import BattleScene from "../battle-scene"; import { addTextObject, TextStyle } from "./text"; import { Mode } from "./ui"; import UiHandler from "./ui-handler"; import { Button } from "#enums/buttons"; import { addWindow, WindowVariant } from "./ui-theme"; import i18next from "i18next"; import { MysteryEncounterPhase } from "../phases/mystery-encounter-phase"; import { PartyUiMode } from "./party-ui-handler"; import MysteryEncounterOption from "../data/mystery-encounter-option"; import * as Utils from "../utils"; import { getPokeballAtlasKey } from "../data/pokeball"; import {isNullOrUndefined} from "../utils"; export default class MysteryEncounterUiHandler extends UiHandler { private cursorContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; private cursorObj: Phaser.GameObjects.Image; private optionsContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; private tooltipWindow: Phaser.GameObjects.NineSlice; private tooltipContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; private tooltipScrollTween: Phaser.Tweens.Tween; private descriptionWindow: Phaser.GameObjects.NineSlice; private descriptionContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; private descriptionScrollTween: Phaser.Tweens.Tween; private rarityBall: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; private filteredEncounterOptions: MysteryEncounterOption[] = []; private optionsMeetsReqs: boolean[]; protected viewPartyIndex: integer = 0; protected blockInput: boolean = true; constructor(scene: BattleScene) { super(scene, Mode.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER); } setup() { const ui = this.getUi(); this.cursorContainer = this.scene.add.container(18, -38.7); this.cursorContainer.setVisible(false); ui.add(this.cursorContainer); this.optionsContainer = this.scene.add.container(12, -38.7); this.optionsContainer.setVisible(false); ui.add(this.optionsContainer); this.descriptionContainer = this.scene.add.container(0, -152); this.descriptionContainer.setVisible(false); ui.add(this.descriptionContainer); this.tooltipContainer = this.scene.add.container(210, -48); this.tooltipContainer.setVisible(false); ui.add(this.tooltipContainer); this.setCursor(this.getCursor()); this.descriptionWindow = addWindow(this.scene, 0, 0, 150, 105, false, false, 0, 0, WindowVariant.THIN); this.descriptionContainer.add(this.descriptionWindow); this.tooltipWindow = addWindow(this.scene, 0, 0, 110, 48, false, false, 0, 0, WindowVariant.THIN); this.tooltipContainer.add(this.tooltipWindow); this.rarityBall = this.scene.add.sprite(141, 9, "pb"); this.rarityBall.setScale(0.75); this.descriptionContainer.add(this.rarityBall); } show(args: any[]): boolean {; this.cursorContainer.setVisible(true); this.descriptionContainer.setVisible(true); this.optionsContainer.setVisible(true); this.displayEncounterOptions(!(args[0] as boolean || false)); const cursor = this.getCursor(); if (cursor === (this?.optionsContainer?.length || 0) - 1) { // Always resets cursor on view party button if it was last there this.setCursor(cursor); } else { this.setCursor(0); } if (this.blockInput) { setTimeout(() => { this.unblockInput(); }, 1500); } this.displayOptionTooltip(); return true; } processInput(button: Button): boolean { const ui = this.getUi(); let success = false; const cursor = this.getCursor(); if (button === Button.CANCEL || button === Button.ACTION) { if (button === Button.ACTION) { if (cursor === this.viewPartyIndex) { // Handle view party success = true; this.scene.ui.setMode(Mode.PARTY, PartyUiMode.CHECK, -1, () => { this.scene.ui.setMode(Mode.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER, true); setTimeout(() => { this.setCursor(this.viewPartyIndex); this.unblockInput(); }, 300); }); } else if (this.blockInput || !this.optionsMeetsReqs[cursor]) { success = false; } else { const selected = this.filteredEncounterOptions[cursor]; if ((this.scene.getCurrentPhase() as MysteryEncounterPhase).handleOptionSelect(selected, cursor)) { success = true; } else { ui.playError(); } } } else { // TODO: If we need to handle cancel option? Maybe default logic to leave/run from encounter idk } } else { switch (this.optionsContainer.length) { case 3: success = this.handleTwoOptionMoveInput(button); break; case 4: success = this.handleThreeOptionMoveInput(button); break; case 5: success = this.handleFourOptionMoveInput(button); break; } this.displayOptionTooltip(); } if (success) { ui.playSelect(); } return success; } handleTwoOptionMoveInput(button: Button): boolean { let success = false; const cursor = this.getCursor(); switch (button) { case Button.UP: if (cursor < this.viewPartyIndex) { success = this.setCursor(this.viewPartyIndex); } break; case Button.DOWN: if (cursor === this.viewPartyIndex) { success = this.setCursor(1); } break; case Button.LEFT: if (cursor > 0) { success = this.setCursor(cursor - 1); } break; case Button.RIGHT: if (cursor < this.viewPartyIndex) { success = this.setCursor(cursor + 1); } break; } return success; } handleThreeOptionMoveInput(button: Button): boolean { let success = false; const cursor = this.getCursor(); switch (button) { case Button.UP: if (cursor === 2) { success = this.setCursor(cursor - 2); } else { success = this.setCursor(this.viewPartyIndex); } break; case Button.DOWN: if (cursor === this.viewPartyIndex) { success = this.setCursor(1); } else { success = this.setCursor(2); } break; case Button.LEFT: if (cursor === this.viewPartyIndex) { success = this.setCursor(1); } else if (cursor === 1) { success = this.setCursor(cursor - 1); } break; case Button.RIGHT: if (cursor === 1) { success = this.setCursor(this.viewPartyIndex); } else if (cursor < 1) { success = this.setCursor(cursor + 1); } break; } return success; } handleFourOptionMoveInput(button: Button): boolean { let success = false; const cursor = this.getCursor(); switch (button) { case Button.UP: if (cursor >= 2 && cursor !== this.viewPartyIndex) { success = this.setCursor(cursor - 2); } else { success = this.setCursor(this.viewPartyIndex); } break; case Button.DOWN: if (cursor <= 1) { success = this.setCursor(cursor + 2); } else if (cursor === this.viewPartyIndex) { success = this.setCursor(1); } break; case Button.LEFT: if (cursor === this.viewPartyIndex) { success = this.setCursor(1); } else if (cursor % 2 === 1) { success = this.setCursor(cursor - 1); } break; case Button.RIGHT: if (cursor === 1) { success = this.setCursor(this.viewPartyIndex); } else if (cursor % 2 === 0 && cursor !== this.viewPartyIndex) { success = this.setCursor(cursor + 1); } break; } return success; } unblockInput() { if (this.blockInput) { this.blockInput = false; for (let i = 0; i < this.optionsContainer.length - 1; i++) { if (!this.optionsMeetsReqs[i]) { continue; } (this.optionsContainer.getAt(i) as Phaser.GameObjects.Text).setAlpha(1); } } } getCursor(): integer { return this.cursor ? this.cursor : 0; } setCursor(cursor: integer): boolean { const prevCursor = this.getCursor(); const changed = prevCursor !== cursor; if (changed) { this.cursor = cursor; } this.viewPartyIndex = this.optionsContainer.length - 1; if (!this.cursorObj) { this.cursorObj = this.scene.add.image(0, 0, "cursor"); this.cursorContainer.add(this.cursorObj); } if (cursor === this.viewPartyIndex) { this.cursorObj.setPosition(246, -17); } else if (this.optionsContainer.length === 3) { // 2 Options this.cursorObj.setPosition(-10.5 + (cursor % 2 === 1 ? 100 : 0), 15); } else if (this.optionsContainer.length === 4) { // 3 Options this.cursorObj.setPosition(-10.5 + (cursor % 2 === 1 ? 100 : 0), 7 + (cursor > 1 ? 16 : 0)); } else if (this.optionsContainer.length === 5) { // 4 Options this.cursorObj.setPosition(-10.5 + (cursor % 2 === 1 ? 100 : 0), 7 + (cursor > 1 ? 16 : 0)); } return changed; } displayEncounterOptions(slideInDescription: boolean = true): void { this.getUi().clearText(); const mysteryEncounter = this.scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter; this.filteredEncounterOptions = mysteryEncounter.options; this.optionsMeetsReqs = []; const titleText: string = i18next.t(mysteryEncounter.dialogue.encounterOptionsDialogue.title); const descriptionText: string = i18next.t(mysteryEncounter.dialogue.encounterOptionsDialogue.description); const queryText: string = i18next.t(mysteryEncounter.dialogue.encounterOptionsDialogue.query); // Clear options container (except cursor) this.optionsContainer.removeAll(); // Options Window for (let i = 0; i < this.filteredEncounterOptions.length; i++) { let optionText; switch (this.filteredEncounterOptions.length) { case 2: optionText = addTextObject(this.scene, i % 2 === 0 ? 0 : 100, 8, "-", TextStyle.WINDOW, { wordWrap: { width: 558 }, fontSize: "80px", lineSpacing: -8 }); break; case 3: optionText = addTextObject(this.scene, i % 2 === 0 ? 0 : 100, i < 2 ? 0 : 16, "-", TextStyle.WINDOW, { wordWrap: { width: 558 }, fontSize: "80px", lineSpacing: -8 }); break; case 4: optionText = addTextObject(this.scene, i % 2 === 0 ? 0 : 100, i < 2 ? 0 : 16, "-", TextStyle.WINDOW, { wordWrap: { width: 558 }, fontSize: "80px", lineSpacing: -8 }); break; } const text = i18next.t(mysteryEncounter.dialogue.encounterOptionsDialogue.options[i].buttonLabel); if (text) { optionText.setText(text); } this.optionsMeetsReqs.push(this.filteredEncounterOptions[i].meetsRequirements(this.scene)); if (!this.optionsMeetsReqs[i]) { optionText.setAlpha(0.5); } if (this.blockInput) { optionText.setAlpha(0.5); } this.optionsContainer.add(optionText); } // View Party Button const viewPartyText = addTextObject(this.scene, 256, -24, "View Party", TextStyle.PARTY); this.optionsContainer.add(viewPartyText); // Description Window const titleTextObject = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, titleText, TextStyle.TOOLTIP_TITLE, { wordWrap: { width: 750 }, align: "center", lineSpacing: -8 }); this.descriptionContainer.add(titleTextObject); titleTextObject.setPosition(72 - titleTextObject.displayWidth / 2, 5.5); // Rarity of encounter const ballType = getPokeballAtlasKey(mysteryEncounter.encounterTier as number); this.rarityBall.setTexture("pb", ballType); const descriptionTextObject = addTextObject(this.scene, 6, 25, descriptionText, TextStyle.TOOLTIP_CONTENT, { wordWrap: { width: 830 } }); // Sets up the mask that hides the description text to give an illusion of scrolling const descriptionTextMaskRect ={}); descriptionTextMaskRect.setScale(6); descriptionTextMaskRect.fillStyle(0xFFFFFF); descriptionTextMaskRect.beginPath(); descriptionTextMaskRect.fillRect(6, 54, 206, 60); const abilityDescriptionTextMask = descriptionTextMaskRect.createGeometryMask(); descriptionTextObject.setMask(abilityDescriptionTextMask); const descriptionLineCount = Math.floor(descriptionTextObject.displayHeight / 10); if (this.descriptionScrollTween) { this.descriptionScrollTween.remove(); this.descriptionScrollTween = null; } // Animates the description text moving upwards if (descriptionLineCount > 6) { this.descriptionScrollTween = this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: descriptionTextObject, delay: Utils.fixedInt(2000), loop: -1, hold: Utils.fixedInt(2000), duration: Utils.fixedInt((descriptionLineCount - 6) * 2000), y: `-=${10 * (descriptionLineCount - 6)}` }); } this.descriptionContainer.add(descriptionTextObject); const queryTextObject = addTextObject(this.scene, 65 - (queryText.length), 90, queryText, TextStyle.TOOLTIP_CONTENT, { wordWrap: { width: 830 } }); this.descriptionContainer.add(queryTextObject); // Slide in description container if (slideInDescription) { this.descriptionContainer.x -= 150; this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: this.descriptionContainer, x: "+=150", ease: "Sine.easeInOut", duration: 1000 }); } } displayOptionTooltip() { const cursor = this.getCursor(); // Clear tooltip box if (this.tooltipContainer.length > 1) { this.tooltipContainer.removeBetween(1, this.tooltipContainer.length, true); } this.tooltipContainer.setVisible(true); if (isNullOrUndefined(cursor) || cursor > this.optionsContainer.length - 2) { // Ignore hovers on view party button return; } const mysteryEncounter = this.scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter; let text; if (!this.optionsMeetsReqs[cursor] && mysteryEncounter.dialogue.encounterOptionsDialogue.options[cursor].disabledTooltip) { text = i18next.t(mysteryEncounter.dialogue.encounterOptionsDialogue.options[cursor].disabledTooltip); } else { text = i18next.t(mysteryEncounter.dialogue.encounterOptionsDialogue.options[cursor].buttonTooltip); } if (text) { const tooltipTextObject = addTextObject(this.scene, 6, 7, text, TextStyle.TOOLTIP_CONTENT, { wordWrap: { width: 600 }, fontSize: "72px" }); this.tooltipContainer.add(tooltipTextObject); // Sets up the mask that hides the description text to give an illusion of scrolling const tooltipTextMaskRect ={}); tooltipTextMaskRect.setScale(6); tooltipTextMaskRect.fillStyle(0xFFFFFF); tooltipTextMaskRect.beginPath(); tooltipTextMaskRect.fillRect(this.tooltipContainer.x, this.tooltipContainer.y + 188.5, 150, 32); const textMask = tooltipTextMaskRect.createGeometryMask(); tooltipTextObject.setMask(textMask); const tooltipLineCount = Math.floor(tooltipTextObject.displayHeight / 11.2); if (this.tooltipScrollTween) { this.tooltipScrollTween.remove(); this.tooltipScrollTween = null; } // Animates the tooltip text moving upwards if (tooltipLineCount > 3) { this.tooltipScrollTween = this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: tooltipTextObject, delay: Utils.fixedInt(1200), loop: -1, hold: Utils.fixedInt(1200), duration: Utils.fixedInt((tooltipLineCount - 3) * 1200), y: `-=${11.2 * (tooltipLineCount - 3)}` }); } } } clear(): void { super.clear(); this.optionsContainer.setVisible(false); this.optionsContainer.removeAll(true); this.descriptionContainer.setVisible(false); this.tooltipContainer.setVisible(false); // Keeps container background and pokeball this.descriptionContainer.removeBetween(2, this.descriptionContainer.length, true); this.getUi().getMessageHandler().clearText(); this.eraseCursor(); } eraseCursor(): void { if (this.cursorObj) { this.cursorObj.destroy(); } this.cursorObj = null; } }