import Phaser from "phaser"; import InvertPostFX from "./pipelines/invert"; import { version } from "../package.json"; import UIPlugin from "phaser3-rex-plugins/templates/ui/ui-plugin"; import BBCodeTextPlugin from "phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/bbcodetext-plugin"; import InputTextPlugin from "phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/inputtext-plugin"; import TransitionImagePackPlugin from "phaser3-rex-plugins/templates/transitionimagepack/transitionimagepack-plugin"; import { initI18n } from "./plugins/i18n"; // Catch global errors and display them in an alert so users can report the issue. window.onerror = (_message, _source, _lineno, _colno, error) => { console.error(error); // const errorString = `Received unhandled error. Open browser console and click OK to see details.\nError: ${message}\nSource: ${source}\nLine: ${lineno}\nColumn: ${colno}\nStack: ${error.stack}`; //alert(errorString); // Avoids logging the error a second time. return true; }; // Catch global promise rejections and display them in an alert so users can report the issue. window.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", event => { // const errorString = `Received unhandled promise rejection. Open browser console and click OK to see details.\nReason: ${event.reason}`; console.error(event.reason); //alert(errorString); }); /** * Sets this object's position relative to another object with a given offset */ const setPositionRelative = function (guideObject: Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject, x: number, y: number) { const offsetX = guideObject.width * (-0.5 + (0.5 - guideObject.originX)); const offsetY = guideObject.height * (-0.5 + (0.5 - guideObject.originY)); this.setPosition(guideObject.x + offsetX + x, guideObject.y + offsetY + y); }; Phaser.GameObjects.Container.prototype.setPositionRelative = setPositionRelative; Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite.prototype.setPositionRelative = setPositionRelative; Phaser.GameObjects.Image.prototype.setPositionRelative = setPositionRelative; Phaser.GameObjects.NineSlice.prototype.setPositionRelative = setPositionRelative; Phaser.GameObjects.Text.prototype.setPositionRelative = setPositionRelative; Phaser.GameObjects.Rectangle.prototype.setPositionRelative = setPositionRelative; document.fonts.load("16px emerald").then(() => document.fonts.load("10px pkmnems")); // biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noImplicitAnyLet: TODO let game; const startGame = async (manifest?: any) => { await initI18n(); const LoadingScene = (await import("./loading-scene")).LoadingScene; const BattleScene = (await import("./battle-scene")).default; game = new Phaser.Game({ type: Phaser.WEBGL, parent: "app", scale: { width: 1920, height: 1080, mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT, }, plugins: { global: [ { key: "rexInputTextPlugin", plugin: InputTextPlugin, start: true, }, { key: "rexBBCodeTextPlugin", plugin: BBCodeTextPlugin, start: true, }, { key: "rexTransitionImagePackPlugin", plugin: TransitionImagePackPlugin, start: true, }, ], scene: [ { key: "rexUI", plugin: UIPlugin, mapping: "rexUI", }, ], }, input: { mouse: { target: "app", }, touch: { target: "app", }, gamepad: true, }, dom: { createContainer: true, }, pixelArt: true, pipeline: [InvertPostFX] as unknown as Phaser.Types.Core.PipelineConfig, scene: [LoadingScene, BattleScene], version: version, }); game.sound.pauseOnBlur = false; if (manifest) { game["manifest"] = manifest; } }; fetch("/manifest.json") .then(res => res.json()) .then(jsonResponse => { startGame(jsonResponse.manifest); }) .catch(() => { // Manifest not found (likely local build) startGame(); }); export default game;