import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/plugins/i18n";

 * The menu namespace holds most miscellaneous text that isn't directly part of the game's
 * contents or directly related to Pokemon data. This includes menu navigation, settings,
 * account interactions, descriptive text, etc.
export const starterSelectUiHandler: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
    "confirmStartTeam":'Commencer avec ces Pokémon ?',
    "growthRate": "Croissance :",
    "ability": "Talent :",
    "passive": "Passif :",
    "nature": "Nature :",
    "eggMoves": "Capacités Œuf",
    "start": "Lancer",
    "addToParty": "Ajouter à l’équipe",
    "toggleIVs": "Voir IVs",
    "manageMoves": "Gérer Capacités",
    "useCandies": "Utiliser Bonbons",
    "selectMoveSwapOut": "Sélectionnez la capacité à échanger.",
    "selectMoveSwapWith": "Sélectionnez laquelle échanger avec",
    "unlockPassive": "Débloquer Passif",
    "reduceCost": "Diminuer le cout",
    "cycleShiny": "R: » Chromatiques",
    "cycleForm": "F: » Formes",
    "cycleGender": "G: » Sexes",
    "cycleAbility": "E: » Talents",
    "cycleNature": "N: » Natures",
    "cycleVariant": "V: » Variants",
    "enablePassive": "Activer Passif",
    "disablePassive": "Désactiver Passif",
    "locked": "Locked",
    "disabled": "Disabled"