import { Biome } from "#app/enums/biome.js"; import { Species } from "#app/enums/species.js"; import { GameModes, getGameMode } from "#app/game-mode.js"; import { EncounterPhase, SelectStarterPhase } from "#app/phases.js"; import { Mode } from "#app/ui/ui.js"; import { afterEach, beforeAll, beforeEach, describe, expect, it } from "vitest"; import GameManager from "./utils/gameManager"; import { generateStarter } from "./utils/gameManagerUtils"; const FinalWave = { Classic: 200, }; describe("Final Boss", () => { let phaserGame: Phaser.Game; let game: GameManager; beforeAll(() => { phaserGame = new Phaser.Game({ type: Phaser.HEADLESS, }); }); beforeEach(() => { game = new GameManager(phaserGame); game.override.startingWave(FinalWave.Classic).startingBiome(Biome.END).disableCrits(); }); afterEach(() => { game.phaseInterceptor.restoreOg(); }); it("should spawn Eternatus on wave 200 in END biome", async () => { await runToFinalBossEncounter(game, [Species.BIDOOF]); expect(game.scene.currentBattle.waveIndex).toBe(FinalWave.Classic); expect(game.scene.arena.biomeType).toBe(Biome.END); expect(game.scene.getEnemyPokemon().species.speciesId).toBe(Species.ETERNATUS); }); it("should NOT spawn Eternatus before wave 200 in END biome", async () => { game.override.startingWave(FinalWave.Classic - 1); await runToFinalBossEncounter(game, [Species.BIDOOF]); expect(game.scene.currentBattle.waveIndex).not.toBe(FinalWave.Classic); expect(game.scene.arena.biomeType).toBe(Biome.END); expect(game.scene.getEnemyPokemon().species.speciesId).not.toBe(Species.ETERNATUS); }); it("should NOT spawn Eternatus outside of END biome", async () => { game.override.startingBiome(Biome.FOREST); await runToFinalBossEncounter(game, [Species.BIDOOF]); expect(game.scene.currentBattle.waveIndex).toBe(FinalWave.Classic); expect(game.scene.arena.biomeType).not.toBe(Biome.END); expect(game.scene.getEnemyPokemon().species.speciesId).not.toBe(Species.ETERNATUS); }); it.todo("should change form on direct hit down to last boss fragment", () => {}); }); /** * Helper function to run to the final boss encounter as it's a bit tricky due to extra dialogue * @param game - The game manager */ async function runToFinalBossEncounter(game: GameManager, species: Species[]) { console.log("===to final boss encounter==="); await game.runToTitle(); game.onNextPrompt("TitlePhase", Mode.TITLE, () => { game.scene.gameMode = getGameMode(GameModes.CLASSIC); const starters = generateStarter(game.scene, species); const selectStarterPhase = new SelectStarterPhase(game.scene); game.scene.pushPhase(new EncounterPhase(game.scene, false)); selectStarterPhase.initBattle(starters); }); game.onNextPrompt("EncounterPhase", Mode.MESSAGE, async () => { // This will skip all entry dialogue (I can't figure out a way to sequentially handle the 8 chained messages via 1 prompt handler) game.setMode(Mode.MESSAGE); const encounterPhase = game.scene.getCurrentPhase() as EncounterPhase; // No need to end phase, this will do it for you encounterPhase.doEncounterCommon(false); }); await, true); console.log("===finished run to final boss encounter==="); }