import { speciesEggTiers } from "#app/data/balance/species-egg-tiers"; import { Egg, getLegendaryGachaSpeciesForTimestamp, getValidLegendaryGachaSpecies } from "#app/data/egg"; import { allSpecies } from "#app/data/pokemon-species"; import { EggSourceType } from "#app/enums/egg-source-types"; import { EggTier } from "#app/enums/egg-type"; import { VariantTier } from "#app/enums/variant-tier"; import EggData from "#app/system/egg-data"; import * as Utils from "#app/utils"; import { Species } from "#enums/species"; import GameManager from "#test/testUtils/gameManager"; import Phaser from "phaser"; import { afterEach, beforeAll, beforeEach, describe, expect, it, vi } from "vitest"; describe("Egg Generation Tests", () => { let phaserGame: Phaser.Game; let game: GameManager; const EGG_HATCH_COUNT: number = 1000; beforeAll(() => { phaserGame = new Phaser.Game({ type: Phaser.HEADLESS, }); game = new GameManager(phaserGame); }); afterEach(() => { game.phaseInterceptor.restoreOg(); vi.restoreAllMocks(); }); beforeEach(async () => { await game.importData("./test/testUtils/saves/everything.prsv"); }); it("should return Kyogre for the 10th of June", () => { const timestamp = new Date(2024, 5, 10, 15, 0, 0, 0).getTime(); const expectedSpecies = Species.KYOGRE; const result = getLegendaryGachaSpeciesForTimestamp(timestamp); expect(result).toBe(expectedSpecies); }); it("should return Kyogre for the 10th of July", () => { const timestamp = new Date(2024, 6, 10, 15, 0, 0, 0).getTime(); const expectedSpecies = Species.KYOGRE; const result = getLegendaryGachaSpeciesForTimestamp(timestamp); expect(result).toBe(expectedSpecies); }); it("should hatch a Kyogre around half the time. Set from legendary gacha", async () => { const scene = game.scene; const timestamp = new Date(2024, 6, 10, 15, 0, 0, 0).getTime(); const expectedSpecies = Species.KYOGRE; let gachaSpeciesCount = 0; for (let i = 0; i < EGG_HATCH_COUNT; i++) { const result = new Egg({ scene, timestamp, sourceType: EggSourceType.GACHA_LEGENDARY, tier: EggTier.LEGENDARY }).generatePlayerPokemon().species.speciesId; if (result === expectedSpecies) { gachaSpeciesCount++; } } expect(gachaSpeciesCount).toBeGreaterThan(0.4 * EGG_HATCH_COUNT); expect(gachaSpeciesCount).toBeLessThan(0.6 * EGG_HATCH_COUNT); }); it("should never be allowed to generate Eternatus via the legendary gacha", () => { const validLegendaryGachaSpecies = getValidLegendaryGachaSpecies(); expect(validLegendaryGachaSpecies.every(s => speciesEggTiers[s] === EggTier.LEGENDARY)).toBe(true); expect(validLegendaryGachaSpecies.every(s => allSpecies[s].isObtainable())).toBe(true); expect(validLegendaryGachaSpecies.includes(Species.ETERNATUS)).toBe(false); }); it("should hatch an Arceus. Set from species", () => { const scene = game.scene; const expectedSpecies = Species.ARCEUS; const result = new Egg({ scene, species: expectedSpecies }).generatePlayerPokemon().species.speciesId; expect(result).toBe(expectedSpecies); }); it("should return an common tier egg", () => { const scene = game.scene; const expectedTier = EggTier.COMMON; const result = new Egg({ scene, tier: expectedTier }).tier; expect(result).toBe(expectedTier); }); it("should return an rare tier egg", () => { const scene = game.scene; const expectedTier = EggTier.RARE; const result = new Egg({ scene, tier: expectedTier }).tier; expect(result).toBe(expectedTier); }); it("should return an epic tier egg", () => { const scene = game.scene; const expectedTier = EggTier.EPIC; const result = new Egg({ scene, tier: expectedTier }).tier; expect(result).toBe(expectedTier); }); it("should return an legendary tier egg", () => { const scene = game.scene; const expectedTier = EggTier.LEGENDARY; const result = new Egg({ scene, tier: expectedTier }).tier; expect(result).toBe(expectedTier); }); it("should return a manaphy egg set via species", () => { const scene = game.scene; const expectedResult = true; const result = new Egg({ scene, species: Species.MANAPHY }).isManaphyEgg(); expect(result).toBe(expectedResult); }); it("should return a manaphy egg set via id", () => { const scene = game.scene; const expectedResult = true; const result = new Egg({ scene, tier: EggTier.COMMON, id: 204 }).isManaphyEgg(); expect(result).toBe(expectedResult); }); it("should return an egg with 1000 hatch waves", () => { const scene = game.scene; const expectedHatchWaves = 1000; const result = new Egg({ scene, hatchWaves: expectedHatchWaves }).hatchWaves; expect(result).toBe(expectedHatchWaves); }); it("should return an shiny pokemon", () => { const scene = game.scene; const expectedResult = true; const result = new Egg({ scene, isShiny: expectedResult, species: Species.BULBASAUR }).generatePlayerPokemon().isShiny(); expect(result).toBe(expectedResult); }); it("should return a shiny standard variant", () => { const scene = game.scene; const expectedVariantTier = VariantTier.STANDARD; const result = new Egg({ scene, isShiny: true, variantTier: expectedVariantTier, species: Species.BULBASAUR }).generatePlayerPokemon().variant; expect(result).toBe(expectedVariantTier); }); it("should return a shiny rare variant", () => { const scene = game.scene; const expectedVariantTier = VariantTier.RARE; const result = new Egg({ scene, isShiny: true, variantTier: expectedVariantTier, species: Species.BULBASAUR }).generatePlayerPokemon().variant; expect(result).toBe(expectedVariantTier); }); it("should return a shiny epic variant", () => { const scene = game.scene; const expectedVariantTier = VariantTier.EPIC; const result = new Egg({ scene, isShiny: true, variantTier: expectedVariantTier, species: Species.BULBASAUR }).generatePlayerPokemon().variant; expect(result).toBe(expectedVariantTier); }); it("should return an egg with an egg move index of 0, 1, 2 or 3", () => { const scene = game.scene; const eggMoveIndex = new Egg({ scene }).eggMoveIndex; const result = !Utils.isNullOrUndefined(eggMoveIndex) && eggMoveIndex >= 0 && eggMoveIndex <= 3; expect(result).toBe(true); }); it("should return an egg with an rare egg move. Egg move index should be 3", () => { const scene = game.scene; const expectedEggMoveIndex = 3; const result = new Egg({ scene, eggMoveIndex: expectedEggMoveIndex }).eggMoveIndex; expect(result).toBe(expectedEggMoveIndex); }); it("should return a hatched pokemon with a hidden ability", () => { const scene = game.scene; const playerPokemon = new Egg({ scene, overrideHiddenAbility: true, species: Species.BULBASAUR }).generatePlayerPokemon(); const expectedAbilityIndex = playerPokemon.species.ability2 ? 2 : 1; const result = playerPokemon.abilityIndex; expect(result).toBe(expectedAbilityIndex); }); it("should add the egg to the game data", () => { const scene = game.scene; const expectedEggCount = 1; new Egg({ scene, sourceType: EggSourceType.GACHA_LEGENDARY, pulled: true }); const result = scene.gameData.eggs.length; expect(result).toBe(expectedEggCount); }); it("should override the egg tier to common", () => { const scene = game.scene; const expectedEggTier = EggTier.COMMON; const result = new Egg({ scene, tier: EggTier.LEGENDARY, species: Species.BULBASAUR }).tier; expect(result).toBe(expectedEggTier); }); it("should override the egg hatch waves", () => { const scene = game.scene; const expectedHatchWaves = 10; const result = new Egg({ scene, tier: EggTier.LEGENDARY, species: Species.BULBASAUR }).hatchWaves; expect(result).toBe(expectedHatchWaves); }); it("should correctly load a legacy egg", () => { const legacyEgg = { gachaType: 1, hatchWaves: 25, id: 2077000788, timestamp: 1718908955085, isShiny: false, overrideHiddenAbility: false, sourceType: 0, species: 0, tier: 0, variantTier: 0, eggMoveIndex: 0, }; const result = new EggData(legacyEgg).toEgg(); expect(result.tier).toBe(EggTier.RARE); expect(; expect(result.timestamp).toBe(legacyEgg.timestamp); expect(result.hatchWaves).toBe(legacyEgg.hatchWaves); expect(result.sourceType).toBe(legacyEgg.gachaType); }); it("should increase egg pity", () => { const scene = game.scene; const startPityValues = [ ...scene.gameData.eggPity ]; new Egg({ scene, sourceType: EggSourceType.GACHA_MOVE, pulled: true, tier: EggTier.COMMON }); expect(scene.gameData.eggPity[EggTier.RARE]).toBe(startPityValues[EggTier.RARE] + 1); expect(scene.gameData.eggPity[EggTier.EPIC]).toBe(startPityValues[EggTier.EPIC] + 1); expect(scene.gameData.eggPity[EggTier.LEGENDARY]).toBe(startPityValues[EggTier.LEGENDARY] + 1); }); it("should increase legendary egg pity by two", () => { const scene = game.scene; const startPityValues = [ ...scene.gameData.eggPity ]; new Egg({ scene, sourceType: EggSourceType.GACHA_LEGENDARY, pulled: true, tier: EggTier.COMMON }); expect(scene.gameData.eggPity[EggTier.RARE]).toBe(startPityValues[EggTier.RARE] + 1); expect(scene.gameData.eggPity[EggTier.EPIC]).toBe(startPityValues[EggTier.EPIC] + 1); expect(scene.gameData.eggPity[EggTier.LEGENDARY]).toBe(startPityValues[EggTier.LEGENDARY] + 2); }); it("should not increase manaphy egg count if bulbasaurs are pulled", () => { const scene = game.scene; const startingManaphyEggCount = scene.gameData.gameStats.manaphyEggsPulled; for (let i = 0; i < 200; i++) { new Egg({ scene, sourceType: EggSourceType.GACHA_MOVE, pulled: true, species: Species.BULBASAUR }); } expect(scene.gameData.gameStats.manaphyEggsPulled).toBe(startingManaphyEggCount); }); it("should increase manaphy egg count", () => { const scene = game.scene; const startingManaphyEggCount = scene.gameData.gameStats.manaphyEggsPulled; new Egg({ scene, sourceType: EggSourceType.GACHA_MOVE, pulled: true, id: 204, tier: EggTier.COMMON }); expect(scene.gameData.gameStats.manaphyEggsPulled).toBe(startingManaphyEggCount + 1); }); it("should increase rare eggs pulled statistic", () => { const scene = game.scene; const startingRareEggsPulled = scene.gameData.gameStats.rareEggsPulled; new Egg({ scene, sourceType: EggSourceType.GACHA_MOVE, pulled: true, tier: EggTier.RARE }); expect(scene.gameData.gameStats.rareEggsPulled).toBe(startingRareEggsPulled + 1); }); it("should increase epic eggs pulled statistic", () => { const scene = game.scene; const startingEpicEggsPulled = scene.gameData.gameStats.epicEggsPulled; new Egg({ scene, sourceType: EggSourceType.GACHA_MOVE, pulled: true, tier: EggTier.EPIC }); expect(scene.gameData.gameStats.epicEggsPulled).toBe(startingEpicEggsPulled + 1); }); it("should increase legendary eggs pulled statistic", () => { const scene = game.scene; const startingLegendaryEggsPulled = scene.gameData.gameStats.legendaryEggsPulled; new Egg({ scene, sourceType: EggSourceType.GACHA_MOVE, pulled: true, tier: EggTier.LEGENDARY }); expect(scene.gameData.gameStats.legendaryEggsPulled).toBe(startingLegendaryEggsPulled + 1); }); it("should increase legendary egg rate", () => { vi.spyOn(Utils, "randInt").mockReturnValue(1); const scene = game.scene; const expectedTier1 = EggTier.LEGENDARY; const expectedTier2 = EggTier.EPIC; const result1 = new Egg({ scene, sourceType: EggSourceType.GACHA_LEGENDARY, pulled: true }).tier; const result2 = new Egg({ scene, sourceType: EggSourceType.GACHA_MOVE, pulled: true }).tier; expect(result1).toBe(expectedTier1); expect(result2).toBe(expectedTier2); }); it("should generate an epic shiny from pokemon with a different form", () => { const scene = game.scene; const egg = new Egg({ scene, isShiny: true, variantTier: VariantTier.EPIC, species: Species.MIRAIDON }); expect(egg.variantTier).toBe(VariantTier.EPIC); }); it("should generate egg moves, species, shinyness, and ability unpredictably for the egg gacha", () => { const scene = game.scene; scene.setSeed("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"); scene.resetSeed(); const firstEgg = new Egg({ scene, sourceType: EggSourceType.GACHA_SHINY, tier: EggTier.COMMON }); const firstHatch = firstEgg.generatePlayerPokemon(); let diffEggMove = false; let diffSpecies = false; let diffShiny = false; let diffAbility = false; for (let i = 0; i < EGG_HATCH_COUNT; i++) { scene.gameData.unlockPity[EggTier.COMMON] = 0; scene.setSeed("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"); scene.resetSeed(); // Make sure that eggs are unpredictable even if using same seed const newEgg = new Egg({ scene, sourceType: EggSourceType.GACHA_SHINY, tier: EggTier.COMMON }); const newHatch = newEgg.generatePlayerPokemon(); diffEggMove = diffEggMove || (newEgg.eggMoveIndex !== firstEgg.eggMoveIndex); diffSpecies = diffSpecies || (newHatch.species.speciesId !== firstHatch.species.speciesId); diffShiny = diffShiny || (newHatch.shiny !== firstHatch.shiny); diffAbility = diffAbility || (newHatch.abilityIndex !== firstHatch.abilityIndex); } expect(diffEggMove).toBe(true); expect(diffSpecies).toBe(true); expect(diffShiny).toBe(true); expect(diffAbility).toBe(true); }); it("should generate egg moves, shinyness, and ability unpredictably for species eggs", () => { const scene = game.scene; scene.setSeed("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"); scene.resetSeed(); const firstEgg = new Egg({ scene, species: Species.BULBASAUR }); const firstHatch = firstEgg.generatePlayerPokemon(); let diffEggMove = false; let diffSpecies = false; let diffShiny = false; let diffAbility = false; for (let i = 0; i < EGG_HATCH_COUNT; i++) { scene.setSeed("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"); scene.resetSeed(); // Make sure that eggs are unpredictable even if using same seed const newEgg = new Egg({ scene, species: Species.BULBASAUR }); const newHatch = newEgg.generatePlayerPokemon(); diffEggMove = diffEggMove || (newEgg.eggMoveIndex !== firstEgg.eggMoveIndex); diffSpecies = diffSpecies || (newHatch.species.speciesId !== firstHatch.species.speciesId); diffShiny = diffShiny || (newHatch.shiny !== firstHatch.shiny); diffAbility = diffAbility || (newHatch.abilityIndex !== firstHatch.abilityIndex); } expect(diffEggMove).toBe(true); expect(diffSpecies).toBe(false); expect(diffShiny).toBe(true); expect(diffAbility).toBe(true); }); });