import BattleScene from "../battle-scene"; import { TextStyle, getTextColor } from "./text"; import { Mode } from "./ui"; import {Button} from "#enums"; /** * A basic abstract class to act as a holder and processor for UI elements. */ export default abstract class UiHandler { protected scene: BattleScene; protected mode: integer; protected cursor: integer = 0; public active: boolean = false; /** * @param {BattleScene} scene The same scene as everything else. * @param {Mode} mode The mode of the UI element. These should be unique. */ constructor(scene: BattleScene, mode: Mode) { this.scene = scene; this.mode = mode; } abstract setup(): void; show(_args: any[]): boolean { = true; return true; } abstract processInput(button: Button): boolean; getUi() { return this.scene.ui; } getTextColor(style: TextStyle, shadow: boolean = false): string { return getTextColor(style, shadow, this.scene.uiTheme); } getCursor(): integer { return this.cursor; } setCursor(cursor: integer): boolean { const changed = this.cursor !== cursor; if (changed) { this.cursor = cursor; } return changed; } clear() { = false; } }