import BattleScene from "./battle-scene"; import { PokeballType } from "./data/pokeball"; import * as Utils from "./utils"; export function addPokeballOpenParticles(scene: BattleScene, x: number, y: number, pokeballType: PokeballType): void { switch (pokeballType) { case PokeballType.POKEBALL: doDefaultPbOpenParticles(scene, x, y, 48); break; case PokeballType.GREAT_BALL: doDefaultPbOpenParticles(scene, x, y, 96); break; case PokeballType.ULTRA_BALL: doUbOpenParticles(scene, x, y); break; case PokeballType.MASTER_BALL: doMbOpenParticles(scene, x, y); break; } } function doDefaultPbOpenParticles(scene: BattleScene, x: number, y: number, radius: number) { const pbOpenParticlesFrameNames = scene.anims.generateFrameNames('pb_particles', { start: 0, end: 3, suffix: '.png' }); scene.anims.create({ key: 'pb_open_particle', frames: pbOpenParticlesFrameNames, frameRate: 16, repeat: -1 }); const addParticle = (index: integer) => { const particle = scene.add.sprite(x, y, 'pb_open_particle'); scene.field.add(particle); const angle = index * 45; const [ xCoord, yCoord ] = [ radius * Math.cos(angle * Math.PI / 180), radius * Math.sin(angle * Math.PI / 180) ]; scene.tweens.add({ targets: particle, x: x + xCoord, y: y + yCoord, duration: 575 });{ key: 'pb_open_particle', startFrame: (index + 3) % 4, frameRate: Math.floor(16 * scene.gameSpeed) }); scene.tweens.add({ targets: particle, delay: 500, duration: 75, alpha: 0, ease: 'Sine.easeIn', onComplete: () => particle.destroy() }); }; let particleCount = 0; scene.time.addEvent({ delay: 20, repeat: 16, callback: () => addParticle(++particleCount) }); } function doUbOpenParticles(scene: BattleScene, x: number, y: number) { let particles: Phaser.GameObjects.Image[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) particles.push(doFanOutParticle(scene, i * 25, x, y, 1, 1, 5, 8)); scene.tweens.add({ targets: particles, delay: 750, duration: 250, alpha: 0, ease: 'Sine.easeIn', onComplete: () => { for (let particle of particles) particle.destroy(); } }); } function doMbOpenParticles(scene: BattleScene, x: number, y: number) { let particles: Phaser.GameObjects.Image[] = []; for (let j = 0; j < 2; j++) { for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) particles.push(doFanOutParticle(scene, i * 32, x, y, j ? 1 : 2, j ? 2 : 1, 8, 4)); scene.tweens.add({ targets: particles, delay: 750, duration: 250, alpha: 0, ease: 'Sine.easeIn', onComplete: () => { for (let particle of particles) particle.destroy(); } }); } } function doFanOutParticle(scene: BattleScene, trigIndex: integer, x: integer, y: integer, xSpeed: integer, ySpeed: integer, angle: integer, frameIndex: integer): Phaser.GameObjects.Image { let f = 0; const particle = scene.add.image(x, y, 'pb_particles', `${frameIndex}.png`); scene.field.add(particle); const updateParticle = () => { if (!particle.scene) return particleTimer.remove(); particle.x = x + sin(trigIndex, f * xSpeed); particle.y = y + cos(trigIndex, f * ySpeed); trigIndex = (trigIndex + angle); f++; }; const particleTimer = scene.tweens.addCounter({ repeat: -1, duration: Utils.getFrameMs(1), onRepeat: () => { updateParticle(); } }); return particle; } export function addPokeballCaptureStars(scene: BattleScene, pokeball: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite): void { const addParticle = () => { const particle = scene.add.sprite(pokeball.x, pokeball.y, 'pb_particles', '4.png'); particle.setOrigin(pokeball.originX, pokeball.originY); particle.setAlpha(0.5); scene.field.add(particle); scene.tweens.add({ targets: particle, y: pokeball.y - 10, ease: 'Sine.easeOut', duration: 250, onComplete: () => { scene.tweens.add({ targets: particle, y: pokeball.y, alpha: 0, ease: 'Sine.easeIn', duration: 250 }); } }); const dist = Utils.randGauss(25); scene.tweens.add({ targets: particle, x: pokeball.x + dist, duration: 500 }); scene.tweens.add({ targets: particle, alpha: 0, delay: 425, duration: 75, onComplete: () => particle.destroy() }); }; new Array(3).fill(null).map(() => addParticle()); } export function sin(index: integer, amplitude: integer): number { return amplitude * Math.sin(index * (Math.PI / 128)); } export function cos(index: integer, amplitude: integer): number { return amplitude * Math.cos(index * (Math.PI / 128)); }