import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/plugins/i18n"; export const battle: SimpleTranslationEntries = { "bossAppeared": "{{bossName}} appeared.", "trainerAppeared": "{{trainerName}}\nwould like to battle!", "singleWildAppeared": "A wild {{pokemonName}} appeared!", "multiWildAppeared": "A wild {{pokemonName1}}\nand {{pokemonName2}} appeared!", "playerComeBack": "Come back, {{pokemonName}}!", "trainerComeBack": "{{trainerName}} withdrew {{pokemonName}}!", "playerGo": "Go! {{pokemonName}}!", "trainerGo": "{{trainerName}} sent out {{pokemonName}}!", "switchQuestion": "Will you switch\n{{pokemonName}}?", "trainerDefeated": `You defeated\n{{trainerName}}!`, "pokemonCaught": "{{pokemonName}} was caught!", "pokemon": "Pokémon", "sendOutPokemon": "Go! {{pokemonName}}!", "hitResultCriticalHit": "A critical hit!", "hitResultSuperEffective": "It's super effective!", "hitResultNotVeryEffective": "It's not very effective…", "hitResultNoEffect": "It doesn't affect {{pokemonName}}!", "hitResultOneHitKO": "It's a one-hit KO!", "attackFailed": "But it failed!", "attackHitsCount": `Hit {{count}} time(s)!`, "expGain": "{{pokemonName}} gained\n{{exp}} EXP. Points!", "levelUp": "{{pokemonName}} grew to\nLv. {{level}}!", "learnMove": "{{pokemonName}} learned\n{{moveName}}!", "learnMovePrompt": "{{pokemonName}} wants to learn the\nmove {{moveName}}.", "learnMoveLimitReached": "However, {{pokemonName}} already\nknows four moves.", "learnMoveReplaceQuestion": "Should a move be forgotten and\nreplaced with {{moveName}}?", "learnMoveStopTeaching": "Stop trying to teach\n{{moveName}}?", "learnMoveNotLearned": "{{pokemonName}} did not learn the\nmove {{moveName}}.", "learnMoveForgetQuestion": "Which move should be forgotten?", "learnMoveForgetSuccess": "{{pokemonName}} forgot how to\nuse {{moveName}}.", "countdownPoof": "@d{32}1, @d{15}2, and@d{15}… @d{15}… @d{15}… @d{15}@s{pb_bounce_1}Poof!", "learnMoveAnd": "And…", "levelCapUp": "The level cap\nhas increased to {{levelCap}}!", "moveNotImplemented": "{{moveName}} is not yet implemented and cannot be selected.", "moveNoPP": "There's no PP left for\nthis move!", "moveDisabled": "{{moveName}} is disabled!", "noPokeballForce": "An unseen force\nprevents using Poké Balls.", "noPokeballTrainer": "You can't catch\nanother trainer's Pokémon!", "noPokeballMulti": "You can only throw a Poké Ball\nwhen there is one Pokémon remaining!", "noPokeballStrong": "The target Pokémon is too strong to be caught!\nYou need to weaken it first!", "noEscapeForce": "An unseen force\nprevents escape.", "noEscapeTrainer": "You can't run\nfrom a trainer battle!", "noEscapePokemon": "{{pokemonName}}'s {{moveName}}\nprevents {{escapeVerb}}!", "runAwaySuccess": "You got away safely!", "runAwayCannotEscape": 'You can\'t escape!', "escapeVerbSwitch": "switching", "escapeVerbFlee": "fleeing", "notDisabled": "{{pokemonName}}'s {{moveName}} is disabled\nno more!", "skipItemQuestion": "Are you sure you want to skip taking an item?", "eggHatching": "Oh?", "ivScannerUseQuestion": "Use IV Scanner on {{pokemonName}}?" } as const;