import * as battleScene from "#app/battle-scene"; import { pokerogueApi } from "#app/plugins/api/pokerogue-api"; import { describe, expect, it, vi } from "vitest"; import { initLoggedInUser, loggedInUser, updateUserInfo } from "#app/account"; describe("account", () => { describe("initLoggedInUser", () => { it("should set loggedInUser to Guest and lastSessionSlot to -1", () => { initLoggedInUser(); expect(loggedInUser!.username).toBe("Guest"); expect(loggedInUser!.lastSessionSlot).toBe(-1); }); }); describe("updateUserInfo", () => { it("should set loggedInUser! to Guest if bypassLogin is true", async () => { vi.spyOn(battleScene, "bypassLogin", "get").mockReturnValue(true); const [ success, status ] = await updateUserInfo(); expect(success).toBe(true); expect(status).toBe(200); expect(loggedInUser!.username).toBe("Guest"); expect(loggedInUser!.lastSessionSlot).toBe(-1); }); it("should fetch user info from the API if bypassLogin is false", async () => { vi.spyOn(battleScene, "bypassLogin", "get").mockReturnValue(false); vi.spyOn(pokerogueApi.account, "getInfo").mockResolvedValue([ { username: "test", lastSessionSlot: 99, discordId: "", googleId: "", hasAdminRole: false, }, 200, ]); const [ success, status ] = await updateUserInfo(); expect(success).toBe(true); expect(status).toBe(200); expect(loggedInUser!.username).toBe("test"); expect(loggedInUser!.lastSessionSlot).toBe(99); }); it("should handle resolved API errors", async () => { vi.spyOn(battleScene, "bypassLogin", "get").mockReturnValue(false); vi.spyOn(pokerogueApi.account, "getInfo").mockResolvedValue([ null, 401 ]); const [ success, status ] = await updateUserInfo(); expect(success).toBe(false); expect(status).toBe(401); }); it("should handle 500 API errors", async () => { vi.spyOn(battleScene, "bypassLogin", "get").mockReturnValue(false); vi.spyOn(pokerogueApi.account, "getInfo").mockResolvedValue([ null, 500 ]); const [ success, status ] = await updateUserInfo(); expect(success).toBe(false); expect(status).toBe(500); }); }); });