/** @type {import('dependency-cruiser').IConfiguration} */
module.exports = {
  forbidden: [
      name: 'no-circular-at-runtime',
      severity: 'warn',
        'This dependency is part of a circular relationship. You might want to revise ' +
        'your solution (i.e. use dependency inversion, make sure the modules have a single responsibility) ',
      from: {},
      to: {
        circular: true,
        viaOnly: {
          dependencyTypesNot: [
      name: 'no-orphans',
        "This is an orphan module - it's likely not used (anymore?). Either use it or " +
        "remove it. If it's logical this module is an orphan (i.e. it's a config file), " +
        "add an exception for it in your dependency-cruiser configuration. By default " +
        "this rule does not scrutinize dot-files (e.g. .eslintrc.js), TypeScript declaration " +
        "files (.d.ts), tsconfig.json and some of the babel and webpack configs.",
      severity: 'warn',
      from: {
        orphan: true,
        pathNot: [
          '(^|/)[.][^/]+[.](?:js|cjs|mjs|ts|cts|mts|json)$',                  // dot files
          '[.]d[.]ts$',                                                       // TypeScript declaration files
          '(^|/)tsconfig[.]json$',                                            // TypeScript config
          '(^|/)(?:babel|webpack)[.]config[.](?:js|cjs|mjs|ts|cts|mts|json)$' // other configs
      to: {},
      name: 'no-deprecated-core',
        'A module depends on a node core module that has been deprecated. Find an alternative - these are ' +
        "bound to exist - node doesn't deprecate lightly.",
      severity: 'warn',
      from: {},
      to: {
        dependencyTypes: [
        path: [
      name: 'not-to-deprecated',
        'This module uses a (version of an) npm module that has been deprecated. Either upgrade to a later ' +
        'version of that module, or find an alternative. Deprecated modules are a security risk.',
      severity: 'warn',
      from: {},
      to: {
        dependencyTypes: [
      name: 'no-non-package-json',
      severity: 'error',
        "This module depends on an npm package that isn't in the 'dependencies' section of your package.json. " +
        "That's problematic as the package either (1) won't be available on live (2 - worse) will be " +
        "available on live with an non-guaranteed version. Fix it by adding the package to the dependencies " +
        "in your package.json.",
      from: {},
      to: {
        dependencyTypes: [
      name: 'not-to-unresolvable',
        "This module depends on a module that cannot be found ('resolved to disk'). If it's an npm " +
        'module: add it to your package.json. In all other cases you likely already know what to do.',
      severity: 'error',
      from: {},
      to: {
        couldNotResolve: true
      name: 'no-duplicate-dep-types',
        "Likely this module depends on an external ('npm') package that occurs more than once " +
        "in your package.json i.e. bot as a devDependencies and in dependencies. This will cause " +
        "maintenance problems later on.",
      severity: 'warn',
      from: {},
      to: {
        moreThanOneDependencyType: true,
        // as it's pretty common to have a type import be a type only import 
        // _and_ (e.g.) a devDependency - don't consider type-only dependency
        // types for this rule
        dependencyTypesNot: ["type-only"]

    /* rules you might want to tweak for your specific situation: */

      name: 'not-to-spec',
        'This module depends on a spec (test) file. The sole responsibility of a spec file is to test code. ' +
        "If there's something in a spec that's of use to other modules, it doesn't have that single " +
        'responsibility anymore. Factor it out into (e.g.) a separate utility/ helper or a mock.',
      severity: 'error',
      from: {},
      to: {
        path: '[.](?:spec|test)[.](?:js|mjs|cjs|jsx|ts|mts|cts|tsx)$'
      name: 'not-to-dev-dep',
      severity: 'error',
        "This module depends on an npm package from the 'devDependencies' section of your " +
        'package.json. It looks like something that ships to production, though. To prevent problems ' +
        "with npm packages that aren't there on production declare it (only!) in the 'dependencies'" +
        'section of your package.json. If this module is development only - add it to the ' +
        'from.pathNot re of the not-to-dev-dep rule in the dependency-cruiser configuration',
      from: {
        path: '^(src)',
        pathNot: [
      to: {
        dependencyTypes: [
        // type only dependencies are not a problem as they don't end up in the
        // production code or are ignored by the runtime.
        dependencyTypesNot: [
        pathNot: [
      name: 'optional-deps-used',
      severity: 'info',
        "This module depends on an npm package that is declared as an optional dependency " +
        "in your package.json. As this makes sense in limited situations only, it's flagged here. " +
        "If you're using an optional dependency here by design - add an exception to your" +
        "dependency-cruiser configuration.",
      from: {},
      to: {
        dependencyTypes: [
      name: 'peer-deps-used',
        "This module depends on an npm package that is declared as a peer dependency " +
        "in your package.json. This makes sense if your package is e.g. a plugin, but in " +
        "other cases - maybe not so much. If the use of a peer dependency is intentional " +
        "add an exception to your dependency-cruiser configuration.",
      severity: 'warn',
      from: {},
      to: {
        dependencyTypes: [
  options: {

    /* Which modules not to follow further when encountered */
    doNotFollow: {
      /* path: an array of regular expressions in strings to match against */
      path: ['node_modules']

    /* Which modules to exclude */
    // exclude : {
    //   /* path: an array of regular expressions in strings to match against */
    //   path: '',
    // },

    /* Which modules to exclusively include (array of regular expressions in strings)
       dependency-cruiser will skip everything not matching this pattern
    // includeOnly : [''],

    /* List of module systems to cruise.
       When left out dependency-cruiser will fall back to the list of _all_
       module systems it knows of. It's the default because it's the safe option
       It might come at a performance penalty, though.
       moduleSystems: ['amd', 'cjs', 'es6', 'tsd']
       As in practice only commonjs ('cjs') and ecmascript modules ('es6')
       are widely used, you can limit the moduleSystems to those.

    // moduleSystems: ['cjs', 'es6'],

    /* prefix for links in html and svg output (e.g. 'https://github.com/you/yourrepo/blob/main/'
       to open it on your online repo or `vscode://file/${process.cwd()}/` to 
       open it in visual studio code),
    // prefix: `vscode://file/${process.cwd()}/`,

    /* false (the default): ignore dependencies that only exist before typescript-to-javascript compilation
       true: also detect dependencies that only exist before typescript-to-javascript compilation
       "specify": for each dependency identify whether it only exists before compilation or also after
    // tsPreCompilationDeps: false,

    /* list of extensions to scan that aren't javascript or compile-to-javascript.
       Empty by default. Only put extensions in here that you want to take into
       account that are _not_ parsable.
    // extraExtensionsToScan: [".json", ".jpg", ".png", ".svg", ".webp"],

    /* if true combines the package.jsons found from the module up to the base
       folder the cruise is initiated from. Useful for how (some) mono-repos
       manage dependencies & dependency definitions.
    // combinedDependencies: false,

    /* if true leave symlinks untouched, otherwise use the realpath */
    // preserveSymlinks: false,

    /* TypeScript project file ('tsconfig.json') to use for
       (1) compilation and
       (2) resolution (e.g. with the paths property)

       The (optional) fileName attribute specifies which file to take (relative to
       dependency-cruiser's current working directory). When not provided
       defaults to './tsconfig.json'.
    tsConfig: {
      fileName: 'tsconfig.json'

    /* Webpack configuration to use to get resolve options from.

       The (optional) fileName attribute specifies which file to take (relative
       to dependency-cruiser's current working directory. When not provided defaults
       to './webpack.conf.js'.

       The (optional) `env` and `arguments` attributes contain the parameters
       to be passed if your webpack config is a function and takes them (see 
        webpack documentation for details)
    // webpackConfig: {
    //  fileName: 'webpack.config.js',
    //  env: {},
    //  arguments: {}
    // },

    /* Babel config ('.babelrc', '.babelrc.json', '.babelrc.json5', ...) to use
      for compilation
    // babelConfig: {
    //   fileName: '.babelrc',
    // },

    /* List of strings you have in use in addition to cjs/ es6 requires
       & imports to declare module dependencies. Use this e.g. if you've
       re-declared require, use a require-wrapper or use window.require as
       a hack.
    // exoticRequireStrings: [],

    /* options to pass on to enhanced-resolve, the package dependency-cruiser
       uses to resolve module references to disk. The values below should be
       suitable for most situations

       If you use webpack: you can also set these in webpack.conf.js. The set
       there will override the ones specified here.
    enhancedResolveOptions: {
      /* What to consider as an 'exports' field in package.jsons */
      exportsFields: ["exports"],
      /* List of conditions to check for in the exports field.
         Only works when the 'exportsFields' array is non-empty.
      conditionNames: ["import", "require", "node", "default", "types"],
         The extensions, by default are the same as the ones dependency-cruiser
         can access (run `npx depcruise --info` to see which ones that are in
         _your_ environment). If that list is larger than you need you can pass
         the extensions you actually use (e.g. [".js", ".jsx"]). This can speed
         up module resolution, which is the most expensive step.
      // extensions: [".js", ".jsx", ".ts", ".tsx", ".d.ts"],
      /* What to consider a 'main' field in package.json */
      mainFields: ["module", "main", "types", "typings"],
         A list of alias fields in package.jsons
         See [this specification](https://github.com/defunctzombie/package-browser-field-spec) and
         the webpack [resolve.alias](https://webpack.js.org/configuration/resolve/#resolvealiasfields)
         Defaults to an empty array (= don't use alias fields).
      // aliasFields: ["browser"],
    reporterOptions: {
      dot: {
        /* pattern of modules that can be consolidated in the detailed
           graphical dependency graph. The default pattern in this configuration
           collapses everything in node_modules to one folder deep so you see
           the external modules, but their innards.
        collapsePattern: 'node_modules/(?:@[^/]+/[^/]+|[^/]+)',

        /* Options to tweak the appearance of your graph.See
           for details and some examples. If you don't specify a theme
           dependency-cruiser falls back to a built-in one.
        // theme: {
        //   graph: {
        //     /* splines: "ortho" gives straight lines, but is slow on big graphs
        //        splines: "true" gives bezier curves (fast, not as nice as ortho)
        //    */
        //     splines: "true"
        //   },
        // }
      archi: {
        /* pattern of modules that can be consolidated in the high level
          graphical dependency graph. If you use the high level graphical
          dependency graph reporter (`archi`) you probably want to tweak
          this collapsePattern to your situation.
        collapsePattern: '^(?:packages|src|lib(s?)|app(s?)|bin|test(s?)|spec(s?))/[^/]+|node_modules/(?:@[^/]+/[^/]+|[^/]+)',

        /* Options to tweak the appearance of your graph. If you don't specify a
           theme for 'archi' dependency-cruiser will use the one specified in the
           dot section above and otherwise use the default one.
        // theme: { },
      "text": {
        "highlightFocused": true
// generated: dependency-cruiser@16.3.3 on 2024-06-13T23:26:36.169Z