import BattleScene from "../battle-scene"; import AwaitableUiHandler from "./awaitable-ui-handler"; import { Mode } from "./ui"; import * as Utils from "../utils"; export default abstract class MessageUiHandler extends AwaitableUiHandler { protected textTimer: Phaser.Time.TimerEvent | null; protected textCallbackTimer: Phaser.Time.TimerEvent | null; public pendingPrompt: boolean; public message: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; public prompt: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; constructor(scene: BattleScene, mode: Mode | null = null) { super(scene, mode); this.pendingPrompt = false; } /** * Add the sprite to be displayed at the end of messages with prompts * @param container the container to add the sprite to */ initPromptSprite(container: Phaser.GameObjects.Container) { if (!this.prompt) { const promptSprite = this.scene.add.sprite(0, 0, "prompt"); promptSprite.setVisible(false); promptSprite.setOrigin(0, 0); this.prompt = promptSprite; } if (container) { container.add(this.prompt); } } showText(text: string, delay?: integer | null, callback?: Function | null, callbackDelay?: integer | null, prompt?: boolean | null, promptDelay?: integer | null) { this.showTextInternal(text, delay, callback, callbackDelay, prompt, promptDelay); } showDialogue(text: string, name?: string, delay?: integer | null, callback?: Function | null, callbackDelay?: integer | null, prompt?: boolean | null, promptDelay?: integer | null) { this.showTextInternal(text, delay, callback, callbackDelay, prompt, promptDelay); } private showTextInternal(text: string, delay?: integer | null, callback?: Function | null, callbackDelay?: integer | null, prompt?: boolean | null, promptDelay?: integer | null) { if (delay === null || delay === undefined) { delay = 20; } // Pattern matching regex that checks for @c{}, @f{}, @s{}, and @f{} patterns within message text and parses them to their respective behaviors. const charVarMap = new Map(); const delayMap = new Map(); const soundMap = new Map(); const fadeMap = new Map(); const actionPattern = /@(c|d|s|f)\{(.*?)\}/; let actionMatch: RegExpExecArray | null; while ((actionMatch = actionPattern.exec(text))) { switch (actionMatch[1]) { case "c": charVarMap.set(actionMatch.index, actionMatch[2]); break; case "d": delayMap.set(actionMatch.index, parseInt(actionMatch[2])); break; case "s": soundMap.set(actionMatch.index, actionMatch[2]); break; case "f": fadeMap.set(actionMatch.index, parseInt(actionMatch[2])); break; } text = text.slice(0, actionMatch.index) + text.slice(actionMatch.index + actionMatch[2].length + 4); } if (text) { // Predetermine overflow line breaks to avoid words breaking while displaying const textWords = text.split(" "); let lastLineCount = 1; let newText = ""; for (let w = 0; w < textWords.length; w++) { const nextWordText = newText ? `${newText} ${textWords[w]}` : textWords[w]; if (textWords[w].includes("\n")) { newText = nextWordText; lastLineCount++; } else { const lineCount = this.message.runWordWrap(nextWordText).split(/\n/g).length; if (lineCount > lastLineCount) { lastLineCount = lineCount; newText = `${newText}\n${textWords[w]}`; } else { newText = nextWordText; } } } text = newText; } if (this.textTimer) { this.textTimer.remove(); if (this.textCallbackTimer) { this.textCallbackTimer.callback(); } } if (prompt) { const originalCallback = callback; callback = () => { const showPrompt = () => this.showPrompt(originalCallback, callbackDelay); if (promptDelay) { this.scene.time.delayedCall(promptDelay, showPrompt); } else { showPrompt(); } }; } if (delay) { this.clearText(); if (prompt) { this.pendingPrompt = true; } this.textTimer = this.scene.time.addEvent({ delay: delay, callback: () => { const charIndex = text.length - (this.textTimer?.repeatCount!); // TODO: is this bang correct? const charVar = charVarMap.get(charIndex); const charSound = soundMap.get(charIndex); const charDelay = delayMap.get(charIndex); const charFade = fadeMap.get(charIndex); this.message.setText(text.slice(0, charIndex)); const advance = () => { if (charVar) { this.scene.charSprite.setVariant(charVar); } if (charSound) { this.scene.playSound(charSound); } if (callback && !this.textTimer?.repeatCount) { if (callbackDelay && !prompt) { this.textCallbackTimer = this.scene.time.delayedCall(callbackDelay, () => { if (this.textCallbackTimer) { this.textCallbackTimer.destroy(); this.textCallbackTimer = null; } callback(); }); } else { callback(); } } }; if (charDelay) { this.textTimer!.paused = true; // TODO: is the bang correct? this.scene.tweens.addCounter({ duration: Utils.getFrameMs(charDelay), onComplete: () => { this.textTimer!.paused = false; // TODO: is the bang correct? advance(); } }); } else if (charFade) { this.textTimer!.paused = true; this.scene.time.delayedCall(150, () => { this.scene.ui.fadeOut(750).then(() => { const delay = Utils.getFrameMs(charFade); this.scene.time.delayedCall(delay, () => { this.scene.ui.fadeIn(500).then(() => { this.textTimer!.paused = false; advance(); }); }); }); }); } else { advance(); } }, repeat: text.length }); } else { this.message.setText(text); if (prompt) { this.pendingPrompt = true; } if (callback) { callback(); } } } showPrompt(callback?: Function | null, callbackDelay?: integer | null) { const wrappedTextLines = this.message.runWordWrap(this.message.text).split(/\n/g); const textLinesCount = wrappedTextLines.length; const lastTextLine = wrappedTextLines[wrappedTextLines.length - 1]; const lastLineTest = this.scene.add.text(0, 0, lastTextLine, { font: "96px emerald" }); lastLineTest.setScale(this.message.scale); const lastLineWidth = lastLineTest.displayWidth; lastLineTest.destroy(); if (this.prompt) { this.prompt.setPosition(this.message.x + lastLineWidth + 2, this.message.y + (textLinesCount - 1) * 18 + 2);"prompt"); } this.pendingPrompt = false; this.awaitingActionInput = true; this.onActionInput = () => { if (this.prompt) { this.prompt.anims.stop(); this.prompt.setVisible(false); } if (callback) { if (callbackDelay) { this.textCallbackTimer = this.scene.time.delayedCall(callbackDelay, () => { if (this.textCallbackTimer) { this.textCallbackTimer.destroy(); this.textCallbackTimer = null; } callback(); }); } else { callback(); } } }; } clearText() { this.message.setText(""); this.pendingPrompt = false; } clear() { super.clear(); } }