import { afterEach, beforeAll, beforeEach, describe, expect, test } from "vitest"; import Phaser from "phaser"; import GameManager from "#test/utils/gameManager"; import { TurnEndPhase } from "#app/phases/turn-end-phase.js"; import { getMovePosition } from "#test/utils/gameManagerUtils"; import { Moves } from "#enums/moves"; import { Species } from "#enums/species"; import { BattleStat } from "#app/data/battle-stat"; const TIMEOUT = 20 * 1000; // RATIO : HP Cost of Move const RATIO = 2; // PREDAMAGE : Amount of extra HP lost const PREDAMAGE = 15; describe("Moves - BELLY DRUM", () => { let phaserGame: Phaser.Game; let game: GameManager; beforeAll(() => { phaserGame = new Phaser.Game({ type: Phaser.HEADLESS, }); }); afterEach(() => { game.phaseInterceptor.restoreOg(); }); beforeEach(() => { game = new GameManager(phaserGame); game.override.starterSpecies(Species.MAGIKARP); game.override.enemySpecies(Species.SNORLAX); game.override.startingLevel(100); game.override.enemyLevel(100); game.override.moveset([Moves.BELLY_DRUM]); game.override.enemyMoveset([Moves.SPLASH]); }); // Bulbapedia Reference: test("Belly Drum raises the user's Attack to its max, at the cost of 1/2 of its maximum HP", async() => { await game.startBattle([Species.MAGIKARP]); const leadPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!; const hpLost = Math.floor(leadPokemon.getMaxHp() / RATIO); game.doAttack(getMovePosition(game.scene, 0, Moves.BELLY_DRUM)); await; expect(leadPokemon.hp).toBe(leadPokemon.getMaxHp() - hpLost); expect(leadPokemon.summonData.battleStats[BattleStat.ATK]).toBe(6); }, TIMEOUT ); test("Belly Drum will still take effect if an uninvolved stat is at max", async() => { await game.startBattle([Species.MAGIKARP]); const leadPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!; const hpLost = Math.floor(leadPokemon.getMaxHp() / RATIO); // Here - BattleStat.ATK -> -3 and BattleStat.SPATK -> 6 leadPokemon.summonData.battleStats[BattleStat.ATK] = -3; leadPokemon.summonData.battleStats[BattleStat.SPATK] = 6; game.doAttack(getMovePosition(game.scene, 0, Moves.BELLY_DRUM)); await; expect(leadPokemon.hp).toBe(leadPokemon.getMaxHp() - hpLost); expect(leadPokemon.summonData.battleStats[BattleStat.ATK]).toBe(6); expect(leadPokemon.summonData.battleStats[BattleStat.SPATK]).toBe(6); }, TIMEOUT ); test("Belly Drum fails if the pokemon's attack stat is at its maximum", async() => { await game.startBattle([Species.MAGIKARP]); const leadPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!; leadPokemon.summonData.battleStats[BattleStat.ATK] = 6; game.doAttack(getMovePosition(game.scene, 0, Moves.BELLY_DRUM)); await; expect(leadPokemon.hp).toBe(leadPokemon.getMaxHp()); expect(leadPokemon.summonData.battleStats[BattleStat.ATK]).toBe(6); }, TIMEOUT ); test("Belly Drum fails if the user's health is less than 1/2", async() => { await game.startBattle([Species.MAGIKARP]); const leadPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!; const hpLost = Math.floor(leadPokemon.getMaxHp() / RATIO); leadPokemon.hp = hpLost - PREDAMAGE; game.doAttack(getMovePosition(game.scene, 0, Moves.BELLY_DRUM)); await; expect(leadPokemon.hp).toBe(hpLost - PREDAMAGE); expect(leadPokemon.summonData.battleStats[BattleStat.ATK]).toBe(0); }, TIMEOUT ); });