import { getSplashMessages } from "#app/data/splash-messages"; import { describe, expect, it, vi, afterEach, beforeEach } from "vitest"; import * as Constants from "#app/constants"; describe("Data - Splash Messages", () => { it("should contain at least 15 splash messages", () => { expect(getSplashMessages().length).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(15); }); // make sure to adjust this test if the weight it changed! it("should add contain 10 `battlesWon` splash messages", () => { const battlesWonMessages = getSplashMessages().filter((message) => message === "splashMessages:battlesWon"); expect(battlesWonMessages).toHaveLength(10); }); describe("Seasonal", () => { beforeEach(() => { vi.spyOn(Constants, "USE_SEASONAL_SPLASH_MESSAGES", "get").mockReturnValue(true); }); afterEach(() => { vi.useRealTimers(); // reset system time }); it("should contain halloween messages from Sep 15 to Oct 31", () => { testSeason(new Date("2024-09-15"), new Date("2024-10-31"), "halloween"); }); it("should contain xmas messages from Dec 1 to Dec 26", () => { testSeason(new Date("2024-12-01"), new Date("2024-12-26"), "xmas"); }); it("should contain new years messages frm Jan 1 to Jan 31", () => { testSeason(new Date("2024-01-01"), new Date("2024-01-31"), "newYears"); }); }); }); /** * Helpoer method to test seasonal messages * @param startDate The seasons start date * @param endDate The seasons end date * @param prefix the splash message prefix (e.g. `newYears` or `xmas`) */ function testSeason(startDate: Date, endDate: Date, prefix: string) { const filterFn = (message: string) => message.startsWith(`splashMessages:${prefix}.`); const beforeDate = new Date(startDate); beforeDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() - 1); const afterDate = new Date(endDate); afterDate.setDate(endDate.getDate() + 1); const dates: Date[] = [ beforeDate, startDate, endDate, afterDate ]; const [ before, start, end, after ] = => { vi.setSystemTime(date); console.log("System time set to", date); const count = getSplashMessages().filter(filterFn).length; return count; }); expect(before).toBe(0); expect(start).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(10); // make sure to adjust if weight is changed! expect(end).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(10); // make sure to adjust if weight is changed! expect(after).toBe(0); }