import Phaser from "phaser"; import BattleScene from "#app/battle-scene"; import { TextStyle, addTextObject } from "#app/ui/text"; import { Mode } from "#app/ui/ui"; import UiHandler from "#app/ui/ui-handler"; import { addWindow } from "#app/ui/ui-theme"; import * as Utils from "#app/utils"; import { DexAttr, GameData } from "#app/system/game-data"; import { speciesStarterCosts } from "#app/data/balance/starters"; import { Button } from "#enums/buttons"; import i18next from "i18next"; import { UiTheme } from "#enums/ui-theme"; interface DisplayStat { label_key?: string; sourceFunc?: (gameData: GameData) => string; hidden?: boolean; } interface DisplayStats { [key: string]: DisplayStat | string } const displayStats: DisplayStats = { playTime: { label_key: "playTime", sourceFunc: gameData => Utils.getPlayTimeString(gameData.gameStats.playTime) }, battles: { label_key: "totalBattles", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.battles.toString(), }, startersUnlocked: { label_key: "starters", sourceFunc: gameData => { const starterCount = gameData.getStarterCount(d => !!d.caughtAttr); return `${starterCount} (${Math.floor((starterCount / Object.keys(speciesStarterCosts).length) * 1000) / 10}%)`; } }, shinyStartersUnlocked: { label_key: "shinyStarters", sourceFunc: gameData => { const starterCount = gameData.getStarterCount(d => !!(d.caughtAttr & DexAttr.SHINY)); return `${starterCount} (${Math.floor((starterCount / Object.keys(speciesStarterCosts).length) * 1000) / 10}%)`; } }, dexSeen: { label_key: "speciesSeen", sourceFunc: gameData => { const seenCount = gameData.getSpeciesCount(d => !!d.seenAttr); return `${seenCount} (${Math.floor((seenCount / Object.keys(gameData.dexData).length) * 1000) / 10}%)`; } }, dexCaught: { label_key: "speciesCaught", sourceFunc: gameData => { const caughtCount = gameData.getSpeciesCount(d => !!d.caughtAttr); return `${caughtCount} (${Math.floor((caughtCount / Object.keys(gameData.dexData).length) * 1000) / 10}%)`; } }, ribbonsOwned: { label_key: "ribbonsOwned", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.ribbonsOwned.toString(), }, classicSessionsPlayed:{ label_key: "classicRuns", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.classicSessionsPlayed.toString(), }, sessionsWon: { label_key: "classicWins", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.sessionsWon.toString(), }, dailyRunSessionsPlayed: { label_key: "dailyRunAttempts", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.dailyRunSessionsPlayed.toString(), }, dailyRunSessionsWon: { label_key: "dailyRunWins", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.dailyRunSessionsWon.toString(), }, endlessSessionsPlayed: { label_key: "endlessRuns", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.endlessSessionsPlayed.toString(), hidden: true }, highestEndlessWave: { label_key: "highestWaveEndless", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.highestEndlessWave.toString(), hidden: true }, highestMoney: { label_key: "highestMoney", sourceFunc: gameData => Utils.formatFancyLargeNumber(gameData.gameStats.highestMoney), }, highestDamage: { label_key: "highestDamage", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.highestDamage.toString(), }, highestHeal: { label_key: "highestHPHealed", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.highestHeal.toString(), }, pokemonSeen: { label_key: "pokemonEncountered", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.pokemonSeen.toString(), }, pokemonDefeated: { label_key: "pokemonDefeated", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.pokemonDefeated.toString(), }, pokemonCaught: { label_key: "pokemonCaught", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.pokemonCaught.toString(), }, pokemonHatched: { label_key: "eggsHatched", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.pokemonHatched.toString(), }, subLegendaryPokemonSeen: { label_key: "subLegendsSeen", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.subLegendaryPokemonSeen.toString(), hidden: true }, subLegendaryPokemonCaught: { label_key: "subLegendsCaught", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.subLegendaryPokemonCaught.toString(), hidden: true }, subLegendaryPokemonHatched: { label_key: "subLegendsHatched", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.subLegendaryPokemonHatched.toString(), hidden: true }, legendaryPokemonSeen: { label_key: "legendsSeen", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.legendaryPokemonSeen.toString(), hidden: true }, legendaryPokemonCaught: { label_key: "legendsCaught", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.legendaryPokemonCaught.toString(), hidden: true }, legendaryPokemonHatched: { label_key: "legendsHatched", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.legendaryPokemonHatched.toString(), hidden: true }, mythicalPokemonSeen: { label_key: "mythicalsSeen", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.mythicalPokemonSeen.toString(), hidden: true }, mythicalPokemonCaught: { label_key: "mythicalsCaught", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.mythicalPokemonCaught.toString(), hidden: true }, mythicalPokemonHatched: { label_key: "mythicalsHatched", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.mythicalPokemonHatched.toString(), hidden: true }, shinyPokemonSeen: { label_key: "shiniesSeen", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.shinyPokemonSeen.toString(), hidden: true }, shinyPokemonCaught: { label_key: "shiniesCaught", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.shinyPokemonCaught.toString(), hidden: true }, shinyPokemonHatched: { label_key: "shiniesHatched", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.shinyPokemonHatched.toString(), hidden: true }, pokemonFused: { label_key: "pokemonFused", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.pokemonFused.toString(), hidden: true }, trainersDefeated: { label_key: "trainersDefeated", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.trainersDefeated.toString(), }, eggsPulled: { label_key: "eggsPulled", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.eggsPulled.toString(), hidden: true }, rareEggsPulled: { label_key: "rareEggsPulled", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.rareEggsPulled.toString(), hidden: true }, epicEggsPulled: { label_key: "epicEggsPulled", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.epicEggsPulled.toString(), hidden: true }, legendaryEggsPulled: { label_key: "legendaryEggsPulled", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.legendaryEggsPulled.toString(), hidden: true }, manaphyEggsPulled: { label_key: "manaphyEggsPulled", sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats.manaphyEggsPulled.toString(), hidden: true }, }; export default class GameStatsUiHandler extends UiHandler { private gameStatsContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; private statsContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; private statLabels: Phaser.GameObjects.Text[]; private statValues: Phaser.GameObjects.Text[]; private arrowUp: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; private arrowDown: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; constructor(scene: BattleScene, mode: Mode | null = null) { super(scene, mode); this.statLabels = []; this.statValues = []; } setup() { const ui = this.getUi(); this.gameStatsContainer = this.scene.add.container(1, -( / 6) + 1); this.gameStatsContainer.setInteractive(new Phaser.Geom.Rectangle(0, 0, / 6, / 6), Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Contains); const headerBg = addWindow(this.scene, 0, 0, ( / 6) - 2, 24); headerBg.setOrigin(0, 0); const headerText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, i18next.t("gameStatsUiHandler:stats"), TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL); headerText.setOrigin(0, 0); headerText.setPositionRelative(headerBg, 8, 4); const statsBgWidth = (( / 6) - 2) / 2; const [ statsBgLeft, statsBgRight ] = new Array(2).fill(null).map((_, i) => { const width = statsBgWidth + 2; const height = Math.floor(( / 6) - headerBg.height - 2); const statsBg = addWindow(this.scene, (statsBgWidth - 2) * i, headerBg.height, width, height, false, false, i>0?-3:0, 1); statsBg.setOrigin(0, 0); return statsBg; }); this.statsContainer = this.scene.add.container(0, 0); new Array(18).fill(null).map((_, s) => { const statLabel = addTextObject(this.scene, 8 + (s % 2 === 1 ? statsBgWidth : 0), 28 + Math.floor(s / 2) * 16, "", TextStyle.STATS_LABEL); statLabel.setOrigin(0, 0); this.statsContainer.add(statLabel); this.statLabels.push(statLabel); const statValue = addTextObject(this.scene, (statsBgWidth * ((s % 2) + 1)) - 8, statLabel.y, "", TextStyle.STATS_VALUE); statValue.setOrigin(1, 0); this.statsContainer.add(statValue); this.statValues.push(statValue); }); this.gameStatsContainer.add(headerBg); this.gameStatsContainer.add(headerText); this.gameStatsContainer.add(statsBgLeft); this.gameStatsContainer.add(statsBgRight); this.gameStatsContainer.add(this.statsContainer); // arrows to show that we can scroll through the stats const isLegacyTheme = this.scene.uiTheme === UiTheme.LEGACY; this.arrowDown = this.scene.add.sprite(statsBgWidth, / 6 - (isLegacyTheme? 9 : 5), "prompt"); this.gameStatsContainer.add(this.arrowDown); this.arrowUp = this.scene.add.sprite(statsBgWidth, headerBg.height + (isLegacyTheme? 7 : 3), "prompt"); this.arrowUp.flipY = true; this.gameStatsContainer.add(this.arrowUp); ui.add(this.gameStatsContainer); this.setCursor(0); this.gameStatsContainer.setVisible(false); } show(args: any[]): boolean {; this.setCursor(0); this.updateStats();"prompt");"prompt"); if (this.scene.uiTheme === UiTheme.LEGACY) { this.arrowUp.setTint(0x484848); this.arrowDown.setTint(0x484848); } this.updateArrows(); this.gameStatsContainer.setVisible(true); this.getUi().moveTo(this.gameStatsContainer, this.getUi().length - 1); this.getUi().hideTooltip(); return true; } updateStats(): void { const statKeys = Object.keys(displayStats).slice(this.cursor * 2, this.cursor * 2 + 18); statKeys.forEach((key, s) => { const stat = displayStats[key] as DisplayStat; const value = stat.sourceFunc!(this.scene.gameData); // TODO: is this bang correct? this.statLabels[s].setText(!stat.hidden || isNaN(parseInt(value)) || parseInt(value) ? i18next.t(`gameStatsUiHandler:${stat.label_key}`) : "???"); this.statValues[s].setText(value); }); if (statKeys.length < 18) { for (let s = statKeys.length; s < 18; s++) { this.statLabels[s].setText(""); this.statValues[s].setText(""); } } } /** * Show arrows at the top / bottom of the page if it's possible to scroll in that direction */ updateArrows(): void { const showUpArrow = this.cursor > 0; this.arrowUp.setVisible(showUpArrow); const showDownArrow = this.cursor < Math.ceil((Object.keys(displayStats).length - 18) / 2); this.arrowDown.setVisible(showDownArrow); } processInput(button: Button): boolean { const ui = this.getUi(); let success = false; if (button === Button.CANCEL) { success = true; this.scene.ui.revertMode(); } else { switch (button) { case Button.UP: if (this.cursor) { success = this.setCursor(this.cursor - 1); } break; case Button.DOWN: if (this.cursor < Math.ceil((Object.keys(displayStats).length - 18) / 2)) { success = this.setCursor(this.cursor + 1); } break; } } if (success) { ui.playSelect(); } return success; } setCursor(cursor: integer): boolean { const ret = super.setCursor(cursor); if (ret) { this.updateStats(); this.updateArrows(); } return ret; } clear() { super.clear(); this.gameStatsContainer.setVisible(false); } } export function initStatsKeys() { const statKeys = Object.keys(displayStats); for (const key of statKeys) { if (typeof displayStats[key] === "string") { let label = displayStats[key] as string; let hidden = false; if (label.endsWith("?")) { label = label.slice(0, -1); hidden = true; } displayStats[key] = { label_key: label, sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats[key].toString(), hidden: hidden }; } else if (displayStats[key] === null) { displayStats[key] = { sourceFunc: gameData => gameData.gameStats[key].toString() }; } if (!(displayStats[key] as DisplayStat).label_key) { const splittableKey = key.replace(/([a-z]{2,})([A-Z]{1}(?:[^A-Z]|$))/g, "$1_$2"); (displayStats[key] as DisplayStat).label_key = Utils.toReadableString(`${splittableKey[0].toUpperCase()}${splittableKey.slice(1)}`); } } }