import BattleScene from "#app/battle-scene.js"; import { BattlerIndex } from "#app/battle.js"; import { applyPreAttackAbAttrs, AddSecondStrikeAbAttr, IgnoreMoveEffectsAbAttr, applyPostDefendAbAttrs, PostDefendAbAttr, applyPostAttackAbAttrs, PostAttackAbAttr, MaxMultiHitAbAttr, AlwaysHitAbAttr } from "#app/data/ability.js"; import { ArenaTagSide, ConditionalProtectTag } from "#app/data/arena-tag.js"; import { MoveAnim } from "#app/data/battle-anims.js"; import { BattlerTagLapseType, ProtectedTag, SemiInvulnerableTag } from "#app/data/battler-tags.js"; import { MoveTarget, applyMoveAttrs, OverrideMoveEffectAttr, MultiHitAttr, AttackMove, FixedDamageAttr, VariableTargetAttr, MissEffectAttr, MoveFlags, applyFilteredMoveAttrs, MoveAttr, MoveEffectAttr, MoveEffectTrigger, ChargeAttr, MoveCategory, NoEffectAttr, HitsTagAttr } from "#app/data/move.js"; import { SpeciesFormChangePostMoveTrigger } from "#app/data/pokemon-forms.js"; import { BattlerTagType } from "#app/enums/battler-tag-type.js"; import { Moves } from "#app/enums/moves.js"; import Pokemon, { PokemonMove, MoveResult, HitResult } from "#app/field/pokemon.js"; import { getPokemonNameWithAffix } from "#app/messages.js"; import { PokemonMultiHitModifier, FlinchChanceModifier, EnemyAttackStatusEffectChanceModifier, ContactHeldItemTransferChanceModifier, HitHealModifier } from "#app/modifier/modifier.js"; import i18next from "i18next"; import * as Utils from "#app/utils.js"; import { PokemonPhase } from "./pokemon-phase"; export class MoveEffectPhase extends PokemonPhase { public move: PokemonMove; protected targets: BattlerIndex[]; constructor(scene: BattleScene, battlerIndex: BattlerIndex, targets: BattlerIndex[], move: PokemonMove) { super(scene, battlerIndex); this.move = move; /** * In double battles, if the right Pokemon selects a spread move and the left Pokemon dies * with no party members available to switch in, then the right Pokemon takes the index * of the left Pokemon and gets hit unless this is checked. */ if (targets.includes(battlerIndex) && this.move.getMove().moveTarget === MoveTarget.ALL_NEAR_OTHERS) { const i = targets.indexOf(battlerIndex); targets.splice(i, i + 1); } this.targets = targets; } start() { super.start(); /** The Pokemon using this phase's invoked move */ const user = this.getUserPokemon(); /** All Pokemon targeted by this phase's invoked move */ const targets = this.getTargets(); /** If the user was somehow removed from the field, end this phase */ if (!user?.isOnField()) { return super.end(); } /** * Does an effect from this move override other effects on this turn? * e.g. Charging moves (Fly, etc.) on their first turn of use. */ const overridden = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false); /** The {@linkcode Move} object from {@linkcode allMoves} invoked by this phase */ const move = this.move.getMove(); // Assume single target for override applyMoveAttrs(OverrideMoveEffectAttr, user, this.getTarget() ?? null, move, overridden, this.move.virtual).then(() => { // If other effects were overriden, stop this phase before they can be applied if (overridden.value) { return this.end(); } user.lapseTags(BattlerTagLapseType.MOVE_EFFECT); /** * If this phase is for the first hit of the invoked move, * resolve the move's total hit count. This block combines the * effects of the move itself, Parental Bond, and Multi-Lens to do so. */ if (user.turnData.hitsLeft === undefined) { const hitCount = new Utils.IntegerHolder(1); // Assume single target for multi hit applyMoveAttrs(MultiHitAttr, user, this.getTarget() ?? null, move, hitCount); // If Parental Bond is applicable, double the hit count applyPreAttackAbAttrs(AddSecondStrikeAbAttr, user, null, move, false, targets.length, hitCount, new Utils.IntegerHolder(0)); // If Multi-Lens is applicable, multiply the hit count by 1 + the number of Multi-Lenses held by the user if (move instanceof AttackMove && !move.hasAttr(FixedDamageAttr)) { this.scene.applyModifiers(PokemonMultiHitModifier, user.isPlayer(), user, hitCount, new Utils.IntegerHolder(0)); } // Set the user's relevant turnData fields to reflect the final hit count user.turnData.hitCount = hitCount.value; user.turnData.hitsLeft = hitCount.value; } /** * Log to be entered into the user's move history once the move result is resolved. * Note that `result` (a {@linkcode MoveResult}) logs whether the move was successfully * used in the sense of "Does it have an effect on the user?". */ const moveHistoryEntry = { move: this.move.moveId, targets: this.targets, result: MoveResult.PENDING, virtual: this.move.virtual }; /** * Stores results of hit checks of the invoked move against all targets, organized by battler index. * @see {@linkcode hitCheck} */ const targetHitChecks = Object.fromEntries( => [p.getBattlerIndex(), this.hitCheck(p)])); const hasActiveTargets = targets.some(t => t.isActive(true)); /** * If no targets are left for the move to hit (FAIL), or the invoked move is single-target * (and not random target) and failed the hit check against its target (MISS), log the move * as FAILed or MISSed (depending on the conditions above) and end this phase. */ if (!hasActiveTargets || (!move.hasAttr(VariableTargetAttr) && !move.isMultiTarget() && !targetHitChecks[this.targets[0]])) { this.stopMultiHit(); if (hasActiveTargets) { this.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("battle:attackMissed", { pokemonNameWithAffix: this.getTarget()? getPokemonNameWithAffix(this.getTarget()!) : "" })); moveHistoryEntry.result = MoveResult.MISS; applyMoveAttrs(MissEffectAttr, user, null, move); } else { this.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("battle:attackFailed")); moveHistoryEntry.result = MoveResult.FAIL; } user.pushMoveHistory(moveHistoryEntry); return this.end(); } /** All move effect attributes are chained together in this array to be applied asynchronously. */ const applyAttrs: Promise[] = []; // Move animation only needs one target new MoveAnim( as Moves, user, this.getTarget()?.getBattlerIndex()!).play(this.scene, () => { // TODO: is the bang correct here? /** Has the move successfully hit a target (for damage) yet? */ let hasHit: boolean = false; for (const target of targets) { /** * If the move missed a target, stop all future hits against that target * and move on to the next target (if there is one). */ if (!targetHitChecks[target.getBattlerIndex()]) { this.stopMultiHit(target); this.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("battle:attackMissed", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(target) })); if (moveHistoryEntry.result === MoveResult.PENDING) { moveHistoryEntry.result = MoveResult.MISS; } user.pushMoveHistory(moveHistoryEntry); applyMoveAttrs(MissEffectAttr, user, null, move); continue; } /** The {@linkcode ArenaTagSide} to which the target belongs */ const targetSide = target.isPlayer() ? ArenaTagSide.PLAYER : ArenaTagSide.ENEMY; /** Has the invoked move been cancelled by conditional protection (e.g Quick Guard)? */ const hasConditionalProtectApplied = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false); /** Does the applied conditional protection bypass Protect-ignoring effects? */ const bypassIgnoreProtect = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false); // If the move is not targeting a Pokemon on the user's side, try to apply conditional protection effects if (!this.move.getMove().isAllyTarget()) { this.scene.arena.applyTagsForSide(ConditionalProtectTag, targetSide, hasConditionalProtectApplied, user, target,, bypassIgnoreProtect); } /** Is the target protected by Protect, etc. or a relevant conditional protection effect? */ const isProtected = (bypassIgnoreProtect.value || !this.move.getMove().checkFlag(MoveFlags.IGNORE_PROTECT, user, target)) && (hasConditionalProtectApplied.value || target.findTags(t => t instanceof ProtectedTag).find(t => target.lapseTag(t.tagType))); /** Does this phase represent the invoked move's first strike? */ const firstHit = (user.turnData.hitsLeft === user.turnData.hitCount); // Only log the move's result on the first strike if (firstHit) { user.pushMoveHistory(moveHistoryEntry); } /** * Since all fail/miss checks have applied, the move is considered successfully applied. * It's worth noting that if the move has no effect or is protected against, this assignment * is overwritten and the move is logged as a FAIL. */ moveHistoryEntry.result = MoveResult.SUCCESS; /** * Stores the result of applying the invoked move to the target. * If the target is protected, the result is always `NO_EFFECT`. * Otherwise, the hit result is based on type effectiveness, immunities, * and other factors that may negate the attack or status application. * * Internally, the call to {@linkcode Pokemon.apply} is where damage is calculated * (for attack moves) and the target's HP is updated. However, this isn't * made visible to the user until the resulting {@linkcode DamagePhase} * is invoked. */ const hitResult = !isProtected ? target.apply(user, move) : HitResult.NO_EFFECT; /** Does {@linkcode hitResult} indicate that damage was dealt to the target? */ const dealsDamage = [ HitResult.EFFECTIVE, HitResult.SUPER_EFFECTIVE, HitResult.NOT_VERY_EFFECTIVE, HitResult.ONE_HIT_KO ].includes(hitResult); /** Is this target the first one hit by the move on its current strike? */ const firstTarget = dealsDamage && !hasHit; if (firstTarget) { hasHit = true; } /** * If the move has no effect on the target (i.e. the target is protected or immune), * change the logged move result to FAIL. */ if (hitResult === HitResult.NO_EFFECT) { moveHistoryEntry.result = MoveResult.FAIL; } /** Does this phase represent the invoked move's last strike? */ const lastHit = (user.turnData.hitsLeft === 1 || !this.getTarget()?.isActive()); /** * If the user can change forms by using the invoked move, * it only changes forms after the move's last hit * (see Relic Song's interaction with Parental Bond when used by Meloetta). */ if (lastHit) { this.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(user, SpeciesFormChangePostMoveTrigger); } /** * Create a Promise that applys *all* effects from the invoked move's MoveEffectAttrs. * These are ordered by trigger type (see {@linkcode MoveEffectTrigger}), and each trigger * type requires different conditions to be met with respect to the move's hit result. */ applyAttrs.push(new Promise(resolve => { // Apply all effects with PRE_MOVE triggers (if the target isn't immune to the move) applyFilteredMoveAttrs((attr: MoveAttr) => attr instanceof MoveEffectAttr && attr.trigger === MoveEffectTrigger.PRE_APPLY && (!attr.firstHitOnly || firstHit) && (!attr.lastHitOnly || lastHit) && hitResult !== HitResult.NO_EFFECT, user, target, move).then(() => { // All other effects require the move to not have failed or have been cancelled to trigger if (hitResult !== HitResult.FAIL) { /** Are the move's effects tied to the first turn of a charge move? */ const chargeEffect = !!move.getAttrs(ChargeAttr).find(ca => ca.usedChargeEffect(user, this.getTarget() ?? null, move)); /** * If the invoked move's effects are meant to trigger during the move's "charge turn," * ignore all effects after this point. * Otherwise, apply all self-targeted POST_APPLY effects. */ Utils.executeIf(!chargeEffect, () => applyFilteredMoveAttrs((attr: MoveAttr) => attr instanceof MoveEffectAttr && attr.trigger === MoveEffectTrigger.POST_APPLY && attr.selfTarget && (!attr.firstHitOnly || firstHit) && (!attr.lastHitOnly || lastHit), user, target, move)).then(() => { // All effects past this point require the move to have hit the target if (hitResult !== HitResult.NO_EFFECT) { // Apply all non-self-targeted POST_APPLY effects applyFilteredMoveAttrs((attr: MoveAttr) => attr instanceof MoveEffectAttr && (attr as MoveEffectAttr).trigger === MoveEffectTrigger.POST_APPLY && !(attr as MoveEffectAttr).selfTarget && (!attr.firstHitOnly || firstHit) && (!attr.lastHitOnly || lastHit), user, target, this.move.getMove()).then(() => { /** * If the move hit, and the target doesn't have Shield Dust, * apply the chance to flinch the target gained from King's Rock */ if (dealsDamage && !target.hasAbilityWithAttr(IgnoreMoveEffectsAbAttr)) { const flinched = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false); user.scene.applyModifiers(FlinchChanceModifier, user.isPlayer(), user, flinched); if (flinched.value) { target.addTag(BattlerTagType.FLINCHED, undefined, this.move.moveId,; } } // If the move was not protected against, apply all HIT effects Utils.executeIf(!isProtected && !chargeEffect, () => applyFilteredMoveAttrs((attr: MoveAttr) => attr instanceof MoveEffectAttr && (attr as MoveEffectAttr).trigger === MoveEffectTrigger.HIT && (!attr.firstHitOnly || firstHit) && (!attr.lastHitOnly || lastHit) && (!attr.firstTargetOnly || firstTarget), user, target, this.move.getMove()).then(() => { // Apply the target's post-defend ability effects (as long as the target is active or can otherwise apply them) return Utils.executeIf(!target.isFainted() || target.canApplyAbility(), () => applyPostDefendAbAttrs(PostDefendAbAttr, target, user, this.move.getMove(), hitResult).then(() => { // If the invoked move is an enemy attack, apply the enemy's status effect-inflicting tags and tokens target.lapseTag(BattlerTagType.BEAK_BLAST_CHARGING); if (move.category === MoveCategory.PHYSICAL && user.isPlayer() !== target.isPlayer()) { target.lapseTag(BattlerTagType.SHELL_TRAP); } if (!user.isPlayer() && this.move.getMove() instanceof AttackMove) { user.scene.applyShuffledModifiers(this.scene, EnemyAttackStatusEffectChanceModifier, false, target); } })).then(() => { // Apply the user's post-attack ability effects applyPostAttackAbAttrs(PostAttackAbAttr, user, target, this.move.getMove(), hitResult).then(() => { /** * If the invoked move is an attack, apply the user's chance to * steal an item from the target granted by Grip Claw */ if (this.move.getMove() instanceof AttackMove) { this.scene.applyModifiers(ContactHeldItemTransferChanceModifier, this.player, user, target); } resolve(); }); }); }) ).then(() => resolve()); }); } else { applyMoveAttrs(NoEffectAttr, user, null, move).then(() => resolve()); } }); } else { resolve(); } }); })); } // Apply the move's POST_TARGET effects on the move's last hit, after all targeted effects have resolved const postTarget = (user.turnData.hitsLeft === 1 || !this.getTarget()?.isActive()) ? applyFilteredMoveAttrs((attr: MoveAttr) => attr instanceof MoveEffectAttr && attr.trigger === MoveEffectTrigger.POST_TARGET, user, null, move) : null; if (!!postTarget) { if (applyAttrs.length) { // If there is a pending asynchronous move effect, do this after applyAttrs[applyAttrs.length - 1]?.then(() => postTarget); } else { // Otherwise, push a new asynchronous move effect applyAttrs.push(postTarget); } } // Wait for all move effects to finish applying, then end this phase Promise.allSettled(applyAttrs).then(() => this.end()); }); }); } end() { const user = this.getUserPokemon(); /** * If this phase isn't for the invoked move's last strike, * unshift another MoveEffectPhase for the next strike. * Otherwise, queue a message indicating the number of times the move has struck * (if the move has struck more than once), then apply the heal from Shell Bell * to the user. */ if (user) { if (user.turnData.hitsLeft && --user.turnData.hitsLeft >= 1 && this.getTarget()?.isActive()) { this.scene.unshiftPhase(this.getNewHitPhase()); } else { // Queue message for number of hits made by multi-move // If multi-hit attack only hits once, still want to render a message const hitsTotal = user.turnData.hitCount! - Math.max(user.turnData.hitsLeft!, 0); // TODO: are those bangs correct? if (hitsTotal > 1 || (user.turnData.hitsLeft && user.turnData.hitsLeft > 0)) { // If there are multiple hits, or if there are hits of the multi-hit move left this.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("battle:attackHitsCount", { count: hitsTotal })); } this.scene.applyModifiers(HitHealModifier, this.player, user); } } super.end(); } /** * Resolves whether this phase's invoked move hits or misses the given target * @param target {@linkcode Pokemon} the Pokemon targeted by the invoked move * @returns `true` if the move does not miss the target; `false` otherwise */ hitCheck(target: Pokemon): boolean { // Moves targeting the user and entry hazards can't miss if ([MoveTarget.USER, MoveTarget.ENEMY_SIDE].includes(this.move.getMove().moveTarget)) { return true; } const user = this.getUserPokemon()!; // TODO: is this bang correct? // Hit check only calculated on first hit for multi-hit moves unless flag is set to check all hits. // However, if an ability with the MaxMultiHitAbAttr, namely Skill Link, is present, act as a normal // multi-hit move and proceed with all hits if (user.turnData.hitsLeft < user.turnData.hitCount) { if (!this.move.getMove().hasFlag(MoveFlags.CHECK_ALL_HITS) || user.hasAbilityWithAttr(MaxMultiHitAbAttr)) { return true; } } if (user.hasAbilityWithAttr(AlwaysHitAbAttr) || target.hasAbilityWithAttr(AlwaysHitAbAttr)) { return true; } // If the user should ignore accuracy on a target, check who the user targeted last turn and see if they match if (user.getTag(BattlerTagType.IGNORE_ACCURACY) && (user.getLastXMoves().find(() => true)?.targets || []).indexOf(target.getBattlerIndex()) !== -1) { return true; } if (target.getTag(BattlerTagType.ALWAYS_GET_HIT)) { return true; } const semiInvulnerableTag = target.getTag(SemiInvulnerableTag); if (semiInvulnerableTag && !this.move.getMove().getAttrs(HitsTagAttr).some(hta => hta.tagType === semiInvulnerableTag.tagType)) { return false; } const moveAccuracy = this.move.getMove().calculateBattleAccuracy(user, target); if (moveAccuracy === -1) { return true; } const accuracyMultiplier = user.getAccuracyMultiplier(target, this.move.getMove()); const rand = user.randSeedInt(100); return rand < (moveAccuracy * accuracyMultiplier); } /** Returns the {@linkcode Pokemon} using this phase's invoked move */ getUserPokemon(): Pokemon | undefined { if (this.battlerIndex > BattlerIndex.ENEMY_2) { return this.scene.getPokemonById(this.battlerIndex) ?? undefined; } return (this.player ? this.scene.getPlayerField() : this.scene.getEnemyField())[this.fieldIndex]; } /** Returns an array of all {@linkcode Pokemon} targeted by this phase's invoked move */ getTargets(): Pokemon[] { return this.scene.getField(true).filter(p => this.targets.indexOf(p.getBattlerIndex()) > -1); } /** Returns the first target of this phase's invoked move */ getTarget(): Pokemon | undefined { return this.getTargets()[0]; } /** * Removes the given {@linkcode Pokemon} from this phase's target list * @param target {@linkcode Pokemon} the Pokemon to be removed */ removeTarget(target: Pokemon): void { const targetIndex = this.targets.findIndex(ind => ind === target.getBattlerIndex()); if (targetIndex !== -1) { this.targets.splice(this.targets.findIndex(ind => ind === target.getBattlerIndex()), 1); } } /** * Prevents subsequent strikes of this phase's invoked move from occurring * @param target {@linkcode Pokemon} if defined, only stop subsequent * strikes against this Pokemon */ stopMultiHit(target?: Pokemon): void { /** If given a specific target, remove the target from subsequent strikes */ if (target) { this.removeTarget(target); } /** * If no target specified, or the specified target was the last of this move's * targets, completely cancel all subsequent strikes. */ if (!target || this.targets.length === 0 ) { this.getUserPokemon()!.turnData.hitCount = 1; // TODO: is the bang correct here? this.getUserPokemon()!.turnData.hitsLeft = 1; // TODO: is the bang correct here? } } /** Returns a new MoveEffectPhase with the same properties as this phase */ getNewHitPhase() { return new MoveEffectPhase(this.scene, this.battlerIndex, this.targets, this.move); } }