import BattleScene from "./battle-scene"; import { Gender } from "./gender"; import Pokemon from "./pokemon"; import { pokemonPrevolutions } from "./pokemon-evolutions"; import PokemonSpecies, { allSpecies } from "./pokemon-species"; import { Species } from "./species"; import * as Utils from "./utils"; interface SaveData { trainerId: integer; secretId: integer; dexData: DexData; } export interface DexData { [key: integer]: DexData | DexEntry } export interface DexEntry { seen: boolean; caught: boolean; } export interface DexEntryDetails { shiny: boolean; formIndex: integer; female: boolean; entry: DexEntry; } export interface StarterDexUnlockTree { shiny: boolean | Map formIndex: integer | Map female: boolean | Map key: string, entry: DexEntry } export class GameData { private scene: BattleScene; public trainerId: integer; public secretId: integer; public dexData: DexData; constructor(scene: BattleScene) { this.scene = scene; this.trainerId = Utils.randInt(65536); this.secretId = Utils.randInt(65536); if (!this.load()) this.initDexData(); } private save(): boolean { if (this.scene.quickStart) return false; const data: SaveData = { trainerId: this.trainerId, secretId: this.secretId, dexData: this.dexData }; localStorage.setItem('data', btoa(JSON.stringify(data))); return true; } private load(): boolean { if (!localStorage.getItem('data')) return false; const data = JSON.parse(atob(localStorage.getItem('data'))) as SaveData; console.log(data); this.trainerId = data.trainerId; this.secretId = data.secretId; this.dexData = data.dexData; return true; } private initDexData() { const data: DexData = {}; const initDexSubData = (dexData: DexData, count: integer): DexData[] => { const ret: DexData[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { const newData: DexData = {}; dexData[i] = newData; ret.push(newData); } return ret; }; const initDexEntries = (dexData: DexData, count: integer): DexEntry[] => { const ret: DexEntry[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { const entry: DexEntry = { seen: false, caught: false }; dexData[i] = entry; ret.push(entry); } return ret; }; for (let species of allSpecies) { data[species.speciesId] = {}; if (species.forms?.length) initDexSubData(data[species.speciesId] as DexData, 2).map(sd => species.malePercent !== null ? initDexSubData(sd, species.forms.length).map(fd => initDexEntries(fd, 2)) : initDexEntries(sd, species.forms.length)); else if (species.malePercent !== null) initDexSubData(data[species.speciesId] as DexData, 2).map(sd => initDexEntries(sd, 2)); else initDexEntries(data[species.speciesId] as DexData, 2) } const defaultStarters: Species[] = [ Species.BULBASAUR, Species.CHARMANDER, Species.SQUIRTLE, Species.CHIKORITA, Species.CYNDAQUIL, Species.TOTODILE, Species.TREECKO, Species.TORCHIC, Species.MUDKIP, Species.TURTWIG, Species.CHIMCHAR, Species.PIPLUP, Species.SNIVY, Species.TEPIG, Species.OSHAWOTT ]; for (let ds of defaultStarters) { let entry = data[ds][0][Gender.MALE] as DexEntry; entry.seen = true; entry.caught = true; } this.dexData = data; } setPokemonSeen(pokemon: Pokemon): void { const dexEntry = this.getPokemonDexEntry(pokemon); if (!dexEntry.seen) { dexEntry.seen = true;; } } setPokemonCaught(pokemon: Pokemon): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { const dexEntry = this.getPokemonDexEntry(pokemon); if (!dexEntry.caught) { const newCatch = !this.getDefaultDexEntry(pokemon.species); dexEntry.caught = true;; if (newCatch && !pokemonPrevolutions.hasOwnProperty(pokemon.species.speciesId)) { this.scene.playSoundWithoutBgm('level_up_fanfare', 1500); this.scene.ui.showText(`${} has been\nadded as a starter!`, null, () => resolve(), null, true); return; } } resolve(); }); } getPokemonDexEntry(pokemon: Pokemon) { return this.getDexEntry(pokemon.species, pokemon.shiny, pokemon.formIndex, pokemon.gender === Gender.FEMALE); } getDexEntry(species: PokemonSpecies, shiny: boolean, formIndex: integer, female: boolean): DexEntry { const shinyIndex = !shiny ? 0 : 1; const genderIndex = !female ? 0 : 1; const data = this.dexData[species.speciesId]; if (species.forms?.length) { if (species.malePercent !== null) return data[shinyIndex][formIndex][genderIndex]; return data[shinyIndex][formIndex]; } else if (species.malePercent !== null) return data[shinyIndex][genderIndex]; return data[shinyIndex] as DexEntry; } getDefaultDexEntry(species: PokemonSpecies, forceShiny?: boolean, forceFormIndex?: integer, forceFemale?: boolean): DexEntryDetails { const hasForms = !!species.forms?.length; let shiny = false; let formIndex = 0; let female = false; let entry = null; const traverseData = (data: DexData, level: integer) => { const keys = Object.keys(data); keys.forEach((key: string, k: integer) => { if (entry) return; switch (level) { case 0: shiny = !!k; if (forceShiny !== undefined && shiny !== forceShiny) return; break; case 1: formIndex = k; if (forceFormIndex !== undefined && formIndex !== forceFormIndex) return; break; case 2: female = !!k; if (forceFemale !== undefined && female !== forceFemale) return break; } if ('caught' in data[key]) { if (data[key].caught) entry = data[key] as DexEntry; } else traverseData(data[key] as DexData, level + (hasForms ? 1 : 2)); }); }; traverseData(this.dexData[species.speciesId] as DexData, 0); if (entry) { return { shiny: shiny, formIndex: formIndex, female: female, entry: entry }; } return null; } getStarterDexUnlockTree(species: PokemonSpecies): StarterDexUnlockTree { const hasForms = !!species.forms?.length; const hasGender = species.malePercent !== null; const getTreeOrValueMap = (key: string, parent?: StarterDexUnlockTree): (Map) => { switch (key) { case 'shiny': const shinyMap = new Map(); for (let s = 0; s < 2; s++) { const props = { shiny: !!s, formIndex: null }; shinyMap.set(!!s, { shiny: !!s, formIndex: hasForms ? getTreeOrValueMap('formIndex', props as StarterDexUnlockTree) : null, female: !hasForms && hasGender ? getTreeOrValueMap('female', props as StarterDexUnlockTree) : null, key: hasForms ? 'formIndex' : hasGender ? 'female' : 'entry', entry: hasForms || hasGender ? null : this.dexData[species.speciesId][!s ? 0 : 1] }); } return shinyMap; case 'formIndex': const formMap = new Map(); for (let f = 0; f < species.forms.length; f++) { const props = { shiny: parent.shiny, formIndex: f }; formMap.set(f, { shiny: parent.shiny, formIndex: f, female: hasGender ? getTreeOrValueMap('female', props as StarterDexUnlockTree) : null, key: hasGender ? 'female' : 'entry', entry: hasGender ? null : this.dexData[species.speciesId][!parent.shiny ? 0 : 1][f] }); } return formMap; case 'female': const genderMap = new Map(); for (let g = 0; g < 2; g++) { genderMap.set(!!g, { shiny: parent.shiny, formIndex: parent.formIndex, female: !!g, key: 'entry', entry: hasForms ? this.dexData[species.speciesId][!parent.shiny ? 0 : 1][parent.formIndex as integer][g] : this.dexData[species.speciesId][!parent.shiny ? 0 : 1][g] }); } return genderMap; } }; const root = { shiny: getTreeOrValueMap('shiny'), formIndex: null, female: null, key: 'shiny', entry: null }; return root; } }