import { EggTier } from "#enums/egg-type"; import { UiTheme } from "#enums/ui-theme"; import Phaser from "phaser"; import BBCodeText from "phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/gameobjects/tagtext/bbcodetext/BBCodeText"; import InputText from "phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/inputtext"; import BattleScene from "../battle-scene"; import { ModifierTier } from "../modifier/modifier-tier"; export enum TextStyle { MESSAGE, WINDOW, WINDOW_ALT, BATTLE_INFO, PARTY, PARTY_RED, SUMMARY, SUMMARY_ALT, SUMMARY_RED, SUMMARY_BLUE, SUMMARY_PINK, SUMMARY_GOLD, SUMMARY_GRAY, SUMMARY_GREEN, MONEY, STATS_LABEL, STATS_VALUE, SETTINGS_LABEL, SETTINGS_SELECTED, SETTINGS_LOCKED, TOOLTIP_TITLE, TOOLTIP_CONTENT, MOVE_INFO_CONTENT, MOVE_PP_FULL, MOVE_PP_HALF_FULL, MOVE_PP_NEAR_EMPTY, MOVE_PP_EMPTY, SMALLER_WINDOW_ALT, BGM_BAR } export function addTextObject(scene: Phaser.Scene, x: number, y: number, content: string, style: TextStyle, extraStyleOptions?: Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Text.TextStyle): Phaser.GameObjects.Text { const [ scale, styleOptions, shadowColor, shadowXpos, shadowYpos ] = getTextStyleOptions(style, (scene as BattleScene).uiTheme, extraStyleOptions); const ret = scene.add.text(x, y, content, styleOptions); ret.setScale(scale); ret.setShadow(shadowXpos, shadowYpos, shadowColor); if (!(styleOptions as Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Text.TextStyle).lineSpacing) { ret.setLineSpacing(5); } return ret; } export function setTextStyle(obj: Phaser.GameObjects.Text, scene: Phaser.Scene, style: TextStyle, extraStyleOptions?: Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Text.TextStyle) { const [ scale, styleOptions, shadowColor, shadowXpos, shadowYpos ] = getTextStyleOptions(style, (scene as BattleScene).uiTheme, extraStyleOptions); obj.setScale(scale); obj.setShadow(shadowXpos, shadowYpos, shadowColor); if (!(styleOptions as Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Text.TextStyle).lineSpacing) { obj.setLineSpacing(5); } } export function addBBCodeTextObject(scene: Phaser.Scene, x: number, y: number, content: string, style: TextStyle, extraStyleOptions?: Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Text.TextStyle): BBCodeText { const [ scale, styleOptions, shadowColor, shadowXpos, shadowYpos ] = getTextStyleOptions(style, (scene as BattleScene).uiTheme, extraStyleOptions); const ret = new BBCodeText(scene, x, y, content, styleOptions as BBCodeText.TextStyle); scene.add.existing(ret); ret.setScale(scale); ret.setShadow(shadowXpos, shadowYpos, shadowColor); if (!(styleOptions as BBCodeText.TextStyle).lineSpacing) { ret.setLineSpacing(10); } return ret; } export function addTextInputObject(scene: Phaser.Scene, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, style: TextStyle, extraStyleOptions?: InputText.IConfig): InputText { const [ scale, styleOptions ] = getTextStyleOptions(style, (scene as BattleScene).uiTheme, extraStyleOptions); const ret = new InputText(scene, x, y, width, height, styleOptions as InputText.IConfig); scene.add.existing(ret); ret.setScale(scale); return ret; } export function getTextStyleOptions(style: TextStyle, uiTheme: UiTheme, extraStyleOptions?: Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Text.TextStyle): [ number, Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Text.TextStyle | InputText.IConfig, string, number, number ] { let shadowXpos = 4; let shadowYpos = 5; const scale = 0.1666666667; const defaultFontSize = 96; let styleOptions: Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Text.TextStyle = { fontFamily: "emerald", fontSize: 96, color: getTextColor(style, false, uiTheme), padding: { bottom: 6 } }; switch (style) { case TextStyle.SUMMARY: case TextStyle.SUMMARY_ALT: case TextStyle.SUMMARY_BLUE: case TextStyle.SUMMARY_RED: case TextStyle.SUMMARY_PINK: case TextStyle.SUMMARY_GOLD: case TextStyle.SUMMARY_GRAY: case TextStyle.SUMMARY_GREEN: case TextStyle.WINDOW: case TextStyle.WINDOW_ALT: case TextStyle.STATS_VALUE: shadowXpos = 3; shadowYpos = 3; break; case TextStyle.STATS_LABEL: case TextStyle.MESSAGE: case TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL: case TextStyle.SETTINGS_LOCKED: case TextStyle.SETTINGS_SELECTED: break; case TextStyle.BATTLE_INFO: case TextStyle.MONEY: case TextStyle.TOOLTIP_TITLE: styleOptions.fontSize = defaultFontSize - 24; shadowXpos = 3.5; shadowYpos = 3.5; break; case TextStyle.PARTY: case TextStyle.PARTY_RED: styleOptions.fontSize = defaultFontSize - 30; styleOptions.fontFamily = "pkmnems"; break; case TextStyle.TOOLTIP_CONTENT: styleOptions.fontSize = defaultFontSize - 32; shadowXpos = 3; shadowYpos = 3; break; case TextStyle.MOVE_INFO_CONTENT: styleOptions.fontSize = defaultFontSize - 40; shadowXpos = 3; shadowYpos = 3; break; case TextStyle.SMALLER_WINDOW_ALT: styleOptions.fontSize = defaultFontSize - 36; shadowXpos = 3; shadowYpos = 3; break; case TextStyle.BGM_BAR: styleOptions.fontSize = defaultFontSize - 24; shadowXpos = 3; shadowYpos = 3; break; } const shadowColor = getTextColor(style, true, uiTheme); if (extraStyleOptions) { if (extraStyleOptions.fontSize) { const sizeRatio = parseInt(extraStyleOptions.fontSize.toString().slice(0, -2)) / parseInt(styleOptions.fontSize.toString().slice(0, -2)); shadowXpos *= sizeRatio; } styleOptions = Object.assign(styleOptions, extraStyleOptions); } return [ scale, styleOptions, shadowColor, shadowXpos, shadowYpos ]; } export function getBBCodeFrag(content: string, textStyle: TextStyle, uiTheme: UiTheme = UiTheme.DEFAULT): string { return `[color=${getTextColor(textStyle, false, uiTheme)}][shadow=${getTextColor(textStyle, true, uiTheme)}]${content}`; } /** * Should only be used with BBCodeText (see addBBCodeTextObject()) * This does NOT work with UI showText() or showDialogue() methods. * Method will do pattern match/replace and apply BBCode color/shadow styling to substrings within the content: * @[]{} * * Example: passing a content string of "@[SUMMARY_BLUE]{blue text} primaryStyle text @[SUMMARY_RED]{red text}" will result in: * - "blue text" with TextStyle.SUMMARY_BLUE applied * - " primaryStyle text " with primaryStyle TextStyle applied * - "red text" with TextStyle.SUMMARY_RED applied * @param content - string with styling that need to be applied for BBCodeTextObject * @param primaryStyle - primary style is required in order to escape BBCode styling properly. * @param uiTheme */ export function getTextWithColors(content: string, primaryStyle: TextStyle, uiTheme: UiTheme = UiTheme.DEFAULT): string { // Apply primary styling before anything else let text = getBBCodeFrag(content, primaryStyle, uiTheme) + "[/color][/shadow]"; const primaryStyleString = [...text.match(new RegExp(/\[color=[^\[]*\]\[shadow=[^\[]*\]/i))][0]; // Set custom colors text = text.replace(/@\[([^{]*)\]{([^}]*)}/gi, (substring, textStyle: string, textToColor: string) => { return "[/color][/shadow]" + getBBCodeFrag(textToColor, TextStyle[textStyle], uiTheme) + "[/color][/shadow]" + primaryStyleString; }); // Remove extra style block at the end return text.replace(/\[color=[^\[]*\]\[shadow=[^\[]*\]\[\/color\]\[\/shadow\]/gi, ""); } export function getTextColor(textStyle: TextStyle, shadow?: boolean, uiTheme: UiTheme = UiTheme.DEFAULT): string { switch (textStyle) { case TextStyle.MESSAGE: return !shadow ? "#f8f8f8" : "#6b5a73"; case TextStyle.WINDOW: case TextStyle.MOVE_INFO_CONTENT: case TextStyle.MOVE_PP_FULL: case TextStyle.TOOLTIP_CONTENT: if (uiTheme) { return !shadow ? "#484848" : "#d0d0c8"; } return !shadow ? "#f8f8f8" : "#6b5a73"; case TextStyle.MOVE_PP_HALF_FULL: if (uiTheme) { return !shadow ? "#a68e17" : "#ebd773"; } return !shadow ? "#ccbe00" : "#6e672c"; case TextStyle.MOVE_PP_NEAR_EMPTY: if (uiTheme) { return !shadow ? "#d64b00" : "#f7b18b"; } return !shadow ? "#d64b00" : "#69402a"; case TextStyle.MOVE_PP_EMPTY: if (uiTheme) { return !shadow ? "#e13d3d" : "#fca2a2"; } return !shadow ? "#e13d3d" : "#632929"; case TextStyle.WINDOW_ALT: return !shadow ? "#484848" : "#d0d0c8"; case TextStyle.BATTLE_INFO: if (uiTheme) { return !shadow ? "#404040" : "#ded6b5"; } return !shadow ? "#f8f8f8" : "#6b5a73"; case TextStyle.PARTY: return !shadow ? "#f8f8f8" : "#707070"; case TextStyle.PARTY_RED: return !shadow ? "#f89890" : "#984038"; case TextStyle.SUMMARY: return !shadow ? "#f8f8f8" : "#636363"; case TextStyle.SUMMARY_ALT: if (uiTheme) { return !shadow ? "#f8f8f8" : "#636363"; } return !shadow ? "#484848" : "#d0d0c8"; case TextStyle.SUMMARY_RED: case TextStyle.TOOLTIP_TITLE: return !shadow ? "#e70808" : "#ffbd73"; case TextStyle.SUMMARY_BLUE: return !shadow ? "#40c8f8" : "#006090"; case TextStyle.SUMMARY_PINK: return !shadow ? "#f89890" : "#984038"; case TextStyle.SUMMARY_GOLD: case TextStyle.MONEY: return !shadow ? "#e8e8a8" : "#a0a060"; case TextStyle.SETTINGS_LOCKED: case TextStyle.SUMMARY_GRAY: return !shadow ? "#a0a0a0" : "#636363"; case TextStyle.STATS_LABEL: return !shadow ? "#f8b050" : "#c07800"; case TextStyle.STATS_VALUE: return !shadow ? "#f8f8f8" : "#6b5a73"; case TextStyle.SUMMARY_GREEN: return !shadow ? "#78c850" : "#306850"; case TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL: return !shadow ? "#f8b050" : "#c07800"; case TextStyle.SETTINGS_SELECTED: return !shadow ? "#f88880" : "#f83018"; case TextStyle.SMALLER_WINDOW_ALT: return !shadow ? "#484848" : "#d0d0c8"; case TextStyle.BGM_BAR: return !shadow ? "#f8f8f8" : "#6b5a73"; } } export function getModifierTierTextTint(tier: ModifierTier): integer { switch (tier) { case ModifierTier.COMMON: return 0xf8f8f8; case ModifierTier.GREAT: return 0x4998f8; case ModifierTier.ULTRA: return 0xf8d038; case ModifierTier.ROGUE: return 0xdb4343; case ModifierTier.MASTER: return 0xe331c5; case ModifierTier.LUXURY: return 0xe74c18; } } export function getEggTierTextTint(tier: EggTier): integer { switch (tier) { case EggTier.COMMON: return getModifierTierTextTint(ModifierTier.COMMON); case EggTier.GREAT: return getModifierTierTextTint(ModifierTier.GREAT); case EggTier.ULTRA: return getModifierTierTextTint(ModifierTier.ULTRA); case EggTier.MASTER: return getModifierTierTextTint(ModifierTier.MASTER); } }