import { MoneyFormat } from "#enums/money-format"; import { Moves } from "#enums/moves"; import i18next from "i18next"; import { pokerogueApi } from "#app/plugins/api/pokerogue-api"; export type nil = null | undefined; export const MissingTextureKey = "__MISSING"; export function toReadableString(str: string): string { return str.replace(/\_/g, " ").split(" ").map(s => `${s.slice(0, 1)}${s.slice(1).toLowerCase()}`).join(" "); } export function randomString(length: number, seeded: boolean = false) { const characters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; let result = ""; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { const randomIndex = seeded ? randSeedInt(characters.length) : Math.floor(Math.random() * characters.length); result += characters[randomIndex]; } return result; } export function shiftCharCodes(str: string, shiftCount: number) { if (!shiftCount) { shiftCount = 0; } let newStr = ""; for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { const charCode = str.charCodeAt(i); const newCharCode = charCode + shiftCount; newStr += String.fromCharCode(newCharCode); } return newStr; } export function randGauss(stdev: number, mean: number = 0): number { if (!stdev) { return 0; } const u = 1 - Math.random(); const v = Math.random(); const z = Math.sqrt(-2.0 * Math.log(u)) * Math.cos(2.0 * Math.PI * v); return z * stdev + mean; } export function randSeedGauss(stdev: number, mean: number = 0): number { if (!stdev) { return 0; } const u = 1 - Phaser.Math.RND.realInRange(0, 1); const v = Phaser.Math.RND.realInRange(0, 1); const z = Math.sqrt(-2.0 * Math.log(u)) * Math.cos(2.0 * Math.PI * v); return z * stdev + mean; } export function padInt(value: number, length: number, padWith?: string): string { if (!padWith) { padWith = "0"; } let valueStr = value.toString(); while (valueStr.length < length) { valueStr = `${padWith}${valueStr}`; } return valueStr; } /** * Returns a random integer between min and min + range * @param range The amount of possible numbers * @param min The starting number */ export function randInt(range: number, min: number = 0): number { if (range === 1) { return min; } return Math.floor(Math.random() * range) + min; } /** * Generates a random number using the global seed, or the current battle's seed if called via `Battle.randSeedInt` * @param range How large of a range of random numbers to choose from. If {@linkcode range} <= 1, returns {@linkcode min} * @param min The minimum integer to pick, default `0` * @returns A random integer between {@linkcode min} and ({@linkcode min} + {@linkcode range} - 1) */ export function randSeedInt(range: number, min: number = 0): number { if (range <= 1) { return min; } return Phaser.Math.RND.integerInRange(min, (range - 1) + min); } /** * Returns a random integer between min and max (non-inclusive) * @param min The lowest number * @param max The highest number */ export function randIntRange(min: number, max: number): number { return randInt(max - min, min); } export function randItem(items: T[]): T { return items.length === 1 ? items[0] : items[randInt(items.length)]; } export function randSeedItem(items: T[]): T { return items.length === 1 ? items[0] : Phaser.Math.RND.pick(items); } export function randSeedWeightedItem(items: T[]): T { return items.length === 1 ? items[0] : Phaser.Math.RND.weightedPick(items); } /** * Shuffle a list using the seeded rng. Utilises the Fisher-Yates algorithm. * @param {Array} items An array of items. * @returns {Array} A new shuffled array of items. */ export function randSeedShuffle(items: T[]): T[] { if (items.length <= 1) { return items; } const newArray = items.slice(0); for (let i = items.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { const j = Phaser.Math.RND.integerInRange(0, i); [ newArray[i], newArray[j] ] = [ newArray[j], newArray[i] ]; } return newArray; } export function getFrameMs(frameCount: number): number { return Math.floor((1 / 60) * 1000 * frameCount); } export function getCurrentTime(): number { const date = new Date(); return (((date.getHours() * 60 + date.getMinutes()) / 1440) + 0.675) % 1; } const secondsInHour = 3600; export function getPlayTimeString(totalSeconds: number): string { const days = `${Math.floor(totalSeconds / (secondsInHour * 24))}`; const hours = `${Math.floor(totalSeconds % (secondsInHour * 24) / secondsInHour)}`; const minutes = `${Math.floor(totalSeconds % secondsInHour / 60)}`; const seconds = `${Math.floor(totalSeconds % 60)}`; return `${days.padStart(2, "0")}:${hours.padStart(2, "0")}:${minutes.padStart(2, "0")}:${seconds.padStart(2, "0")}`; } /** * Generates IVs from a given {@linkcode id} by extracting 5 bits at a time * starting from the least significant bit up to the 30th most significant bit. * @param id 32-bit number * @returns An array of six numbers corresponding to 5-bit chunks from {@linkcode id} */ export function getIvsFromId(id: number): number[] { return [ (id & 0x3E000000) >>> 25, (id & 0x01F00000) >>> 20, (id & 0x000F8000) >>> 15, (id & 0x00007C00) >>> 10, (id & 0x000003E0) >>> 5, (id & 0x0000001F) ]; } export function formatLargeNumber(count: number, threshold: number): string { if (count < threshold) { return count.toString(); } const ret = count.toString(); let suffix = ""; switch (Math.ceil(ret.length / 3) - 1) { case 1: suffix = "K"; break; case 2: suffix = "M"; break; case 3: suffix = "B"; break; case 4: suffix = "T"; break; case 5: suffix = "q"; break; default: return "?"; } const digits = ((ret.length + 2) % 3) + 1; let decimalNumber = ret.slice(digits, digits + 2); while (decimalNumber.endsWith("0")) { decimalNumber = decimalNumber.slice(0, -1); } return `${ret.slice(0, digits)}${decimalNumber ? `.${decimalNumber}` : ""}${suffix}`; } // Abbreviations from 10^0 to 10^33 const AbbreviationsLargeNumber: string[] = [ "", "K", "M", "B", "t", "q", "Q", "s", "S", "o", "n", "d" ]; export function formatFancyLargeNumber(number: number, rounded: number = 3): string { let exponent: number; if (number < 1000) { exponent = 0; } else { const maxExp = AbbreviationsLargeNumber.length - 1; exponent = Math.floor(Math.log(number) / Math.log(1000)); exponent = Math.min(exponent, maxExp); number /= Math.pow(1000, exponent); } return `${(exponent === 0) || number % 1 === 0 ? number : number.toFixed(rounded)}${AbbreviationsLargeNumber[exponent]}`; } export function formatMoney(format: MoneyFormat, amount: number) { if (format === MoneyFormat.ABBREVIATED) { return formatFancyLargeNumber(amount); } return amount.toLocaleString(); } export function formatStat(stat: number, forHp: boolean = false): string { return formatLargeNumber(stat, forHp ? 100000 : 1000000); } export function getEnumKeys(enumType: any): string[] { return Object.values(enumType).filter(v => isNaN(parseInt(v!.toString()))).map(v => v!.toString()); } export function getEnumValues(enumType: any): number[] { return Object.values(enumType).filter(v => !isNaN(parseInt(v!.toString()))).map(v => parseInt(v!.toString())); } export function executeIf(condition: boolean, promiseFunc: () => Promise): Promise { return condition ? promiseFunc() : new Promise(resolve => resolve(null)); } export const sessionIdKey = "pokerogue_sessionId"; // Check if the current hostname is 'localhost' or an IP address, and ensure a port is specified export const isLocal = ( (window.location.hostname === "localhost" || /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/.test(window.location.hostname)) && window.location.port !== "") || window.location.hostname === ""; /** * @deprecated Refer to [pokerogue-api.ts](./plugins/api/pokerogue-api.ts) instead */ export const localServerUrl = import.meta.env.VITE_SERVER_URL ?? `http://${window.location.hostname}:${window.location.port + 1}`; /** * Set the server URL based on whether it's local or not * * @deprecated Refer to [pokerogue-api.ts](./plugins/api/pokerogue-api.ts) instead */ export const apiUrl = localServerUrl ?? ""; // used to disable api calls when isLocal is true and a server is not found export let isLocalServerConnected = true; export const isBeta = import.meta.env.MODE === "beta"; // this checks to see if the env mode is development. Technically this gives the same value for beta AND for dev envs export function setCookie(cName: string, cValue: string): void { const expiration = new Date(); expiration.setTime(new Date().getTime() + 3600000 * 24 * 30 * 3/*7*/); document.cookie = `${cName}=${cValue};Secure;SameSite=Strict;Domain=${window.location.hostname};Path=/;Expires=${expiration.toUTCString()}`; } export function removeCookie(cName: string): void { if (isBeta) { document.cookie = `${cName}=;Secure;SameSite=Strict;;Path=/;Max-Age=-1`; // we need to remove the cookie from the main domain as well } document.cookie = `${cName}=;Secure;SameSite=Strict;Domain=${window.location.hostname};Path=/;Max-Age=-1`; document.cookie = `${cName}=;Secure;SameSite=Strict;Path=/;Max-Age=-1`; // legacy cookie without domain, for older cookies to prevent a login loop } export function getCookie(cName: string): string { // check if there are multiple cookies with the same name and delete them if (document.cookie.split(";").filter(c => c.includes(cName)).length > 1) { removeCookie(cName); return ""; } const name = `${cName}=`; const ca = document.cookie.split(";"); for (let i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { let c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) === " ") { c = c.substring(1); } if (c.indexOf(name) === 0) { return c.substring(name.length, c.length); } } return ""; } /** * When locally running the game, "pings" the local server * with a GET request to verify if a server is running, * sets isLocalServerConnected based on results */ export async function localPing() { if (isLocal) { const titleStats = await pokerogueApi.getGameTitleStats(); isLocalServerConnected = !!titleStats; console.log("isLocalServerConnected:", isLocalServerConnected); } } /** Alias for the constructor of a class */ export type Constructor = new(...args: unknown[]) => T; export class BooleanHolder { public value: boolean; constructor(value: boolean) { this.value = value; } } export class NumberHolder { public value: number; constructor(value: number) { this.value = value; } } export class FixedInt { public readonly value: number; constructor(value: number) { this.value = value; } } export function fixedInt(value: number): number { return new FixedInt(value) as unknown as number; } /** * Formats a string to title case * @param unformattedText Text to be formatted * @returns the formatted string */ export function formatText(unformattedText: string): string { const text = unformattedText.split("_"); for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { text[i] = text[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text[i].substring(1).toLowerCase(); } return text.join(" "); } export function toCamelCaseString(unformattedText: string): string { if (!unformattedText) { return ""; } return unformattedText.split(/[_ ]/).filter(f => f).map((f, i) => i ? `${f[0].toUpperCase()}${f.slice(1).toLowerCase()}` : f.toLowerCase()).join(""); } export function rgbToHsv(r: number, g: number, b: number) { const v = Math.max(r, g, b); const c = v - Math.min(r, g, b); const h = c && ((v === r) ? (g - b) / c : ((v === g) ? 2 + (b - r) / c : 4 + (r - g) / c)); return [ 60 * (h < 0 ? h + 6 : h), v && c / v, v ]; } /** * Compare color difference in RGB * @param {Array} rgb1 First RGB color in array * @param {Array} rgb2 Second RGB color in array */ export function deltaRgb(rgb1: number[], rgb2: number[]): number { const [ r1, g1, b1 ] = rgb1; const [ r2, g2, b2 ] = rgb2; const drp2 = Math.pow(r1 - r2, 2); const dgp2 = Math.pow(g1 - g2, 2); const dbp2 = Math.pow(b1 - b2, 2); const t = (r1 + r2) / 2; return Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(2 * drp2 + 4 * dgp2 + 3 * dbp2 + t * (drp2 - dbp2) / 256)); } export function rgbHexToRgba(hex: string) { const color = hex.match(/^([\da-f]{2})([\da-f]{2})([\da-f]{2})$/i) ?? [ "000000", "00", "00", "00" ]; return { r: parseInt(color[1], 16), g: parseInt(color[2], 16), b: parseInt(color[3], 16), a: 255 }; } export function rgbaToInt(rgba: number[]): number { return (rgba[0] << 24) + (rgba[1] << 16) + (rgba[2] << 8) + rgba[3]; } /** * Provided valid HSV values, calculates and stitches together a string of that * HSV color's corresponding hex code. * * Sourced from {@link}. * @param h Hue in degrees, must be in a range of [0, 360] * @param s Saturation percentage, must be in a range of [0, 1] * @param l Ligthness percentage, must be in a range of [0, 1] * @returns a string of the corresponding color hex code with a "#" prefix */ export function hslToHex(h: number, s: number, l: number): string { const a = s * Math.min(l, 1 - l); const f = (n: number) => { const k = (n + h / 30) % 12; const rgb = l - a * Math.max(-1, Math.min(k - 3, 9 - k, 1)); return Math.round(rgb * 255).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"); }; return `#${f(0)}${f(8)}${f(4)}`; } /** * This function returns `true` if all localized images used by the game have been added for the given language. * * If the lang is not in the function, it usually means that lang is going to use the default english version * * English itself counts as not available */ export function hasAllLocalizedSprites(lang?: string): boolean { // IMPORTANT - ONLY ADD YOUR LANG HERE IF YOU'VE ALREADY ADDED ALL THE NECESSARY IMAGES if (!lang) { lang = i18next.resolvedLanguage; } switch (lang) { case "es-ES": case "fr": case "de": case "it": case "zh-CN": case "zh-TW": case "pt-BR": case "ko": case "ja": return true; default: return false; } } /** * Prints the type and name of all game objects in a container for debugging purposes * @param container container with game objects inside it */ export function printContainerList(container: Phaser.GameObjects.Container): void { console.log( => { return { type: go.type, name: }; })); } /** * Truncate a string to a specified maximum length and add an ellipsis if it exceeds that length. * * @param str - The string to be truncated. * @param maxLength - The maximum length of the truncated string, defaults to 10. * @returns The truncated string with an ellipsis if it was longer than maxLength. */ export function truncateString(str: String, maxLength: number = 10) { // Check if the string length exceeds the maximum length if (str.length > maxLength) { // Truncate the string and add an ellipsis return str.slice(0, maxLength - 3) + "..."; // Subtract 3 to accommodate the ellipsis } // Return the original string if it does not exceed the maximum length return str; } /** * Perform a deep copy of an object. * * @param values - The object to be deep copied. * @returns A new object that is a deep copy of the input. */ export function deepCopy(values: object): object { // Convert the object to a JSON string and parse it back to an object to perform a deep copy return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(values)); } /** * Convert a space-separated string into a capitalized and underscored string. * * @param input - The string to be converted. * @returns The converted string with words capitalized and separated by underscores. */ export function reverseValueToKeySetting(input) { // Split the input string into an array of words const words = input.split(" "); // Capitalize the first letter of each word and convert the rest to lowercase const capitalizedWords = => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1).toLowerCase()); // Join the capitalized words with underscores and return the result return capitalizedWords.join("_"); } /** * Capitalize a string. * * @param str - The string to be capitalized. * @param sep - The separator between the words of the string. * @param lowerFirstChar - Whether the first character of the string should be lowercase or not. * @param returnWithSpaces - Whether the returned string should have spaces between the words or not. * @returns The capitalized string. */ export function capitalizeString(str: string, sep: string, lowerFirstChar: boolean = true, returnWithSpaces: boolean = false) { if (str) { const splitedStr = str.toLowerCase().split(sep); for (let i = +lowerFirstChar; i < splitedStr?.length; i++) { splitedStr[i] = splitedStr[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + splitedStr[i].substring(1); } return returnWithSpaces ? splitedStr.join(" ") : splitedStr.join(""); } return null; } export function isNullOrUndefined(object: any): object is undefined | null { return null === object || undefined === object; } /** * Capitalizes the first letter of a string */ export function capitalizeFirstLetter(str: string) { return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); } /** * This function is used in the context of a Pokémon battle game to calculate the actual integer damage value from a float result. * Many damage calculation formulas involve various parameters and result in float values. * The actual damage applied to a Pokémon's HP must be an integer. * This function helps in ensuring that by flooring the float value and enforcing a minimum damage value. * * @param value - The float value to convert. * @param minValue - The minimum integer value to return. Defaults to 1. * @returns The converted value as an integer. */ export function toDmgValue(value: number, minValue: number = 1) { return Math.max(Math.floor(value), minValue); } /** * Helper method to localize a sprite key (e.g. for types) * @param baseKey the base key of the sprite (e.g. `type`) * @returns the localized sprite key */ export function getLocalizedSpriteKey(baseKey: string) { return `${baseKey}${hasAllLocalizedSprites(i18next.resolvedLanguage) ? `_${i18next.resolvedLanguage}` : ""}`; } /** * Check if a number is **inclusive** between two numbers * @param num the number to check * @param min the minimum value (included) * @param max the maximum value (included) * @returns `true` if number is **inclusive** between min and max */ export function isBetween(num: number, min: number, max: number): boolean { return num >= min && num <= max; } /** * Helper method to return the animation filename for a given move * * @param move the move for which the animation filename is needed */ export function animationFileName(move: Moves): string { return Moves[move].toLowerCase().replace(/\_/g, "-"); } /** * Transforms a camelCase string into a kebab-case string * @param str The camelCase string * @returns A kebab-case string * * @source {@link} */ export function camelCaseToKebabCase(str: string): string { return str.replace(/[A-Z]+(?![a-z])|[A-Z]/g, (s, o) => (o ? "-" : "") + s.toLowerCase()); }