import { BattlerIndex } from "#app/battle"; import { PokemonType } from "#enums/pokemon-type"; import { BattlerTagType } from "#app/enums/battler-tag-type"; import { Moves } from "#app/enums/moves"; import { Species } from "#app/enums/species"; import { MoveEffectPhase } from "#app/phases/move-effect-phase"; import { TurnEndPhase } from "#app/phases/turn-end-phase"; import GameManager from "#test/testUtils/gameManager"; import Phaser from "phaser"; import { afterEach, beforeAll, beforeEach, describe, expect, test } from "vitest"; describe("Moves - Roost", () => { let phaserGame: Phaser.Game; let game: GameManager; beforeAll(() => { phaserGame = new Phaser.Game({ type: Phaser.HEADLESS, }); }); afterEach(() => { game.phaseInterceptor.restoreOg(); }); beforeEach(() => { game = new GameManager(phaserGame); game.override.battleType("single"); game.override.enemySpecies(Species.RELICANTH); game.override.startingLevel(100); game.override.enemyLevel(100); game.override.enemyMoveset(Moves.EARTHQUAKE); game.override.moveset([Moves.ROOST, Moves.BURN_UP, Moves.DOUBLE_SHOCK]); }); /** * Roost's behavior should be defined as: * The pokemon loses its flying type for a turn. If the pokemon was ungroundd solely due to being a flying type, it will be grounded until end of turn. * 1. Pure Flying type pokemon -> become normal type until end of turn * 2. Dual Flying/X type pokemon -> become type X until end of turn * 3. Pokemon that use burn up into roost (ex. Moltres) -> become flying due to burn up, then typeless until end of turn after using roost * 4. If a pokemon is afflicted with Forest's Curse or Trick or treat, dual type pokemon will become 3 type pokemon after the flying type is regained * Pure flying types become (Grass or Ghost) and then back to flying/ (Grass or Ghost), * and pokemon post Burn up become () * 5. If a pokemon is also ungrounded due to other reasons (such as levitate), it will stay ungrounded post roost, despite not being flying type. * 6. Non flying types using roost (such as dunsparce) are already grounded, so this move will only heal and have no other effects. */ test("Non flying type uses roost -> no type change, took damage", async () => { await game.classicMode.startBattle([Species.DUNSPARCE]); const playerPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!; const playerPokemonStartingHP = playerPokemon.hp;; await game.setTurnOrder([BattlerIndex.PLAYER, BattlerIndex.ENEMY]); await; // Should only be normal type, and NOT flying type let playerPokemonTypes = playerPokemon.getTypes(); expect(playerPokemonTypes[0] === PokemonType.NORMAL).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemonTypes.length === 1).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemon.isGrounded()).toBeTruthy(); await; // Lose HP, still normal type playerPokemonTypes = playerPokemon.getTypes(); expect(playerPokemon.hp).toBeLessThan(playerPokemonStartingHP); expect(playerPokemonTypes[0] === PokemonType.NORMAL).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemonTypes.length === 1).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemon.isGrounded()).toBeTruthy(); }); test("Pure flying type -> becomes normal after roost and takes damage from ground moves -> regains flying", async () => { await game.classicMode.startBattle([Species.TORNADUS]); const playerPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!; const playerPokemonStartingHP = playerPokemon.hp;; await game.setTurnOrder([BattlerIndex.PLAYER, BattlerIndex.ENEMY]); await; // Should only be normal type, and NOT flying type let playerPokemonTypes = playerPokemon.getTypes(); expect(playerPokemonTypes[0] === PokemonType.NORMAL).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemonTypes[0] === PokemonType.FLYING).toBeFalsy(); expect(playerPokemon.isGrounded()).toBeTruthy(); await; // Should have lost HP and is now back to being pure flying playerPokemonTypes = playerPokemon.getTypes(); expect(playerPokemon.hp).toBeLessThan(playerPokemonStartingHP); expect(playerPokemonTypes[0] === PokemonType.NORMAL).toBeFalsy(); expect(playerPokemonTypes[0] === PokemonType.FLYING).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemon.isGrounded()).toBeFalsy(); }); test("Dual X/flying type -> becomes type X after roost and takes damage from ground moves -> regains flying", async () => { await game.classicMode.startBattle([Species.HAWLUCHA]); const playerPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!; const playerPokemonStartingHP = playerPokemon.hp;; await game.setTurnOrder([BattlerIndex.PLAYER, BattlerIndex.ENEMY]); await; // Should only be pure fighting type and grounded let playerPokemonTypes = playerPokemon.getTypes(); expect(playerPokemonTypes[0] === PokemonType.FIGHTING).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemonTypes.length === 1).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemon.isGrounded()).toBeTruthy(); await; // Should have lost HP and is now back to being fighting/flying playerPokemonTypes = playerPokemon.getTypes(); expect(playerPokemon.hp).toBeLessThan(playerPokemonStartingHP); expect(playerPokemonTypes[0] === PokemonType.FIGHTING).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemonTypes[1] === PokemonType.FLYING).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemon.isGrounded()).toBeFalsy(); }); test("Pokemon with levitate after using roost should lose flying type but still be unaffected by ground moves", async () => { game.override.starterForms({ [Species.ROTOM]: 4 }); await game.classicMode.startBattle([Species.ROTOM]); const playerPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!; const playerPokemonStartingHP = playerPokemon.hp;; await game.setTurnOrder([BattlerIndex.PLAYER, BattlerIndex.ENEMY]); await; // Should only be pure eletric type and grounded let playerPokemonTypes = playerPokemon.getTypes(); expect(playerPokemonTypes[0] === PokemonType.ELECTRIC).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemonTypes.length === 1).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemon.isGrounded()).toBeFalsy(); await; // Should have lost HP and is now back to being electric/flying playerPokemonTypes = playerPokemon.getTypes(); expect(playerPokemon.hp).toBe(playerPokemonStartingHP); expect(playerPokemonTypes[0] === PokemonType.ELECTRIC).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemonTypes[1] === PokemonType.FLYING).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemon.isGrounded()).toBeFalsy(); }); test("A fire/flying type that uses burn up, then roost should be typeless until end of turn", async () => { await game.classicMode.startBattle([Species.MOLTRES]); const playerPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!; const playerPokemonStartingHP = playerPokemon.hp;; await game.setTurnOrder([BattlerIndex.PLAYER, BattlerIndex.ENEMY]); await; // Should only be pure flying type after burn up let playerPokemonTypes = playerPokemon.getTypes(); expect(playerPokemonTypes[0] === PokemonType.FLYING).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemonTypes.length === 1).toBeTruthy(); await;; await game.setTurnOrder([BattlerIndex.PLAYER, BattlerIndex.ENEMY]); await; // Should only be typeless type after roost and is grounded playerPokemonTypes = playerPokemon.getTypes(); expect(playerPokemon.getTag(BattlerTagType.ROOSTED)).toBeDefined(); expect(playerPokemonTypes[0] === PokemonType.UNKNOWN).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemonTypes.length === 1).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemon.isGrounded()).toBeTruthy(); await; // Should go back to being pure flying and have taken damage from earthquake, and is ungrounded again playerPokemonTypes = playerPokemon.getTypes(); expect(playerPokemon.hp).toBeLessThan(playerPokemonStartingHP); expect(playerPokemonTypes[0] === PokemonType.FLYING).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemonTypes.length === 1).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemon.isGrounded()).toBeFalsy(); }); test("An electric/flying type that uses double shock, then roost should be typeless until end of turn", async () => { game.override.enemySpecies(Species.ZEKROM); await game.classicMode.startBattle([Species.ZAPDOS]); const playerPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!; const playerPokemonStartingHP = playerPokemon.hp;; await game.setTurnOrder([BattlerIndex.PLAYER, BattlerIndex.ENEMY]); await; // Should only be pure flying type after burn up let playerPokemonTypes = playerPokemon.getTypes(); expect(playerPokemonTypes[0] === PokemonType.FLYING).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemonTypes.length === 1).toBeTruthy(); await;; await game.setTurnOrder([BattlerIndex.PLAYER, BattlerIndex.ENEMY]); await; // Should only be typeless type after roost and is grounded playerPokemonTypes = playerPokemon.getTypes(); expect(playerPokemon.getTag(BattlerTagType.ROOSTED)).toBeDefined(); expect(playerPokemonTypes[0] === PokemonType.UNKNOWN).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemonTypes.length === 1).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemon.isGrounded()).toBeTruthy(); await; // Should go back to being pure flying and have taken damage from earthquake, and is ungrounded again playerPokemonTypes = playerPokemon.getTypes(); expect(playerPokemon.hp).toBeLessThan(playerPokemonStartingHP); expect(playerPokemonTypes[0] === PokemonType.FLYING).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemonTypes.length === 1).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemon.isGrounded()).toBeFalsy(); }); test("Dual Type Pokemon afflicted with Forests Curse/Trick or Treat and post roost will become dual type and then become 3 type at end of turn", async () => { game.override.enemyMoveset([ Moves.TRICK_OR_TREAT, Moves.TRICK_OR_TREAT, Moves.TRICK_OR_TREAT, Moves.TRICK_OR_TREAT, ]); await game.classicMode.startBattle([Species.MOLTRES]); const playerPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!;; await; let playerPokemonTypes = playerPokemon.getTypes(); expect(playerPokemonTypes[0] === PokemonType.FIRE).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemonTypes.length === 1).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemon.isGrounded()).toBeTruthy(); await; // Should be fire/flying/ghost playerPokemonTypes = playerPokemon.getTypes(); expect(playerPokemonTypes.filter(type => type === PokemonType.FLYING)).toHaveLength(1); expect(playerPokemonTypes.filter(type => type === PokemonType.FIRE)).toHaveLength(1); expect(playerPokemonTypes.filter(type => type === PokemonType.GHOST)).toHaveLength(1); expect(playerPokemonTypes.length === 3).toBeTruthy(); expect(playerPokemon.isGrounded()).toBeFalsy(); }); });