import { BattlerIndex } from "#app/battle"; import { handleMysteryEncounterBattleStartEffects, handleMysteryEncounterTurnStartEffects } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/utils/encounter-phase-utils"; import { TurnInitEvent } from "#app/events/battle-scene"; import type { PlayerPokemon } from "#app/field/pokemon"; import i18next from "i18next"; import { CommandPhase } from "./command-phase"; import { EnemyCommandPhase } from "./enemy-command-phase"; import { FieldPhase } from "./field-phase"; import { GameOverPhase } from "./game-over-phase"; import { ToggleDoublePositionPhase } from "./toggle-double-position-phase"; import { TurnStartPhase } from "./turn-start-phase"; import { globalScene } from "#app/global-scene"; export class TurnInitPhase extends FieldPhase { constructor() { super(); } start() { super.start(); globalScene.getPlayerField().forEach(p => { // If this pokemon is in play and evolved into something illegal under the current challenge, force a switch if (p.isOnField() && !p.isAllowedInBattle()) { globalScene.queueMessage(i18next.t("challenges:illegalEvolution", { "pokemon": }), null, true); const allowedPokemon = globalScene.getPokemonAllowedInBattle(); if (!allowedPokemon.length) { // If there are no longer any legal pokemon in the party, game over. globalScene.clearPhaseQueue(); globalScene.unshiftPhase(new GameOverPhase()); } else if (allowedPokemon.length >= globalScene.currentBattle.getBattlerCount() || (globalScene.currentBattle.double && !allowedPokemon[0].isActive(true))) { // If there is at least one pokemon in the back that is legal to switch in, force a switch. p.switchOut(); } else { // If there are no pokemon in the back but we're not game overing, just hide the pokemon. // This should only happen in double battles. p.leaveField(); } if (allowedPokemon.length === 1 && globalScene.currentBattle.double) { globalScene.unshiftPhase(new ToggleDoublePositionPhase(true)); } } }); globalScene.eventTarget.dispatchEvent(new TurnInitEvent()); handleMysteryEncounterBattleStartEffects(); // If true, will skip remainder of current phase (and not queue CommandPhases etc.) if (handleMysteryEncounterTurnStartEffects()) { this.end(); return; } globalScene.getField().forEach((pokemon, i) => { if (pokemon?.isActive()) { if (pokemon.isPlayer()) { globalScene.currentBattle.addParticipant(pokemon as PlayerPokemon); } pokemon.resetTurnData(); globalScene.pushPhase(pokemon.isPlayer() ? new CommandPhase(i) : new EnemyCommandPhase(i - BattlerIndex.ENEMY)); } }); globalScene.pushPhase(new TurnStartPhase()); this.end(); } }