HP), new PokemonBaseStatBoosterModifierType('PROTEIN', Stat.ATK), new PokemonBaseStatBoosterModifierType('IRON', Stat.DEF), new PokemonBaseStatBoosterModifierType('CALCIUM', Stat.SPATK), new PokemonBaseStatBoosterModifierType('ZINC', Stat.SPDEF), new PokemonBaseStatBoosterModifierType('CARBOS', Stat.SPD) ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.COMMON); return m; }), [ModifierTier.GREAT]: [ new AddPokeballModifierType(PokeballType.GREAT_BALL, 5, 'gb'), new PokemonReviveModifierType('REVIVE', 50), new PokemonHpRestoreModifierType('HYPER POTION', 100) ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.GREAT); return m; }), [ModifierTier.ULTRA]: [ new AddPokeballModifierType(PokeballType.ULTRA_BALL, 5, 'ub'), new AllPokemonHpRestoreModifierType('MAX POTION', 100), new ModifierType('LUCKY EGG', 'Increases gain of EXP. Points by 25%', (type, _args) => new ExpBoosterModifier(type)) ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.ULTRA); return m; }), [ModifierTier.MASTER]: [ new AddPokeballModifierType(PokeballType.MASTER_BALL, 1, 'mb'), new WeightedModifierType(new ModifierType('SHINY CHARM', 'Dramatically increases the chance of a wild POkéMON being shiny', (type, _args) => new ShinyRateBoosterModifier(type)), 2) ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.MASTER); return m; }) }; const modifierPoolThresholds = Object.fromEntries(new Map(Object.keys(modifierPool).map(t => { const thresholds = new Map(); let i = 0; modifierPool[t].reduce((total: integer, modifierType: ModifierType | WeightedModifierType) => { total += modifierType instanceof WeightedModifierType ? (modifierType as WeightedModifierType).weight : 1; thresholds.set(total, i++); return total; }, 0); return [ t, Object.fromEntries(thresholds) ] }))); console.log(modifierPoolThresholds) export function getNewModifierType(): ModifierType { const tierValue = Utils.randInt(256); const tier = tierValue >= 52 ? ModifierTier.COMMON : tierValue >= 8 ? ModifierTier.GREAT : tierValue >= 1 ? ModifierTier.ULTRA : ModifierTier.MASTER; const thresholds = Object.keys(modifierPoolThresholds[tier]); const totalWeight = parseInt(thresholds[thresholds.length - 1]); const value = Utils.randInt(totalWeight); let index: integer; for (let t of thresholds) { let threshold = parseInt(t); if (value < threshold) { index = modifierPoolThresholds[tier][threshold]; break; } } let modifierType: ModifierType | WeightedModifierType = modifierPool[tier][index]; if (modifierType instanceof WeightedModifierType) return (modifierType as WeightedModifierType).modifierType; return modifierType; }